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This is an archive page, last updated 12 April 2024. Please do not make edits to this page.
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"The best of Reddit"[edit]

The "The best of Reddit" section largely reads like an opinion article written by a individual with specific interests and stances, rather than something that denoted things that would universally denote "the best of Reddit". I think we need to develop a criteria on subs that should be included in this section.Advicedoge (talk) 07:29, 9 May 2020 (UTC)

Too many examples?[edit]

May be worth it to trim that down, if anybody familiar with Reddit feels up to the task. Actually I suspect a lot of pages on this wiki suffer from excessively long lists of examples--Hastur! (talk) 05:06, 30 June 2020 (UTC)

Yeah, I'm thinking of moving the entire thing into my sandbox and going through and revamping the complete list. A lot of these are compiled "as they happen", which is more or less fine, but it means that we have a rather overwhelming amount of items that really can just be folded since they're banned subreddits, oft with not a lot of note to them aside from their tenure on Reddit whilst they existed. I'm fine with being comprehensive, but I feel that most of those could just be put under a collapse and you wouldn't lose much in the main article. Techpriest (I am Alpharius! / Pencil.png / Tux icon.png / Shield.png) 20:32, 30 June 2020 (UTC)

dogelore section[edit]

This part is very condescending in its tone. Despite being in the "best of Reddit" section the bit mentioning how it can be "wholesome" is a stopped clock? Why? Catgrrl37-0 (talk) 11:24, 18 September 2020 (UTC)


Used to be a decent sub, but has gradually become more of an alt-right safe space since r/GamersRiseUp was banned in March 2020 and users from GRU and subsequent banned far-right subs started migrating to PCM. Nowadays it looks suspiciously like yet another "freeze peach" sub where Hoppeans spam "SJeWatermelon bad, Based AuthReich good, cope," as long as it's a comment under a green Soyjak spouting a stupid NeoLibLeft strawman and a blue Chad saying "Yes" or "Shut up." --Sylvulpix53170 (talk) 00:25, 18 November 2020 (UTC)

I remember when that happened to r/cringeanarchy. The alt-right's only purpose is to infect as many things as they can. 2A02:120B:C3FB:3B40:E935:9E7F:4C59:8A65 (talk) 11:53, 1 April 2021 (UTC)


So this subreddit was created to criticize Vaush but they eventually discovered /r/tankiejerk and proceeded to ban people that visit there for "being vaushites". The creator of the subreddit had even doxxed and sent rape threats to a user, denied it, and reported that user to the reddit admins. They are currently attempting to ban /r/tankiejerk by falsely labeling it as a hate sub because apparently having LGBT people help overthrow capitalism is literally Sargon of Akkad. Rockford the Roe (talk) 04:04, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Ehhh the sub is only 3k people. That's practically nothing for reddit. Techpriest (I am Alpharius! / Pencil.png / Tux icon.png / Shield.png) 12:56, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Completed all indian subreddits... for now.[edit]

If there is any I missed, ping me below.𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 07:07, 1 April 2021 (UTC)

Good job! 2A02:120B:C3FB:3B40:E935:9E7F:4C59:8A65 (talk) 11:50, 1 April 2021 (UTC)
Nice work! Techpriest (I am Alpharius! / Pencil.png / Tux icon.png / Shield.png) 16:16, 8 April 2021 (UTC)


Worth adding a section on this subreddit, which is the home of horrible takes as to why a [national] socialist "class struggle" must unite the working class by being misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and racist. — Unsigned, by: / talk

What? Stupidpol isn't opposed to social justice, they're opposed to neoliberal identity politics! "Woke" liberals ignore structural issues that uphold the status quo. Privilege doesn't exist without a system to enforce it. Woke capitalism panders to people rightly alarmed by social injustice it helps perpetuate.

"[Identity] politics is not an alternative to class politics; it is a class politics, the politics of the left-wing of neoliberalism. It is the expression and active agency of a political order and moral economy in which capitalist market forces are treated as unassailable nature.

