RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?

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Wigoclog.svg This is RationalWiki's snarkilicious take on some of the more "WTF?" or egregious blog posts, editorials, videos and social media posts out there. The most popular are found in Best of the clogosphere and the older entries are found in the archives.

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July 2024

11Elon Musk's trans daughter gives first-ever interview in response to Musk's anti-trans comments to Jordan Peterson. She says he made up fake anecdotes and previously verbally abused her for not conforming to a male sex role as a child.
14Elon Musk has backed off his pledge to donate $45 million to a Trump super PAC every month; claims he doesn't subscribe to "cult of personality".
18House GOP leaders beg wayward members to stop making comments about Vice President Harris' racial background. This comes shortly after Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) said Harris was a "DEI vice president".
10Amber Rose, model, "influencer", and founder of the "Slut Walk" protest movement, spoke at the RNC and declared her support for Trump and decried “leftist propaganda”. MAGA had mixed reactions following her speech.
18One of Muskrat's favorite Xitter accounts, @EndWokeness, is revealed to likely be Jack Posobiec. (In one of Posobiec's 2016 tweetstorms, he slipped the neo-Nazi dog whistle "1488" into several posts, where it made no sense to appear other than as a dog whistle.)
12Jack Chick's site is out with its first new tract since his death, although given the artstyle it's unlikely to be his work.
13Want to pay $299 for some sneakers with pictures of Trump's bloodied face on them?
3"Today we are all MAGA." Because the far-right extremist movement is so against political violence.
18David Icke is totally not antisemitic and is simply just concerned with "lizard people", OKAY? Anyway, he responds to a Brooklyn-based Jewish charity singing at an event with JD Vance by suggesting they control both Trump and Biden. The Elders of Lizion aren't so musically talentless after all.
28Lawyers for Donald Trump's disgraced former faith advisor Robert Morris accused the 12-year-old girl he victimized of initiating "inappropriate" sexual conduct. Morris was also megachurch pastor, because of course he was.
20The GOP candidate for North Carolina state superintendent wants to put surveillance cameras in school bathrooms.
22Representative Glenn Grothman (R-WI) says on the House floor that "the angry feminist movement" has emasculated men and calls on Trump to help the US "work our way back" to 1960.
19Alabama GOP chairman says that "democracy leads to socialism. Looks like someone got their lessons on Marxism from Assassin's Creed.
18Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reassures us that as president, he "won't take sides" on 9/11.
39While being interviewed by Piers Morgan, British musician Roger Waters claims that that there is no evidence of sexual violence by Hamas against women during October 7th. This happened around two years after Waters claimed the Uyghur genocide is "nonsense" and that those who don't think Taiwan is part of China should "read more".
19Tristan Tate has been revealed to be a key funder of George Galloway.
23Keir Starmer says that trans women shouldn't be allowed to use women's spaces, even if they have a GRC.
25RFK Jr. denies eating a dog, claims a resurfaced photo is in fact him eating a goat. Declines to address sexual assault allegations on the other hand. Priorities!
19Election conspiracy theorist and professional windbag Mike Lindell announced on Steve Bannon's podcast that he has hired decrepit old Rudy Giuliani to do a talk show on his Frank Speech website following Giuliani's disbarment in New York. Bannon wasn't around for the show, however, having been imprisoned the day before for defying a congressional subpoena. Meanwhile, courts overseeing Giuliani’s bankruptcy have subpoenaed Lindell and his companies because of this.
20Anti-trans writer for The Telegraph, Nina Power, bankrupted after a libel case. In her leaked chatlogs she says she's "definitely a Nazi now" and believes anti-racism is a conspiracy to cover up the existence of fairies and aliens. "Gender critical feminist" and one-time British media darling Kathleen Stock tweets her support for Nina Power after this revelation.
35Candace Owens: "I'm not a flat-Earther. I'm not a round-Earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science. I have left the megachurch of science because what I have now realized is that science, what it is actually, if you think about it, is a pagan faith."

June 2024

21Republican officials in Minnesota are distancing themselves from their Hennepin County Board candidate, Marisa Simonetti, after she was charged with assault for allegedly throwing a live tarantula and other objects at a tenant staying in one of her properties.
23Reactionary American legislators are pushing for a ban on no-fault divorce.
21 Tamil-British rapper and batshit insane conspiracy theorist "MIA" has launched a range of “protective” clothing including a literal tin foil hat for $100.
14Tim Pool brought on Richard Spencer and Andrew Wilson—also known as Big Papa Fascist (self-described)—to debate birth rates.
21Muskrat for some reason decided to announce he unbanned an account that posted a photo of child rape. This is somehow not the first time this has happened.
-7The tankie paper the Morning Star has gone full horseshoe by supporting Farage's view on NATO enlargement, especially Ukraine.
28JK Rowling has said people should spoil their ballot by voting the Communist Party of Britain. She did this in response to a tweet by For Women Scotland which mentions the TERF-supporting position of party. Update: The appreciation may only go one way...
26The Washington Post has noticed that Biden has an age problem. Their fix? Replace the 59-year-old Kamala Harris with the 76-year-old Hillary Clinton. Need it be reminded that Hillary lost an election to Trump?
35Former Israeli MK Moshe Feiglin:Wikipedia "As Hitler said, "I can't live if one Jew is left", we can't live here if one Islamo-Nazi remains in Gaza"
47Donald Trump on Truth Social: "Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!"
2Hillary Clinton has endorsed the AIPAC-funded George Latimer over Jamaal Bowman for Congress.
33Fox News and Elon Musk promote statements against trans medicine from ACPeds. ACPeds takes "research" directions from Alliance Defending Freedom, and its executive director is also on a top committee for the conversion therapy organization NARTH. Despite this the group's statement is gaining traction in some right-wing media including The Federalist, the Toronto Sun, Townhall, National Review, Catholic News Agency, and GB News. Michael Shermer also shared the video.
28Glenn Beck interviews bankrupt sad sack Alex Jones, stating that Jones was "the guinea pig for the Left’s lawfare machine that it’s now turning against former president Donald Trump...and then, against the American people".
36Candace Owens says that dinosaurs never existed.
33Bill Maher predicts a Trump conviction could result in a "race war".
31Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene goes nuts in a House Subcommittee meeting, berating Dr. Fauci and hollering that he should be prosecuted for his "repulsive evil science".

