User talk:Refugee/Archive

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Welcome! Grab a goat! -- מְתֻרְגְּמָן וִיקִי שְׁלֹום!

Thanks! -- I grabbed a goat! LOL Goat.jpg

As far as I know ...[edit]

... that makes three: kels, me and thee. Quite possibly though there are hundreds of us - keeping quiet. Anyhow, welcome. Keepout of sight 19:38, 11 August 2007 (CDT)

Sadly, there are always too few of us among the geeks. Be it policy geeks, science geeks, or the more traditional type. --Kels 19:57, 11 August 2007 (CDT)
Now Kels there knows stuff.
Me, I tend to hang around 'recent changes', lurking, or adding total rubbish to ACD. My main trouble is that I haven't got the patience (or the knowledge, or the debating skills, or the tolerance of rank stupidity) to argue with CREATIONISTS, FUNDAMENTALISTS, BIGOTS and/or SCIENCE DENIERS, but it's fun watching others do it. (And it's probably as good an education as Andy's classes) Keepout of sight 20:16, 11 August 2007 (CDT)
PS: whatever you do, don't spray paint any goats or do anything else to one, round here that's a capital offence.Keepout of sight
No spray painting goats, you may however "Paint" them with barbecue sauce, and slow roast them for a few hours...... Eye Eye.jpg See You 20:53, 11 August 2007 (CDT)
P.S. We value most anything, so feel free to jump in anytime, perhaps pwn a few pages.....
Thanks for the welcomes! I can't even figure out how to get a cool signature, let alone pwn anyone yet, lol. Total wikistyle newbie here, I can edit, but that's about it... CP Refugee 02:59, 12 August 2007 (CDT)

HOW TO:[edit]

Wiki Sig:

  • in my preferences
  • Check: Raw signatures (without automatic link)
  • In Nickname: type in your wikirefs & wikisigs in this format:
[[User:CP_Refugee|Refugee]][[User_Talk:CP_Refugee|<sup>Alms for the love of ....</sup>]]

Note:User name is case sensitive, replace spaces in user name with 'underscore' ( _ )

  • save - done

Test it here (do a ~~~, use preview button & cancel ) It should look like this:

RefugeeAlms for the love of ....

OK? Keep on wiping until it's clean » 10:32, 12 August 2007 (CDT)

Ok! Let's give it a try.... testing... Refugeetesting some words here ...
Looks good - thanks SusanG! whew, that was hard work, lol. When I recover maybe I can try to figure out how to make it different colors or smaller or something. Refugeetalk page



This page needs more GOAT

See Help:wikisig for an expanded and improved instruction. Keep»»» going «««

Thanks! Very helpful. :-) Refugeetalk page 15:23, 23 August 2007 (CDT)
testing colors...? ? ? Refugeetalk page 17:01, 23 August 2007 (CDT)

I've put you a test are to play in:User_talk:CP_Refugee/test_area

Hi refugee, you can take credit for inspiring the RW help pages (the ones I made anyway). Or not. Susantalk to me 20:40, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

LOL, Glad I inspired you - I need all the help I can get! hehehe... :-) Refugeetalk page

staying logged in[edit]

"I guess if I browse pages too long, it logs me out without me knowing" if when you log in, you check the box that says "remember me on this computer" you won't get logged out. hth, humanbe in 22:09, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

'til you log in from a difffferent IP. Like when I cross to another gprs node Damnit. Susantalk to me 22:15, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

I don't think I should because sometimes I log in from the school library computer lab, sometimes from the student union or math computer lab, sometimes at home, sometimes on my roommates computer. If I check "remember me", then anyone using one of the computers I used could log in as me...? I think so anyway! lol (or like you do -LOL!!!11!!1one!!! hehe) Refugeetalk page 22:19, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
I would advise: experiment. Use roomies 'puter, click "remember me". Then explicitly "log out" and see if it works, I think it does. If not, create a throwaway sock and log in as it afterwards. humanbe in 01:22, 25 September 2007 (EDT)
and what's a gprs node? Refugeetalk page
I'm on a PDA using cellphone access. Susantalk to me 22:28, 24 September 2007 (EDT)


Dude how do we upload pictures?

The AlienDon't tase me, Bro!!! 23:20, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

Click upload file & follow instructions.Susantalk to me 23:25, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

YOU ALTERED MY TALK PAGE!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!![edit]

Or not. :p

I don't mind your question at all. I stopped editing there because I get filled up with negative energy reading there (and here for that matter). Yes, that means I'm falling off the wagon the last couple days. As have many others, I've found it hard to look away.

No worries. :) Aziraphale 22:58, 8 November 2007 (EST) <-Irie, mon...

i understand completely. thanx for the explanation (ha, your section title scared me though... die! eeek! lol) Refugeetalk page 21:41, 14 November 2007 (EST)

where's my test area?[edit]

Ok, so where's that test area that Susan G kindly made for me a while back... I want to try to change my colors before I post again. I can't find it. :( (yeah I know, I am teh stupid one)

Try User:CP Refugee/sandbox. That's standard practice. --Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 05:52, 12 March 2008 (EDT)
Thanx! But I just found it! :) and guess what, all I needed to do was read my own talk page, above, lol. the link was right up there, somewhere. I appreciate the help though!
Anytime : ) --Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 06:06, 12 March 2008 (EDT)
(btw, "I'm not as smart as most of you guys" Don't do that! Susanpurrrrr 07:54, 12 March 2008 (EDT))
Ok, I guess I'll change it then. :) Refugeetalk page 08:07, 12 March 2008 (EDT)

Everybody has to fight to be free[edit]

You don't have to live like that. ħumanUser talk:Human 21:12, 13 June 2008 (EDT)

hmmm... Human, sometimes you make me laugh, sometimes you say deep stuff, but, I don't understand this comment at all. :( I can haz explained to me? -- Refugeetalk page 02:07, 14 June 2008 (EDT)
Dig up the lyrics to Tom Petty's seminal hit, "Refugee", and all will be revealed. And, um, thanks, I think. ħumanUser talk:Human 02:55, 14 June 2008 (EDT)

Tom Petty, Refugee Lyrics:

We got somethin', we both know it, We don't talk too much about it. Ain't no real big secret all the same, somehow, we get around it.

