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See the main article for this category, Scam.


Icon scam.svg
A scam occurs when a con artist — a scammer — uses deceit to deprive a "mark", or targeted victim, of money and/or property. In most cases, a scam constitutes fraud, which is a felony. However, there are some business practices that are not illegal per se, but are often frowned upon by government watchdogs like the Federal Trade Commission (you can find those either here or under Category:Consumer issues. Depending on what type of person you ask, these practices are either the sign of "good salesmanship" or of a "shady business." Successful scams require that scammers have higher-than-normal levels of immorality — not to mention the ability to produce copious amounts of bullshit on the fly.

Best-edited articles in the "Scams" category


This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.







Pages in category "Scams"

The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.