Candace Owens

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Candace Owens speaking at the 2018 CPAC in National Harbor, Maryland.
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And a dirty dozen more
So just like Blaire White gets to spend her entire life being thought of as one of the good ones by her community, just like Milo Yiannopoulos got to be one of the good ones of the gays until he was outed as a pedophile, and just like you get to be one of the good ones from your community, you will never rise above the level of tepid acceptance from people who think you're an outlier to your group. But I guess that's enough for some people.
I'm not a flat earther. I'm not a round earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science. I have left the megachurch of science because what I have now realized is that science, what it is actually, if you think about it, is a pagan faith.
—Candace Owens[2]

Candace Klandace Owens (1989–) is a disgraced American wingnut commentator and rising airhead of the young conservative movement. She is the founder of Red Pill Black on YouTube and serves as Turning Point USA's "director of urban engagement." Get it? Because she's the only black female TPUSA supporter who isn't a stock photo model. In addition, she was a host for Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire[3] until leaving (in reality, she was fired) on March 22, 2024 due to her surprisingly pro-Palestinian (but mostly antisemitic) comments and harsh criticisms of the Israeli government's human rights violations causing an ugly feud to break out on Twitter between her and Shapiro, a fierce supporter of Israel.[4] Owens distinguishes herself from other wingnuts that typically subscribe to bigotry and conspiracy theories by not only being a token black conservative, but she manages to stray farther right than the typical wingnut by also flirting with some seedy viewpoints, including The Great Replacement conspiracy theory and omitting the Holocaust when describing Hitler's goals. Due to her complacency with Neo-Nazi ideas, white supremacist leader Richard Spencer has described Owens as "the last stand of implicit white identity".[5] As of April 2018, she is also Ye's new best friend until breaking all ties with him after he began his Nazi arc in 2022.[6]


Owens hails from Stamford, Connecticut, and was a victim of racism in high school, winning a court settlement of $37,500 from the school board for failing to protect her.[7] She attended college at the University of Rhode Island before dropping out after her junior year,[8] devoting the year instead to 're-educating' herself with the writings of Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell.[9] She later went to work for Vogue magazine.

Attacked by GamerGate, recruited by GamerGate[edit]

In 2016, she attempted to start up a website called in a naive attempt to expose cyber-bullies and stop their activities by doxing them.[10] This led to her being contacted by anti-harassment activist and recurring GamerGate target Zoe Quinn. Quinn tried to warn Owens what kind of internet shitstorm she was stepping into. And then, things began to go quickly downhill. The digital lynch mob that is GamerGate, sensing fresh meat and eager to destroy a potential threat, descended upon Owens in a storm of hate mail. Due to her inexperience with internet jargon, Owens mistook this for an attack from Quinn.[11] What followed was a series of surreal tweets from Owens to Quinn. Owens accused Quinn of participating in a massive conspiracy to shut down the SocialAutopsy project.[12] This was followed by a scathing open letter from Randi Lee Harper, another professional activist. Harper quickly pointed out many flaws in Owens' website design, anti-harassment experience, presentation, and technical skills,[13] leading to Harper getting caught up in the maelstrom.

Meanwhile, GamerGate decided that Owens would make a better ally than an enemy and pulled an abrupt one-eighty,[14] supporting her tweetstorm on Twitter, sending her links to pro-GamerGate websites, and even interviewing her.[15] All of this eventually led to Owens "taking the Red pill" and becoming a permanent fixture of the less reputable corners of the interwebs, from whence she continued to spew forth bizarre and increasingly ridiculous conspiracies, such as attacking the Washington Post for a story they never actually published, but that she was nonetheless sure would be an attempt to smear her.[16][17]

Who is she?[edit]

Owens addressing the Trump-hosted Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House, 2019.
I actually don't have any problems at all with the word 'nationalism'. I think that the definition gets poisoned by elitists that actually want globalism. Globalism is what I don't want, so when you think about whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. He was a national socialist. But if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. To me, that's not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don't really have an issue with nationalism. I really don't. I think that it's okay.
—Candace Owens, ignoring the Holocaust[18][19]

Owens's first and foremost specialty is grifter and provocateur. She relies on her grift by being the garden-variety online conservative wingnut who is black to validate conservatism for blacks, like many other black conservatives, even though black conservatives aren't that uncommon. Her primary platform seems to be that she has awakened to the "lies" of the Democratic Party and encourages other people, particularly black people, to do what she did: "take the red pill" and become a conservative.[20] Meanwhile, other conservatives can claim, "See? Even black pundits agree: we don't have a racism problem."

She has ties to InfoWars, having been personally interviewed by Alex Jones. She also claims that InfoWars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson was responsible for "discovering" her on YouTube.[21]

Owens does have a monetary advantage to be an outspoken Black Conservative™. Owens, after all, is willing to overlook or downplay the genuine issues facing African Americans today, including police brutality, disproportionate incarceration rates, substandard housing, crumbling schools, hostility to the black trans community, and just plain overt racism by the very Trump supporters whose praises she likes to sing.


