RationalWiki:To do list/archive2
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Ancient to-do that haven't been done. Know something, got refs? Get typing.
109 | John SearlCreate draft. Free energy con man. By reader request. |
65 | Gregory S. Paul is a paleontologist of some renown, but has also has written on the correlation of societal religiosity with social disfunction, particularly with regard to negative American exceptionalism compared to other developed countries. See The Guardian review by Sue Blackmore, Are we better off without religion?, and his most recent paper. |
66 | Universal Medicine, an esoteric healing group given to legal threats to hide criticism. |
67 | Jody Hice, the dominionist, pro-conversion therapy preacher was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Georgia's 10th district. His book, claimed that Islam is not deserving of 1st Amendment rights. |
102 | Monika MilkaCreate draft, proprietor of Monika's EntityCreate draft, a deeply fraudulent medical woo site. News reports, homeopathy of the oceans. The writing on the Facebook page should be entirely in green. And the Freeman disclaimer. |
70 | Hasbarah - because Israel's "public diplomacy" is cuttingly close to both Propaganda and espionage. |
100 | Inference: International Review of ScienceCreate draft, an alleged academic journal with a taste for crankery. Includes Michael Denton on |
112 | Street EpistemologyCreate draft developed by Peter Boghossian is a newer activity which is a partly scripted question asking method some atheists use to induce doubts in people's god beliefs-seems worth researching for potential benefits and problems it might have. Or it could just be acting like a stereotypical atheist dick. Let's write it up and see! |
65 | Due to their many Mildly Decent contributions, perhaps John Green and Hank Green of Vlogbrothers fame should get some more scrutiny via RW. |
61 | Kang Youwei, A Chinese political thinker and reformer of the late 19th century and the turn of the century who was popular in China than under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Among other things he advocated both Constitutional Monarchy and Socialism in China. On the other hand, he was a eugenicist. The political theories he set forth in his book Da Tong Shu are objective and utterly indisputable proof that the Horseshoe theory is either mostly or completely correct, it is the "missing link" between Communism and Fascism. In light of what he wrote in that book he should be either given a prominent spot on the Horseshoe Theory page or given his own page. |
50 | Justicar - He's one of thunderfoot's buddies. misogynist, conservative, and anti-feminist (and a Slymepitter), and may I add, extremely pedantic. |
104 | Remnant of GodCreate draft, a Webshite about end times paranoia. Apparently thinks The Pope is the Antichrist. |
57 | Lucis trust We had a stub article, but it was deleted. It's a company that focus of occultry, conspiracy Theories regarding Freemasons, etc. The reason this particular one gets so much attention is because it's original name was "Lucifer Publishing Company", and was acknowledged by the United Nations. |
64 | Myron Fagan - A Red Scare Proponent, and an early proponent of the Illuminati conspiracy Theory. "A lot of modern ideas about the Rothschilds come from him, and I am sick of me being linked to videos of his talk show." (example) |
107 | InternetAristocratCreate draft - conservative, racist, MRA who is a leader of Gamergate. |
116 | Detroit. See Chicago, below, add municipal bankruptcy and dog-whistle criticisms of the decidedly non-Caucasian city administration. Who - liberals, conservatives or the Stormfront crowd - if any of them, is correct about the reasons for it becoming what it has? |
100 | Benjamin FulfordCreate draft. claims a bunch of absurd things about the Illuminati and Freemasons, and that he'll take them down singlehandedly. This is him. |
66 | George Dillman, a mall ninja manager of McDojo training camps who claims that, among other things, you can use your body to generate chi/bioelectricity/radio waves to block attacks and knock people out. |
65 | John O'Connor, a Catholic priest who claims to expose the Antichrist, and Conspiracy whackers claim he was kicked out of the Catholic church. |
65 | Roger Morneau, an "Ex-Satanist", who claims to expose evolution. |
104 | Masonicinfo.comCreate draft. If you have an anti-freemason claim, masonicinfo will have the refutation, and the conspiracy theorist will throw the shill gambit. |
97 | Pawns in the GameCreate draft By William Guy Carr. Oh boy... |
64 | Reader suggestion: "An article about the term freedom, in my eyes its current usage in the States resembles pretty much some damn newspeak, as a great example calling French fries freedom fries because of France not.. er, supporting the forced spreading of freedom huh? Anyway, that's pretty much all I can say myself about that topic, but I'd really appreciate someone writing an essay or something about it." Two crappy articles at this title have been deleted already, so do a good one if you do this one. |
71 | Justine Tunney. Possibly the clearest living embodiment of the horseshoe theory, she went from being the voice of Occupy Wall Street (literally, managing a Twitter account with the name OccupyWallSt) in 2011 to vocally supporting the neoreactionary movement in 2014, particularly its technocratic wing. (Though she has consistently stated that she is not affiliated with neoreaction.) She even said Obama should be kicked out and Google CEO Eric Schmidt installed as the new President. Arthur Chu has a nice summary of her bizarre swing here. |
63 | Ecoscience by John Holdren, a book touted by Conspiracy Theorists to be froof of the Depopulation conspiracy theory |
105 | Modafinil, a sleep-cycle-adjusting drug with some documented effects and some woo-ish notions that it's a smart drug of some sort. |
61 | Larry Klayman. |
68 | The “Women are Wonderful” effect |
65 | Fraser Institute; nuff said. |
106 | Another "messiah", Goel RatzonCreate draft, convicted on rape and incest, this one went on a breeding campaign in Israel. See [1] and [2] |
70 | Progress in Physics, a pseudojournal whose Wikipedia article[3] calmly and neutrally paints them as absolutely frothing. About the only place that will publish Pierre-Marie Robitaille. |
72 | Wudduya say we expand the crap out of Albert Einstein? Yes, RationalWiki is not an encyclopedia, but we are all about science. The very, very least we could do is include present and historical debate about this theories. |
