be·lief (noun); 1. An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. ["his belief in the value of hard work"] 2. Trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. ["a belief in democratic politics"] Synonyms: faith, trust, reliance, confidence, credence ["belief in the existence of God"].
as·sump·tion (noun) 1. A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. ["they made certain assumptions about the market"] Synonyms: supposition, presumption, belief, expectation, conjecture, speculation, surmise, guess, premise, hypothesis, etc. ["we assume that we exist"]
Some strange things I believe in:[edit]
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
- Mormonism
- String Theory
- Bayesian probability
- Pascal's Wager
- Simulation hypothesis
- Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- Communism
Some less strange things I believe in:[edit]
Some things that don't go anywhere else[edit]
- Bias
- Asperger's
- This website: (inactive)
What I plan to do here:[edit]
Mostly edit articles on philosophy, technology, and Mormonism
Who I am[edit]
I was an atheist (I don't stress was too much here) since I was five and I am now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormon theology is more in line with methodological naturalism than one might think. Mormonism is pro-science. It makes predictions that are falsifiable, like in science. It seems to be winning if you look up the X mtDNA haplogroup and Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon.
Mormonism is more on the line of Polydeism in that we may become gods ourselves, just like God (or, Elder Elohim, as I sometimes prefer to call Him) did when He was a man on some other planet (or dimension). Kolob is simply the nearest star/planet to the throne of God, which could be on Kolob directly or not. I swear this isn't as crazy as believing that God is a three-in-one amorphous blob that exists everywhere and yet still lets children die of starvation. See God in Mormonism.
Epicurus and Nietzsche my most-studied philosophers. I am a Platonist and I believe that truth is necessarily unknowable unless it is abstract truth (logic). This is something akin to the idea that we may be living in a matrix. It's impossible to assert absolute truth in a correspondence value of truth since we can't know if reality is real. Some apologists claim that because they can make up a tautology (how do you know you don't know) that this means for some reason knowledge is objective and Jesus died and was resurrected for three days and by the way if you don't believe in him you go to an eternal torture chamber for ever. God doesn't love everyone with the Problem of Hell paradox; Hell is temporary in Judaism and Mormonism for a reason - it's not so unreasonable for it to be true.
Anything is more reasonable than apostate Christianity. Just look up the Trinity if that isn't believable.
Some bullshit[edit]
Style over substance Pseudoscience |
Popular pseudosciences |
Random examples |
The divine comedy Creationism |
Running gags |
Jokes aside |
Blooper reel |
Evolutionism debunkers |
Dolphins and Money New Age |
Cosmic concepts |
Spiritual selections |
Against allopathy Alternative medicine |
Clinically unproven |
Woo-meisters |
Some dare call it Conspiracy |
What THEY don't want you to know! |
Sheeple wakers |
It's fun to pretend Paranormal |
Fails from the crypt |
The woo is out there UFOlogy |
Aliens did it... |
...and ran away |
Cogito ergo sum Logic and rhetoric |
Key articles |
General logic |
Bad logic |
Poetry of reality Science |
We must know. We will know. |
A view from the shoulders of giants. |
Preach to the choir Religion |
Crux of the matter |
Speak of the devil |
An act of faith |