RationalWiki:Main Page Redesign Proposal

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In the 119 years since Einstein's annus mirabilis transformed our view on the physical world, much has been written about his Theory of Relativity. Little of it, however, is quite anything like what has been written on Conservapedia.

The sysops at Conservapedia are concerned about a link between scientific relativity (special and general relativity) and moral relativism, even though they have nothing whatsoever in common other than the word "relativity." Based on this comically misguided premise, and perhaps their mistrust of science in general (derived from their opposition to the biological theory of evolution), they attempt to denigrate the science of relativity as part of their agenda against moral relativism. As a result, the Theory of Relativity article at Conservapedia is riddled with incorrect interpretations, distortions of fact, out-of-context quotes from scientists and scientific journals, and elementary errors.

This article chronicles the truly bizarre arguments that have been raised against relativity on Conservapedia.

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