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List of predictions of the end of the world

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The end of the world is near.
Some dare call it
Icon conspiracy.svg
What THEY don't want
you to know!
Sheeple wakers
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Jesus, according to Matthew 24:35-36
"The world [will] end"
"Yeah. People keep saying that, but it never seems to happen."
—"Watchmen" - Nick Cuse and Damon Lindelof

There's always been good business predicting the end of the world. The "end" of the "world" is pretty badly defined by most supernatural predictions. The rapture, for instance, is really just the beginning of the end, and signals civilization being sent back to the Stone AgeWikipedia for a bit. During all this The Chosen are whisked up to heaven. Meanwhile, predictions of the end of the world in 2012 were wide-ranging, from a comet just tearing Earth in half (the rest of the universe spinning on as usual) to the complete and total end of everything ever. The latter is less scary because it's not like anything will be around afterwards to care.

In the case of some of the science-based predictions for how the universe will go on according to our knowledge of physics, there's no "end" as such. Matter and energy still exist, but in their lowest energy and most uniform state: the rub being that this state precludes the interactions needed to produce emergent structures. This includes stars, planets, and intelligent entities capable of experiencing the universe.

Here are some examples, with the predicted date of the end of all things.

Unspecified date

When the world is going to end it's a good idea to have a timetable of what will happen. Do not miss the last lunch and last supper. Both will be BBQ.
I saw one, one time, that said, "The next week, the world is ending." And in the next week's paper, they said, "We were miraculously saved at the zero hour by a koala-fish mutant bird." Crazy shit.
Tabloid-reading customer in Clerks
  • Zoroastrianism claims that the end of the world will happen when a comet, called Gochihr, strikes the earth. It will cause all the world's metals to melt and will burn up the world. At the same time, sinners and the pious will pass through this river of molten metal. Sinners will have their sins burnt away and the pious will feel like they're "passing through warm milk."[1]
  • Norse myths say that Ragnarök will be the battle between the gods, killing all but two of the humans, who will then repopulate the earth.[2]
  • A number of scientific disasters have been suggested throughout the years. For example: epidemics,[3] various asteroids/comets, super-volcano eruptions,[4] and global warming. Note that these, like many other "end of world" predictions, would only be the end of humanity, or at most, of much/most/all life on Earth. The world itself would hardly notice the change.

1st century CE

4th century

  • Bishop and theologian Hilary of PoitiersWikipedia predicted the world would end in 365 CE. Hilary's name means cheerful.[6][7]
  • Hilary's disciple, the popular saint, cloak-wearer, and hammerer Martin of ToursWikipedia predicted the end would be around 400 CE.[7]

5th century

  • 500: In what's considered the first prediction involving round numbers in the Christian calendar (hence prefiguring a lot of Y2K bullshit), Hippolytus of RomeWikipedia (170-235 CE) used the dimensions of Noah's Ark and the idea of 1000-year days starting at the world's creation in 5500 BCE to predict Christ's coming in this year, writing in 234 CE. Sextus Julius Africanus had come up with something similar but without the same numerology.[8]

7th century

  • Muslims believed in the Qiyamah (Last Judgement) during which time Jesus[9] will come to earth, end all wars, and kill ad-Dajjal — the Muslim anti-Christ. Then every person who ever lived will be bodily resurrected, before being judged by God. The faithful go to heaven, and the rest to hell. Apparently there's also room for some "People of the Book," i.e. Jews and Christians, though hopefully there won't be any wars between the lot in heaven. Presumably God will actually do something to stop fighting within his heavenly realm, unlike on Earth, so that celestial wars would seem unlikely.

8th century

  • 800: Another prediction from Sextus Julius AfricanusWikipedia (c 160-c 240 CE), who had suggested 500 CE as an alternative.[10][11] If only he'd predicted the coronation of Charlemagne, which did occur on December 25, 800 CE, but same difference, yeah?