It don't really matter to me, baby, You believe what you want to believe, You don't have to live like a refugee. (Don't have to live like a refugee)

Somewhere, somehow, Somebody must have kicked you around some. Tell me why you wanna lay there and revel in your abandon.

It don't make no difference to me, baby, Everybody's had to fight to be free, You see you don't have to live like a refugee. (Don't have to live like a refugee)

Baby, we ain't the first. I'm sure a lot of other lovers been burned. Right now this seems real to you, But it's one of those things you gotta feel to be true.

Somewhere, somehow, Somebody must have kicked you around some. Who knows? Maybe you were kidnapped, Tied up, taken away, and held for ransom.

It don't really matter to me, baby, Everybody's had to fight to be free, You see you don't have to live like a refugee.

Just saying "Hi"[edit]

Haven't seen you before, Refugee. Hi! Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 22:16, 13 June 2008 (EDT)

hehe... yes you have.. look above, you talked to me in March. lol :p (I am forgettable..) -- Refugeetalk page 02:07, 14 June 2008 (EDT)
*Eyes bug out* I did?! Well, uh, that just means I've made a new friend twice! : ) Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 02:58, 14 June 2008 (EDT)
hugs to R.A! :) Refugeetalk page 05:45, 14 June 2008 (EDT)

where's that other site?[edit]

Does anyone have the link to that other site that is like this one, but smaller, it has almost the same name, but longer, and it has a cute little "walking brain" icon for it's symbol? I can 't think of the exact name, but it's got a lot of the same members as here and similar pages, but different and/or expanded info on some things. I had the link but haven't been there in awhile and can't find it again. I'm putting this question here because I'm not sure who else's talk page it could go on... so if anyone happens to read my talk page (doubtful, but it could happen) and know the site I'm referring to, could you please give me the link if you have it? Or email me, it's enabled through here... thanks! :-) Refugeetalk page 16:29, 26 June 2008 (EDT)

RationalWikiWiki? tmtoulouse frustrate 16:17, 26 June 2008 (EDT)

Yes! That's it, thanks! :-) I didn't know it has a 'scribblewiki' in the name too, so I couldn't find it. - Thanks again, Refugeetalk page 16:29, 26 June 2008 (EDT)
hah, it moved again: :p that's a cute little walking brain... Refugeetalk page 13:06, 21 August 2008 (EDT)
Yes, we owe that to liberapedia. They use it at their article on us. ħumanUser talk:Human 16:32, 21 August 2008 (EDT)
That reminds me, we haven't had a Headless Chicken Mode for months. NightFlarei haz a talk page. 16:41, 21 August 2008 (EDT)
Indeed. We also haven't had any significant discussions about religion for months. Some might see a correlation between the two. --AKjeldsenCum dissensie 16:53, 21 August 2008 (EDT)
What about the PZ Myers cracker/not-cracker thing? NightFlarei haz a talk page. 17:01, 21 August 2008 (EDT)
Oh yes. Forgot about that. Maybe we've just gotten old and boring, then. --AKjeldsenCum dissensie 17:32, 21 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm still around :-)[edit]

If anyone cares, I'm still around. :-) I just don't say much. :p Refugeetalk page 18:06, 12 December 2008 (EST)

Ha! I guess no one cares. :p lol. Refugeetalk page 15:25, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Hello. It looks like you were last active before I joined here, but welcome back all the same. wassaiLOIdWeaselly.jpg~ 15:32, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Actually it looks like there was some overlap. Thanks for your comment about the template I made earlier. wassaiLOIdWeaselly.jpg~ 15:34, 29 December 2008 (EST)
People care, Ms.Refugee, people care.... DogP 15:33, 29 December 2008 (EST)
I thought you didn't want to live like a refugee. --Kels 15:33, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Hi! CP Refugee. Welkum bak. Toast 15:38, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Yeah, it's an awesome template, wassaiLOId! Thanks Dog! Hi Kels! and I'd like some butter with my Toast Refugeetalk page 15:41, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Apparently not enough to get your gender right, eh?! Sry, kthxbye, DogP 15:43, 29 December 2008 (EST)
that's common, no problem, and your message was nice, thank you :-) Refugeetalk page 15:46, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Oh no, I'm not falling for that trick. I already embarrassed myself by welcoming you a second time (after forgetting that I had already done so). You won't be getting a third one out of me. :P Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 17:53, 30 December 2008 (EST)

New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Refugee!

Check out our guide for newcomers and our community standards!

Tell us how you found RationalWiki here!

