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Charlie Kirk

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God, guns, and freedom
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Starting arguments over Thanksgiving dinner
Persons of interest
I live like a capitalist every single day, Cenk! I live as a capitalist, okay? I live what I believe!
—Charlie Kirk, losing his temper in a debate with The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur, attempting to physically attack the latter.[1]

Charles J. Kirk (1993–)[2] is an American right-wing grifter, trustfund baby, professional meme maker, and diaper enthusiast. He is the founder and spiritual leader of Toilet Paper USA Talking Points USA Turning Point USA (TPUSA), which organizes bizarre conservative stunts on college campuses and (according to an exposé at the conservative leaning Washington Examiner) has a long history of teen underage drinking and rape at its student conventions.[3] Kirk is also known for cameoing as the spokesperson for the fictional restaurant Li'l Bits in an episode of Rick and Morty.[4]

TPUSA claim that they're a "youth organization that promotes the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government," when in reality, they're just a right-wing echo chamber for dying boomers and edgy white boys that takes any chance they can get to insult socialists and anyone left of Henry Kissinger. Most of their Twitter feed consists of calling out socialists for being "hypocrites"[5] (because apparently using an iPhone and buying things to survive instead of living in a cavemen commune invalidates all your left-leaning arguments), complaining about leftist propaganda in the curriculum,[6] making antisemitic and/or rape jokes,[7] preying on naive first year college students instead of debating professionals, pundits and experts, sharing terrible memes, et cetera.

Kirk really thinks that making "vagina hands" à la Donald Trump[8] makes him look badass.[9][10]


Kirk was born into a wealthy Illinois family. His father, Robert W. Kirk, was the project architect manager for Trump Tower in New York. He became politically active after Barack Obama became President. In 2010, he joined the Tea Party and volunteered for the US Senate campaign of Illinois Republican Mark Kirk (no relation). In 2012, he wrote his first piece for Breitbart complaining about "liberal bias" in high school economics textbooks.[11] Despite being promoted as "Trump's man on campus",[12] Kirk actually dropped out of community college; he was allegedly rejected from Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts West Point, and blamed it (without any evidence)[13] on affirmative action.[14] Because of course.

Bullshit factory[edit]

On religion[edit]

[A]s the world adds more atheists the moral fiber of our civilization will continue to decay. And the more atheists there are in the world, the bigger government will grow[.] Atheism must be defeated[.]
—Charlie Kirk[15]

Kirk, who is an evangelical Christian, believes that atheism leads to socialism, as men attempt to fashion themselves into Gods:

For some individuals it's more real than God, which I think is preposterous, but, as a society gets more secular, unfortunately with it goes its moral conduct and behavior. Now, I am a fierce proponent of the separation between church and state, I think it's actually been positive for Christianity in the United States, I think that the less government has endorsed state-run religion, the more the church has been able to succeed, as long as our religious liberties are intact, preserved, and protected. The point being, is that if you try and have a theocracy like some of the European countries did in the 50's and 60's or the 20's and 30's, people inherently try and rebel against it, so for example, Spain had that huge argument, "Should we become a pseudo Roman Catholic state?" and that kind of started a little bit of a conflict, a little bit. Um, the point being is that the protection of the — uh, individual liberties is super important, but looking holistically, you — there, there's a coincidence — there's no coincidence, there's no argument that one of the reasons behind the rampant, um, escalation of I would say immoral behavior in a lot of these countries, in North Korea or China and the former Soviet Union, is that when you remove God and you say there is no God, government replaces that and the reason is, motivational leaders want to create themselves to be a God-king. And that's, that's what Mao tried to do, Mao was revered as, as a God in China, and Stalin was revered as a God, and there's nothing more evil than that, a human being trying to become a deity, in and of itself. So I am a harsh critic against the American atheist movement for a lot of different reasons. Um, mostly because I say, how could you possibly be so certain? Like, like if you're agnostic, I get it. Like, I understand you're searching for answers, you're always open minded. But an atheist, like, they're so committed to knowing that there's no God? You believe in nothing. And so when you have nothing there's all of these questions that automatically come: Where does your moral conduct come from? What is our point of origination? Are we good or bad by nature? So as an Evangelical Christian I'm very, very worried that as [a] society we get more — we get farther and farther away from our, our Judeo-Christian beliefs that really created Western civilization, there's a reason why the USSR, the alcoholism, the infidelity, and the rampant immoral behavior was so widespread, because when you remove God, I would also argue that, uh, with it you remove the core set of morals that helped create the West.[15]