Candace Owens with giant pictures of her own face in Phoenix, Arizona.
Every time I write about Candace Owens, I feel manipulated.

I feel manipulated because Candace Owens, on her own, is not newsworthy. She’s not witty or particularly charismatic. She’s billed as a commentator and activist, but to describe her grasp on politics, history, gender, or race as shallow would be doing a great disservice to the word, because shallow still has depth. Activism implies, well, activity, or purpose. Activists tend to have a moral center—however questionable or controversial.

Owens has never successfully articulated such a moral center, and her leap from running an anti-Trump site in 2016 to grabbing Ye’s “free thinker” coattails in 2018 implies one doesn’t exist.

Owens's only gift is grift, and she’s been exceptional at it in a way that says far more about conservative white people’s grievances than it says about her. Her currency is outrage, and her endgame is attention.

Owens is a troll. And she is a troll among many—many who hold considerably higher positions of power. (Lest you forget, America’s president [Donald Trump] [was] also a troll.)
—Anne Branigin, The Root.[22]

Owens's outrageous claims rely on pseudohistory, conspiracy theories, half-truths, loaded language, and appeals to emotion. She frequently makes hyperbolic comparisons, such as believing journalists "journalist hitmen" and school shooters are the same because they both like publicity and thus should not be named[23][note 1] or her comparing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposals to practices by Stalin, Lenin, and Adolf Hitler combined.[24]

Indicative of her attacks on Washington Post writers previously mentioned,[16] Owens cries oppression and has claimed her Facebook posts were "censored" (this reaction is usually a red flag that someone is a bullshit purveyor). One of them about Kamala Harris's heritage was flagged by Facebook as false or misleading,[25] and there was a source from Associated Press provided explaining how those claims are false or misleading.[26]

Owens' rhetoric may carry grave consequences. Brenton Tarrant, the Australian white nationalist terrorist who shot and killed 50 people at Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 15, 2019, named Candace Owens as the most significant influence in his manifesto.[27][22] Her response? A weak attempt to distance herself from the shooter and do no self-reflection in her part of the potential radicalization pipeline while blaming "the Left" for daring to associate her with those attacks, even though the shooter has associated his motives with her.

LOL! FACT: I’ve never created any content espousing my views on the 2nd Amendment or Islam. The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre in...New Zealand because I believe black America can do it without government hand outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches!! LOL!

In a later post, after receiving fire for her "LOL!" tweet,[28] she perceived the critiques as a sort of defamation and doubled down and threatened lawsuits for the idea that her content may be harmful.

To be clear: We played the ‘Candace is Hitler’ game. We played the ‘Candace is anti-rape victims’ game. If the media attempts this ‘Candace inspired a mosque shooting in New Zealand’ bit—they better all lawyer the f*ck up. I will go full Covington Catholic lawsuit. Try me.

However, it is difficult to tell the shooter's real motives for citing Owens as an influence because the shooter has a record of trolling and provocation. That being said, Owens does have a significant enough impact to be considered, so the role her views may have played in radicalization is worth a thought, even if the shooter himself doesn't believe this and is just trolling. Owens is also a dishonest troll herself, though only with a reputation and platform to lose, which adds to the difficult question of her role in radicalizing someone to kill others.


See the main article on this topic: Racism
Rep. Ted Lieu plays a recording of one of Owens' controversial statements on Hitler before a US House committee.
Discrimination is natural and every single person on earth does it (typically for understandable reasons). It’s odd to me how that word has become so perverted and politicized over time.
—Candace Owens defending discrimination.[29]

Despite her claiming to be a champion for blacks everywhere, Owens dismisses most racism against black people as no longer a "real" problem (even though it still very much is) but rather just a manufactured one created by the mainstream media; this had put her in conflict with Black Lives Matter, whom she has referred to as "whiny toddlers" who are "pretending to be oppressed for attention."[30] She's even gone after white people, once claiming that the only reason any white person would speak out against racial injustice is out of a sense of white guilt.[31]

She presents herself as a champion of free thought (once saying, "I'm not far-right - I'm free.") fighting for the black community, but really, she's just a paranoid hypocrite who blames the Democrats for literally everything. Like every other conservative who pulls out the Dixiecrat fallacy at every opportunity, Owens refuses to believe that the Democratic Party of today might just be different from the pre-Nixon Democratic Party and is convinced that they still have a "slave master" mentality that they use to oppress African-Americans in more subtle ways rather than overt slavery, such as the liberal media, the welfare state, public education, affirmative action, and liberal politics in general. According to Owens, the Republican Party is the great beacon of hope for the black community. If more black people become Republicans, they will have "left the plantation" of the Democratic Party.