If you are interested in contributing:

Welcome Back to the Dollhouse! ħumanUser talk:Human 20:15, 30 December 2008 (EST)

Hah - I was wondering if I'd be able to get you a third time RA! :-D Do I really have to read the rules again Human? and thanks to everyone who responded to my shameless begging for attention, lol. (how can I delete the intercom message now?) Refugeetalk page 21:57, 30 December 2008 (EST)
"Do I really have to read the rules again Human?" Of course not. Wait, what rules??? All we have are "guidelines"... ħumanUser talk:Human 22:57, 30 December 2008 (EST)
In all seriousness, I should read the guidelines. I tend to jump right in without reading anything, then ask about things that are covered. Refugeetalk page
Just click on the "delete" button and it'll vanish - Pouff! Just like that. Toast 22:27, 30 December 2008 (EST)
hehe.. I meant how can I delete the intercom message entirely so no one has to read it, not just me! :D Refugeetalk page
Ah! don't think you can. It'd leave the messages open to random deletion by mischievous persons. Toast 13:49, 3 January 2009 (EST)


Being sick is pretty lame. I wish you a speedy recovery! :D --Cyan mowse 2.png λινυσ() 23:32, 30 December 2008 (EST)

Thank you very much! :-) I'm feeling better now. Refugeetalk page 13:36, 3 January 2009 (EST)

I am sorry[edit]

But by happenstance of fate, you have been kicked down the stairs and turned into a sysop. There is a guide to being a sysop somewhere, but I cannot seem to find it right now. I might get it to you sometime. ĵ₳¥ášÇ♠ʘ raaarrrgh mrh gruh BARHA bruagh!

I just posted about it on your talk page a minute ago, lol. I recall seeing the sysop guide somewhere, I'll look for it. Refugeetalk page 18:12, 6 February 2009 (EST)
It's here -- Nx talk 18:09, 6 February 2009 (EST)
OK, thank you! Refugeetalk page 18:12, 6 February 2009 (EST)

You're a crat[edit]

I have demoted you to 'Crat. Whoot! Ace McWickedbitch and moan 17:49, 22 April 2009 (EDT)

Ah damn, I go off to eat dinner, and I miss demoting Refugee. Ah well, I am still the one who hands her the guide! :D JĀvąṢ₡ä₰ hi there 17:54, 22 April 2009 (EDT)
if only I'd known I could have got a cratship by flirting with AceMcWicked, I wouldn't have had to offer free beer! :D Totnesmartin 18:15, 22 April 2009 (EDT)
You give Ace an little loving and he'll give you the goods. Ohhhhhh yeah *Cue Duff-Man style thrusting*. Ace McWickedbitch and moan 18:27, 22 April 2009 (EDT)
"Giggity giggity giggity giggity!" JĀvąṢ₡ä₰ hi there 18:34, 22 April 2009 (EDT)

Congratulations on your promotion Please accept my sincere condolences --  Nx/talk  18:41, 22 April 2009 (EDT)

Thank you! :D As I said in the Saloon Bar topic where I was nominated/confirmed or whatever, I'll do my best! Yay! Refugeetalk page 16:09, 23 April 2009 (EDT)

Welcome to our evil legion. Feel free to calibrate your weapons on TK. Educated stupid Hoover! 16:21, 23 April 2009 (EDT)

shuffling my userpage - nothing interesting here[edit]

On the contrary, everything you do is interesting *flirt* :-). Ace McWickedDisco Jesus 20:25, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

hey, here you are, yay! I missed you! Been thinking of you babe :D and you are much more interesting, that's one of the things that attracted me to you, that, and... well, you know. :p - Refugeetalk page 20:35, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
Yup here I am! Feeling rough as hell and mad because I had to use public transport this morning and I despise sitting in bus filled with sneezing virus carriers and filth bags. BAH! Time for a cull. Anyways, my thoughts turn to you sweet and all is well again. *Shameless flirt*. Ace McWickedDisco Jesus 20:45, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
A bus full of sneezing people? Oh noes! Watch out for the swine flu... and how long will it be before you use the option to the left of your screen <<<<< that says "E-mail this user"? Or must I always make the first move... - Refugeetalk page 20:54, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
hehehehe you're forward arnt ya? I like that in a girl. I am at work currently and my email is linked to my work address hence I am wary of giving to much I dare? Ace McWickedDisco Jesus 20:56, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
No, why not just wait until you are at home and have more time and feel like writing, and you are right, it's better not to reveal too much to anonymous females over the internet - I could go all crazy stalker or something! hehe. :p But I do think that it doesn't show your IP addy when you click the link to email from RW? That's how it works on some other wikis I am pretty sure, but I've never emailed anyone from here. Maybe send a test message to yourself and find out? - Refugeetalk page 21:07, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
Its not my IP I am thinking about. My work email address lists my full name, title, contact phone numbers etc. That give to much saying that I could just reply to your mail via email this user instead of my email address...hmmmmmm x Ace McWickedDisco Jesus 21:14, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
Or we can just continue to carry out our flirtations here, in public... kind of like a group date. LOL. :p - Refugeetalk page 21:18, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
Like an orgy? Wooooo.....psssst you have mail Ace McWickedDisco Jesus 21:19, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

I know stuff now[edit]

Words I haz learned from the intellijent intelegant smart peoples at RationalWiki:

1. meme n. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

2. non se·qui·tur n. An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence. A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.

3. ca·nard (kə-närd') n. An unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.

4. monomania (from Greek monos, one, and mania), a type of paranoia in which the patient has only one idea or type of ideas.

5. opprobrium - the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful; infamy; a cause or object of such disgrace or reproach.

6. puerility - having the property characteristic of a child; immaturity, childish foolishness or triviality.

7. anathema - noun. a person or thing detested or loathed.