In short, Kirk blames much moral failure in communist countries on atheism. Of course, he excludes the highly-irreligious countries like Japan, Sweden, and the UK that do not appear to have collapsed amidst their own immorality. He also seems to have missed that former communist countries which have embraced religion (particularly Russia) haven't become more moral as a result. Elsewhere, Kirk has separated "secular" from "Western democracies":

There are four competing global philosophies that will determine the 21st century:

1) Western centered, pro-capitalist constitutional democracies

2) Islamic Theocratic Fascism

3) Chinese Communist Totalitarianism

4) European-style secular socialism

The West must win[16]

This is deeply ironic, given the history of increasing secularism within the West for almost half a millennium, usually by pro-democracy advocates – a history that Kirk himself acknowledges:

The Constitution of the United States of America is the single most important secular document ever written.[17]

Given his love for tired talking points, it is unsurprising that Kirk also really likes the "not enough faith" line of thought, probably because it sounds clever:

I don't have enough faith to be an atheist[15]

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist [sic][18]

Of all the religions, the hardest one for me to believe that people believe is atheism[19]

The amount of blind faith it takes to be an Atheist [sic] never ceases to amaze me.[20]

Judging by his speech above, Kirk appears not to understand how atheists can "have faith" in a non-God origin of the universe, a non-God creation of life, a non-God origin of biodiversity, or a non-God origin of morality. Fortunately for the rest of us, science and philosophy have moved past the 1500s.

Like most Christian conservatives, Kirk understands how essential it is for us as a society to understand and accept science. Except when it comes to climate change and religion.[21]

Editorial note: Don't capitalize atheism. You also don't capitalize theism. These aren't proper nouns, Charlie.

Conservative deceit[edit]

Kirk made fallacious claims about the family of Candace Owens. Kirk claimed that "both" of Owens' parents were alcoholics and also claimed that "her sisters" were on welfare.[22] Owens later debunked his claims about her family on Twitter.[23] However, instead of calling out Kirk for his racially charged lies, Owens decided to denounce the "sadistic" journalism that pointed out his blatant dishonesty (so basically she attacked journalists for doing their jobs).[24]

In addition, Kirk claimed that Roseanne Barr isn't racist[25] for tweeting about Obama aide Valerie Jarrett: "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj". Definitely no racism there.

He's also not above pretending to be minorities online to make himself look less racist, although he's apparently too stupid to use a sockpuppet for this.[26]

He has defended The Great Replacement conspiracy theory on Tucker Carlson's show.[27]

Kirk praised Ye for becoming an incoherent Trump fanboy politically active, but later he criticized Taylor Swift for endorsing Tennessee Democrats Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper, and told her to stay away from politics.[28] Sniff sniff, Do we smell some hypocrisy there?

Also, Kirk praised Trump for signing a pardon for someone sentenced for doing drugs, but he attacked Barack Obama for pardoning 330 federal inmates convicted of drug charges.[29]

In a further display of hypocrisy, he criticized Obama for visiting Cuba and not pointing out their corruption, but praised Trump for making peace with North Korea (without pointing out their corruption).[30]

On January 21st, 2019, former Turning Point USA Director of High School Outreach Kyle Kashuv announced that Kirk had thrown out his back and had a potential blood clot, and that the hospital made Kirk lay on a bench outside the hospital as they had run out of beds.[31] Ironically, despite getting screwed over by the American healthcare system, Charlie Kirk firmly believes the United States has the best healthcare system in the world[32] and that healthcare isn't a right.[33] Later, Kirk stated that he had visited a chiropractor who he claimed had made "my spine go back into line" by doing "some very targeted treatment right behind my ear with his hands".[34]

Hilariously, YAF blacklisted Kirk & Turning Point USA in a conservative group feud.[35]

Oh, and he also can't spell "socialism" correctly.[36][37] That's what happens when you don't graduate from college![38]

Kirk has basically lost all credibility at this point.[39]

Greatest hits[edit]

