Some dare call it Conspiracy |
What THEY don't want you to know! |
Sheeple wakers |
—The headline that perfectly summarizes Globalresearch[1] |
Globalresearch is a LaRoucheite "anti-Western" webshite that can't distinguish between serious analysis and discreditable junk — and so publishes both. It's basically the tankie equivalent to Infowars or WND.
While some of GlobalResearch's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian concerns, its view of science, economics, and geopolitics is conspiracist — if something goes wrong, the Jews West didit! The site has long been a crank magnet: If you disagree with "Western" sources on 9/11, or HAARP, or vaccines, or H1N1, or climate change, or anything published by the "mainstream" media, then GlobalResearch is guaranteed to have a page you will love.
The website (under the domain names,,, and sister site is run by the Montreal-based non-profit The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) founded by Michel Chossudovsky (1946–),[2][3] a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa, Canada.[4]
Whenever someone makes a remarkable claim and cites GlobalResearch, they are almost certainly wrong. GlobalResearch is such a bad reference that it has been put on the anti-spam blacklist for English Wikipedia.[5]
Do not confuse Globalresearch with, which is a perfectly ordinary news site, basically the Canadian equivalent to CNN.
What it thinks it is[edit]
“”In an era of media disinformation, our focus has essentially been to center on the "unspoken truth".
—True only if "unspoken" means "so embarrassingly false that nobody else will say it"[2] |
GlobalResearch describes itself as "one of the leading alternative news media in North America" and believes it is a repository for "news articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream media".[2] GlobalResearch is strongly anti-capitalist,[6][7] anti-imperialist,[8] and anti-globalist.[9]
Because many of its articles are reposts from other sites (and in turn other sites repost from GlobalResearch), it is hard to determine the reception GlobalResearch receives. As of February 2016, GlobalResearch itself asserted that it has more than 6.92 million page views and more than 2.7 million unique visitors per month.[2] Its YouTube had over 23,000 subscribers and 3.4 million views[10] and its Facebook had over 279k likes as of April 2020.[11] Alexa ranked at 19,710th worldwide (a lot of traffic),[12] while[13],[14] and[15] had virtually no traffic.
Noted sources[edit]
Globalresearch acts as both a fake news clearinghouse, and as a source for originally-written fake news as attributed to "Global Research News"[16] or "Global Research".[17] Globalresearch contributors are happy to source information from anyone who seems vaguely aligned with their ideology, even if said contributors are full of horseshit:
- Alex Jones[18]
- Mike Adams[19]
- James Delingpole[20]
- Caleb Maupin[21][22]
- Joseph Mercola[23]
- Gary Null[24]
- Press TV[25]
- RT[26]
- Ron Unz[27]
- Zero Hedge[28]
- Contributors to New Eastern Outlook, a Russian government-funded disinformation outfit[29][30]
- Oriental Review[31]
- and its editors[32][33]
Conspiracy theories[edit]
“”We've seen it with the treasonous US crime cabal government that engineered the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11 to establish a fake war on terror with fake enemies acting as mercenary Islamic stooges that conveniently facilitated the dismantling of the US Constitution.
—Joachim Hagopian promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories on Globalresearch[35] |
Despite presenting itself as a source of scholarly analysis, Global Research mostly consists of polemicists. The prevalent strand is that a New World Order is being implemented by global elites (primarily governments and corporations).[36][37] Many of the articles accept conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and propaganda in order to further this narrative.
