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Nordic Resistance Movement

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The Nordic Resistance Movement (Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; Danish: Den Nordiske Modstandsbevægelse; Norwegian: Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; Finnish: Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike; abbreviated NRM) is a neo-Nazi organization active in Scandinavia. Several of their members have committed violent crimes[1][2] and made death threats to left-leaning politicians.[3]

The organization aims to create a Fascist state across the Nordic countries, then expand into the Baltic countries. Created about 1997 by a Swede, Klaus Lund, as the Svenska Motståndsrörelsen,[4] it later gained sections in Finland and Norway as well, becoming the Nordic Resistance Movement in 2016. There was a Danish group for short time, and there was an attempt to expand into Iceland with recruitment from the Icelandic National Front.Wikipedia

In August 2019, some NRM members formed a breakaway group, Nordisk Styrka, so they could be even more violent.

Individual countries


A 2017 assessment by the Finnish Security Intelligence ServiceWikipedia found the Finnish Resistance Movement to consist of middle-class thirty-somethings, with approximately 15% of members being women. The number of active members was estimated to be ca. 80–85.[5][6]

The Finnish Supreme Court ordered the NRM to cease their activity in Finland in March 2019. A new group under the name Kohti Vapautta!Wikipedia (Towards Freedom!) began shortly thereafter, with pretty much no one being fooled by the change of name and logo. The new group was barred from demonstrating in Helsinki on Independence Day 2019.[7]


Norway’s PST (Police Security Service) characterizes the organization as consisting largely of very fine people on both sides high-school dropouts and drug addicts with histories of violent crime, and says their members fit similar profiles to those radicalized into Islamist terror groups.[8]

External links

See also


  1. Johannes Jakobsson, "Nazister dömda för flera grova våldsbrott" ("Nazis found guilty of several serious violent offenses"), Expo, September 12th, 2007
  2. Henrik Sande Giæver, «Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen etterforskes for angrep på politiet» ("Nordic Resistance Movement investigated for attacks on police"), Verdens Gang, December 15, 2017. Accessed July 19, 2019.
  3. Bernt Erik Pedersen, «SV-representant politianmelder nazi-gruppen Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen for trusler» ("Socialist Left representative reports the Nazi group Nordic Resistance Movement to police for threats"), Dagsavisen, June 17, 2019. Accessed July 19, 2019.
  4. "Den nordiska motstandrörelsen," TRAC website (Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium), accessed Sep. 6, 2019.
  5. Suomen uus­nat­si­lii­ke koostuu pääosin kes­ki­luok­kai­sis­ta, per­heel­li­sis­tä ja työs­sä­käy­vis­tä mie­his­tä, Lapin Kansa 26 October 2017 (in Finnish)
  6. Supon erikoistutkija: Tällainen on lakkautetuksi vaaditun uusnatsijärjestön tyypillinen jäsen – keskiluokkainen, perheellinen, työssäkäyvä, mies..., Ilta-Sanomat 26 October 2017 (in Finnish)
  7. Helsingin poliisi kieltää Kohti vapautta -uusnatsiliikkeen järjestämän mielenosoituskulkueen itsenäisyyspäivänä, YLE Uutiset 4 December 2019 (in Finnish)
  8. NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation), David Vojislav Krekling and Olav Døvik, «PST: Mange likhetstrekk mellom høyreekstreme og ekstreme islamister» ("Police Security Service: Many similarities between right-wing extremists and Islamic extremists"), February 6th, 2019.