  • In June 2018, Kirk expressed his support for Trump's criminal justice reform that released some non-violent drug offenders. A mere four days earlier, he was complaining about how irresponsible it was for Obama to have done basically the same thing, illustrating just how high his level of partisanship is.[40]
  • Kirk complaining about how intolerant "the left" really is for companies not wanting to advertise on Fox while threatening to boycott the NFL if players didn't stand for the anthem.[41]
  • Kirk pretending to care about due process as it pertains to Brett Kavanaugh despite the fact that he claimed Hillary Clinton should have been sent to prison even if the FBI and Justice Department didn't think there was enough evidence.[42][43]
  • Kirk in 2014 bitching about how Obama was an open borders Marxist who was perfectly content with letting millions of illegals flood over the border. Then, Kirk in 2018 defending child separation policy by saying that Obama did the exact same thing as Trump. So, apparently Obama was letting a lot of illegals in while kicking them all out.[44][45][46]
  • Kirk shredding Obama for the Dow-Jones Industrial Average dropping 500 points while remaining awkwardly silent when the same thing happened recently.[47]
  • Kirk complaining that taxation is theft while complaining that Amazon didn't pay any.[48]
  • Kirk trying to criticize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for losing 25,000 jobs because of Amazon pulling out of NYC while simultaneously claiming that Amazon pulling out was the right decision.[49][50]
  • Kirk claims that open borders are a sign of a weak and inhumane country while denouncing the Berlin Wall.[51]
  • Kirk can't decide if taxes are a good thing.[52][53]
  • Kirk can't decide if Europe is a socialist wasteland.[54]
  • Kirk claims that undocumented immigrants don't have rights because they aren't citizens. About a month earlier, while delivering a speech, he said that rights don't come from governments.[55]
  • Kirk can't decide if more laws is a good thing.[56]
  • Kirk can't decide if he accepts basic biology.[57]
  • Kirk can't decide if tragedies should be politicized.[58][59]
  • Kirk can't decide if the Democratic party is the party of the KKK or the party of MS-13.[60][61]
  • Kirk thinks homes and countries are the same things.[62]
  • Kirk thinks that Trump deserves credit for Botswana legalizing same-sex marriage.[63]
  • Kirk isn't sure if world leaders were ever attacked before Trump's presidency.[64]
  • Kirk thinks California, the world's fifth-largest economy, is a third world nation.[65]
  • Kirk isn't sure about the lowest-ever black unemployment rate.[66]
  • Kirk can't decide if victimhood is a cancer.[67]
  • Kirk using Mother's Day as an opportunity to own the libs.[68]
  • Kirk doing a complete 180 in regards to Trump being the most moral president ever.[69]
  • Kirk confused about majority rule[70]
  • Kirk accusing Joe Biden of letting the Taliban win to kick-start the Great Replacement.[71]
  • Kirk can't decide if Juneteenth should be a holiday.[72]
  • Kirk can't decide if resisting arrest is ok.[73]
  • Kirk can't decide how important your mental health is.[74]
  • On the first page of Kirk's book Campus Battlefield, Kirk makes an elementary mistake. He confuses rhyming for alliteration; saying protesters chanting "Charlie Kirk is a jerk!" are using alliteration.[75] This is in a book presumably reviewed and edited several times. Kirk apparently doesn't know the meaning of vocabulary words typically taught to young children.On an unrelated note, Kirk was appointed to a panel by President Trump overseeing America's educational policy.
  • "So, there's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue. You say, 'Charlie, come on. They couldn't be further apart.' No, they're exactly the same."[76][77]
  • Kirk bragged that he was part of an all-white basketball team that shared a name with a Serbian death squad, "back in my day," sounding like a 70-year-old remembering playing at a segregated school in the '50s.[78]

Unintentional "stopped clock"[edit]

Kirk (most likely accidentally) stated that it was an injustice for Mack Beggs (a FTM trans boy) to be prevented from competing in the boys' wrestling league because of his birth sex (he was assigned female at birth but underwent gender confirmation surgery to affirm his gender).[79] Charlie Kirk has a definite stopped clock moment in his opposition to the death penalty. He says it is more expensive than life in prison and says innocent people are executed.[80][81]

Turning Point USA[edit]

Charlie's pet project: research on Peyronie's disease

Turning Point USA (TPUSA)[82] is an astroturf nonprofit funded by the Koch brothers in order to make boring old conservatism look cool and appealing to millennials by sharing/posting/reposting cringeworthy memes and image macros. These images consist mostly of inspirational quotes by great conservative thinkers, such as Ronald Reagan, Ben Shapiro, Tomato Larynx, and, obviously, Chairman Kirk himself, but also by filthy commies such as George Orwell and Nelson Mandela (taken wildly out of context, of course). Their other favorite template is Top Panel: Liberal Quote (i.e. "Capitalism is bad." —Bernie Sanders), Bottom Panel: TPUSA's Response ("Then why don't you move to North Korea? Also, socialism has killed 100 billion iPhones"), accompanied by a picture of Charlie Kirk or a smug/confused-looking stock photo model wearing lensless glasses (because that's what dem youngsters wear these days). Along with hashtags such as #BigGovSucks, #SocialismSucks, #iHeartCapitalism, and #iHeartFossilFuels.

