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Alternative Medicine Education

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Against allopathy
Alternative medicine
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Clinically unproven

Doctor of Naturopathy

See the main article on this topic: Naturopathy

Doctor of Naturopathy (usually abbreviated ND for "Not a Doctor") is a title claimed by many practitioners of woo.

As awful as the idea is, there are actually 7 accredited institutions in North America that award this degree (as of 2012), 5 in the United States (Bastyr University, National College of Natural Medicine, National University of Health Sciences, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine) and 2 in Canada (Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, and Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine).[1] For those who want a shorter route, it is also widely available from diploma mills.

Holders of this degree are likely to make obsessive use of the title "Dr." though they are not, in many jurisdictions, entitled to use this title.

These are not the doctors who don't tell you What Doctors Don't Tell You.

As of 2017, naturopathic physicians were regulated in several US jurisdictions: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Washington.[2] Legislation is pending in several other jurisdictions.[3]

Doctor of Chiropractic

See the main article on this topic: Chiropractic

The credential Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) is for those who practice chiropractic medicine. Training includes four years of schooling and a residency in a chiropractic field. These residencies include Chiropractic neurology, primary care, and nutrition.[4] There are dangers of going to a chiropractor. Chiropractic is regulated by the American Chiropractic Association.[5]

Chiropractic is regulated in all 50 US states and in 30 countries.[6]

Homeopathy education

See the main article on this topic: Homeopathy

To clear the air, Homeopathy is no different from drinking a glass of water, that being said, there are institutions offering education in homeopathy. The number of accredited schools offering courses in homeopathy are slim in the US. Homeopathy classes are plentiful at schools such as Bastyr University in the United States. In India, homeopathy classes are extremely plentiful, because the government regulates homeopathy.[7] There are entire medical schools in India devoted to homeopathy. Requirements for certificates in homeopathy vary in the US. An example of homeopathic education in the US (from the New Eden School of Natural Health & Herbal Studies) includes: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, natural health, Bach flower remedies, "cell salts homeopathic remedies" and business practices.[8]

Alphabet soup

Below is a list of alternative medicine certifications, some are regulated but most are not. It is not unusual for alternative medicine practitioners to list several of these after their name in an attempt at credentialism. Being regulated (e.g., chiropractic in some jurisdictions) does not mean that the practice is evidence-based. Some of these fields straddle the border between evidence-based medicine and alternative medicine (e.g. osteopathy and massage). The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine basically encourages credentialism ("It is puzzling to see the number of certified NCCAOM Diplomates who do not list their national certification credentials."), suggesting that people include their highest academic degree as well as all of their state licenses and professional certificates.[9]

