Encyclopedia of American Loons
This might be Skepticism |
But we're not sure |
Who's asking? |
“”When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America, you get a front-row seat.
—George Carlin[1]:220 |
Contents: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |
The Encyclopedia of American Loons (EAL) is a blog written by Fredrik Haraldsen,[2][3] Ryan Lake,[4][5] and someone with the initials "G.D."[6] that gives short biographies for living (at the time of blogging) American pseudoscientists, conspiracy theory promoters (such as 9/11 truthers and birthers), climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, vehement anti-abortionists, and religious fundamentalists. Loons who have migrated from other countries to the US, particularly from Canada, are also included. Between 2010 and 2019, more than 2200 biographies have been written. The length and quality of each biography varies, and some biographies do reference RationalWiki. Other frequent references include links to Patheos, Respectful Insolence, and Right Wing Watch. All biographies end with a "diagnosis", the author's evaluation of the crank, a metric of how ultimately dangerous the crank is. EAL includes both well-known loons and more obscure ones, and does not use notability as a criterion though the better-known seem to be favored. Older biographies are prone to using dead links, but one can probably trace back most of them using archive.org or archive.is. Blogging of loons appear alphabetically, then cycle all over with a new alphabetical batch. Belittling so many lunatics will garner some fan mail occasionally:[7]
So what the fuck is your problem?
Why are YOU so goddamn smug?
Who are you to ridicule a Zionist conspiracy? The Zionist conspiracy was involved in the very formation of the nation of Israel?!! Fucking dumbass.
You're probably the type who believes the official media story of 9-11, without a critical mind to investigate alternatives. And how sick of you to ridicule truthseekers and call them "troofers". That's just horrible. Would you rather people NOT try to find truth?!
I bet you believe in the Warren Commission's report as well, and the official propaganda about the Vietnam War… and you undoubtedly believe in the Big Bang, and pure evolution by chance and randomness with no intelligence involved whatsoever. The Big Bang is just as goofy a theory as the "poof-there-it-is!" belief of creationists.
The comic strip on your webpage is the worst I've ever seen! Even worse than The Simpsons animation, even worse than King Of The Hill. Whether you or one of your WOW-playing buddies did it, it's abject garbage.
I bet you're some 20-something punk who think he's a know-it-all. I bet you listen to shitty music and play video games all the time, when you're not making fun of other humans.
If you believe in the official, mainstream trash about 9-11, you're the one who belongs in your American Loons encyclopedia. Why haven't you included yourself yet?
Fuck you, you ignorant non-thinking half-brain.
- Gerald Aardsma, young Earth creationist (YEC), fundie[8]
- Richard Abanes, fundie-based anti-Harry Potterism[9]
- David Abel, creationist[10]
- Keith Ablow, 30-second crackpot psychoanalyses, abortion scapegoating[11]
- Adam Abraham, auras/Kirlian photography[12]
- Harry Accornero, Susan DeLeMus & the birthers in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Obama citizenship denial[13]
- Paul Ackerman, creationist[14]
- Judith Acosta, homeopath[15]
- Ken Adachi conspiracy theorist of Educate-yourself.org[16]
- Christopher Adamo, RenewAmerica, fundie[17]
- Cathie Adams, Eagle Forum president, anti-cancer research[18]
- Christina Adams, antivaxxer, autism woo[19]
- Contessa Adams, incubi and succubi make people gay, exorcism[20]
- Hunter Adams, afrocentricism, ancient Egyptians, zodiac, psi[21]
- Julianne Adams & Pierre Fontaine, homeopathy, autism quackery, Autism One[22]
- Larry Adams, extreme homophobe, National Organization for Marriage[23]
- Mike Adams of NaturalNews[24]
- Mike S. Adams, atheophobe, homophobe, mental illness denial[25]
- Neal Adams, expanding Earth[26]
- Sandy Adams, creationist, anti-abortion legislation[27]
- Scott Adams, retracted as a loon based on Adams' rebuttal to the EAL, though others disagree[28]
- John Adolfi, creationist, chupacabras, cryptozoology[29]
- E. Theo Agard, creationist, transitional fossil denial[30]
- Dave Agema, homophobe[31]
- Howard Ahmanson, creationist[32]
- Ché Ahn, New Apostolic Reformation, California Proposition 8, homophobia[33]
- Shawn Akers, homophobe[34]
- Todd Akin, anti-abortion extremist, Senator "legitimate" rape[35]
- Rhoda Zione Alale, radiation woo, electromagnetic hypersensitivity[36]
- Tony Alamo, Christian right cult leader, child sexual abuse[37]
- Mohammad al-Asi, 9/11 truther[38]
- Mohammed Al-Bayati, HIV-denialist[39]
- Jan Aldrich, ufologist[40]
- Eben Alexander, near-death experience as evidence of the afterlife[41]
- Toby Alexander, Indigo child[42]
- Amy Allan & Steve DiSchiavi of The Dead Files, psychic mediumship[43]
- David W. Allan, pseudoscience ("Time Interval Metrology Enterprise"), creationist[44]
- Sterling D. Allan, free energy, cold fusion[45]
- Chris Allen, Global warming denialism[46]
- Desmond Paul Allen, creationist, quantum woo[47]
- Gerald Allen, ufologist, anti-sharia legislator[48]
- Jeff Allen of Barbwire, Nazi analogies as applied to LGBT (extreme homophobia)[49]
- Lad Allen of Campus Crusade for Christ, Intelligent Design (ID)[50]
- Sylvia Allen, anti-environmentalist, Biblical literalist[51]
- Daniel Amen, brain-imaging woo, Oral Roberts University School of Medicine alumnus[52]
- Jim Ammerman, Islamophobe, antisemitic conspiracy theories[53]
- George Anderson, mediumship[54]
- Kerby Anderson, fundie creationist[55]
- Ryan Anderson, Heritage Foundation fellow, homophobe[56]
- Steven Anderson, Christian fundamentalist[57]
- Steven Andrew, fundie homophobe[58]
- Lynn Andrews, shamanism, self-help, appeal to ancient wisdom, plastic shaman[59]
- Zeeda Andrews, Obama citizenship denial, chemtrails, HAARP[60]
- Rosemary Angelis, dolphin woo, vibrational medicine[61]
- Sharron Angle, gun nut, dominionist, anti-abortion extremist, Narconon supporter[62]
- David Anick, homeopathy and water memory[63]
- John Ankerberg, televangelist[64]
- Robert Antonellis, Christian wingnuttery, AIDS denialism, antisemitism[65]
- Rolando Arafiles, quack medical doctor supporting dangerous alternative medicine practices[66]
- Jacob Aranza, backward masking Christian fundamentalist[67]
- Dianne Arcangel, past life regression therapy[68]
- Bill Armistead, Obama citizenship denial, red-baiting[69]
- Mark Armitage, creationist[70]
- William Arntz, director of the film What the Bleep Do We Know?[71]
- Virginia Armstrong, Eagle Forum[72]
- Joe Arpaio, felonious Arizona sheriff, gun nut, xenophobe[73]
- Teri Arranga, autism quackery, Autism One[74]
- Barry Arrington, creationst, William Dembski supporter[75]
- Inanna Arthen, psychic, tarot reader, paranormal, vampires are real[76]
- Eugene C. Ashby, ID, chemist and signatory to A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism[77]
- Cindy Asmussen, Concerned Women for America, homophobia[78]
- Ed Asner, 9/11 truther[79]
- John Assaraf, brain woo, quantum woo[80]
- Salvador Astucia, crank magnetism[81]
- Susanne Atanus, fundie, God controls weather, global warming denialism, diseases are God's punishment for gay rights and legalized abortion[82]
- Sharyl Attkisson, antivaxxer[83]
- Loyd Auerbach, parapsychologist[84]
- Jeffry John Aufderheide, antivaxxer[85]
- Steve Austin, creationist at Institute for Creation Research[86]
- Moshe Averick, atheophobia, Godwin's law[87]
- Dylan Avery, producer of Loose Change, formerly a 9/11 truther[88][89]
- Jackie Avis & The Lily Dale Community, spiritualism[90]
- David Awbrey, creationist, former-Kansas State Department of Education Director[91]
- Douglas Axe, director of the creationist Biologic Institute[92]
- David Ayoub, antivaxxer, Illuminati, depopulation conspiracy theory[93]
- Stephen B. Ayre, quack cancer treatment (insulin potentiation therapy)[94]
- Marcus Bachmann, spousal unit of Michele Bachmann, reparative therapy[95]
- Michele Bachmann[96]
- Joseph Backholm, Executive Director of the Family Policy Institute, promotes family values homophobia[97]
- Holly A. Bacon, markets a black salve cancer 'cure'[98]
- Ted Baehr, Christian fundamentalist movie reviewer[99]
- Arthur M. Baker, raw foodism[100]
- Dean Bailey, associated with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, reparative therapy[101]
- Larry Bailey, birther, communist conspiracy[102]
- James D. Baird & Laurie Nadel, epigenetic pseudoscience[103]
- Ron Baity, extreme homophobia[104]
- C. B. Baker, whale.to; mind control, UN control & Soviet control of the US[105]
- Jim Bakker, televangelist, prosperity gospel[106]
- Chuck Baldwin, Christian fundamentalist, anti-New World Order[107]
- Stephen Baldwin, evangelical griftiness[108]
- Steve Baldwin, former executive director of the Council for National Policy, gay agenda conspiracy[109]
- Timothy Ballard, pseudohistory, British Israelism[110]
- David Balsiger, Abraham Lincoln and other conspiracy theories, Joseph Mercola promoter, The Secret[111]
- Richard Bandler, co-inventor of neurolinguistic programming (NLP)[112]
- Bill Banuchi, director of the Christian Coalition's New York chapter, homophobe[113]
- Mike Bara, NASA conspiracy theories, ancient astronauts[114]
- Matthew Baral, naturopath, autism quackery (Autism Research Institute)[115]
- Matt Barber, Christian fundamentalist, homophobe[116]
- Clarence Barinowski, creationist[117]
- Keith Barr, faith healing[118]
- Toni Bark, trained as an MD but switched to homeopathy[119]
- Ralph Barker, miraculously mixes UFOs with Biblical literalism[120]
- Carol Barnes, melanin theory, cocaine nuttery[121]
- Hank Barnes (a.k.a. David Steele), AIDS denialism[122]
- Tommy & Matthew Barnett, spiritual warfare, New Apostolic Reformation[123]
- Carla Baron, psychic detective[124]
- Kevin Barrett, former university lecturer, anti-semitic 9/11 truther[125]
- Jon Barron, herbalism, detox, paradigm shift, scalar energy, subtle energy, and Kirlian photography[126]
- Jay Bartlett, deliverance ministry movement, exorcism[127]
- Jonathan Bartlett, creationist[128]
- James Bartley, alien abductee, David Icke disciple[129]
- David Barton of WallBuilders[130]
- Joe Barton, global warming denier, Congress critter[131]
- Shiva Barton, naturopath, thinks that Bastyr University's courses are too complicated[132]
- Andrew Basiago, time traveler, dolphin teleportation[133]
- Ellen Bass & Laura Davis, self-help, repressed memory[134]
- Robert W. Bass, Immanuel Velikovsky proponent, cargo cult science[135]
- Joe Bast, Heartland Institute founder, climate change denial[136]
- Doug Batchelor, young Earth creationist[137]
- Gary Bates, Christian Ufologist[138]
- Gary Bauer, ex-president of Family Research Council, theocrat, conspiracy theorist[139]
- Henry Bauer, cryptozoologist, HIV-denialist[140]
- Carl Baugh, young Earth creationist (YEC), Paluxy River tracks[141]
- John Baumgardner, YEC[142]
- Robert Beale, Vox Day, father, pseudolaw tax protester, felon[143]
- Lindy Beam, Focus on the Family, anti-Harry Potter[144]
- Mike Beard (with Joe Read), Christian fundamentalist-based climate change denial[145]
- Tom Bearden, free energy[146]
- Glenn Beck, wingnut pundit[147]
- Martin "Red" Beckman & William J. Benson, pseudolaw tax protesters, Christian Identity, antisemitism[148]
- Michael Bernard Beckwith, New Thought minister featured in The Secret movie[149]
- Bruce Bedinger, creationist[150]
- Al Bedrosian, theocratic Roanoke County Boardmember[151]
- Pieder Beeli, WND, homophobe, creationist[152]
- Jim Beers, anti-environmentalist[153]
- Nick Begich, HAARP conspiracy theorist[154]
- Paul Begley, end times theologian[155]
- Michael Behe, Intelligent design (ID), irreducible complexity[156]
- E. Calvin Beisner, dominionist theologian[157]
- Bill Belew, evolution is only a theory[158]
- Michael Belkin & The Refusers, antivax musicians, whale.to[159]
- Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM[160]
- Fred Bell, possibly too many drugs from being an MKULTRA experimentee, general crank magnetism[161]
- Iris Bell, homeopath, alternative medicine faculty at the University of Arizona School of Medicine[162] (retired of 2019)
- Mark Russell Bell, Bible update with added paranormal and pseudoscience[163]
- Raymond Bell, reparative therapy using "Equine Assisted Psychotherapy"[164]
- Richard Bell, creationist in the Virginia House of Delegates, Academic Freedom Act[165]
- Robert Scott Bell, alternative medicine conspiracy theorist, antivaxxer, HIV denialism[166]
- Joel Belz, Manhattan Declaration, homophobe[167]
- Daryl Bem, parapsychology, handwriting analysis[168]
- Eliana Benador, Islamophobe[169]
- John Benefiel, Christian fundamentalist, anti-Freemasonry[170]
- Flip Benham, Operation Rescue, Islamophobia[171]
- John Benneth, homeopathy[172]
- Stephen Bennett, reparative therapy, homosexual agenda[173]
- Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Black supremacy, pseudohistory[174]
- Ken Bennett, birther[175]
- Jonathan Benson of NaturalNews[176]
- Alex Benzer, hypnosis, NLP[177]
- Philip J. Berg, 9/11 truther, birther[178]
- Becky Berger, creationist, fracking pollution denialist[179]
- Jerry Bergevin, creationist, ex-New Hampshire House of Representatives[180]
- Jerry Bergman, creationist[181]
- George Berkin, ID, Conservapedia defender, deathbed conversion prayer[182]
- David Berlinski, creationist[183]
- Brian Berman, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, Professor of Family Medicine and director of the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Integrative Medicine[184]
- Leo Berman, Congress critter, creationist[185]
- Jason Bermas, Loose Change producer (9/11)[186]
- Sallie Bernard, antivaxxer[187]
- Rosalie Bertell, chemtrails[188]
- Mark Bertolini, alternative medicine, CEO of Aetna (a major health insurance company)[189]
- F. Kenton Beshore, fundie, end times, rapture[190]
- John Best, antivaxxer, autism denialism[191]
- Tom Bethell, crank magnetism[192]
- Anne Beversdorf, astrologer, ORMUS[193]
- Mayim Bialik, despite having a degree in neuroscience, she has promoted antivax and homeopathy[194]
- Harvey Bialy, AIDS denial in Africa[195]
- Mike Bickle, dominionist, extreme homophobe[196]
- Paula Bickle, MLM promotion, chelation, charged with practicing medicine without a license[197]
- Mark C. Biedebach, acupuncture, signatory to Scientific Dissent to Darwinism[198]
- Al Bielek, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk project[199]
- Don Bierle, fundamentalist Christian, "former skeptic"[200]
- Robert Bigelow, alien abductions, cattle mutilation[201]
- Mark Biltz, Biblical astrologer[202]
- Wendell Bird, Discovery Institute attorney[203]
- Timothy Birdnow, creationist, homophobe, global warming denialism, Tea Party[204]
- Timothy Birdsall, naturopath[205]
- Phillip Bishop, professor of kinesiology, A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signatory[206]
- Don Black, neo-Nazi, Stormfront, ex-KKK[207]
- Jim Nelson Black, creationist[208]
- Joshua Black, ex-street preacher, failed politician, called for Obama's execution[209]
- Richard H. "Dick" Black, ex-Virginia state representative, opposition to spousal rape laws, homophobe[210]
- Ken Blackwell, Family Research Council, homophobe[211]
- Paul Blair, rabid homophobe, failed politician[212]
- Jill Blakeway, acupuncure, herbalism, TCM[213]
- Mark Blaxill, antivaxxer[214]
- Russell Blaylock, antivaxxer, mercury amalgam fillings, water fluoridation crankery[215]
- Edward Blick, climate change denialist[216]
- Gary Blier, "Advanced Cell Training", kinesiology[217]
- Richard Bliss, chair of the Education Department of the California-based Institute for Creation Research[218]
- Norman "Rod" Block, chiropractor, quantum shamanism, subtle energy[219]
- Fred Bloem, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, orthomolecular medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, chelation[220]
- Terry Blodgett & the Origin of Nations people, Lost tribes of Israel[221]
- John Bloom, physics professor at Biola University, intelligent design[222]
- Dave Blount, conspiracy theorist, homophobe[223]
- Ralph Blum, rune supernaturalism[224]
- Wayne Boettcher, anti-ACLU, creationist[225]
- Ray Bohlin, ID, Discovery Institute fellow[226]
- Gary Boisclair, anti-abortion extremist (Randall Terry affiliate), Islamophobe[227]
- Tim Bolen, publicist for Hulda Clark (alternative medicine)[228]
- Ty Bollinger, cancer quackery[229]
- Christopher Bollyn, 9/11 truther, contributor to whale.to[230]
- Arch Bonnema, found Noah's Ark[231]
- Alan Bonsell, YEC[232]
- Pat Boone, fundamentalist Christian[233]
- David Booth, green ink conspiracy theorist[234]
- Xavier Borg, pseudoscience[235]
- Joel Borofsky, creationism, William Dembski affiliate[236]
- Shmuley Boteach, alt-med, psychics, creationism, Godwin's Law[237]
- Leslie Botha, antivaxxer, shaken baby syndrome denialism[238]
- Edward Boudreaux, theoretical chemist who supported the creationists side in Edwards v. Aguillard[239]
- William G. Boykin, General Wingnut[240]
- L. Brent Bozell III, Parents Television Council, bigotry[241]
- Gregg Braden, quantum woo, New Age[242]
- Nathan Bradfield, dominionism, homophobia[243]
- Robert Bradford, health freedom, laetrile, inventor of Bismacine[244]
