Razib Khan

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Razib Khan, 2023
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Newamul "Razib" Khan[1]:16 (1977–) is a Bangladeshi-American writer and an advocate of hereditarianism. Khan has bachelor's degrees in biology and biochemistry.[2] Prior to 2019, Khan was a coauthor on several peer-reviewed publications in animal genomics, primarily for cat genomics.[3]

Khan has said that he has always been an atheist.[4]

Khan's hereditarianism[edit]

VDARE and Steve Sailer[edit]

Razib Khan's views on human behavior are strongly influenced by racists such as Steve Sailer and J. Philippe Rushton.

Khan's first appearance in the hereditarian and racialist world was in 2000, when he had an exchange of letters with Steve Sailer in VDARE. Khan wrote:

I am writing this in response to Steve Hallaway's question to Mr. Sailer's articles, following his articles on the importation of Mexico's racial caste system. Mr. Hallaway's question turns on making similar assumptions about intermarriages between whites and East Asians as Mr. Sailer does about intermarriages between whites and New World Indians and whites and blacks. But there are a few problems with this argument....

If by "intelligence" once means analytic reasoning skills, it seems that the Northeast Asians — Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans — are somewhat more intelligent than the white norm. (I believe the I.Q. difference is generally listed as somewhere between 2-8 points, depending on the study). Most of the evidence also seems to point to New World Indians' scoring slightly below whites. Thus, Mestizos (white-Indian mixes) would have slightly lower IQs than whites, while Eurasians (white-East Asian crosses) would have slightly higher IQs. The correlation between the increasing blondeness of high I.Q. Eurasians would be somewhat mitigated if the less intelligent Eurasian men happened to import intelligent East Asian women to make up for their competitive disadvantage on the marriage market, while the more intelligent Eurasians would marry less intelligent blondes (i.e., European derived females). The key is how much more intelligent the high status Eurasian males are, and how much more intelligent Asian females are vs. European females

In addition, the most intelligent Eurasian men might also be the most "nerdish" as Mr. Sailer would say.[note 1] This would make it rather more difficult for them to attract high status "blondes." What I am saying is that there is a difference between the macho Mestizo and black men, who attain high status in most likely extroverted fields (say entertainment, sports, law, politics, and business) while highly intelligent Eurasians might be funneling into scientific fields, making their values, and their possible mates, a bit different. Melinda French Gates for instance, to use the classic example of a nerd-wife, is attractive, but not blonde.[6]

Gene Expression[edit]

On his website Gene Expression, on June 27, 2002 Khan wrote:

Slavery and the Black Family James Q. Wilson[7] has a fascinating article (long) on African-American family life-especially the relative weakness of the "traditional nuclear family" amongst them. The questions he poses-and the answers he gives-might surprise you. Wilson's approach is mostly cultural-but read Rushton's Race, Evolution and Behavior: A Life History Perspective[8] and you get the same data interpreted in a rather different manner.[9]

Unz Review and Human Biodiversity[edit]

Khan had a column at the The Unz Review for many years and he often mentioned his devotion to hereditarianism and associated belief-systems such as human biodiversity. On December 30, 2002, Khan wrote:

For what it’s worth, I believe that one need not be racist (and use normative language like “superior” and “inferior”) and still accept human biodiversity.[10]

Tax returns from 2009 indicate that Khan received a grant of $108,000 from the Unz Foundation.[1]:16

Taki's Magazine and Richard Spencer[edit]

Khan has been a contributor to Taki's Magazine,[11] reportedly at the invitation of Richard Spencer.[12]


Khan has written several articles for Quillette,[13] including a review of Charles Murray's Facing Reality.

Khan's career[edit]

In spite of his essentialist beliefs informed by hardcore racialists, Khan's career has been promoted by mainstream people and organizations.