An integral element of that moral economy is displacement of the critique of the invidious outcomes produced by capitalist class power onto equally naturalized categories of ascriptive identity that sort us into groups supposedly defined by what we essentially are rather than what we do." - Adolph Reed, from the sub's sidebar. -- (talk) 18:10, 21 April 2020 (UTC)

I suggest you read up on what Identity politics actually are before spouting that off entire spiel. Secondly, "being opposed to identity politics" just translates to "I want to be a bigot without being critiqued for it". The sad truth of life is that many people hold bigoted views, and just because you hold a somewhat-left view on society doesn't mean you're not a bigot. Especially when there is a lot of bigoted behavior just from the subreddit itself (all obtained from a fairly quick poke through AgainstHateSubreddits). So no, it's staying on the list, although the reason should probably receive an update. The Crow (talk) 10:57, 22 April 2020 (UTC)
Just wanted to say I almost edited this section as it's a heinous liberal mischaracterization of the community but I didn't because I died laughing thinking of that "Why can't I be a communist and say the N-word?" line being reimagined as that one chick tract — Unsigned, by: 2601:249:900:aa0:49b:224d:2e72:8a62 / talk / contribs
@Sirius No, they aren’t opposed to identity politics as a whole (it doesn’t say that in the sub’s description); they are merely critical of the current form of identity politics (cancel culture, call-out culture, deplatform, critical race theory, critical legal studies, claim of white privilege for poor whites, ignoring class factors, etc.). Most users there are Marxists critical of modern identity politics, which put them in the same camp as Adolph Reed Jr., Cornel West, Briahna Gray, Cedrik-Michael Simmons, and Chi Chi Shi, etc. Bigotry divided the working-class and creates antagonism within it, which is against the Marxist goal of revolutionary change.
As for the transphobic comments and other instances of bigoted behaviors, those are by right-wing users who get drawn to the subreddit because of its free speech policy. They don’t auto-ban users for this kind of behaviors so naturally the wrong kind of people would be drawn to it. (talk) 03:02, 7 May 2021 (UTC)

It is true that...[edit]

.../r/BestOfOutrageCulture is dead and /r/circlebroke2 got overrun with edgy tankies LARPing. I don't think they deserve to be on the "Best of Reddit" section, but YMMV. Uncle Mark (talk) 19:29, 7 April 2021 (UTC)

/r/BestOfOutrageCulture isn't "dead" just because there are only a few daily posts. As for CB2, I don't see any tankie LARPing or the mods removed it. PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 13:47, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
The tankie LARPing in CB2 rears its ugly head every time China or violent revolution or the USSR comes up. Admittedly, this is all stuff you learn from hanging out in metareddit for a while–it's not front and center. Gangster Computer God (talk) 13:54, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
Metareddit is a reactionary sub bitching about "censorship" like /r/DeclineIntoCensorship. CB2 is mocking about China being a dogwhistle and conspiracy theories of it "censoring" the site. It's bound to have tankies, yes, but I still see a lot of posts targetting tankie subs. PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 14:04, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
"Metareddit is a reactionary sub bitching about "censorship" like /r/DeclineIntoCensorship." ??? No? "Metareddit" is a loose term for subreddits about Reddit itself, such as /r/SubredditDrama, /r/TheoryOfReddit or even /r/iamveryculinary (though "meta sub" is the term most used nowadays). Gangster Computer God (talk) 14:10, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
9/10 times, the meta stuff is reactionary and bitching about non-issues. They highlighted how Tencent invested a tiny share to the site and this somehow meant it's run by China. Unless there is actual proof of Dengists or Stalin grave-lickers, it's not a tankie sub. PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 14:21, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
I'd hardly call /r/SubredditDrama (admittedly one of two meta subs I hang out, along with /r/iamveryculinary) reactionary. Gangster Computer God (talk) 14:40, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
[EC]BoOC hasn’t had a post in 4 days, I’d support removing it. I wouldn’t say circlebroke2 qualifies as “the best” at a glance, but I don’t have any strong opinions other way. Rockford, you shouldn’t have just reverted the removal, if you disagree with a good faith addition you should use the undo button and explain why (or mention the talkpage). Christopher (talk) 13:57, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
r/metareddit is a tiny sub, no posts in a year and 800 subscribers. Seems like it is reactionary though. Christopher (talk) 14:08, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
I think y'all misinterpreted metareddit and r/metareddit being the same. This is meta- being used as a prefix in the sense of talking about the "meta" of something, aka talking about the way people talk on or about something. Think of it like the metagame of a fighting game. r/metareddit is a boring reactionary sub though. Techpriest (I am Alpharius! / Pencil.png / Tux icon.png / Shield.png) 16:15, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
Speaking of reactionary subs, any sub that starts with "true", r/truepoliticalhumor. MarioSuperstar77 (talk) 16:20, 8 April 2021 (UTC)