Specific conspiracy theories include:
- Big Pharma forced Australia to silence pro-homeopathy and anti-vaccination proponents;[38]
- Big Pharma forced the FDA to destroy homeopathy;[35]
- Big Pharma is covering up the "horrors" of "Western Medicine".[39]
- Vaccines in general are a depopulation tactic.[40]
- Vaccines cause autism.[41][42]
- Vaccines in Kenya have been laced with sterility compounds by the WHO and UNICEF.[40][43][44] Bullshit, by the way.[45]
- Vaccines are toxic.[46]
- Vaccines don't work.[47][48]
- Vaccines are highly profitable.[48]
- All of the above is being covered up by Monsanto and "the West".[38][49]
- The Middle East:
- The USA used nukes in both Iraq and Afghanistan.[54]
- The USA and the CIA created ISIS[55][56] and are using it as a "psyop" theater.[57]
- David Kelly was murdered to shush him.[58]
- A faction within the CIA personally loyal to George H. W. Bush supported the 1979 revolution in Iran, both to prevent the spread of communism and as part of a personal vendetta with President Jimmy Carter. The cabal also paid the new revolutionary government not to release its 52 embassy hostages until after the 1980 US elections, contributing to Carter's defeat.[59]
- GMFs:
- Zionism and the International Jewish Conspiracy:
- Zionists are plotting to rule everything from Cairo to Baghdad[67]
- Zionists have infiltrated and now control America.[68]
- The Holocaust is a profitable industry, which Zionists collaborated in causing, and which that Zionists use to push for Palestinian ethnic cleansing.[69]
- Zionists use American Jews to push their agenda[70]
- Chemtrails are toxic.[71]
- Chemtrails are used for nefarious geo-engineering.[72]
- COVID-19 conspiracy theories:
- Bosnian genocide denialism: a hoax.[77]
- Rwandan genocide denialism: "questioning" views are totally true and are being suppressed.[78]
- Global warming is a conspiracy theory[81][82] (though some of their articles argue for the existence of global warming[83])
- Fluoridation is poison.[84][85][86]
- Nuke fearmongering: Fukushima is killing everything![87]
- The Bilderberg Group runs the world.[88]
- Charlie Hebdo was a false flag.[89]
- Russian Ukrainian war conspiracy theories
- Just some actual headlines:
- North Korea, a Land of Human Achievement, Love and Joy: North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory[1]
- US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover[92]
- The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World’s Most Evil Corporation"[64]
- Capitalism and "The Universal Religion"[93]
- "US Struggles to Keep Asia in Dark Age. US-Funded 'Newspapers' and 'Activists'".[94]
- "Weaponizing the Term 'Conspiracy Theory': Disinformation Agents and the CIA": The CIA tells lies, mainstream media is disinformation, and Andrew Wakefield's research is both valid and replicated. Right.[95]
- Fidel Castro Ruz. His Legacy Will Live Forever (at least according to Fidel Castro)[96]
FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders[edit]
“”Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if the government cooks up these [assassination] plans for every movement that threatens the establishment. They just keep them in place as a last resort, while they use the combined efforts of the media, informants, and provocateurs to quietly neuter these movements before they become a problem. We may have just gotten lucky by stumbling onto one of their premature plans.
—Chussodovsky[97] |
This article is a truly beautiful example of the site's moonbattery.[97] In the real world, Freedom of Information Act request was sent for details on an assassination plot for members of the Occupy Houston movement. The FBI argued that the documents are legally exempted from the Freedom of Information Act, because they contained the identities of confidential sources who were members of organized violent groups.[98][99][100] In the Globalresearch world, Chussodovsky quotes:[100]
An identified [DELETED] as of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protestors (sic) in Houston, Texas if deemed necessary. An identified [DELETED] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [DELETED] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles. (Note: protests continued throughout the weekend with approximately 6000 persons in NYC. ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests have spread to about half of all states in the US, over a dozen European and Asian cities, including protests in Cleveland (10/6-8/11) at Willard Park which was initially attended by hundreds of protesters.
From this, Joshua Krause, writing for Global Research, concludes:[101]
As of now, we have no idea who this person is that was preparing to engage in these attacks, or if it even was person. For all we know it could have been a group of people or a state-sanctioned organization. We don’t know if this is information the FBI received on a suspect, or if this was a communication between themselves and one of their own assets. The language of the document certainly sounds pretty creepy. Terms like "if deemed necessary" and "received intelligence" have led many to believe that this unknown person was officially sanctioned to act by the government. And if that isn't true, if the FBI had just received a tip that a lone gunman was about to start killing peaceful protesters, what measures did they take to prevent that from happening? By all appearances, they didn’t do anything. So, best-case scenario, the government knew something could happen, and decided to ignore it; and worst-case scenario, they were playing an active role in this plot. …
All this for a bunch of idealistic college kids. I will admit, there's a chance that we're misinterpreting these documents, but they sure make the FBI look insane. Like I said before, it appears that they were either plotting to assassinating Occupy leaders, or they were going to look the other way while somebody else did the deed.
