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Peter Sweden

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Imanuelsen in 2017
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
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Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seem highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.
—Peter Imanuelsen, holocaust denier[1]

Peter Imanuelsen (born September 27, 1994), better known as Peter Sweden, is a British far-right speaker and activist. Imanuelsen was originally a Holocaust denier[2] white nationalist, extreme-homophobe, (former?) Flat Earther,[3] (former?) Moon landing denialist,[3] Islamophobe and conspiracy theorist crank who has written that Jews and the Vatican are behind a New World Order. In 2017, Imanuelsen was doxed by the anti-racist organisation Hope not Hate after a news article about his Holocaust denial was published; this happened after Katie Hopkins tweeted a photo of her next to him, which prompted journalists to find out who he was. In response, Imanuelsen has claimed he has since changed his views and apologised for some unspecified something that he no longer believes in.[4] No longer publicly attacking Jews, like he did in 2016,[5] Imanuelsen is now a prominent Islamophobe who says he opposes Islamic immigration into Europe, as well as an anti-vaxxer.[6] He is also not actually Swedish.[note 1]

As of 2024, Imanuelsen has more than 666,000 followers on Twitter.[7] His following there has grown significantly after Elon Musk acquired the platform. So he has that going for him.[8] He also has over 43,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel.[9]

Imanuelsen is a supporter of creationism pseudoscience and on his website says "I believe that God created all humans coming from one person Adam and Eve."[10][note 2]

Holocaust denial[edit]

According to a DNA test turns out I am 2.5% Sami and at least 1% Jewish. Say anything bad to me and you are anti-semitic. Checkmate leftists.
—Peter Imanuelsen, antisemitism hater[11]

Imanuelsen was pro-Hitler prior to his doxxing by Hope not Hate. writing: "Hitler had some good points"[12][13] and he denied the Holocaust:[12][14][15]

The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seem highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.

I believe the holocaust is a lie to further the agenda of NWO.

And you also have the problem that it is mathematically impossible to kill 6m Jews with the equipment they [Nazis] had.

Imanuelsen also had some fascinating opinions on related subjects:

I dont like fascism, but i think hitler had some good points. I am pretty certain that the holocaust actually never happened.

How is the protocols of the elders of zion "anti-semitic" ? Is the jews own text on jewish supremacism anti-semitic?

I have also heard that concentration camps actually had swimming pools, cinema, theatre, fotball fields etc (photos). Opinion ?

Denying the denial[edit]

I have had opinions in the past that I strongly regret. Please retweet.
—Imanuelsen in a deleted post from 2017[4]

In 2022, Imanuelsen claimed that he never denied the Holocaust, but that his Holocaust denying tweets were faked by leftists using Photoshop.[16] Despite this, there is incontrovertible evidence that Imanuelsen did question and deny the Holocaust based on a webpage archive of his tweets, for example, in response to someone telling him there was a "systematic killing of the Jews", Imanuelsen wrote:

But you have to question the sources as well. Just because some witnesses said it happened, doesnt mean it is true.[17]

In two other tweets, purportedly quoting Ken Livingstone without comment, based an archived copy from 2016:

Hitler was a zionist Working together with Rothschild to fulfill Bible prophecy regarding the state of israel. Ken Livingstone[3]
Hitler was a part of the Rothschild conspiracy to create the state Israel, alltough God used this to fulfill bible prophecy. Ken Livingstone[3]

A Twitter thread documenting Imanuelsen's Holocaust denial in August 2022 proves Imanuelsen is a liar who even rushed to delete an anti-Semitic tweet he made in 2016 when it was quoted.[18]

What makes Imanuelsen's denial of his Holocaust denial bizarre is he apologised for being a Holocaust denier on his own blog but later removed this to contradictorily claim he had never denied the Holocaust:

I have all my life believed that the holocaust did indeed happen, except for a few short months in my life when I was questioning everything. I am a truth seeker and I don't just believe anything simply because someone tells me so. I want to find out and research for myself.

So what ‘s the deal?