16th century

A little grandiose, eh?
  • Circa 1504: Painter Sandro Botticelli believed he was living during the End Times/TribulationWikipedia, according to an inscription on his painting The Mystical Nativity.
  • 1524: The Great Flood of 1524 was predicted for February 4 which would coincide with a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, predicted by several astrologers including Johann Stöffler in 1499 and Johannes Carion in 1521. It was popularised by a vast number of pamphlets in the early 16th century, which has led to it being described as the first mass-media panic in history. Many people feared the worst, building boats and moving to higher ground; nothing happened, and in London, where some of the most extreme panic had manifested, it didn't even rain.[12][13]
  • 1533: Michael Stifel, Judgement Day.[14] A common saying in German for PIDOOMA is to "calculate" or "talk a Stifel."[15]
  • 1583: Another Great Conjunction (of Saturn and Jupiter), especially auspicious as the last in a water sign for several hundred years, it nonetheless failed to presage the end of the world. The only consequence was Pope Sixtus V issuing a papal bull, Coeli et terrae, in January 1586, condemning astrological predictions.[16]
  • 1600 or before: Martin Luther was a keen student of the Book of Revelation, and predicted the end of the world was imminent, possibly within his lifetime (he died in 1546) and certainly by 1600.[17][18]

17th century

  • 1666: The presence of the Number of the Beast in this date meant many people assumed it would see the end of the world, with outbreaks of bubonic plague in the years before adding to millenarian feeling.[19] The Fifth MonarchistsWikipedia, a millenarian English sect that sprung up during the English Civil War, believed the world would end in 1666 or before. They were influential in the radical politics of the 1650s and tried to set up a council of saints to form the fifth monarchy (following the Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman) which they predicted would bring the end of the world, based on Daniel 2:37-44. But the Restoration of Charles II reduced their influence, and even plague and fire couldn't help.[20]
  • 1688: First prediction by mathematician and "wizard" John NapierWikipedia (1550-1617), another keen student of the Book of Revelation.[21]
  • 1697: First of many predictions by Puritan clergyman, scientist, and witchfinder Cotton MatherWikipedia, who later changed his prediction to 1736, 1716, and then 1717.[22]
  • 1700: Second prediction by mathematician and "wizard" John Napier.[21]

18th century

  • 1719: Jacob Bernoulli: a comet seen in 1680 would return and collide with the Earth.[23] Said comet hasn't been seen since.[24]
  • 1792: One of a few dates advanced by the Shakers, an 18th century Protestant apocalyptic sect.[25]

19th century

  • 1836: Various theologians including German theologian Johann Albrecht BengelWikipedia and Methodist John WesleyWikipedia suggested this year would see the start of the Millennium (1000 years of bliss), to be followed by 1000 years of rule by Satan and then Christ's Second Coming.[26]
  • 1843: The "Great Disappointment": William Miller predicts the end would come in 1843... then 1844... oh. His many thousands of followers reacted in different ways to his utter failure: some wised up and gave up on his predictions, while others became Seventh Day Adventists. They're still waiting. Still others became the Jehovah's Witlesses, who badly retconned Miller's prediction so they could claim it actually did happen, just not the way he predicted.
  • 1865: predicted by Edward Bishop Elliott, a Victorian Biblical scholar; he later revised this to 1941.[27][28]
  • 1867: John Cumming, a popular anti-Catholic clergyman who preached in Covent Garden, London, in the mid-19th century and wrote about 180 books, interpreted Biblical prophecies to predict the glorious end days would come around 1867.[29]
  • 1873: One of several predictions by the Adventist Jonas Wendell (1815-1873); this date was contained in his 1870 book The Present Truth, or Meat in Due Season; he had previously predicted the second coming in 1868.[30]
  • 1881: according to an 1862 edition of the prophecies of Mother Shipton, who allegedly wrote "The world to an end shall come, In eighteen hundred and eighty one."[31] (Seems she was no better at poetry than she was at prediction.)
  • 1890 or 1891: Native Americans involved in the Ghost DanceWikipedia movement[32][33]: All the whites are gonna die really soon!