However, for Owens' logic that the Democratic Party is the "real" racist party to make sense, one would have to ignore the significant impact of Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy on both parties. Today's GOP (especially following the rise of Donald Trump) has practically turbo-charged the Southern Strategy, making it more apparent that most of the racists are operating as members of the Republican Party.

In addition to denying systemic racism today, she thinks white supremacy is a myth created by the media. She makes a mocking of people who are alarmed by the display of white supremacy at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and people who are alarmed at people believing Donald Trump energized the white supremacists.[32][33] She engages in both-siderism, agreeing with Donald Trump's response to Unite the Right, characterizing the Neo-Nazis and the counterprotesters at the rally as both losers, two groups of extremists that just hate each other. She backs up with the tired "93% of black homicide victims are with other blacks" (this one crime statistic isn't evidence against white supremacy; people tend to commit crimes in proximity to each other, and income inequality, which disproportionately affects blacks, exacerbates the problem). She also thinks 6,000 Klansmen in the nation is not anything to worry about. On the other hand, to try to be "fair", she also claims that white people also commit homicide against each other, mocks those who blame Obama for BLM being violent, and urges "both sides" to condemn the media. After all, she had a pleasant experience with a white girl handing her a towel and a Spanish woman made coffee for her, so systemic racism doesn't exist, the racial war is fake, there's no white guilt (unlike most right-wing pundits, she doesn't seem to subscribe to that one), and so on.

Owens does believe the education and prison system disadvantage and oppress black people and keep them in the cycle of crime and poverty (which is quite a widespread view among her opponents and is the reason they believe in racism today as well as want to share the ideas of critical race theory),[33] but thinks the media is not willing to discuss that; this may be part of the reason she believes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are mass incarcerators (this is common among left-wing criticisms of at least Kamala Harris).[34][35] Her belief that this is ignored by media is wrong, especially when "media" encompasses pretty much everything. These problems regularly are reported on most mainstream news sites, and these issues are among the most prominent rallying cries of Black Lives Matter. If anything, conservatives are far more likely to shun this discussion, as they've been passing laws trying to ban CRT from being taught in schools, and rhetorically, they're extremely manipulative and intellectually dishonest by twisting what should be sensible, thoughtful discussions into garbage about "white guilt" and "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" and whatnot.


See the main article on this topic: Antisemitism

Owens has repeatedly expressed Antisemitic views, including accusing a rabbi of blood libel, defending her friend Ye's antisemitism, defending Hitler for making Germany 'great'. She has also been praised by Nick Fuentes for going "full 88".[36] Due to Owens's antisemitism, she was removed from a pro-Trump fundraiser in 2024.[37]


Owens speaking at CPAC Hungary 2022.

Bolstering Owens' racism is her fearmongering anti-immigrant views. She thinks vulnerable people reliant on DACAWikipedia (people with DACA that attend college are particularly vulnerable) to get a work permit should be "sent home".[32]

Owens tried to exploit Mollie Tibbetts' death to fearmonger how violent all undocumented immigrants are because of one crime.[38] When called out for this behavior by one of Mollie Tibbetts' cousins,[39][40] she attempted to manipulate the murder victim's family member by dragging Elizabeth Warren and "an MSNBC host" into this while crying crocodile tears that the cousin lobbied harsh words at her (who cares about Mollie's family)Do You Believe That? and not at the murderer.[41][42] After the cousin told her to eat shit, Owens realized that what she did was a bad idea and tried to gaslight and deny that the Twitter fight ever happened.[43] As a result, the University of Iowa Turning Point USA Executive Board Members ended up resigning because of her antics, declining an invitation for Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk to host an anti-immigration event at the University of Iowa;[44] this forced Candace Owens to deny that she and Charlie Kirk were ever planning on hosting an anti-immigration event at the University of Iowa.[45]

She claims to have toured the ICE immigration center in Broward County, Florida.[46] She made a video in which she was standing outside the entrance of what is supposedly the ICE facility in question.[47] In this video, Owens claims that the migrant children being held captive in the building have access to arts and crafts, a Zumba class, a library, volleyball and basketball courts, a foosball table, a soccer field, a hair salon, 24-hour medical care, phones, PCs, a convenience store, and “a ton of cash”.[48]Do You Believe That? Of course, Owens was unable to show any of this stuff in her video, probably for the same reason that conspiracy theorists are unable to provide any real evidence for the existence of Bigfoot.[49] Nevertheless, Owens still thinks that since she received poor treatment in public school, it's unfair that the migrant children are supposedly being treated well in the ICE buildings.[50] Considering that Owens has never been taken from her family,[51] put in a cage,[52][53] held captive in a concentration camp,[54][55] been forcibly injected with drugs against her will,[56] forcibly stripped naked,[57] physically assaulted,[58] tortured,[59] sexually abused,[60] forced to drink toilet water,[61] pressured to commit suicide,[62] or killed,[63][64] the appropriate response to Owens' bullshit is to offer her some cheese to go with her whine.[65]