Steven Pinker[edit]

Khan's career received a boost from Steven Pinker beginning in 2006 when Pinker gave an interview to Khan in Gene Expression.[14] Pinker has called Khan " an insightful commentator on all things genetic."[15][16]

When Pinker received criticism about his book The Better Angels of Our Nature, he responded on his website with a page titled Frequently Asked Questions about The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined with the following:

But aren’t you just being defensive? Authors always think that negative reviews of their book are wrong. Has anyone else replied to Kolbert?

Razib Khan has a response in the Gene Expression blog on the Discover magazine Web site:[2][17]

Pinker has promoted Khan via Twitter on several occasions.[2][15][18]

Pinker has given interviews to Khan in recent years, distributed via Khan's social media sites.[19][20]

The New York Times[edit]

In 2011, The New York Times reported that Khan was among the few atheist conservatives:

In 2008, feeling the absence of irreligious voices on the right, Mr. Khan, who also blogs about science for Discover magazine’s Web site, started SecularRight.org. Today, the site usually gets 500 to 1,000 hits a day, Mr. Khan said, although there are spikes as high as 10,000.[21]

The website SecularRight.org still exists, but has been inactive since August 2019.[22]

In 2014[23] and 2015[24] the New York Times published opinion pieces by Khan and in 2023 Ross Douthat in his piece My Fantasy Bookshelf mentioned he had recorded a podcast with Khan[25].

Kathryn Paige Harden[edit]

Khan and psychologist and promoter of behavioral genetics (a.k.a. biological determinism), Kathryn Paige Harden[26] appear to have a mutual admiration society. In her much-publicized book, The Genetic Lottery,[27] Harden acknowledges Razib Khan for "conversations"[28] and on his Substack, Khan refers to Harden as his friend.[29]

Harden has expressed an interest in promoting Khan's career.[30]

Insitome Institute[edit]

Khan was Director of Scientific Content for the now-defunct Insotome Institute, a genome-oriented think tank[31][32]

National Review[edit]

Khan has published several articles in the National Review.[33]

National Public Radio[edit]

National Public Radio ran a story about Khan called Curious Father Decodes His Unborn Son's DNA.[34]

Discover Magazine[edit]

Khan had a blog called Gene Expression at Discover Magazine. He generally avoided the topic of race with a few exceptions.[35] [36] When he left Discover, he indicated he was joining up (or joining up again?) with Ron Unz.[37].

"You're a subhuman retard"[edit]

When he was writing a column for Discover Magazine, Razib Khan declared that civility is important: "Comments are important. From the comments over the past 8 years of blogging I have learned much. But civility is important, and I enforce that with some zeal."[38]

More recently, and like Emil Kirkegaard[39], Khan uses "retard" and "retarded" to childishly insult those he disagrees with, as when he responded to a commenter on Richard Hanania's Substack with "You're a subhuman retard."[40]

In what he no doubt considers a compelling argument, he retweeted right-wing Wilfred Reilly and far-right Koch-funded Independent Women's Forum Inez Stepman defending the use of the term.[57]

The rightwing turducken of civility


On the podcast Standing on the Shoulders of Giants with David McKay, Khan said that most of his time was spent working on a startup called GenRAIT.[58] The GenRAIT website's About page, as of October 2023, did not provide any information about who was involved in the organization.[59] However, Taylor Capito was identified via the GenRAIT Twitter/X account as CEO of GenRAIT.[60] Khan frequently posts images of himself and Capito on Twitter/X.[61][62][63][64][65][66] Capito holds a BS in Psychology.[67] According to LinkedIn, the head of science is Amanda Vondras[68] and the CTO and co-founder is Santanu Das.[69]

A company called Bioinformatic CRO was identified on Twitter/X as a partner of GenRAIT[70] Khan is a former employee of Bioinformatics CRO.[71]


Because Khan's career has received boosts from mainstream individuals and organizations, his history as a promoter of race pseudoscience is often overlooked until controversy brings it out into the open.