8. erudition - er·u·di·tion -ə-ˈdi-shən, noun. extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

9. recondite - rec⋅on⋅dite -  dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter; beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric, little known; obscure facts.

10. ab⋅struse  - hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: obsolete, secret; hidden.

11. ne·ol·o·gism (nē-ŏl'ə-jĭz'əm) - a new word, expression, or usage. The creation or use of new words or senses.

12. om⋅nis⋅cient  –adjective. having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.

13. prescient - prěsh'ənt. knowledge of things before they exist or happen; foreknowledge; foresight.

14. loya jirga - a grand council or grand assembly used to resolve political conflicts or other national problems; "he convened a Loya Jirga that persuaded tribal leaders to acquiesce"

15. Ace - to be awesome; the characteristic of greatness; fucking fantastic. (thanks Ace for that description!) lol! Excited.gif

16. Lagavulin - Single Malt Scotch whisky produced at Lagavulin on the island of Islay.

17. ped⋅ant⋅ry  (ˈpɛdntri) - slavish attention to rules, details, etc.

18. an·tip·a·thet·ic - having or showing a strong aversion or repugnance: opposed in nature or character; antagonistic.

19. an·he·do·nia - a psychological condition characterized by inability to experience pleasure in acts which normally produce it.

20. ba·nal - So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.

21. autist - a person with the traits of autism. A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, by an extremely limited range of activities and interests, and often by the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviors.


I see that you couldn't find the smileys. Go: preferencesGadgets & check "Add a smiley list to the edit tools.". You'll then have a pretty goat pic added to the edit toolbar, click it and be amazed. This message brought to you by: Toastrespondand honey 05:21, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Thank you! Toast to the rescue again! Refugeetalk page 02:33, 6 August 2009 (UTC)
Adding a little linky here so I can find the smileys easily. Refugeetalk page 23:41, 16 August 2009 (UTC) Excited.gif

Where you been hiding?[edit]

Been awhiles! AceMcWicked 01:08, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

Babe! I've missed you! :-D --big hug-- But I think it was I who emailed you most recently with no reply... hmmm. then again, I'm not sure. :p lol. Refugeetalk page 01:16, 25 October 2009 (UTC)
Serious man, I receive no emails!! I sent you the last one! AceMcWicked 01:25, 25 October 2009 (UTC)
hmm, for real? maybe I am going straight to your spam folder and out the shute into space with the rest of the waste. Or perhaps I'm sending to a "check once monthly - for unimportant fooz only" email addy, lol.. I'll check to see where I've been sending and send another tonight (or rather, it will still be daytime for you I think). I'm off to cook dinner now tho - love ya! Refugeetalk page 01:33, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

do me a favor[edit]

and put your logo back up. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 19:54, 25 November 2009 (UTC)

My logo? I don't think I have one. ? Please refresh my memory - what was it? thanks! :D Refugeetalk page 19:56, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
Don't be coy. Your awesome logo. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 19:58, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
Oh that! LOL. :p That was just meant to be funny, it is my take on RationalWikiWiki's "walking brain" logo.. it is here too: hehe, glad you got a laugh out of it! :-) Refugeetalk page 20:01, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
It's so cute it makes me want to puke. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 20:05, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
That was the intended effect! lol :p Refugeetalk page 20:06, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
If you think the logo is cute neveruse, wait'll you actually see Refugee herself - hot damn! (I am assuming of course but I feel safe in my assumption) AceMcWicked 20:23, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
I figured as much. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 20:26, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
hey, how did I miss this.. Ace said nice things about me! *mwuah* kisses & hugs! Refugeetalk page 01:49, 30 November 2009 (UTC)


All the staff at McWicked Co. wish you a merry christmas. We like you.:-)......


[[File: |thumb|centre|300px|Ace just wants you to be happy]]

Ah, there he is, my gorgeous guy *sigh* :D I thought I was the only person to treasure a photo of Ace, but now you've shared yourself with all! lol. :-) Refugeetalk page 07:06, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
:-D Acei9 07:09, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Break Up[edit]

Two months since a break up?

Try SEVEN. The other night I tried to shag my friend Lewis, but he wasn't having any of it. SJ Debaser 11:50, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

LOL :p Condolences on your 7 month dry stretch. Let's hope things start looking up for both of us. Now that you are here, this is what I've been wanting to ask you for some time now - your sig line says: "TK hates antifreeze" - but how do you know he hates antifreeze? Refugeetalk page 23:04, 18 January 2010 (UTC)


Sir! I have sent you a very important e-mail, which may, or may not, self destruct in 30 seconds (actually last time I said that, Norseman's motherboard blew up). --PsyGremlinSiarad! 00:40, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

hee! Refugee is certainly no sir! lol :p Refugeetalk page 00:42, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

Whoops, I was possessed by the spirit of Ken there for a moment. Your pardon, m'lady. --PsyGremlinSpeak! 00:45, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
I got your email - thanks! :D I actually had already been told, and was surprised! Refugeetalk page 00:50, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
Lol. Needless to say, 2009 was a very schitzo year for me :) --PsyGremlinKhuluma! 00:54, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
I can certainly relate to that :p Refugeetalk page 00:56, 1 May 2010 (UTC)


You know you'll be welcome if you ever return. Please find new and wonderful lands and tell us all about them! ħumanUser talk:Human 06:28, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
We'll miss you, Refugee! Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 07:33, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
Cheers! Here's a little adventurous inspiration in your life-sailing adventures. The Goonie 1 What's this button do? Uh oh.... 23:00, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, wishing you all the best. Hopefully, your boat will make it back to our harbour once more. (and I apologise for my reply on my talkpage... didn't realise you'd sailed off into the wild blue yonder when I did.) --PsyGremlinFale! 11:35, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
Cheers for the RWW stuff, which I just saw! Though it's a bit too late...EddyP (talk) 19:32, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