When you grow up it is natural to want to form your own opinions. In the beginning of 2016 I started to see all the lies from the mainstream media (like this article about me). Previously I had, like many people, had high trust in the media. When I saw the lies from the media, I started to question everything, and I didn't trust anything I had been told in my life without researching it and finding out the truth myself. During this period there were times that I doubted everything. Everything from whether 9/11 was a false flag to the holocaust. Not because I was a "nazi" or anything like that, but simply because I am a truth seeker and I had lost all trust in the mainstream media.

My doubts over the holocaust only lasted for a few months, when after lots of research I started to distinguish between the lies in the media and what was actually facts.[19]

Imanuelsen's offensive tweets were first quoted in an article by Huffington Post in July 2017, exposing his Holocaust denial and links to white nationalist figures. Imanuelsen published a response to the article the same month claiming he only denied the Holocaust for a few months when he was around 21. In fact, archived webpage captures show he was denying the Holocaust for two or more years. It seems rather suspicious that Imanuelsen changed his views in such a short space of time after the article about him appeared, and he might not be sincere about denouncing Holocaust denial; Hope not Hate doxed his real name as Peter Imanuelsen soon after the article was published.[20]

In November 2017, the nasty tweets were deleted, and Imanuelsen's profile was changed to include the statement, "I despise Nazism, Communism and all other totalitarian ideologies whatever it's[sic] form."[21][22] However, many of Imanuelsen followers on Twitter are Neo-Nazis, while he still supports far-right political groups such as the Swedish Democrats.[23]

Flat Earth and more[edit]

The earliest archives available for Imanuelsen's Twitter indicate he was sympathetic to the idea that the Earth is actually flat:[3]

I know how to test flat earth. Go to equator when sun is right above. Send up weather baloon & see if you can find the sun

How would sun hot spots occur if sun is 93 millions miles away ?

Allright, i know for 100% certainty #NASA DID NOT GO TO THE MOON. It can be 2000 C in the thermosphere, the rocket would MELT ! #FlatEarth

Conspiracy theories[edit]

Imanuelsen also supports other anti-Semitic and bizarre NWO-Vatican conspiracy theories:[12][14]

The globalists (mainly Jews) are the ones bringing in the Muslims to europe. They seem to work together.

It is the Vatican & the Jews who are behind NWO.

Anti-gay bigotry[edit]

Imanuelsen supported the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting because the victims were homosexuals and has also described homosexuality as a "disgusting sin" and wants it banned.[24]


He has made very sexist comments:


Swedish boys got a school lesson where they were to describe what they wanted from girls.

They answered the following.

- Like memes - Obedient - Stay at home wife - Kind - Don't be a talibanfeminist

Looks like there is hope for Gen Z in Sweden too.[25]


A story of masculinity, in 5 parts:

Traditional Norwegian clothes that are usually worn today on national day 17th May
This kinda makes me want to move to Norway. Norwegians are incredibly patriotic, much, much more so than Sweden.
—Imanuelsen, 17 May 2017[26]

Due to severe lack of free speech & democracy in the UK, I have now moved to Norway.
—Imanuelsen, 29 September 2017[27]

What happened to the brave Englishmen of 70 years ago?
Men who bravely stormed beaches on D-Day and willingly ran into a hail of Nazi gunfire.
Today they mass panic and cause a stampede in Oxford Circus over literally nothing.
Years of liberalism has turned people into pussy's[sic]
—Imanuelsen, 24 November 2017[28]

Uhm. I just got a letter from the Norwegian army. They want me to sign up for military duty (in Norway all men and women have military duty) No thanks. Not happy about this.
—Imanuelsen, 26 November 2017[29]

Imanuelsen: Aargh. My hand is hurting so much right now. I held on to a pan handle 200C degrees hot for maybe 5 seconds.[30]
kaynotcee: Stop typing and run cold water over it.[31]
Imanuelsen: But then my hand hurts from the freezing water…[32]

As a libertarian, Imanuelsen wants to nationalize the free marketplace of ideas to prevent "Marxist policies":

This is why the left (actually marxists) invented political correctness. Because in the free market of ideas the right will always win.[33]

Personally I would prefer something like this: -Free market -Libertarian -Nationalist -Traditional[.] Agree?[34]

Its[sic] time to nationalise the internet. This censorship by private corporations with cultural marxist policies MUST stop. RETWEET if you agree[35]

Unsurprisingly, he also thinks that Nazism and Communism are quite similar.[36] A story of voluntary patriotism, in 2 parts:

I've had a lot of requests asking if i have patreon. I haven't had one because i don't want to beg for any money. I'm a patriot[note 3] voluntarily.
—Imanuelsen, 12 June 2017[37]
Yes, this is real.[38]

About the Swedish thing[edit]

Inexplicably, Imanuelsen likes to pretend to be Swedish[note 4] despite being a British national born in Norway who's lived over half his life in North Yorkshire.

