World Socialist Party of the United States

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The World Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS) is a socialist political organization established in Detroit, Michigan as the Socialist Party of the United States in 1916 and which operated as the Socialist Educational Society in the 1920s and later the Workers' Socialist Party. The organization is the American companion party of the World Socialist Movement.

The WSPUS defines socialism as a moneyless society based on common ownership of the means of production, production for use, and social relations based on cooperative and democratic associations instead of bureaucratic hierarchies. Additionally, the WSPUS considers statelessness, classlessness, and the complete abolition of wage labor to be components of a socialist society, traits which are usually reserved to describe fully developed communism.


Protestantism is the form Christianity takes under capitalism. It serves to give a holy tinge to the robbery of wage slaves. Chattel slavery is vile and unchristian, serfdom likewise, but wage-slavery is all right. —How the Gods were Made, John Keracher (1929)
When knowledge goes into the mind, belief goes out. Science is the best antidote to religion. Science is based upon facts, not upon faith —How the Gods were Made, John Keracher (1929)


Modern economics remains but a glorified version of early political economy on the question of science - and its traditional tight dependency on the interests of investors of capital renders each advance more suspect. —So You wanna be a paradigm!, Ron Elbert, World Socialist Review (spring 1999)


Human behavior is variable. There is no such thing as a fixed, constant human nature which will inevitably defeat all of man's attempts to co-operate for the benefit of all. —Socialism & Behavioral Sciences, Stan Blake, Western Socialist (No.2, 1966)


Of all the pseudo-scientists in economics, anthropology, history and other fields who have erected so many obstacles to the clear understanding of reality, Herbert Spencer was perhaps the most outstanding. —Survival of the Filthiest, World Socialist Review 5 (Summer 1988)

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