May 2024

30Hans Kristian Graebener blames the Jews for Kobe Bryant'sWikipedia death.
32Delegates at the Libertarian National Convention were caught on a hot mic arguing that people aren't equal in an egalitarian sense because "blacks" have bigger dicks than Asian people.
36American film actor Terrence Howard appears on Joe Rogan's podcast to attempt to "debunk" the Pythagorean theorem, claim he can "kill gravity" on Saturn, assert that he does not believe in the number zero, and allege that he remembers the day he was born including his circumcision. As supporting evidence of this he cites that he once owned a patent for virtual reality technology.
23When you thought they couldn't get any lower, Sinfest actively enters "Hitler did nothing wrong" territory.
27Nick Fuentes ended his livestream for the day and then the gay porn started playing on his account. Fuentes blames it on a "hacker claiming to be" Israeli intelligence.
17Clarence Thomas has appeared on PragerU.
19Clarence Thomas attacks Brown v. Board of Education decision
45"While I heartily agree with your points regarding sex/gender, may I suggest also posting interesting and positive content on other matters?", tweets Elon Musk to J. K. Rowling.
29Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA-10) praises pro-Israel counter-protestors for making monkey noises and dances at a black woman.
35Trump fans wear diapers to show their support. It's TPUSA all over again.
26Tom Cotton: "We're here to discuss the little Gazas that have risen up on campuses across America and the liberal college administrators and politicians who refuse to restore law and order and to protect other students. These little Gazas are disgusting cesspools of antisemitic hate, full of pro-Hamas sympathisers, fanatics, and freaks. The terrorist sympathisers in these little Gazas aren't "peacefully protesting" Israel's conduct in the war; they're violently and illegally demanding death for Israel, just like their ideological twins, the Ayatollahs, in Iran."
23George Galloway says that children shouldn't be taught that homosexuality is normal.

April 2024

-9President Obrador of Mexico says drug cartels are "respectful people" who "respect the citizenry" in comments to a reporter.
3Russell Brand has announced that he's getting baptised as a Christian, describing it as "an opportunity to leave the past behind".
33Everyone's criticising South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem for, in her new book, writing about how she shot a new puppy she bought because it was rambunctious. Well, everyone except Michael Knowles.
30The New Republic profiles the techno-fascist musings of Silicon Valley venture capitalist Balaji Srinivasan.Wikipedia In a two part podcast in September 2023, Srinivasan (using crude political stereotypes) divides the US population into "blues" (Democrats), "reds" (Republicans), and "grays" (tech-bros). Srinivasan believes that "blues" are an "ethnic group" that is at war with "reds" and "grays", and spends much of the podcast outlining ethnic cleansing plans to drive "blues" out of cities that the "grays" (aligning with the "reds") take over. Srinivasan's plan includes special uniforms for tech-bros and the "reds" that align with them, anti-"blue" propaganda films, and special parades for the "gray" tribe. Such demonstrates the continued (increasingly authoritarian) influence of the neoreactionary movement within parts of the American tech venture capital scene.
11Telegram shared a blog post that included multiple neo-nazi dogwhistles, including "1488" and "4/20" (Hitler's birthday). The "1488" was later replaced with "1391", which isn't much better.
18Tucker Carlson on The Joe Rogan Experience: "[T]here's no evidence that evolution— In fact, I think we've kind of given up on evolution. The theory of evolution as articulated by Darwin is kind of not true", "[T]hat's why it's still a theory almost 200 years later".
29Giggling doe-eyed young nuns? Communion wafers replaced by potato chips? Catholic groups cry "Blasphemy!"
33JK Rowling presumes Harry Potter actors Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe want to apologize to her for being pro-transgender, rejects their presumed apologies in advance.
32Someone managed to coax Gab's AI chatbot into revealing its default prompt, revealing its delightful opinions on the Holocaust and the Great Replacement among other topics.
36Mauricio Garcia is suing multiple right-wing media organisations and figures for falsely claiming he was a mass shooter to millions of people, including showing his picture to those millions, resulting in his family receiving death threats. The defendants include: Fox News, Hollywood Unlocked, Louder with Crowder and Steven Crowder, Newsmax, Owen ShroyerWikipedia of Infowars, Timcast Media Group, TelevisaUnivision,Wikipedia and Today News Africa and Simon Ateba.Wikipedia The full lawsuit can be read here.
25In light of the Cass review on transgender care, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull has demanded a review of Gillick, in effect gaslighting the removal of support for minors in abortion and contraception.
44Twitter has replaced its human-curated news headlines with A.I.-curated news headlines. On the first day of the feature's unravelment, it made up a story about Iran striking Israel with heavy missiles.
35Baltimore mayor faces racist attacks after bridge collapse, including accusations of being a "DEI Mayor" (despite having been elected with a landslide 70% of the vote).
24Matt Walsh defends the white nationalist group VDARE.
27Republicans in the Minnesota legislature have introduced a bill calling for the investigation of chemtrails. Similar bills have been pushed in Tennessee and other states.
19Brazilian government publishes a press release calling Taiwan "Chinese Taipei"Wikipedia after an earthquake
21Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg on Gaza: "We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick".
16Some silly Republicans propose renaming Washington’s Dulles Airport after Trump
34Chaya Raichik stutters and struggles to define wokeness in Indiana University while being laughed at by students.
24Richard Dawkins has proclaimed himself to be a "cultural Christian" and that Christianity is "a fundamentally decent religion" and that Islam "is not". (video)

