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Helmuth Nyborg

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I have nothing against Muslims. Or against religion as such. But I have something against Islam. It is a warrior religion which denies Western values ​​and democracy.
—Helmuth Nyborg[1]

Helmuth Sørensen Nyborg (1937–) is a Danish eugenicist, far-right activist and hereditarian who best known for his controversial research on race and intelligence that has been described as racist and white supremacist.[2][3][4][5]

Nyborg argues that white people are more intelligent than black people and men are more intelligent than women.[2][3] He has spent years attending conferences hosted by neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations such as American Renaissance and Scandza Forum.[4][6][7] Nyborg has authored papers with white nationalists such as Edward Dutton and Emil Kirkegaard.[8][9]

Nyborg claims that white European males are responsible for "almost all the major advancements in science and the arts since the 14th Century".[4] He also claims that all non-white people should be expelled from Europe.[4] Nyborg is a writer for the white nationalist website VDARE.[10]


Nyborg is a former professor of developmental psychology at Aarhus University.[9]

Race realism pseudoscience[edit]

Nyborg's pseudoscientific papers on race realism have been published in Mankind Quarterly, Psych and by the Ulster Institute for Social Research.[11][12][13][14] The Mankind Quarterly has been described as a "pseudo-scholarly outlet for promoting racial inequality".[11]

One of Nyborg's pseudoscientific papers in the Mankind Quarterly is titled "Europeans Have Larger Testes than Sub-Saharan Africans but Lower Testosterone Levels" with Edward Dutton and Emil Kirkegaard.[8] Kirkegaard has controversially made arguments to legalize child pornography.[15] Kirkegaard would later go on to publish nonsense about black men have longer penis sizes than other races with George Francis based on a useless survey from prostitutes.[16]

Nyborg has attended annual conferences of the International Society for Intelligence Research.[17][18] He attended the London Conference on Intelligence and was one of the attendees to collaborate on a letter defending the conference following allegations of racist pseudoscience and white supremacy.[19][20]

He has complained that he has been censored on YouTube.[21]


Nyborg advocates for eugenics, for example encouraging childbearing among intelligent people but dissuading those with low intellectual ability in order to "improve the coming generations and avoid degenerates in the population".[22]

Professor Helmuth Nyborg, Dean of the Psychology Institute at Aarhus University, says he is worried that highly educated women are choosing to delay having children while less educated women are having many more.

Since he believes that intelligence is hereditary, he thinks women at the bottom of society should be actively dissuaded from reproducing, while the workload of intelligent women should be reduced to encourage them to have bigger families.[23]

Involvement with the far-right[edit]

Helmuth Nyborg (middle) with neo-Nazis David Duke, Björn Björkqvist and Daniel Carlsen.

Neo-Nazi and white supremacist conferences[edit]

Helmuth Nyborg is an old celebrity on the far-right. For many years he has nurtured his contacts with the extreme right and gave speeches for everything from national conservatives to holocaust deniers. In 2011, he spoke at a seminar organized by the holocaust-denying "Danish Society for Free Historical Research", where the leader of the Danish Party, Daniel Carlsen, and the strongly anti-Semitic former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, also participated.
—Redox on Helmuth Nyborg[5]

Nyborg has attended neo-Nazi and white supremacist conferences. He has commented, "I have lectured to hundreds of organizations, and some have probably been Nazi as well. I don't really care about that. Everyone deserves access to a scientific message."[24]

In 2011, Nyborg was a speaker at an anti-immigration seminar titled "Revolt Against Civilization" hosted by the Danish Society for Free Historical Research, an organization that has promoted holocaust denial.[25] Other speakers included anti-Semites such as David Duke (former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan), conspiracy theorist Kevin MacDonald and Tomislav Sunić.[26] Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis Björn Björkqvist and Daniel Carlsen also attended.[25]

In 2015, Nyborg attended Mosbjerg Folkefest, a gathering of 250 people from nationalist groups such as Danish People's Party and the extreme far-right including Blood & Honour members and neo-Nazi skinheads.[27]

In 2016, Nyborg was interviewed by white supremacist Stefan Molyneux on the relationship between race, sex, and intelligence.[28][29] The interview was promoted on the neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer.[28]

In 2017, Nyborg spoke at a conference organized by the white nationalist American Renaissance.[4][30][31] Nyborg delivered the first presentation at the conference. One of Nyborg's bizarre ideas is that the ancient Egyptian empire may have been started by white Europeans from very cold climates.

