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You Okay, Mr. Cheong?
Photo of Ian Miles Cheong while writing his newest hot take™
When God is dead and the State refuses to enforce law and order, there is only nihilism and anarchy. It's the Broken Window Theory applied to Christendom. We've uprooted faith all across the world. Lack of firmament. Lack of culture. Nothing entices people to do well or be well.
—A former pinned tweet of Cheong.[1]
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles

Ian Miles Cheong Wen Xian, better know simply as Ian Miles Cheong,is a Malaysian conservative Hack, Editor In Chief at Gameranx,[2] and current managing editor for the conservative newsletter Human Events.[3]

During his early years, Mr. Cheong was an open white supremacist, who believed he was "White on the inside"[note 1]. Then he became a "turbofeminist", and got harrased by Gamergaters. After changing his opinions about gamergate and returning to his reactionary ideas, he did things like capitalizing on Gamer™ outrage[citation needed], and killing someone's dog[citation needed]. Now, he's an crank who sells lies and misinformation about Black Lives Matter protesters to his conservative and Alt Right fans, Vilifying victims of accidents and shootings, and acting like The Hardest Alpha Chad In The Universe.

As Of August Of 2020. Ian Has 215K Followers on Twitter,[4] 24,2K Subscribers on his channel Hype Break,[5] and 2,6K Followers on Instagram.[6]

His Twitter[edit]

Its okay to be fascist when the alternative is complete lawlessness and rampant violence, wouldn't you say?
—No it isn't it, Ian Miles Chungus.

Ian is most active on twitter, where most of his bullshit come from.

For a short while, Ian was suspended from twitter for posting a tweet saying:

These abject losers need to eat some pepperballs. Put them in their place. Law and order.
—Mr. Cheong, encouraging Police Brutality.[7]


As we have discussed, Ian loves to spread lies, knowingly or not. This is a comprehensive list on all of that.

The Bible Burnening[edit]

On August 4th, 2020, Cheong posted a video which shows protesters rioters burning a Bible.[8]




  1. Yes, really.