70 | I can't believe that there are medical quacks (and quite a few misguided feminists) still promulgating the bullshit in the book Dressed to Kill, which argues for the completely debunked notion that bras cause breast cancer. Full title: Dressed To Kill: The Link between Breast Cancer and Bras. Written in 2002 by two non-scientists asserting that bras cause cancer. The authors apparently did not offer up any actual evidence. A scientific study just came out that showed there is no evidence to support this wacky claim (Does Wearing a Bra Cause Cancer? New Study Says No). |
80 | Petrodollar - reader suggestion. Conspiracists have some fondness for conspiracies involving the price of oil and US dollars as global currency. There's plenty of real economics and economics woo around this concept too. |
104 | Jace ConnorsCreate draft. Youtuber, conspiracy theorist, wingnut, stoner, mall ninja, racist, homophobe, and Islamophobe guilty of both consuming and promoting gratuitous amounts of paramilitary woo. Hosts a weekly political call-in show where he has, among other things, posited that not only is Obama a Muslim but one born in the Middle East who plans to destroy America by instigating a race war. On the other hand, he isn't that well-known outside of his cult following of trolls. |
77 | Maimonides. This guy's influence over Judaism is enormous to put it mildly, he was also one of the most committed rationalists of the entire medieval period though he said some rather mean things about non-Jews. However from a theological perspective to say that he reconciled Rabbinic Judaism with rationalism would be an understatement, he jammed it down his colleagues throats. He had a substantial impact on Aquinas and like other medieval rationalists he ought to be included in Rationalwiki |
73 | Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the Pakistani CIA, cuz we're all about authoritarianism, liars, and extremism, and ISI provides plenty of each |
65 | Charles C. W. Cooke- It might not be an understatement to call him the most insufferable National Review columnist. No seriously despite his pseudo-intellectual tone he's one of the most blatant anti-intellectuals writing for the NRO. Also a climate change denier, of course. |
73 | John Gray (philosopher). I just read his Straw Dogs and am uncertain whether I just read brilliance or bullshit. That in itself is an achievement. Not the John Gray behind Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. |
96 | Rima LaibowCreate draft, aka Dr Rima [4][5], quack and conspiracy theorist. |
82 | G. Edward Griffin, a famous conspiracy theorist and Bircher who popularized Federal Reserve and cancer-related conspiracy whackery (he even authored the libertarian/Glenn Beck favorite The Creature from Jekyll Island). A little suprising we don't have an article on him yet since he's a far more influential figure on the radical right conspiracy circuit than the likes of Mark Dice. |
71 | Presstitutes, what with part of our mission being to criticize the media where necessary. |
71 | Averroes. We have an article on Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Al-Ghazali, so we ought to have an article on Averroes too. It is extremely interesting to note that, according to both Westerners and Muslims, his influence on the Western world has been far greater than his influence on the Islamic world. |
70 | Silencing - suppressing opposition arguments, directly or indirectly. The idea is to claim that counterarguments don't exist. Feminist versions here [6][7], though these are highly generalisable. |
113 | My Parents Open CarryCreate draft. Naming the father character in a pro-gun book "Dick Strong", frankly, is begging liberals to make fun of it. Even ignoring the content of this book, it's awful: wooden prose, bad grammar, hectoring tone. Yet, it's quite popular on Amazon (it was promoted by Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher according to the back cover). |
51 | Ahstar Sheran, a fake-ass pseudogod who migrated all across Europe via 1999-eschatology and then into China via 2012-eschatology. Nauseating face. |
107 | Connection theoryCreate draft is a new nuttiness dreamed up by the Bay Area transhumanist crowd. It's sufficiently nutty that even LessWrong posters take the piss out of it. But they're apparently attracting actual money. Anyone feel like researching and writing it up? [8] [9] [10] [11] Most of the original pages about it have been taken down, but are still in the Wayback Machine. |
61 | Jeffrey Goodman, archaeologist, once in favor of "psychic archaeology," and who wrote a book on the comets of God. |
64 | Edward Tobinick, an apparent quack who is suing Steve Novella for blogging about him. [12] |
43 | William Poundstone, the Counter-Malcolm Gladwell. |
66 | Elizabeth Whelan, a wingnut libertarian who is currently head of the American Council on Science and Health, the "go to" source for many right-wing bloggers. ACSH is either an astroturf denialist organization that spreads misinformation, or the most staunchly centrist anti-public-scare organization on the web. |
110 | Ted Bundy - Aside from being a disgusting serial killer, his career trajectory reads like a who's who's of the pre-Reagan religious right. |
70 | Morton Downey Jr., a pro-life activist and right-wing Democrat who became a pundit who's controversial "edgy" style bascally helped lead to the rise of nearly every wingnut pundit you can think of. If Coughlin was the prototype for right-wing radio pundits Downey was basically the same for televised ones such as Hannity. |
94 | CNBC. I am surprised we don't have an article on it yet. |
122 | Anime - We have an article on Furry fandom, I don't think it's that much of a jump. Sandbox Start |
81 | Archetype and or collective unconscious. Carl Jung's idea about our inborn psychic connections, and his gift to the New Age. |
94 | Inflammation, the latest trendy bogeyman in the alternative medicine/food woo crowd. If you don't feel good, it must be because of "inflammation" caused by eating junk food/exposure to toxins/not being on the paleo diet. Plus, inflammation is why you're fat. |
64 | Oxford Groups, later re-named to Moral Re-Armament. An evangelical group that is most famous for spawning Alcoholics Anonymous and the involvement of Mary Whitehouse. |
76 | I'm surprised that the cultish, deceptive ultra-Orthodox Jewish "kiruv" organizations, such as Chabad and Aish HaTorah, haven't been mentioned here yet. |
73 | Brute fact, a fact that cannot be explained at a more "fundamental" level, or a fact in a different category than "institutional" facts, which depend on social agreement for their validity. |