The New York Times "cancellation"[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Cancel culture

He was asked to write for The New York Times, but after his history of racist connections was publicized, his offer was rescinded.[72]

Khan wrote about it on his blog, claiming that it did not negatively impact his career.[73]

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, wrote an inflammatory piece in Taki's Magazine lamenting:

Razib Khan was fired from The New York Times for being racist even though he’s brown and everyone involved in his lynching was white.[74]

In fact one of the primary individuals in Khan's "lynching" was Jamelle Bouie,[75] now a columnist at The New York Times who happens to be African American.[76] Khan acknowledged this fact, without mentioning names when he wrote:

I have no idea what the optimal age to get canceled is. There weren’t so many of us in 2015 when it happened to me. The N is getting big enough at this point that we can probably do that survey soon. I can tell you that getting canceled for being exactly who you are, saying exactly what you think and see, and talking/writing with absolutely anyone is kind of a non-event. It’s a funny commentary on our times that one of the people they say was most rabid behind the scenes about protecting the readership of The New York Times from a dangerous mind like mine, has since joined The New York Times. Does America feel safe now, buddy? [77]

E.O. Wilson rebuttal controversy[edit]

After E. O. Wilson died, Monica McLemore published an article in Scientific American noting Wilson's connections to racialists and debt to hereditarianism called The Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson.[78] Khan went ballistic, writing:

My immediate reaction was that the op-ed was indecent. It was muddled and uninformed at best, disrespectful and misleading at worst. Along with many others, I expressed this view on social media and began to hear from yet more who weren’t speaking publicly. I heard through the grapevine that multiple Scientific American staffers were embarrassed by the piece and I was encouraged to submit a rebuttal. After a quick flurry of emails and direct messages, a few of us agreed this shouldn’t be allowed to stand without a rebuttal.

Other scientists of some stature shared our disgust, but disagreed; they argued against dignifying something so unworthy with a response. It would give Scientific American undeserved oxygen and attention. Engagement with a publication that to many seems to have lost its way risked being more reward than rebuke. To be candid, I felt their approach, probably perfectly standard in past decades, was wholly out of step with today’s dispensation, when attacks on science are legion, genuine fear of the social-media mob is rampant in academia and whole careers are “canceled” on a specious basis. Ignored long enough, the lie becomes canon.

It wasn’t difficult to find signatories to the rebuttal, and we could have collected hundreds. I stopped seeking names after a few dozen, because the message is abundantly clear when you see who signed. Dr. David C. Queller is one of the most prominent critics of Wilson’s late foray against Hamiltonianism. Dr. David Sloan Wilson and Dr. Jerry Coyne both signed without hesitation. In other circumstances, they have had some very pointed disagreements, but on this they concurred (Wilson, notably, was emphatic that we shouldn’t engage in “Great Manhagiography on the podcast I recorded with him). Some of those who signed, no doubt share many political and social views with the author of the Scientific American piece. It’s not my place to speak for them, but some made clear their sincere political goals are not served by association with sloppy smear jobs.[79]

When some of those who signed Khan's rebuttal became aware of Khan's racialist history, they rescinded their signatures. This was criticized by mainstream individuals such as Matthew Yglesias who tweeted sarcastically "Seems like a healthy intellectual climate,"[80] and Nicholas Christakis who tweeted "I think it was James Baldwin himself who said 'if a Klansman were to say that the sun rises in the east, I would agree with him, because I ally myself with the truth.' And, to be clear, the point is that (Khan's) rebuttal was accurate (and neither EO or Razib deserve this, IMHO)."[81] Christakis later admitted that his got the source of the quotation wrong, it was actually by Bayard Rustin.[82]

Unfortunately for Khan and his defenders, the papers that Wilson had made available to researchers upon his death revealed he was even more explicitly racist than Monica McLemore and others realized:

[J. Philippe] Rushton was arguing that “r/K selection theory” applies to different human races. This model was developed in the 1960s by Wilson and the population biologist Robert MacArthur to characterize distinct evolutionary reproductive strategies among different species of animals. It distinguishes species that produce large numbers of offspring (or those that are “r-selected”) with little subsequent parental investment (for example, many insects) from those that produce few offspring (or are “K-selected”) with greater parental investment (elephants, humans). Rushton’s intent was rather to demonstrate that “behavioral genetics seems to suggest that r/K relationships are heritable” among humans, and that, furthermore, different human “races” have different strategies: specifically, that Black people are r-selected, while whites are K-selected. Moreover, he carefully explained to Wilson that this model accounted for racial disparities in IQ, postulating that Black people are not selected for high intelligence because their selection strategy favors, essentially, quantity over quality.

As an author of the r/K model, one would have expected Wilson to have been outraged at Rushton’s proposal, which implied, as many nineteenth-century scientists did, that human “races” constituted different species — a view no reputable biologist, including Wilson, would have publicly defended. But Wilson immediately dashed off a letter to Rushton applauding his application of the r/K model as “one of the most original and interesting [ideas] I’ve ever encountered in psychology,” adding that the work was “courageous.” “In this country the whole issue would be clouded by personal charges of racism to the point that rational] discussion would be almost impossible,” he wrote, urging Rushton to “press ahead!”[83]

Recent racialist activities[edit]

Khan's views on race and association with racists are not only in the past. He still firmly believes in hereditarianism and Black genetic inferiority and has friendly relationships with hereditarians and racists.

Charles Murray and Facing Reality[edit]

In July 2021, in Quillette, Razib Khan published a review of The Bell Curve author Charles Murray's Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America.[84]

Theodore R. Johnson, in his review in The Washington Post, wrote:

In his latest offering, “Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America,” Murray doubles down on the assertions from the most controversial chapters in “The Bell Curve” by declaring two things: Black Americans, as a group, have lower cognitive ability than White Americans, and Black Americans — again, as a group — are more criminally violent than other races and ethnicities. His argument is straightforward in its proclamation that to resolve society’s wicked problems, we must first accept that group differences in cognition and adverse social behaviors, not systemic racism, bear a significant share of the responsibility for racial socioeconomic disparities.[85]

For his part, Khan completely agrees with Murray, and laments the failure of most Americans to accept the hereditarian claim that Black American failure to thrive has nothing to do with systemic racism, and rather everything to do with Black American genes. He calls the claim of systemic racism "a foundation of lies":

To recap a harsh truth of my own, with which I opened this essay: Those already familiar with the data on racial differences in cognitive tests and crime rates, and therefore predisposed to take Murray’s book seriously, will most likely give up on engagement due to intellectual exhaustion with today’s punitive and spiteful political climate. And those who might benefit from Murray’s book will not read it because it was written by someone who transmits ritual pollution to all those who acknowledge him. Additionally, judging by the choices of most Americans, who live broadly racially segregated lives, the solution to the problem of race as expressed in their revealed preferences is clear. Murray need not worry about the emergence of resentful white identity politics, since the empirical data suggests that places like Hyde Park, in Chicago, can maintain cheerful whitopias in the midst of diversity. All that’s needed is a wall of lies about “good schools” and “safe neighborhoods” that omit the salient and visible facts. It’s not the clusters of whiteness we need to worry about; it’s the economic desperation, marginalization, and segregation.

Facing Reality attempts to force into view data that many Americans would rather not acknowledge. These are not data that foster peace of mind, because they disrupt the delusion that there are easy answers to hard problems or scapegoats we can drive from the village to restore purity and order. But we are not a society in a state of equanimity as it is. Serenity evades us as long as we build upon a foundation of lies. Screaming about injustice, spreading the blame to others less fortunate than ourselves, or denying it outright will not bring us peace, help the less privileged, or fortify our fragile republic. We can deny reality. We can ignore the demands of the future. But we’re accelerating rapidly toward a time when we’ll have to face reality with 21st-century solutions to our problems.

