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Jerry Falwell Sr.

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Devil's in the details
The horrid homosexual character pictured here is wanted by Jerry Falwell for leading children to enjoy rum, sodomy and the lash, with emphasis on "sodomy."
 The facilities should be separate. When God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line…  The true Negro does not want integration… He realizes his potential is far better among his own race.
—Falwell from the 1958 sermon "Segregation or Integration: Which?", wherein he cited Genesis 9:18-27[1][2]
The empty life of this ugly little charlatan proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offenses to morality and to truth in this country if you’ll just get yourself called Reverend.
Christopher Hitchens

Scary Jerry Falwell (1933–2007) was an obnoxious christofascist segregationist[1] demagogue who spewed narrow-minded hatred at every chance, while presenting himself as a pretender to the homilies of one Jesus Christ (of course, Jesus is the Son of God, and God regularly kills or damns people who make him angry by using their freedoms and daring to not believe in a bunch of contradictory, questionably translated 2,000- to 5,000-year-old desert scribblings supporting a cult religion made up by a bunch of heatstroke-ravaged barbarians in Iron Age Palestine, so Jesus might have agreed with him).

As the creator of the Moral Majority, he seemed to take inspiration from Billy James Hargis's "Christian Crusade". The general impression among people who are not his enthusiastic supporters is that he was a worthless prick; however, it must be mentioned that he was not involved in the sex or financial scandals that was the downfall of many of his contemporaries.

According to Falwell you should save what little forgiveness you have as a Christian for Saint Ronnie's divorce.[3]

Gays did 9-11

The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."
Remarks to Pat Robertson two days after the WTC attacks, 'The 700 Club

Falwell got his first big win in 1981, after the city of Washington, D.C., briefly decriminalized gay sex. Falwell successfully lobbied Congress to overturn the decision, warning that D.C. would become “the gay capital of the world.”[4]

He blamed homosexuals, neopagans, and feminists for the September 11 attacks — and not, say, Christians stirring up a hornet's nest in Muslim countries by maintaining a military presence in the Middle East and propping up oppressive dictators. He is also known for claiming that children's TV character Tinky Winky was a homosexual (for being purple, wearing a tutu, and carrying a handbag).[5].

Speaking of minorities, Falwell was also a leading anti-Semite, claiming that the anti-Christ was a male Jew and that "Jews can make more money accidentally than you can on purpose."[6]

Up your hole, with love, peace and soul

Falwell had a famous legal battle with Larry Flynt that went all the way to the Supreme Court, a fight that focused on a spoof liquor ad from Flynt's Hustler magazine in which Falwell talked about his first time having sex...with his an outhouse. The Supreme Court delivered a unanimous ruling in favor of Hustler and thus established a precedent that protects the right to parody public figures[7]. Falwell and Flynt later became friends when they discovered that they shared more in common than they realized, due to their similar Appalachian roots; Flynt even wrote a touching column about Falwell after he passed away.[8]

Oogie Boogie, is that you?

Beginning in 1970, Falwell terrorized children annually with his Halloween Hell House.

Son of Falwell

Jesus never told Caesar how to run Rome.
—Jerry Falwell Jr. explaining how crucifying Christ was a just[9]

He was struck down died on May 15, 2007, proving that even God was tired of Jerry's claptrap.[note 1] After his death, Christopher Hitchens hitchslapped him to eternity on Anderson Cooper's CNN program.[10] The world moved on. De mortui nil nisi beneWikipedia...

Falwell's legacy is Liberty University. He rose to national prominence when his other school, Liberty Christian Academy, prohibited non-white enrollment and, thus, lost tax-exempt status.[11] L.U. is currently chaired by his son (1962–). We'll say this much, Americans automatically tune out any comments coming from a Falwell; however, we can't help but notice that Junior is rather svelte to the point of being unrecognizable compared to his bloated, bloviated, (thankfully) deceased dad. Looks like the kid's voraciousness is presently limited to money and God (in that order).[12]

Falwell Jr. was also the most prominent evangelical leader to embrace President-elect Donald Trump, showing that the lack of morality among the Moral Majority is intergenerational. There was concern that Trump may ironically have appointed him Secretary of Education, instead of someone just as bad.[13][14] Falwell Jr. says he was offered the education job but turned it down.

We were that close to having an evolution denier, climate change conspiracist, and Christian fundamentalist in charge of our nation’s public schools.
Hemant Mehta[15]

Junior fails to even understand basic Christian theology (Augustine of Hippo), because greed.[9]

Junior has been ruling LU with an iron fist, forcing faculty and students alike to not deviate from pro-Trumpist, far-right Christianity.[16] Junior has even been getting involved in promoting conspiracy theories (e.g. Hillary Clinton conspired with Russia to come up with the Steele DossierWikipedia).[17]

