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Encyclopedia of American Loons/K
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- Gary Kah, Rapture Ready, New World Order, global warming denialist[1]
- Jon Kaiser, nutritional supplements for treating HIV/AIDS[2]
- Ed Kalnins, fundamentalist Christian persecution complex[3]
- Donna Karan, alt-med[4]
- Byron Katie, New Thought, law of attraction[5]
- David Katz, alt-med, homeopathy, assistant professor of neurology at Yale[6]
- Dwight Kehoe, Tea Party, justifiable terrorism, YEC[7]
- Bill Keith, creationist[8]
- William Herbert "Bill" Keller, televangelist[9]
- Jack Kelley, Christian evangelist author, Biblical prophecies[10]
- Loretta Kemsley, creationist, evolution was devised by misogynists[11]
- Paul Kengor, red-baiting[12]
- Doug Kennard, YEC[13]
- Robert Kennedy Jr., antivaxxer[14]
- Dean Kenyon, ID, co-author of Of Pandas and People[15]
- Douglas Kenyon & the people at Atlantis Rising, Atlantis[16]
- Sally Kern, creationist legislation, extreme homophobia[17]
- Eric Keroack, crisis pregnancy center, "PRE-MARITAL SEX is really MODERN GERM WARFARE."[18]
- Roy Kerry, alt-med, chelation[19]
- Alan Keyes, rabidly homophobic, intellectually dihonest[20]
- Kelly Khuri, Tea Party, global warming denialist[21]
- Larry Kilgore, perennial candidate, Texas secession, theocrat[22]
- Brian Kilmeade, Fox News global warming denialist, persecutioncomplex[23]
- Linda Kimball, Christian fundamentalist, "Evolutionism: the dying West's science of magic and madness"[24]
- Cliff Kincaid, conspiracy theorist, Accuracy in Media[25]
- Alveda King, homophobe, black genocide, historical revisionism of her uncle[26]
- Andrea Shea King, WND, Islamophobe, mind control, tinfoil hat[27]
- Atiba King, other ways of knowing, Egypt woo[28]
- Steve King, homophobe, racism, dominionism[29]
- Jack Kingston, creationist ex-Congress critter[30]
- Marcel Kinsbourne, antivaxxer[31]
- Les Kinsolving, homophobe, birther[32]
- David Kirby, antivaxxer[33]
- Berit Kjos, brainwashing, anti-Harry Potter, anti-Freemasonry, conspiracy theorist[34]
- Larry Klayman, conspiracy theorist, vexatious litigant[35]
- Aaron Klein, birther, red-baiting[36]
- Joseph Klein, conspiracy theorist, Islamophobia[37]
- Peter Klevberg, YEC, AIG[38]
- Gordon Klingenschmitt, court-martialled ex-Navy chaplain, fundamentalist Christian[39]
- David Klinghoffer, creationist (Discovery Institute, WND, National Review)[40]
- Dennis Paul Knicely, alternative medicine, "Healing News Network"[41]
- Judy Zebra "JZ" Knight, New Age cult leader, channeling[42]
- Robert Knight, American Civil Rights Union, Washington Times, creationist, homophobe, conspiracy theorist[43]
- Jake Knotts, conspiracy theorist, xenophobe[44]
- Marion Knox, conspiracy theorist (Illuminati Freemason, Rothschild family), deprogramming[45]
- Mark Koernke of black helicopters fame, militia movement[46]
- Kelly Kohls, creationist[47]
- Gary Kompothecras, chiropractor, anti-vaxxer, Lupron supporter[48]
- Gene Koonce, vibrational medicine, subtle energy[49]
- Jay Kordich, juicing, raw food, detox[50]
- Jason Nicholas Korning, democracy is unbiblical and "inherently homosexual"[51]
- Joe Kovacs, WND executive news editor, lunar eclipses, Second Coming, Easter is pagan[52]
- Robert J. Krakow, antivaxxer, thiomersal[53]
- Lorie Kramer, crank magnetism, Alex Jones is part of the Zionist conspiracy[54]
- Gary Kreep, birther[55]
- Arthur Krigsman, antivaxxer[56]
- David Kupelian, WND managing editor, crank magnetism[57]
- Stanley Kurtz, culture wars, Obama is socialist, homophobia[58]
- Ray Kurzweil, pseudoscience, nanotechnology woo, dietary supplements[59]
- Michio Kushi of macrobiotics fame, astrology, meridians, subtle energy[60]
- ↑ #815: Gary Kah (December 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #200: Jon Kaiser (May 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #201: Ed Kalnins (May 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #816: Donna Karan (December 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #817: Byron Katie (December 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #818: David Katz (December 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #819: Dwight Kehoe (December 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #820: Bill Keith (December 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #202: William Herbert "Bill" Keller (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #203: Jack Kelley (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #821: Loretta Kemsley (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #822: Paul Kengor (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #823: Doug Kennard (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #204: Robert Kennedy Jr. (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #824: Dean Kenyon (December 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #825: Douglas Kenyon & the people at Atlantis Rising (December 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #826: Sally Kern (December 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #205: Eric Keroack (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #827: Roy Kerry (December 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #206: Alan Keyes (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #828: Kelly Khuri (December 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #829: Larry Kilgore (December 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #830: Brian Kilmeade (December 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #207: Linda Kimball (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #208: Cliff Kincaid (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #831: Alveda King (December 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #832: Andrea Shea King (December 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #833: Atiba King (December 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #209: Steve King (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #834: Jack Kingston (December 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #210: Marcel Kinsbourne (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #211: Les Kinsolving (May 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #212: David Kirby (May 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #835: Berit Kjos (December 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #213: Larry Klayman (May 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #214: Aaron Klein (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #836: Joseph Klein (December 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #837: Peter Klevberg (December 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #215: Gordon Klingenschmitt (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #216: David Klinghoffer (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #217: Dennis Paul Knicely (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #218: Judy Zebra "JZ" Knight (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #838: Robert Knight (December 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #839: Jake Knotts (December 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #840: Marion Knox (December 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #841: Mark Koernke (December 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #842: Kelly Kohls (December 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #843: Gary Kompothecras (December 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #844: Gene Koonce (December 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #845: Jay Kordich (December 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #846: Jason Nicholas Korning (?*) (December 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #219: Joe Kovacs (May 30, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #847: Robert J. Krakow (December 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #848: Lorie Kramer (December 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #220: Gary Kreep (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #849: Arthur Krigsman (December 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #221: David Kupelian (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #222: Stanley Kurtz (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #850: Ray Kurzweil (December 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #851: Michio Kushi (December 31, 2013) EAL