Chris Beat Cancer
Against allopathy Alternative medicine |
Clinically unproven |
Woo-meisters |
Chris Beat Cancer is a popular[1] anti-chemotherapy[2] website created by Chris Wark, who claims he cured his bowel cancer by adopting a "raw vegan diet".[3]
The saga began in Chris's colon[edit]
By his own admission, Chris Wark had surgery to remove the cancer from his abdomen.[4] According to Professor David Gorski MD PhD (a surgical oncologist who was not involved in Chris's case), that surgery alone (without chemotherapy) had a ~60% chance of curing Chris's stage-III bowel cancer, and that probability would have increased to ~75% had Chris also received adjuvant chemotherapy,[5] which Chris refused.
So Chris's survival is not necessarily due to his unusual diet, and/or him worshiping a particular God.[note 1]
Long-term large-population studies have been done to determine the impact of going veggie after a cancer diagnosis, e.g. WHEL.[6]
Chris recommend$ many forms of "alternative" medi¢ine[edit]
The Chris Beat Cancer website promotes a panoply of quackery, for which Chris is paid commission.[7] As an example of the measly income he receives from his website, Chris states he earns "8 cents" for posting a link to a product on Amazon.[8] However, Chris's income from other links on his website is over 1000 times higher: a reader clicking on a link to Ty Bollinger's "TTAC" (The Truth About Cancer) products can earn Chris over $100.[9]
Chris promotes other pusher$ of cancer quackery, such as Cancer Tutor,[10] Cancer Control Society,[11] Dr Veronique Desaulniers,[12] American Anti-Cancer Institute,[13] CancerCrackdown,[14] "Best Answer For Cancer",[15][16] CANCERactive,[17] "Yes To Life",[18] "HealingStrong™",[19] Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby,[20] Mike Adams,[21][22] and Ty Bollinger.[23]
Chris repeats the conspiracy theory that cures for cancer are being suppressed, e.g. amygdalin,[24] found in apricot kernels, ("suppressed", despite the fact apricots are readily available[25]).
Chris Beat Cancer publications: "Square One" video-series & eponymous book[edit]
"Cancer Mastermind"[26] Chris has compiled his accumulated wisdom into an own-brand "healing cancer coaching program" called "Square One", which only costs $297 $197.[27][28][29][30]
For some who follow Chris's advice and eschew chemotherapy, it will cost them more than money.
Initially Chris offered a 100% refund to dissatisfied "Square One" customers, valid for 1 year;[31] however, for some reason, he has reduced the refund period from 1 year to 6 months.[32]
In Chris's coaching program he recommends: essiac tea, "Dr. Hulda Clark’s parasite cleanse formula", colloidal silver, "black-seed expert, Dr. Roby Mitchell",[33] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's enzyme-therapy,[34] "The Navarro Urine Test",[35] Dr Richard Schulze's "herbal detoxification program",[36] Gerson therapy,[37] alkaline diet,[38] and SirJason Winters anti-cancer tea. Chris also encourages his "Square One" members to try Poly-MVA and black salve.[39]
On 25th September 2018 Chris Wark released a book entitled "Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally".[40][41] Within ten days it had garnered over 200 five-star Amazon customer-reviews, but according to "" most of those reviews are bogus.[42][43] NB: fakespot's AI would not recognize that reviews by delicensed doctors,[44] naturopathic doctors,[45] & "dear friends" of the author,[46] are unreliable.
In December 2018 Pinterest deleted the ChrisBeatCancer account.[47]
In June 2019 Chris Wark was featured in a Washington Post article,[48] exposing cancer-quackery on Facebook & YouTube.
In July 2019, in the wake of an investigation by The Wall Street Journal, [49] the ChrisBeatCancer YouTube channel was demonetized.
Chris Beat Cancer is a Limited Liability Company, registered in Nevada,[50] despite Chris being in Tennessee.[51]
(Incorporating a company "out-of-state" in Nevada is an attempt at tax-avoidance and asset protection).
"Chris Beat Cancer" by AddictedToIgnorance[edit]
Chris lies about his testimonials - when people he interviews die of cancer he deletes the evidence from his channel and website.[52]
External links[edit]
- The Chris Beat Cancer website
Shill forPromote Chris's "Square One" cancer-coaching-program and get up to 50% commission.- The Facebook group for SquareOne is ..., (you'll have a hard-job getting in though).
- Chris says his "integrative oncologist" was the late Dr Roy Page, who lost his medical-licence in 2008.
- Chris demonstrates his scientific-competence by promoting Earthing here, and Solfeggio-frequencies here.
- Chris Wark's top-secret briefing for those newly diagnosed with cancer: "Everything I've told you, just keep it to yourself".
- On page 17 that top-secret briefing, Chris recommends a bogus blood-test called "the Greek test", a.k.a. "the RGCC test".
- YouTube video of Chris recommending the
RCGGRGCC/Greek blood-test be done repeatedly, (at $2K-$3K a pop). - Chris recommends Dr Rashid Buttar, "Dr" Robert Morse, delicensed-Dr Roby Mitchell, Dr James Forsythe, Dr Leigh Erin Connealy, & Hope4Cancer clinic.