48 | Paul Blanshard and/or American Freedom and Catholic Power. I continue to find at least his first book quite well argued. |
106 | Edinburgh Creation GroupCreate draft - a creationist group in Edinburgh with a bunch of videos (most of them by Seraph Media) on the web site featuring the guys promoted by AiG |
78 | Fighting words - There isn't a page on how insults and rudeness breaks the limit of free speech, and there isn't an entry on the Freedom of speech page. |
78 | Activism - The general concept; whether and where it's effective, in what cases the members of any activist movement are and aren't sensible, etc.. |
66 | Witness - (not the degree of wit) somehow we have expert witness without the article of witness. |
65 | Lord Our Righteousness Church, one of the cults in New Mexico with UK TV coverage. Google "Wayne Bent" for more info |
78 | Nouri al-Maliki, because he was "elected" to prime minister of Iraq during the United States occupation, acted like a dictator, used American troops to carry out ethnic killings, and had the full backing of the US government. (Or Hamid Karzai, who's also become a straight-up asshole.) |
70 | Cybertopianism. I can't be the only one who remembers the days when the Internet would create a global village of peace and understanding. |
91 | Twitchy, a Twitter propaganda site run by none other than Michelle Malkin herself. |
64 | Daniel Lapin, the favorite rabbi of the Christian Religious Right. |
85 | James Dobson, other than a link to the Focus on the Family page. |
70 | Quannengshen, the Chinese "Church of the Almighty God" - A cult in China formed in the 1990s which hijacks both religious (Protestant or Islam) and other cult meetings, and used to preach the 2012 Apocalypse. Recently they murdered people in public for refusing to make contact with them. |
65 | A Troublesome Inheritance, the half-assed attempt to re-open the eugenics debate by once-influental NYT correspondent Nicholas Wade. |
65 | Elizabeth Rauscher, a real but somewhat cranklike physicist. The WP article is bowdlerised but the crankiness shines through, and just check that talk page. Collaborates with Nassim Haramein. |
99 | Jack Donovan White nationalist, neoreactionary internet kook obsessed with masculinity. Hates gays despite, bizarrely, being gay himself. Currently a paragraph in Manosphere. |
104 | Testimony of conversionCreate draft, or some similar phrase, for every conservative Christian who starts a bout of proselytizing with "I used to be atheist/liberal/evolutionist/whatever, but then I learned about Jesus." |
66 | American Spectator, the UK Spectator's dumb loud younger brother. |
105 | Stop the Thyroid MadnessCreate draft ([13]), a book and blog by a non-endocrinologist non-doctor who blames everything that's wrong in the lives of people with hypothyroidism on the mainstream treatment regimen. Focus is on how much better you feel when you switch to desiccated thyroid extract, the "natural" treatment we used in the good ol' days. |
64 | Robert Zubrin. Because he's, you know, Robert Zubrin. |
65 | Tanaka Memorial, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, just substitute "Jew" with "Jap". |
71 | Godel's ontological proof A formal argument for the existence of God proposed by mathematician Kurt Godel. Covered slightly in ontological argument. |
112 | Illumicorp video hoax. An INCREDIBLY well done hoax/parody showing an Illuminati training video. Although the video producer admitted it was a joke a while back, it still is being touted as real by conspiracy whackers that didn't quite get the message. This could be its own article, or an add-on to our current Illuminati article. |
65 | On our militia movement page, we ought to have a mention of Norman Olson, considering how influential he was to the movement. |
106 | [14] Raw for BeautyCreate draft: Social media's answer to NaturalNews and mercola.com. Essentially a hive of misinformation advocating raw foodism, nature woo, alternative medicine, and other bogus crap. Unfortunately, they're also extremely popular and, being a Facebook page, their claims spread like wildfire. |
75 | Argan oil, apparently increasing in popularity to cure all skin/nail/hair ailments. I encountered it on a Dutch website where it is touted as `miracle cure' and `liquid gold', with `positive effects never seen before' ... all of which are supposed to be `scientific proven' (the louder it says that...the bigger the chance it's woo). Yet, perhaps there is some (kernel of) truth here? |
106 | Health Impact NewsCreate draft - a woo-freindly, anti-vaxxer promoting site, only a few rungs above NaturalNews. Also has articles such as "Intelligent Design vs. Scientism" (sic) and "More Evidence of Scientism as Religion." Website |
70 | Campbell's law - States that introducing definite criteria (often quantitative) into a decision-making process can make it easier to game the system, and so degrade the quality of decisions made based on those criteria. |
108 | getoutofdebtfree.orgCreate draft deserves a fisking of its "methods" (e.g. "common law" copyrighting of your name), or at least a section in the suitable article, whichever it is. (Prompted by someone linking to RW in their forum and the assertion that they are not FOTL; please don't touch this unless you have a good understanding of (pseudo)law) |
74 | Ripoff Report, a consumer complaints website whose owner and operator is somewhat paranoid and which is sometimes accused of being an extortion racket. |
140 | Vicious cycle - I've heard some people making arguments involving vicious cycles being falsely accused of making circular arguments. |
76 | Adrenal fatigue, a made-up condition that alt med practitioners use to blame general aches and fatigue on a failing of the adrenal gland. |
68 | The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH). Orac calls these guys a "questionable science-based organization". They're staunchly anti-smoking and anti-hysteria (particularly when it comes to food scares), but they also have a definite axe to grind and it's hard to say how trustworthy they are. They call themselves a "consumer education consortium," and are funded by various large corporations. SourceWatch article Added: See also the mess on Talk:Skepticism. |
67 | Decision theory, unless we have it merged somewhere. |
86 | Culture-bound syndromes: phenomena believed within a culture to be diseases, but which are completely unknown outside of that culture, suggesting psychological rather than physiological origin. An example would be fan death, the belief that sleeping in a room with a running fan can be fatal, which is widespread in both North and South Korea but unheard of elsewhere. |