In a tweet which he later deleted, Khan, an atheist, compared the claim of systemic racism to religious belief.[86][87]

In spite of the implication by Khan and others that Charles Murray is just a humble scientist reporting the facts, and has been unfairly characterized as a racist, Murray is a political scientist who defended job discrimination against Black applicants in recent years[88]. Presumably this is one of Murray's suggestions for how we can make a better America, once his two truths are accepted.

Richard Hanania[edit]

Khan has been a friendly colleague of Richard Hanania for years[89][90][91][92][93] and Hanania described Khan as his friend on his Substack[94].

The Quillette gang[edit]

Khan announced on his Substack:

Quillette Social, January 7th, 2023 in New Orleans. I’ll be there, but so will Claire Lehmann, Jon Kay, Jamie Palmer, Bo Winegard, Cory Clark, Stuart Reges, Pamela Paresky, Joel Kotkin, Lee Jussim and Wilfred Reilly.[95]

External links[edit]


  1. See Steve Sailer's essay "Nerdishness: The Great Unexplored Topic".[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Return of Private Foundation: The Unz Foundation, 990-PF (2009) Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Relative angels and absolute demons by Razib Khan (October 9th, 2011) Gene Expression blog, Discover Magazine (archived from November 20, 2011).
  3. Razib Khan Google Scholar.
  4. Razib Khan, Anti-Woke Mage Of Old Religion: Atheist scientist and controversialist says Woke triumph resembles historical victory of Christianity over Roman paganism by Rod Dreher (Feb 1, 2021 10:18 AM) The American Conservative.
  5. Nerdishness: The Great Unexplored Topic by Steve Sailer (1999). Archived from May 13, 2013.
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20190130045354/https://vdare.com/letters/vdare-khan-letter-and-sailer-reply-america-s-imported-caste-system
  7. Slavery and the Black Family by James Q. Wilson (May 01, 2002) American Enterprise Institute.
  8. Race, Evolution and Behavior: A Life History Perspective by J. Philippe Rushton (1995) Transaction Publishers. ISBN 1560001461.
  9. https://www.gnxp.com/oldblog/archives/2002_06_01_gene-expression_archive.php
  10. https://www.unz.com/gnxp/wow-times-have-changed-but-it-s-still-whitey-s-fault/
  11. https://www.takimag.com/contributor/razibkhan/130/
  12. https://undark.org/2017/02/28/race-science-razib-khan-racism/
  13. https://quillette.com/author/razib-khan/
  14. 10 questions for Steven Pinker (July 04, 2006) Gene Expression by by Darth Quixote (archived from August 12, 2006).
  15. 15.0 15.1 Our Cats, Ourselves (Razib Khan is an insightful commentator on all things genetic). by Steven Pinker (2:28 PM · Nov 25, 2014) Twitter (archived from August 9, 2023).
  16. 10 questions for Steven Pinker (and others)s by Razib Khan (Jul 3, 2006 1:25 AM) Discover Magazine.
  17. https://stevenpinker.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-better-angels-our-nature-why-violence-has-declined
  18. Excellent evidence-based analysis of abortion opinions by Razib Khan | http://nyti.ms/1DdokRm by Steven Pinker (4:46 PM · Jan 3, 2015) Twitter (archived from August 10, 2023).
  19. https://otter.ai/u/K-EpIDNmoQkO7czrWgab8HKE-48?f=%2Fshared-notes
  20. https://www.razibkhan.com/p/steven-pinker-the-blank-slate-20#details
  21. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/19/us/19beliefs.html
  22. https://secularright.org/SR/wordpress/