20th century

Halley's Comet (1910) : the tail did not wag the dog
  • 1910: Halley's Comet's tail crosses the Earth and people think that the world will be gassed to death by cyanogen gas.[34] Mark Twain predicted that he would die when it arrived, and he passed on the day after its perihelion.[35]
  • 1914: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36] Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Bible Student movement which evolved into the Jehovah's Witnesses, predicted the destruction of all world governments in October 1914 (he believed Jesus had secretly returned and had been ruling the world since 1874).[37]
  • 1915: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36]
  • 1918: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36]
  • 1920: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36]
  • 1923: Wilbur Glenn Voliva: Flat Earth to end[38]
  • 1925: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36]
  • 1927: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[38]
  • 1930: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[38]
  • 1934: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[38][39]
  • 1935: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[38]
  • 1941: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36]
  • 1941: Victorian scholar Edward Bishop Elliott, based on his interpretation of the Book of Revelation, came up with this date after his earlier predictions in the 1860s proved untrue.[40]
  • 1969: Charles Manson predicted an apocalyptic race war would engulf the US in the summer of 69.[41]
  • 1975: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[36][42]
  • Mid-1970s: David Wilkerson: Worldwide economic depression.[43]
  • 1977: William Branham: Destruction of the U.S., termination of all governments into a world government, Second Coming.[44]
  • 1977: Pyramidologist Adam Rutherford: Beginning of the Millennium.[45]
  • 1978: Jim Jones took his cult with him.
  • 1979-1980: John Todd: Installation of a world government ruled by the Illuminati, with Jimmy Carter as the anti-Christ. Because...peanuts?
  • 1980: Pat Robertson: "A year of sorrow and bloodshed that will have no end soon, for the world is being torn apart, and my[46] kingdom shall rise from the ruins of it."
  • 1981: Hal Lindsey: Pre-tribulational rapture. Chuck SmithWikipedia founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, shared this view in a 1978 book.[47]
  • 1982: Pat Robertson: Great Tribulation.
  • 1982: R.E. McMaster: World War III and/or economic depression, based on cyclical theory.[48]
  • 1985: Pat Robertson: Worldwide economic collapse.
  • 1988: Hal Lindsey: Second Coming.
  • September 11-13, 1988: Edgar Whisenant: Second Coming.[49]
  • 1988: Colin Deal: Second Coming.[50]
  • 1989: Edgar Whisenant: Second Second Coming.[51]
  • 1990: Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Global thermonuclear war.
  • 1991: Louis Farrakhan: The looming Gulf War would be the "War of Armageddon which is the final war."
  • 1992 (September 28): Rollen Stewart: Second Coming.
  • 1992: Mission for the Coming Days: Second Coming.[52]
  • 1992: First end of the world prediction from collision with the Pleiades star cluster (a.k.a., "photon belt")
  • 1994: Harold Camping: Second Coming.[53]
  • 1994: Some Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[54]
  • 1997: Heaven's Gate: Earth changes and a UFO abduction coinciding with the Hale-Bopp comet. Mass suicide in the hopes of hitching a ride on said UFOs.
  • 1997: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[42]
  • 1998: The Church of the SubGenius: the Rupture. Every year on July 5th, they meet and party in reverence, certain that it will happen this year. (Recent writings have inverted the year to "8661.")
  • 1999: according to some interpretations of Nostradamus[55]
  • 1999: A now little-known collision with Planet X
  • August 18, 1999: Armageddon, according to Jeron "The Amazing Criswell" King [56]
  • 1999-2000: David Wilkerson: Worldwide economic depression.[57]
  • December 31, 1999: Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of GodWikipedia, a Ugandan millenarian Christian sect; after the failed prediction was exposed, the leaders brutally killed hundreds of their followers in March 2000.[58]
  • January 1, 2000: Y2K: Collapse of civilisation. Christian preachers in Papua New Guinea predicted the end.[59] Hal Lindsey failed on this one again.
  • May 5, 2000: Cataclysmic crust displacement predicted by Richard W. Noone, due to a combination of build-up of Antarctic ice and planetary alignment. We're lucky that the ice is melting.[60]