March 2024

25Laura Loomer has a bit of a breakdown live on air because her claims that the daughter of the judge in Trump’s hush money case runs an anti-Trump Twitter account were debunked and that The New York Times cost her a job working for Trump.
36A Trump-endorsed Michigan Representative thought he had exposed a busload of "illegal migrants" arriving in Detroit. Said bus was actually the Gonzaga men's basketball team.
33Candace Owens and The Daily Wire have cut ties.
34StoneToss' Telegram is full of videos of graphic murders and pro-rape sentiment.
35Trump: "Any Jewish person who votes for the Democrats hates their religion and everything about Israel"
50"Immigrants aren't people" says the guy with an immigrant wife and immigrant mother and grandfather.
26Boogie2988Wikipedia is talking about the very-real issue of video games 'lecturing' people about "why being a white man is bad".
28Ben Shapiro argues against social security and retirement as concepts.
41J. K. Rowling starts a Holocaust denial arc, obfuscating the fact that trans people were targeted by the Nazis.
29Candace Owens "transvestigates" the first lady of France after a Daily Mail article opposed the conspiracy theory.
43StoneToss has been doxxed.
13 The United States' plan to put a temporarily port to allow aid into Gaza has lead to people accusing the United States (and by extension, the Biden administration) of using this as part of a plot to access Gaza's near non-existent oil reserves.
28Disgraced conman and serial liar George Santos, who was booted out of the US Congress in 2023, announces a campaign to unseat the Republican congressman who introduced a resolution to expel him in 2023
28Joe Biden CAUGHT eating ice cream.
41Moms for Liberty's two co-founders utterly humiliated themselves in an interview on 60 Minutes, refusing and failing to explain what "grooming" or "indoctrination" means while dodging softball questions. The two then went to cry about it on Steve Bannon's podcast.
20Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA-10) seems very interested in reporters' ethnicities.

February 2024

25TERF Helen Joyce was recently found on a public train reading Harry Potter smut on FanFiction.net. Her organisation, Sex Matters, responded by claiming it was research into the "significant role of fan fiction" in causing children to "develop trans identities". The smut piece is about cis, straight teenagers (Hermione and Draco), not queer or trans minors.
30Fox News: black people will vote for Trump "because they love sneakers".
25Ben Garrison picks perhaps the dumbest reason possible to be mad about AI-generated art. (You can also spend $550 on a "collectors item" featuring this cartoon.)
21Sen. Tom Woods' response to being asked about the murder of non-binary teenager Nex Benedict was "I represent a constituency that doesn't want that filth in Oklahoma". Sick stuff.
33Former Hillsong leader Brian Houston accidentality tweets the phrase "Ladies and girls kissing", instead of Googling it.
20US representative Andrew Ogles advocates for genocide against Palestinians.
27Steve Bannon: "Globalists are trying to set an apartheid state here in the United States for the MAGA movement."
22A Frontiers Media journal peer-reviewed and published a paper full of AI-generated gibberish and a figure of a rat with a massive deformed penis. The paper has been retracted.
21TheBlaze: "Sure, the left has Taylor Swift, but we have Catturd"
27Ian Miles Cheong is currently facing backlash from the broader Malaysian community for his pro-Israel views, forcing him to claim he's not actually pro-Israel.
24Erik Prince, the founder of the Blackwater PMC, just called for the U.S. to colonise countries in Africa and Latin America.
26Sen. Tom Cotton repeatedly asks Singaporean TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is he's associated with the Chinese Communist Party.
22Ron DeSantis on Ilhan Omar: "Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!"
17Dozens of members of Congress attended the National Gathering For Prayer And Repentance, with some delivering anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ rants. A much more loony Jon Hamill of Lamplighter Ministries warned that this nation has been “making deals with our enemies through idolatry, witchcraft, false religions, and secret orders, secret societies” and prayed that God will “annul all covenants with Baal, Moloch, Ashtoreth which have bound us.”
30Candace Owens: "I am a big believer that Hollywood was created by the CIA."....an agency established in 1947 was responsible for something that was popularised in 1913.