According to the anti-extremism research group Hope not Hate,[20] Imanuelsen's family likely moved to the UK as part of a tax evasion scheme and that he owes £700,000 in tax debt to the Swedish government. He did live in Sweden from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2002 to 2004. So in total, he's only lived five years of his entire life in the country he's named himself after and, by his own admission, doesn't even live there currently (he claims to live in Norway, which is dubious at best).

When called out or questioned about this discrepancy, Imanuelsen claims that his family fled from Sweden to the UK due to political persecution. On other occasions, he's claimed that he only lived in the UK for a few months or to have moved there from Sweden in 2014. These are both untrue.[20]

See also[edit]


  1. What self-respecting svensk would call themself "Sweden"?
  2. Wouldn't Adam and Eve be two people?
  3. Which country?
  4. For example, for part of 2016 he included the Swedish flag as part of his Twitter profile portrait.[39]


  2. Why has Katie Hopkins set sail with a bunch of far-right activists? by Joe Mulhall (21 Jul 2017 09.10 EDT) The Guardian. "…a UK-based far-right Holocaust denier who is also in Catania supporting the Defend Europe mission.".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Peter Sweden Twitter (archived from April 28, 2016).
  4. 4.0 4.1 I have had opinions in the past that I strongly regret. Please retweet. by Peter Sweden (14:03 - 19. srp 2017) Twitter (archived from July 19, 2017).
  5. Since you are jewish, why don't you mention that nearly all pornographic studios are owned by jews ? by Peter Sweden (3:50 PM - 11 Oct 2016) Twitter (archived from 18 Jul 2017 23:06:20 UTC).
  6. Did you know that vaccines cause autism? And that in many vaccines they use the cells of aborted babies. I am not kidding you. When you take your baby to be vaccinated, they inject cells from another baby that has been killed. No wonder it is causing autism. by Peter Sweden (6:38 PM - 24 Jan 2018) Twitter (archived from 25 Jan 2018 03:04:23 UTC).
  8. Ketan Joshi (March 28, 2023). "Musk is remaking Twitter into a climate denier sanctuary".
  11. According to a DNA test turns out I am 2.5% Sami and at least 1% Jewish. Say anything bad to me and you are anti-semitic. Checkmate leftists. by Peter Sweden (3:30 PM - 19 Nov 2017) Twitter (archived from July 25, 2018).
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Katie Hopkins Deletes Tweet With Picture Of Her Posing With Holocaust Denier by Chris York (18/07/2017 15:26 BST | Updated 21/07/2017 13:53) Huffington Post.
  13. By the wayjust so you know i am not a nazi : ) I think hitler had some good points, but i dont agree with facism or socialism by Peter Sweden (August 7, 2016) Twitter (archived from July 18, 2017).
  14. 14.0 14.1 Alt righter demands a correction Me.Me (archived from 12 Dec 2017 23:00:24 UTC).
  15. Image of antisemitic Tweets (archived from July 25, 2018).
  16. The left has been spreading fake, PHOTOSHOPPED so called screenshots about me claiming me to be a "Holocaust denier". This is nothing but outright LIES from the far-left. I am NOT, and have NEVER been a Holocaust denier. Read the truth here by Peter Sweden (12:37 PM · Aug 28, 2022) Twitter (archived from 30 Aug 2022 19:52:22 UTC).
  17. By the wayjust so you know i am not a nazi : ) I think hitler had some good points, but i dont agree with facism or socialism by Peter Sweden (Aug 7, 2016) Twitter (archived from July 18, 2017).
  18. Having recently been on GBNews, Peter Imanuelson (AKA Peter Sweden) is claiming screenshots of his anti-semitic, holocaust-denying tweets are photoshopped. Unfortunately for him, several are web archived... 🧵 by @JamesNite9 (August 28, 2022) Twitter (archived from August 28, 2022).
  19. The truth about Petersweden: Recently Hope Not Hate wrote an article about me… Peter Sweden (archived from August 10, 2017).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Far-right vlogger and Defend Europe supporter Peter Sweden’s real identity revealed by Morgan Finnsiö (01 08 17) Hope Not Hate.