Global Research is engaging in classic conspiracist JAQing off: rather than actually trying to find out what the FBI did, or waiting for the details on the group to be revealed, Global Research fills in the blanks with The Big Bad United States Government, providing no reasons to believe this, but merely hoping that the lack of counterevidence is sufficient.
The Doctrine of Superior People: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism[edit]
Globalresearch approvingly reuses James Petras' article, which borders on antisemitism.[note 1] Petras writes:[70]
Israel's dominant role in formulating US Middle East policy is largely a product of its success at recruiting, socializing and motivating overseas Jews to act as an organized force to intervene in US politics and push Israel’s agenda. What motivates American Jews, who have been raised and educated in the US[,] to serve Israel? […] I am going to focus on one – the ideology that ‘Jews are a superior people’. The notion that Jews, either through some genetic, biologic, cultural, historical, familial and/or [sic] upbringing, have[ ]special [sic] qualities allowing them to achieve at a uniquely higher level than the ‘inferior’ non-Jews.
It's one thing for Petras to disprove Jewish supremacist arguments, which are fundamentally racialist and irrational. It's wholly another to assert that Jews worldwide knowingly conspire to control the events of the world. (This was quite literally Hitler's worldview in reference to the Jews, whom he blamed for every international event.)
Petras describes centuries of Jewish thought with:[70]
For centuries Jewish ‘wisdom’ was confined to textual exegesis of religious dogma – texts full of superstition and social control, as well as blind intolerance, and which produced neither reasoned arguments nor contributed to scientific and human advancement.
Yet surely the highly religious Christian and Islamic societies of the time had exactly the same problem; singling out Judaism for this treatment is suspicious.
Petras writes:[70]
Historically, highly talented individuals of Jewish origin succeeded by renouncing the constraints of everyday Jewish life, rabbinical overseers and Jewish institutions. Most contemporary prestigious scientists, including the frequently cited Nobel Prize winners, have little or nothing to do with Judaism! And their contributions have everything to do with the highly secular, integrated culture in which they prospered intellectually – despite expressions of crude anti-Semitism in the larger society.
Petras fails to consider that Jews likely avoided being visibly Jewish because of antisemitism, and manages to paint 1800s-1950s Europe as "highly secular".
Petras also does not distinguish between being ethnically Jewish and being religiously Jewish (you can be one without being the other), and ignores the fact that Jewish cultural traditions arising from Judaism are often still found within non-practicing Jews. He writes:[70]
Jewish Supremacists persist in claiming 'racial credit' for the achievements of individuals who have publically[sic] renounced, denounced and distanced themselves from Judaism and have dismissed any notion of Israel as their spiritual homeland. Their universal prestige has prevented them from being labeled, apostate or ‘self-hating’. Albert Einstein, often cited by the Supremacists as the supreme example of ‘Jewish genius’, denounced Israel’s war crimes and showed disdain for any tribal identity.
Einstein, for example, truly discarded Judaism and became an atheist/deist. But he did not show disdain for his ethnic background, and expressed identification and solidarity with fellow Jews. [103]
Petras continues with:[70]
Supremacists compile a very selective list of virtuous Jews, while omitting areas of life and activity where Jews have disproportionately played a negative and destructive role.
The article then proceeds to list a whole bunch of Jews who have done terrible things. One can't imagine why they'd leave those people off lists meant to celebrate pride. Why doesn't the LGBT community include Jeffrey Dahmer in their list of historical LGBT people? Surely they must be hiding something!
For articles like these, the Jewish Tribune described Globalresearch as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial".[34] In response, Chussodovsky argues that Globalresearch is "anti-Zionist, not antisemitic".[34] It appears that Globalresearch is completely unable to distinguish the line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, much like it is unable to distinguish the line between "anti-Western" conspiracies and genuine news, and so ends up supporting both.
The antisemitism (and anti-globalism) on Globalresearch is either remarkable or explainable by Chossudovsky's background. Chossudovsky is the son of a Russian Jewish emigré with a distinguished UN career (Evgeny Chossudovsky),[102] and Michel Chossudovsky claims that his father supported the Palestinian cause, the Centre for Research on Globalization and Global Research.[104] Global Research was not as far as is known flirting with antisemitism prior to Evgeny's death.