76 | Socionics. Fad pop-psychology butchery of MBTI, which is itself suspect, but this takes it up to eleven. Popular in Eastern Europe. |
134 | Last Ounce of Courage. A hilarious fundamentalist Christian/right-winger propaganda film in which the child of a dead war vet returns to his home town and finds that evil libruls are trying to ban Christmas. Who knew that the ACLU possessed either the will or the capability to get students expelled for keeping a Bible in their lockers or force a church not to display a cross! And did we mention the only non-white character in the entire movie is the evil librul ACLU lawyer? |
78 | Dendritic cells, a possible legitimate alternative to chemotherapy that currently has a lot of woo and quackery around it. |
65 | The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. "Christian organization proclaims the complementary differences between men and women who share equally in the image of God." Site |
65 | Gordon Klingenschmitt deserves an entry alongside his fundie colleagues. |
64 | Ted Patrick Self taught anti-cult 'deprogrammer' whose methods include kidnapping, and activities that border on torture. |
76 | The Association of Mature American Citizens a.k.a. AMAC: A wingnut version of the AARP, apparently created as response to the AARP being too liberal for supporting the funding of Medicare and Obamacare. The site itself runs several clogs, with the main one being about Obamacare. The fact that Glenn Beck promotes it is a telling sign. |
81 | American religions: Mormonism; Unitarian Universalism; the AME; the Seventh Day Adventists; Megachurches; Jesus Freaks; Jehovah's Witnesses. While we have articles on most of these things separately, I would love to read a decent history of the development of all of these uniquely American churches, something that ties together the dynamics -- historical, cultural, and theological, that make America such rich soil for people with new ideas about what God wants. |
80 | The so-called liberal paradox (think classical liberal), a paradox in political philosophy with some interesting implications for real-life socio-political problems. |
140 | Dave DaubenmireCreate draft Raging homophobic, wingnut, asshole extraordinaire who defends Fred Phelps on several occasions, and not only openly advocates bullying gays, but says not being allowed to bully them is a form of bullying against Christians. Also a true believer of CHEMTRAILS. |
132 | Peter RagnarCreate draft This crank has been around so long it's amazing we DON'T have an article on him. Chi, magnet woo, pseudoscience, and claims to be able to achieve age reversal through breathing techniques. No, really. |
62 | Larry Summers, who was freakishly close to becoming the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve. |
120 | Lindsey Graham. One of the loudest wingnut voices in the Senate on social issues, though he manages to have stopped clock moments on issues such as global warming and torture. |
68 | The wishy-washiness behind "free-market environmentalism" (ie. PERC, which openly criticized Bush on his green policies yet still gave the status quo answer.) |
70 | Washington Monument Syndrome: Because the only way Americans will pay for the things they like is to threaten cutting them. |
78 | The Department of Education, which, before Obamacare, was the GOP's Great Satan. |
134 | The Liz LibraryCreate draft ([15]), edited by "holistic lawyer" Liz Kates which denies confabulations, supports recovered memory therapy, states that women who support the concept of false memories and the sex industry deserve to be raped. |
75 | How do we not have an article on Nylonase? It's the greatest proof of evolution! |
78 | Sex-selective abortion. |
166 | Predatory lending. |
111 | Yellow fever, the phenomenon of reactionary white men preying on Asian women under a misguided belief that they're submissive and feminine, as versus western women they believe to be "infected by feminism". This is quite a prominent issue in feminist and social justice circles; Asian-American feminists really hate it. |
70 | The death of Savita Halappanavar, or "How the Catholic Church began to be irrelevant in the Republic of Ireland." |
66 | Considering our addiction to sci-fi, the Prime Directive (as a section of Star Trek or in a separate article). The principle of complete non-intervention in the internal affairs of less technologically-advanced civilizations could be prophetic in the years to come, and should be skeptically analyzed. |
91 | Progressive conservative - no, not a oxymoron, and actually still exist in some pockets outside the US. (Also, movement conservative.) |
140 | Occidental Dissent, Stuff Black People Don't LikeCreate draft, and the Vanguard News Network. As white supremacist sites, these are second pretty much only to Stormfront in terms of prominence, or at least far more popular than something like Jew Watch, so there's no excuse for having an article on that but not them. |
127 | Revelation RoadCreate draft - a two-part Christian post-Rapture film, in the vein of Left Behind. |
68 | Expand the Kosovo War article into a full take on the Yugoslav Wars. Everything is related to the mission: war crimes, communism, ethnic nationalism, religious fundamentalism, etc. |
66 | Zahi Hawass, good fun because of his utter arrogance and corruption. Egyptian woo-merchants all seem to be very proud of their excellent relations with this villain. |
88 | The notion of dimensions, which has become a woo-magnet for people uneducated in physics. |
61 | Lewis Terman, notable for developing much of mainstream evolutionary psychology and the modern IQ test, and for concluding that women were disinclined to seek work in intellectual fields because they faced systematic discrimination. (Mexicans and blacks, on the other hand...) |
81 | Sex differences in humans: Is a specific gender genetically inclined to read/do maths better? Have better physical strength? Be more emotional or aggressive? etc. |
84 | Henry VIII, for creating an entire religious sect so he could marry six wives, and Edward VIII, who was one step to creating the most dangerous constitutional crisis of the modern era. |
67 | The Enabling Act - the most recognizable proof of the importance of an effective judiciary in democracy. |
44 | Searchlight, British anti-fascist magazine. |
123 | Laura EisenhowerCreate draft - see http://americanloons.blogspot.com/2013/07/644-laura-magdalene-eisenhower.html |
61 | Roger Pielke Jr., part of the Judith Curry group of denialist apologetics who think that taking action on global warming is "politicizing science." |
