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DropTheB, also known as Operation Geschlecht (German for "gender"), is a fake outrage campaign invented by 4chan's /pol/.[1][2][3] The campaign desires to "drop the B" from LGBT, because bisexuality allegedly implies that there are only two genders (and is thus opposed to the nonbinary movement). This argument, however, fails to address the distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity. In reality, bisexuality can mean either [1] that the person is attracted to more than one sexual phenotype in terms of primary and secondary sex characteristics, or [2] that the person is attracted to people regardless of gender (which is how being pansexual is also defined, but not all pan folks identify as bi and vice versa). None of these positions implies that there are only two genders, though (of course) there are bisexual people who indeed think that there are only two genders, those are called assholes.

Also, 4chan's /pol/ implying that they actually care about non-binary people is...questionable.

Gavin McInnes of the Proud Boys thought the hoax was authentic,[4] as did /r/RightWingLGBT.[5]

Bisexuals of 1991 weigh in[edit]

Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have 'two' sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don't assume that there are only two genders.
The Bisexual Manifesto, as published in the very first issue of Anything That MovesWikipedia[6][7]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]