Owens does not believe women in the United States are oppressed. In a Turning Point USA video called "Who is March is it Anyways?",[66][note 2] she described the Women's March in Washington as a "joke."[67] She ridicules the signs that say "fuck you, you fucking fuck" and how Madonna threatened to blow up the White House. Owens argues that since Trump has elected more women to high-ranking cabinet positions than any other president in history (even though he had six female cabinet members compared to Obama and Clinton's eight and Biden's 12), [note 3] women are graduating from universities in much higher numbers than men[note 4] while also being responsible for the majority of business start-ups, and women are less likely to commit crime (yet there is still a high chance of crimes being committed against women), there isn't much of a reason to march. Then she says that those that are discouraged can lend to "actual" causes like the case in Saudi Arabia and Iran, where women are "actually" oppressed as if societal disadvantages stemming from the same problem (patriarchal society, religious fundamentalism, both aspects of right-wing belief) don't exist in multiple forms of differing severity.


Any adult who encourages transgenderism in children is a child predator, bar none.
—Candace Owens on Twitter, 28 December 2021.[68]

There was once a time when Owens supported trans people against attacks from Republicans.[69] Unfortunately, she is a transphobe, slanted more to transmisogyny, with making the trite "I identify as [outrageous thing]" and "did you just assume my gender" jokes[70][71] and has expressed explicit TERF talking points. In defense of J.K. Rowling's "persecution", a woman bullied by "a mob of men" (she means trans women),[72] she believes that all-capping "MEN" to describe trans women[71] and all-capping about a set of reproductive functions makes her important and correct.[73] She believes that trans women are men that can just identify as men, a plan of the "patriarchy" (yeah, she put them in scare quotes to wish away systemic problems) to infiltrate women's beauty pageants and sports and "slowly take over and dominate everything".[74] (What then should we think of trans men?)


Flirting with the white supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theories and using Muammar al-Gaddafi's ideas of demographic takeover to scaremonger about Muslim Europeans,[75] Owens believes that Europe's gradual demographics shift from falling birthrates of white Christians and a gradually increasing Muslim population is cause for concern.[76][77] Noted in her tweet, "To all of my European followers". and in another tweet about non-Muslim French people ("the declining birth rate of its people" excludes French Muslims from "its people"),[78] she tries to reinforce the racist idea that being Muslim (a religious belief) and being European (a nationality) are mutually exclusive concepts, that Muslim Europeans don't exist, are "outsiders", not "truly" European, because Muslims mostly aren't white.

COVID-19 pandemic[edit]

Owens joins Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative grifters in cynically and recklessly politicizing the 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States.[79] On February 27, 2020, when the coronavirus had its first reported case, she referred to the pandemic as just the left acting as a doomsday cult. Given that the US made the world blush with its 6,000,000+ cases, nearly 200,000 deaths, and an atrocious record of economic contraction as of September 2020, Owens and her ilks' responses aged as well as semi-solid fruit mush under the hot sun. Realizing that the pandemic is quite srs bsns, she pivots to the idea that the pandemic is a hoax just to impoverish America and rig elections.[note 5] Because most coronavirus deaths are caused by inconvenient comorbidities like the negligible[citation NOT needed] rates of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, asthma, and more, coronavirus isn't all that dangerous.[80] Never mind the incapacitation and further spread from getting coronavirus either. The downplaying of COVID-19 deaths by focusing on just comorbidities is a common misleading claim on social media,[81] and it's like saying HIV isn't dangerous because an otherwise-manageable flu kills you afterward. The ones that DON'T have comorbidities are actually "just" severe pneumonia caused by the virus.

She compared Australia's COVID policies such as face mask mandates, a 5 km travel limit from homes, and nighttime curfews to living under the Taliban or Soviet Russia and suggested that the U.S. should invade Australia in order to "spread democracy"[82] (never mind that Australia has a significantly lower COVID death rate than the U.S. and is an ally with democratic values).[83]

Owens does not find her horrible little irresponsible tweets toward her followers irresponsible.[79]

Conspiracy theories[edit]

Owens joined other right-wing pundits,[84] including Rush Limbaugh, Bill Mitchell, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and Donald Trump, Jr., in the aftermath of the MAGAbomber's failed attempts to mail bomb Democratic politicians in characterizing it as a false flag attempt, along with "paid" and "organized" migrant caravans,[85][86] to curry favor for the Democrats for the mid-terms.[87] The tweet has been since deleted. She insists that whenever politically motivated violence occurs, it's probably leftist,[88] so she's working from a conclusion and using conspiracy theories to fit the conclusion if evidence contradicts this.