21st century

Harold Camping was a perennial favorite. Oopsie!
Skeptics trolling for the rapture
2007 (November 1): Mario will trigger a meltdown in a massive galaxy reactor and will cause the universe to turn into a freakish dual tornado and subsequently explode.
  • ≤2001: Cataclysmic crust displacement predicted by William Hutton.[61]
  • 2002 (December 8th): Survivalist Bruce Beach (of Ark Two fame) predicted it on a Penn & Teller: Bullshit! episode that was not aired until 2003.[62]
  • 2003: Mary 2003 was supposed to have Earth cataclysmically smash into Nibiru/Planet X, according to ZetaTalk.
  • 2005-2026: William Strauss and Neil Howe — a crisis period in the U.S. comparable in effect to the American Revolution, Civil War, and Great Depression/WWII.[63]
  • 2006 (September 12th): Yisrayl Hawkins, pastor and overseer of The House of Yahweh, predicted in his February 2006 newsletter that a nuclear war would begin on September 12th, 2006. [64]
  • 2007: Hal Lindsey — the Second Second Coming.
  • 2007: Pat Robertson — the Great Tribulation.
  • 2008 (whenever she dies): Sarah Palin's church believes that they are the "Final Generation" and will see the End Times during their lifetime.[65]
  • May 2008: Followers of Kuznetsov, 31 adults and 4 children (one 18 months old), went into a cave in Russia in November 2007 thinking they would be safe from an apocalypse occurring in the spring. Kuzentsov did not join them, was later committed and attempted suicide when some had left the cave in the spring. By the time all the followers had left the cave in the spring, two adults had died.[66]
  • 2008 (whenever it shuts down): The Large Hadron Collider will destroy the world with black holes, strangelets, or something similarly scary and science-y.[67] (You can keep up to date with whether this has happened yet here.[68])
  • 2009: David Wilkerson — Earth-shattering calamity engulfing the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America experiencing riots and blazing fires.[69]
  • 2010: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which existed from 1887 to 1903, predicted the world would end during this year.[70][71]
  • 2011: Harold Camping tries again — Third Second coming/rapture. May 21st, to be precise.[72] He put up billboards![73] Later postponed to October 21st, but again nothing came of it. Camping might hold on to the money people sent him if he weren't dead now, though he evidently blew a bundle on billboard advertisements.[74] though followers were encouraged to drain their savings for Camping's campaign funds and many are deeply disappointed.[75]
  • 2011: Ronald Weinland: Second Coming on the 29th of September. Strike one!
  • 2012: But of course! Un-naturally failed apocalypse, NASA pushed away space rock expected to hit in series of attempts to bombard asteroids in previous years.[76] (They even did this to the moon!) The following trail fell to/passed Earth in early 2013.[77] ;)
  • 2012: Ronald Weinland — Second Coming on the 27th of May. Strike two!
  • 2012: Last known end of the world prediction from collision with the Pleiades star cluster[citation needed]
  • 2012 (December 21st): Eastern Lightning cult predicted the end of the world.[78]
  • 2013: 2012 was just a warm up, the real bad stuff starts 2013 or something and it seems Isaac Newton predicted it.[79]
  • 2013: Ronald Weinland — Second Coming on the 9th of May. Strike three, you're out! (see 2019 for strike 4)
  • 2014 (February 22nd): Ragnarok — the end of the present world according to Norse mythology.[80]
  • 2014 (March 21st): Asteroid (143649) 2003 QQ47Wikipedia?[81]
  • 2014: World War III, another attempt to interpret Nostradamus's prophecy of a fire in the North for the reference of the end of the age of the fifth sun,[82] believed to be a specific Northern region of a country, current speculation is North Korea, as relative to the resolution of a Pope prediction.[83] Oh, and the Rapture.[84] And a giant asteroid hitting the Caribbean.[85]
  • between April 2014 and October 2015: A tetrad of lunar eclipses (or blood moons) will signal the start of the end times, according to megachurch pastor John Hagee. [86]
  • Unspecified time during the reign of Pope Francis, the pope succeeding Benedict XVI. Mediaeval Saint Malachy supposedly predicted Peter the Roman (Petrus Romanus) would be the last pope, Rome would be destroyed and a terrible judge would judge his people, The end.[87] Doomsayers have already started shoehorning the new pope into the prediction.[88]
  • 2015: Solar flare.[89]
  • 2015 (September 23rd): (some references give a margin of September 18th to September 25th) Asteroid.[90]
  • 2015 (October 7th): eBible Fellowship, an organization vaguely related to the late-Harold Camping, is confident they've got the date right this time.[91]
  • 2016: Tom Wattkins:[92] He had a vision of the Great tribulation claiming to have met the beast of revelation, etc. Turns out the same day is a solar eclipse.[93], though of course he'll mention that.[92]