74 | We don't have a full debunking of El Rushbo's Annual Thanksgiving story? For shame. The free market always wins. |
138 | The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and SecretsCreate draft and/or Barbara G. Walker; Amazon.com link to the book. The Britannica of feminist woo. |
61 | The Euston Manifesto and Spiked, two unusual mutations of the UK left that swung to the right post-9/11 (Eustoners typically supporting the Iraq War against the Galloway types, Spiked a quasi-libertarian whinefest). Representatives of both typically write for The Telegraph, Standpoint and Spectator. |
139 | Rabbi Moshe AverickCreate draft should have his own page, just for all the sexist, bigoted, racist stuff he's spewed in his little column at The Algemeiner. [16] |
159 | Transhumanist theoristsCreate draft, a catch-all of all the more popular nutters. (Especially Ronald Bailey, a Reasonoid who doesn't really understand liberal theory.) |
63 | The Burakumin, an oppressed minority group that, sadly, most people have never heard of. Also evidence against racial realism - they regularly test 15 IQ points below the Japanese mainstream, but are the same genetically. |
67 | David Suzuki, a zoologist and environmentalist. (Second time requested) |
64 | Symphony of Science since it stands quite hard for rationality and science |
45 | Ernest Becker. Here is his website. Author of Denial of Death. |
65 | Thilo Sarrazin, who believes that Jews are genetically superior than Arabs, and that the solution to integrating Muslims is to halt all immigration and cut off their state benefits. (Oh, he's also a popular eurosceptic German Social Democrat, because Germany.) |
110 | Geomancy, the art and "science" of predicting the future by tossing and then interpreting dirt. May be confused with Feng Shui, which is sometimes also called "Geomancy" |
46 | We have articles about Andrew Weil and Dr. Oz, so why not write one about Dean Ornish? [17] Orac |
71 | Sulforaphane, an experimental cancer drug (found in many vegetables) being touted as a cancer cure by CAM promoters. Naturalnews |
47 | Gottlob Frege could use a page. He may have been one of the founders of analytical philosophy, but he was also a raging Nazi. |
68 | The hilarious Project A119, or the "nuke the moon" plan, which still ushers conspiracy theories today. |
42 | Ingrid Rimland, former Nazi hunter and current Holocaust denier, as well as a pal of Ernst Zundel's. |
73 | Simon Wiesenthal, the Nazi hunter, and his Simon Wiesenthal Center. |
129 | William BengstonCreate draft, a sociologist who claims he can cure cancer by waving his hands, thus doing... something with energy. [18] [19] [20][21] |
127 | Dennis SewellCreate draft, who has drunken the Hitler and evolution/scientism kool-aid to the point that he believes that the British welfare state iseugenics in disguise. Seriously. |
41 | "Unfunded liabilities," a term misused by certain ideologues and think tanks to inflate the US debt burden multiple times than what is currently estimated. (So privatize pensions and Medicare now!) |
47 | We should have an article on holistic dentistry. |
62 | Manchukuo, Japanese puppet state in Manchuria, 1931-1945. P.S.: We've already got Vichy France. |
44 | The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, or how Japan "wanted" to "liberate" Asia during WW2. |
151 | The October Surprise conspiracy theory, or how Ronald Reagan supposedly won the presidency in 1980. |
46 | Gavin Menzies, who promotes the idea that the Chinese got to America before Colombus. Fu Sang or 1421 theory might be better titles. |
40 | Van Jones, if you still remember him. |
41 | This looks like an awfully fun website to add to our media section. (American Vision) |
128 | La Griffe du LionCreate draft, the pseudonym of a (pseudo)sociologists beloved by white nationalists, the "human biodiversity" crowd, and other assorted racist nutters. [22] |
127 | Vincent CheungCreate draft, yet another sociopath Calvinist with a god complex. |
40 | The faith healer João Teixeira de Faria, known to his followers as John of God, particularly now that Oprah did a special on him. |
44 | Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, a Romanian politician who founded the Iron Guard, an extremist far-right political movement. |
149 | There's No TomorrowCreate draft, a 30-minute animation on peak oil. Add legitimate criticism of infinite growth forever and some environmentalism with fair amounts of poorly-masked Rotschild conspiracy and survivalism (especially towards the end). Their site, with the video. |
82 | The liberal arts/humanities; a stock pet peeve of right-wingers—but are they truly as useless as said right-wingers claim they are? |
38 | The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, an organisation with a journal and website (worldhealth.net). Worldhealth.net apparently has a group promoting orthomolecular medicine as a partner. Their forum seems to reference NaturalNews frequently and there's a thread by a doctor which bashes HFCS, GMO foods, and aspartame. Review on about.com |
42 | Quo Vadis?, Henryk Sienkiewicz's famous pro-Christianity novel. |
88 | Thor Heyerdahl, known for his Kon Tiki expedition and his theories of Polynesian migration. |
46 | We need an article on the emergency managers being used in Michigan. There's hardly a more authoritarian position in American government. They have no real oversight, and they can do whatever they want to the city, regardless of the will of the people or their elected officials. They're essentially mini-dictators installed to control townships. |
97 | Joyce Meyer; yet another televangelist who begs for money from her followers under the ostensible penalty of God's disfavor and spends it on private jets and Mercedes-Benzes. |
73 | Boiling frog — particularly the idea that introducing beliefs or political measures gradually is likely to meet less resistance than doing so abruptly. |
40 | Richard Swinburne, one of the more sophisticated apologists. |
65 | We need an article on Morris Berman. |
66 | Fathers' rights, a movement related with the MRAs but much much more mainstream. |
46 | The Robin Williams movie Patch Adams. While it doesn't directly push pseudoscience, it pushes an attitude and pseudoskepticism towards medical science indistinguishable from most alternative medicine promoters. |
81 | Chemical castration, increasingly considered as a crime policy. |
66 | We don't have an article on general Misanthropy yet? For shame... |
78 | Arab — currently a fork page, but we should have an article. Arab ethnic & cultural identity is pretty important in Middle Eastern politics (e.g. the Arab League, Arab Spring, Pan-Arabism), plus there are a few misconceptions to be debunked (e.g. it's not synonymous with Islam). Plus it would complement our articles on other ethnic groupings (caucasians, black people, Jews, Native Americans). |