Owens also denies the moon landing,[89] relying mainly on argument from incredulity. Surely the technology in 1969 couldn't be advanced enough for us to land in the moon and broadcast the landing, right?

Other views[edit]

Owens flirts with being an anti-vaxxer.[90] While she implicitly accepts mandatory vaccines for contagious diseases, she believes this shouldn't be applied to non-communicable diseases such as HPV, after claiming to have received an adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine when she was 16. In point of fact, HPV is contagious and high risk strains of HPV increase the risk of cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anus, mouth, tonsils, or throat and are responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine, however, is safe to administer as negative side effects, if any, are usually not serious compared to getting cervical cancer (the second most common cancer and fifth leading cause of death for women worldwide).[91] She has constantly refused to get herself vaccinated from COVID-19 and declared herself a medical miracle, even though she has tested positive. She openly calls vaccines evil and spread conspiracies that vaccines kill people. She has yet to vaccinate her children which has gotten her in trouble with medical staff.

Owens opposes freedom of the press, calling for the arrest of "members of the #FakeNews media" who are critical of Trump, including Jake Tapper, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, and Jim Acosta.[92] Owens has additionally sued press outlets that fact-checked her false claims regarding coronavirus.[93]

Owens is a climate change denier, which comes as no surprise. What is also no surprise is the weak support of her views. For instance, she said she doesn't trust Scientific American on climate change because their website address ends with dot com, but she would have trusted them more if they had a dot org address, which is a seal of quality in her view.[94] (Yes, this is the level of argument we're up against.) As with far too many climate change deniers, she doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather.[95] She takes after her master.[96]

Owens believes abortion disproportionately kills black babies,[97] so Black Lives Matter should incorporate fetuses. Yet, she doesn't support welfare nets for raising the family or help women get access to affordable reproductive care, two essential needs that black women, being systemically disadvantaged, are disproportionately in dire need of. She has accused Planned Parenthood of strategically placing clinics in communities of color to wipe out black people, regardless of the fact black women are three times more likely to die in childbirth than white women in America.

In a stopped clock moment, she seems to support gay marriage because she condemned Chelsea Clinton for having parents that oppose gay marriage.[98]

Owens also panders to the fragile masculine crowd, who make up a significant component of the right-wing audience. She got mighty upset at a man wearing a dress, decrying that Harry Styles is the decay of masculinity in "the West" (while "the East", the land of phytoestrogen-rich soybeans, animé twinks, and k-pop boy bands, is apparently the paradigm of strong men), or because Marxism is taught in public schools (as opposed to "the East" where three (or four) major nations teach actual Marxism in their public schools), or because she's just jealous she couldn’t pull it off.[99]

Owens has defended the use of waving the confederate flag (despite being black), and claims that Americans have the right to wave it because their ancestors fought for the flag.[100] The fact that a black woman is able to defend the confederate flag (a flag which actually symbolizes subjugating African-Americans) shows how full circle the effect of white supremacy has on conservatism.

Owens has promoted several transphobic conspiracy theories, such as claiming that French president Emmanuel Macron's wife is somehow trans, and has also promoted the same conspiracy about Michelle Obama.[101][102] Even Piers Morgan called Owens out on this bizarre theory, dismissing her nonsense as "complete bullshit" and accusing Owens of promoting this for nothing more than "clouts and clicks."[103]

She is also a dinosaur denialist.[104][105]

Blexit campaign[edit]

She founded a "Blexit" campaign, which was supposed to convince black people to exit the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party.[106] However, Owens screwed up the campaign in several ways. For starters, she falsely claimed that Ye designed the T-shirts for the campaign.[107] This allowed Ye to realize that Owens was a charlatan and fraud who used him for political gain.[108] As a result, Ye revealed that Owens was lying when she claimed that he designed the T-shirts.[109] He also cut all ties with Owens, distancing himself from politics.[110] Owens then apologized to Ye[111] while simultaneously denying that she claimed that Ye designed the Blexit T-shirts.[112] Unfortunately for Owens, there is both video evidence[113] and image evidence[114] that she claimed that Ye designed the Blexit T-shirts. Numerous pro-Trump activists, including Tomi Lahren, blamed Owens for losing Ye.[115][116][117]

Beyond the drama, Owens relies on misinformation to spread the message. Historian Kevin M. Kruse pointed out that several of Owens’ claims about the Democratic Party on her Blexit website were false.[118] Owens' response was to block him on Twitter.[119] Also, Owens was caught using stolen photos and stock images for her Blexit website,[120] which is against the law.[121] Furthermore, it turns out that the name “Blexit” was already taken by another organization.[122][123][124][125] The original Blexit founder is currently threatening legal action against Owens.[126][127]

Blexit was a failure, as the Republican Party ultimately failed to win the black vote in the 2018 midterms (among many reasons, not just because of Blexit),[128] with many of the Blexit accounts on Twitter having been revealed to have been Russian bots and trolls.[129] Despite its failure and decline in donations, she continues to receives paychecks from them and has even increased her pay as its funding has decreased.