- Don Bradley, reptilian overlords, orgone, whale.to[245]
- Joe Brandon Jr. & Kevin Fisher, Islamophobia[246]
- Michael Bray, anti-abortion, anti-adultery & homophobia extremist, Army of God[247]
- Josh Brecheen, creationist[248]
- Barbara Brennan, energy healing, orgone, chakras, woo magnetism[249]
- Michael Bresciani, homophobia, RenewAmerica[250]
- David Brickner, Jews for Jesus[251]
- Dannion Brinkley, near-death experiences, paranormal[252]
- Kyle Bristow, white supremacy, Solutrean hypothesis[253]
- Stephen Broden, dominionist, abortion is a genocidal conspiracy[254]
- Tal Brooke, ex-member of Sathya Sai Baba's organization, now a Christian fundamentalist[255]
- Amber Brooks & Charles Chapple, craniosacral therapy, Autism One[256]
- Troy Brooks, fundamentalist Christian[257]
- Wiley Brooks, breatharian, lover of Twinkies[258]
- Paul Broun, ex-Congress critter, fundamentalist Christian crankery, creationism[259]
- Brian Brown, president of National Organization for Marriage[260]
- Courtney Brown, remote viewing, Transcendental Meditation, yogic flying[261]
- Edward & Elaine Brown, pseudolaw, tax protesters, militia movement[262]
- Judie Brown and the American Life League, Operation Rescue, Obama causing black genocide, anti-girth control, anti-stem cell research, anti-euthanasia[263]
- Rebecca Brown, Satanic panic[264]
- Tom Brown, Jr., shamanic journeys, Native American woo[265]
- Walt Brown, creationist[266]
- Sam Brownback, theocratic Christian, despoiler of Kansas[267]
- Sylvia Browne, psychic[268]
- Lawrence Broxmeyer, HIV denialism[269]
- Caleb Lee Brundidge, received reparative therapy, affiliated with Exodus International[270]
- Rosalyn Bruyere, clairvoyant, New Age[271]
- Anita Bryant, homophobe[272]
- Nancy Bryson, intelligent design[273]
- Pat Buchanan, all-around bigot and crypto-fascist[274]
- William (Bill) Buckingham, creationist member of the Dover Area School District Board of Education, resulting in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District[275]
- Jon Buell, Christian nation, creationist publisher (Of Pandas and People)[276]
- Cory Burnell, Christian Exodus founder, creationist, dominionist[277]
- Dan Burton, antivaxxer, ex-Congress critter[278]
- Stanislaw Burzynski of the Burzynski clinic, alt-med[279]
- Keith Butler, prosperity gospel megachurch pastor[280]
- Tom and Lisa Butler, electronic voice phenomenon[281]
- Kyle Butt, Apologetics Press, creationist[282]
- Rashid Buttar, autism and cancer crank treatments[283]
- Chris Buttars, ID, anti-Brown v. Board of Education, homophobe[284]
- Rod Butterworth, Creation Museum of the Ozarks[285]
- Harold Buttram, antivaxxer, contributor to whale.to[286]
- Arthur Butz, Holocaust denialist[287]
- Bradley Byrne, creationist[288]
- Larry Caldwell, ID[289]
- Roger J. Callahan & Gary Craig, thought field therapy[290]
- Wendy Callahan, antivaxxer[291]
- John Calvert, ID[292]
- Brian Camenker, homophobe, Christian fundamentalist, anti-abortion, pro-bullying[293]
- Kirk Cameron, Biblical literalist, supporter of Ray Comfort[294]
- Paul Cameron, homophobe fundie[295]
- Vinoo Cameron, pseudomathematics[296]
- John Angus Campbell, intelligent design[297]
- Dennis Campbell, fundie Islamophobe[298]
- Natasha Campbell-McBride, Joseph Mercola affiliate, autism & ADD woo[299]
- Harold Camping, prophet of multiple ends of the world[300]
- Leonso Canales Jr., HeavenO[301]
- Alan Cantwell, defender of Wilhelm Reich[302]
- Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics[303]
- Thomas A. Carder, fundamentalist Christian film reviewer[304]
- Barbara Cargill, creationist who served on the Texas Board of Education[305]
- Rebecca Lee Carley, ex-MD antivaxxer[306]
- Russell Carlson, signatory of "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism"[307]
- Jim Carrey, antivaxxer, ex-husband of Jenny McCarthy[308]
- Lee Carroll and Kryon, channeling, DNA woo[309]
- Robert Carter, "scientist" at Creation Ministries International[310]
- Willis Allison Carto, Holocaust denier, head of the defunct Liberty Lobby[311]
- Jack Cashill, conspiracy theorist, WND[312]
- Gary Cass, homophobe fundie[313]
- David Castillo, sex education is anti-Christian[314]
- Greg Caton, cancer quack cures (Cansema)[315]
- Kristia Cavere, Tea Party wingnut[316]
- Neil Cavuto, climate change denial[317]
- Gerald Celente, other ways of knowing[318]
- Morris Cerullo, Satanic panic, faith healing[319]
- Tim Chaffey, creationist, apologetics[320]
- Joseph Chambers, Pentecostal preacher[321]
- Bruce Chapman, YEC[322]
- Betsy Chasse, producer, director and screenwriter for What the Bleep Do We Know?[323]
- Jane Chastain, WND, climate change denial, Founding Father pseudohistory[324]
- Liz Cheney, wingnut[325]
- Brian Cherry, Breitbart, creationist[326]
- Reyna Chicas, Pentecostal cult pseudo-mass suicide[327]
- Jack Chick, fundamentalist Christian comic books[328]
- Clenard Childress, homophobe, black genocide[329]
- Nalini Chilkov, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)[330]
- Gary Chism, creationist[331]
- Warren Chisum, dominionist, homophobe, anti-hate crime legislation, crationist[332]
- Donald Chittick, creationist, star witness at McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education[333]
- Alex Chiu, "achieved" immortality, prophet[334]
- Deepak Chopra, New Age woomeister[335]
- Kiril Chukanov, cold fusion[336]
- Dawson Church, subtle energy, Emotional Freedom Technique, thought field therapy[337]
- J. R. Church & Gary Stearman, conspiracy theories, fundie ufology[338]
- Clifford Clift & MUFON, ufology[339]
- Stephen Co & Eric Robins, pranic healing[340]
- Tom Coburn, Congress critter, fundie Christian[341]
- Chip Coffey & Lisa Miller, psychic[342]
- Harold G. Coffin, creationist[343]
- Andrew Cohen, cult leader[344]
- Richard Cohen, ex-Moonie, conversion therapist[345]
- Don Colbert, Christian alternative medicine, Jesus diet[346]
- Gene Wall Cole, Jesus diet[347]
- John Coleman, conspiracy theorist[348]
- William B. Collier, signatory of "A Scientific Dissent of Darwinism"[349]
- Charles Colson, Richard Nixon henchman, fundamentalist Christian[350]
- Ray Comfort, creationist bananaman[351]
- Debby & Mark Constantino, paranormal, electronic voice phenomenon[352]
- Ronald Conte Jr., Catholic lay theologian, detailed sex rules within marriage, failed prophecies[353]
- Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, the Law of Attraction televangelism[354]
- James Corbett, conspiracy theorist, crank magnet[355]
- Salvador "Sal" Cordova, creationist[356]
- Billy Corgan, antivaxxer conspiracy theorist[357]
- Bob Cornuke, claimed to have found Noah's Ark[358]
- Felipe Coronel, conspiracy theorist, bigot[359]
- Jerome Corsi, conspiracy theorist[360]
- Lita Cosner, creationist, presuppositionalist[361]
- Martin Cothran, creationist, global warming denier[362]
- Ann Coulter, Joseph McCarthy nostalgia, fact-free wingnuttery[363]
- Gabriel Cousens, MD who subscribes to the alt-med gamut plus raw foodism[364]
- Robert Haig Coxon, channeling[365]
- Josh Craddock, Focus on the Family is not homophobic enough[366]
- Kevin Craig, perennial candidate, Christian libertarian Theocracy[367]
- W. Gary Crampton, Trinity Foundation, presuppositionalism[368]
- Charles Creager Jr., Mars also had a global flood, Answers in Genesis (AiG)[369]
- Michael A. Cremo, Hare Krishna creationism[370]
- Daniel C. Criswell, creationist[371]
- Caroline Crocker, ID[372]
- Don & Carol Croft, crystal healing[373]
- Donald Crosby, Christian pastor protested the "Demons" school mascot named after a WWII squadron[374]
- Jake Crosby, antivaxser, Age of Autism[375]
- Paul Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting Network[376]
- John Crowder, fundamentalist Christian[377]
- Robert Crowther, creationist[378]
- Tom Cruise, Scientologist[379]
- Ken Cuccinelli, global warming denier[380]
- Rebecca Culshaw, HIV denialism[381]
- Constance Cumbey, New Age may be the source of the antichrist[382]
- Bill Cunningham, wingnut talk radio[383]
- Jack Cuozzo, YEC, devolution[384]
- Candi Cushman, Focus on the Family, reparative therapy[385]
- Brad Dacus, Christian theocrat[386]
- Peter D'Adamo, blood type diet[387]
- Curtis Dahlgren, anti-environmentalist, RenewAmerica[388]
- Ed Dames, remote viewing, Project Stargate[389]
- Charlie Daniels, Swiftboater, creationist, WND[390]
- Kimberly Daniels, war against Halloween[391]
- Larry Darby, director of Alabama American Atheists before outing himself as a Holocaust denier[392]
- Dave Daubenmire, coercive prayer, homophobe[393]
- Avi Davis, climate change denialist[394]
- Cynthia Davis, abstinence-only sex education, anti-abortion and anti-child protection legislation[395]
- James Davis, immanentizing Eschaton missionary[396]
- John Davis, flat Earther[397]
- Percival Davis, Of Pandas and People co-author, ID[398]
- Stephen Davis, HIV denialist[399]
- John A. Davison, proponent of Non-Darwinian evolution[400]
- Lorraine Day, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, woo[401]
- Vox Day (and his dad), alt-right (son), tax protester (father)[402]
- Bradlee Dean, American Taliban, homophobia[403]
- Brennan Dean, YEC, homeschooling[404]
- Tom DeLay, fundamentalist Christian, criminal politician[405]
- Eugene Delgaudio of Public Advocate of the U.S., homophobe[406]
- Randy Demain, Christian faith healer, claims to resurrect the dead[407]
- Gary DeMar, Christian Reconstructionist[408]
- William "Bill" Dembski, intelligent designer[409]
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author of Lies Women Believe, dominionist[410]
- Ken DeMyer, Number Two at Conservapedia[411]
- Tom DeRosa, creationist[412]
- George Deutsch, George W. Bush NASA appointee & Big Bang denialist[413]
- David DeWitt, director of the Center for Creation Studies at Liberty University[414]
- David DeWolf, Discovery Institute's lawyer in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District[415]
- Penna Dexter, homophobe, anti-religious freedom for others[416]
- Donald B. "Don" DeYoung, YEC[417]
- Jimmy DeYoung, Rapture Ready[418]
- Harvey & Marilyn Diamond, "Natural Hygiene" fad diet[419]
- Mark Dice, conspiracy theory crank magnet[420]
- Maxine Dietrich, "Joy of Satan", a neo-Nazi Satanic UFO cult[421]
- Thomas DiLorenzo, Austrian school, League of the South[422]
- Joseph "Joe" Dispenza, New Age, chiropractic, Ramtha[423]
- Brendan Dixon, "researcher" at the Discovery Institute[424]
- James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family[425]
- Michael J. Dochniak & Denise H. Dunn, antivaxxers[426]
- Creflo & Taffi Dollar, name it and claim it[427]
- Bill (William A.) Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights[428]
- Larry Dossey, editor of the pseudojournal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing[429]
- Russell Doughten, dispensationalist filmmaker[430]
- Robert Dowling, quantum woo[431]
- Mark Downey of Kinsman Redeemer Ministries[432]
- Wiley Drake, imprecatory prayer, birther[433]
- K. Eric Drexler (?), nanotechnology woo[434]
- Thomas Droleskey, Catholic theocratic sedevacantist[435]
- Michael Drosnin, author of The Bible Code[436]
- Dinesh D'Souza, felon, Christian apologist[437]
- Allison DuBois, medium[438]
- Daymond & Rachel Duck, End Times, FEMA concentration camps[439]
- Peter Duesberg, HIV denialist[440]
- Gordon Duff, Zionist conspiracy theories, 9/11 truther[441]
- Kevin DuJan, gay Christian conservative, conspiracy theorist[442]
- David Duke, former Klansman, current neo-Nazi[443]
- Cynthia Dunbar, conspiracy theorist[444]
- Rex Duncan, Oklahoma anti-sharia law[445]
- Tim Dunkin, RenewAmerica, homosexual agenda[446]
- Bob Dutko, blind faith, YEC[447]
- Mason Howe Dwinell, acupuncture, sungazing[448]
- Donald J. Eckard, evolution is only a theory[449]
- John Edward, mentalist, pretends to talk to the dead[450]
- Michael Egnor, creationist[451]
- John Eidsmoe, dominionist[452]
- Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, psychic, Mars colony coverup[453]
- Mayer Eisenstein, antivaxxer, Godwin's Law[454]
- Dallas Ellis, creationist[455]
- Joe Ellison, Christian fundamentalist[456]
- Michael Ellner, AIDS denialism, holistic medicine[457]
- Paul Ellwanger, creationist balance fallacy, McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education[458]
- Roger Elvick, redemption movement pseudolaw[459]
- Trace & Beth Embry, mental illness denial, Christian fundamentalism[460]
- Dave Emory, conspiracy theorist[461]
- Lou Engle, New Apostolic Reformation, dominionism[462]
- John Ennis, "the greatest prophet since Nostradamus"[463]
- Bob Enyart, "right-wing religious fanatic" talk radio host[464]
- Werner Erhard of Erhard Seminars Training[465]
- Erick Erickson, poisoning the well pundit[466]
- Jose Escamilla, ufologist[467]
- Dean Esmay of Red Pill Religion, HIV denialist, men's rights movement[468]
- Tom Estes, creationist[469]
- Thomas Euteneuer, exorcism, homophobe, anti-abortion[470]
- Kim Evans, detox, anti-science[471]
- Don Ewert, creationist[472]
- Gary Ezzo, Jesus-based abusive baby advice[473]
- Mary Fallin, homophobic anti-science Oklahoma governor[474]
- Anna Falling, creationist, dominionist[475]
- Jerry Falwell Jr. and Jonathan Falwell, Christian fundamentalist sons of Jerry Falwell Sr.[476]
- Joseph Farah, founder of WND[477]
- Celia Farber, HIV denialist[478]
- Louis Farrakhan, conspiracy theorist, religious fundamentalist[479]
- Michael Farris, founder of Patrick Henry College and Home School Legal Defense Association[480]
- Paul Fassa, germ theory denialist, NaturalNews[481]
- Don Feder, homophobe, Islamophobe[482]
- Lauren Feder, homeopath, antivaxxer[483]
- Robert W. Felix, Earth changes, climate change denialism[484]
- Lowell "Jack" Fellure, Prohibition Party[485]
- James Fetzer, 9/11 conspiracy theory and JFK conspiracy theory[486]
- Sadie Fields, creationism[487]
- Tom Fife, Obama was a Soviet spy[488]
- Deborah Owens Fink, creationist[489]
- Dee Finney, FEMA concentration camps[490]
- Raymond Finney, creationist[491]
- Becky Fischer, star of Jesus Camp[492]
- Bryan Fischer, fundamentalist Christian[493]
- Barbara Loe Fisher, antivaxxer[494]
- Patricia Fitzgerald, acupuncture, TCM, homeopathy[495]
- Walter Fitzpatrick (and Carl Swensson and the AGJ), birthers, pseudolaw[496]
- Michael Flannery, creationist[497]
- David Flynn, Biblical crank magnetism[498]
- Gerald Flurry, Christian fundamentalist[499]
- Randy Forbes, ex-Congress critter, prayer solves everything[500]
- Glib Fortuna (real name?) and the StACLU, anti-ACLU fundies[501]
- Ezola Foster, Reform Party, Constitution Party[502]
- Virginia Foxx, Congress critter, homophobe, all-around wingnut[503]
- Wayne Frair, former chair of Creation Research Society, baraminologist[504]
- Joseph W. Francis, YEC, microbial baraminolgoy[505]
- Trent Franks, ex-Congress critter, climate change denialist, abortion is worse than slavery[506]
- David Freedman, alt-med, anti-journalism[507]
- Moshe Frenkel, alt-med oncology (Feldenkrais method and reflexology)[508]
- Todd Friel, YEC, islamophobe[509]
- Arno Froese, Rapture Ready, author of How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist[510]
- Mary Frost, faith healing[511]
- Ralph Fucetola, antivaxxer[512]
- Hugh Fudenberg, antivaxxer[513]
- Steve Fuller, intelligent design[514]
- Michael Fumento, corporate shill, associated with denialist think tanks[515]
- John Funk, fundamentalist Christian[516]
- Frank Gaffney, resident islamophobe at The Washington Times[517]
- Richard Gage, 9/11 truther[518]
- Maggie Gallagher, homophobia, former director of the National Organization for Marriage[519]
- Victoria Gallagher, hypnotic penis enlargement, neurolinguistic programming[520]
- Carl Gallups (a.k.a. PPSIMMONS), YEC, birtherism[521]
- Ann Gauger, intelligent design author of Science and Human Origins[522]
- Joel Garbon and the New Energy Movement, zero-point energy[523]
- Jim Garlow, homophobe[524]
- David & Mark Geier, antivaxx, alternative medicine[525]
- Norman Geisler, Calvinist, Chicago Statement, apologist[526]
- Pam Geller, birther, Islamophobe[527]
- Robert V. Gentry, YEC, polonium halos[528]
- William Gheen, homophobe, xenophobe[529]
- Charlotte Gerson of Gerson Therapy[530]
- Hutton Gibson, father of Mel Gibson, sovereign citizen, sedevacantist Catholic, Holocaust denialist[531]
- Janice L. Gibson, thought field therapy[532]
- L. James Gibson & the Geoscience Research Institute, ID[533]
- Mel Gibson, sedevacantist Catholic, antisemite[534]
- Mitchell E. Gibson, astrology, clairvoyance[535]
- Louie Giglio, laminin, homophobe[536]
- Charles Gilchrist, sacred geometry[537]
- George Gilder, creationist cofounder of the Discovery Institute[538]
- Doug Giles, atheophobe[539]
- Alan Gillen, creationist[540]
- Patrick Gillen, lawyer at Kitzmiller v. Dover, defended Kitzmiller v. Dover[541]
- Scott Gillis, Creation Ministries International[542]
- Newt Gingrich, creationist, islamophobe, homophobe, birther, ex-Speaker of the House[543]
- Samuel C. Gipp, anti-environmentalist, evangelist[544]
- Roberto Giraldo, HIV denialist[545]
- Duane Gish, creationist[546]
- Michael Glatze, reparative therapy[547]
- Gary Glenn, American Family Association[548]
- Peter Glickman, lemonade diet, detox[549]
- Ron Godwin, Moonie[550]
- Louie Gohmert, Congress critter, birtherism, dumb-as-a-rock crank magnetism[551]
- Mark Gold, aspartame nuttery[552]
- Burton Goldberg, cancer crank treatments[553]
- Jonathan Goldman, sound healing, chakras[554]
- Guillermo Gonzalez, creationst[555]