"America is on a 'Hot War Footing': House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?"[edit]
Globalresearch asserts that most of mainstream media is ultimately controlled by NATO and the US government.[105]
The adoption of a major piece of legislation by the US House of Representatives on December 4th (H. Res. 758) would provide (pending a vote in the Senate) a de facto green light to the US president and commander in chief to initiate – without congressional approval– a process of military confrontation with Russia. Global security is at stake. This historic vote –which potentially could affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people Worldwide– has received virtually no media coverage. A total media blackout prevails. … One would expect that this historic decision would has been the object of extensive news coverage. In fact what happened was a total news blackout. The nation’s media failed to provide coverage of the debate in House of Representatives and the adoption of H Res 758 on December 4. The mainstream media had been instructed not to cover the Congressional decision. Nobody dared to raise its dramatic implications. its impacts on “global security". "World War III is not front page news.” And without mainstream news concerning US-NATO war preparations, the broader public remains unaware of the importance of the Congressional decision. … Spread the word. Reverse the tide of war. Break the mainstream media blackout.
Globalresearch is correct that no major news sources covered the resolution, (though the Ron Paul Institute[106] and Inquisitr[107] both managed to get their digs in) but they fail to provide any reason to believe that the media "has been instructed not to cover" the issue, rather than looking for more viewer-enticing stories — say, the graphic war that's actually going on in Ukraine. Moreover, a resolution is not a bill — it merely says that Congress is really, really pissed at Russia,[108] rather than putting it on "hot war footing".
Miscellaneous anti-Western bias[edit]
Globalresearch appears to fully believe that the West can do no right, and anything which opposes the "West" (i.e., the US and its allies) can do no wrong. It can be argued they're justified in this thinking, seeing how it was the West that started the Iraq War, the West that overthrew Salvador Allende and instated neoliberal criminal Pinochet as dictator of Chile, alongside the West's long history of colonial "ventures" (read: imperialism) overseas as just mere examples. Examples:
- During the 2011 Libyan civil war the site was an apologist for Muammar al-Gaddafi, reproducing his propaganda and painting him as a paragon of a modern leader.[109][110] However, overthrowing Gaddafi has been a disaster for Libya, which is now in an eight year long civil war that shows no signs of ending anytime soon. Thanks, Obama.
- In the 2014 Ukrainian crisis the site is taking the standard "anti-globalisation" stance against the Western side and falling into the ranks of imperial Russian propaganda instead.[111][112][113][114][115][92] Chossudovsky wrote that "the deaths of protesters in Maidan square triggered by Neo-Nazi elements have been used to break the legitimacy of a duly elected government"[116] and questions, "Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?"[117] While criticizing American buildup of forces against Russia, it writes: "The underlying narrative is supported by a string of baseless accusations directed against the Russian Federation. It accuses Russia of having invaded Ukraine. It states without evidence that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17, it accuses Russia of military aggression."[105] Accordingly, it denies that MH-17 had anything to do with Russia.[111]
Russian propaganda? Conspiracy theories about GlobalResearch[edit]
GlobalResearch is listed in Andrew Weisburd's Disinfo Network, based on how many other alleged disinfo sites referred to said website during the height of the Ukraine crisis.[118] This supports the above section, which notes that many of GlobalResearch's sources are Russian government or extremely pro-Russian authors. GlobalResearch is also listed in the Washington Post's PropOrNot list of sites that "Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda".[119]
Fringe-ier websites have taken the same stance. Websites ToInformIsToInfluence[120] and MadCowNews[121] both make the similar arguments and come to the same conclusion.
All that said, the simpler solution (which also explains everything GlobalResearch has done) is to simply assume that GlobalResearch is merely a nutty anti-Western site, rather than a knowing member of the Russian disinformation conspiracy.
See also[edit]
- Alexander Finnegan - if Globalresearch was on Quora
- Fake news
- Moonbat
- NaturalNews
- Tankies
- Truthout
External links[edit]
- Author Index
- Most Popular Index
- Profile on Facebook
- Global Research TV on main site
- Global Research TV on YouTube
- See the Wikipedia article on Michel Chossudovsky.