George Floyd[edit]

In 2022 Owens created a straight-to-internet (The Daily Wire) movie titled The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM.[130] In the film, she claims that Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose rather than what the autopsy and court case actually proved, asphyxiation by police officer Derek Chauvin's knee. This falsehood was repeated by Kanye West (Ye) in promoting the film on the Drink Champs podcast.[131][132] West has been sued by Floyd's daughter for his comments.[131] Floyd's family is planning on suing Candace as well, who states she is countersuing for making her "emotionally distressed".

Candace's greatest hits[edit]

  • She thinks the welfare system and public education are "socialism" and for that reason they should be eradicated. However, she does not believe this to be the case with the fire department.[133]
  • She attacked journalists for attacking Charlie Kirk for (falsely) attacking Candace’s parents and sisters for being alcoholics and on welfare, respectively.[134] Think about that for a moment.
  • She is against welfare because she has cousins who are on welfare, and they are her closest family members.[135] (It doesn’t make sense to us either.)
  • She turned down a million dollar contract in order to stay with Turning Point USA[136] because she is loyal to Charlie Kirk.[137] What was that thing Malcolm X said about the House Negro and the Field Negro?
    • The above point is extremely ironic considering that Candace Owens tried to use a Bernie Sanders talking point to support Donald Trump.[138]
  • She thinks the #MeToo movement cheapens female survivors of rape.[139] (This probably has something to do with the fact that she is against welfare because some of her most beloved family members are on welfare.)
  • She condemned CNN for suspending an alleged sex offender.[140][141][142] Paris Dennard, the alleged sex offender in question, had even admitted to the sexual harassment allegations against him.[143] Nevertheless, Candace Owens felt it was appropriate to compare his suspension to public lynchings because... he happened to be a black Trump supporter. It doesn't help that Candace Owens praised a domestic abuser for being a black Trump supporter immediately afterwards.[144]

Stopped clock moment[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Stopped clock

During an internet scuffle with fellow wingnut Cold Feet,[145] Owens devoted a video on her YouTube channel[146] to rebuke himDo You Believe That? for harassing his then-pregnant wife in a leaked video.[147]

See also[edit]


  1. However, Owens sure likes getting publicity for making such remarks and smears against others.
  2. The video uses a possessive "who's". Displayed as a giant video title.
  3. This is hardly an achievement for advancement of women in society. Trump is a known misogynist with several allegations of sexual assault that bragged about groping women, got political power in spite of inflammatory remarks, and women mass wore pussy hats in response. Even if Trump has actually elected more women than any other president in history, this isn't a very high bar to cross, Trump does not pick people for diversity or qualifications, and most of Trump's administration is still made up of old, white, rich men.
  4. One can still see lower rates of men attending college and still be marching for women. One argument is that societal expectations for men place lower emphasis for education and more emphasis on earning money as soon as possible. The trend is not just more women attending college, but less men are also attending college.
  5. We believe it's a lot cheaper, less risky, and easier to just pull off attacking and gutting the mail service, gerrymander, restrict polling locations, cut taxes for the wealthy, strip worker protections, and more, all Republican tactics, than somehow manufacture and spread a volatile virus that can endanger loved ones, threaten the older Republican voter base, and destroy Trump's beloved strongish economy.


  1. Candace Owens Has Arrived To Piss on George Floyd's Grave:
  2. Candace Owens: “I'm not a flat earther. I'm not a round earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science.”, Media Matters 2 July 2024
  3. Don’t miss CANDACE, the Daily Wire’s new show starring conservative lightning rod Candace Owens
  4. Tom Murray, Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire cuts ties with Candace Owens following Israel-Hamas comments. The Independent, 22 March 2024.
  6. Ye. "I love the way Candace Owens thinks" Twitter.
  7. Cuda, Amanda (March 5, 2016). ""We were children. I wasn't the only victim."".
  8. YouTube tested, Trump approved: How Candace Owens suddenly became the loudest voice on the far right. NBC News, 23 June 2018.

    Owens went to the University of Rhode Island to study journalism, but she said she was forced to leave because of an issue with her student loan. A representative for the university said Owens dropped out after her junior year.