40 | Tim Ferriss, perennial slinger of high expectations of success for low effort in works such as The Four Hour Workweek and The Four Hour Body. |
163 | Hurricane Sandy denialismCreate draft. Yes, this is a real thing, I kid you not. Hell, we have an articlededicated JUST to the hurricane. You know, the cocktail of conspiracy theories, global warming denialism, and just general Congressional vileness. |
73 | The taxonomic clusterfuck that is the Ediacaran biota. (Aliens and creationists, anyone?) |
94 | The argument used by racists that George Washington Carver stole his ideas from Edmund Ruffin should be debunked if possible. |
42 | The disgrace to civilized society that is Mark Steyn. |
44 | We tend to mention Roger Ebert a lot around here. |
164 | Missing Universe MuseumCreate draft (http://missinguniversemuseum.com). Found this retarded YEC website by way of Something Awful. |
162 | Dr Brad HarrubCreate draft of Focus Press and YouTube. A Ph.D. 'scientist' who only seems to do Christian apologetics |
150 | The utterly terrifying duumvirate of reactionary state representatives, Charles DavidsonCreate draft and Charles FuquaCreate draft Both of them support slavery and theocracy. In the 21st century, I might point out. |
40 | The born alive rule, an interesting little bugger. |
41 | Warren Farrell, top MRA and pedo defender. This extensive series of reviews may be good for cribs. |
37 | Oryx and Crake - together with its sequel, The Year of the Flood, in which Margaret Atwood shows a near-future dystopian view of bio-technology and religious eco-activists. Move over, Handmaid's Tale, you need bringing up to date with a whiff of cyberpunk. |
37 | Halos, another art staple that Christianity totally ripped off. |
38 | Sheldon Adelson - single largest private donor in history... all 8 of the candidates he backed lost, costing him some $50 million. |
63 | Consumer Reports - The magazine that on occasion exposes woo. |
75 | Long Island Medium - |
42 | Michael Moore Hates America. The title implies that the film consists of an angry wingnut ranting about Moore being a commie and verbally-fellating George W. Bush, but interestingly, the film isn't really anything like that. It's tone is actually very collected and sensible, and most of its criticisms of Moore are valid. Not all people who criticise liberalism are like Limbaugh and Coulter. |
60 | History of atheism/freethinking/agnosticism etc., rather than just a lowly stub. Also Ibn al-Rawandi. |
107 | Naomi Wolf. |
164 | Scaremongering "documentary" The Demographic WinterCreate draft. |
82 | Ordo Templi Orientis. Transformed by Aleister Crowley into an anti-Christian Horus-worshipping cult, this secret society is basically Freemasonrymeets Wicca. It's this, by the way, and not Freemasonry and Wicca, that paranoid fundies should actually be concerned about. |
40 | beliefnet (lower case), a blogging site composed of erudite fuzzy-mindedness, much-referenced in RW articles. |
82 | Spanish American War and/or the Philippines War. The parallels with the Iraq War are uncanny and disgraceful. Never forget. |
44 | Aurangzeb: Thanks a lot for taking the most then-advanced civilization on earth and setting back Middle Eastern and Indian civilization for several centuries, you fundamentalist jerk. |
173 | PowerLungCreate draft, Elevation Training Mask and similar knockoff products. Could all be in one article. Woo products claiming to exercise your lungs and diaphragm and simulate higher altitudes. Actually they are just expensive ways to breathe through a straw. |
73 | An article specifically on Omission bias. Prevalent and potent poison to human thinking. |
38 | Admiral Hyman G. Rickover. Made the United States Navy, especially the nuclear submarine/aircraft carrier components, what they are today. While he has a ginormous skeptic and extremely critical of the 'blindly follow procedure' mentality that infects the technical departments of militaries, his interest to RationalWiki is that his program was SO successful that much like TJ he inadvertently locked both U.S. commercial and military fission nuclear power firmly into suboptimal pseudoengineering. Why does the United States use light water, partial or completely pressured, highly enriched 2nd-gen nuclear reactors with as much operator-input as possible even though there are better models and methods of maintaining them? Because Rickover's legacy, that's why. |
181 | PseudoengineeringCreate draft. As opposed to out-and-out pseudoscience, pseudoengineering is a method of engineering that uses sound scientific principles but poor engineering practices that can't be justified via cost or time excuses and are usually motivated by politics or pluralistic ignorance. The Strategic Defense Initiative is a prime example of pseudoengineering. |
197 | Military worship hysteriaCreate draft. Distinct though related to the military woo suggestion below. The tendency for society to be reluctant to criticize soldiers and military personnel because military. |
62 | Paul Johnson. British triumphalist historian who pushes American exceptionalism as far as it can go without getting into pseudohistory. I've had more than one history teacher/professor push him as the conservative counterpart to Zinn. |
223 | Warranted conspiracy theoriesCreate draft both as a category (for things like the Reichstag fire, COINTEL Pro, Henry Knox's Sons of Liberty, etc.) and explaining how they differ from garden-variety conspiracy theories. Currently a not-very-useful redirect to conspiracy theory. Write a proper article if you want to mark this one "closed". |
165 | Lynn AndrewsCreate draft, a shaman healer and mystic who peddles all sorts of falsehoods. Her webshite |
45 | David Hart. He's this theologist who attacked new wave atheists such as Dawkins and then defined God as: "an absolute plenitude of actuality". |
48 | An article on state legislative bills intended to push creationism, especially the shitload that have been proposed since the beginning of legislative sessions in 2011 |
40 | Mata Amritanandamayi aka 'The Hugging Saint' with a bizarre cult of personality. |
132 | George Orwell's Politics and the English Language, arguably the best anti-bullshit guide there is. |
40 | The value added tax aka. sales tax, consumption tax, Pigovian tax, yadda yadda... |
73 | The Medieval Warm Period. Proof that global warming is fake! |
40 | Jerry Boykin, for any number of reasons but especially because of his recent role in the Huma Abedin debacle |