New lands?[edit]

Where? Are they more stable than Libya? Oh, and what's this blocking over alleged cuteness nonsense? Are you part of the KGB? The Conservapedian Banhammer Police? NATO? Soros Foundation? Beck Chalk Inc? Meh, welcome back ye of alleged feminity (tis really unlikely and hard to prove on teh internets)--Mr. Bojangles (talk) 02:01, 31 March 2011 (UTC)


Hey there! Good to see you around again. --PsyGremlinRunāt! 13:55, 14 May 2011 (UTC)

Hi Psy! :-D (big hug) I just read your new blog posts - good job! Refugeetalk page 14:08, 14 May 2011 (UTC)

Sad pandas[edit]

You're probably just the tip of an iceberg. :( --Eira OMTG! The Goat be Praised. 19:39, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

Kudos to you Eira, for trying to be a voice of reason. How ridiculous for a couple of people to say they don't like Human's unilateral decision to crat someone, so as a response, they de-crat everyone and say now you have to do things my way! I feel this was forced down our throats, and should never have happened. This was a really cool, unique, wiki. But there is nothing I can do, so my choice is to leave. Refugeetalk page 19:43, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
Personally I'd suggest you get the full story before leaving. This has been coming for a long time, and is about far more than Human's decratting of Blue. EddyP Great King! Disaster! 19:47, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
Apparently it's enough about Human to warrant refusing him sysop rights... --Eira OMTG! The Goat be Praised. 19:51, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
I think I know enough about the issues. But, full story or not - what I object to was the way this was done. No due process. No input from the "rank and file" as we have been called. But I have no say so, my only choice is to put up with it or go. So I go. Refugeetalk page 19:55, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
(EC)I'm assuming that this is about Totnes not giving them out? Totnes wasn't even around when this started; he's simply the fourth winner of Musical Crat, the purpose of which is to make sure a crat is always about. This was started by ADK and Nx. Whether or not Totnes hates Human (and I don't think he does) has nothing to do with what's happened today. EddyP Great King! Disaster! 19:55, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
Ok, time to take this debate to a more appropriate page than my user talk. Archiving in a moment before leaving. Take care all... Refugeetalk page 19:57, 15 May 2011 (UTC)


Unfortunately your wise words will be overlooked. Too many noobs have joined recently and too many seem to want this place to be some wikipedia mirror. This place isn't fun anymore, its over run by people who think they're either lawyers or congressmen. Pathetic. MarcusCicero (talk) 20:47, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

My rebuttal[edit]

Apologies about that, I thought it was the best way. I also wanted it to get done as quickly as possible; I didn't want any ECs to mess it up and make me have to start again. EddyP Great King! Disaster! 21:54, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

I completely understand your wanting to comment on my remarks - that's fine.. but it isn't standard to put comments right in the middle of someone's thoughts - then the entire essay becomes disjointed and incomprehensible. I copied the rebuttal to it's own section below, hopefully all is well now... Thanks! Refugeetalk page 22:01, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

Are you back then?[edit]

It'd be nice to have people back whom I know some. steriletalk 01:02, 19 May 2011 (UTC)

I hope you are back. This community needs all the people it can get.--Colonel Sanders (talk) 01:11, 19 May 2011 (UTC)

Dost thou live?[edit]

Really?--Colonel Sanders (talk) 22:18, 22 May 2011 (UTC)

For want of a better place, here is where I keep my running list of words I've learned from the good folks here. This is just for my use, I don't expect anyone else to learn anything from this, but it's helpful to me.

Words I haz learned from the intellijent intelegant smart peoples at RationalWiki:

1. meme - a unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

2. non sequitur - an inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence. A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.

3. canard - an unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.

4. monomania (from Greek monos, one, and mania) - a type of paranoia in which the patient has only one idea or type of ideas.

5. opprobrium - the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful; infamy; a cause or object of such disgrace or reproach.

6. puerility - having the property characteristic of a child; immaturity, childish foolishness or triviality.

7. anathema - noun. a person or thing detested or loathed.

8. erudition - extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

9. recondite - dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter; beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric, little known; obscure facts.

10. abstruse - hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: obsolete, secret; hidden.

11. neologism - a new word, expression, or usage. The creation or use of new words or senses.

12. omniscient - having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.

13. prescient - knowledge of things before they exist or happen; foreknowledge; foresight.

14. loya jirga - a grand council or grand assembly used to resolve political conflicts or other national problems; "he convened a Loya Jirga that persuaded tribal leaders to acquiesce"

15. Ace - to be awesome; the characteristic of greatness; fucking fantastic. (thanks Ace for that description!) lol!

16. Lagavulin - Single Malt Scotch whisky produced at Lagavulin on the island of Islay.

17. pedantry - slavish attention to rules, details, etc.

18. antipathetic - having or showing a strong aversion or repugnance: opposed in nature or character; antagonistic.

19. summarily - in a prompt or direct manner; immediately; straightaway, without notice; precipitately.

20. deontological - ethics, especially that branch dealing with duty, moral obligation, and right action; philosophy (of an ethical theory) regarding obligation as deriving from reason or as residing primarily in certain specific rules of conduct rather than in the maximization of some good. (from Maratrean at RWW)

21. Antipodeans - In the British Isles, "the Antipodes" is often used to refer to Australia and New Zealand, and "Antipodeans" to their inhabitants. (definition from Wikipedia).