  9. Candace Owens: from Stamford High ‘victim’ to conservative firebrand by Emilie Munson (Sep. 15, 2018) Connecticut Post.
  10. Jesse Singal, The Strange Tale of Social Autopsy, the Anti-Harassment Start-up That Descended Into Gamergate Trutherism. New York Magazine, 18 April 2016.
  11. Social Autopsy founder Candace Owens channels GamerGate in bizarre attack on Zoe Quinn. We Hunted the Mammoth, 20 April 2016.
  12. SocialAutopsy-Turvy: Candace Owens’ Twitter Trainwreck, Part One. We Hunted the Mammoth, 24 April 2016.
  13. Randi Lee Harper, An Open Letter to Social Autopsy.,, 15 April 2016.
  14. Giddy Gamergater: Will Candace Owens show the world that we’ve been right all along? We Hunted the Mammoth, 28 April 2016.
  15. Social Autopsy Founder Unleashes On Zoe Quinn & Randi Harper., Archived from the original at The Ralph Retort, 16 April 2016.
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 Futrelle, D. (April 25, 2016). "In furious post, SocialAutopsy’s Candace Owens attacks a WashPo story that isn’t there". We Hunted the Mammoth. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  17. Candace Owens, #journalgate: Washington Post’s Caitlin Dewey Accused of Libel Again. David Malitz Defends Her. Archived from the original at, 24 April 2016.
  18. One of Trump's most vocal black supporters seemed to defend Hitler in a recent speech by Eugene Scott (February 8, 2019 at 4:22 PM) The Washington Post.
  19. Here is video of Candace Owens' full answer on nationalism and Hitler by John Whitehouse (7:24 PM - 8 Feb 2019) Twitter.
  21. Candace Owens. "This is really sweet. Thank you for your continued support @PrisonPlanet. You were literally the first person who found me on YouTube and shared my voice with your followers. X" Twitter.
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Branigin, A. (March 15, 2019). "Candace Owens Was Named in the New Zealand Shooter's Alleged Manifesto. But Christchurch Is Bigger Than Her". The Root.
  23. @RealCandaceO. (June 2, 2018) [1]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  24. @RealCandaceO. (January 3, 2019). [2]. Twitter September 5, 2020.
  25. @RealCandaceO. (August 13, 2020). [3]. Twitter September 5, 2020.
  26. Seitz, A. (August 13, 2020). "Posts mislead about how Kamala Harris portrayed her heritage". Associated Press. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  27. Eustachewich, L. (March 15, 2019). "Conservative Candace Owens ‘influenced me above all’: New Zealand gunman". New York Post.
  28. Levine, J. (March 15, 2019). "Candace Owens Ripped for ‘LOL’ Reaction After New Zealand Massacre Suspect Named Her Biggest Influence". The Wrap.
  30. Candace Owens. "Black Lives Matter protesters showed up to my @UCLA event to protest. Here is a video clip of me smacking them down with the truth; they’re a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention." Twitter.
  32. Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 López G., Cristina (April 24, 2018). "What to know about Scott Adams and Candace Owens, the right-wing commentators Kanye West promoted". New Media Matters.
  33. Jump up to: 33.0 33.1 Candace Owens. (August 16, 2017) "I Don't Care About Charlottesville, the KKK, or White Supremacy". YouTube. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  34. @RealCandaceO. (August 12, 2020). [4]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  35. @RealCandaceO. (August 12, 2020). [5]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  36. Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes celebrates Candace Owens: “She has been in a full-fledged war against the Jews” (03/20/24 3:31 PM EDT) Media Matters for America.
  37. Andrew Lapin (July 24, 2024). "Trump fundraiser drops Candace Owens after backlash over her embrace of antisemitism". The Forward.
  38. @RealCandaceO. (August 21, 2018). [6]. Twitter.

    Leftists boycotted, screamed, and cried when illegal immigrants were temporarily separated from from their parents. What will they do for Mollie Tibbetts? What did they do for Kate Steinle? They will NEVER see their parents again.

  39. @samlucasss (August 21, 2018). [7]. Twitter

    hey i'm a member of mollie's family and we are not so fucking small-minded that we generalize a whole population based on some bad individuals. now stop being a fucking snake and using my cousins death as political propaganda. take her name out of your mouth.

  40. @samlucasss. (August 21, 2018). [8]. Twitter.

    and fyi [Candace Owens], my whole family is hurting right now and you're not helping. you're despicable and this is so far from the loving and kind soul that mollie was. my prayers go out to you in hopes that maybe you'll become a better person. not hedging my bets tho.