  23. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/25/opinion/our-cats-ourselves.html?searchResultPosition=4
  24. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/03/opinion/the-abortion-stereotype.html?searchResultPosition=3
  25. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/26/opinion/fantasy-bookshelf.html?searchResultPosition=1
  26. https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/psychology/faculty/kh24738
  27. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/09/13/can-progressives-be-convinced-that-genetics-matters
  28. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQI2A9M5jPX5pR7WEyOh-b41tt3LNKYzASx2JT0vE9KyZiPtKzs6qfeCXXdYLszUDjArTkVVLZOHbpCS0HYtvIkiM2oD1jmGN6rCWT4RfdvL9kKK1cwTODsCe43G2Cm6Kc2_sYfm5YPYi5Rf7wHOgeHk-35fJ8ZumB3mhpN41kzMr46Ev5jtyoPRc/s1527/harden_khan.png
  29. https://www.razibkhan.com/p/rkul-time-well-spent-08082021
  30. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgy4K8HEKweKooqxGbcY3czT4p3mzWwhYMQ7Xax9t21h_iGt3v3KV4zrJFSXd9rMAm_QhhIuht7Zen2dX61qx7mJNEwMxg8bFjk2Nk5tvuFlMFjZkpdBUFOR1C2leydTUcr5S4TGtHtm1a02eAn6LSqSBLsqiAHBHBviHu5_5L65mJK3T8QGBZXYgg=w402-h293
  31. https://web.archive.org/web/20201023001443/https://www.insitomeinstitute.org/about/team
  32. About Insotome Institute (archived November 23, 2020).
  33. https://www.nationalreview.com/author/razib-khan/
  34. https://www.npr.org/2014/06/29/326669395/curious-father-decodes-his-sons-dna
  35. https://web.archive.org/web/20111201223044/http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2011/11/on-structure-variation-and-race/
  36. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/why-race-as-a-biological-construct-matters
  37. https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/endings-and-beginnings
  38. "...civility is important..." Razib Khan (March 25, 2010) Gene Expression - Discover Magazine
  39. Emil O. W. Kirkegaard#Ableism Rational Wiki
  40. Why I Used to Suck - Comments Razib Khan (August 6, 2023) Richard Hanania's Newsletter
  41. Retard Nation Razib Khan (September 26, 2023) Twitter/X
  42. ...repeating retarded talking points about equity ... Razib Khan (October 3, 2023) Twitter/X
  43. My daughter's math teacher... Razib Khan (October 3, 2023) Twitter/X
  44. but nowi think you are more retarded than i did before... Razib Khan (September 8, 2023) Twitter/X
  45. It's just retarded Razib Khan (August 2, 2023) Twitter/X
  46. I was going to tweet... Razib Khan (October 7, 2023) Twitter/X
  47. More right-wing civility Razib Khan (October 9, 2023) Twitter/X
  48. Even more right-wing civility Razib Khan (October 14, 2023) Twitter/X
  49. Some retards... Razib Khan (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  50. Global spanning empire retard Razib Khan (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  51. Trash the retard postcolonials Razib Khan (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  52. [https://archive.is/QGTHl Rainbow nation of retards Razib Khan (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  53. [https://archive.is/5ASVp Bunch of these retards Razib Khan (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  54. [https://archive.is/VUcKO Reply at me retards (October 19, 2023) Twitter/X
  55. [https://archive.is/07vOh UK is retarded (November 11, 2023) Twitter/X
  56. [https://twitter.com/razibkhan/status/1752890357098881294 Students are mostly retarded... (January 31, 2024) Twitter/X