A left-wing subreddit dedicated to making fun of authoritarian communists. Should it be added to the best of reddit section? Geminin667 (talk) 07:51, 30 April 2021 (UTC)

It should be removed now, TankieJerk never really shook the auths out and is becoming ironically auth. — Unsigned, by: Acjelly / talk / contribs


A known hate subreddit that tries to undermine transgender people under the cover of providing "detransition" support. Some real detransitioners legitimately seek help here. Most, however, are bigots who attack transgender people, call it an "ideology" and "cult" and so on. Moderators silently allow and approve of transphobia here. A better alternative is /r/actual_detrans, which was under fire because it's run by a transgender woman. Apparently transgender people are not allowed to detransition and retransition.

--Bhp99 (talk) 16:48, 17 August 2021 (UTC)


The page seems to be edit locked

I want to change the entry for r/Librandu. Would someone who has permissions do it for me?

Original Entry The most malevolent place on Reddit, a safe space for Indian social liberals. r/Chodi’s counter jerk. Dedicated to ridiculing bigots as it hides behind a satirical ideology of Sharia Bolshevism.

New Entry

The most malevolent place on Reddit, a safe space for Indian social liberals. Dedicated to ridiculing bigots as it hides behind a satirical ideology of Sharia Bolshevism. Apart from satirical humour, they also have serious content and events like Librandotsav. They had also organised an event named LibranToo for survivors of sexual abuse to share their stories in an attempt to raise awareness. — Unsigned, by: RSLibr / talk / contribs

Done. Thank you for your inputs.𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 13:24, 10 September 2021 (UTC)

more subs[edit]

r/Marxism, R/Communism101, r/Sendinthetanks, R/Stupidpoleuropea and r/Enough_Vaush_Spam to the commies (these subs are cesspools of tankies), r/FULLPOSADISM to the anarchists (posadism cringe) and r/DDDM and r/HugsnKisses for the fairly awful subreddits (straight up racism, misogyny, xenophobia, nazism, fascism, are ism and bia you can think of). RationalPerson1122334 (talk) 16:00, 14 July 2021 (UTC)

maybe also edit r/Anarchism and R/Bad_Cop_No_Donut to explain that not everyone there are bad, but a sizeable minority (in the case of bad cop no donut its kind of a majority), which includes most of the mods are, in fact, radicals, same with R/AnarchismZ. RationalPerson1122334 (talk) 16:05, 14 July 2021 (UTC)

How about we do away with the massive list spam? Also, oh no not the iRrAtIoNaL rAdIcAlS!!!!!! Oxyaena Harass 16:07, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
A bit late, but I agree with Oxy. The entire list is just an opinion of someone of a bunch subreddits no one cares. Most of them are utterly irrelevant and is impossible to know how accurate the description is. I'd support removing the entire list. GeeJayK (talk) 15:40, 30 August 2021 (UTC)
Possible suggestion; we can avoid giving undue oxygen by requiring a minimum sub count. I'd also suggest dumping any banned subreddits under a fold so that the actual point of this list (which is to show that Reddit through inaction lets horrible subs fester) is kept intact. -- Techpriest (talk) 17:30, 30 August 2021 (UTC)
@Techpriest That would be ok IMO. I do agree that some of them (especially /r/TheDonald) are missional. But we need someone to do this for us. I don't have time. Meanwhile, how about deleting the bottom of the "Other fairly awful subreddits", which is probably the most awful, subjective and useless part of the listicle? I think we can prune the "good" subreddits too, since it's just a list of "what I like" and we don't even know if these subreddits are actually good. GeeJayK (talk) 14:59, 31 August 2021 (UTC)
I'll probably go through it soon. I know some of the ones on the good subs list are good (/r/askhistorians is consistently praised for it's tight moderation and absolute zero tolerance approach to wehraboos across the site), but there's a lot of subjectivity in the list right now. It's been my off-burner "I want to do this at some point" for a bit. -- Techpriest (talk) 17:57, 31 August 2021 (UTC)

Aight, let's prune this damn thing[edit]

Kay gang, I don't wanna annoy anyone with my edits, so before I flamthrower this thing, I present to you my propsal.