  43. (broken link)
  66. Turning Point USA. (Jan 24, 2018). "Candace Owen: Who's March Is It Anyway?". YouTube Retrieved September 2, 2020.
  67. Sommerlad, Joe (May 3, 2018). "Candace Owens: Who is the right-wing 'free thinker' admired by Kanye West?". The Independent.
  68. Candace Owens on Twitter, 28 December 2021.
  69. Owens, C. (October 4, 2015). "News Update: The Republican Tea Party Is Led By The Mad Hatter" Wayback Machine. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  70. @RealCandaceO. (December 8. 2018). [9]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  71. Jump up to: 71.0 71.1 @RealCandaceO. (July 1, 2020). [10]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  72. @RealCandaceO. (August 28, 2020). [11]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  73. @RealCandaceO. (August 28, 2020) [12]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  74. @RealCandaceO. (December 17, 2018). [13]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  75. @RealCandaceO. (July 7, 2018). [14]. Twitter. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  76. @RealCandaceO. (July 7, 2018) [15]. Twitter. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  77. @RealCandaceO. (July 7, 2018). [16]. Twitter. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  78. @RealCandaceO. (November 2018). [17]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  79. Jump up to: 79.0 79.1 Peters, J. (April 1, 2020). "Alarm, Denial, Blame: The Pro-Trump Media’s Coronavirus Distortion". New York Times. Retrieved September 6, 2020.
  80. @RealCandaceO. (September 1, 2020). [18]. Twitter. Retrieved September 6, 2020.
  81. Austin, D. (September 2, 2020). "Viral claim that only 6% of COVID-19 deaths were caused by the virus is flat-out wrong". Live Science. Retrieved September 6, 2020.
  82. US Commentator Wants American Troops To Invade Australia To 'Spread Democracy, Stewart Perrie, LAD Bible 21 October 2021
  83. What Can We Learn From Australia’s Covid-19 Response?, William A. Haseltine, Forbes 24 March 2021
  84. Rosenberg, E. (October 27, 2018). Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and others stick with conspiracy theories after mail-bomb suspect’s arrest. The Washington Post. Retrieved January 29, 2021.
  85. @RealCandaceO (October 22, 2018) [19]. Twitter.

    I think @realDonaldTrump should offer every single illegal that is traveling in the caravan citizenship, if they are willing to go on record and discuss who organized and paid them for their conveniently-timed commute. Expose the Democrats for this beyond obvious midterm ploy.

  86. @RealCandaceO (October 22, 2018). [20]. Twitter.

    Someone with the resources to should offer a 1 million dollar reward to the illegal caravan immigrant that can provide concrete evidence pointing to who organized their trek to America. Things would get interesting, real fast.

  87. @brianbeutler. (October 26, 2018). [21]. Twitter.

    Candace Owens: I'm going to go ahead and state that there is a 0% chance that these "suspicious packages" were sent out by conservatives. The only thing "suspicious" about these packages, is their timing. Caravans, fake bomb threats — these leftists are going ALL OUT for midterms.

  88. @RealCandaceO. (October 24, 2018). [22]. Twitter.

    It isn't conservatives that are chasing people down in offices and restaurants. It isn't conservatives that have weaponized sexual assault as a means to political gain. I stand by my OPINION that when it comes to political violence, the left is the likely culprit.

  89. >@RealCandaceO (January 28l, 2022). [23] Template:Quoptebox Twitter. Accessed July 8, 2022.
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  91. Intlekofer, K.; Cunningham, M.; Caplan, A. (January 2012) "The HPV Vaccine Controversy". AMA Journal of Ethics. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
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  93. Associated Press. July 22, 2021. [26] USA Today, Retrieved December 6, 2021.
  94. JRE Clips. (May 31, 2018). "Joe Rogan & Candace Owens ARGUE Over Climate Change" YouTube.
  96. The Progressive Voice. (May 13, 2018). "Charlie Kirk Doesn't Know The Difference Between Weather & Climate". YouTube.
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  98. @RealCandaceO. (October 2, 2019) [28]. Twitter. Retrieved September 5, 2020.
  101. [ Right-winger Candace Owens promotes 'terrifying' theory that France's first lady is trans ]
  102. Candace Owens Bets Career on Politician's Wife Being a Man: 'Terrifying'
  103. "Piers Morgan Brutally Grills Candace Owens on Braindead Conspiracy Theory About French First Lady Being a Man" by Zachary Leeman, Mediaite, 2024 June 13
  104. Where the sewage ends up, P.Z. Myers, Pharyngula 7 June 2024
  105. It’s official then—Dinosaurs never existed., Candace Owens, X 7 June 2024
  130. The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM IMDb.
  131. Jump up to: 131.0 131.1 George Floyd’s family sues Kanye West for saying he died from drug abuse: Rapper alleged Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose on a podcast, sparking a $250m lawsuit by Erum Salam (18 Oct 2022 17.17 EDT) The Guardian.
  132. Kanye West sparks fresh controversy as he claims George Floyd’s killer didn’t really have knee on his neck by Graeme Massie (October 16, 2022 at 9:51 AM) Independent via Yahoo News.
  133. [29]
  134. [30]
  145. The Messy Feud Between Steven Crowder and Candace Owners Explained by Dani di Placido (April 26, 2023) Forbes.
  146. Steven Crowder is a Monster - Change my Mind
  147. Leaked video seems to show YouTuber Steven Crowder yelling at his wife for failing to 'respect men' by Sophia Ankel (April 28, 2023) Insider