January 2024

35Matt Walsh uploads a video to X/Twitter detailing why the Apollo missions could not have been faked. This did not sit well with his conspiracy minded audience. You kinda did this to yourself dude.
27 Fox News suggests Taylor Swift is a federal intelligence agent for some reason. Fox News is parroting other wingnuts of the right wing, including Vivek Ramaswamy, Jack Posobiec, Benny Johnson, Laura Loomer, Salem Media's Mike Crispi, ad nauseam.
10Tucker Carlson on his show: "[Trump] doesn't want a brave new future, he wants to return [...] to 1980 America. And it's kind of hard to argue why that's bad. [...] It's a return to normalcy."
17Shitfest is basically openly JQing at this point.
27Texas superintendent purchases a full-page ad in the Houston Chronicle to defend his school district's decision to suspend a student for his hairstyle: "being an American requires conformity".
22Elon Musk to Ben Shapiro, after visiting Auschwitz together: "I’m aspirationally Jewish. So I was like, ‘What are people talking about with this antisemitism?’ Because I never hear it at dinner conversations."
17Charlie Kirk claims Ben Carson is "a way better role model for Black America than MLK".
19"Free money": Executives at a failing British train company joke about making money at the taxpayers' expense.
23The Critic: "Feminism has a problem: women." Why? Because "the majority of pushback faced by gender critical feminists isn't from men, but other women". Is that so...
25Greg Abbott: "[T]he only thing we're not doing is shooting people coming across the border, because, of course, the Biden Administration would charge us with murder." (nitter.net mirror)
16Trump's lawyers argue that the potential assassination of Trump's "political rivals" is covered by presidential immunity. This is from the frontrunner of the party of "law and order", everybody.
43Trumpof all people—on Nikki Haley not mentioning slavery when asked what the Civil War was about: "I don’t know that it’s going to have an impact, but, you know, I’d say slavery is sort of the obvious answer as opposed to about three paragraphs of bullshit." (nitter.net mirror)
21Tucker Carlson and Rep. Clay Higgins allege that the Trump supporters in the Capitol on January 6 were actually "FBI assets", and that they actually invited the real Trump supporters into the Capitol. They also defend Ashli Babbitt, the person fatally shot while attempting to enter through a broken window.
23New conspiracy theory says "10-foot aliens and/or shadow creatures" were covered up by police in Miami and also they covered it up to cover up the new Epstein documents somehow.
21Trump: "All I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets." (nitter.net mirror)
21The US government is hiding a dragon, a Flat Earther explains in a video.
20Fox News bring on a psychic to predict Trump's future; predicts that things will not go the way he hopes for in his life.
19Alan Dershowitz, after the Epstein client list directly accused him of raping children on Jeffrey Epstein's island, argues that people who push "hard" for the list to be publicised are hypocrites because they don't condemn Hamas. (nitter.net mirror)

December 2023

10Jerry Coyne promotes the conspiracy theory that George Floyd was not murdered by police
26Whoops: Trump's former personal lawyer (currently under legal supervision) Michael Cohen admitted that some of the case citations he submitted to a judge were actually AI-generated nonsense he found on the internet without bothering to proofread. This was after the judge noticed that Cohen's legal team were citing cases that never happened.
21Tucker Carlson scared of UFOs, or something. "It's so dark. I haven't even told my wife about it."
15TheBlaze speaker attacks women's suffrage at Turning Point USA event.
34Ye West launches a massive personal/political rant on Instagram where he claims he's a "vessel of God", the reason he met with Saudi dictator Mohammad bin Salman was because France colonized Africa, the Pilgrims were Jewish and Native Americans were Black, he won't vote for Trump unless he "gets LarryWikipedia out", and something about "pyramids". He adds: "Jesus Christ, Hitler, Ye. Third party. Sponsor that."
20Tucker Carlson not a flat-Earther, but "open" to becoming one. "I'm not discounting that possibility... Present me the evidence of its flatness, and I will amplify it."
18Joe Biden says: "Were there no Israel, there wouldn't be a Jew in the world who was safe". An utterly insane statement from the president of the country with the 2nd highest number of Jews in it. (nitter.net mirror)
25Trump rips the suit he wore in his mugshot into two-thousand pieces then sells the pieces as "Mugshot Edition" NFTs. Yes, really.
19Groypers who roleplay as cartoon frogs online have begun revolting, demanding that Elon Musk unbans neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes' Twitter X account a second time. One announced he is starving himself in a "hunger strike" until the demand is met.
32Michael Knowles claims PornHub is secretly trying to turn men gay after he heard a (Project Veritas style) audio clip about the company's conversion marketing.Wikipedia Earlier this year Knowles similarly warned about "hypnosis" porno turning men transgender, adding he was scared it could happen to him.
16Clogs crossover episode: Elon Musk unbans Alex Jones, hosts an audio conversation with him to ask about "the whole Sandy Hook thing". Jones claims he was just playing "devil's advocate" ("no" and still "no") and the media victimized him over it. Now Twitter is systematically promoting Alex Jones's account.
23Not the Onion: ChatGPT takes a winter vacation and users complain it's now too "lazy" to do their work for them.
15Because for some reason people can't stop giving this charlatan attention, HBO is now developing a film about George Santos.
23Alex Jones predicts he might "disappear like Obi-Wan Kenobi" because nearly enough people WOKE UP (read: are nuts now) that he's "almost obsolete".
32Elon Musk and friends can't play Grand Theft Auto games because it's too criminally violent. Everyone knows if you shoot someone in GTA, you go to jail in real life.
17Use sci-fi to make animals smart so we can make them work jobs and pay taxes. Twitter is a powerhouse of innovation.
18George Santos sells $200 custom videos and $10 text messages after his expulsion from Congress. The man's still got to eat somehow.
14The desperate losers calling themselves "MAGA patriots" are now screeching for boycotts of Walmart after Walmart started stocking "Impeach 45" tee-shirts.
24The Republican strategist guy who worried about "tranny semen" in his Chick-fil-A lemonade has bought and wore what may well be women's jeans, and is confused as to why they have no pockets. He demonstrates in a video.
14Ben Shapiro, paraphrased in earnest: We tried a documentary about men joining women's sports leagues, but found out they'd have to take hormone treatments first. So we made a fictional film about it instead.