  21. I despise Nazism, Communism and all other totalitarian ideologies whatever it's form. I believe in freedom, liberty and the right to self determination for all people. Just like any normal person would. by Peter Sweden (November 17, 2017) Twitter (archived from 7 Dec 2017 09:15:16 UTC).
  22. PeterSweden Twitter (archived from 12 Dec 2017 23:22:09 UTC).
  23. The right-wing Swedish Democrats are now the BIGGEST party in the latest Sentio poll. Getting almost 24% of the votes. The Swedish people are getting tired of Socialist failures! by Peter Sweden (11:05 AM - 6 Aug 2021) Twitter (archived from August 6, 2021).
  24. Hiding in plain sight – the bigotry of Peter Sweden (July 16, 2017) Concrete Milkshake.
  25. LOL Swedish boys got a school lesson where they were to describe what they wanted from girls. They answered the following. - Like memes - Obedient - Stay at home wife - Kind - Don't be a talibanfeminist Looks like there is hope for Gen Z in Sweden too. by Peter Sweden (5:43 AM - 25 Nov 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  26. This kinda makes me want to move to Norway. Norwegians are incredibly patriotic, much, much more so than Sweden. by Peter Sweden (3:51 PM - 17 May 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  27. Due to severe lack of free speech & democracy in the UK, I have now moved to Norway. by Peter Sweden (4:28 AM - 29 Sep 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  28. What happened to the brave Englishmen of 70 years ago? Men who bravely stormed beaches on D-Day and willingly ran into a hail of Nazi gunfire. Today they mass panic and cause a stampede in Oxford Circus over literally nothing. Years of liberalism has turned people into pussy's by Peter Sweden (12:43 PM - 24 Nov 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  29. Uhm. I just got a letter from the Norwegian army. They want me to sign up for military duty (in Norway all men and women have military duty) No thanks. Not happy about this. by Peter Sweden (9:13 - November 26, 2017) Twitter' (archived from November 26, 2017).
  30. Aargh. My hand is hurting so much right now. I held on to a pan handle 200C degrees hot for maybe 5 seconds. by Peter Sweden (5:21 PM - 18 Sep 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  31. Stop typing and run cold water over it. by @kaynotcee (5:23 PM - 18 Sep 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  32. But then my hand hurts from the freezing water… by Peter Sweden (5:24 PM - 18 Sep 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  33. This is why the left (actually marxists) invented political correctness. Because in the free market of ideas the right will always win. by Peter Sweden (12:25 PM - 18 Mar 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  34. Personally I would prefer something like this: -Free market -Libertarian -Nationalist -Traditional by Peter Sweden (9:02 AM - 8 Dec 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  35. Its time to nationalise the internet. This censorship by private corporations with cultural marxist policies MUST stop. RETWEET if you agree by Peter Sweden (15:15 - 4 sept. 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  36. Fascism and communism is not the same, but yet quite similar. Communism: -Socialist -Authoritarian, violent -Globalist -Progressive, destroy everything natural Fascism: -Socialist -Authoritarian, violent -Nationalist -Traditional Thoughts? by Peter Sweden (9:01 AM - 8 Dec 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  37. I've had a lot of requests asking if i have patreon. I haven't had one because i don't want to beg for any money. I'm a patriot voluntarily. by Peter Sweden (4:37 PM - 12 Jun 2017) Twitter (archived from December 18, 2017).
  38. I have 76 000 followers, but only 48 supporters right now. If only 2000 of you gave 1 dollar each I would be good to go! Should I go back to working in a restaurant? If not please consider helping out: by Peter Sweden (10:41 AM - 9 Dec 2017) Twitter (archived from December 9, 2017).
  39. Peter Sweden Twitter (archived from November, 19, 2016).