- Joel González, ORMUS, prana[556]
- Nicholas González, cancer woo[557]
- Peter Goodgold, water woo[558]
- Richard Gordon, quantum touch, life force[559]
- Tipper Gore, wife of Al Gore, Parents Music Resource Center[560]
- Bill Gothard, fundamentalist Christian, making homeschooling dangerous[561]
- Rosalee Grable, holographic 9/11 truther[562]
- Franklin Graham, fundamentalist Christian, Islamophobia, Hurricane Katrina nuttery[563]
- Ron Graham, fundamentalist Christian, Biblical literalist[564]
- Tim Graham, homophobe, climate change denialist[565]
- George Grant, Dominionist[566]
- Robert Grant, co-founder of the Moral Majority and president of the American Freedom Coalition[567]
- Steven Grant, Tea Party divinity[568]
- Randy Gray, neo-Nazi, KKK member[569]
- Harold Green, quadrant sign code conspiracy[570]
- Jim & Lila Green of Aggressive Christianity Missionary Training Corps[571]
- David Ray Griffin, confirmation bias to justify God, 9/11 truther[572]
- Des Griffin, crank magnetism[573]
- G. Edward Griffin, crank magnetism[574]
- Jackson K. Grimes, neo-Nazi perennial candidate[575]
- David Grisham, christofascism[576]
- Marc Grizzard, Baptist Bible burner[577]
- Lee Grossman, antivaxxer[578]
- Stefan Grossman, holographic 9/11 truther[579]
- Jeffrey Grupp, Law of Attraction, conspiracy theorist[580]
- John Guardiano, war on Christmas, Christian persecution complex[581]
- Mimi Guarneri, alt-med[582]
- Randy Guliuzza, Institute for Creation Research, Salem Hypothesis, the eye is too complex to have evolved[583]
- Nick Haas, antivaxxer[584]
- Louise Kuo Habakus, antivaxxer[585]
- Julie Haberle, creationist[586]
- Anne Habermehl, creationist[587]
- John Hagee, televangelist, prosperity gospel[588]
- John Hagelin, Natural Law Party, yogic flying[589]
- Rebecca Hagelin, ex-vice president of the Heritage Foundation, writer for WND[590]
- Ted Haggard, "100% heterosexual" fundamentalist Christian[591]
- Wilfred Hahn, "Does government debt have an endtime role?"[592]
- Boyd Haley, mercury amalgam fillings scare, chelation therapy[593]
- Marshall Hall, Christian fundamentalist geocentrism[594]
- Mike Hallett, dragon fossils[595]
- Ken Ham, migratory creationist loon[596]
- Ernest Hancock, conspiracy theorist[597]
- J.B. Handley, founder of Generation Rescue[598]
- Carl Hangee-Bauer, naturopath, acuptuncturist, qi[599]
- Hank Hanegraaff, creationist, global warming denialist[600]
- Sean Hannity, Trump whisperer on Fox News[601]
- James N. Hansen & Gerardus Bouw, Biblical geocentrism[602]
- Robert Hansen, psychic[603]
- Rebecca Hardcastle & Terri Mansfield, quantum woo, zero point energy, extraterrestrials[604]
- Tom Harkin, Congress critter, alternative medicine proponent[605]
- Tim Harlow, creationist[606]
- Katherine Harris, dominionist, anti-environmentalist, homophobe[607]
- Will Hart, creationist persecution complex, whale.to[608]
- James Hartline, homophobe, Goddidit[609]
- Vicky Hartzler, Congress critter, homophobe, birther, dominionist[610]
- Linda Harvey of Mission: America, homophobe[611]
- Arthur Hastings, channeling, transpersonal psychology[612]
- John Hawkins, climate change denialist[613]
- Yisrayl Hawkins, leader of The House of Yahweh cult[614]
- Louise Hay, Hay House publishing, fundamentalism and pseudoscience[615]
- Jack Hayford, New Apostolic Reformation, dominionist Pentacostalism[616]
- Mark Hazlewood, Planet X, Earth changes[617]
- Joel Heck, YEC[618]
- Peter Heck, creationist[619]
- Kent Heckenlively, antivaxxer, Age of Autism[620]
- David Hedrick, Tea Party, birther, climate change denail[621]
- Joan Farr Heffington, dominionist, creationist[622]
- Bob Henderson, anti-relativity engineer[623]
- Esther Hicks, channeller[624]
- Peter Hendrickson, pseudolaw tax protester[625]
- Tom Hennigan, YEC[626]
- Eva Herr, holistic medicine, subtle energy[627]
- Reed Heustis, Calvinist dominionist[628]
- Sander Hicks, 9/11 truther[629]
- Laurie Higgins, pro-bullying homophobe, homosexual agenda[630]
- Larry Hill, Jesus Freak cult[631]
- David de Hilster, pseudo-physics[632]
- Benny Hinn, prosperity gospel, faith healing, televangelist[633]
- Richard C. Hoagland, pseudoastronomer[634]
- Bodie Hodge, director of the Creation Museum[635]
- #768: Michael A. Hoffman II, Holocaust denial, antisemitism, anti-Freemasonry, conspiracy theorist[636]
- Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit, wingnut supreme[637]
- Ted Holden, conspiracy theorist, Velikovskian end of the world[638]
- Mary Holland, antivaxxer[639]
- Kent Holtorf, antivaxxer, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy[640]
- Arthur David Horn, guided evolution, lizard aliens[641]
- Leonard "Len" Horowitz, HIV denialism[642]
- Neal Horsley, homophobe, arrested for "terroristic threats against Elton John"[643]
- Arlin Horton, former president of Pensacola Christian College[644]
- Steve Hotze, alt-med, Christian fundie[645]
- Jean Houston, New, Age New Thought, self-help[646]
- Eric Hovind, YEC, son of Kent Hovind[647]
- Kent Hovind, YEC, Dinosaur Adventure Land[648]
- Barbara Marx Hubbard, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, quantum woo[649]
- Robert Howard, Illuminati and Freemason conspiracy theories, whale.to[650]
- Brannon Howse, Christian conspiracy theory New World Order[651]
- Mike Huckabee, Dominionism, anti-science[652]
- David Hudson of ORMUS[653]
- Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post, alt-med, pseudoscience[654]
- Hal A. Huggins, mercury amalgam fillings scare[655]
- Janet Starr Hull, hair analysis[656]
- Brit Hume, Fox News, climate change denialist[657]
- Russell Humphreys, YEC, white hole cosmology[658]
- Suzanne Humphries, antivaxxer[659]
- Dave Hunt, Christian apologist, dispensationalist[660]
- Samuel Hunt, "proof" of God[661]
- Cornelius Hunter, creationist[662]
- Lawrence Huntoon (and the AAPS), antivax, anti-science[663]
- Terry Hurlbut, Conservapedia sysop, Conservative Bible Project, YEC[664]
- Ken Hutcherson, extreme homophobe, corporal punishment advocate[665]
- George Hutchins, homophobic green ink perennial candidate[666]
- Fred Hutchison, anti-relativity, global warming denial, creationism[667]
- Mark Hyman, alt-med[668]
- Thomas Ice, "pretribulationism"[669]
- Max Igan, New World Order conspiracies, pseudoscience[670]
- Jack Van Impe, televangelist, multiple end of the world predictions[671]
- Deirdre Imus, antivaxxer, cancer woo[672]
- James Inhofe, Congresscritter, "God, guns, and gays"[673]
- Tony Isaacs, alt-med, NaturalNews[674]
- Charles Jackson, YEC, D- at Turing test[675]
- E. W. Jackson, fundamentalist Christian, homophobe, creationist[676]
- Victoria Jackson, Breitbart & WND columnist, Glenn Beck groupie[677]
- Cindy Jacobs, New Apostolic Reformation, televangelist, exorcist[678]
- David Michael Jacobs, ufologist, alien abduction[679]
- Annie Jacobsen, conspiracy theorist, Area 51[680]
- Kathleen Jacoby, numerologist, vibration woo[681]
- Cynthia A. Janak, anti-Gardasil vaccination, anti-fluoridation[682]
- Arthur Janov of primal therapy[683]
- William Jasper, United Nations NWO[684]
- Nathan Jastram, creationist[685]
- Nathaniel Jeanson, Creation science[686]
- Ross Jeffries, pick-up artist[687]
- Warren Jeffs, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, pedophilia[688]
- Paul Jehle, fundie Christian, Founding Fathers historical revisionism[689]
- Bobby Jindal, creationist, exorcist, Louisiana Academic Freedom Act[690]
- Donald E. Johnson, creationist[691]
- Phillip Johnson, founder of the intelligent design movement[692]
- Robert Bowie Johnson Jr., creationist[693]
- Michael Johnston, reparative therapy[694]
- Heather Johnstone, colonics, toxins[695]
- Marie Jon, YEC, antifeminism[696]
- Alex Jones, crank magnet extraordinaire[697]
- Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus, Career Counselor[698]
- Steven E. Jones, 9/11 truther[699]
- Terry Jones, islamophobe, Qur'an burner, conspiracy theorist[700]
- Timothy Jones, birther[701]
- Henry Jordan, creationist, Islamophobe, Buddhism-phobe[702]
- Joshua Joscelyn(?), creationist, park guide at Dinosaur Adventure Land, fluoridation crankery[703]
- Rick Joyner, self-proclaimed prophet, repeated traveler to Heaven[704]
- Gary Kah, Rapture Ready, New World Order, global warming denialist[705]
- Jon Kaiser, nutritional supplements for treating HIV/AIDS[706]
- Ed Kalnins, fundamentalist Christian persecution complex[707]
- Donna Karan, alt-med[708]
- Byron Katie, New Thought, law of attraction[709]
- David Katz, alt-med, homeopathy, assistant professor of neurology at Yale[710]
- Dwight Kehoe, Tea Party, justifiable terrorism, YEC[711]
- Bill Keith, creationist[712]
- William Herbert "Bill" Keller, televangelist[713]
- Jack Kelley, Christian evangelist author, Biblical prophecies[714]
- Loretta Kemsley, creationist, evolution was devised by misogynists[715]
- Paul Kengor, red-baiting[716]
- Doug Kennard, YEC[717]
- Robert Kennedy Jr., antivaxxer[718]
- Dean Kenyon, ID, co-author of Of Pandas and People[719]
- Douglas Kenyon & the people at Atlantis Rising, Atlantis[720]
- Sally Kern, creationist legislation, extreme homophobia[721]
- Eric Keroack, crisis pregnancy center, "PRE-MARITAL SEX is really MODERN GERM WARFARE."[722]
- Roy Kerry, alt-med, chelation[723]
- Alan Keyes, rabidly homophobic, intellectually dihonest[724]
- Kelly Khuri, Tea Party, global warming denialist[725]
- Larry Kilgore, perennial candidate, Texas secession, theocrat[726]
- Brian Kilmeade, Fox News global warming denialist, persecutioncomplex[727]
- Linda Kimball, Christian fundamentalist, "Evolutionism: the dying West's science of magic and madness"[728]
- Cliff Kincaid, conspiracy theorist, Accuracy in Media[729]
- Alveda King, homophobe, black genocide, historical revisionism of her uncle[730]
- Andrea Shea King, WND, Islamophobe, mind control, tinfoil hat[731]
- Atiba King, other ways of knowing, Egypt woo[732]
- Steve King, homophobe, racism, dominionism[733]
- Jack Kingston, creationist ex-Congress critter[734]
- Marcel Kinsbourne, antivaxxer[735]
- Les Kinsolving, homophobe, birther[736]
- David Kirby, antivaxxer[737]
- Berit Kjos, brainwashing, anti-Harry Potter, anti-Freemasonry, conspiracy theorist[738]
- Larry Klayman, conspiracy theorist, vexatious litigant[739]
- Aaron Klein, birther, red-baiting[740]
- Joseph Klein, conspiracy theorist, Islamophobia[741]
- Peter Klevberg, YEC, AIG[742]
- Gordon Klingenschmitt, court-martialled ex-Navy chaplain, fundamentalist Christian[743]
- David Klinghoffer, creationist (Discovery Institute, WND, National Review)[744]
- Dennis Paul Knicely, alternative medicine, "Healing News Network"[745]
- Judy Zebra "JZ" Knight, New Age cult leader, channeling[746]
- Robert Knight, American Civil Rights Union, Washington Times, creationist, homophobe, conspiracy theorist[747]
- Jake Knotts, conspiracy theorist, xenophobe[748]
- Marion Knox, conspiracy theorist (Illuminati Freemason, Rothschild family), deprogramming[749]
- Mark Koernke of black helicopters fame, militia movement[750]
- Kelly Kohls, creationist[751]
- Gary Kompothecras, chiropractor, anti-vaxxer, Lupron supporter[752]
- Gene Koonce, vibrational medicine, subtle energy[753]
- Jay Kordich, juicing, raw food, detox[754]
- Jason Nicholas Korning, democracy is unbiblical and "inherently homosexual"[755]
- Joe Kovacs, WND executive news editor, lunar eclipses, Second Coming, Easter is pagan[756]
- Robert J. Krakow, antivaxxer, thiomersal[757]
- Lorie Kramer, crank magnetism, Alex Jones is part of the Zionist conspiracy[758]
- Gary Kreep, birther[759]
- Arthur Krigsman, antivaxxer[760]
- David Kupelian, WND managing editor, crank magnetism[761]
- Stanley Kurtz, culture wars, Obama is socialist, homophobia[762]
- Ray Kurzweil, pseudoscience, nanotechnology woo, dietary supplements[763]
- Michio Kushi of macrobiotics fame, astrology, meridians, subtle energy[764]
- Peter LaBarbera, homophobia, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, WND[765]
- Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic medicine[766]
- Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition[767]
- Christopher LaFond, astrologer[768]
- Beverly LaHaye, founder of Concerned Women for America, homophobe, antifeminist, Islamophobe[769]
- Tim LaHaye, evangelical Christian author of the Left Behind series of books[770]
- Peter & Paul Lalonde, end times prophets, Rapture Ready[771]
- Guylaine Lanctot, antivaxxer, alt-med[772]
- Richard Land, ex-executive editor of The Christian Post, creationist, homophobe[773]
- William Lane, shark cartilage cancer woo[774]
- Christopher M. Langan, intelligent design, character assassination of anyone who disagrees with him[775]
- Amy Lansky, homeopath, antivaxxer, autism quackery[776]
- Robert Lanza, quantum woo[777]
- Wayne LaPierre, gun nut extraordinaire of the National Rifle Association[778]
- Daniel Lapin, atheophobe, anti-environmentalist[779]
- Lyndon LaRouche, perennial candidate, cult leader, mixture of extreme left and right politics[780]
- Bob Larson, Satanic Panic, exorcisms via radio[781]
- John Lash, "Gnostics discovered mind-manipulating Extraterrestrials"[782]
- Jonathan Latham & Allison Wilson, anti-science[783]
- Gene Latimer, tachyon energy[784]
- Wayne Laugesen, gun nut, defender of Catholic sex scandals[785]
- Marcus Laux, naturopath[786]
- Karen Lawson, Jacob Mirman, and the University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality & Healing, homeopathy[787]
- Robert Lazar, UFOlogist[788]
- Dave Leach (and Scott Roeder), anti-abortion supporter of "justifiable homicide" of abortion doctors, resulting in the murder of George Tiller[789]
- Jennifer LeClaire, fundie, "demon rape makes you gay"[790]
- Brock Lee, creationist[791]
- Laura Lee, pseudoscience, conspiracy theorist[792]
- Robert T. Lee of the Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments[793]
- Kim Lehman, homophobe, Obama is a Muslim[794]
- Mary Leitao, inventor of Morgellons disease[795]
- Terri Leo, creationist on the Texas Board of Education[796]
- Paul LePage, Maine governor, anti-science, denialism[797]
- Lawrence LeShan, parapsychologist, mysticism[798]
- Fred Leuchter, Holocaust denier, author of The Leuchter Report[799]
- Douglas Levesque, fundie, anti-environmentalist, one world government, end times[800]
- Jahn Levin, founder & CEO of Purity Products, alt-med[801]
- Mark Levin, climate change denial, Supreme Court is implementing Stalinism[802]
- Yehuda Levin, homophobe (advocated violence against gays)[803]
- Pepper Lewis, channeler[804]
- Jonathan Levy, attorney for Orly Taitz, has appeared on Infowars spouting nonsense about the Illuminati[805]
- Nancy Lieder of ZetaTalk, UFOlogist, pole shift[806]
- Dan Lietha, cartoonist for Answers in Genesis (AiG)[807]
- Jean K. Lightner, creationist[808]
- Charles LiMandri, homophobe, American Taliban[809]
- David Limbaugh, Rush's "dumber, and less charismatic brother […who] promotes pretty much the same bullshit"[810]
- Rush Limbaugh, crank magnetism[811]
- Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University/Liberty Counsel homophobe, Satandidit[812]
- Hal Lindsey, fundie, end times, rapture, Y2K[813]
- James Linzey, Satandidit, commie takeover of the US[814]
- Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson, sungazing, HIV-denialism, homeopathy, antivaxxer[815]
- Jason Lisle, creationist[816]
- Yingguang Liu, YEC[817]
- Scott Lively, homophobe, antisemite[818]
- Dana Loesch, homophobe, birther denialist[819]
- John Lofton, theocratic Christian[820]
- Margaret Lofton and the creationists on the Polk County School Board, tried to introduce ID into public schools[821]
- Eddie L. Long, name it and claim it, homophobic closet case[822]
- Jody A. & Jeffrey P. Long, Near Death Experience Research Foundation[823]
- Mark Looy, YEC, Chief Communications Officer for Answers in Genesis[824]
- Kathryn Jean Lopez, anti-feminist, anti-affirmative action, anti-abortion, anti-contraception[825]
- Eve Lorgen, extraterrestrials, hypnosis, shamanism[826]
- Clyde Lott, raising red heifers to imminentize the eschaton[827]
- Gina Loudon, human chorionic gonadotrophin[828]
- Sue Lowden (and her opponent during the nominations), ex-Nevada state senator, advised constituents to barter a chicken for medical treatment[829]
- Gail Lowe, YEC, Texas Board of Education[830]
- Marvin Lubenow, YEC, author of Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of the Human Fossils[831]
- Bill Lucas & the "Common Sense" Scientists, fundie, anti-science, anti-relativity[832]
- Ron Luce of Teen Mania Ministries, fundie[833]
- Nancy Luft, crank magnetism[834]
- Casey Luskin, creationist associated with the Discovery Institute[835]
- William Lyne, conspiracy theorist, UFOlogist[836]
- Barry Lynes, Rife machines, cancer woo[837]
- John MacArthur, hyper-Calvinist, end times, dispensationalist, "Truth in Science"[838]
- Shirley MacLaine, reincarnation, transcendental meditation, channeling and past life regression[839]
- Madonna, Kabbalah, Kabbalah water[840]
- Bill Maher, antivaxxer, germ theory denialist[841]
- Patrick J. Mahoney, Christian victimhood, anti-ACLU[842]
- Bruce Malone, YEC[843]
- Guy Malone, UFOlogist[844]
- Christopher Maloney, naturopath[845]
- Frank Mangano, alt-med, law of attraction[846]
- Andrew Maniotis, HIV-denialist[847]
- Richard Mann, naturopath, chair of clinical homeopathy at Bastyr University[848]
- James David Manning, birther, war on Kwanzaa[849]
- Jeane Manning, HAARP conspiracy theorist[850]
- Basil Marceaux, perennial candidate, pseudolaw[851]
- Bryan K. Marcia, iridology[852]
- Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party, fighting the anti-Christ[853]
- A. Jan Marcussen, Seventh-day Adventist, National Sunday law[854]
- Jan Markell, End Times prognostication[855]
- Joseph "Doc" Marquis, Christian who claimed to be ex-Illuminati[856]
- Robert J. Marks II, intelligent design, IEEE journal abuse[857]
- Jim Marrs, conspiracy theorist (everything that is not an act of God)[858]
- Texe Marrs, fundie, Satanic Panic, conspiracy theorist[859]
- Bob Marshall, rabidly anti-abortion, anti-birth control, homophobe, climate change denial ex-Virginia state representative[860]
- Perry Marshall, creationist information theory[861]
- Peter Marshall, divine retribution, Texas Board of Education[862]
- Al Martin, Iran-Contra conspiracy theory[863]
- Andy Martin, conspiracy theorist, perennial candidate, claimed Obama is a Muslim[864]
- Rod J. Martin, creationist, global warming denialist[865]
- Ray Martinez, creationist kook, "Old Earth Young Biosphere Protestant Evangelical Paulinist"[866]
- Betty Martini, aspartame fear mongering[867]
- Linda Masse, [868]
- Mychal Massie, claimed that Obama is a pawn of Satan, WND[869]
- Roy Masters, fundie/New Age, quantum woo, free energy, past life regression[870]
- Joseph Mastropaolo, kinesiologist, creationist[871]
- Mark Mathis, producer of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed[872]
- Mark Matthews, creationist, geocentrism[873]
- Wayne May, Jesus was really American, Mormon pseudoarchaeology[874]
- Susan Mazur, freelance creationist "journalist"[875]
- Clint McCance, homophobe, pro-bullying[876]
- James McCanney, Planet X, Atlantis, Tesla crankery, The Kolbrin[877]
- Dennis McCarthy and the EErs, expanding Earth[878]
- Jenny McCarthy, antivaxxer[879]
- Bill McCartney, founder of the Promise Keepers, misogynist fundie[880]
- Mary Sue McClurkin, former Alabama state rep, creationist[881]
- Kevin McCullough, WND, homophobe, war on Christmas[882]
- Joslin "Josh" McDowell, Biblical literalist, apologist[883]
- Sean McDowell, intelligent design, son of Josh[884]
- Ryan McGinty, free energy, Tesla crankery, cold fusion, orgone, whale.to[885]
- Cynthia McKinney, conspiracy theorist, Green Party presidential candidate, occasional US Representative[886]
- Kelly McKennon, crystal healing, qi, cloudbusting[887]
- Adam McLeod, promoter of Dan Brown-inspired conspiracies, quantum woo, Noetic science[888]
- Don McLeroy, creationist chairman of the Texas Board of Education[889]
- Jake McMillan, homophobic fundie[890]
- Bill McNamara, head of New Beginnings Ministries, "strict discipline" of "troubled teens"[891]
- Lynne McTaggart, alt-med, antivaxx, homeopathy, What Doctors Don’t Tell You[892]
- John McTernan, fundie, goddidit — natural disasters[893]
- Sean Meek, creationist[894]
- Ron McVan, white nationalist, Odinist[895]
- Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Native American woo[896]
- James L. Melton, fundie, creationist, anti-Santa Claus[897]
- Michael Menkin, extraterrestrials, tinfoil hats[898]
- David Menton, baraminologist, AiG[899]
- Angus Menuge, creationist, apologetics[900]
- Lee Mercer, word salad, threatened to become a perennial candidate[901]
- Tom Metzger, ex-KKK, current Nazi[902]
- Joyce Meyer, prosperity gospel televangelist[903]
- Stephen Meyer, intelligent design, Discovery Institute[904]
- Marina Michaels, psychic, channeller[citation needed]
- Johanna Michaelsen, Satanic panic [905]
- David Mihalovic, naturopath, antivaxxer[906]
- Lionel Milgrom, homeopathy, quantum woo, water memory[907]
- Betty Miller, fundie, anti-First Amendment, tattoos are sinful, witchcraft can manifest UFOs[908]
- David Wynn Miller, Sovereign Citizen, pseudolaw[909]
- Dianne Miller, Jesus diet, free enercy[910]
- Donald W. Miller, HIV denialist, global warming denialist[911]
- Kevin Miller, screenwriter for Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed[912]
- Neil Z. Miller & Gary S. Goldman, antivaxxers, HIV/AIDS denialists[913]
- Russ Miller, YEC, ID[914]
- Steve Milloy, multi-denialist, junk scientist, Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Advancement of Sound Science Center[915]
- Gene Mills & Dale Bayard, creationists, Louisiana school vouchers, "Bible-based math"[916]
- Scott Minnich, creationist, irreducible complexity[917]
- Jack Minor, WND, homophobe[918]
- Ruth Minshull, whale.to, MKULTRA, ex-Scientologist[919]
- Jeff Mirus, fundie Catholic, homophobe[920]
- David Miscavige, head of the Church of Scientology[921]
- Edgar Mitchell, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Ufologist[922]
- Jason "Molotov" Mitchell, WND, creationist, homophobe, theocrat[923]
- Chuck Missler, creationist peanut butter argument, Ufologist[924]
- Albert Mohler, fundie Baptist persecution complex, homophobe, thinks other religions are satanic[925]
- George Montañez, ID/end times rapper[926]
- Stanley Monteith, Christian right-wing conspiracy theorist, John Birch Society[927]
- Melonie Montgomery of Fenestra Research, Quantum Stirwand[928]
- Raymond Moody, parapsychologist, near-death experiences[929]
- Glenn Moon, word salad, Christian fundamentalist[930]
- Sun Myung Moon, his followers, admirers and associates, Unification Church[931]
- Richard Moore, antivaxxer[932]
- Roy Moore, raging Christian fundamentalist, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, banned from a YMCA[933]
- Marc Morano, global warming denialist[934]
- J.P. Moreland, creationist, Wedge Document[935]
- Michael Moriarty, anti-abortion extremist, anti-stem cell research [936]
- Andreas Moritz, alt-med intuition, other ways of knowing[937]
- Robert Morley, creationist, pro-imperialism[938]
- John D. Morris, YEC[939]
- Peter Morrison, racist, anti-Voting Rights Act[940]
- Terry Mortenson, geologist Creation Museum employee[941]
- John Morton, New Age cult[942]
- Steven W. Mosher, overpopulation denialism[943]
- Melvin Mulder, creationist, cdesign proponentsist[944]
- John Mullen, alt-med, disciple of Hulda Clark[945]
- Kary Mullis, AIDS denialist, climate change denial, alien abduction, Nobel disease[946]
- Ray Mummert, creationist, "We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture."[947]
- Bill Murchison, hydrogen peroxide therapy, cancer woo[948]
- Lawrence S. Myers, expanding Earth[949]
- Caroline M. Myss, astrology, subtle energy, New Age[950]
- Sheri Nakken, homeopath, faith healing, antivaxxer[951]
- Diana Napolis, Satanic panic, stalker[952]
- Andrew Napolitano, Fox News, Federal Reserve conspiracy theorist, gold bug, 9/11 truther[953]
- Council Nedd II, atheophobe[954]
- Paul Nelson, intelligent design, YEC, apologist[955]
- William Nelson, naturopath, homeopathy, quantum woo[956]
- Issam Nemeh, faith healing MD[957]
- Marc Neumann, Morgellons disease research[958]
- Jerry Newcombe creationist, producer of Darwin's Deadly Legacy, Hitler and evolution, anti-public schools[959]
- Joe Newman, free energy[960]
- Robert C. Newman, creationist, extraterrestrials[961]
- Preston Nichols, Montauk project, parapsychology[962]
- Don Nicoloff, birther, crank magnetism[963]
- Sheldan Nidle, UFO religion, telepathy, pineal gland woo, theta healing[964]
- Richard Niemtzow, MUFON, alt-med[965]
- Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, Godwin's Law abuse[966]
- James I. Nienhuis, YEC, Atlantis[967]
- David Noebel, rock music moral panic, red-baiting, homophobe[968]
- George Noory, Coast to Coast AM[969]
- Chuck Norris, Biblical literalist, conspiracy theorist[970]
- Dan Nuckols, teach the controversy cartoonist[971]
- John Nolte, Breitbart editor, climate changed denialist, homophobe[972]
- Richard Noone, crust displacement, end of the world prediction[973]
- Gary North, dominionist[974]
- Christiane Northrup, MD, qigong, chakras, tarot, feng shui, astrology, angels[975]
- John de Nugent, white supremacist, antisemite, Solutrean hypothesis[976]
- Ted Nugent, racist, chickenhawk extraordinaire[977]
- Gary Null, alt-med[978]
- Marc Nuttle, New Apostolic Reformation[979]
- Michael Oard, YEC, global warming denial[980]
- Raymond Obomsawin, antivaxxer[981]
- Julie Obradovic, antivaxxer[982]
- Cathy O'Brien, MKULTRA, repressed memory, whale.to[983]
- Joan Ocean, dolphin woo[984]
- Christine O'Donnell, anti-masturbation, YEC, crank magnetism[985]
- Dan O'Dowd, owner of the Colorado Rockies baseball team, of which God was responsible for their moderate success[986]
- Marvin Olasky, Patrick Henry College, dominionist[987]
- Denyse O'Leary, Canadian intelligent design affiliate of William Dembski[988]
- Dan Olmsted, antivaxxer[989]
- Ross Olson, intelligent design[990]
- David Openheimer, Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory[991]
- Bill O'Reilly, ex-Fox News, bigotry[992]
- Jane Orient, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons quackery[993]
- Dean Ornish (?), practices evidence-based medicine but also endorses holistic medicine[994]
- Leonard Orr & Sondra Ray, rebirthing-breathwork, immortality, The Secret[995]
- Ariel Torres Ortega, fundie homophobe[996]
- Alex Ortner, raw foodism, Joseph Mercola, detox, thought field therapy, live blood analysis[997]
- Tim O'Shea, alt-med, germ theory denialist, antivaxxer[998]
- Todd Ovokaitys, alt-med treatments for HIV[999]
- William Owens Jr., National Organization for Marriage, homophobe[1000]
- Mehmet Oz, promoter of alt-med, faith healing, psychics[1001]
- William R. Pabst, FEMA concentration camps[1002]
- Charles L. Pack, Rapture Ready, The Hallelujah Diet[1003]
- Boyd Packer, Mormon leader, homophobe, anti-secular history[1004]
- Frank Page, Christian fundamentalist[1005]
- Michael Pakaluk, Catholic homophobe[1006]
- Larry Palevsky, antivaxxer pediatrician[1007]
- Sarah Palin, YEC, theocrat, coulda' been a heartbeat away from the presidency[1008]
- Harry Palmer, Scientology-based Avatar (large group awareness training)[1009]
- Que Te "Andrew" Park, Q-Ray ionized bracelets[1010]
- Rod Parsley, televangelist, dominionist[1011]
- David Paszkiewicz, human–dinosaur coexistence[1012]
- Ron Patton, mind control, MKULTRA, aliens and demons are Nephilim, whale.to[1013]
- Alice Patterson, New Apostolic Reformation, homophobe, Islamophobe[1014]
- Ron Paul, ex-Representative, dominionist, creationist, alt-med, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, NAFTA Superhighway[1015]
- Katie Pavlich, global warming denialist, gun nut[1016]
- Steve & Erin Pavlina, crank magnetism, psychic[1017]
- Steve Pearce, ex-Congress critter, birther, atheophobe[1018]
- Nancy Pearcey, creationist, Discovery Institute, Of Pandas and People[1019]
- Ed Peltzer, creationist[1020]
- Michael & Debi Pearl, authors of To Train Up a Child[1021]
- Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council[1022]
- Michael Peroutka, Constitution Party, Christian nation, creationist, homophobe, white supremacist, endorsed by League of the South and Alex Jones[1023]
- Rick Perry, dominionist ex-Texas Governor[1024]
- Dennis Petersen, YEC, conspiracy theorist[1025]
- Douglas Peterson, creationist[1026]
- David J. Pesek (and the "Quantum University"), "tissue cleansing", iridology[1027]
- Kevin Pezzi, penis enlargement, cancer cure, teleportation[1028]
- Michael Pfeifer, Catholic bishop, exorcist, Satandidit[1029]
- Donald Phau, essay on "The Satanic Roots of Rock", whale.to[1030]
- Eric Jon Phelps, crank magnet estraordinaire[1031]
- Fred Phelps, über-Calvinist Westboro Baptist Church, "God Hates…"[1032]
- Phil Phillips, Satanic Panic, Turmoil in the Toybox[1033]
- Chuck Pierce, New Apostolic Reformation, dominionism[1034]
- Carter Phipps, accepts but misunderstands evolution as something spiritual[1035]
- Ted Pike, fundie, antisemite, Holocaust denier, creationist[1036]
- Srinivasan Pillay, anti-rationalism, promoter of The Secret[1037]
- Jim Pinkoski, feeble Biblical apologetics[1038]
- Stuart Pivar, anti-natural selection crackpottery[1039]
- John Piper, fundie, Goddidit, misogynist[1040]
- Linda Polley, antivaxxer, whale.to[1041]
- Wendy Pollock & the Homeopaths Without Borders, treating AIDS with homeopathy[1042]
- Dale Pond, vibrational medicine, vitalism[1043]
- Peter Popoff, faith healing televangelist, prosperity gospel, conspiracy theorist[1044]
- Janet Porter, WND, self projection as god, death panels[1045]
- Boone Powell & Barry Rand, quantum biofeedback[1046]
- James van Praagh, producer of Ghost Whisperer, clairvoyance, medium[1047]
- Dennis Prager, fundie pundit, Jonanism, bigotry, bullshittery[1048]
- Kathleen Prasad, animal Reiki, subtle energy[1049]
- Larry Pratt, leader of Gun Owners of America, conspiracy theorist[1050]
- David Prentice, Family Research Council, stem cell research opponent[1051]
- Randall Price, discoverer one of the several Noah's Arks, Liberty University "researcher[1052]
- Bob Proctor, law of attraction[1053]
- Spike Psarris, creationist pseudoastronomy, liar for Jesus[1054]
- Georgia Purdom, YEC, AiG[1055]
- Lloyd Pye, ufologist, Anunnaki, ancient astronauts, Nibiru, ten percent myth, aliensdidit[1056]
- Hollie & Patrick Quinn, alt-med cancer woo, appeal to nature, anecdotes[1057]
- William Rader, AIDS quackery[1058]
- Dean Radin, parapsychologist, Noetic science[1059]
- Sandi Radomski, applied kinesiology[1060]
- Rainbow Eagle, MUFON, New Age, aliensdidit[1061]
- Dan Ramos, homophobe[1062]
- Fazale "Fuz" Rana, intelligent design[1063]
- Keith Raniere and NXIVM, cult[1064]
- Jon Rappoport, mind control, Big Pharma, depopulation conspiracy theory, HIV denial, antivaxxer[1065]
- David Rasnick, HIV denialist[1066]
- Tim Ravndal, extreme homophobe, Tea Party[1067]
- Gene Ray, crank magnet extraordinaire[1068]
- James Arthur Ray, self-help guru, convicted of negligent homicide for a sweat lodge that he ran[1069]
- Eric S. Raymond, climate change denialist, HIV denialist[1070]
- David Reagan, imminent rapture, end times[1071]
- Lyn Redwood (and SafeMinds), antivaxxer[1072]
- John K. Reed, creationist, presuppositionalist[1073]
- Ralph Reed, director of the Christian Coalition, religious right, persecution complex[1074]
- Scott Reed, author of The Miracle of Psycho-Command Power, early Law of Attraction/bad Psycho-Cybernetics[1075]
- Robert R. Reilly, extreme homophobe[1076]
- George Alan Rekers, homophobe, Haggard's Law[1077]
- Mary Stewart Relfe, 666, Trilateral Commission, Sex Pistols conspiracy theorist[1078]
- Stephanie & Michael Relfe, whale.to extraordinaire, psychic, reptilians[1079]
- Jeff Rense, conspiracy theorist[1080]
- Jay Richards, creationist, global warming denial[1081]
- Frances Rice, historical revisionism[1082]
- Joel Richardson, anti-abortion, Islamophobe (Islamic antichrist), WND[1083]
- David Aaron Richey, homophobe, persecution complex[1084]
- Harry Riley, ex-colonel, failed coup attempt against Obama, right-wing nuttery[1085]
- Joyce Riley, 9/11 truther, depopulation conspiracy theory[1086]
- Sandy Rios, Concerned Women for America, American Family Association, homophobe, birther, war on Christmas[1087]
- Gail Riplinger, King James Only, gematria[1088]
- Tom Ritter, creationist[1089]
- Randy Rives, creationist, Islamophobe, Texas Taliban[1090]
- Richard Rives, YEC, pseudoarchaeologist, WND[1091]
- Anthony (Tony) Robbins, self-help, NLP[1092]
- Richard Roberts, fundie son of Oral Roberts, prosperity gospel[1093]
- Gordon Robertson, fundie son of Pat Robertson, YEC[1094]
- Pat Robertson, televangelist, crank magnet[1095]
- Arthur B. Robinson, orthomolecular medicine, Oregon Petition, global warming denial, crank magnetism[1096]
- James Robison, televangelist, spiritual warfare, Presidential Prayer Team, homophobia, persecution complex[1097]
- Lew Rockwell, Ludwig von Mises Institute, cargo cult science, global warming denialism, paleo diet, raw milk, barefoot running[1098]
- Ricky Roehr, Raëlism[1099]
- Joe Rogan, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, just asking questions (JAQ)[1100]
- Jay Rogers, imprecatory prayer, dominionist, Constitution Party[1101]
- Kesha Rogers, Lyndon LaRouche, perennial candidate[1102]
- Melissa Mowrer Rogers & Kathy Heiney, homeopathy, Shoo!Tag, quantum woo[1103]
- Terry Rondberg, fringe chiropractic, antivaxxer, whale.to[1104]
- Wayne Allyn Root, conspiracy theorist, birther[1105]
- Lila Rose, conspiracy theorist, anti-abortion extremist[1106]
- Chris Rosebrough, fundie homophobe[1107]
- Ilena Rosenthal, breast implant quackery[1108]
- Gordon Ross, 9/11 truther[1109]
- Hugh Ross, old Earth creationist[1110]
- Marcus Ross, YEC[1111]
- Xzavia Ross, RE²AL WATER[1112]
- Lyle Rossiter, pseudoscience psychiatrist, WND[1113]
- Ariel Adrean Roth, creationist, flood geology, Geoscience Research Institute[1114]
- Laurie Roth, conspiracy theorist, birther, Sandy Hook massacre[1115]
- Sid Roth, Messianic Jew, endtimes, evolution conspiracy[1116]
- Hal Rounds, Tea Party, historical revisionism, American exceptionalism[1117]
- Karen Rowe et al. acupuncture with homeopathy[1118]
- Gary & Lisa Ruby, Nephilim, New World Order superconspiracy[1119]
- Peter Ruckman, King James Only, founder of the Pensacola Bible Institute[1120]
- Walt Ruloff, Newsmax, producer of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Godwin's Law, Pigasus Award[1121]
- Erik Rush, racist, islamophobe, homophobe[1122]
- Chris Rushton, creationist[1123]
- Carol Rutz, mind control, whale.to, Satanic ritual abuse, paranormal[1124]
- Bill Ryan, Project Serpo, extraterrestrials[1125]
- Kevin Ryan, 9/11 truther[1126]
- Mark Ryland, former vice-president and fellow of the Discovery Institute[1127]
- Glenn Sabin, alt-med[1128]