November 2023

3MSNBC cancels their only worthwhile show, The Mehdi Hasan Show, seemingly because they don't want Mehdi criticising Biden for his stance on the Israel–Palestine conflict as the 2024 election looms closer.
29Elon Musk starts losing it at the DealBook Summit, tells advertisers not to advertise on Twitter because it's "blackmail". (nitter.net mirror)
-17The ADL praises Henry Kissinger as "a towering intellect, diplomat and practitioner who - not without controversy - helped shape American foreign policy with a lasting impact worldwide. A refugee from Nazi Germany, and the first Jewish Secretary of State, he was unapologetic about his heritage and his embrace of the importance of American global power and democratic values." (nitter.net mirror)
18Fox News is telling its viewers that speeding is a constitutional right. (nitter.net mirror)
12Co-CEO of The Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing: "If five million people came out today and said the N-word—not recommending it—but no one would ever get fired for saying the N-word again. ... That little absurdity in our culture would be brought to an end".
23Fox News attacks Kamala Harris for having a gas stove in her kitchen, claims Democrats "hate pies".
14Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon speculate that the Irish government is trying to replace its citizenry of white people with "people from the Third World".
-17Elon Musk visits Israel and does a PR tour with Netanyahu.
22Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson: Demolish mosques (in Swedish, English Google translation). Åkesson proposes fighting Islamism and radicalization by fighting mosques in Sweden, which is sure to do wonders to stop the spread of anti-establishment conspiracy theories among some Muslim groups.
21We're all trying to find the guy who did this: Putin says we must think about how to stop "the tragedy" of war in Ukraine.
14Kari Lake tweets: "George Soros’ Media Matters is the evil power behind the Fake News. Soros has his tentacles all over every entity destroying America. Media Matters=The Enemy of the People. I pray @elonmusk is able to destroy Media Matters before George Soros is able to destroy America.". (archive.today mirror, nitter.net mirror)
17After a speeding car crashed and exploded at the US-Canada border crossing in Niagara Falls, multiple conservative politicians and media outlets quickly blame terrorism. Fox News went as far to insinuate that radical Islamic terrorism was responsible and report that the crashed vehicle was filled with explosives. Others politicians making similar insinuations include Ted Cruz, Kari Lake, and Pierre Poilievre. Later, the FBI clarified that no connection to terrorism was found and no explosives were found at the crash scene. Instead, the car was being driven by a Grand Island NY couple who had just left a casino. The cause of the accident is unknown at this time, but the case has been turned over to local police as a traffic investigation.
10Suella Braverman met with the far-right Fair Cop group, concerning senior police officials.
17Elon Musk is now, one supposes, a QAnon guy: makes two posts that seem to endorse it, along with one endorsing the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Update: another Pizzagate post. He later deleted this one.
22Alex Jones calls for mass executions of people responsible for the COVID-19 vaccine, including the hangings of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
12Tucker's latest interview was with the leader of Spain's far-right Vox party, Santiago Abascal. They both fearmongered over George Soros was pushing for "mass immigration from the third world" and Tucker lamented that "Spaniards will be a small minority in their own country" soon.
15The CEO of the ADL praises Elon Musk for banning the phrases "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea" on Twitter.
21Even the BBC is calling out the IDF for their propaganda.
9Biden says he's "absolutely confident" that there's a Hamas headquarters underneath the al-Shifa hospital, but that he can't and won't share evidence.
7Ep. 39 of Tucker on X featured Candace Owens. Tucker invited her on for the purpose of responding to Ben Shapiro criticising her criticism of Israel, and compared her to Galileo because Ben suggested she quit The Daily Wire. Tucker and Candace criticise people for suspending donation to Harvard, but not suspending it when Harvard was promoting "white genocide". Tucker also states that Ben Shapiro was "to the left on the three biggest issues of our time.
10Jimmy Dore fully embraces a flat-out explicit Nazi conspiracy theory that Israel was responsible for 9/11.
23Embattled New York Rep. George Santos whines about a damning Ethics Committee report, calling it "a disgusting politicized smear", but then announces that he won't run for re-election in 2024. The report says, among other things, that Santos "sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his House candidacy for his own personal financial profit" and that he merits "public condemnation, is beneath the dignity of the office, and has brought severe discredit upon the House."
13Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) engaged in a physical altercation in the US Capitol. McCarthy shoved Burchett, who stumbled forward and yelled after McCarthy, "Why'd you elbow me in the back, Kevin?! Hey Kevin, you got any guts?!" Burchett then called McCarthy a "jerk" and chased him down the hallway. When Burchett caught up to him, he said, "What kind of chicken move is that? You're pathetic, man. You are so pathetic." McCarthy denied shoving Burchett and said it was simply a "tight hallway".
19Andrew Tate: Food and eating are bad, and unmanly for some reason. Onward to breatharianism!
7Elon Musk: presenting Jewish people as prejudiced against white people and "hordes of minorities" as prejudiced against Jews is "actual truth".
17Trump shares a probably-true conspiracy theory that Ron DeSantis wears high heels inside his boots.
18Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) tries to initiate a physical fight with a witness (the president of the Teamsters union) at a Senate hearing.
26𝕏 Twitter employees, fearing Elon would hurt himself, considered calling police for a wellness check on him after he locked himself in his office.
17Steven Crowder leaked three pages of the Nashville shooter's journal (not manifesto, as he claims). Because there was nothing in there about being trans, he leapt on the idea it was a racially-motivated shooting, instead of it being motivated by the shooter's trans identity, like he originally claimed.
18Hamas may make it rain "fentanyl-filled rockets" in Israel, says Breitbart. Let's wait and see.
24Tucker Carlson interviews neo-Nazi Douglass Mackey, also known as Ricky Vaughn, who he claims is being sent to federal prison for posting memes about Hillary Clinton, when in reality he was convicted for a voter suppression scheme.
10Ted Cruz outs himself as a neo-Nazi.
17ABC's George Stephanopoulos asked Steve ScaliseWikipedia six times whether Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Steve couldn't give a simple answer.
16George Santos, in another attempt to prove he actually has Jewish ancestry, is now claiming that his grandparents were Holocaust survivors.
17What a third world war would mean for investors. Thank you, The Economist.
16Elon Musk posts step-by-step instructions to make cocaine.
23Conservative rags The Post Millennial and the Daily Mail: "women are desperately seeking unvaxed sperm". Some say "unvaxed sperm is the next Bitcoin"!
18Hacker hijacks a Chinese state website to post rants against Wikipedia and Google... both are banned in China. The hacker worked in some Taiwan support, at least.
19Fox News: it's "alarming" that some young people prefer weed over alcohol.
23Jerusalem Post writer argues Jews who support Palestine's liberation right now are no longer Jews.
16Twitter's golden boy, Jackson Hinkle, uses his mic on an Israel-Palestine debate platform viewed by millions to claim George Floyd didn't die from police brutality.