Bill Montgomery, TPUSA's cofounder and Kirk's mentor, died in July 2020 of COVID-19 after months of downplaying it.[83] In 2021 during the pandemic, Kirk started rallying his followers against COVID vaccine requirements, and made false claims about vaccine efficacy and "medical raids".[84] In 2025, Kirk came out against childhood immunizations for chickenpox and hepatitis B.[85]

Of diapers and watchlists[edit]

As of right now, I am in disbelief at how I went from being so upbeat, enthusiastic, and passionate about this organisation to being disgusted, frustrated, and embarrassed to have invested my entire senior year into an organisation founded by a college dropout who hires some of the most incompetent, lazy, and downright dishonest people I have ever encountered.
Kaitlin Bennett, former president and campus coordinator for Turning Point USA at Kent State University, reacting to the diaper shitshow.[86]

Kirk loves freedom of speech so much, he came up with the idea of a so-called "free speech ball," an oversized beach ball for grade school college students to write whatever the hell they want to. With hilarious results.[87]

Another totally mature TPUSA stunt was their infamous 2017 "diaper protest," in which they dressed and acted as toddlers in order to protest against safe spaces,[88] at Kent State of all places. Not only did they lose funding and members after the incident,[89] but they also have been relentlessly mocked ever since.[90] Kirk himself, in a desperate attempt of damage control, disavowed the organized protest and have not organized anything similar since.[91]

Of course, Kirk also believes that free speech should not apply to the left, so he started a very McCarthyist project called Professor Watchlist, whose stated mission is "to expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom."[92] In reality, Professor Watchlist has resulted in over 100 cases of harassment (including death threats) against "leftist" professors.[93]

Feud with Nick Fuentes[edit]

On October 2019, Kirk and Donald Trump, Jr. went to UCLA to promote Junior's latest piece of shit book titled — wait for it: Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us. Expecting to epicly own some easily triggered, blue-haired, antifa SJW communist snowflakes who hate freedom of speech, Don Jr. and Kirk were hilariously heckled off the stage... by a group of Trump supporters.[94] More specifically, by fans of the far-right YouTuber Nick Fuentes (known as "groypers", a reference to a grotesque version of Pepe the Frog). Fuentes, a white nationalist and Holocaust denier, has claimed that TPUSA, Dan Crenshaw, Ben Shapiro and other right-wing individuals and organizations are fake conservatives because they aren't fascist enough for his taste (maybe not, but damn, they're trying).

By 2023, Fuentes was still ripping on them,[95] but he perhaps tellingly remarked that Kirk and TPUSA had become much more like him:

I watched the Turning Point [conference] and they had a pretty good line-up, I'm not gonna lie ... They're coming further and further. I think in 2023, Charlie Kirk, all these others, they sound way more like me, today, than they sound like themselves four years ago.[96]

By early 2024, Kirk and TPUSA were going after Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Act of 1964,[97] where before:

The group has profited from the use of King’s image. Turning Point USA's website sold a $55 T-shirt with MLK's name and stickers of King that say "Let freedom ring." After an inquiry from WIRED, both products were removed from TPUSA's store.[97]

He then expressed that he perceives pilots as less competent if they are black.[98] It's hard to interpret this as anything but a relative shift towards Fuentes's politics. As of 2024, Fuentes again concurs:

Charlie Kirk, as we know, has become a white supremacist, and that's a huge victory. But he remains a — he remains a Jew lover.[99]

Kirk may have won over Fuentes — to some extent — but reportedly, he also earned Trump's personal ire for "causing problems for him in the Black community".[100]

Turning Point UK[edit]

Not to be confused with British addiction and mental health charity Turning Point.
Charlie's transatlantic pet
Turning Point UK has charmed key figures within the Conservative party while moonlighting as a far-right street gang.
—Anti-fascist infiltrator John Christie[101]
Hard right, xenophobic bile.
David Lammy[102]

Turning Point UK (TPUK) is an entirely unwanted UK-set spinoff of Turning Point USA created by Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens in 2019 with the failed intention of emulating the success of its predecessor in establishing a presence on higher education campuses and grooming millennials.[103] Rabid proponents of the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, TPUK maintained it's primary purpose was to "challenge the often far-left bias in our educational institutions," and "identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government."[104]

Anti-fascist research group Red Flare clarrifies:[105]

Despite lacking ideological coherence and functioning initially as a conservative youth group, TPUK’s antiimmigrant, transphobic, British nationalist positions, its support for scrapping fundamental human rights, and its connections with overtly fascist groups places TPUK on the far right of political groups currently active in the UK.