- Steve Sailer, VDARE, war on Christmas[1129]
- Robert Salas et al., ufologist[1130]
- Mike Salla, exopolitics[1131]
- Roger W. Sanders, creationist, baraminology, AIG[1132]
- John C. Sanford, YEC, devolution[1133]
- Rick Santorum, ex-Congress critter, dimwitted dominionist[1134]
- Bill Sardi, alt-med, health freedom, Big Pharma, antivaxer[1135]
- Robert Sarmast, Atlantis[1136]
- Michael Savage, birther, conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer[1137]
- Louis Savain, creationist, Uncommon Descent[1138]
- Gordon-Michael Scallion, self-proclaimed prophet, Atlantis[1139]
- Rick Scarborough, theocrat, anti-HPV vaccine[1140]
- Lynette Schaefer, Rapture Ready[1141]
- Jacqui Schiff, attachment therapy (reparenting), Transactional Analysis[1142]
- Lisa Schiffren, Dan Quayle speechwriter, Rick Santorum apologist, thinks Obama is a communist[1143]
- David Schippers, conspiracy theorist, TWA Flight 800, 9/11 truther[1144]
- Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia dictator, Lenski affair[1145]
- Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, Kinder, Küche, Kirche, antifeminism[1146]
- Debbie Schlussel, Islamophobia[1147]
- David Schmidt, subtle energy, detox, Suzanne Somers[1148]
- Don Schmierer, Exodus International boardmember, architect of Ugandan homophobia legislation[1149]
- David Schneider, Quantum Stirwand, chakras, vitalism[1150]
- Jim Schneider, gun nut, Gun Owners of America, Godwin's law, homophobe[1151]
- William Schnoebelen, Jack Chick cohort, went through a revolving door of religions and kook beliefs with the only constant being Ufology[1152]
- Pam Schuffert, conspiracy theorist, NWO[1153]
- Steve & Derene Schultz, dominionist prophets[1154]
- Richard Schulze, naturopath, herbalist, whale.to[1155]
- Gary Schwartz, theosophy, Waldorf education, parapsychology[1156]
- Michael Schwartz, "All pornography is homosexual pornography…"[1157]
- Melissa Scott, widow of Gene Scott, creationist[1158]
- Peter Dale Scott, conspiracy theorist, JAQ, false flag operations[1159]
- Shirley Scott, clairvoyant, medium[1160]
- Wesley Scroggins & Melissa DuVall, book censors[1161]
- Alan Sears, anti-porn, Alliance Defense Fund lawyer, WND[1162]
- Jay Seegert and the cssmwi (Creation Science Society of Milwaukee)[1163]
- Ralph Seelke, creationist expert for hire[1164]
- Chris Sevier, fundie homophobe, vexatious litigant[1165]
- Granville Sewell, intelligent design[1166]
- Malik Zulu Shabazz, c-decay creationist, New Black Panther Party, black supremacy, conspiracy theorist[1167]
- Sophia Shafquat, 9/11 truther[1168]
- Ben Shapiro, conspiracy theorist and bigot[1169]
- G. Thomas Sharp, creationist[1170]
- C. Norman Shealy, co-founder of American Holistic Medical Association[1171]
- Cindy Sheehan, 9/11 truther[1172]
- Donna Sheehan & Paul Reffell, Global Consciousness Project, Global Orgasm, quantum woo[1173]
- John Sheehan, homophobia[1174]
- Martin Sheen, 9/11 truther, homeopathy[1175]
- Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition, homosexual agenda, creationist, persecution complex[1176]
- Bruce Shelton, homeopathy, anti-vaxxer, quackery[1177]
- Daniel Shenton, flat Earther[1178]
- Frank Sherwin, Institute for Creation Research[1179]
- John Shimkus, climate change denier[1180]
- Walid Shoebat, Islamophobe, Buddhistophobe[1181]
- George Shollenberger, "scientific" proof of God[1182]
- M. Night Shyamalan, The Happening, anti-science, intelligent design[1183]
- Bart Sibrel, Moon landing hoax, famously punched in the face after harassing Buzz Aldrin[1184]
- Bernie Siegel, retired MD, New Age wishful thinking[1185]
- Shawn Sieracki, germ theory denialist, humorism[1186]
- Bob Silverstein, inedia/breatharianism, Jesus diet, urine therapy, naturopathy[1187]
- Bruce Simat, creationist "biologist"[1188]
- Geoffrey Simmons, creationist, Discovery Institute[1189]
- George R. Simpson, ex-NASA, numerologist[1190]
- S. Fred Singer, climate change denial[1191]
- Fred Skiff, creationist, professor of physics who failed at the scientific method[1192]
- Lonnie Skinner, founder of Patriot Bible University[1193]
- J.P. Skipper, Mars Anomaly Research[1194]
- Joel Skousen, nephew of W. Cleon Skousen, survivalist[1195]
- Joe H. Slate, reincarnation, astral projection, aura[1196]
- Harold Slusher, Creation Research Society[1197]
- Alice Smith, Rick Perry associate, intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, deliverance ministry[1198]
- Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust denier, former media director of Institute for Historical Review[1199]
- Chris Smith, Congress critter, sexual assault survivor should be investigated by the IRS, abortion conspiracy theorist, dominionist[1200]
- Chuck Smith, the world would end by 1981, homophobe, Jesus Freak, paranoid, co-host of the 1991 13 Volume Satanic Panic video series "Pagan Invasion"[1201]
- Craig Smith, associate of Jerome Corsi, abiotic oil, creationist, school prayer[1202]
- Jeffery Smith, Natural Law Party, genetically modified food (GMO) nuttery, yogic flying[1203]
- Jerry E. Smith, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire[1204]
- Robert Smith (no, not that loon), creationist, climate change denier[1205]
- Van Smith, Georgia Guidestones[1206]
- Wesley J. Smith, creationist human exceptionalism[1207]
- George Edward Smock, homophobe, racist fundie evangelist[1208]
- Michael T. Snyder, survivalist, Rapture Ready, tax protester[1209]
- Suzanne Somers, celebrity alt-med[1210]
- Amy Max Sorrell & Roderic Sorrell, biorhythms + I Ching[1211]
- Mark Souder, ex-Congress critter, creationist, homophobe, fundie adulterer[1212]
- Glenn Spencer, white supremacist, Minutemen, Aztlan conspiracy theory, antisemitism[1213]
- Roy Spencer, creationist, climate change denial[1214]
- Lee Spetner, creationist[1215]
- Donald Spitz, Unarius, Army of God[1216]
- Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council[1217]
- David Scott Springer, creationist at Uncommon Descent[1218]
- Fritz Springmeier, religious right-wing conspiracy theorist, violent felon, Army of God[1219]
- R. Leo Sprinkle, alien abduction[1220]
- Kim Stagliano, antivaxxer[1221]
- Ralph Gordon Stair, Christian cult leader, convicted of assault & battery, subsequently rearrested for a variety of crimes[1222]
- Jacqueline Stallone,
asstrology"rumpology", astrology palmistry[1223] - Frank Porter Stansberry, Rapture Ready, Infowars, WND[1224]
- Jelaila Starr, starseed, reptilian, colonics[1225]
- Mathew Staver, co-founder of Liberty Counsel[1226]
- Ben Stein, anti-science, Nixon henchman, start of Expelled[1227]
- Matthew Stein, alt-med, "What THEY don't want you to know"[1228]
- Richard Sternberg, creationist, persecution complex[1229]
- Henry Stevens, Holocaust denier, Nazi UFOs[1230]
- Leighton Steward & Corbin Robertson, global warming denialism, CO2 is Green[1231]
- David J. Stewart, King James Only, anti-Catholicism, attacks on fellow-Christian apologists[1232]
- Rollen Stewart, god botherer supreme, John 3:16[1233]
- Robert Stinnett, Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory, Independent Institute[1234]
- Bob Stith, liar for Jesus, homophobe[1235]
- Nicholas Stix, white supremacist, VDARE[1236]
- Kenneth Paul Stoller, anti-vaxxer, autism crankery, whale.to[1237]
- Perry Stone, fundie, Rapture Ready[1238]
- John A. Stormer, John Birch Society, End Times[1239]
- Todd Strandberg, Terry James & associates at Rapture Ready, fundamentalist Christian end times[1240]
- William Strauss & Neil Howe, cyclical theory[1241]
- Whitley Strieber, UFOlogist[1242]
- Lee Strobel, intelligent design, Christian apologetics[1243]
- Thomas M. Strouse, fundie geocentrist creationist[1244]
- Albert Stubblebine & Rima Laibow, parapsychology, Albert is one of the Men Who Stare at Goats[1245]
- Matthew Stucky, fundie, Santa Claus is satanic[1246]
- Sara Summers & Vic Taylor, free energy[1247]
- Robert Sungenis, Catholic apologist, geocentrist, Holocaust denier[1248]
- Brian Sussman, bulverist, climate change denier, anti-environmentalist[1249]
- Jimmy Swaggart, fundie creationist, repeat repentance offender[1250]
- Grant Swank, creationist, Darwin deathbed conversion[1251]
- Stewart Swerdlow, Montauk project, intuition, mind control[1252]
- Stacy Swimp, fundie homophobe[1253]
- Orly Taitz, birther, frivolous lawsuit[1254]
- Tom Tam, Tong Ren technique (acupuncture and voodoo), quantum woo[1255]
- William Tam, homophobe[1256]
- Tom Tancredo, Congress critter, nuking Mecca, pro-torture, League of the South[1257]
- Nancy Ann Tappe, Indigo children, psychic[1258]
- Bonnie Tarantino, faith healer, alt-med[1259]
- Charles Tart, parapsychology, anti-materialism[1260]
- Brice Taylor, mind control, whale.to, aspartame nuttery, herbal medicine[1261]
- Ginger Taylor, antivaxxer[1262]
- Ian Taylor, creationist[1263]
- Sherri Tenpenny, osteopath, antivaxxer[1264]
- Randall Terry & Operation Save America, theocrat, anti-abortion extremist[1265]
- Charles Thaxton, intelligent design[1266]
- Brian Thomas, YEC[1267]
- Cal Thomas, homophobia, death panels because evolution[1268]
- Colleen Thomas, defender against reptoids, FEMA death camps, crank magnetism[1269]
- Jack Thomas of non-normie.com, global warming denialism[1270]
- Rusty Lee Thomas, militant Christianity, Constitution Party[1271]
- Randy Thomasson, family values homophobia[1272]
- Bert Thompson of Apologetics Press, creationist[1273]
- Bradley Thompson, self-help, "sonic vitamins", Law of Attraction, quantum woo[1274]
- Jack Thompson, anti-video games, anti-rap, vexatious litigant[1275]
- Linda Thompson, militia movement, black helicopters, FEMA concentration camps[1276]
- Richard Thompson, Thomas More Law Center, abortion and breast cancer, persecution complex creationist[1277]
- Todd Thomsen, creationist Oklahoma state rep[1278]
- "Jackson Thoreau", Paul Wellstone conspiracy theorist[1279]
- Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, starseeds, indigo children[1280]
- William A. Tiller, subtle energy, What the Bleep Do We Know?[1281]
- Robert Tilton, infomercial televangelist[1282]
- Skip Tilton, creationist, AiG[1283]
- Frank Tipler, creationist (skewered by Martin Gardner and Michael Shermer)[1284]
- Herb Titus, reconstructionism, Regent University, Bible-based birtherism[1285]
- Renee Tocco, chiropractor, anti-vaxxer[1286]
- Jeffrey P. Tomkins, creationist[1287]
- Robin Toms, Reiki-based nursing, Kirlian photography[1288]
- John Travolta, Scientology Volunteer Minister[1289]
- Jenine Trayer, neopagan, Law of Attraction, quantum woo[1290]
- Matt Trewhella, homophobe, anti-abortion extremist ("justifiable homicide" against abortion providers)[1291]
- John Trochmann, militia movement, Y2K, sovereign citizen[1292]
- David Trosch, Catholic priest who has supporter the murder of abortion providers[1293]
- Ide Trotter and the creationists on the Texas Education Agency Science Review Board, creationism in public schools[1294]
- Kevin Trudeau, felon, conspiracy theorist, alt-med[1295]
- Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Director of Erich von Däniken's Center for Ancient Astronaut Research, Washington, D.C. street design conspiracy theory[1296]
- Frank Turek, fundie theocrat, homophobe, Islamophobe, Noah's Ark expedition[1297]
- Hal Turner, neo-Nazi[1298]
- Rocky Twyman, prayer solves everything (e.g., high gas prices)[1299]
- David Tyree, anti-same-sex marriage[1300]
- Dana Ullman, homeopathy[1301]
- Leslee Unruh, anti-abortion extremist[1302]
- Fred Upton, Congress critter, climate change denialist[1303]
- Glen Urquhart, theocrat[1304]
- Jacques Vallée, UFOlogist, Marian apparition[1305]
- Brandon Vallorani, ex-AiG, Christian Reconstructionism[1306]
- Taylore Vance & Roi Halse, laser Reiki quantum woo[1307]
- Larry Vardiman, creationist, RATE[1308]
- Jesse Ventura, conspiracy theorist[1309]
- Wes Vernon, creationist, RenewAmerica[1310]
- Vivian Vetrano, chiropractor, alt-med, raw food[1311]
- Mark Vicente, Ramtha, NXIVM, director of What the Bleep Do We Know?[1312]
- Doreen Virtue, Hay House, angel therapy, numerologist, indigo children[1313]
- Joe Vitale, law of attraction, The Secret[1314]
- Michael Voris and Churchmilitant.tv, militant Christianity, dominionism[1315]
- Gary Wade, alt-med (Rife machines, vibrational medicine), UFOlogist[1316]
- C. Peter Wagner of the New Apostolic Reformation, dominionist[1317]
- Walter Wagner, Large Hadron Collider is a doomsday machine[1318]
- Joel D. Wallach, naturopath, dietary supplement woo[1319]
- Chris Ward, exorcism, Biblical literalism, Ufology[1320]
- Mike Warnke, Satanist bullshit, Illuminati[1321]
- Rick Warren, homophobia, creationist, megachurch pastor[1322]
- Anna & Don Warrick, cultish fundies, Cadets for Christ[1323]
- Ellis Washington, WND, red-baiting[1324]
- Terry Watkins, King James Only, rock music is Satanic[1325]
- Jean Watson, therapeutic touch, vitalism[1326]
- Paul Joseph Watson of PrisonPlanet, conspiracy crank magnet[1327]
- George Weber, old Earth creationist[1328]
- Alfred Lambremont Webre, UFOlogist, 9/11 truther[1329]
- Jay Weidner, Stanley Kubrick conspiracy theorist[1330]
- David Weigand, creationist[1331]
- Richard Weikart, creationist, Discovery Institute[1332]
- Andrew Weil, alt-med[1333]
- Ronald Weinland, doomsday cult, Herbert W. Armstrong schismatist[1334]
- Laura Weise, aura, orgone, whale.to, crank magnetism[1335]
- Dave Welch, theocrat, WND, Godwin's Law, creationist, homophobe[1336]
- Jonathan Wells, intelligent design, Moonie, AIDS denialism[1337]
- Frances Cress Welsing, afrocentric melanin theory, quantum woo, vibration woo[1338]
- Charlene Werner, homeopath[1339]
- Clint Werner, marijuana woo[1340]
- Allen West, ex-Congress critter, Tea Party, conspiracy theorist[1341]
- John West, creationist, Discovery Institute[1342]
- Ron Wexler, natural disasters are God's punishment because numerology[1343]
- Cisco Wheeler (pseudonym), Illuminati, mind control[1344]
- Julian Whitaker, alt-med[1345]
- John C. Whitcomb, YEC, flooddidit[1346]
- Paula White, megachurch, prosperity gospel[1347]
- James P. Wickstrom, white supremacist, Christian Identity, perennial candidate, extreme antisemite[1348]
- Keith Wiebe, Biblical literalist, president of the American Association of Christian Schools[1349]
- Benjamin Wiker, creationist, Discovery Institute[1350]
- Ken Wilber, New Age, postmodernism[1351]
- Arizona Wilder, David Icke associate, Illuminati reptoids, unified conspiracy theory[1352]
- Don Wildmon, American Family Association[1353]
- Rick Wiles, red-baiting, fundie conspiracy theorist, Illuminati[1354]
- Teresa S. Wiley, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy[1355]
- Margaret Wille, anti-GMO conspiracy theorist[1356]
- David Williams, chiropractor, naturopathy, shark cartilage[1357]
- John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics, pseudostatistics[1358]
- Lisa Williams, psychic medium[1359]
- Ronald J. Williams, alt-med, magic healing broom[1360]
- Thompson "Tom" Willis, theocrat, creationist[1361]
- Douglas Wilson, Christian reconstructionist[1362]
- Gordon Wilson, creationist, "pathogens, parasites, and predators": Falldidit[1363]
- Oprah Winfrey, promotion of pseudoscience and woo, including antivax[1364]
- Dawn Winkler, anti-vaxxer[1365]
- Pamela Winnick, creationist, star of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed[1366]
- Kevin Wirth, creationist[1367]
- Kurt Wise, YEC, baraminologist[1368]
- Stephen Wise, creationist, ex-Florida legislator[1369]
- Terence Witt, pseudoastronomy/pseudophysics[1370]
- Fred Alan Wolf, physics and consciousness woo[1371]
- David Wolfe, alt-med crank magnet[1372]
- Todd Wood, baraminologist[1373]
- John Woodmorappe (pseudonym), creationist, baraminologist[1374]
- Tom Woodward, creationist[1375]
- Willie Wooten, fundie homophobe[1376]
- Jeremiah Wright, creationist dinosaur denialist, antisemite[1377]
- John C. Wright, homophobe, global warming denial, wifely subservience[1378]
- Jonathan V. Wright, naturopath, admitted quack (president and co-founder of the American Quack Association)[1379]
- Katie Wright, anti-vaxxer, Age of Autism[1380]
- Wendy Wright, creationist, conspiracy theorist, Concerned Women for America[1381]
- Vinstonas "Winston" Wu of SCEPCOP, pseudoskeptic, paranormal[1382]
- Mary Nell Wyatt,[note 1] Betty Rhodes et al., pseudoarcheology[1383]
- Paul Yanick, naturopath, quantum woo[1384]
- Cheri Yecke, creationist politician[1385]
- David Yerushalmi, Islamophobe, anti-sharia movement, Center for Security Policy[1386]
- Dwight York, Nuwaubianism[1387]
- D. Gary Young, alt-med crank magnetism (recently essential oils), multilevel marketing[1388]
- Jin Young, Niki Han Schwarz & Charles Schwarz, vagina steaming[1389]
- Robert O. Young, alkaline diet, live blood analysis[1390]
- Levon Yuille, fundamentalist Christian anti-hate crime legislation, creationist[1391]
- Doug Yurchey, Philadelphia Experiment, the Moon landing hoax, Stanley Kubrick conspiracy theory[1392]
- Ravi Zacharias, fundie creationist, Manhattan Declaration[1393]
- Bill Zedler, Texas legislator, creationist, homophobe[1394]
- John Zerzan, anarcho-primitivist, noble savage[1395]
- Tony Zirkle, antisemite, racist, Nazi[1396]
- Mike Zovath, creationist, Senior Vice President of Answers in Genesis[1397]
- Bernarr Zovluck, AIDS denialism, self-help/self-healing[1398]
- Henry Zuill, creationist[1399]
- Gary Zukav, Human Potential Movement[1400]
External link[edit]
See also[edit]
- ↑ Seven Dirty Words: The Life and Crimes of George Carlin by James Sullivan (2010) Da Capo Press. ISBN 9780306818295.