October 2023

32Charlie Kirk is mad at Halloween.
19An antisemitic pogrom in Russia is Ukraine's fault for some reason. Trust me bro.
-28The ADL has scrubbed their website of anything relating to Libs of TikTok because she threatened to sue them. This seems to have paved the way for other fascists they've written about to announce they're suing them as well.
16Sean Hannity cites his training in "mixed martial arts" as a defense against mass shooters.
0Johnson announces that he is joining GB News as a presenter.
-1Erdoğan has levied support for, not just Palestine, but Hamas itself.
13Donald Trump denies that he shared secret information with billionaire Anthony Pratt, despite Pratt claiming otherwise.
18In a widely-unreported speech, Trump says that he would "implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants", and ban people who "don't like our religion" from even legally entering the country, if re-elected.
23Elon Musk's latest genius idea? Offering one billion dollars to Wikipedia if it changes its name to "Dickipedia"
12Conservative BlazeTV hosts effusively praise one of their viewers for cutting off his daughter over her sexual orientation, say "love is love" leads to "destruction".
17The most recent Tucker on X episode featured Carlson interviewing a man named Vince Everett Ellison, who claimed George Floyd has "slave mentality", a supposed phenomenon he blamed on Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. This all went uncriticised by Carlson, of course.
30Greta Thunberg being smeared as antisemitic because there was a small octopus plushie in her photo supporting Palestine. The New York Post, GB News, Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax, and The Daily Wire all decided this was worth jumping on.
21Jon Stewart has quit his show on Apple TV Plus, apparently because Apple would only let him "align" with their views on AI and China.
25Fox News host Jesse Watters: "I don't like how people try to differentiate between the Palestinians and Hamas... You poll them, they all love killing Jews... And it's not working out, having these Palestinians and Hamas right next door to the Israelis."
14Tesla has just released in its “lifestyle store” a $150 gift pack of two bottles of beer called “CyberBeers” and two matching steins inspired by the Cybertruck. Also, there is a separate $50 bottle opener for the beers.
7MSNBC has quietly taken three of its Muslim presenters out of the anchor's chair since Hamas' attack on Israel.
22Fox News wants US troops involved in Israel. By the way, Israel doesn't.
18Two strong competitors for the "Last Guy You Want to Hear From Right Now" Award: George W. Bush and Henry Kissinger weigh in on the Israel-Hamas war.
16Sean Hannity to Vivek Ramaswamy: "I think people who never held public office, like you, maybe they’re not qualified to be president!"
13Tucker Carlson endorses extrajudicial violence against Mexican immigrants while interviewing Todd Bensman, a Senior National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.
8Elon Musk tweets "Demographics is destiny" for the second time.
16Israel's Foreign Affairs Min. has uploaded this video to its YouTube channel. It is, apparently, running as an ad on children's videos.
1Cenk Uygur explains why running for President in 2024 is a "realistic" plan despite his ineligibility: he'll get to 25% support, then Joe Biden will drop out. Then, Gretchen Whitmer will join the primary.
14Despite crying two weeks ago that he's broke, and having paused his television spam, election conspiracist Mike Lindell says that MyPillow will be back better than ever, soon. Then, he begs for money to support more lawsuits. Straining credulity to an extreme, the wingnut Washington Times says "Stop the crucifixion of Mike Lindell"
23After a large fire that destroyed or damaged hundreds of cars that happened at a multi-storey car park at London-Luton airport, conspiracy theorists claim it was caused by an electric car, thus fuelling the ban on petrol and diesel cars as being anti-motorist. Except… It was started by a diesel Land Rover.
23Right-wing pundits are already fearmongering that Hamas "terror cells" are present in the US. Charlie Kirk claims that, "it's possible Hamas has hundreds or thousands of militants on the interior of the United States ready to bomb hospitals, blow up schools, or just rain terror. We do not have a border, therefore we do not have control of our country."
19Fox News blames Biden for Hamas' attack on Israel using a narrative that one of their own anchors had previously debunked.
19Ben Shapiro claims that Israel should annex the Gaza Strip because Palestinians are "incapable of self-governance".
19The latest Tucker on X guest was a completely random guy called Chris Moritz, who, apparently, has been researching and following companies performing gender-affirming surgeries for years, and who argues that these big pharma companies are trying to make everyone trans. A few days later, we finally found out who the guy is.
25Fox News pundit Greg Gutfeld calls for civil war because "elections don't work".
21Mike Lindell's lawyers have dropped him after he stopped paying them. That lawsuit? Still ongoing though.
14Jean-François Gariépy tweets about how his wife went missing and the police are looking for her in a very creepy way that makes it sound like he killed her.
14Max Blumenthal finds his former employee, Ben Norton, on a random bus in Nicaragua to yell at him about allegedly stealing a Twitter and Patreon account two years ago. Norton later responds about how he left Blumenthal's The Grayzone due to an "opportunist right-wing turn".
30A new conspiracy theory says that the national emergency alert test in the US scheduled for October 4 will use 5G to turn COVID-vaccinated people into zombies, beginning a zombie apocalypse. Guess we'll find out soon... UPDATE:Literally fuckall happened with no zombies in sight.

