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Some dare call it
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you to know!
Sheeple wakers
In any discussion involving science or medicine, citing as a credible source loses you the argument immediately... and gets you laughed out of the room.
Scopie's Law, first formulated by Rich Scopie on the Bad Science forum.[1] is a webshite which contains every (and we do mean every) half-baked pseudoscientific woo and conspiracy theory ever concocted. It is run by English pig farmer John Scudamore.[2] Scudamore has a long history of trying to insert links to his website on Wikipedia under the username Whaleto, but a few years ago, this was put to an end when someone added to the global spam blacklist.[3] This means no one can link to it in any Wikipedia article, which led to Scudamore whining about being suppressed (obviously) by the "Church of Satan."[4]

It is a notorious dumping ground for all things pseudoscientific... as well as a few other things. Like the complete text of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, documentations of Illuminati mind control plots, Islamophobic rants,[5], articles about the Catholic world conspiracy and promotion of the International Jewish conspiracy.[6] Unsurprisingly, we managed to piss off Scudamore, and we even got our own little page! How sweet.[7] In other words, this is the type of website that results after months of doing LSD while smoking crack.


  • was used as a source by the plaintiffs in the autism omnibus trial, and it has seen increasing use as a "source" by anti-vaccinationists and propagators of the vaccine-autism "connection" (which should be a clue right there to the validity of their claims).[8]
  • NaturalNews is itself known to violate Scopie's Law and cite on numerous occasions.[9]
  • WikiLeaks cited in a now-deleted tweet claiming Gloria SteinemWikipedia to be a CIA agent,[10] which happened to be sort of true,[11][12] though according to The New York Times she says that "no one in the C.I.A. ever asked her to do or say anything … she did not report back to the agency."[13]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

  • (Warning: Enter at your own risk. Some images on the website are NSFW or NSFL.)


  1. See the original post here - archived here. This post was cited by Orac of Respectful Insolence as the first mention of the law.
  2. Stacy Mintzer Herlihy and E. Allison Hagood. Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save Lives. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield, 2012.
  3. Spam blacklist. Wikipedia.
  4. Caution.
  6. A Whale of an Expert, Neurodiversity. 13 June 2008.
  7. Our little slice of hell.
  8. Archived post on Kathleen Seidel's blog Neurodiversity
  9. Five times in this article alone.
  10. Archive link
  11. Louis Menand (March 16, 2015). "A Friend of the Devil". The New Yorker.
  12. John D. Lofton, Jr. (May 10, 1975). "Ms. Steinem's CIA Connection". Human Events, via the Central Intelligence Agency.
  13. John Leland (October 7, 2016). "Showgirls, Pastrami and Candor: Gloria Steinem's New York". The New York Times.