I looked at every single subreddit mentioned above the "Other controversies" heading. They are as follows:

  1. /r/atheism/ 2.7 million subs
  2. /r/Conservative 859k subs
  3. /r/conspiracy 1.6 million subs
  4. /r/The_Donald banned
  5. /r/ChapoTrapHouse banned
  6. /r/KotakuInAction 127k subs
  7. /r/WatchRedditDie 160k subs
  8. /r/theredpill Quarantined so it says it has 0 subs, obviously incorrect (there is a post staring at me with 200 upvotes in the last 20 hours)
  9. /r/CringeAnarchy banned
  10. /r/GreatAwakening banned
  11. /r/Holocaust banned
  12. /r/911Truth Quarantined so it says it has 0 subs, obviously incorrect (seems low traffic though, I'd say averages about 3 posts a day, generally 30ish upvotes, comments seem to be sparse)
  13. /r/NoNewNormal banned
  14. /r/AlternativeHealth 16.4k subs
  15. /r/ClimateSkeptics 32.1k subs
  16. /r/Overpopulation 19.2k subs
  17. /r/Collapse 331k subs
  18. /r/Communism 205k subs
  19. /r/FULLCOMMUNISM Quarantined so it says it has 0 subs, obviously incorrect. Haven't a f@ckin clue what to make of this damn thing.
  20. /r/InformedTankie 10.5k subs
  21. /r/MoreTankieChapo banned
  22. /r/GenZAnarchist ??? "GenZAnarchist is a private community: The experiment is over. Thank you for participating."
  23. /r/GenZedong 37.2k subs
  24. /r/GenZStalin 1.6k subs
  25. /r/SendInTheTanks 11k subs
  26. /r/ShitLiberalsSay 151k subs
  27. /r/StupIDPol 71.2k subs
  28. /r/EuropeanSocialists 8.0k subs
  29. /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut 518k subs
  30. /r/Anarchism 219k subs
  31. /r/LeftWithSharpEdge banned
  32. /r/4chan 1.2m subs
  33. /r/ActualPublicFreakouts 537k subs
  34. /r/AganistGayMarriage banned
  35. /r/altright banned
  36. /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 153k subs
  37. /r/AntiPOZi banned
  38. /r/AverageRedditor 79.6k subs
  39. /r/average_redditor banned
  40. /r/bruhfunny banned
  41. /r/Bruhtopia banned
  42. /r/ConsumeProduct banned
  43. /r/Coomer banned
  44. /r/CoonTown banned
  45. /r/DarkEnlightenment 23.8k subs
  46. /r/DebateAltRight banned
  47. /r/DebateFascism banned
  48. /r/DebateNazism 198 members. "There is nothing to debate. Nazism is a terrorist cult."
  49. /r/epicairconditioners banned
  50. /r/European banned
  51. /r/frenworld banned
  52. /r/GamersRiseUp banned
  53. /r/HardUnpopularOpinion banned
  54. /r/homophobes banned
  55. /r/MillionDollarExtreme banned
  56. /r/niggers banned
  57. /r/Physical_Removal banend
  58. /r/ProLife 33k subs
  59. /r/PublicHealthWatch banned
  60. /r/ShitNeoconsSay banned
  61. /r/smuggies banned
  62. /r/The_Europe banned
  63. /r/WhiteRights banned
  64. /r/SubredditCancer private "SRC is permanently closed and pointless. There is nothing left anywhere. The face of the internet is permanently changed. Artificial "organic" content, political propaganda, and censorship are now the status quo. None of us have any motivation anymore. Enjoy your lives offline--there is nothing left online worth caring about. "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.""
  65. /r/Reclassified 32.5k members
  66. /r/DeclineIntoCensorship 34.5k subs
  67. /r/AznIdentity 44.1k subs
  68. /r/EasternSunRising 4.8k subs ()
  69. /r/Sino 70.5k subs
  70. /r/China 252k subs
  71. /r/Chinesetourists banned
  72. /r/Bakchodi 62.4k subs
  73. /r/chodi 70.7k subs
  74. /r/indiadiscussion 12.6 subs
  75. /r/IndiaSpeaks 176k subs
  76. /r/PoliticalHinduism 4.1k subs
  77. /r/HindutvaRises 2.8k subs
  78. /r/IndiaNews 114k subs
  79. /r/canconfirmiamindian 11.7k subs
  80. /r/DesiMeta 8.3k subs
  81. /r/Bhagwa_Feminism 2.1k subs
  82. /r/IndianDankMemes 110k subs
  83. /r/Samaj 3.6k subs
  84. /r/mensrights 312k subs
  85. /r/Incel banned
  86. /r/PhilosophyOfRape banned
  87. /r/MGTOW banned
  88. /r/PussyPass 83.5k subs
  89. /r/PussyPassDenied 588k subs
  90. /r/FemaleDatingStrategy 190k subs
  91. /r/GenderCritical banned
  92. /r/TrollGC banned
  93. /r/LGBDropTheT banned
  94. /r/itsafetish banned
  95. /r/truscum 13.3k subs
  96. /r/detrans 22k subs
  97. /r/Catholicism 127k subs
  98. /r/TrueChristian 65.8k subs
  99. /r/CatholicMemes 36.8k subs
  100. /r/AgainstDegenerateSubs 38.1k subs
  101. /r/arabfunny 257k subs
  102. /r/Circlejerk 441k subs
  103. /r/DeuxRama banned
  104. /r/Drama 131k subs
  105. /r/LegalAdvice 1.7m subs
  106. /r/LoveForLandlords 50.6k subs
  107. /r/PoliticalCompassMemes 502k subs
  108. /r/UnpopularOpinion 2.2m subs
  109. /r/WallStreetBets 10.8m subs
  110. /r/cocaine 114k subs
  111. /r/heroin 34.7k subs
  112. /r/meth 54.1k subs
  113. /r/opiates 130k subs
  114. /r/wouldyoufuckmywife 577k subs
  115. /r/Misanthropy 73k subs