Failing miserably in campus-based activism, perhaps because it was tilting at windmills, TPUK has subsequently reinvented itself as a violent far-right street gang and it's active membership largely consists of middle-aged football hooligans with close connections to other violent far-right groups.[101][105]

Failiure to launch[edit]

Who are these cranks? From far-right Lord Plunket, Irina Mappin, John Mappin, Peter Southall, Candace Owens & Charlie Kirk.
Who are these cranks?
—Anonymous commentator[102]

TPUK was first announced at "A Gathering of Political Genius"[104] hosted by QAnon-supporting hotelier and Scientologist John Mappin, alongside his wife Irina and fellow businessmen Peter Southall and Baron Plunket, at the Royal Automobile Club in London in December 2018.[102] Making the announcement were founders Kirk and Owens, with the latter stating:[106]

We very much believe that we are in the midst of World War 3[…] it is an ideological war we are fighting for Western values.

Among the assorted "geniuses" in attendance for this were Robin Birley, James Delingpole, Amanda Eliasch, Rod Liddle, Will Tanner, Paul Joseph Watson and Andy Wigmore.[107]

Officially launched in February 2019 under the leadership of CEO Oliver Anisfeld and Chairman George Farmer, TPUK garnered support from the likes of Nigel Farage and, despite an edict from Tory party HQ instructing members "not to work with it in any capacity," Priti Patel and Jacob Rees-Mogg.[108][102] There was also an immediate influx of parody accounts, attributing ludicrous ancap ideas to the organization, which popped up almost instantly and were often indistinguishable from the real thing.[109] Not to mention a sense of people realising, "Who are these cranks?"[102]

The very American style and anti-socialist/libertarian content failed to attract UK students,[104] condemning TPUK to years of moribund obscurity, with the holding message stating that the university chapters are "presently being finalised and will be updated here soon," staying in place until the group was relaunched under new leadership in 2022.[110]

Street fighting years[edit]

Choose your fighter... From right Nick Tenconi, Marco Longhi & Nick Ross.
The nasty party is well and truly back. It’s extremely concerning to see senior Conservatives associating themselves with what looks to most people an awful lot like a far-right group.
—Labour party chair Anneliese Dodds[111]
Ross should be expelled from the Conservative party for leading a violent far-right street gang.
—Anti-fascist infiltrator John Christie on new TPUK CEO Jack Ross[101]

The appointment of new leadership, in the form of CEO Nick Ross, Honorary President Marco Longhi and COO Nick Tenconi saw TPUK reinvent itself in 2022.[103] John Christie, an anti-fascist who infiltrated TPUK, explained:[101]

My time in the organisation showed me a multilayered group desperately trying to expand. I met Conservative party candidates rubbing shoulders with football hooligans and conspiracy theorists. Opportunism was rife, with the leadership clutching at any chance of political gain. The reality I saw was a group walking hand in hand with the hardliners of the far-right despite public attempts to distance itself. Any claims of respectability don’t stand up: this group is well aligned with the violent company it keeps.

Finish them!

Tenconi, in his role of COO, (dis-)organised a series of chaotic anti drag queen story hour protests,[112][113][114] where they were regulraly outnumbered by counter-protestors, outside the Honour Oak pub in Lewisham, South-East London and a couple of other locations (including at least one which didn't even have a drag queen story hour). Through this TPUK achieved some national recognition, thanks to the pressence of such D-list Christian nationalist celebs as Laurence Fox, Calvin Robinson and Rikki Doolan.[115] Violent clashes with counter-protesters led by members of the local community on 24th June 2023, saw pictures of the bloodied face of local trans activist Ada Cable going viral alongside her call to action:[116][117]

Don’t look at this picture of me and be afraid of coming down. Look at me, get angry, and come down. Make it clear that this won’t stand in Lewisham.

Conspiracy theorists later claimed Cable had drawn blood on herself with a red pen which they say could be seen in her pocket in one of the photos.[118]

This increased notoriety brought with it calls from opposition parties for Tory politicians in general and Longhi in particular to cut ties with the gang, with Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran stating:[111][119]

As a Liberal, it is deeply concerning that a member of parliament from any party is associating with a group that promotes harmful and regressive ideas about women and minority groups. I urge Marco Longhi to remove himself from this position and take action to ensure that Turning Point’s divisive and dangerous rhetoric is not given a platform in our society.

Tory PM Rishi Sunak claimed he was "not aware of the specific allegations" in response to Lewisham Deptford MP Vicky Foxcroft's plea:[120]

Will the prime minister condemn Turning Point UK’s attempts to spread hatred and division in my constituency and across the country?