- Decent response on Quora: "How legitimate is The Centre for Global Research?"
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 North Korea, a Land of Human Achievement, Love and Joy: North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory by Andre Vltchek (August 04, 2013) Dissident Voice via GlobalResearch (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 About GlobalResearch (archived from May 20, 2019).
- ↑ Contact GlobalResearch (archived from April 3, 2020).
- ↑ Michel Chossudovsky University of Ottawa (archived from March 10, 2013).
- ↑ MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist: Difference between revisions Wikipedia.
- ↑ Search Global Research: Capitalism[a w]. GlobalResearch.
- ↑ Capitalism and the Ebola Crisis[a w]. GlobalResearch.
- ↑ US Imperialism Wages Permanent Warfare to Prevent Its Inevitable Collapse[a w]. GlobalResearch.
- ↑ Search Global Research: Globalization[a w]. GlobalResearch.
- ↑ About GlobalResearchTV (Joined Nov 4, 2008) YouTube (archived from June 16, 2017).
- ↑ GlobalResearchCRG Facebook (archived from April 4, 2020).
- ↑ Alexa (archived from 5 Apr 2020 05:45:48 UTC).
- ↑ Alexa (archived from 5 Apr 2020 05:53:23 UTC).
- ↑ Alexa (archived from 5 Apr 2020 05:54:08 UTC).
- ↑ Alexa (archived from 5 Apr 2020 05:54:30 UTC).
- ↑ Global Research News — Archive Global Research News (archived from April 2, 2020).
- ↑ Global Research — Archive Global Research News (archived from April 2, 2020).
- ↑ Alex Jones - Archive Globalresearch.
- ↑ Mike Adams — Archive Global Research News (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ James Delingpole — Archive Global Research News (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ "Caleb Maupin - Archive". Globalresearch, via
- ↑ "Caleb T. Maupin - Archive". Globalresearch, via
- ↑ Dr. Joseph Mercola - Archive Global Research News (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ Dr. Gary Null - Archive Global Research News (archived from March 28, 2020).
- ↑ Press TV — Archive Global Research News (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ RT - Archive Global Research News (archived from April 3, 2020).
- ↑ Ron Unz - Archive Globalresearch (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ Zero Hedge — Archive Global Research News (archived from June 8, 2017).
- ↑ Accused Russian Troll Uses a Novel Argument to Fire Back at Facebook: He works for a Kremlin outlet, pushing the fakest of news. But he insists he’s only guilty of employing a time-honored literary tradition. by Kevin Poulsen (Jul. 30, 2019 5:10AM ET) Daily Beast.
- ↑ Search: New_Eastern_Outlook Global Research News (archived from 5 Apr 2020 04:24:06 UTC).
- ↑ Oriental Review — Archive Global Research News (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ Sott - Archive Globalresearch.
- ↑ Joe Quinn - Archive Globalresearch.
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Conspiracy web site headed by Ottawa professor sets dangerous example for students (August 25, 2005) Jewish Tribune (archived from April 29, 2011).
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 The FDA and Big Pharma’s Latest Killer Agenda: Destroy Homeopathic Medicine by Joachim Hagopian (June 11, 2015) GlobalResearch (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ "The Globalization of Poverty: Deconstructing the New World Order" by Michel Chossudovsky (May 17, 2017) Global Research (archived from March 29, 2020).
- ↑ World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How the Global Elite Rules the World by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog (30 September 2013) via Global Research (February 21, 2018) (archived from March 29, 2020).
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 Australia Silences Criticism Of Vaccines, Benefits of Homeopathy by Brandon Turbeville (December 30, 2014) Activist Post via Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020.
- ↑ Ex Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Comes Clean, Reveals Horrors of Western Medicine by Lance Johnson (March 26, 2015) Natural News via Lance Johnson (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 "Depopulation Vaccine" in Kenya and Beyond by Jon Rappoport, (10 November 2014) via Global Research (November 11, 2014) (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ Uncovering the Cover-Up: Scientific Analysis of the Vaccine-Autism Connection, Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies. by Gary Null (November 28, 2015) Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism by Mary Holland, Health Impact News (13 February 2015) via Global Research (January 04, 2016) (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Is the WHO Using Vaccines to Secretly Sterilize Women All Over the Globe? by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream (11 November 2014) via Global Research (November 12, 2014) (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ "Mass Sterilization": Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine by Brian Shilhavy (February 17, 2015) Health Impact News via Global Research (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ Is Tetanus Vaccine Spiked with Sterilization Chemicals? Catholic bishops in Kenya asserted that a tetanus vaccine campaign was really a secret effort to sterilize young women. by David Mikkelson (Published 10 November 2014; Updated 18 April 2018).