September 2023

15Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reprimanded during the Joe Biden impeachment hearings for once again presenting "pornographic" images of Hunter Biden and his lady friends.
-1Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) decides it would be a great idea to pull the fire alarm during budget negotiations. Bowman, a former principal no less, claimed he thought it would open the door and "did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote".
25Donald Trump Jr.: Fox News is run by "devout Bolsheviks".
-8Charlie Kirk does a racist impression of Ilia Calderón, a moderator for the 2nd GOP primary debate.
14Tucker's next X guest is Bill O'Reilly, who, on it, said he wanted Trump to designate Mexican cartels as "terrorist groups" and "send Special Forces into Acapulco and cut their heads off".
19Candace Owens has apparently been annoyed with all the Soros-baiting within far-right circles after some of her key allies became targets of the conspiracy theories.
21MTG goes full Kremlin, saying that Ukraine is one of the worst countries on earth of child sex trafficking and organ harvesting
-8Dallas' mayor is switching from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, as they wrote about in a Wall Street Journal column.
14After being acquitted in his impeachment trial, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton went on Tucker on X to celebrate his victory, claim the Biden Admin. was behind the trial, and hint at potentially running against Sen. John Cornyn in a Senate election.
29Musk proposes charging users money to be able to use Twitter, at all.
34Lauren Boebert was captured by security cameras at a Beetlejuice musical groping her date's penis while he gropes her breasts, repeatedly taking selfies with the flash on, vaping, overall being loud, and subsequently getting kicked out of the theatre by security.
24The "serious criminal allegations" about Russell BrandWikipedia have come out. They involve many accusations of rape, including the rape of a 16-year-old he called "the child". He also asked said child to read Vladimir Nabokov’s LolitaWikipedia and coached her on what to say to her parents when he wanted to see her. Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Lauren Chen, Roger Stone, Carl Benjamin, and Glenn Greenwald have all levied their support.
16Nick Fuentes denounced by former top ally Tim "Baked Alaska" Gionet, who says Fuentes supports "legit pedophilia".
15Russell BrandWikipedia has denied "serious criminal allegations" which will apparently be revealed in a documentary on Saturday. Elon Musk immediately steps in to defend him.
18Suella BravermanWikipedia criticised Britain's anti-terrorism programme, PreventWikipedia, for focussing too much on right-wing extremism, rather than Islamic extremism. Braverman said that it failed to differentiate between mainstream conservative positions and the far-right, citing Prevent linking Jacob Rees-Mogg and Douglas Murray to far-right extremism as examples of them criticising "mainstream conservative commentary". Perhaps it's because there's no longer any functional difference between conservatism and far-right politics?
5Tucker Carlson's latest interview with a far-right politician: Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei.
12This just in: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a JFK assassination conspiracy theorist.
14A "self-described UFOlogist" rolls out two purported extraterrestrial corpses before the Mexican Congress
20Alex Jones appeared on Russian propaganda talk show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, and, as YouTube's favourite Russian refugee in Georgia can attest, "bizarre" is inadequate to describe it. Apparently, being against Duginist imperialism makes you a cannibal, and that's just some of the nonsense spouted by both guest and host in this absolutely unhinged discussion.
20Cynthia McKinney asks "the most important and fundamental question": How Jewish is the war against Russia?
-17YouTube has restored Matt Walsh's ad revenue.
10Jordan Peterson actually recites the villain monologue from SkyfallWikipedia as if it were historical fact.
13New York City Mayor and DINO Eric AdamsWikipedia gives a speech saying that New York City, a city famously built on immigration, will get destroyed by its 10,000 new immigrants every month. Adams gives no solutions to the apparent problem; he only argues that, in the coming years, New York City will be "destroyed". Adams also criticises the average person for not organising "to stop what they're doing to us".
9DeSantis has appointed Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich to the state ethics commission.
13Tucker Carlson interviews crackpot who claims to have had sex with Barack Obama in 1999.
11Tim Pool says although the story about Obama being gay is probably fake, it's still worth spreading because it helps "make [Democrats] look like degenerates".
16Putin says Zelenskyy is an "ethnic Jew" the West installed to whitewash the "glorification of Nazism".
17Charlie Kirk deleted tweet: "The ADL is a mass purveyor of anti-white hate."
10Vivek Ramaswamy thinks college applications should include a 1-mile run.
18Musk threatens to sue ADL after blaming it for X ad sales slump
21Tucker's latest Tucker on X guest: An (alleged) serial sexual abuser and rapist.