  57. This was my first political act lol... Inez Stepman (October 4, 2023) Twitter/X
  58. Geneticist Razib Khan on the Standing on the Shoulders of Giants podcast (March 2, 2023) YouTube
  59. GenRAIT - About (retrieved October 5, 2023)
  60. Find @GenRait_Inc CEO @TaylorCapito at the Festival of Genomics and Biodata in Boston GenRAIT (October 5, 2023) Twitter/X
  61. Startup event (retrieved November 17, 2023) Twitter/X
  62. #appliedlive business on top casual on the bottom Razib Khan (September 20, 2023) Twitter/X
  63. Me and Taylor at #appliedlive in Austin today and tomorrow representing ⁦@GenRait_Inc Razib Khan (September 20, 2023) Twitter/X
  64. Fav. pic from today at #AppliedLive conference here in Austin Razib Khan (September 20, 2023) Twitter/X
  65. Day 2 #appliedAI repping @GenRait_Inc Razib Khan (September 21, 2023) Twitter/X
  66. The fun at booth 20 at The Festival of Genomics and Biodata GenRAIT (October 5, 2023) Twitter/X
  67. Taylor Capito - LinkedIn (retrieved October 5, 2023) LinkedIn
  68. Amanda Vondras (Retrieved October 5, 2023) LinkedIn
  69. Santanu Das (Retrieved October 5, 2023) LinkedIn
  70. GenRait, Inc. CEO @TaylorCapito and Justin Duplantis of @BioinfoCRO (a GenRait, Inc. partner) GenRAIT (October 5, 2023) Twitter/X
  71. Razib Khan Linkedin Profile< Razib Khan (Retrieved October 5, 2023) LinkedIn
  72. https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2015/03/new-york-times-drops-razib-khan-204287
  73. https://www.razibkhan.com/p/get-lucky
  74. https://www.takimag.com/article/when_heroes_are_villains_gavin_mcinnes/
  75. https://tktk.gawker.com/new-times-op-ed-writer-has-a-colorful-past-with-racist-1692187849
  76. https://www.nytimes.com/column/jamelle-bouie
  77. https://www.razibkhan.com/p/get-lucky
  78. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-complicated-legacy-of-e-o-wilson/
  79. https://www.razibkhan.com/p/setting-the-record-straight-open
  80. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjnhM3qW5K1Vh5z1JcqowmL8ncVlqdXVSHqPUTD7xiKjCdgciXmgIsyxNy2fNIhWbRWRMrIep5BexFCvj3RkRJYp9EOplkVxmEN_Zim4XtruVOCQnrpZHAyNPVtPcMnoT45VmwIDcnv5lhdTCGMYF9zeXvp2He_RbYGTO0En0A2SnycIrDinLY1KGM=w400-h505
  81. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjFlfT9IWpvOgZQq1K2J0SMg-HCTELrivy_6Q1gHncaLNXkuq8CoWbCawY_kacDGCa7cClzwgazjVCdZq9yvSCQ_2m3rk_Tq6eR9xQAXWR5CixkUc0bWWIiieWy69hyViFESt-wXrwefZwFmESGP7SeSDNf2q9aHWK5c-i2dyXnwCOMOq-8x76sRBM=w534-h964
  82. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjVuzvfMlztshSFCwSzr1XkGK_2wni_5idY4V8auK02I5IGGohO-608ChlEmKD7UXrkhQniii4V9s_Oc0GoYuhwXlX5zYn9lQVZtO7YvvnT72nFAxAvni04wUiugTMywy9rvwcjJOyMxag-IpOsXQQGu4tQpCJU_LofrA-24NfpxrI3sNIzrSSrlIs=w558-h451
  83. https://www.nybooks.com/online/2022/02/05/ideology-as-biology/
  84. https://web.archive.org/web/20210801070640/https://quillette.com/2021/07/29/charles-murrays-facing-reality-a-review/
  85. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/a-well-worn-argument-about-race-intelligence-and-violence/2021/06/23/936d815a-c7be-11eb-81b1-34796c7393af_story.html
  86. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgcCVAxIcG0G2Rdmz0SK4jocQfddSybPquC9HD2EDN7izdrbD39eapyddLDKqoCsg2hfxIzdq7dn01PoG0l7FVok_pQBd7z7viQYdoFJ5VbMLMV-tPyQfNbGjdO32Uv-2uLcUpMWAZk0LjqsaodW6167GINyaXVMn2qfmAKN8qoxDMyGK3Q9pWz36k=w432-h271
  87. https://www.johnderbyshire.com/Opinions/RadioDerb/2020-12-25.html
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