A rather substantial list, but a lot of good faith editors put effort into putting them here, so it was only fair that I looked at every single one. The first thing I noticed was that a lot of them have less than 100k subs. We shouldn't write about subs which nobody knows about, nor platform and give free advertising to small toxic communities. I propose nuking these entries. The second thing I noticed has to do with the banned subreddits. These consist of variations of "Very fucked up and broke reddit's TOS, swiftly banninated" ad naseum. I propose that instead of having dozens of different headings with "Very fucked up and broke reddit's TOS, swiftly banninated" under it, we make "Very fucked up and broke reddit's TOS, swiftly banninated" a heading in itself, and list banned subreddits in a multi column list under a collapse template.

Next, the "best of reddit" section... Is this REALLY neccesary? Reddit, in my view, is missional because it gives birth to shit like this. There is certainly missional content and analysis to be had, but what does r/aww have to do with us? I propose nuking this section - it would be more succinct to mention that reddit isn't all shit with a small paragraph containg a couple of brief examples, as opposed to giving our readers a "subreddits that the editors here like" list.

Thoughts? Objections? Lemme know. Peace! - Rairyu75 (Talk) 19:43, 9 September 2021 (UTC)

Excelent job, Rairyu. I agree with everything you said. GeeJayK (talk) 21:02, 9 September 2021 (UTC)
Cheers man. I'm off to bed so I'll let this sit here for a bit. Tomorrow afternoon, barring any major objections, I 'll prune this dang thang. G'night. - Rairyu75 (Talk) 22:26, 9 September 2021 (UTC)
Go ahead. Personally I find the 100k count on the high end, but we're not discount againsthatesubreddits so you have a point to up our standard for that stuff. Best of Reddit I on one hand do want to have exist, mostly as a palate cleanser, on the other hand, it's also been at times a tad wheel-warry. -- Techpriest (talk) 09:23, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
I agree with your proposal; I always found some of these sections to be a little shallow, just "x bad thing was on this sub and it was deleted." I'll even volunteer to help mop the article up. Jake Holmesyell at me 13:15, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
I too think the 100k sub limit is really high. Best of Reddit section is alright too as it can host anti-fascist, progressive etc. subreddits. Banned subreddits should still remain because they show how delayed Reddit’s responses are to clear bullshit.𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 13:22, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
Pruning is a good idea and certainly a lot of these could go as not of any lasting relevance. I'm not sure about a hard sub limit, but the smaller groups definitely require something exceptional and unique, beyond being just another gang of conspiracy theorists or Christian nuts. Some like /r/stormfront might merit a mention on other pages but maybe not here. --Annanoon (talk) 14:34, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
You guys think 100k is too much? I was thinking about an even higher bar... GeeJayK (talk) 16:16, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
I agree with the proposal for the banned subreddits, but I also think some context would be necessary. Nobody's gonna know what "Chinesetourists" is about or why "HardUnpopularOpinion" is so hard. ℕoir LeSable (talk) 20:39, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
I agree that over 100k members might be a bit much for a minimum, maybe over 50k or 70k? ARJB (talk) 19:00 12 september 2021 (UTC)