- Chris also recommends the ~$1K ONCOblot® test[53], which is available from the same "integrative oncologists" who offer the bogus RGCC test,
e.g. chiropractor "Dr.V" has offered ONCOblot® & RGCC "Greece test", ("Dr.V" also sells amulets to protect customers from invisible evil-forces). - Chris has recommended the "American Metabolic Laboratories" cancer profile blood-test. The inventor of that test, Dr Emil K. Schandl, has been disciplined by the Florida Department of Health, and sentenced to 4 years in jail for tax evasion.That "Dr. Schandl is a frequent speaker at the Cancer Control Society".
- Stephen Barrett's article about the Chris Wark story.
- David Gorski's article about the "Chris Beat Cancer" website.
- A very detailed examination of Chris Wark's claims.
- A 2019 article on ChrisBeatCancer from Science-Based Medicine.
- Chris Wark's fame is antipodal.
- The Chris Beat Cancer YouTube channel
- An unlisted YouTube video promoting Chris's "Square One" "cancer coaching program".
- Chris Wark's appearances on "The Truth About Cancer" YouTube channel, (a Ty Bollinger production).
- ChrisBeatCancer promotes "TheTruthAboutVaccines", an anti-vaccination "documentary" (despite the fact that some vaccinations prevent cancer).
- Unsurprisingly, given his bible-bashing, Chris states that "The human body isIntelligently Designed".
- When not helping people get rid of cancer, Chris is helping them get rid of cockroaches.
- ↑ March 2017, "" states "" gets 279,000 views per month.
- ↑ The URL "" redirects to "", both URLs are registered to a "Christopher Wark".
- ↑ Archived copy of
- ↑ Archived copy of
- ↑ Professor David Gorski's article about the ChrisBeatCancer website
- ↑ Conclusion of WHEL study.
- ↑ The affiliate disclaimer page on the ChrisBeatCancer website: a legally-required acknowledgement that he's being paid to promote.
- ↑ Chris's example of his website earnings is "8 cents".
- ↑ Commission on TTAC products can exceed $100
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes the "Cancer Tutor" website
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes the "Cancer Control Society" website
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes chiropractor "Dr V" Desaulniers.
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes the AACI website
- ↑ Chris Wark states he donates %age of proceeds to, who in-turn promote him as a "hero".
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes "Best Answer for Cancer Foundation" (BAFC).
- ↑ A Google-search showing some of the doctors on the BAFC board listed on
- ↑ Chris Wark promotes CANCERactive website
- ↑ Chris promotes "Yes To Life" on Facebook
- ↑ The first character after their name is false information: "HealingStrong" is not a TradeMark.
- ↑ Chris plugs Keith's book on cancer
- ↑ Chris says Mike Adams is a "genius".
- ↑ Chris is an affiliate for Mike Adams's "healthRangerStore", (up to 12% commission)
- ↑ Chris says teaming-up with Ty Bollinger has been good for growing his online bu$ine$$
- ↑ amygdalin is "suppressed" says Chris
- ↑ Chris poses with a bag of apricot kernels, which release cyanide when eaten.
- ↑ Chris Wark owns the URL ""
- ↑ Chris's "SQUARE ONE" healing cancer coaching program",
$297$197 - ↑ Save yourself $197: Chris's "Square One" videos are on YouTube
- ↑ Chris states his "Square One" coaching program makes million$
- ↑ The marketing-agency who re-launched "SquareOne" says the program grossed $2.5M in the second half of 2017.
- ↑ Chris's "1 Year 100% Money-Back Guarantee"
- ↑ Chris's 1 year refund halved to "6 Month Money Back Guarantee"
- ↑ Texas medical board described Dr Roby Mitchell as a "threat to public welfare" when they suspended his license in 2004
- ↑ Evidently survival with Gonzalez-enzyme-therapy is poorer than no treatment.
- ↑ Professor David Gorski says the Navarro cancer test is "bogus".
- ↑ Richard Schulze's entry in AmericanLoons
- ↑ Chris promotes a Gerson clinic for free, honest.
- ↑ Chris describes his raw vegan diet as "alkaline".
- ↑ See Chris Wark's 2019 ebook titled "Cancer+Answers"
- ↑ "Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally" on
- ↑ Click here to see a free PDF of Chris's book from his website.
- ↑ "35.0% of the reviews are reliable ... there is high deception involved" writes
- ↑ This review of Chris's book is apparently by transvestite-man with size 4½ feet.
- ↑ A "fabulous" review for Chris's book from Dr Judson Somerville MD, who had his medical-license revoked in 2017
- ↑ A "powerful" review of Chris's book by Dr. Jolene Brighten ND
- ↑ A five-star review of Chris's book by Robyn Openshaw, who is described on p286 of the book as a "dear friend" of the author.
- ↑ Pinterest deletion acknowledged by the man himself.
- ↑ Relevant Washington Post article by Abby Ohlheiser
- ↑ The relevant WSJ article by Daniela Hernandez and Robert McMillan.
- ↑ for "Chris Beat Cancer LLC" in 2017.
- ↑
- ↑ Cherrypicking Chris discards any that turn-out to be rotten.
- ↑ Chris recommends ONCOblot® & RGCC tests on his website