  • A.B.T. — Asian Bodywork Therapist
  • Ac.D. — Acupuncture Doctor
  • Ac.T. — Acupuncture Therapist
  • A.M.T. — Advanced Massage Therapist
  • A.P. — Acupuncture Physician
  • B.A.M.S. — Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine
  • B.C.I.A.C. — Biofeedback Certification Institute of America
  • C.A., C.Ac. — Certified Acupuncturist
  • C.A.R. — Certified Advanced Rolfer
  • C.A.R. — Certified Alexander Teacher
  • C.A.S. — Clinical Ayurveda Specialist
  • C.B.P.M. — Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy
  • C.B.T. — Certified Biofeedback Therapy
  • C.C.H. — Certified in Classical Homeopathy or Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • C.C.N. — Certified Clinical Nutritionist
  • C.C.S.P. — Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
  • C.H. — Chinese Herbalist
  • C.H.O.M. — Certified Homeopathic
  • C.H.T. — Certified Hypnotherapist
  • C.L.M.P. — Certified Licensed Massage Practitioner
  • C.L.M.T. — Certified Licensed Massage Therapist
  • C.M.P — Certified Massage Practitioner
  • C.M.T. — Certified Massage Therapist
  • C.N.C. — Certified Nutritional Consultant
  • C.N.P. — Certified Nutritional Practitioner
  • C.R. — Certified Rolfer
  • C.S.T. — Certified Structural Therapist
  • C.T.P. — Certified Trager Practitioner
  • C.V.A. — Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
  • D.A. or D.Ac. — Doctor of Acupuncture
  • D.A.B.C.A. — Diplomate American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture
  • D.A.B.M.A. — Diplomat American Board of Medical Acupuncture
  • D.Ac. — Doctor of Acupuncture
  • D.A.M.S. — Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
  • D.A.O.M. — Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
  • D.C. — Doctor of Chiropractic
  • D.C.H. — Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • D.C.M. — Doctor of Chinese Medicine
  • D.H.A.N.P. — Diplomate of the Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  • D.H.M.S. — Diplomate of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
  • D.H.O.M. — Diplomate of Homeopathic Medicine
  • D.Ht. — Diplomate in Homeotherapeutics
  • Dipl. ABT or Dip. A.B.T. — Diplomate in Asian Bodywork Therapy
  • Dipl. C.H. — Diplomate in Chinese Herbology
  • Dipl. O.M. or Dip. O.M. — Diplomate in Oriental Medicine
  • D.N.B.A.O. or Dip C.H. — Diplomate, National Board of Acupuncture Orthopedics
  • D.O. — Doctor of Osteopathy
  • D.O.M. — Doctor of Oriental Medicine
  • D.T.C.M. — Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • E.E.M.-C.P. — Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner
  • E.E.M.-A.P. — Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner
  • F.A.S.A. — Fellow, Acupuncture Society of America
  • F.I.A.M.A. — Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
  • G.C.F.P. — Guild-Certified Feldenkrais practitioner
  • H.H.P. — Holistic Health Practitioner
  • H.M.P. — Homeopathic Medical Doctor
  • I.A.C.A. — International Academy of Chiropractic Acupuncture
  • L.Ac. or Lic. Ac. — Licensed Acupuncturist
  • L.M.T. — Licensed Massage Therapist
  • L.N. — Licensed Nutritionist
  • L.N.C. — Licensed Nutritionist Counselor
  • M.Ac. — Master of Acupuncture
  • M.A.O.M. — Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
  • M.A.T.I. — Teaching members of Alexander Technique International
  • M.B.W. — Master Bodyworker
  • M.D.H. — Medical Doctor of Homeopathy
  • M.H. — Master Herbalist
  • M.O.M. — Master’s Degree in Oriental medicine
  • M.S.O.M. — Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine
  • M.S.T.C.M. — Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • M.S.T.O.M. — Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine
  • M.T. — Massage Therapist
  • M.T.O.M. — Masters of Traditional Oriental Medicine
  • N.A.S.T.A.T. — Member of the North American Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
  • N.C. — Diploma in Nutritional Consulting
  • N.C.T.M.B. — Nationally Certified Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
  • N.D. or N.M.D. — Naturopathic Doctor or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
  • O.B.T. — Oriental Bodywork Therapist
  • O.M.D. — Oriental Medical Doctor
  • P.K.S. — Panchakarma Specialist
  • P.P. — Polarity Practitioner
  • Q.M.E. — Qualified Medical Examiner
  • R.A. or R.Ac. — Registered Acupuncturist
  • R.C.T. — Registered Craniosacral Therapist
  • R.Hom. — Registered with National Union of Professional and Trained Homeopaths
  • R.M.T. — Registered Massage Therapist
  • R.P.P. — Registered Polarity Practitioner
  • R.S.Hom., N.A. — Registered Member of the North American Society of Homeopaths
  • S.T. — Somatic Therapist
  • T.C.M.D. — Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor

See also


  1. List of accredited schools of naturopathic medicine in North America
  2. Regulated States & Regulatory Authorities The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  3. Regulation of Naturopathic Doctors in the United States The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  4. Doctor of Chiropractic, National University of Health Sciences.
  5. American Chiropractic Association
  6. Chiropractic in the United States: Training, Practice, and Research. Chapter V: Licensure and Legal Scope of Practice by Ruth Sandefur & Ian D. Coulter. Chirobase
  7. Homeopathy in India
  8. Energy Medicine Programs New Eden School of Natural Health & Herbal Studies
  9. Displaying Your Credentials Proudly and Properly by Kory Ward-Cook, Ph.D., CAE, MT (ASCP), Chief Executive Officer and Mina Larson, M.S., Deputy Director of NCCAOM