- ↑ Are Vaccines Safe? Bracing Ourselves for More Sham Vaccine Studies by Richard Gale & Gary Null, Progressive Radio Network and Global Research (13 October 2009) via Global Research (February 01, 2015) (archived from March 23, 2020).
- ↑ US Centers for Disease Control Issues Flu Vaccine Apology: This Year’s Vaccine Doesn’t Work! by Mike Adams (December 05, 2014) Natural News via Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Mumps Being Spread by and Among Vaccinated People by Joseph Mercola (May 10, 2016) via Global Research (archived from March 23, 2020).
- ↑ The Vaccine Coverup: 30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Cover Up Vaccine Hazards "To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids" ChildHealthSafety and Global Research 14 March 2012) (December 02, 2014) Global Research (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ The Walls Are Crumbling Down Around the "Official 9/11 Story" – Why? by Jeffrey Berwick, The Daily Bell and Global Research (5 August 2014) via Global Research (January 04, 2015) (archived from February 2, 2018).
- ↑ 9/11 Truth in 2014: Is a Breakthrough Possible? by Richard Gage & Michael Welch (March 24, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ "The 9/11 Attacks, 'Keeping the Lid on the Lie': Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement" by Elizabeth Woodworth (March 12, 2014) Global Research (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ What Really Happened in Tiananmen Square 25 Years Ago: The massacre that wasn't by Brian Becker (June 4, 2014) via Global Research (archived from March 29, 2020).
- ↑ BREAKING: ‘US used Nukes on Iraq, Afghanistan’: Atomic bomb dropped on Tora Bora: Expert (1 December 2011) Press TV via Global Research (archived from January 29, 2018).
- ↑ America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group by Garikai Chengu (October 28, 2019) Global Research (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIS-ISIL-Daesh) that Obama and Trump Do Not Want You to Know About by Michel Chossudovsky (18 November 2014; January 12, 2020) Global Research (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ Unlimited War! ISIS Psyop Theater Comes to Full Fruition by Bernie Suarez February 16, 2015) Activist Post via Global Research (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ "The Murder of Dr. David Kelly. 'A Symbol of the Blackness of the Tony Blair Cabal'" by David Halpin (September 05, 2013) Global Research (archived from March 31, 2020).
- ↑ The Real Iran Hostage Crisis: A CIA Covert Op by Harry V. Martin, Free America (1 July 1995) via Global Research (February 26, 2013) (archived from April 1, 2020).
- ↑ "Ten Scientific Studies Prove that Genetically Modified Food Can Be Harmful To Human Health" by Arjun Walia, Activist Post (8 April 2014) via Global Research (March 13, 2018) (archived from March 29, 2020).
- ↑ GMO Soy Accumulates Carcinogenic Formaldehyde: Game-Changing Study GreenMedInfo (15 July 2015) via Global Research (July 19, 2015) (archived from March 21, 2020).
- ↑ Over 40 Rodent Feeding Studies Show Genetically Modified Food is Disastrous to Health …Why aren't these foods labeled? by Christina Sarich (October 09, 2015) Natural Society via Global Research (archived from March 23, 2020).
- ↑ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – Planned Sterilization of Humanity? by Peter Koenig (March 01, 2016) Global Research (archived from March 31, 2020).
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World’s Most Evil Corporation" by E Hanzai Waking Times (22 June 2014) via Global Research (November 25, 2019) (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields 19 May 2013) via Global Research (July 16, 2013) (archived from March 22, 2020).
- ↑ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): Profit, Power and Geopolitics by Colin Todhunter (15 December 2014; March 28, 2018) Global Research (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ "'Greater Israel': The Zionist Plan for the Middle East" by Israel Shahak & Michel Chossudovsky Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. (3 March 2013) via Global Research (February 04, 2020) (archived from March 17, 2020).