During the summer race riots of 2024, Tenconi, also serving as interim leader of the increasingly far-right UK Independence Party, stoked violence both indirectly, by alleging that the perpetrator of the 2024 Southport stabbing had been acting "under orders,"[121] and directly, by taking to the street wielding a megaphone and chanting "invaders out" at protests which turned violent outside Downing Street on August 1st and in Plymouth on August 5th.[122] And, even after the riots had petered out across the rest of the country, Tenconi partied on, leading chants of "invaders out, close off borders, invaders out" to the dance song L'amour toujours by Italian DJ Gigi d'Agostino at a small Enough is Enough protest outside immigrant accomodation in Aldershot on August 7th.[123][124]

Key people[edit]


  • Marco Longhi was appointed honorary president in 2022.
  • Nick Ross was apponted CEO in 2022.
  • Nick Tenconi was appointed COO in 2022.


  • Oliver Anisfeld, son of Brexit Party MEP Lance Forman, was the first CEO, stepping down in 2021.
  • George Farmer, husband of Candace Owens and son of Tory donor Baron Farmer, was the first chairman, stepping down in April 2019.
  • Darren Grimes, Brexit campaigner, was part of the initial launch team.
  • Tom Harwood, Guido Fawkes writer, was promoted as part of the initial launch team but immediately stepped down.[102]
  • John Mappin, QAnon-supporting hotelier and Scientologist, hosted the launch and was point of contact for large donors.

Turning Point Action[edit]

Turning Point Action, an affiliate of TPUSA, has been directing teenagers (including minors) to spread disinformation about COVID and mail-in ballots on Twitter and Facebook in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 election in favor of Trump. The campaign has been likened to a 'troll farm'.[125]

2021 Capitol riot[edit]

See the main article on this topic: 2021 U.S. Capitol riot

Turning Point Action was one of the sponsors of the pre-riot warmup for the failed coup attempt in 2021.[126][127]


Kirk has also published some ridiculously out-of-touch[128][129] love letters to Trump "books":

  • Time for a Turning Point: Setting a Course Toward Free Markets and Limited Government for Future Generations (2016)
  • Campus Battlefield: How Conservatives Can WIN the Battle on Campus and Why It Matters – Foreword by Donald Trump, Jr. (2018)
  • The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas That Will Ruin Win the Future (2020)
  • The College Scam: How America's Universities are bankrupting and brainwashing away the future of America's Youth (2022)