- ↑ Welcome to the Encyclopedia of American Loons! (May 5, 2010)
- ↑ Fredrik Haraldsen Facebook.
- ↑ Encyclopedia of American Loons (December 2010)
- ↑ chaospet About
- ↑ Encyclopedia of American Loons (December 2018)
- ↑ Fan-mail Time (February 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #1289: Gerald Aardsma (February 15, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1290: Richard Abanes (February 16, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1291: David Abel (February 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1292: Keith Ablow (February 19, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #430: Adam Abraham (February 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1293: Harry Accornero, Susan DeLeMus & the birthers in the New Hampshire House of Representatives (February 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #431: Paul Ackerman (February 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1294: Judith Acosta (February 21, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #432: Ken Adachi (February 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1295: Christopher Adamo (February 22, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #433: Cathie Adams (February 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1296: Christina Adams (February 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1297: Contessa Adams (February 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1298: Hunter Adams (February 25, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #434: Julianne Adams & Pierre Fontaine (February 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #435: Larry Adams (February 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1: Mike Adams (May 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #436: Mike S. Adams (February 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #437: Neal Adams (February 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #438: Sandy Adams (February 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #439 (?): Scott Adams (February 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #440: John Adolfi (February 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1299: E. Theo Agard (February 26, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1300: Dave Agema (February 27, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #2: Howard Ahmanson (May 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1301: Ché Ahn (February 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #441: Shawn Akers (February 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #442: Todd Akin (February 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1302: Rhoda Zione Alale (March 1, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1303: Tony Alamo (March 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1304: Mohammad al-Asi (March 3, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #3: Mohammed Al-Bayati (May 6, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1305: Jan Aldrich (March 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1306: Eben Alexander (March 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #443: Toby Alexander (February 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1307: Amy Allan & Steve DiSchiavi (March 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #444: David W. Allan (February 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1308: Sterling D. Allan (March 6, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #4: Chris Allen (May 6, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #5: Desmond Paul Allen (May 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #445: Gerald Allen (March 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1309: Jeff Allen (March 7, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1310: Lad Allen (March 8, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #446: Sylvia Allen (March 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1311: Daniel Amen (March 9, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #447: Jim Ammerman (March 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1312: George Anderson (March 10, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1313: Kerby Anderson (March 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1314: Ryan Anderson (March 12, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #6: Steven Anderson (May 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1315: Steven Andrew (March 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1316: Lynn Andrews (March 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1317: Zeeda Andrews (March 15, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1318: Rosemary Angelis (March 16, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #448: Sharron Angle (March 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1319: David Anick (March 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #449: John Ankerberg (March 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1320: Robert Antonellis (March 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #450: Rolando Arafiles (March 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #451: Jacob Aranza (March 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #452: Dianne Arcangel (March 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1321: Bill Armistead (March 18, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #453: Mark Armitage (March 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #7: William Arntz (May 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1322: Virginia Armstrong (March 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1323: Joe Arpaio (March 22, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #454: Teri Arranga (March 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #455: Barry Arrington (March 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1324: Inanna Arthen (March 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1325: Eugene C. Ashby (March 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1326: Cindy Asmussen (March 25, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1327: Ed Asner (March 26, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1328: John Assaraf (March 27, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #456: Salvador Astucia (March 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1329: Susanne Atanus (March 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #457: Sharyl Attkisson (March 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #458: Loyd Auerbach (March 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1330: Jeffry John Aufderheide (March 29, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #459: Steve Austin (March 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #460: Moshe Averick (March 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1331: Dylan Avery (March 31, 2015) EAL
- ↑ The Rapid Rise and Fall of Dylan Avery by Mike Spies 904/25/14 11:19 EST) Vocativ (archived from Novmeber 20, 2014).
- ↑ #461: Jackie Avis & The Lily Dale Community (March 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1332: David Awbrey (April 1, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #8: Douglas Axe (May 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #462: David Ayoub (March 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1333: Stephen B. Ayre (April 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #463: Marcus Bachmann (March 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #9: Michele Bachmann (May 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1334: Joseph Backholm (April 3, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1335: Holly A. Bacon and anyone else who market black salves as cancer cures (April 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #10: Ted Baehr (May 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #11: Arthur M. Baker (May 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1336: Dean Bailey (April 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1337: Larry Bailey (April 6, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1338: James D. Baird & Laurie Nadel (April 7, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1339: Ron Baity (April 9, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #464: C.B. Baker (March 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #465: Jim Bakker (March 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #12: Chuck Baldwin (May 12, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #466: Stephen Baldwin (March 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1340: Steve Baldwin (April 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1341: Timothy Ballard (April 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1342: David Balsiger (April 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #467: Richard Bandler (March 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #468: Bill Banuchi (March 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #469: Mike Bara (March 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1343: Matthew Baral (April 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #13: Matt Barber (May 13, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1344: Clarence Barinowski (April 18, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #470: Keith Barr (March 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1345: Toni Bark (April 19, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1346: Ralph Barker (April 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1347: Carol Barnes (April 21, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1348: Hank Barnes (April 22, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1349: Tommy & Matthew Barnett (April 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1350: Carla Baron (April 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1351: Kevin Barrett (April 26, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1352: Jon Barron (April 27, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1353: Jay Bartlett (April 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #471: Jonathan Bartlett (March 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #472: James Bartley (March 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #14: David Barton (May 17, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #473: Joe Barton (March 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1354: Shiva Barton (April 29, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #474: Andrew Basiago (March 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1355: Ellen Bass & Laura Davis (May 1, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1356: Robert W. Bass (May 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1357: Joe Bast (May 3, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1358: Doug Batchelor (May 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #15: Gary Bates (May 17, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #475: Gary Bauer (March 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #16: Henry Bauer (May 18, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #476: Carl Baugh (March 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #477: John Baumgardner (March 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #478: Robert Beale (March 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1359: Lindy Beam May 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #479: Mike Beard (with Joe Read) March 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #480: Tom Bearden (March 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #17: Glenn Beck (May 19, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1360: Martin "Red" Beckman & William J. Benson (May 6, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #18: Michael Bernard Beckwith (May 21, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1361: Bruce Bedinger (May 7, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1362: Al Bedrosian (May 9, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1363: Pieder Beeli (May 10, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #481: Jim Beers (March 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #19: Nick Begich (May 21, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #482: Paul Begley (March 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #20: Michael Behe (May 22, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #483: E. Calvin Beisner (March 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #484: Bill Belew (March 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #485: Michael Belkin & The Refusers (March 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #486: Art Bell (March 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #21: Fred Bell (May 26, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1364: Iris Bell (May 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #487: Mark Russell Bell (March 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1365: Raymond Bell (May 12, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1366: Richard Bell (May 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1367: Robert Scott Bell (May 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1368: Joel Belz (May 15, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #488: Daryl Bem (March 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #489: Eliana Benador (March 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #490: John Benefiel (March 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #491: Flip Benham (March 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #22: John Benneth (May 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #492: Stephen Bennett (April 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1369: Yosef Ben-Jochannan (May 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1370: Ken Bennett (May 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1371: Jonathan Benson (May 19, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #493: Alex Benzer (April 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #494: Philip J. Berg (April 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1372: Becky Berger (May 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1373: Jerry Bergevin (May 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #23: Jerry Bergman (May 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #495: George Berkin (April 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #24: David Berlinski (May 31, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1374: Brian Berman (May 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #25: Leo Berman (May 31, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #496: Jason Bermas (April 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1375: Sallie Bernard (May 25, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #26: Rosalie Bertell (May 31, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1376: Mark Bertolini (May 26, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1377: F. Kenton Beshore (May 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1378: John Best (May 29, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #497: Tom Bethell (April 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #498: Anne Beversdorf (April 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1379: Mayim Bialik (May 30, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #499: Harvey Bialy (April 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #500: Mike Bickle (April 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1380: Paula Bickle (June 1, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1381: Mark C. Biedebach (June 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #27: Al Bielek (June 4, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #28: Don Bierle (June 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1382: Robert Bigelow(?) (June 3, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #30: Mark Biltz (June 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1383: Wendell Bird (June 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1384: Timothy Birdnow (June 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #501: Timothy Birdsall (April 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1385: Phillip Bishop EAL
- ↑ #502: Don Black (April 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #503: Jim Nelson Black (April 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1387: Joshua Black (June 12, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1386: Dick Black (June 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #504: Ken Blackwell (April 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1388: Paul Blair (June 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1389: Jill Blakeway (June 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #29: Mark Blaxill (June 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #505: Russell Blaylock (April 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #506: Edward Blick (April 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1390: Gary Blier (June 15, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1391: Richard Bliss (June 16, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1392: Norman "Rod" Block (June 18, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1393: Fred Bloem (June 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #507: Terry Blodgett & the Origin of Nations people (April 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1394: John Bloom (June 21, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1395: Dave Blount (June 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #508: Ralph Blum (April 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1396: Wayne Boettcher (June 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #509: Ray Bohlin (April 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1397: Gary Boisclair (June 25, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #31: Tim Bolen (June 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1398: Ty Bollinger (June 27, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #32: Christopher Bollyn (June 4, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #510: Arch Bonnema (April 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #33: Alan Bonsell (June 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #34: Pat Boone (June 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #1399: David Booth (June 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #511: Xavier Borg (April 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #512: Joel Borofsky (April 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #513: Shmuley Boteach (April 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1400: Leslie Botha (June 29, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1401: Edward Boudreau (June 30, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #35: William G. Boykin (June 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #514: L. Brent Bozell III (April 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #515: Gregg Braden (April 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #516: Nathan Bradfield (April 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #517: Robert Bradford (April 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #518: Don Bradley (April 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #519: Joe Brandon Jr. & Kevin Fisher (April 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #520: Michael Bray (April 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #521: Josh Brecheen (April 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #522: Barbara Brennan (April 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #523: Michael Bresciani (April 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #524: David Brickner (April 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #525: Dannion Brinkley (April 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #526: Kyle Bristow (April 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #527: Stephen Broden (April 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #528: Tal Brooke (April 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #529: Amber Brooks & Charles Chapple (April 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #36: Troy Brooks (June 12, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #37: Wiley Brooks (June 13, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #530: Paul Broun (April 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #531: Brian Brown (May 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #532: Courtney Brown (May 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #533: Edward & Elaine Brown (May 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #534: Judie Brown and the American Life League (May 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #535: Rebecca Brown (May 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #536: Tom Brown, Jr. (May 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #537: Walt Brown (May 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #38: Sam Brownback (June 17, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #39: Sylvia Browne (June 18, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #538: Lawrence Broxmeyer (May 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #40: Caleb Lee Brundidge (June 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #539: Rosalyn Bruyere (May 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #540: Anita Bryant (May 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #41: Nancy Bryson (June 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #42: Pat Buchanan (July 13, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #43: William (Bill) Buckingham (July 20, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #541: Jon Buell (May 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #542: Cory Burnell (May 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #543: Dan Burton (May 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #544: Stanislaw Burzynski (?) (May 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #545: Keith Butler (May 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #44: Tom and Lisa Butler (July 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #546: Kyle Butt (May 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #45: Rashid Buttar (July 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #547: Chris Buttars (May 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #548: Rod Butterworth (May 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #46: Harold Buttram (July 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #47: Arthur Butz (August 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #48: Bradley Byrne (August 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #549: Larry Caldwell (May 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #49: Roger J. Callahan & Gary Craig (August 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #550: Wendy Callahan (May 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #551: John Calvert (May 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #552: Brian Camenker (May 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #50: Kirk Cameron (August 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #553: Paul Cameron (May 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #554: Vinoo Cameron (May 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #51: John Angus Campbell (August 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #555: Dennis Campbell (May 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #556: Natasha Campbell-McBride (May 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #52: Harold Camping (August 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #557: Leonso Canales Jr. (May 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #53: Alan Cantwell (August 23, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #54: Fritjof Capra (August 31, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #55: Thomas A. Carder (September 15, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #56: Barbara Cargill (September 15, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #558: Rebecca Lee Carley (May 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #57: Russell Carlson (September 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #58: Jim Carrey (September 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #59: Lee Carroll and Kryon (September 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #60: Robert Carter (September 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #61: Willis Allison Carto (September 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #62: Jack Cashill (October 1, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #559: Gary Cass (May 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #560: David Castillo (May 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #561: Greg Caton (May 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #63: Kristia Cavere (October 2, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #562: Neil Cavuto (May 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #64: Gerald Celente (October 2, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #563: Morris Cerullo (May 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #65: Tim Chaffey (October 2, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #66: Joseph Chambers (October 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #67: Bruce Chapman (October 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #68: Betsy Chasse (October 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #564: Jane Chastain (May 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #69: Liz Cheney (October 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #565: Brian Cherry (May 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #566: Reyna Chicas (May 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #70: Jack Chick (October 7, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #567: Clenard Childress (May 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #568: Nalini Chilkov (May 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #71: Gary Chism (October 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #569: Warren Chisum (May 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #570: Donald Chittick (May 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #571: Alex Chiu (May 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #72: Deepak Chopra (October 8, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #572: Kiril Chukanov (May 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #573: Dawson Church (May 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #574: J. R. Church & Gary Stearman (May 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #575: Clifford Clift & MUFON (May 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #576: Stephen Co & Eric Robins (May 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #73: Tom Coburn (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #577: Chip Coffey & Lisa Miller (June 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #578: Harold G. Coffin (June 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #74: Andrew Cohen (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #579: Richard Cohen (June 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #75: Don Colbert (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #580: Gene Wall Cole (June 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #76: John Coleman (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #77: William B. Collier (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #78: Charles Colson (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #79: Ray Comfort (October 9, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #582: Debby & Mark Constantino (June 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #583: Ronald Conte Jr. (June 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #80: Kenneth & Gloria Copeland (October 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #584: James Corbett (June 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #81: Salvador "Sal" Cordova (October 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #82: Billy Corgan (October 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #83: Bob Cornuke (October 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #585: Felipe Coronel (June 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #84: Jerome Corsi (October 11, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #586: Lita Cosner (June 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #85: Martin Cothran (October 12, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #587: Ann Coulter (June 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #588: Gabriel Cousens (June 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #86: Robert Haig Coxon (October 18, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #589: Josh Craddock (June 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #590: Kevin Craig (June 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #591: W. Gary Crampton (June 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #592: Charles Creager Jr. (June 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #593: Michael A. Cremo (June 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #594: Daniel C. Criswell (June 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #595: Caroline Crocker (June 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #87: Don & Carol Croft (October 18, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #596: Donald Crosby (June 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #597: Jake Crosby (June 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #598: Paul Crouch (June 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #88: John Crowder (October 25, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #89: Robert Crowther (October 25, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #90: Tom Cruise (October 25, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #91: Ken Cuccinelli (October 25, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #92: Rebecca Culshaw (November 4, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #599: Constance Cumbey (June 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #600: Bill Cunningham (June 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #601: Jack Cuozzo (June 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #602: Candi Cushman (June 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #93: Brad Dacus (November 4, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #94: Peter D'Adamo (November 4, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #603: Curtis Dahlgren (June 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #604: Ed Dames (June 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #605: Charlie Daniels (June 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #95: Kimberly Daniels (November 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #606: Larry Darby (June 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #607: Dave Daubenmire (June 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #608: Avi Davis (June 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #609: Cynthia Davis (June 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #610: James Davis (June 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #96: John Davis (November 10, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #611: Percival Davis (June 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #612: Stephen Davis (June 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #97: John A. Davison (November 14, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #98: Lorraine Day (November 14, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #99: Vox Day (and his dad) (November 20, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #613: Bradlee Dean (June 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #614: Brennan Dean (June 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #100: Tom DeLay (November 21, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #615: Eugene Delgaudio (June 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #101: Randy Demain (November 22, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #102: Gary DeMar (November 23, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #103: William "Bill" Dembski (November 23, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #616: Nancy Leigh DeMoss (June 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #617: Ken DeMyer (June 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #104: Tom DeRosa (November 24, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #618: George Deutsch (June 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #619: David DeWitt (July 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #620: David DeWolf (July 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #621: Penna Dexter (July 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #105: Donald B. "Don" DeYoung (November 24, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #622: Jimmy DeYoung (July 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #623: Harvey & Marilyn Diamond (July 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #624: Mark Dice (July 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #625: Maxine Dietrich (July 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #626: Thomas DiLorenzo (July 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #627: Joseph "Joe" Dispenza (July 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #106: Brendan Dixon (November 24, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #107: James Dobson (November 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #628: Michael J. Dochniak & Denise H. Dunn (July 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #108: Creflo & Taffi Dollar (November 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #109: Bill (William A.) Donohue (November 28, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #110: Larry Dossey (November 29, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #629: Russell Doughten (July 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #112: Robert Dowling (November 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #630: Mark Downey (July 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #113: Wiley Drake (November 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #631: K. Eric Drexler (?) (July 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #632: Thomas Droleskey (July 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #633: Michael Drosnin (July 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #114: Dinesh D'Souza (November 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #634: Allison DuBois (July 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #635: Daymond & Rachel Duck (July 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #115: Peter Duesberg (November 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #636: Gordon Duff (July 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #637: Kevin DuJan (July 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #116: David Duke (November 30, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #117: Cynthia Dunbar (December 1, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #638: Rex Duncan (July 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #639: Tim Dunkin (July 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #640: Bob Dutko (July 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #641: Mason Howe Dwinell (July 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #642: Donald J. Eckard (July 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #118: John Edward (December 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #119: Michael Egnor (December 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #643: John Eidsmoe (July 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #644: Laura Magdalene Eisenhower (July 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #645: Mayer Eisenstein (July 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #120: Dallas Ellis (December 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #121: Joe Ellison (December 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #646: Michael Ellner (July 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #647: Paul Ellwanger (July 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #648: Roger Elvick (July 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #122: Trace & Beth Embry (December 5, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #123: Dave Emory (December 27, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #649: Lou Engle (July 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #650: John Ennis (August 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #651: Bob Enyart (August 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #652: Werner Erhard (August 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #653: Erick Erickson (August 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #654: Jose Escamilla (August 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #655: Dean Esmay (August 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #656: Tom Estes (August 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #657: Thomas Euteneuer (August 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #658: Kim Evans (August 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #659: Don Ewert (August 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #660: Gary Ezzo (August 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #661: Mary Fallin (August 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #124: Anna Falling (December 27, 2010) EAL