22. euneirophrenia - peace of mind after waking up from a pleasant dream. (thanks to Psy for that one!)

23. cosmology - the philosophical study of the origin and nature of the universe. (Ace)

24. incongruous - out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior. (Ace)

25. inipi - The I-ni-pi ceremony, a type of sweat lodge, is a Native American purification ceremony, and one of the Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota people. (Godot)

26. yeoman - performed or rendered in a loyal, valiant, useful, or workmanlike manner, especially in situations that involve a great deal of effort or labor: "He did a yeoman job on the problem". (AD)

27. polyglot - a person who speaks, writes, or reads a number of languages. (Dumpling)

28. misanthrope - a person who hates or distrusts humankind. (RA)

29. fiduciary fi·du·cia·ry - one in a position of authority who obligates himself or herself to act on behalf of another and assumes a duty to act in good faith and with care, candor, and loyalty in fulfilling the obligation. (

30. dissolute - dis·so·lute - indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated. (MCwiki)

31. libertine - a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained, especially a dissolute man; a profligate; rake. (MC)

32. approbation - official approval or sanction. (Conservaleaks)

33. cognitive dissonance - anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes, beliefs, or the like, as when one likes a person but disapproves strongly of one of his or her habits. (RA/Stabby essay) &

34. parsing - verb (used with object) 1. to analyze (a sentence) in terms of grammatical constituents, identifying the parts of speech, syntactic relations, etc. 2. to describe (a word in a sentence) grammatically, identifying the part of speech, inflectional form, syntactic function, etc. 3. Computers - to analyze (a string of characters) in order to associate groups of characters with the syntactic units of the underlying grammar. (

35. proletariat - the class of workers, especially those who earn their living by manual labor, who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to survive; the working class.

36. apocryphal - a·poc·ry·phal (adj). 1. Of questionable authorship or authenticity. 2. Erroneous; fictitious: "wildly apocryphal rumors..."

37. "Jewish Bolshevik" - Jewish Bolshevism is the conspiracy theory that Jews have been the driving force behind Communist movements, or more specifically Soviet Bolshevism. The expression has been used as a catchword for the assertion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy, and it has often coincided with overtly aggressive nationalistic tendencies in the 20th century and 21st century. In Poland, Judeo-Bolshevism was known as Żydokomuna and was used as an antisemitic stereotype. (definition from Wikipedia)

Welcome back.[edit]

I'll restore your powerz. P-FosterCan't we talk about this, baby?Moderator 17:02, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

Thanks! :-) Refugeetalk page 17:10, 5 July 2011 (UTC)
New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Refugee!

Check out our guide for newcomers and our community standards!

Tell us how you found RationalWiki here!

If you are interested in contributing:

Heh heh. welcome back.--Colonel Sanders (talk) 22:03, 11 August 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the welcome back. :-) hmmm... who are you in this iteration? anyone I've met/talked to in the past? Your name makes me hungry... lol. :p Refugeetalk page 23:14, 14 August 2011 (UTC)
Been mean to say "welcome back" for ages, but I... erm... um... thingy... wossname... ooh look! A squirrel! Got distracted and kept forgetting! Good to have you back in town! --PsyGremlinSermā! 15:09, 16 August 2011 (UTC)
Oh and if you want a new word for your list: "euneirophrenia" - peace of mind after walking up from a pleasant dream. :) --PsyGremlinTal! 15:11, 16 August 2011 (UTC)'s ok. Thanks for the welcome back - nobody else noticed I was gone or returned, lol. My LANCB only lasted 5 weeks - a valiant stand on principles, hah. Thanks for the new word too - I didn't know it and am happy to add it to the list! Refugeetalk page 15:27, 16 August 2011 (UTC)


hug. Тytalk 00:45, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

hug back! :-D and a kiss.. mwaah! Refugeetalk page 00:47, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
0_0 thanks. Тytalk 00:52, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
I hope things are going well for you, and that you are having a happy weekend (if it is still weekend where you are, it is for me, lol) Refugeetalk page 00:54, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
Still weekend here. Got 2 1/2 more pages to write for this essay. I'm doing well, you? Тytalk 00:55, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
I'm ok! :-) I have to go in a minute, not much time for internettish stuff atm.. take care & thanks for the huggle! :-) Refugeetalk page 00:57, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
Take care. Тytalk 00:59, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Ah McWiki[edit]

What is your take? Тytalk 00:36, 26 November 2011 (UTC)

I just looked at it today for the first time and learned two new words (from MC's description of Ace). It's amazing how much I don't know... I find new words daily. That wiki looks like it is overrun with spammers right now. Refugeetalk page 00:46, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
It's quite an amusing place, to say the least. Тytalk 00:47, 26 November 2011 (UTC)


Since the glorious meta-site has probably thrashed itself into oblivion for want of page file space, this is your "official" reply notice. Nowwhat? 03:14, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

I assume you are refering to RWW? I can't get it load whatsoever (note spelling of "whatsoever" as you previously so kindly corrected me) :p so I thank you for replying here... however, I can't remember what I said that this is a reply to! lol. Refugeetalk page 02:18, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

Fanfic update[edit]

Yous asked to be notified when I updated my Teen Titans fanfic. So I just did :-) No direct link to the latest chapter this time because it's more like a rewrite of existing chapters, plus a bonus "interlude" chapter. I'd like to hear your thoughts when you're done. And thanks for being interested! Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 13:15, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

