James Manning

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Devil's in the details
Many of these homos moving into Harlem looking for some black meat
Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man.
—examples of the ATLAH World Missionary Church letter board[1][2]

James David Manning (born 1947) is the chief pastor at the "All The Land Anointed Holy" (ATLAH) World Missionary Church, in New York City. Manning is most infamous for his virulent opposition to gay rights. Manning has frequently stated that not only does he wish LGBT people to be stoned to death, but for Jesus himself to do the stoning. (Good luck with that!) Manning is notorious for using ATLAH's church letter boards to express his toxic homophobia, which often rivals that of the Westboro Baptist Church. Manning has his own Internet series, the Manning Report.

Manning believes former President Obama to be obsessed with homosexuality (unlike himself).


Manning frequently recycles arguments in his preachings, noticeably on the Manning Report. One such example is his long-standing claim that Starbucks' lattes use semen from gay men, which is intended as a means of engaging in oral sex without the participants knowing each other.[3] This wild story evolves significantly over time with another video instead claiming that Starbucks coffee uses artificial semen and that semen is actually milk (why he didn't just say "artificial milk" is anyone's guess).[4] Manning constantly claims he is persecuted by the "Sodomite Mafia." In March 2015, Mannning reported that "they" had sent him a bucket of poop.[5]

Manning claims that Obama is the son of Satan (after backpedaling on his claim that Obama was the Antichrist). Big shock, he's a birther too.

Criticism of black people

Manning has said he is ashamed to be black, and frequently bashes black society (goes so far as to regularly call black people niggersderogatorily). He frequently claims Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other black leaders are trying to start a race war. (And he isn't, of course.) However, Manning ultimately believes black America is being attacked primarily by white people (more specifically, white liberals), and frequently states homosexuality is a "white disease". Strangely, he also seems to dislike the Tea Party and other conservative groups like World Net Daily, at least in part because of racism. Go figure.[note 1]

Manning accepts stereotypes about black people. He notes that black people can be doctors, lawyers, astrophysicists, but maintains that "Black folk don't know how to run no nation." Manning ignores Gabon,[6] Ghana, Kenya and other countries where economic development is growing and living standards of the people are rising.

Manning cherry-picks cases where he thinks black people have failed. Manning claims South Africa became worse after the end of apartheid, and criticizes Nigeria where oil companies make a profit while the people remain poor. He imagines that black people "Can't understand the world", and argues that "There's something wrong with the black man mind." and "The nigger ain't got no sense." And only God can help.[7]

Greatest hits

He has come up with several other bizarre conspiracy theories on his show. If/when you aren't offended by his insane bigotry, you should really check out some of his insights (or lack thereof, anyway). These include:

Losing his church

Manning owes $1.02 million due to unpaid tax, unpaid water bills and general debts and his church is due to be sold compulsorily at public auction.[19] The Ali Forney CenterWikipedia, a group providing for homeless LGBT youngsters, has raised $200,000 in cash and hopes to buy Manning's church.[20][21] Manning became very angry over this and he imagines it will not happen unless 'men give birth through their anus'.[22] Manning and his congregation have threatened to arm themselves and barricade themselves inside the church in an effort to keep it.[23] There is a temporary stay over the forced sale till a full court hearing on the 21st April 2016.[24] The Ali Forney Center plans to use the time to research a good financial package before bidding for the church.[25]

Relationship with Donald Trump

Manning initially endorsed Donald Trump in December of 2015;[26] however he withdrew his support in June 2016 when Trump sent concilliatory messages after the Orlando shootingsWikipedia.[27] In August during the campaign, when Trump's organization was undergoing chaos and a shake-up after the firing of Paul Manafort and Corey Lewandowski, Manning offered to take over.[28] In September Manning told Alex Jones of InfoWars that Hillary Clinton's own internal polling told her Donald Trump was leading in battleground states and had enough to win.[29] Immediately after the election,[30] Manning again withdrew his support from Trump and warned white people they were under God's judgement.[31] [32] Manning now refers to him as "Tribulation Trump".[33]

In 2014, Manning boasted of being privy to information of Putin's plan to interfere in America's domestic politics and subvert democracy.[34]

External links


  1. In part it is because he feels white wingnuts may be ignoring him due to the color of his skin. Partly because they think he's too crazy. Honestly, it's really god damn hard to follow his reasoning on his beef with them.


  1. "‘Obama Has Released the Homo Demons,’ Church Sign Warns"
  2. "Neighbors confront controversial Harlem pastor over ‘hateful’ church sign"
  3. YouTube — Sodomites Drink Animal Semen At Starbucks - note that no animal semen is mentioned.
  4. YouTube - Milk And Semen Blends Lattes At Starbucks
  5. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/03/25/anti-gay-pastor-i-was-sent-a-bucket-of-poop-by-demon-sodomites/
  6. Gabon
  7. Pastor James David Manning on "Black Folk"
  8. YouTube - Family of Slain Miriam Carey Calls for Paternity Test of Possible Obama Love Child
  9. Why I care about Miriam Carey
  10. Youtube - CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up
  11. Youtube - James David Manning Explains How You Contract The 'Sodomite Demon'
  12. Youtube - New World Order Highjacked Flight 370
  13. Youtube - Don't Let Your Son Cut Off His Penis
  14. Right Wing Watch - Right-Wing Pastor Claims Obama Made Deal With Terrorists To Attack Other Countries While He's President
  15. Youtube - Isis Military Campaign Is Biblical
  16. Youtube - Send all Black People Back to Africa
  17. Youtube - I Believe the CIA will Assassinate Obama
  18. Youtube - Ben Carson Is A Sodomite
  19. Antigay pastor James David Manning is about to lose his church
  20. Ali Forney Center Hits Fundraising Goal to Buy Harlem Hate Church
  21. Support the #HarlemNoHate campaign
  22. Christian Hate Pastor: Gays Can’t Have My Church Until They Give Birth to Kids Through Their Anus
  23. Anti-gay pastor will barricade himself inside church to stop sale to ‘Sodomite faggots’
  24. Breaking News: No Foreclosure On ATLAH Church
  25. Closure of ‘Jesus would stone homos’ church delayed amid legal challenge Let's hope nobody gets killed.
  26. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hate-pastor-harlem-backs-donald-trump-plans-support-article-1.24
  27. http://www.mediaite.com/online/anti-gay-pastor-retracts-endorsement-after-trump-denounces-orlando-attack/
  28. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/08/09/pastor-offers-to-take-over-donald-trumps-campaign-and-save-him-from-faggot-buttholes/
  29. https://youtu.be/pSCDLs70WLk
  30. https://www.conspiracyoutpost.com/topic/16935-pastor-james-david-manning-calls-trump-tribulation-trump-son-of-hitler-vid/
  31. http://www.ambrosekane.com/2016/11/20/what-the-hell-has-happened-to-pastor-james-david-manning-manning-turns-against-trump-and-warns-that-white-people-are-under-gods-judgment/
  32. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/james-david-manning-trump-is-a-demon-who-is-having-sex-with-ugly-stringy-head-slut-kellyanne-conway/
  33. https://atlah.org/amn4/2019/01/30/tribulation-trump-son-of-the-father-of-lies-white-supremacy-america/
  34. https://downtrend.com/brian-carey/harlem-church-pastor-predicts-putin-will-obama-gay-within-100-days