- ↑ #125: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Jonathan Falwell (January 9, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #126: Joseph Farah (January 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #127: Celia Farber (January 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #128: Louis Farrakhan (January 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #662: Michael Farris (August 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #663: Paul Fassa (August 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #664: Don Feder (August 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #665: Lauren Feder (August 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #666: Robert W. Felix (August 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #667: Lowell "Jack" Fellure (August 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #668: James Fetzer (August 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #669: Sadie Fields (August 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #670: Tom Fife (August 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #129: Deborah Owens Fink (January 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #671: Dee Finney (August 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #672: Raymond Finney (August 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #673: Becky Fischer (August 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #130: Bryan Fischer (January 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #131: Barbara Loe Fisher (January 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #674: Patricia Fitzgerald (August 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #132: Walter Fitzpatrick (and Carl Swensson and the AGJ) (January 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #675: Michael Flannery (August 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #676: David Flynn (August 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #133: Gerald Flurry (January 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #677: Randy Forbes (August 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #678: Glib Fortuna (real name?) and the StACLU (August 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #679: Ezola Foster (August 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #680: Virginia Foxx (August 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #681: Wayne Frair (August 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #682: Joseph W. Francis (August 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #683: Trent Franks (August 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #684: David Freedman (August 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #685: Moshe Frenkel (August 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #686: Todd Friel (August 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #687: Arno Froese (September 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #688: Mary Frost (September 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #134: Ralph Fucetola (January 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #135: Hugh Fudenberg (January 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #136: Steve Fuller (January 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #689: Michael Fumento (September 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #137: John Funk (January 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #690: Frank Gaffney (September 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #138: Richard Gage (January 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #139: Maggie Gallagher (January 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #691: Victoria Gallagher (September 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #692: Carl Gallups (September 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #140: Ann Gauger (January 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #693: Joel Garbon and the New Energy Movement (September 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #694: Jim Garlow (September 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #141: David & Mark Geier (January 28, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #695: Norman Geisler (September 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #142: Pam Geller (January 30, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #696: Robert V. Gentry (September 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #143: William Gheen (February 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #697: Charlotte Gerson (September 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #698: Hutton Gibson (September 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #144: Janice L. Gibson (February 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #699: L. James Gibson & the Geoscience Research Institute (September 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #145: Mel Gibson (February 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #700: Mitchell E. Gibson (September 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #701: Louie Giglio (September 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #702: Charles Gilchrist (September 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #146: George Gilder (February 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #147: Doug Giles (February 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #703: Alan Gillen (September 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #704: Patrick Gillen (September 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #148: Scott Gillis (February 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #705: Newt Gingrich (September 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #706: Samuel C. Gipp (September 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #707: Roberto Giraldo (September 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #149: Duane Gish (February 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #150: Michael Glatze (February 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #151: Gary Glenn (February 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #708: Peter Glickman (September 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #152: Ron Godwin (February 20, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #153: Louie Gohmert (February 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #154: Mark Gold (February 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #709: Burton Goldberg (September 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #710: Jonathan Goldman (September 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #155: Guillermo Gonzalez (February 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #711: Joel González (September 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #712: Nicholas González (September 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #713: Peter Goodgold (September 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #714: Richard Gordon (September 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #715: Tipper Gore (September 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #155.5: Bill Gothard (February 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #716: Rosalee Grable (September 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #156: Franklin Graham (February 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #157: Ron Graham (February 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #717: Tim Graham (September 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #158: George Grant (February 25, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #718: Robert Grant (September 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #719: Steven Grant (September 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #720: Randy Gray (September 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #159: Harold Green (February 25, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #721: Jim & Lila Green (September 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #160: David Ray Griffin (February 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #722: Des Griffin (September 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #723: G. Edward Griffin (September 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #724: Jackson K. Grimes (September 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #725: David Grisham (September 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #161: Marc Grizzard (February 28, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #162: Lee Grossman (March 2, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #726: Stefan Grossman (September 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #727: Jeffrey Grupp (September 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #728: John Guardiano (September 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #729: Mimi Guarneri (September 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #730: Randy Guliuzza (September 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #731: Nick Haas (September 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #163: Louise Kuo Habakus (March 2, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #732: Julie Haberle (September 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #733: Anne Habermehl (September 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #734: John Hagee (October 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #735: John Hagelin (October 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #736: Rebecca Hagelin (October 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #164: Ted Haggard (?) (March 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #165: Wilfred Hahn (March 10, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #737: Boyd Haley (October 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #738: Marshall Hall (October 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #739: Mike Hallett (October 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #166: Ken Ham (March 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #740: Ernest Hancock (October 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #167: J.B. Handley (March 16, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #742: Carl Hangee-Bauer (October 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #741: Hank Hanegraaff (October 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #168: Sean Hannity (March 16, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #743: James N. Hansen & Gerardus Bouw (October 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #169: Robert Hansen (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #744: Rebecca Hardcastle & Terri Mansfield (October 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #170: Tom Harkin (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #171: Tim Harlow (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #745: Katherine Harris (October 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #746: Will Hart (October 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #172: James Hartline (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #747: Vicky Hartzler (October 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #748: Linda Harvey (October 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #749: Arthur Hastings (October 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #750: John Hawkins (October 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #751: Yisrayl Hawkins (October 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #173: Louise Hay (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #752: Jack Hayford (October 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #753: Mark Hazlewood (October 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #754: Joel Heck (October 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #174: Peter Heck (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #755: Kent Heckenlively (October 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #756: David Hedrick (October 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #757: Joan Farr Heffington (October 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #758: Bob Henderson (October 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #175: Esther Hicks (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #759: Peter Hendrickson (October 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #760: Tom Hennigan (October 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #761: Eva Herr (October 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #762: Reed Heustis (October 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #763: Sander Hicks October 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #764: Laurie Higgins (October 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #765: Larry Hill (October 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #766: David de Hilster (October 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #767: Benny Hinn (October 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #176: Richard C. Hoagland (March 18, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #177: Bodie Hodge (March 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #768: Michael A. Hoffman II (October 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #769: Jim Hoft (October 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #770: Ted Holden (October 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #771: Mary Holland (October 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #772: Kent Holtorf (October 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #178: Arthur David Horn (March 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #179: Leonard "Len" Horowitz (March 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #773: Neal Horsley (October 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #774: Arlin Horton (October 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #775: Steve Hotze (October 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #776: Jean Houston (November 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #180: Eric Hovind, (March 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #181: Kent Hovind (March 25, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #182: Barbara Marx Hubbard (March 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #777: Robert Howard (November 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #778: Brannon Howse (November 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #183: Mike Huckabee (March 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #779: David Hudson (November 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #780: Arianna Huffington (November 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #781: Hal A. Huggins (November 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #782: Janet Starr Hull (November 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #184: Brit Hume (April 1, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #185: Russell Humphreys (April 6, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #783: Suzanne Humphries (November 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #784: Dave Hunt (November 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #785: Samuel Hunt (November 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #786: Cornelius Hunter (November 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #186: Lawrence Huntoon (April 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #787: Terry Hurlbut (November 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #788: Ken Hutcherson (November 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #187: George Hutchins (April 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #188: Fred Hutchison (April 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #789: Mark Hyman (November 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #189: Thomas Ice (April 9, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #790: Max Igan (November 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #791: Jack Van Impe (November 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #792: Deirdre Imus (November 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #190: James Inhofe (April 11, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #793: Tony Isaacs (November 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #191: Charles Jackson (April 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #794: E. W. Jackson (November 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #192: Victoria Jackson (April 15, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #795: Cindy Jacobs (November 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #796: David Michael Jacobs (November 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #797: Annie Jacobsen (November 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #798: Kathleen Jacoby (November 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #799: Cynthia A. Janak (November 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #800: Arthur Janov (November 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #801: William Jasper (November 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #802: Nathan Jastram (November 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #193: Nathaniel Jeanson (April 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #803: Ross Jeffries (November 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #804: Warren Jeffs (November 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #805: Paul Jehle (November 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #806: Bobby Jindal (November 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #807: Donald E. Johnson (November 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #194: Phillip Johnson (May 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #195: Robert Bowie Johnson Jr. (May 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #808: Michael Johnston (November 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #809: Heather Johnstone (November 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #196: Marie Jon (May 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #197: Alex Jones (May 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #810: Laurie Beth Jones (November 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #198: Steven E. Jones (May 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #811: Terry Jones (November 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #812: Timothy Jones (December 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #813: Henry Jordan (December 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #814: Joshua Joscelyn(?) (December 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #199: Rick Joyner (May 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #815: Gary Kah (December 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #200: Jon Kaiser (May 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #201: Ed Kalnins (May 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #816: Donna Karan (December 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #817: Byron Katie (December 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #818: David Katz (December 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #819: Dwight Kehoe (December 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #820: Bill Keith (December 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #202: William Herbert "Bill" Keller (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #203: Jack Kelley (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #821: Loretta Kemsley (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #822: Paul Kengor (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #823: Doug Kennard (December 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #204: Robert Kennedy Jr. (May 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #824: Dean Kenyon (December 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #825: Douglas Kenyon & the people at Atlantis Rising (December 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #826: Sally Kern (December 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #205: Eric Keroack (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #827: Roy Kerry (December 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #206: Alan Keyes (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #828: Kelly Khuri (December 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #829: Larry Kilgore (December 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #830: Brian Kilmeade (December 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #207: Linda Kimball (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #208: Cliff Kincaid (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #831: Alveda King (December 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #832: Andrea Shea King (December 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #833: Atiba King (December 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #209: Steve King (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #834: Jack Kingston (December 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #210: Marcel Kinsbourne (May 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #211: Les Kinsolving (May 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #212: David Kirby (May 24, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #835: Berit Kjos (December 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #213: Larry Klayman (May 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #214: Aaron Klein (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #836: Joseph Klein (December 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #837: Peter Klevberg (December 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #215: Gordon Klingenschmitt (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #216: David Klinghoffer (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #217: Dennis Paul Knicely (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #218: Judy Zebra "JZ" Knight (May 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #838: Robert Knight (December 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #839: Jake Knotts (December 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #840: Marion Knox (December 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #841: Mark Koernke (December 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #842: Kelly Kohls (December 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #843: Gary Kompothecras (December 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #844: Gene Koonce (December 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #845: Jay Kordich (December 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #846: Jason Nicholas Korning (?*) (December 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #219: Joe Kovacs (May 30, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #847: Robert J. Krakow (December 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #848: Lorie Kramer (December 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #220: Gary Kreep (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #849: Arthur Krigsman (December 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #221: David Kupelian (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #222: Stanley Kurtz (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #850: Ray Kurzweil (December 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #851: Michio Kushi (December 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #223: Peter LaBarbera (May 31, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #852: Vasant Lad (January 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #224: Andrea Lafferty (June 1, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #853: Christopher LaFond (January 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #854: Beverly LaHaye (January 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #225: Tim LaHaye (June 13, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #855: Peter & Paul Lalonde (January 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #856: Guylaine Lanctot (January 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #857: Richard Land (January 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #858: William Lane (January 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #226: Christopher M. Langan (June 16, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #859: Amy Lansky (January 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #227: Robert Lanza (June 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #860: Wayne LaPierre (January 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #861: Daniel Lapin (January 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #228: Lyndon LaRouche (June 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #862: Bob Larson (January 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #863: John Lash (January 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #864: Jonathan Latham & Allison Wilson (January 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #865: Gene Latimer (January 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #229: Wayne Laugesen (June 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #230: Marcus Laux (July 11, 011) EAL
- ↑ #866: Karen Lawson, Jacob Mirman, and the University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality & Healing (January 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #867: Robert Lazar] (January 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #231: Dave Leach (and Scott Roeder) (July 11, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #868: Jennifer LeClaire (January 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #232: Brock Lee (July 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #869: Laura Lee (January 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #870: Robert T. Lee (January 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #871: Kim Lehman (January 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #233: Mary Leitao (July 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #234: Terri Leo (August 3, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #872: Paul LePage (January 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #873: Lawrence LeShan (January 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #874: Fred Leuchter (January 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #875: Douglas Levesque (January 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #876: Jahn Levin (January 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #877: Mark Levin (January 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #235: Yehuda Levin (August 8, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #878: Pepper Lewis (January 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #236: Jonathan Levy (August 13, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #879: Nancy Lieder (January 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #237: Dan Lietha (August 16, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #880: Jean K. Lightner (January 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #881: Charles LiMandri (January 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #882: David Limbaugh (January 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #238: Rush Limbaugh (August 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #883: Rena Lindevaldsen (January 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #884: Hal Lindsey (January 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #885: James Linzey (January 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #886: Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson (January 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #239: Jason Lisle (August 28, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #887: Yingguang Liu (January 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #240: Scott Lively (August 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #888: Dana Loesch (January 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #241: John Lofton (August 29, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #889: Margaret Lofton and the creationists on the Polk County School Board (January 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #242: Eddie L. Long (August 30, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #890: Jody A. & Jeffrey P. Long (January 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #891: Mark Looy (January 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #892: Kathryn Jean Lopez (January 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #893: Eve Lorgen (January 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #894: Clyde Lott (January 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #895: Gina Loudon (January 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #243: Sue Lowden (and her opponent during the nominations) (September 5, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #896: Gail Lowe (January 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #244: Marvin Lubenow (September 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #897: Bill Lucas & the "Common Sense" Scientists (January 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #898: Ron Luce (February 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #245: Nancy Luft (September 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #246: Casey Luskin (September 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #899: William Lyne (February 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #900: Barry Lynes (February 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #901: John MacArthur (February 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #902: Shirley MacLaine (February 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #903: Madonna (February 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #247: Bill Maher (September 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #904: Patrick J. Mahoney (February 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #248: Bruce Malone (September 17, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #905: Guy Malone (February 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #249: Christopher Maloney (September 26, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #906: Frank Mangano (February 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #907: Andrew Maniotis (February 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #908: Richard Mann (February 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #250: James David Manning (October 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #251: Jeane Manning (October 13, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #909: Basil Marceaux (February 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #253: Bryan K. Marcia (October 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #910: Lloyd Marcus (February 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #911: A. Jan Marcussen (February 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #254: Jan Markell (October 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #912: Joseph "Doc" Marquis (February 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #255: Robert J. Marks II (October 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #913: Jim Marrs (February 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #914: Texe Marrs (February 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #256: Bob Marshall (October 23, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #257: Perry Marshall (November 2, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #258: Peter Marshall (November 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #915: Al Martin (February 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #916: Andy Martin (February 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #917: Rod J. Martin (February 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #918: Ray Martinez (February 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #919: Betty Martini (February 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #920: Linda Masse (February 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #921: Mychal Massie (February 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #922: Roy Masters (February 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #923: Joseph Mastropaolo (February 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #259: Mark Mathis (November 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #924: Mark Matthews (February 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #925: Wayne May (February 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #260: Susan Mazur (November 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #926: Clint McCance (February 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #927: James McCanney (February 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #261: Dennis McCarthy and the EErs (November 14, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #262: Jenny McCarthy (November 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #928: Bill McCartney (February 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #929: Mary Sue McClurkin (February 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #930: Kevin McCullough (February 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #263: Joslin "Josh" McDowell (November 19, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #264: Sean McDowell (November 22, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #931: Ryan McGinty (February 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #266: Cynthia McKinney (November 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #932: Kelly McKennon (February 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #267: Adam McLeod (November 27, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #268: Don McLeroy (November 30, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #933: Jake McMillan (February 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #934: Bill McNamara (February 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #935: Lynne McTaggart (February 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #936: John McTernan (March 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #269: Sean Meek (December 7, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #937: Ron McVan (March 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #938: Lewis Mehl-Madrona (March 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #939: James L. Melton (March 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #940: Michael Menkin (March 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #270: David Menton (December 9, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #271: Angus Menuge (December 21, 2011) EAL