- ↑ "The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America" by James Petras, Dissident Voice (1 September 2010) via Global Research (September 03, 2010) (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ Anti-Semitism: The Ultimate Zionist Weapon by William Hanna Dissident Voice (1 August 2014) via Global Research (August 03, 2014) (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 "The Doctrine of 'Superior People': The Bond between Israel and World Zionism" by James Petras (September 05, 2015) Global Research (archived from March 29, 2020).
- ↑ "Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health" by Ilya Sandra Perlingieri (7 May 2010; April 23, 2016) Global Research (archived from January 27, 2017).
- ↑ Earth Day, Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails by Michael Welch (April 25, 2015) Global Research (archived from March 28, 2020).
- ↑ China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US? by Larry Romanoff (March 04, 2020) Globalresearch (archived from March 20, 2020).
- ↑ COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US by Larry Romanoff (March 11, 2020) Globalresearch (archived from March 31, 2020).
- ↑ Just take a few minutes to read one more article. This is so astonishing that it changed many things I used to believe in. Please retweet to let more people know about it. … by Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (7:33 PM - 12 Mar 2020) Twitter (archived from December 1, 2020).
- ↑ This article is very much important to each and every one of us. Please read and retweet it. COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US. … by Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (6:02 PM - 12 Mar 2020) Twitter (archived from April 26, 2020).
- ↑ "Was Srebrenica a Hoax? Eye-Witness Account of a Former United Nations Military Observer in Bosnia" by Carlos Martins Branco (20 April 2004; 24 July 2005; November 23, 2017) Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ "Genocide Denial" in Rwanda: Questioning the Official View of History: BBC joins Rwanda's List of "Genocide Deniers" …Is the UN Rwanda Tribunal Next? by Peter Erlinder (October 27, 2014) via Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ "HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare" by Fred Burks, (1 August 2010) Global Research (October 14, 2018) (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military's Experiments with Climatic Warfare: 'Climatic warfare' has been excluded from the agenda on climate change. by Michel Chossudovsky (7 December 2007; September 24, 2019) Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ "Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change" by Robert M. Carter, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia and Global Research (9 December 2009) via Global Research (January 07, 2018) (archived from March 24, 2020).
- ↑ "Global Warming Media Propaganda"
- ↑ Don’t let truth stand in the way of a red-hot debunking of climate change by George Monbiot, The Guardian (18 March 2007) via Global Research (March 18, 2007).
- ↑ Fluoride: Killing Us Softly by Gary Null (5 December 2013; March 03, 2018) Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ Poison is Treatment: The Campaign to Fluoridate America by James F. Tracy (23 June 2012; May 17, 2013) Global Research (archived from March 28, 2020).
- ↑ The Health Impacts of Fluoridated Water. "Shaky Science" (January 02, 2016) Washington's Blog via Global Research (archived from March 18, 2020).
- ↑ 28 Signs That the West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried with Nuclear Radiation from Fukushima by Michael Snyder, The Truth (21 October 2013) via Global Research (December 30, 2018) (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Planning Now: A Review of Daniel Estulin's book by Stephen Lendman (1 June 2009; May 28, 2019) Global Research (archived from March 24, 2020).
- ↑ Paris Killings: Media Lies, Unanswered Questions. Was it a False Flag? by Stephen Lendman (January 11, 2015) Global Research (archived from March 25, 2020).
- ↑ Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children’s Organs in Adrenochrome Labs by Peter Koening ( June 16,2023) ( archived from 21st June 2023)
- ↑ BlackRock Plots to Buy Ukraine by Bradley Devlin ( 30 December 2023) ( archived from 4 January 2023)
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover by Eric Draitser (April 22, 2015) New Eastern Outlook via Global Research (archived from March 28 2020).
- ↑ Capitalism and "The Universal Religion" by Peter Dudink (May 20, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 28, 2020).
- ↑ US Struggles to Keep Asia in Dark Age. US-Funded "Newspapers" and "Activists" by Tony Cartalucci (November 03, 2014) New Eastern Outlook via Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Weaponizing the Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents and the CIA by Gary G. Kohls (May 11, 2016) Global Research (archived from March 23, 2020).
