Operation Swedistan

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The original proposed flag for Swedistan[1]
The future former flag of Sweden
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
Operation Swedistan:
1.Create significant traction in a movement to replace Sweden's Christian flag with an Islamic crescent.
2. Even those on the left will come to realise how Cucked their nation is if something like this even comes close to being considered by the Government.
—a very realistic 4chan user[1]

Operation Swedistan or #ForBetterSweden was an attempted right-wing troll campaign spawned in November 2017 by 4chan's /pol/ board. The campaign allegedly wanted to replace the current flag of SwedenWikipedia (a yellow Nordic crossWikipedia on blue background) with a new, migrant-friendly flag (yellow star and crescentWikipedia on blue background). The campaign produced a fake Avaaz.org petition (3.4k signatures),[2] fake Change.org petition (15 signatures),[3] fake newspaper articles, and a lot of fake adverts (see below).

It didn't work.


The campaign was favorably reported on by conspiracy-riddled InfoWars,[4] creationist-supporting WND,[5] and a few right-wing YouTubers.[6][7][8][9] However, 4chan's 100+ threads on the subject[10] were unable to make the campaign catch on. Searches for "Operation Swedistan" and "ForBetterSweden" were insignificant for all months but December 2017,[11][12] and searches for "Sweden new flag" have actually decreased over the last five years.[13] Mainstream outlets all noted that the campaign was a hoax, including the BBC,[14] Metro,Wikipedia[15] and even Turkish state media TRTWikipedia.[16] Avaaz polled its members and took down the petition.[14]

Image gallery

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Operation Swedistan[a w], 4chan
  2. Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven: Please consider changing offensive national flag[a w], Avaaz
  3. "Change the Swedish flag to accommodate the needs of incoming refugees"[a w], Change.org
  6. "The Art of Trolling"[a w], The Angry Foreigner on YouTube
  7. "Operation Swedistan - Plan to Change the Swedish Flag to Be More Inclusive"[a w], Wild Smile on YouTube
  8. "Fucking hell..... my roommate got me all worked up about my latest post. I just found some shit on /pol/ I didn’t wanna believe it but the #ForBetterSweden was full of people supporting it lol. Sorry about that guys!"[a w], SomeBlackGuy on Twitter
  9. "Muslims Want New Swedish Flag | White Resistance News"[a w], Alt-Right TV on YouTube
  10. "("operation swedistan" OR "forbettersweden") site:4plebs.org", Google Search
  11. "Operation Swedistan", Google Trends
  12. "ForBetterSweden", Google Trends
  13. "Sweden new flag", Google Trends
  14. 14.0 14.1 A failed 'Swedish flag' hoax shows the decline of the extremist 4chan message board[a w], BBC
  15. "4chan-användare bakom falsk namninsamling för att ändra Sveriges flagga"[a w], Metro
  16. Campaign to change the Swedish flag turns out to be a hoax[a w], TRT
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 /OS/ Operation Swedistan #7 - Social Jihad[a w], 4chan
  18. 18.0 18.1 "/OS/ - Operation Swedistan"[a w], 4chan