Pinging y'all would be a pain, so I'll just leave a note here and say: done! (Kinda, still needs work I think, but I did what I said I would, so whatever). Let me know what you guys think. In regards to the 100k number, you are all correct in that I pulled it directly out of my buttocks - however Reddit is an EXTREMELY popular site (52 million visitors a day, apparently). So I had to pick SOME number, otherwise we would have to document EVERY subreddit with questionable content - which I would prefer to not do. - Rairyu75 (Talk) 22:15, 10 September 2021 (UTC)

@Sqrt-1 Sup dude? I ain't gonna revert you (cause I tried to outline my reasoning above and if my attempt at convincing people failed then that's on me, I guess). Edit wars are largely unproductive and unenjoyable for the editors involved. I'll merely point out that the fact that you re-added r/indiadiscussion, a sub that has 12,600 members and is about reactionary right wing politics in a country of 1,393,400,000 but not any of the other small subs I booted seems highly inconsistent. "They get a large amount of activity"? Large by what metric? One would think that if a website averages in the region of 50 million unique visitors a day and has a sub regarding a country as populated as India it would need to have more than a handful members to be deemed "large". "Are growing extremely fast"? Right... but then why didn't you re-add all the other subs I booted? If POTENTIAL engagement and POSSIBLE future size are your justification then it seems unfair to not re-add all the subs which this can be said of. Why not add EVERY small sub that wasn't in the article by that reasoning? I'm sure there is some small neo-Nazi group out there we can attach the labels of "growing fast, COULD be big" to. 100k subs on Reddit is a low bar to clear for a shithole sub; if these places you speak of are growing as fast as you claim then you could add them when they reach the mark, no? "Mostly the goto place for propagating Hindu fascism"? Then how about we don't give them free advertising? The paragraphs you added can be summarised as "Reactionary shithole, existing on the web." We ourselves are a reasonably popular website Sqrt-1. If our reader is a lefty they will just nod their head and say "Ah, reactionary webshites exist in India too, I see." If our reader is a righty they will whoop and say "Oh goodie, a place that these snowflakes found revolting! Better join them so." The act of listing them here does nothing to reduce their reputation and credibility, nor is it particularly informative. Places like these existing somewhere on the web is mathematically guaranteed. Since we are more popular than them all we are doing is platforming the damn cesspools.
By re-adding them you raise the question in the mind of our readers: "Why not other subs like these? I know of some subs that meet Sqrt-1's criteria!" And then we are back to square one, with BoNs posting on this talkpage, regaling us with tales of small fucked up subs that no one gives two hoots about but which, according to them, simply MUST be in our article. To say no to the BoNs would be hypocrtical as fuck; after all, your small subs got re-added. So why not theirs? And if our article is just gonna bloat again like before then why not re-add all the crap I deleted straight away, bro? It would save some bloody time.
Peace. - Rairyu75 (Talk) 10:25, 11 September 2021 (UTC)
Removed them again. Current policy is no subs below 100k. Assuming they'll be growing fast, you're free to add them once they hit 100k. -- Techpriest (talk) 15:37, 11 September 2021 (UTC)
Added an editnotice with some guidance on how this article should be edited. -- Techpriest (talk) 15:51, 11 September 2021 (UTC)


@Exaskliri - FPH is a controversy, not an awful subreddit. That's why it doesn't go below the banned subreddits fold. -- Techpriest (talk) 08:52, 13 September 2021 (UTC)

@Techpriest - Isn't FPH both (controversy and an awful subreddit)? — Exaskliri (they/them) (talk | contribs) 09:23, 13 September 2021 (UTC)

RationalWiki mention on AHS[edit] 𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 16:58, 4 November 2021 (UTC)

add new subreddits into tankies and anarchists[edit]

1: antiwork (tankies), its oldest members are constantly harassing more like-minded new comers calling them "libs", sub also overlaps with tankie subs in a LOT of things, also hates work itself for jack shit.