- ↑ Fidel Castro Ruz. His Legacy Will Live Forever. Truth as A Revolutionary Instrument: In all major regions of the World, Fidel Castro has been a source of inspiration in the relentless struggle against colonial domination and US imperialism. by Fidel Castro Ruz & Michel Chossudovsky (November 24, 2017) Global Research (March 26, 2020).
- ↑ 97.0 97.1 FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders by Joshua Krause, Activist Post (15 February 2015) via Global Research (February 16, 2015) (archived from March 21, 2020).
- ↑ Occupy Houston assassination plot records won't be released by Dylan Baddour (Updated 12:11 pm, Wednesday, February 11, 2015) Houston Chronicle (archived from November 22, 2015).
- ↑ FBI Gets OK on Alleged Murder Plot Info Cache by Cameron Langford (February 06, 2015; Last Update: 9:46 AM PT) Courthouse News Service (archived from April 16, 2015).
- ↑ 100.0 100.1 [redacted Plans to Engage in Attacks against Protestors in Houston] (12 October 2011) FBI Intelligence Watch Report (archived from 5 Apr 2020 19:41:44 UTC).
- ↑ FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders by Joshua Krause, Activist Post (15 February 2015) via Global Research (February 16, 2015) (archived from March 21, 2020).
- ↑ 102.0 102.1 Writer with a distinguished UN career (Jan 28, 2006, 00:00) Irish Times.
- ↑ See the Wikipedia article on Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein § Jewish identity.
- ↑ Evgeny Chossudovsky: Writer with a distinguished UN career The Irish Times (18 January 2006) via Global Research (February 12, 2006) (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ 105.0 105.1 America is on a "Hot War Footing": House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia? by Michel Chossudovsky (December 05, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia by Ron Paul (December 4, 2014) Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Ukraine: Lethal Aid And Weapons Authorized By U.S. House Resolution 758, Will Obama Take On Vladimir Putin? by by Patrick Frye (December 7, 2014) The Inqusitr.
- ↑ H.Res.758 — Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination. 113th Congress (2013-2014)
- ↑ Why the NATO powers are trying to assassinate Moammar Gaddafi: Protecting civilians or western oil companies? by Brian Becker (June 13, 2011) Global Research (archived from March 26, 2020).
- ↑ Libya: Ten Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You to Know Urban Times (16 May 2014) via Global Research (November 30, 2018) (archived from march 28, 2020).
- ↑ 111.0 111.1 Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a 'Buk' Surface to Air Missile by Eric Zuesse (November 05, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Three Years Ago: The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine by Michel Chossudovsky (6 March 2014; March 06, 2017) Global Research (archived from march 30, 2020).
- ↑ Ukraine, America's "Lebensraum". Is Washington Preparing to Wage War on Russia? Truce on the First Anniversary of the US-Led Coup by John McMurtry (March 13, 2016) Global Research (archived from March 19, 2020).
- ↑ Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Sniper Shootings by F. William Engdahl (November 22, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Fake Report on "Russian Soldier Deaths" in Ukraine "Sets the Western Media on Fire" RT (27 August 2015) via Global Research (August 31, 2015) (archived from March 26, 2020).
- ↑ Ukraine’s “Democratic Coup d’Etat”: Killing Civilians as a Pretext for Regime Change: Leaked Phone Conversation Reveals Opposition Involvement in sniper killings. The leaders of EuroMaidan ordered the shooting of their own supporters by Michel Chossudovsky (26 February 2014; March 06, 2014) Global Research (archived from March 27, 2020).
- ↑ Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? John McCain and other state department members have troubling ties to the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party by Max Blumenthal (February 25, 2014) Alternet via Global Research (archived from March 23, 2020).
- ↑ The Fringes of Disinfo: A Network Based on Referrers (2016 February 07) Aktivnyye Meropriyatiya (archived from March 29, 2016).
- ↑ An Initial Set of Sites That Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda (November 30, 2016) Is It Propaganda Or Not?.
- ↑ Russian Propaganda Expose: GlobalResearch (November 3, 2014) To Inform is to Influence (archived from November 12, 2014). The site alleges that Globalresearch is a paid shill.
- ↑ True Lies: Canada's Global Research Trolls the Internet by Daniel Hopsicker (August 14, 2014) MadCowNews.
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