- ↑ #941: Lee Mercer (March 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #942: Tom Metzger (March 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #275: Joyce Meyer (January 11, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #276: Stephen Meyer (January 17, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #944: Johanna Michaelsen (March 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #945: David Mihalovic (March 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #277: Lionel Milgrom (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #946: Betty Miller (March 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #947: David Wynn Miller (March 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #948: Dianne Miller (March 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #949: Donald W. Miller (March 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #278: Kevin Miller (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #950: Neil Z. Miller & Gary S. Goldman (March 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #951: Russ Miller (March 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #952: Steve Milloy (March 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #953: Gene Mills & Dale Bayard (March 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #279: Scott Minnich (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #954: Jack Minor (March 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #955: Ruth Minshull (March 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #956: Jeff Mirus (March 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #957: David Miscavige (March 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #281: Edgar Mitchell (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #958: Jason "Molotov" Mitchell (March 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #280: Chuck Missler (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #959: Albert Mohler (March 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #960: George Montañez(?) (March 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #961: Stanley Monteith (March 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #962: Melonie Montgomery (March 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #963: Raymond Moody (March 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #282: Glenn Moon (January 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #283: Sun Myung Moon, his followers, admirers and associates (January 23, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #284: Richard Moore (January 25, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #285: Roy Moore (January 28, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #964: Marc Morano (March 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #286: J.P. Moreland (February 1, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #965: Michael Moriarty (March 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #287: Andreas Moritz (February 1, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #966: Robert Morley (March 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #288: John D. Morris (February 2, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #289: Peter Morrison (February 2, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #290: Terry Mortenson (February 6, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #967: John Morton (March 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #968: Steven W. Mosher (March 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #969: Melvin Mulder (March 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #970: John Mullen (March 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #971: Kary Mullis (March 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #972: Ray Mummert (March 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #973: Bill Murchison (March 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #974: Lawrence S. Myers (March 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #291: Caroline M. Myss (February 8, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #975: Sheri Nakken (March 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #976: Diana Napolis (March 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #977: Andrew Napolitano (March 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #292: Council Nedd II (February 8, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #293: Paul Nelson (February 8, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #294: William Nelson (February 9, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #978: Issam Nemeh (March 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #295: Marc Neumann (February 10, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #979: Jerry Newcombe (March 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #980: Joe Newman (Monday, March 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #981: Robert C. Newman (March 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #296: Preston Nichols (February 10, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #982: Don Nicoloff (April 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #983: Sheldan Nidle (April 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ [#984: Richard Niemtzow] (April 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #297: Kurt Nimmo (February 12, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #985: James I. Nienhuis (April 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #986: David Noebel (April 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #298: George Noory (February 14, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #299: Chuck Norris (February 14, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #300: Dan Nuckols (February 20, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #987: John Nolte (April 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #988: Richard Noone (April 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #989: Gary North (April 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #990: Christiane Northrup (April 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #991: John de Nugent (April 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #301: Ted Nugent (February 20, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #302: Gary Null (February 24, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #992: Marc Nuttle (April 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #303: Michael Oard (February 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #993: Raymond Obomsawin (April 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #994: Julie Obradovic (April 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #995: Cathy O'Brien (April 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #996: Joan Ocean (April 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #304: Christine O'Donnell (March 2, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #997: Dan O'Dowd (April 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #998: Marvin Olasky (April 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #305: Denyse O’Leary (March 2, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #306: Dan Olmsted (March 5, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #307: Ross Olson (March 6, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #999: David Openheimer (April 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #308: Bill O'Reilly (March 12, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1000: Jane Orient (April 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #309: Dean Ornish (?) (March 12, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1001: Leonard Orr & Sondra Ray (April 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1002: Ariel Torres Ortega (April 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1003: Alex Ortner (April 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1004: Tim O'Shea (April 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #310: Todd Ovokaitys (March 13, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1005: William Owens Jr. (April 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1006: Mehmet Oz (April 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #311: William R. Pabst (March 17, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1007: Charles L. Pack (April 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1008: Boyd Packer (April 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #312: Frank Page (March 17, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1009: Michael Pakaluk (April 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1010: Larry Palevsky (April 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #313: Sarah Palin (March 21, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1011: Harry Palmer (April 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1012: Que Te "Andrew" Park (April 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #314: Rod Parsley (March 29, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1013: David Paszkiewicz (April 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1015: Ron Patton (April 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1014: Alice Patterson (April 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1016: Ron Paul (April 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1017: Katie Pavlich (April 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1018: Steve & Erin Pavlina (April 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1019: Steve Pearce (April 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1020: Nancy Pearcey (April 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #315: Ed Peltzer (March 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1021: Michael & Debi Pearl (May 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #316: Tony Perkins (April 4, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1022: Michael Peroutka (May 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #317: Rick Perry (April 9, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1023: Dennis Petersen (#1023: Dennis Petersen) EAL
- ↑ #1024: Douglas Peterson (May 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #318: David J. Pesek (and the "Quantum University") (April 14, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1025: Kevin Pezzi (May 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1026: Michael Pfeifer (May 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1027: Donald Phau (May 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #319: Eric Jon Phelps (April 19, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #320: Fred Phelps (April 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1029: Phil Phillips (May 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1030: Chuck Pierce (May 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #321: Carter Phipps (April 24, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1031: Ted Pike (May 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #322: Srinivasan Pillay (April 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #323: Jim Pinkoski (April 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #324: Stuart Pivar (April 29, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1032: John Piper (May 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1033: Linda Polley (May 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1034: Wendy Pollock & the Homeopaths Without Borders (May 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1035: Dale Pond (May 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1036: Peter Popoff (May 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #325: Janet Porter (May 8, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1037: Boone Powell & Barry Rand (May 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1038: James van Praagh (May 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1039: Dennis Prager (May 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1040: Kathleen Prasad (May 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1041: Larry Pratt (May 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #326: David Prentice (May 14, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #327: Randall Price (May 17, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #328: Bob Proctor (May 17, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1042: Spike Psarris (May 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #329: Georgia Purdom (May 20, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1043: Lloyd Pye (May 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1044: Hollie & Patrick Quinn (May 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1045: William Rader (May 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1046: Dean Radin (May 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #330: Sandi Radomski (May 20, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1047: Rainbow Eagle (May 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1048: Dan Ramos (May 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #331: Fazale "Fuz" Rana (May 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1049: Keith Raniere and NXIVM (May 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1050: Jon Rappoport (May 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1051: David Rasnick (May 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1052: Tim Ravndal (May 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #332: Gene Ray (May 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1053: James Arthur Ray (May 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1054: Eric S. Raymond (May 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #333: David Reagan (May 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #334: Lyn Redwood (and SafeMinds) (June 10, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1055: John K. Reed (May 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1056: Ralph Reed (May 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1057: Scott Reed (May 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1058: Robert R. Reilly (May 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #335: George Alan Rekers (June 15, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1059: Mary Stewart Relfe (May 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1060: Stephanie & Michael Relfe (May 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #336: Jeff Rense (June 24, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #337: Jay Richards (June 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1061: Frances Rice (May 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1062: Joel Richardson (May 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1063: David Aaron Richey (May 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1064: Harry Riley (May 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1065: Joyce Riley (May 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1066: Sandy Rios (June 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1067: Gail Riplinger (June 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1068: Tom Ritter (June 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1069: Randy Rives (June 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1070: Richard Rives (June 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1071: Anthony (Tony) Robbins (June 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1072: Richard Roberts (June 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1073: Gordon Robertson (June 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #338: Pat Robertson (June 27, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1074: Arthur B. Robinson (June 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1075: James Robison (June 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1076: Lew Rockwell (June 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1077: Ricky Roehr (June 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1078: Joe Rogan(?) (June 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1079: Jay Rogers (June 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1080: Kesha Rogers (June 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1081: Melissa Mowrer Rogers & Kathy Heiney (June 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1082: Terry Rondberg (June 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1083: Wayne Allyn Root (June 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1084: Lila Rose (June 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1085: Chris Rosebrough (June 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1086: Ilena Rosenthal (June 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1087: Gordon Ross (June 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #339: Hugh Ross (June 28, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #340: Marcus Ross (July 6, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1088: Xzavia Ross (June 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1089: Lyle Rossiter (June 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1090: Ariel Adrean Roth (June 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1091: Laurie Roth (June 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1092: Sid Roth (June 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1093: Hal Rounds] (June 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1094: Karen Rowe et al. (June 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1095: Gary & Lisa Ruby (June 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1096: Peter Ruckman (June 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1097: Walt Ruloff (June 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1098: Erik Rush (June 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1099: Chris Rushton (June 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1100: Carol Rutz (June 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1101: Bill Ryan (July 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1102: Kevin Ryan (July 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #341: Mark Ryland (July 6, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1103: Glenn Sabin (July 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1104: Steve Sailer (July 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1105: Robert Salas et al. (July 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #342: Mike Salla (July 9, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1106: Roger W. Sanders (July 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1107: John C. Sanford (July 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #343: Rick Santorum (July 18, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1108: Bill Sardi (July 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1109: Robert Sarmast (July 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1111: Michael Savage (July 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1112: Louis Savain (July 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1113: Gordon-Michael Scallion (July 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #344: Rick Scarborough (July 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #345: Lynette Schaefer (July 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1114: Jacqui Schiff (July 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1115: Lisa Schiffren (July 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1116: David Schippers (July 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #346: Andy Schlafly (July 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #347: Phyllis Schlafly (July 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #348: Debbie Schlussel (August 15, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1117: David Schmidt (July 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #349: Don Schmierer (August 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1118: David Schneider (July 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1119: Jim Schneider (July 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #350: William Schnoebelen (August 30, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1120: Pam Schuffert (July 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1121: Steve & Derene Schultz (July 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1122: Richard Schulze (July 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1123: Gary Schwartz (July 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #351: Michael Schwartz (September 9, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1124: Melissa Scott (July 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1125: Peter Dale Scott (July 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1126: Shirley Scott (July 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1127: Wesley Scroggins & Melissa DuVall (July 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1128: Alan Sears (July 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #352: Jay Seegert and the cssmwi (September 9, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1129: Ralph Seelke (July 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1130: Chris Sevier (July 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #353: Granville Sewell (September 24, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1131: Malik Zulu Shabazz (July 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1132: Sophia Shafquat (July 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #354: Ben Shapiro (October 2, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1133: G. Thomas Sharp (July 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #355: C. Norman Shealy (October 3, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1134: Cindy Sheehan (July 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1135: Donna Sheehan & Paul Reffell (August 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #356: John Sheehan (October 3, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1136: Martin Sheen (August 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1137: Lou Sheldon (August 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1138: Bruce Shelton (August 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1139: Daniel Shenton (August 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1140: Frank Sherwin (August 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #357: John Shimkus (October 4, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1141: Walid Shoebat (August 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1142: George Shollenberger (September 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1143: M. Night Shyamalan (September 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1144: Bart Sibrel (September 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #358: Bernie Siegel (October 7, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1145: Shawn Sieracki (September 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1146: Bob Silverstein (September 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #359: Bruce Simat (October 21, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #360: Geoffrey Simmons (October 21, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1147: George R. Simpson (September 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #361: S. Fred Singer (October 22, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1148: Fred Skiff (September 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #362: Lonnie Skinner (November 25, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1149: J.P. Skipper (September 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1150: Joel Skousen (September 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1151: Joe H. Slate (September 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1152: Harold Slusher (September 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1153: Alice Smith (September 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #363: Bradley R. Smith (November 25, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1154: Chris Smith (September 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1155: Chuck Smith (September 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1156: Craig Smith (September 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1157: Jeffery Smith (September 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #364: Jerry E. Smith (November 26, 2012) EAL
- ↑ #1158: Robert Smith (September 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1159: Van Smith (September 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #365: Wesley J. Smith (January 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1160: George Edward Smock (September 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1161: Michael T. Snyder (September 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #366: Suzanne Somers (January 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1162: Amy Max & Roderic Sorrell (September 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1163: Mark Souder (September 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1164: Glenn Spencer (September 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #367: Roy Spencer (January 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1165: Lee Spetner (September 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1166: Donald Spitz (September 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #368: Peter Sprigg (January 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1167: David Scott Springer (October 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #369: Fritz Springmeier (January 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1168: R. Leo Sprinkle (October 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #370: Kim Stagliano (January 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #371: Ralph Gordon Stair (January 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1169: Jacqueline Stallone (October 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1170: Frank Porter Stansberry (October 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1171: Jelaila Starr (October 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #372: Mathew Staver (January 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #373: Ben Stein (January 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1172: Matthew Stein (October 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #374: Richard Sternberg (January 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1173: Henry Stevens (October 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #375: Leighton Steward & Corbin Robertson (January 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1174: David J. Stewart (October 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1175: Rollen Stewart (October 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1176: Robert Stinnett (October 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1177: Bob Stith (October 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1178: Nicholas Stix (October 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1179: Kenneth Paul Stoller (October 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1180: Perry Stone (October 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1181: John A. Stormer (October 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #376: Todd Strandberg, Terry James & associates at Rapture Ready (January 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1182: William Strauss & Neil Howe (October 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1183: Whitley Strieber (October 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #377: Lee Strobel (January 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1184: Thomas M. Strouse (October 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #378: Albert Stubblebine & Rima Laibow (January 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1185: Matthew Stucky (October 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #379: Sara Summers & Vic Taylor (January 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1186: Robert Sungenis (October 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1187: Brian Sussman (October 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1188: Jimmy Swaggart (October 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #380: Grant Swank (January 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1189: Stewart Swerdlow (October 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1190: Stacy Swimp (October 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #381: Orly Taitz (January 19, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1191: Tom Tam (October 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1192: William Tam (October 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #382: Tom Tancredo (January 20, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1193: Nancy Ann Tappe (October 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1194: Bonnie Tarantino (October 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1195: Charles Tart (October 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1196: Brice Taylor (November 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #383: Ginger Taylor (January 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1197: Ian Taylor (November 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1198: Sherri Tenpenny (November 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #384: Randall Terry & Operation Save America (January 21, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #385: Charles Thaxton (January 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1199: Brian Thomas (November 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #386: Cal Thomas (January 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1200: Colleen Thomas (November 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1201: Jack Thomas (November 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #387: Rusty Lee Thomas (January 22, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1202: Randy Thomasson (November 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1203: Bert Thompson (November 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1204: Bradley Thompson (November 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1205: Jack Thompson (November 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1206: Linda Thompson (November 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1207: Richard Thompson (November 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1208: Todd Thomsen (November 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1209: Jackson Thoreau [a pseudonym] (November 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1210: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris (November 16, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #388: William A. Tiller (January 23, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1211: Robert Tilton (November 17, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #389: Skip Tilton (January 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1212: Frank Tipler (November 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1213: Herb Titus (November 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1214: Renee Tocco (November 20, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1215: Jeffrey P. Tomkins (November 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1216: Robin Toms (November 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #390: John Travolta (January 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1217: Jenine Trayer (November 23, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1218: Matt Trewhella (November 25, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1219: John Trochmann (November 26, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #391: David Trosch (January 24, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1220: Ide Trotter and the creationists on the Texas Education Agency Science Review Board (November 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #392: Kevin Trudeau (January 25, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1221: Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (November 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1222: Frank Turek (November 29, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1223: Hal Turner (November 30, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1224: Rocky Twyman (December 1, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1225: David Tyree (December 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #393: Dana Ullman (January 26, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #394: Leslee Unruh (January 27, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1226: Fred Upton(?) (December 2, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1227: Glen Urquhart (December 3, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1228: Jacques Vallée (December 4, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #395: Brandon Vallorani (January 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1229: Taylore Vance & Roi Halse (December 5, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1230: Larry Vardiman (December 6, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #396: Jesse Ventura (January 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #397: Wes Vernon (January 28, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #398: Vivian Vetrano (January 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #399: Mark Vicente (January 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1231: Doreen Virtue (December 7, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #400: Joe Vitale (January 29, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1232: Michael Voris and Churchmilitant.tv (December 8, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1233: Gary Wade (December 9, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1234: C. Peter Wagner (December 10, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #401: Walter Wagner (January 30, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1235: Joel D. Wallach (December 11, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #402: Chris Ward (January 31, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1236: Mike Warnke (December 12, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #403: Rick Warren (February 1, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1237: Anna & Don Warrick (December 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #404: Ellis Washington (February 2, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1238: Terry Watkins (December 13, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1239: Jean Watson (December 14, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1240: Paul Joseph Watson (December 15, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #405: George Weber (February 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1241: Alfred Lambremont Webre (December 18, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1242: Jay Weidner (December 19, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #406: David Weigand (February 3, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #407: Richard Weikart (February 4, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #408: Andrew Weil (February 5, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1243: Ronald Weinland (December 21, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1244: Laura Weise (December 22, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1245: Dave Welch (December 24, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #409: Jonathan Wells (February 6, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1246: Frances Cress Welsing (December 27, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #410: Charlene Werner (February 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1247: Clint Werner (December 28, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #1248: Allen West (December 31, 2014) EAL
- ↑ #411: John West (February 7, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1249: Ron Wexler (January 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1250: Cisco Wheeler (January 3, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #412: Julian Whitaker (February 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #413: John C. Whitcomb (February 8, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #414: Paula White (February 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1251: James P. Wickstrom (January 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1252: Keith Wiebe (January 6, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #415: Benjamin Wiker (February 9, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #416: Ken Wilber (February 10, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1253: Arizona Wilder (January 7, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #417: Don Wildmon (February 11, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1254: Rick Wiles (January 8, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1255: T. S. Wiley (January 9, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1256: Margaret Wille (January 10, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1257: David Williams (January 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1258: John Williams (January 12, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1259: Lisa Williams (January 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1260: Ronald J. Williams (January 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1261: Thompson "Tom" Willis (January 15, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #418: Douglas Wilson (February 12, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1262: Gordon Wilson (January 16, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #419: Oprah Winfrey (February 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1263: Dawn Winkler (January 17, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1264: Pamela Winnick (January 19, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #420: Kevin Wirth (February 13, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1265: Kurt Wise (January 20, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1266: Stephen Wise (January 21, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1267: Terence Witt (January 22, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #421: Fred Alan Wolf (February 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1268: David Wolfe (January 23, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #422: Todd Wood (February 14, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1269: John Woodmorappe (January 24, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #423: Tom Woodward (February 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1270: Willie Wooten (January 25, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1271: Jeremiah Wright (January 26, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1272: John C. Wright (January 27, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1273: Jonathan V. Wright (January 28, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1274: Katie Wright (January 29, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1275: Wendy Wright (January 30, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1276: Vinstonas "Winston" Wu (January 31, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1277: Mary Nell Wyatt, Betty Rhodes et al. (February 1, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1278: Paul Yanick (February 2, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #424: Cheri Yecke (February 15, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1279: David Yerushalmi (February 4, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #425: Dwight York (February 16, 2013) EAL
- ↑ [#1280: D. Gary Young] (February 5, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1281: Jin Young, Niki Han Schwarz & Charles Schwarz (February 6, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #426: Robert O. Young (February 17, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #427: Levon Yuille (February 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1282: Doug Yurchey (February 7, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1283: Ravi Zacharias (February 8, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1284: Bill Zedler (February 9, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1285: John Zerzan(?) (February 11, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1286: Tony Zirkle (February 12, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #1287: Mike Zovath (February 13, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #428: Bernarr Zovluck (February 18, 2013) EAL
- ↑ #1288: Henry Zuill (February 14, 2015) EAL
- ↑ #429: Gary Zukav (February 18, 2013) EAL