Retired Danish academic psychologist Helmuth Nyborg supplied “data” to support this notion in the first presentation of the conference: a 45-minute PowerPoint about his “Thermodynamic Solar Irradiance Selection (TSIS) Hypothesis,” which postulates that, for evolutionary reasons, “high intelligence” and the potential for “high civilization” are found only in those human beings whose ancestors were born in cold climates. Nyborg, who’s been getting White supremacist work published in academic journals for 30 years, showed charts depicting the relative brain sizes and IQs of people whose genes are alleged to have developed in “very cold, cold, average, warm, and very warm climates.” Nyborg argued that “Northern brains” had given birth to most positive traits in society, including “altruistic sociability” and “potential for democracy.” Explaining away an obvious challenge to this theory, he suggested, “The ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman empires may have been started by central European immigrants, from very cold climates, who moved south!”[4]

In 2019, Nyborg was a speaker at the neo-Nazi Scandza Forum in Oslo, Norway with other white supremacists such as Edward Dutton, Greg Johnson and Fróði Midjord.[7]

In 2022, Nyborg was a speaker at the Traditional Britain Group conference on "European Civilisation Under Siege".[32][33]

Political activism[edit]

Nyborg originally claimed to stay away from politics in an attempt to convince people he was a neutral intelligence researcher.[1] However, in 2019 he stood as a candidate for the far-right party Stram Kurs but was not elected.[34][35] He claims he turned to politics because of non-European immigration and social friction between blacks and whites due to their IQ difference.[1]

Researchkollektivet Redox (a Danish left-wing research group) have noted that Nyborg is a member of New Right (Denmark)Wikipedia.

Several things indicate that Helmuth Nyborg is actually a member of Nye Borgerlige. He is tagged in a Facebook post from the party's annual meeting in October this year, and in a post from 2016 he writes: "Nye Borgerlige is preparing a call for a founding general meeting in Skanderborg Storkreds as soon as possible. The time and place will be published shortly in the public media. Well met. Helmuth Nyborg.”

Thomas Kold tells Redox that Helmuth Nyborg is just an ordinary member of the party and confirms that he participated in the pig party, and elaborates "We are just inviting our members to a summer party. Should we start surveying our members? We have many idiots who have also been thrown out and we are cleaning it up, he was there for an hour and then he left again”. Asked how he relates to Helmuth Nyborg's connections with Nazis, he says "I deeply, deeply distance myself from that".

Helmuth Nyborg did not want to comment on Redox.[5]


Nyborg has spoken on far-right podcasts. He was featured on Edward Dutton's podcast in 2023.[36][37] He discussed "Are multicultural societies doomed?" with Charles Murray for Aporia Magazine in 2024.[31][38]

In the Aporia podcast, Nyborg claimed to adduce scientific arguments against immigration and multiculturalism, saying at one point that “the more genetically inhomogeneous a population is, the more critical it becomes in terms of social unrule, or what you’ll call that social disturbance, criminality and so on”.[31]

See also[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Helmuth Nyborg kaldte det »dybt ulykkeligt«, at hans forskning bruges af den yderste højrefløj. Nu stiller han op for Stram Kurs. Archived
  2. 2.0 2.1 Berhanu, Girma. (2007). Black intellectual genocide: An essay review of IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Education Review, 10(6).

    The Danish developmental psychologist Helmuth Nyborg, a close associate of the authors [Lynn and Vanhanen, 2002], has repeatedly and openly expressed his racist and sexist opinions. A number of Danish tabloids circulated his outrageous statements, e.g., “women are dumber than men,” Denmark has to forbid the reproduction of less , and assortative mating must become the norm. In a tribute to Arthur Jensen (Nyborg, 2003), he stated that intelligence is essentially immutable and primarily genetically based. A book he edited entitled The scientific study of human nature (Nyborg, 1997) is a prime example of the resurrection of Scandinavian scientific racism.