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Unhinged Charlie Kirk Triggered by Cenk Uygur at Politicon | The Young Turks YouTube
  2. The 21-Year-Old Becoming a Major Player in Conservative Politics: Charlie Kirk's backers swear he's the future of conservative politics—and he's only just old enough to drink. by Rebecca Nelson (Mar 25, 2015) The Atlantic.
  3. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/turning-point-usa-struggles-with-allegations-of-student-sexual-assault-harassment
  4. Lil' Bits | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim. Retrieved on September 13, 2020.
  5. Turning Point USA at Liberty University
  6. Turning Point USA founder: 'Radical leftists' control UGA campus, Red and Black (April 5, 2018)
  7. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/11/turning-point-usa-tweets-that-critic-namd-weinstein-has-his-hand-in-other-peoples-pockets.html
  8. Why Are Trump’s Hands Always Making the Symbol for ‘Vagina’?
  9. https://archive.is/20180521233333/https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/998615044945395712
  10. Campus Battlefield cover
  11. http://www.breitbart.com/politics/2012/04/26/liberal-bias-starts-in-high-school-economics/
  12. Trump's Man on Campus, Politico
  13. Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA and the rise of fascist student group
  14. http://www.wonkette.com/college-student-has-shitfit-about-shithole-group-after-shitty-diaper-protest-goes-poof-2569189525.amp.html
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 Twitter[a w]
  16. Twitter[a w]
  17. Twitter[a w]
  18. Twitter[a w]
  19. Twitter[a w]
  20. Twitter[a w]
  21. Blather[a w]
  22. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Deou2KwWsAAFIXx.jpg
  23. https://archive.is/20180602002121/https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1002665436184489984
  24. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Deou2K4XcAURmUs.jpg
  25. https://archive.is/20180530163123/https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1001571801825136642
  26. https://t.co/SUSL0xcP4p
  27. Conservative media is familiar with Buffalo suspect’s alleged ‘theory’ by Paul Farhi (May 15, 2022) The Washington Post.
  28. http://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-guests-want-taylor-swift-to-shut-up-but-love-kanyes-maga-embrace
  29. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/8pcspk/dang_boi_stole_this_from_twitter/
  30. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IomC-a_Sxy4
  31. Charlie throws out his back 21 Jan 2019.
  32. Twitter post 7 Feb 2017.
  33. Twitter post 7 Feb 2017.
  34. Instagram post January 24th, 2019.
  35. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wk3Jgj3IfRw
  36. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/8o9620/i_guess_this_is_what_you_get_when_you_dont_go_to/
  37. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/8rq64w/the_picture_on_the_right_just_goes_to_show_how/
  38. https://web.archive.org/web/20210302042924/https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1007043199691624448
  39. https://web.archive.org/web/20210311234849/https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1034279815472455682
  40. https://blather.io/fallacies/1
  41. https://blather.io/fallacies/27
  42. https://blather.io/fallacies/62
  43. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-is-confused-about-due-process-780
  44. https://blather.io/fallacies/102
  45. https://blather.io/fallacies/227
  46. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-obama-protected-the-border-605
  47. https://blather.io/fallacies/239
  48. https://blather.io/fallacies/339
  49. https://blather.io/fallacies/345
  50. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-is-the-epitome-of-partisan-politics-and-cheap-shots-697
  51. https://blather.io/fallacies/356
  52. https://blather.io/fallacies/357
  53. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-taxes-are-theft-again-608
  54. https://blather.io/fallacies/418
  55. https://blather.io/fallacies/423
  56. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-he-likes-laws-717
  57. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-he-accepts-basic-biology-715
  58. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-tragedies-should-be-politicized-714
  59. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-mass-shootings-should-be-politicized-706
  60. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-the-democrats-are-the-party-of-the-kkk-679
  61. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-the-democrats-are-the-party-of-the-kkk-619
  62. https://blather.io/fallacies/charle-kirk-thinks-homes-and-countries-are-the-same-thing-581
  63. https://blather.io/fallacies/charle-kirk-thinks-trump-is-responsible-for-botswana-legalizing-gay-marriage-579
  64. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-entering-the-realm-of-criminal-stupidity-574
  65. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-thinks-california-is-a-third-world-country-538
  66. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-lying-about-lowest-ever-black-unemployment-516
  67. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-cant-decide-if-victimhood-is-a-cancer-or-not-501
  68. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-exploiting-mothers-day-to-spread-his-anti-immigrant-agenda-529
  69. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirks-sycophancy-has-caused-him-to-do-a-complete-180-in-regards-to-trump-515
  70. https://blather.io/fallacies/charlie-kirk-confused-about-the-electoral-college-783
  71. Charlie Kirk baselessly claims Biden intentionally let Afghanistan fall to alter U.S. population
  72. https://www.rawstory.com/conservative-caught-in-juneteenth-hypocrisy/
  73. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/mpmrjr/reminder_that_all_these_righties_dont_actually/
  74. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.listennotes.com/podcasts/thanks-for-the-words/charlie-kirk-is-a-hypocrite-04YF_jdEnpa/amp/
  75. https://archive.is/20181017074533/https://twitter.com/simonmaloy/status/1049705975199002629
  76. (April 13, 2022). "Charlie Kirk blames trans people for inflation: “There's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue”". Media Matters for America.