In August 2020, Falwell Jr. posted a picture to Instagram from a party on a yacht. In that photo, he revealed that he was a fan of the show Trailer Park BoysWikipedia (as he was dressed like one of the characters from the show), a fan of rum and coke "black water", and lastly, a big fan of posting selfies to Instagram with his pants unzipped, exposing his underwear choice of the day to the world.[18][19] This clearly violated Liberty University's dress code regulations, and violated Liberty's policy on drinking alcohol. A poster on Reddit calculated that if a Liberty University student was captured in the same scene, thanks to Liberty's strict social regulations, the student could possibly have accrued more than $9,000 in school fines and 900 hours of required service, and possible expulsion.[20] This was the last straw for many Liberty University faculty. 2020 was a year of controversy for Falwell Jr. – lowlights include flippant dismissal of COVID-19, calls for parts of Virginia to secede from the state, and a racist tweet that resulted in many Black employees and athletes quitting Liberty University.[20] But if there is two things that make evangelicals really uncomfortable, it is alcohol and sex. This picture contained both. Subsequently, the outrage was widespread in the evangelical community itself.[20] Consequently, Falwell Jr. took an "indefinite leave of absence" from the university.[21]

Adding even more to the younger Falwell's woes, a business partner alleged that he was involved in a multiyear sexual relationship with Falwell Jr. and his wife.[22] [23] Ironically (considering the considerable use of the insult cuckold or cuck as a snarl word among Donald Trump supporters online,[24] and Falwell Jr.'s unswerving support for Trump)[25] according to the allegations, Falwell Jr. "enjoyed watching from the corner of the room" while the business partner had sex with his wife.[23] Which is pretty much the literal definition of what a "cuck" really is.Wikipedia The Falwells had also engaged the services of Michael Cohen, Trump's disgraced personal lawyer, to keep a number of incriminating photographs from the public.[26]

On August 24, 2020, Falwell Jr. resigned as president of Liberty University, and withdrew from the university's board or directors.[26][27] To add insult to injury, Lynchburg, VA, where the school is located, went blue for the first time in over 70 years[28] during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, rejecting his favorite president.

External links

See also


  1. That, or God liked him so much that He couldn't wait until the rapture to get him. Or God hates loves all the other people because He doesn't want Falwell to preach to them be a giant pain in their asses anymore.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Agent of Intolerance: Jerry Falwell is best known for crusading against abortion and homosexuality. But early on, he skillfully used race to galvanize the Christian right. by Max Blumenthal (May 16, 2007) The Nation.
  2. The Book of Jerry Falwell: Fundamentalist Language and Politics by Susan Friend Harding (2001) Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691089584.
  5. 'Gay Tinky Winky bad for children' at BBC news
  9. 9.0 9.1 Jerry Falwell Jr. found his MAGA religion by Elizabeth Bruenig (January 2 at 6:46 PM) The Washington Post.
  10. Anderson Cooper: Jerry Falwell's Legacy (Transcript, YouTube video) May 15, 2007.
    Also note Hitchens' appearance on Hannity & Colmes following Falwell's demise (Transcript, YouTube video) where he famously quipped: "If you gave Falwell an enema he could be buried in a matchbox."
  11. Jerry Falwell: Associated organizations
  12. Pulliam Bailey, Sarah, "Jerry Falwell Jr.: ‘If more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those’ Islamist terrorists", The Wshington Post 12.5.15. ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!
  13. Creationist Jerry Falwell, Jr. Met with Donald Trump About a Possible Dept. of Education Position
  14. Jerry Falwell, Jr → SECRETARY OF EDUCATION?
  15. Jerry Falwell, Jr.: Donald Trump Offered Me the Secretary of Education Job, But I Turned It Down
  16. Inside Liberty University’s ‘culture of fear’: How Jerry Falwell Jr. silences students and professors who reject his pro-Trump politics. by Will E. Young (July 24, 2019) The Washington Post.
  17. .@HillaryClinton colluded with Russia to buy a phony dossier to influence the outcome of a presidential election BUT, if USA hadn’t colluded with Russia, we would’ve lost WWII in Europe or would’ve had to use atomic weapons there. That’s how HRC justified her actions, I suppose🙄 (11:51 AM - 30 Jun 2019) Twitter (archived from July 1, 2019).
  18. "Jerry Falwell Jr accused of hypocrisy after sharing photo of pants unzipped" by Adam Gabbatt, The Guardian, 2020 Aug 4
  19. "wut is happening", Tweet by @RobDownenChron (Robert Downen, Houston Chronicle reporter), archived on 8 Aug 2020
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 "Why That Falwell Jr. Yacht Photo Was the Final Straw" by Ruth Graham, Slate, 2020 August 7
  21. "Jerry Falwell Jr. will take a leave of absence from Liberty University" by Dakin Andone, CNN, 2020 August 7
  22. The Saga of Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Bizarre Relationship With a Miami Beach Pool Boy, Explained by Ryan Bort (June 20, 2019) Rolling Stone.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Aram Roston, Business partner of Falwells says affair with evangelical power couple spanned seven years. Reuters, 24 August 2020.
  24. "The evolution of “cuck” shows that different far-right groups are learning the same language" by Tim Squirrell, New Statesman, 2017 August 3
  25. [ "Falwell Says Nothing Could Lead Him To Drop Support For Trump" by Rob Boston, Church and State Magazine, 2019 February
  26. 26.0 26.1 Victoria Bekiempis, Jerry Falwell Jr confirms he has resigned from Liberty University. The Guardian, 25 August 2020.
  27. Susan Svrluga, Sarah Pulliam Bailey and Michelle Boorstein, Jerry Falwell Jr confirms he has resigned from Liberty University. Washington Post, 24 August 2020.