Very Good! :-D Readable and kept my interest - what happens next?! Don't leave me in suspense, lol. Refugeetalk page 09:05, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
Eheh, it only took a month to get it out :-/ But it's still another chapter! :-) Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 10:21, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
Ahhh.. you're a good writer. Very good. Keeps one on the edge of the chair, saying what's next-what's next!! & thanx for the shout-out to me & Dumplin' at the end, lol. :-) Refugeetalk page 19:42, 15 January 2012 (UTC)

Make your vote count![edit]

If you only vote once, make it a vote for Ace. AceAce For Mod! 09:16, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

How did I miss this message? An unanswered message from my love, oh noes. :p Voting is over now - I voted for several people after all, some made it some didn't. hmmm... since this response is three weeks late, and on my talk page not yours, you probably won't even know I replied, lol. :p So maybe I should just leave some semi-secret love notes for you here, hehehe... :-) Refugeetalk page 23:23, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
just so happens I was on RC...AceModerator 23:24, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
ahha! :-D hugs & kisses... but no need to hang around here while you are busy - now go do your moderator-type stuff! lol. Refugeetalk page 23:26, 8 January 2012 (UTC)


One day. It'd be nice, and I'd read it! :DDDD--Dumpling (talk) 03:58, 3 April 2012 (UTC)

Maybe one day. :-) I loved your essay "I'm only human". Waiting for RA to finish his now. Refugeetalk page 15:27, 5 April 2012 (UTC)


It's not that pretty. I mean, what's with the side cut-outs? If you're going to do that daring-and-flesh-baring thing then you either don't do it, or go completely over the top to make it look deliberate. Scarlet A.pngpathetic 11:12, 3 April 2012 (UTC)

Understated, classy, I liked it. But everyone has their own style & taste. I love the gold on white combo. :-) Refugeetalk page 15:29, 5 April 2012 (UTC)
I agree that her dress was classy, and the gold adds some much-needed pizzazz to an otherwise plain white dress, but those cut-outs are random, and actually detract from her look. Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 16:28, 5 April 2012 (UTC)

Mod nom[edit]

You have been nominated. Vote Ace. AceModerator 00:15, 16 June 2012 (UTC)

awwww... thanks for thinking of me. You are such a sweetheart. (and totally hawt) :-) I can't though... too much stuff to do this summer. I will definitely vote Ace though! *kisses* :-D Refugeetalk page 00:42, 16 June 2012 (UTC)
Oh well, maybe next time. Vote Ace - RW's sexiest moderator and greatest asset. AceModerator 00:48, 16 June 2012 (UTC)
Oh yes - I believe you are already the landslide winner for RW's sexiest mod ever. :-D Refugeetalk page 00:57, 16 June 2012 (UTC)


GoatsforSterile.svg sterileGoatsforSterile.svgno new information 06:29, 22 June 2012 (UTC)


Whoops. AceThe Rep Grows Bigger 01:51, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Silly me, it was a mistake. Congrats on being re-elected! :-D Refugeetalk page 01:53, 7 July 2012 (UTC)
Ace McWicked IS rationalwiki. AceThe Rep Grows Bigger 01:58, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Blank page[edit]

Not anymore! Тytalk 20:40, 7 July 2012 (UTC)


This wiki will of course not miss me, as I am not a big contributor despite being here since '07. Although I will miss people that I've come to know and like and consider friends. I'll miss you! Anyway, I agree with a lot of what you said but when I exclaimed my feelings I was told off by AD for expressing my opinion. Ahh well, fuck it. The strangling bureaucratic nonsense is killing the place. We should go back to pre-May 2010. AceThe Rep Grows Bigger 20:55, 8 July 2012 (UTC)

Please don't leave any comments here, as I have left the wiki. Thanks! :-) Refugeetalk page 00:33, 9 July 2012 (UTC)

Ok, now I am actually gone. :p Refugeetalk page 18:35, 25 July 2012 (UTC)
You'll be back. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day. Here's lookin' at you, kid! Reckless Noise Symphony (talk) 06:28, 14 August 2012 (UTC)
Leaving is impossible. ТyNot updated with a witty slogan this week 16:06, 20 August 2012 (UTC)


T'ain't much but there it is. C®ackeЯ 03:14, 26 August 2012 (UTC)

Replied there. Thanks! :-) Refugeetalk page 08:01, 26 August 2012 (UTC)


Replied. ТyJFBAA 15:41, 28 August 2012 (UTC)

Received it. :-) Stay safe from the storm, and thanks for trying to make that change. Refugeetalk page 15:44, 28 August 2012 (UTC)

" Posting links to people who share your opinion, I can do the same, it's ridiculous and proves nothing."[edit]

What an incredibly asinine and sightless post. Just because you use somebody else's words, your beliefs don't count? Ideas are not words. Debates are not beliefs. How Blue expresses her beliefs cannot be condemned so long as she is understood.

