Hello, GR. Twodots (talk) 18:10, 30 December 2020 (UTC)
- Who the fuck is GR and Oxyaena? The name is a reference to Oxy Clean, as in clean up doxing and other trolling. OxyDoxy (talk) 18:12, 30 December 2020 (UTC)
- This discussion was moved here from [[|]].
- Wiki dramas. Sorry, my bad. Electros[goldswords] 18:13, 30 December 2020 (UTC)
- Riiiiiight... Twodots (talk) 18:28, 30 December 2020 (UTC)
- Off to a rough start, aren’t we, OxyDoxy? Let’s just call you Doxy, Oxy is a different person people don’t like. As for you, less people. Anyways, where the hell was this discussion moved from? — 𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 13:57, 15 January 2021 (UTC) Edit: no offense to oxy, but it is true some people don't like her, but since this editor is new, less people dislike her. — 𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk
- "Oxy is a different person people don't like." Sure thing bud. — Oxyaena Harass 14:26, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- But I think Oxy might like me. Well, not really like, she might like like me. CoryUsar (talk) 14:48, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- @CorruptUser I ship it. On a more humorous note, some other RW ships I have are CrowRaven (GR / or x Sirius) because GR's created 4 socks calling Sirius by the
pet-name unimaginative insult "crowtin", Travid (Trent/DG, our two RW gods who both manage RW's physical server IRL), Nobastur (RobSmith/Hastur, do you even need to ask why?), and for those of you who've been around long enough to remember, LogicnGrammar (Logicnsuch/GrammarCommie) cuz lns LOVES TO HATE him for being the one who banned him. And of course, BonMod (Fun:CatTrollBoN x or / moi), cuz they're clearly trying to keep me all to themselves by going on and on about how oversensitive I am; heck, they once even called me "sweetums" and desperately tried to get my attention. --Goatspeed. See what I'm up toCircularR asoningMy experiments 09:10, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
- "Oxy is a different person people don't like." He‘s not wrong.2A02:1205:34E4:D550:657D:BA95:B21C:E9B2 (talk) 17:53, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- That's not very nice, BoN. Twodots Annoy me Look, ma! 17:58, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- And now she left. Kevlarstar and his dog (Woof!) 19:03, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- She's been LANCB'ing and then constantly returning to remind people that I'm awful or something. She wants me for herself, telling you, she has a middle-school anger-crush on me because I'm the one who doesn't put up with her shit but without going into a rage against her. CoryUsar (talk) 19:06, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘Oxy's basically the reason why I argue that LANCBs don't mean anything anymore. She's done it so many times, that the term has lost any and all meaning.
Not that she's the only one to LANCB and come back anyway, but she's probably the most persistent LANCBer in this sites history. Knight CommanderIn ServiceTo HerGoatness 19:15, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- I'll bet she'll come back soon enough to go off on tangents and randomly start screeching (with little to no provocation whatsoever) about those oh-so-evil centrist liberal statist anticommunist antitheistic rationalists (a la me, TD, HBC, her boyfriend Cory, etc.) whom she hates more than Trump on the SB, starting another huge flame war with Cory, Twodots and I over petty shit that'll drag on for weeks before finally getting mummified by
our AI overlord Inferno, with defenders on both her and Cory's side (usually GC and Shabi respectively) each blaming the other side for it afterwards... just you wait and see... --Goatspeed. See what I'm up toCircularR asoningMy experiments 19:25, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- I can get along with GC, mostly. He's definitely not dumb or beyond stubborn, and he has valid points from time to time. His main problem seems to be that people have to argue in the "correct" way, that there are supposed to be "rules" in informal internet debates, and it upsets him a lot when those hypothetical rules aren't followed. He seems to be getting better with his anger management, so good for him, I sincerely hope things do get better for him. CoryUsar (talk) 19:35, 15 January 2021 (UTC)
- Y'all accuse me of acting petty, but this is some petty bullshit right here, you know. — Oxyaena Harass 14:54, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
- This user has two edits and with all this drama dumped on the talk page it will likely stay that way--Hastur! (talk) 14:57, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
- @Oxyaena I thought you left. Kevlarstar and his dog (Woof!) 17:57, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
- Shut up with the childish bullshit. — Oxyaena Harass 18:53, 17 January 2021 (UTC)
- Oh look, this is still happening--Hastur! (talk) 19:11, 17 January 2021 (UTC)