2: COMPLETEANARCHY (anarchists), generally low-effort shit criticizing everything that isnt anarchism, also makes A LOT of jokes calling for violence, so i think that its fair.

Blade of Truth (talk) 17:38, 21 December 2021 (UTC)

r/Chodi article on Time[edit] 𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 10:51, 11 January 2022 (UTC) 𝗦𝗾𝗿𝘁-𝟭 talk stalk 11:26, 15 January 2022 (UTC)

r/unpopularopinion is even worse than you thought[edit]

Defending pedophilia:

Advocating segregation:

Advocating doxing:

Defending gender roles: — Unsigned, by: / talk

The second and third link are at zero votes, the first link is suprisingly low in vote count consider the amount of comments. Not saying they shouldn't be added but we gotta be careful that we aren't nutpicking. -- Techpriest (talk) 19:21, 6 March 2022 (UTC)

About the Pruning Process[edit]

I had already made the suggestion in the original thread that 100k was to high a minimum for a sub to be mentioned, and that something akin to 70k - 50k would be more reasonable. There are plenty of subreddits with less than 100k members that still remain relevant (i.e. /r/AverageRedditor, /r/Walkaway, /r/Stupidpol, etc) and I think we would be leaving a lot out and would be shrinking the articles too much.

Do you agree? — Unsigned, by: ARJB / talk / contribs

Oh, so that's why stupidpol has been deleted. (I had feared some dupe had drunk the kool aid of the previous thread.. probably deranged by some passer-by)
100K would also seem a good cut-off number to me.. if just it wasn't that 100% of times I see somebody taking an "ironically accelerationist" course, or half of those that I meet a tankie, checking their profile leads me there.
So, I don't know, maybe 70-80(75?)K could be the magic number? Are there examples of even smaller infamous subs that have had their impact felt and loathed?
The other two examples (that I had never heard before tbh) are already nearing 100K anyway. --Mirh (talk) 19:04, 26 April 2022 (UTC)

Should we put r/Autism in the "other fairly awful subreddits" category?[edit]

As an autistic with ADHD myself, some of their content, such as their undying support for neurodiversity quackery and their validation of self-diagnosis is questionable at best.

Some of their content is fairly well done and said, but you also have comments and posts featuring crap like this

"I think self diagnosis is very valid, especially in autistic adults who have a lifetime of experience with their symptoms and know themselves better than any therapist could in a few short sessions. [...] I will note that I am 27 while writing this, and I think that self diagnosis is much more reliable when done by an adult who has spent years researching autism. My opinion might be different for teenagers- not because they lack the ability to recognize their symptoms, but because so many changes can happen in early 20s, so I think giving yourself a few years of research and time for your brain to fully develop is the best way to go if you’re going to self diagnose" [[1]]

Before you call this nutpicking, this post received 152 upvotes (which is a lot for the subreddit at hand since they rarely upvote) along with an Ally Award and a Gold Award. I'm asking because I'm new around here. --Anti-Putinist Action (talk) 22:08, 10 April 2022 (UTC)

Azn_identity and Hapas[edit]

Why have these been removed from the list? This is totally fucked up. The former is an Asian alt-right misogyny fest dressed up as anti-racism, the latter is its bastard child. This article seemed to of had a section on these subs, but it was removed. WHY? They are still 100% active. Even worse, Sino is not particularly anti race mixing. It isn't Azn Identity, not by a long shot. And the fact subs with 1% of the activity as the first two I mentioned are listed here is beyond the pale. --2A00:23C4:3E08:4001:79C0:DEA0:DB79:AC89 (talk) 20:31, 14 June 2022 (UTC)