  77. Candice Ortiz (April 14, 2022). "Charlie Kirk Claims There’s ‘Direct Connection’ Between High Inflation and Trans Issues". Mediaite.
  78. https://youtu.be/MjTDVl6HrBg
  79. Twitter post 26 Feb 2018.
  80. https://archive.is/20190922002255/https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/855463863755714560
  81. https://conservativesconcerned.org/what-conservatives-are-saying/
  82. Turning Point USA's website
  83. Lippman, D.; Nguyen, T. (July 29, 2020). "Turning Point USA co-founder dies of coronavirus-related complications". Politico.
  84. Charlie Kirk’s pro-Trump youth group stokes vaccine resistance as covid surges again: Turning Point USA and its affiliates are urging students to resist mandates and spreading baseless claims about ‘medical raids’ as part of a bid for donations by Isaac Stanley-Becker (July 29, 2019) The Washington Post.
  85. Charlie Kirk suggests removing chickenpox and hepatitis B from childhood vaccine schedule (01/29/25 5:11 PM EST) Media Matters for America.
  86. Emily Shugerman, Turning Point USA: How one student in a diaper caused an eruption in the conservative youth organization. The Independent, 26 February 2018.
  87. Free Speech Ball Destroyed By A Communist Student At UC San Diego
  88. Conservative group dons diapers to protest safe spaces at Kent State The Daily Dot. 2017-10-19.
  89. How a "diaper protest" imploded a conservative student group Salon. March 25, 2018.
  90. Tweets About Diapers Broke the Entire Conservative Youth Movement Gizmodo. (February 26, 2018)
  91. Why Making Fun of Charlie Kirk Rules Medium. Feb 17, 2018.
  92. About Us — Professor Watchlist
  93. http://www.cnn.com/cnn/2017/12/21/us/university-professors-free-speech-online-hate-threats/index.html
  94. http://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/11/11/donald-trump-jr-book-talk-ucla-derailed-by-far-right-protesters/
  95. https://www.mediamatters.org/media/4008691
  96. https://www.mediamatters.org/white-nationalism/white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-brags-charlie-kirk-has-adopted-his-messaging
  97. Jump up to: 97.0 97.1 William Turton (January 12, 2024). "How Charlie Kirk Plans to Discredit Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Act". WIRED.
  98. Katherine Huggins (January 24, 2024). "Charlie Kirk says he’s afraid to fly on planes with Black pilots". The Daily Dot.
  99. (February 9, 2024). "Nick Fuentes happily claims that Charlie Kirk 'has become a white supremacist, and that's a huge victory'". Media Matters for America.
  100. Joe DePaolo (February 18, 2024). "Trump is ‘F*cking Pissed’ at Charlie Kirk ‘Causing Problems’ for Him With Black Voters: Report". Mediaite.
  101. Jump up to: 101.0 101.1 101.2 101.3 Inside the Tory-Linked Far-Right Group Organising Against the Left by Simon Childs (20 June 2024) Novara Media.
  102. Jump up to: 102.0 102.1 102.2 102.3 102.4 102.5 Days After Its Disastrous British Launch, Turning Point Has Already Lost One Of Its Star Recruits by Alex Spence and Mark Di Stefano (8 February 2019) Buzzfeed.
  103. Jump up to: 103.0 103.1 CASE FILE: Turning Point UK Hope Not Hate
  104. Jump up to: 104.0 104.1 104.2 State of Hate 2019 – People vs The Elite? Hope Not Hate
  105. Jump up to: 105.0 105.1 Turning Point UK: Conservative Hooligans (20 June 2024) Red Flare
  106. STATE OF HATE 2020 – Far Right Terror Goes Global Hope Not Hate
  107. Everything You Need To Know About The Launch of Turning Point UK Hope Not Hate
  108. Tory MPs back youth group with apparent links to US far right by Peter Walker (4 February 2019) The Guardian
  109. Gian N. VolpicelliHow an army of farcical fakes ruined Turning Point UK's big day (2 June 2019) Wired
  110. State of Hate 2023: Rhetoric, Racism and Resentment Hope Not Hate
  111. Jump up to: 111.0 111.1 Opposition urges Tories to cut ties with rightwing group over ‘culture war’ comments by Peter Walker (17 April 2023) The Guardian
  112. Hundreds turn out to defend London pub’s drag event for kids from pitiful far-right protest by Will Stroude (25th February 2023) Pink News
  113. Far-right group outnumbered by LGBTQ+ protesters in sad attempt to shut down London drag event by Will Stroude (27th March 2023) Pink News
  114. Pitiful turnout of anti-drag protesters countered with ‘joyful’ LGBTQ+ street party by Chantelle Billson (28th May 2023) Pink News
  115. Lawrence Fox and fash friends humiliated in Dulwich (15th March 2023) Freedom
  116. Exclusive: The Truth About the Far Right Attack on Honor Oak by Jess O'Thomson (27th June 2023) Trans Safety Network
  117. LGBTQ+ activist left bloodied after ‘punch from Met officer’ at anti-drag protest by Chantelle Billson (24th June 2023) Pink News
  118. Honor Oak attack victim suffered ‘multiple punches’ during anti-drag counter protest by Chantelle Billson (28th June 2023) Pink News
  119. Tories urged to cut ties with ‘hate-filled’ right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ group Turning Point UK by Chantelle Billson (18 April 2023) Pink News
  120. Rishi Sunak refuses to condemn Turning Point UK over protests against drag events for kids by Amelia Hansford (26 April 2023) Pink News
  121. After the Southport killings – who is responsible for the racist riots? (August 1, 2024) Searchlight
  122. Actors, activists and conspiracy theorists – a guide to the British far right by Ben Quinn (August 7, 2024) The Guardian
  123. Ukip leader and personal trainer leads chants and protesters clash (August 9, 2024) The Reading Chronicle
  124. Reading based UKIP leader replies over 'offensive chants' by James Aldridge (August 12, 2024) The Reading Chronicle
  125. Pro-Trump youth group enlists teens in secretive campaign likened to a ‘troll farm,’ prompting rebuke by Facebook and Twitter by Isaac Stanley-Becker (September 15, 2020 at 3:05 p.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  126. David Corn, Sponsors of the Pre-Attack Rally Have Taken Down Their Websites. Don’t Forget Who They Were. Mother Jones, 12 January 2021.
  127. Joseph Tanfani, Michael Berens, and Ned Parker, How Trump’s pied pipers rallied a faithful mob to the Capitol. Reuters, 11 January 2021.
  128. Charlie Kirk's Campus Battlefield Is a Hot Mess
  129. Charlie Kirk’s Campus Battlefield—A Review