Now, I don't know what prior conflicts have pitted you and Blue against each other, but I am confident that you have misjudged her. Blue has been little else than a light on this wiki, one beacon among a few who choose to be bold, and to work for the site's betterment. She has dealt with endless hailstorms of insults and trolling, from Nutty Roux assaulting her appearance to Human questioning her choice of gender identity, and she has endured this all with nearly unfaltering stoicism. Why? Because she has a vision. She sees a wiki that stands as tower upon the internet. A tower unyielding to pseudoscience, bigotry, and obscurantism. She has devoted time and effort to create this tower, battling the rats infesting the foundation and slowly but surely, she has been laying the mortar between the bricks, has been refining the blueprints, and has been a support and a guide for the others who wish to build this tower. I don't know why you are here. Perhaps you share the same vision. And if you do, you should know better than to impugn Blue, who has always been a great asset to this project.--"Shut up, Brx." 04:27, 22 November 2012 (UTC)

Wow Brx, your a douche. What do Human and Nutty have to do with this? Please remove that photo of you and cat, which is what I assume is your only contact with affection (and even then that cat looks like it would flee if it could). It makes me nauseous. Acei9 18:52, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, that was a bit much... Attacking people who are not here to defend themselves. Brx said "Blue has been battling the rats infesting the foundation" - how extremely rude. When you think about what this implies about founding editors, I mean, really. Hugs to you Ace! Refugeetalk page 17:21, 25 November 2012 (UTC)
LOLOL. Happy Thanksgiving Brx. Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 19:10, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
That was... a wee bit dramatic Brx. --Revolverman (talk) 05:08, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
Heh. Right you are Revolverman. Silly 'ol Brx. :-) Right after I actually gave you credit for making a sensible post on the other talk page... and a full 25 minutes after I redacted my entire post to Blue, including the part that you quoted (so what made you look up the post I erased, then feel that you simply must comment on something I had already removed, despite my explaining that I didn't want to perpetuate the argument any longer, hmmm? Silly Brx). Of course Blue does not need you to fight a battle or reply to me. I have no quarrel with you, and therefore you can step right on out of this conflict, it's been over for awhile, and never concerned you in the first place. Off my talk page now and scamper away young'un. Refugeetalk page 05:45, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
Have a happy Thanksgiving, Refugee! Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 07:40, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
I hope you had a happy T-Day too! Are you working on new fanfiction? Good stuff! Let me know when it's ready to read... Refugeetalk page 17:21, 25 November 2012 (UTC)
Loved the message. Have a happy Thanksgiving buddy! Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 19:06, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
Thanks Nutty! awww... such a cute turkey, lol. :p I'm back from T-Day now, talk to you soon. Refugeetalk page 17:21, 25 November 2012 (UTC)


My dear, I nominated you for moderator. Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 20:51, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

My love, you are sweet, but I have to decline. Busy, busy.... hugs to you! Refugeetalk page 01:49, 16 December 2012 (UTC)

Sterile for mod[edit]

Vote for Sterile for Moderator.

Also, come around more often. Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 22:02, 26 December 2012 (UTC)

Wow, that's big. I think it could be a bit smaller.. maybe now? Refugeetalk page 03:40, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
Where's your "Vote for Nutty for Board of Trustees" campaign poster? Refugeetalk page 03:41, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
Wouldn't that just be a picture of the Word document describing his CV? Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 08:05, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
Does the corporate filings taking away from his other life billing $390/hr to corporate and transactional clients and $450 in individual and class action litigation as an 11th year lawyer with some solid appeals and federal decisions under his belt that helpfully develop the law in his practice area, does the books, contributes to meetings helpfully, is an asshole in private correspondence, is writing this year's voting app, which against my better judgment will actually generate completely anonymous ballots and a safety "tape". Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 08:21, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
Whoa...totally in awe of you. dropped cough drop out of mouth in astonishment. :-O Refugeetalk page 08:54, 29 December 2012 (UTC)
However, refute one statement made above: has never been anything but charming and nice in correspondence with me. Refugeetalk page 08:55, 29 December 2012 (UTC)


Hi! TyJFBAA 04:57, 5 March 2013 (UTC)

Hello my friend :-) Nice to see you you here. I hope all is well with you, feel free to drop me an email sometime. Love & hugs! Refugeetalk page 05:04, 5 March 2013 (UTC)
Hello! I will. TyJFBAA 05:10, 5 March 2013 (UTC)


It's automatically generated by MediaWiki when you archive a talk page. Have a look at some old archives and you'll see red main/user/project tabs next to it. random example here. SophieWilder 11:22, 5 March 2013 (UTC)

Something of an apology[edit]

I shouldn't have been so snarky, especially to someone who has been here as long as I have, and for that, I do apologize. That said, I am pretty firmly convinced, as I have said elsewhere and repeatedly, that mission creep is getting in the way of/watering down what RW does well, and thus turning the project into a piss-poor Wikipedia with snark. I really believe that there are vast swathes of mainspace that do nothing to advance the goals of the site, and that unless a page has narrowly-relevant and ORIGINAL content, it sould be torn down and rebuilt, or taken out back and shot. But I also try to respect the opinions of old-timers and valued contributors like yourself who see things differently. I try--not always successfully--to discourage newbs from taking the site where I don't think it should go, like the recently-deleted article on Mahler, and I try--not always successfully--to avoid pissing off regulars who have a different opinion than mine on content. Sometimes I fuck up, like I did with you. I'll try to be more mindful from here. PowderSmokeAndLeather: Say something once, why say it again?.Moderator 18:43, 18 January 2014 (UTC)

Thank you, that was very sweet of you. :-) I appreciate your comments. I think I understand your point of view, and of course, respect your right to it. IN fact, I agree with you that some articles do not further the mission and could be done away with. It's pretty hard not to go around slapping 'delete' tags on some stuff myself, lol. Rationalwiki is always changing and evolving, and hopefully with editors like you, who continue to care about the site and to work on improving it, RW will become better and better. Lots of potential here! Refugeetalk page 19:18, 18 January 2014 (UTC)