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Montauk project

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Aliens did it...
...and ran away
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Montauk project could use some help. Please research the article's assertions. Whatever is credible should be sourced, and what is not should be removed.

The Montauk Project is one of the oddest conspiracy theories going. Its premise is that at Montauk Air Force Base, at the far end of Long Island, New York, the US government created some kind of interdimensional portal (um, like in Stargate), with the help of Nikola Tesla and some friendly aliens.

What the hell

Events supposed to have occurred there include:

  • Experiments in teleportation, parallel dimensions and time travel.[note 1]
  • On or about on August 12, 1983 the time travel project there interlocked in hyperspace with the original Philadelphia Experiment work back in 1943. The USS Eldridge was drawn into hyperspace and trapped there. Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron, both claim to have leaped from the deck of the USS Eldridge while it was in hyperspace and ended up after a period of severe disorientation at Camp Hero in the year 1983 at Montauk Point. Here they claim to have met John von Neumann, the famous physicist and mathematician, even though he died in 1957. Von Neumann had supposedly worked on the Philadelphia Experiment.
  • A "porthole (portal) in time" was created which allowed researchers to travel anywhere in time or space. This was developed into a stable "Time Tunnel." Underground tunnels with abandoned cultural archives were explored on Mars using this technique where apparently some kind of "Martians" had once lived many thousands and thousands of years earlier.[note 2]
  • Contact was made with alien extraterrestrials through the Time Tunnel and advanced kinds of "etheric technology" was exchanged with them which enhanced the Montauk Project. This allowed broader access to hyperspace. Stewart Swerdlow also developed the "language of hyperspace."
  • Enrico Chekov, a Spanish-Russian dissident, reported in 1988, after defecting to America, that satellite surveillance captured during the 1970s showed the formation of a large bubble of space-time[note 3] centered on the site, lending further support to the "D1 Base Time Tunnel" research. After Chekov shared photographs with a reporter from the The New York Times, his apartment in Manhattan was burgled and the photos were all that was taken.[note 4]
  • People had their psychic abilities enhanced to the point where they could materialize objects out of thin air. Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been involved in the Montauk Project, and as a result, he says, his "psionic" faculties were boosted, but at the cost of emotional and psychological instability, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other issues, including being programmed with microchips, and also through the use of "psychotronic mind control." An alien supposedly designed a chair, which an individual could sit in to boost his mental and prescience powers. A prototype duplicate was given to Britain and put in a facility on the River Thames.
  • The facility was expanded to as many as twelve levels and several hundred workers. Some reports have the facility extending under the town of Montauk itself and interconnected with vast maglev tunnel networks to other “Deep Underground Military Bases,” also known as "D1 Bases."
  • Nikola Tesla, whose death was faked in a conspiracy, was the chief director of operations at the base (which, if they started in the 80s, would make him 120+).
  • Mass psychological experiments, such as the use of enormous subliminal messages projects and the creation of a "Men in Black" corps to confuse and frighten the public, were invented there.

The fitting of a SAGE radar system (apparently experiments with time travel need an anti-bomber radar), and the donation of the entire site as a wildlife park, have been worked into the conspiracy theory — it's all a cover, you see.

Much of the "evidence" for the claims comes from a book, The Montauk Project, by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, which also claims that time travel was used to, for example, alter the outcome of the American Civil War. Sequels include claims that the Moon landing hoax was partially organised at Montauk; that scientists there formed a cult and made a 50-foot titanium ziggurat; bioengineering projects created the Jersey devil; black helicopters were manufactured there (wouldn't it be simpler to buy ordinary ones and paint them black?); and that the AIDS virus was created there (rather than being a virus found in African apes transmitted to humans when someone in Cameroon ate a chimp in the mid-20th century). In fact reading about the Montauk project would make a great conspiracy theory drinking game.

Anything good come out of it?

It did provide the inspiration for some plot points in sci-fi (The X-Files, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Stranger Things, Men in Black, Incident at Montauk) and some nice electronica. The Bielek Debunked website clearly proved, after 10 years of research that the Philapdelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project were completely false. The individual known as Stewart Swerdlow has also been clearly exposed as a con artist, liar, fraud and charlatan. The more people became interested in the Montauk Project, the more people questioned the validity of the scientific claims made by Preston Nichols and Stewart Swerdlow. Now many people know that Swerdlow always tells everyone that Yakov Sverdlov was his great-uncle. Well the good that came from the Montauk Project disinformation has revealed Yakov Sverdlov was never the great-uncle of Stewart Swerdlow. Here is the PDF weblink, which shows the actual genealogy of Stewart Swerdlow. [1]. Yet, that huge lie which Stewart Swerdlow made up is a foundational part of his dubious back story as to why he was recruited to work on the Montauk Project in the first place. His actual family originated from Belarus and Poland, not Russia. The constant lies and disinformation that Stewart Swerdlow spouts are farcical and easily provable deceptions that he promotes to make himself look important. Yet gullible people want to believe in the ludicrous absurdity of the Montauk Project.

Side note

Psychics with the power to materialize things; no bank robberies, supernatural proof of any kind or even blowing things up with their mind? Too legit.

External links


  1. Wait, now it's sounding like something from a Valve game…
  2. This is in no way related to H.P. Lovecrafts' "The Shadow out of Time" which involved aliens projecting themselves into the minds of individuals across space and time and storing their collective knowledge in a gigantic underground archive.
  3. While the question of what characteristics specifically identified this bubble as a bubble of space-time were never answered, the pedantic amongst us may point out that, technically speaking, all bubbles are bubbles of space-time.
  4. Of course.