Rairyu75, you are the admin or user that deleted this entry because it had under 100k subs. I implore you to think again on this - the sub in question is very active for its sub numbers, being the largest (activity wise) Asian subreddit. This sub has been responsible for driving Asian women and their mixed families off the internet, with protracted harassment campaigns. They (and Hapas) push eugenics and far-right politics from an Asian perspective. Re-add this shit and shame it, please.--2A00:23C4:3E08:4001:79C0:DEA0:DB79:AC89 (talk) 20:42, 14 June 2022 (UTC)


I have added that subreddit at the Not all bad category, before noticing it must go here first. I believe it, as well as others for former practicioners of a given religion that in theory exist too, should be featured as it's heavily moderated and helps people who is leaving or has left with advices and words of help. --Panzerfaust (talk) 22:41, 26 August 2022 (UTC)


Should we add r/Collapse to the “worst” of list? — Unsigned, by: Spacehillbilly / talk / contribs

CringeAnarchy should be mentioned in prominent awful subreddit.[edit]

It’s a neo-nazi shithole that somehow gets progressively worse. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

r/AskReddit has some... interesting... people[edit]

Specifically this thread with 12K upvotes:


A lot of people in the thread admit to unfortunate things such as being victims of rape or being in terrible financial situations, and it is a shame that society victim blames these types of people.

However, there are people who admit to things that... let's just say... you should not be admitting (pedophilia, manslaughter, and incest are the biggest ones).

This is not nutpicking; this was, at the time, the #3 post on Reddit.


A few days after r/MGTOW was banned, the incels who run the subreddit created r/MGTOW2. Arcadium Trancefer (talk) 21:58, 2 November 2022 (UTC)


should be added to the list of terrible subreddits (the joke is that this is entire project is reddit and wholesome chungus, please ACK yourslef if you thin kotherwise) (talk) 18:59, 22 November 2022 (UTC)


This firefox addon has not been maintained in two years so its usefulness is questionable . If nobody objects in a reasonable time from now it should be removed DiogenesOfSynope (talk) Requesting thread archival (why?) Plutocow (talk)


Putting r/atheism in the same list with literal nazi subs? Really? --2402:4000:2380:2EE1:8163:1AFA:3AED:36D8 (talk) 12:36, 17 June 2023 (UTC)

There is also lefty subs there too, so why draw that particular connection is a bit of head scratcher. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 16:08, 17 June 2023 (UTC)

Mobocracy on r/politicalhumor[edit]

Starting today, all Subscribers to r/PoliticalHumor are now members of the Landed Gentry. That is to say, all subscribers now have a subset of mod tools available to them, as an experimental remedy for reddit admin attempted cash grab shenanigans in the runup to an IPO. In other news, r/interestingasfuck is teeming with bouncy boobs and the occasional hairy butthole, since risqué NSFW content hampers the ability of a subreddit to monetize itself with ads. Buncha Bolshevik saboteurs, or power to,the people? CamelCasePragmatist (talk) 23:53, 20 June 2023 (UTC)

Left-leaning reputation?[edit]

Dafuq? Carthage (talk) 23:13, 30 September 2023 (UTC)

Anecdotally, Reddit did gain a left-ish reputation after banning r/the_donald and purging a bunch of transphobic subs. Pizza SLICE.gifChef Moosolini’s Ristorante ItalianoMake a Reservation 00:18, 1 October 2023 (UTC)
I don't think that's left-ish because it's not informed by any genuine sense of ideology but because r/the_donald and co. had become harmful to Reddit's bottom line. There still is a wilderness of rancid shit on Reddit. Reddit kicked out the worst of the worst, the marginally-less evil bastards still remain on the platform. IOW: too little, too late. Carthage (talk) 00:26, 1 October 2023 (UTC)
Yeah, you gotta keep in mind that it’s mostly right wingers who think Reddit is on the left. Pizza SLICE.gifChef Moosolini’s Ristorante ItalianoMake a Reservation 19:11, 1 October 2023 (UTC)
They never did ban, for instance, r/TheRedPill. But I do think they may have such a reputation regardless. The point where they ban these subs is when they become a big brigading problem, as r/The_Donald did absolutely constantly. Chillpilled (talk) 07:08, 1 October 2023 (UTC)

Super stonk and 'ape culture'[edit]

Because I was ignored by all except one who misunderstood what I meant, I am saying it here, I think we should have an article on super stonk and 'ape' culture more generally because the pure insanity they have created. A somebody. (talk) 18:49, 2 October 2023 (UTC)