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F. Roger Devlin

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It is well known to readers of this journal that white birthrates worldwide have suffered a catastrophic decline in recent decades.
—First sentence of Sexual Utopia in Power (and it gets worse)

Francis Roger Devlin is a white nationalist and men's rights activist. He is a contributing editor for racist screed The Occidental Quarterly[1] and writes for VDARE.[2]

Sexual Utopia in Power[edit]

Devlin is particularly noteworthy for his essay Sexual Utopia in Power, which is the origin of many MRA subcultural memes, jargon, and special definitions of words. A key argument of the essay was that the sexual revolution created incels. The work was also notable for having no citations whatsoever, reading something like a train-of-thought without concern for evidence.

It was originally published in the Occidental Quarterly in 2006 and came to the wider attention of the pickup artist subculture when Heartiste posted effusively about it in 2008.[3] It is now widely advocated in the manosphere, with the /r/redpill subreddit listing it in the sidebar as "essential reading".[4]


The book became an explicitly cited cornerstone of the MGTOW movement, particularly because the book blamed the decline in marriage in the USA on women. It is common to hear MGTOWs ask one to, "read Sexual Utopia in Power, bro trust me it'll help you see the matrix".


He has also done academic philosophy, writing Alexandre Kojève and the Outcome of Modern Thought (University Press of America, 2004).[5]


Devlin identifies as part of the alt-right,[6] which he describes as a "white advocacy"[7] movement, and is considered among its "most important thought leaders" according to VDARE.[8] Devlin attended the National Policy Institute conference, which gained national attention after many in attendance performed Nazi salutes.[9] Devlin denounced this behaviour,[10] although he believed "there is nothing intrinsically wrong with" Nazi salutes.[6] Instead, he seemed concerned because such behaviour is too politically incorrect.

External links[edit]