  3. 3.0 3.1 Brown, Andrew (2008). "Science proves Anglicans smartest" (in en-GB). "It turns out that Nyborg is an enthusiast for scientific racism. It's not just believers who are more stupid, in his world: it's black people and women, too." 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Minkowitz, Donna (2017). "Hiding in Plain Sight: An American Renaissance of White Nationalism". The Public Eye Quarterly: 3-8. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Nye Borgerlige til grisefest med kontroversiel IQ-professor. Archived.
  6. Scandza Forum: Oslo, November 2.
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Fringe & The Far Right: Racist Pseudoscience Conference in Norway. Archived.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Europeans Have Larger Testes than Sub-Saharan Africans but Lower Testosterone Levels. researchgate.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Helmuth Nyborg. researchgate.
  10. Helmuth Nyborg. Archived.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Jackson Jr., John P.; Winston, Andrew S. (7 October 2020). "The Mythical Taboo on Race and Intelligence". Review of General Psychology 25 (1): 3–26. doiWikipedia:10.1177/1089268020953622. 
  12. The Greatest Collective Scientific Fraud of the 20th Century: The Demolition of Differential Psychology and Eugenics.
  13. Race as Social Construct.
  14. The life history approach to human differences: A tribute to J. Philippe Rushton. Helmuth Nyborg.
  15. White Supremacist Who Wants Legal Child Porn Doing Business Through Wyoming LLC. Archived.
  16. Racial Differences in Sexuality: A Sex Worker Survey.
  17. International Society for Intelligence Research 2007.
  18. International Society for Intelligence Research 2010.
  19. Woodley of Menie, Michael A.; Dutton, Edward; Figueredo, Aurelio-José; Carl, Noah; Debes, Fróði; Hertler, Steven; Irwing, Paul; Kura, Kenya et al. (September 2018). "Communicating intelligence research: Media misrepresentation, the Gould Effect, and unexpected forces". Intelligence 70: 84–87. doiWikipedia:10.1016/j.intell.2018.04.002. 
  20. Helmuth Nyborg.
  21. Outrage over call for population engineering. Archived.
  23. Kølln, Af Troels (2017). "Konservative Studenter holder debat om afrikaneres lave intelligens" (in en-DA). 
  24. 25.0 25.1 Danser med nazister. Archived.

    The last time we heard from Helmuth Nyborg was when he was hailed by Danish Nazis on February 13, 2011. And that honor has led Nyborg to appear again with the Nazis, this time at an anti-Semitic and anti-immigration seminar "Revolt against Civilization", organized by the Holocaust denier association "Danish Society for Free Historical Research". So now Helmuth Nyborg has finally come out of the closet as an undisguised Nazi sympathizer. Recognition is nice, and Nyborg now seems to have become the Danish Nazis' admired racial theorist. A Danish HFK Günther.

  25. "Updates on Extremism and The Law" (in en-GB). 2011. 
  26. Mosbjerg 2015: Højrefløjs-VIP’s og Blood & Honour-sympatisører. Archived
  27. 28.0 28.1 "Stefan Molyneux" (in en-GB). 2024. 
  28. Helmuth Nyborg: White Europeans Have Higher IQs Than Arabs or Africans.
  29. "White advocacy group 'American Renaissance' hosting annual conference near Nashville" (in en-GB). 2017. 
  30. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Wilson, Jason (2024). "Activist who led ouster of Harvard president linked to ‘scientific racism’ journal" (in en-GB). 
  31. State of Hate 2023. Hope not Hate. p. 119.
  32. Professor Helmuth Nyborg, European Civilisation Under Siege.
  33. Helmuth Nyborg interviewed for his 85th birth day (English translation).
  34. Kontroversiel professor stiller op for Stram Kurs, men han vil ikke vælges.
  35. Olympian Prof Helmuth Nyborg Joins Us to Discuss Dysgenics, Intelligence and Much More.
  36. Helmuth Nyborg | LCI lecture 2023.
  37. Are multicultural societies doomed? | Charles Murray & Helmuth Nyborg.