60 | I've been meaning to do this for a while: write an article on vertebrates. There's at least one red link to "invertebrate" (in the mollusc article), and we need to have something good on the "unbridgable gap" between something without a backbone and something with. Helpful link. |
82 | The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), anyone? It's unambiguously homophobic, exhibits rampant double-standards in regards to male and female sexuality as well as sex and violence, and refuses to conclusively reveal who it is composed of, among other things. We might as well have a page on the documentary that points all this out, This Film is Not Yet Rated, too. |
71 | Esoteric breast massage, an actual alt-med therapy.[23][24][25][26][27][28] |
43 | Mary Daly. Wrote about misogyny in the Roman Catholic Church and organized religion in general, but also subscribed to lesbian separatist utopia fantasies. |
108 | If anyone here can speak Portuguese, please enlighten us on the antics of Josue YrionCreate draft. |
48 | Ageism |
90 | Solyndra! It's the new ACORN and part of the eco-fascist conspiracy! Run! |
40 | Christopher Horner, who's quite butthurt over James Hansen. |
40 | Margaret McBride, excommunicated for allowing an abortion on a woman who would have died should she have remained pregnant |
44 | RW, I am disappoint. Why no Ernst Haeckel? |
126 | Gay adoption is a civil rights issue that currently redirects to same-sex marriage. Might need a better title, like same-sex parenthood. |
43 | Feminists For Life arguably an oxymoron as it contains |
68 | Jihad Watch, one of Breivik's enablers |
92 | Hippotherapy? |
191 | We have an article for Audio woo, why not Video wooCreate draft? |
47 | Paul Cameron - anti-gay loony and "expert" used by American Family Association |
70 | Origin of deluvian myths. There are flood myths from around the world, not just the Noachid one. Creationists unsurprisingly jump on this as "proof" the Deluge was global. |
41 | For our economics fans, Dutch disease. |
37 | British People's Party: this lot, another bunch of white supremacists. Allied with World Union of National Socialists (maybe they need an article too). |
70 | The awesome developments at Vostok Station probably merit an article. It even has its own Hitler conspiracy. |
44 | All this talk of the Higgs boson reminds me of Marietta Higgs, a dodgy UK paediatrician who promoted some dubious diagnostic technique to do with poking kid's bums and seeing how much their sphincter dilated, as an indicator of whether child abuse had occurred. This led to a great many children been taken away from their parents and a general scandal. It was also tied to general ballyho about alleged ritual child abuse in the Orkney islands and something sinister to do with Thomas the Tank Engine. Thoroughly Bad Medicine. |
73 | The Baby Tooth Survey, which lead to several environmental regulations |
80 | An analysis and description of deprogramming |
47 | Nexus Magazine. It's a vast collection of conspiracy theories, alt medicine, stories from readers about "what is really going on", and of course, ads selling just about every crank product you can imagine. A good example of Crank magnetism, I thought it should have an article. |
68 | Income inequality was already requested below - why not the Gini coefficient? |
126 | Sinéad O'Connor, a perfect example of how the Roman Catholic Church can still psychologically destroy the life of someone who tried to speak the truth to the ignorant majority. |
62 | Henry Hyde, one of the most heartless figures (and that's saying something) in the history of the GOP. |
194 | Guide to the Book of MormonCreate draft. |
62 | Bright green environmentalism. |
67 | DSHEA, the Dietary supplement health and education act of 1994, which regulates what claims supplement/alternative medicine medicine products can make. Also codified the unregulated nature of supplements. |
74 | Depression, especially the purported connection it has with atheism and liberalism and everything else. |
76 | Hipsters. |
48 | Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian cultural practice appropriated by woosters. In its wooish incarnation, it was allegedly able to "heal a ward of mentally ill criminals".[29] Endorsed by Law of Attraction proponent Joe Vitale. |
55 | I think someone should make an article on the Congo, considering how utterly devastating that war was and how few people in the First World know about it. |
171 | Considering most of the guys at RationalWiki are a bunch of sex-deprived assholes, it's shocking we haven't written on Karen Stollznow, Kylie Sturgess, Catherine Deveny, Jennifer Ouellette, Rachael Dunlop, Susan Blackmore, Vicki Hyde, Iszi LawrenceCreate draft, Rebecca Watson, and the Skepchicks yet. |
212 | Microbes on the ArkCreate draft. Nothing on Noah and the amoeba? |
68 | A look at infanticide, the pro-lifers' main snarl word. |
163 | Source FieldCreate draft - not the sane version, but the cracktastic one, with capitals. |
45 | The Health and Social Care Bill, David Cameron and co.'s attempt to reform the NHS. It has the wonderful status of having zero support by the medical establishment, who are sure it's a mass privatization scheme. |
63 | Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, the 2005 landmark case on banning inappropriate video games to children without parental supervision. Assfly and the PTC went on a tirade when it didn't go their way. |
68 | The Setsuden movement, basically Earth Hour on steroids (and more effective) in the wake of Fukushima. |
84 | Cold-EEZE, as in that new common cold medication. Not sure what to think of this: it says it's homoeopathic but also approved by physicians. Is this just the placebo effect or what? I'm not sure. |
168 | Mississippi personhood amendmentCreate draft. Now that it's over and done with, I'm shocked nobody's done anything on it. Good thing the voters realized that zygotes don't give a shit about much. |
61 | John Cook, the evangelical owner of award-winning climate denial-debunker Skeptical Science. Yes, you heard that right. |
83 | Do Not Open (2007 book). Provides a kind of an "at a glance" view of various pseudosciences and conspiracies (sans anti-allopathy), although it sometimes reads like an Ancient Aliens episode. |
44 | Might be relevant to FCC/censorship discussions: shock jock radio host Howard Stern. |
166 | David Evans and his organisation Science SpeakCreate draft - global warming denialist and conspiracy theorist wrapped up in one (http://za.news.yahoo.com/global-warming-global-domination-163100611.html) |