August 2023

19Shitfest posts a comic mocking the Jacksonville shooting, a week after a homophobic shooter was revealed to be a fan of the comic.
19Richard Dawkins' "gender expert" Helen Joyce says that NHS staff wearing rainbow pride pins is worse than Andrew Tate's sex trafficking. She ends off by calling NHS doctors "a bunch of incels".
17Infamous neo-Nazi webcomic Billy the Heretic appears to have been taken offline, with a message saying their account has been suspended. Good riddance.
12Tucker Carlson interviewed fascist Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán in the latest episode of Tucker on Twitter X in his latest desperate bid to keep the attention on himself.
19Trump returns to Musk's shithole with his first post being his mugshot and a plea for donations.
6Nick Fuentes says Trump's mugshot is a "symbol" for people to "rally behind" – like the swastika.
13Jesse Watters (O'Reilly's protégé) praises Trump's mug shot on Fox News: "I say this with an unblemished record of heterosexuality, he looks good. And he looks hard."
12During the first GOP primary debate, Tucker released his pre-recorded interview with Donald Trump in an attempt to distract away from it.
14Trans woman Jan. 6 rioter and Oath Keeper who's being sent to a men's prison is begging Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan to pressure the Federal Bureau of Prisons to send her to a women's prison.
13Newsmax host Carl Higbie repeatedly fails to understand what asexuality is after it's explained to him multiple times.
13The New York Times' opinion section is straight-up publishing Ann Coulter, a white supremacist. Coulter once wished for the NYT headquarters to have been bombed by Timothy McVeigh.
5Tucker Carlson met with Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić, a longtime defender of war criminal Ratko Mladić.
19Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) tweets InfoWars nonsense. (Yes, he has an alt account with the handle "@BasedMikeLee".)
16According to Alex Jones, a TSA whistleblower claims that the Biden administration is planning to bring back lockdowns in the fall over the Eris subvariant of COVID.
37Antisemitic Fuentes fan accepts Natan LevyWikipedia's offer to fight a Jew. Here's footage of the fan getting beaten up by the UFC fighter.
25Kid Rock goes woke: Seen drinking Bud Light post-video of him shooting up cans of the beverage.
36Utah man arrested after a 3-year manhunt for selling "structural alkaline silver" as a cure for COVID during the pandemic. He claimed his product "resonates, or vibrates, at a frequency that destroys the membrane of the virus" and sold the garbage at up to $299.95 for a gallon.
37The Ohio physician who earned widespread ridicule in 2021 for claiming that the COVID vaccine makes people magnetic and interfaces with 5G towers has had her medical license indefinitely revoked by the State Medical Board.
23Donald Trump, who constantly portrays himself as an American patriot, celebrated the defeat of the US women's soccer team and said he'd rather live in France than the United States.
13Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson says "probably hundreds of thousands" of Americans died because "the FSA sabotaged Ivermectin", and then claimed the COVID pandemic was part of a plan "by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives".
10 After leaving the EU with Brexit, with talk about leaving the European Convention of Human Rights, the Spectator has thrown a bone to the British nationalists, leaving the World Health Organization. Not surprisingly, it was written by a fellow of the IEA.
24 Unearthed audio shows Matt Walsh saying that you can't "separate race and culture" and that Mexicans can never be American or "white", that culture differences were what lead to the Civil War, and that unless you're having white children, you're not helping the problem; the only solution is to have more "Anglo-Saxon" children.
24 Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer: "I remember 20 years old going to Trier, Germany, and trying to find the home of Karl Marx cuz, y’know, 1848 — he wrote Mein Kampf."
15 Stephen Miller: Watergate was a "deep state coup against Richard Nixon".
25 Steven Crowder apparently had an outburst at his remaining employees after some of them reported his sexual harassment to the media. Now four more employees have quit after he said they shouldn't work there if they're not okay with him touching their testicles.
29 Andrew Tate tweets neo-Nazi imagery.
27Cornel West owes more than half a million in unpaid taxes.
21Elon Musk says he will... fund the legal battles of every single person who gets fired for something they did on Twitter?
31Funder of Sound of FreedomWikipedia arrested for child kidnapping.
16Matt Walsh: "[I]f Thomas Jefferson came back from the dead and looked at our government now, he would turn to us, the citizens, and say, what are you people doing? You haven't invaded Washington yet and killed all these people?"
21Race charlatan Charles Murray writes an op-ed in The Washington Post arguing that a gradual decline in arrests associated with broken-windows policing strategies over the past decade was responsible for a sudden increase in homicides in American cities during the spring and summer of 2020.
22Dipshit pastor John Amanchukwu says that letting students read LGBT-friendly content is "mental rape"
22Here's a transcript of Rudy Giuliani in an audio recording sexually harassing his assistant.
19Richard Dawkins has abandoned science to justify his transphobia.