78 | Time zero, i.e. the time "before" the Big Bang. Not the Doctor Who thing. That is, use this article to discuss naturalistic hypotheses on the cause of the Big Bang. |
72 | Brominated flame retardants. |
168 | The Denisovans, as in the "Woman X" found in Siberia who may have inhabited the area throughout eastern Asia. |
37 | Gabriel's Revelation |
86 | The Black Sea deluge in 5400 BC. I've heard it may have had some relation to the origin of the myth of the Ark, despite being some 3000 years apart. |
161 | UrsuAdamsCreate draft ("Donnie" Adams), a Planet X-spinning YouTuber with a fixation on Neumayer Station. Recent hijinks include popularizing a fake picture of a "Heavy Mass Object" and accusing amateur astronomer Ian Musgrave of being a liar after Musgrave pointedoutthat the fake is actually 'shopped from one of his pictures. |
48 | We need an article specifically on organized religion. That or I need to stop playing Civ4. |
40 | The Science Wars - Science (and Alan Sokal) vs. postmodern drivel. (Note: This is not the same thing as the War on Science.) |
45 | The ousting of secular, pro-Western Mohammad Mosaddegh, one of the dumbest foreign policy decisions ever made. |
41 | Groups like Veterans for Peace, the moral opposite of Chickenhawks. |
40 | Patrick Moore (environmentalist), founder-turned-critic of Greenpeace and staunchly anti-science. |
36 | R. Joseph Hoffmann, an "unbelieving" scholar of theology who has attracted recent attention for blog posts flinging dung at the New Atheists, but whose history of suck goes back much further. |
70 | Popular science advocate Jim Al-Khalili! Still waiting for him to eat his shorts. |
75 | Standard & Poor's, Given how much they have been in the news recently... |
170 | Victor SenchenkoCreate draft author of Revelations of a Human Space Navigator (no, it's not science fiction) and an atheist |
184 | Leslie KeaneCreate draft - Reporter who wrote a book on UFOs. Poses as a moderate, but is fundamentally a kook. |
162 | Medical Hypotheses - Controversial non-peer-reviewed journal taken over by quacks, mostly of the anti-vax and AIDS denialist stripes. |
184 | Richard 'Brad'shaw Watson IICreate draft and his Planet NestorCreate draft who managed to get a conference poster of his ( http://exep.jpl.nasa.gov/exep_exoMtgPosters.cfm / http://PlanetNestor.blogspot.com ) mentioned on the JPL NASA website |
135 | Viktor Grebennikov, insect-powered anti-gravity |
148 | Two suns or second sun - see http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=two+suns (one of the incarnations of Planet X/Nibiru claims) |
173 | Bahram KatiraiCreate draft (1948-2010), a Baha'i crank who claimed, among other things, that galaxies contain only one star (the rest of the stars of the Milky Way are actually planets, asteroids and clouds of dust reflecting sunlight) |
185 | John Lenard WalsonCreate draft, a guy who claims that he has made pictures of (alien) spaceships in Earth orbit with his telescope[30] (possibly known as GRIDKEEPER (channel) on YouTube) |
166 | XMRV (see ERV's coverage) |
180 | Wayne HerschelCreate draft, a South African crank author (website). Tried to hoax Above Top Secret and it backfired (just search for "Wayne Herschel hoax"). |
187 | John LearCreate draft - thinks that the Moon has atmosphere and aliens live there; wears a tin foil shako |
168 | Aztec UFO hoax, relevant to the "FBI memo" that recently made headlines[31] (no, it was not about Roswell) See wp:Frank Scully. |
181 | Roberto DeMatteiCreate draft, President of Italian National Research Council and a complete wingnut: japanese tzunami is god's terrible yet benevolent voice, Roman Empire failed due to homosexuals and Eden is an historical reality. |
59 | Exclusive Brethren, an Australian Christian fundamentalist sect [32] |
47 | Saint Michael's World Apostolate - some lady in New York had visions from Jesus and Mother Mary about current (then) world events. They now have newsletters and send you a blessed rose petal if you are interested. |
80 | Manly Palmer Hall, a mystic Freemason author[33] Deserves a mention at least because of his name. :) |
175 | Colleen ThomasCreate draft, a possibly mentally ill woman who has made a variety of nutty claims, including that Obama is an alien lizard[34]. Russia Today saw fit to interview her. |
47 | Peter Watts border incident - Police brutality, mysteriously disappearing tapes, and the heinous crime of not falling down quickly enough, all on the US border. Why have an article on the incident? Because authoritarianism is one of our targets, and this is a notable incident. |
45 | Rage Reduction therapy - just read this rage-inducing summary at Science-Based Medicine |
177 | Universe - the Cosmology QuestCreate draft, apparently a documentary about scientists who think the Big Bang theory is wrong. This goes right with the anti-science part of our mission. You can watch it here. |
45 | Conspiracy of Silence - a documentary pushed by some conspiracy theorists as "proof," needs a good |
42 | Dore - festering scum peddling autism woo. Press release. |
75 | megabrain store A virtual store that sells a lot of woo products |
41 | Allison DuBois - The real, not the fictional character. She claims that she has psychic abilities |
164 | EOC InstituteCreate draft [35] |
106 | Rhema - weird-arse fundie sect founded by Kenneth Hagin. Anyone from Perth, Western Australia will have encountered these loons. |
32 | Sue Lowden - Thinks we should lower health care costs by bartering with our doctors. |
46 | Kevin B. MacDonald - professor specializing in evolutionary psychology who appears to have gone off the deep end |
50 | Gene Duplication - Extreme pwnage against those claiming mutation can't add data. |
170 | Edward BabinskiCreate draft - interesting-looking blogger who moved from fundamentalism to agnosticism.[36] and [37] might be useful. |
63 | Aga Khan - leader of a sect of 20 millions Muslims, deserves a page. |
61 | Terra Preta a two-in-one carbon sink and sustainable fertilizer. |
190 | David SewellCreate draft - mastermind behind PRATTs like this and this; author of books such as The Political Gene: How Darwin's Ideas Changed Politics |
201 | AculifeCreate draft, Help strengthen your health with the latest ancient technology!Aculife strengthens the immune system against Hypertension, Insomnia, Fatigue, Asthma, Ulcers, Hemorrhoids, High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism, Muscle Pain and many more common ailments. The Aculife is compact and lightweight enough to be taken virtually anywhere. You can even treat simple ailments like stiff aching backs, muscles and neck from travel or strenuous workouts. |