  • 2016 (April 6th): Warren Jeffs, in no way due to a contemporaneous arrangement.[94]
  • 2016 (May 16th): Pastor Richardo Salazar was allegedly told by God that an asteroid fully made of ice, with a 9km diameter, traveling at 30,000km per hour would strike earth killing 1,200 million people. As you probably can tell, that definitely happened and those totally dead 1,200 million people will be forever missed.[95]
  • 2016 (June 3-4): Modern scholars got the Mayan date wrong. It was never 2012, rather it was June 2016 and there are plenty of numbers involved.[96]
  • 2016 (June 14th-August 19th): According to this super reliable, super honest, super definitely-NOT-bullshiting "NASA scientist", there was meant to be a magnetic reversal between June and August which would cause the Van Allen belt to fall killing 80% of life on Earth. He got this information from aliens via HAARP. Yup, aliens told our good 'ol uncle Dr. Sal that the sky is falling.[97]
  • 2016 (October 31st): Walid Shoebat alleges that the world is "100% certain" to end on this exact arbitrary nutjob date. As the basis for this claim, he refers to his own science of "Futurology 101".[98]
  • 2016 (Fall): Bible student and computer scientist Nora Roth on claims as much through a lot of numerology surrounding seventy "sevens".[99]
  • 2016 (December): Bible student and computer scientist Nora Roth subsequently revised her claim to December.[100]
  • September 23, 2017: Nibiru/Planet X will again collide with Earth, the second prediction by David Meade.[101]. Plus a rare constellation alignment will start the Rapture[102]
  • October 2017: Initial forecast made by David Meade[103][104]
  • October 15, 2017: The third time's a charm by David Meade.[105]
  • November 19, 2017: The fourth time is not so charming, David Meade.[106]
  • 2017: Various Christians say we'll be chipped, and the Great Tribulation will begin.[107]
  • 2017 to 2113: Asteroids, according to the Daily Express, exaggeration based on Nasa estimates of asteroids passing near the earth.[108]
  • 2018: YouTube crackpot gevte[109], has been predicting the Rapture countless times. One time it was April 18,[110] and he continues today. He always changes the date on his videos when his predictions pass and would scold people for not watching the signs.. As if anyone has read Deuteronomy 18:22.
  • 2018: 23th of April, David Meade strikes back... and fails again[111]
  • 2018: The Bible guarantees May 20, 2018 Pentecost, or your money back.[112]
  • 2018: 24th of June, obscure crank Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue ensures that doom is upon us, based on some middle school math.[113]
  • 2018: Hal Lindsey — the Third Second Coming.
  • January 21st, 2019-2021: Before behind the 4chan, An Internet meme "Clown World" begins now to insanely cause rewriting our history until 2021, based on the F. Kenton Beshore's prediction.[114]
  • 2019 (February 3rd): His 7 billion populated people's ideas, theories, memories, plans & imaginations are gone at all, causing the sequel movies have been released. No one will notice because the link was never found at all or everyone be noticed.[citation needed]
  • 2019 (From April 5): Tribulation begins according to website; to be followed by Rapture, destruction of most of the earth. In May the Antichrist begins his 3 1/2 year reign.[115]
  • 2019 (September 20th): "Area 51: They Can't Stop All Of Us" Event, Also known as "Aliens incoming arrive to earth until 2021 & the Google Earth photos caught UFOs based on the F. Kenton Beshore prediction." [116]
  • 2019: Fringe Black Israelites believe that things get really bad in 2019 because of 400 years of slavery, mixed with Genesis 15:13-14[2]
  • 2020: Self-acclaimed psychic and astrologer Jeane Dixon has predicted the world will end in 2020. She previously said it would end in 1962. No doubt the 2020 date seemed distant enough back then that no one would notice it was bollocks.[117]
  • 2020 (January 3rd): Another World War III, Following the Donald J. Trump attacks Iran and starts World War III. Again, according to the Daily Express.[118]
  • January 21st, 2020-February 21st, 2020/2021: Coronavirus spreads worldwide and then until 2021, there was a zombie apocalypse based on the F. Benton Beshore, Nostradamus & the bible prophecy, very insanely causing to happen.[119][120]
  • When a vaccine ends up being produced for COVID-19, people believe it will institute the Mark of the Beast and start the Great Tribulation.[3]
  • 2021: In a 2012 press release, F. Kenton Beshore, president of the World Bible Society, predicted the Rapture by 2021, with the Second Coming seven years later.[121]
You are here.
  • May 18th 2021: Gematria analyzer views a Pre-Wrath Rapture some time after Prince Harry (Antichrist) takes over and tries to chip everyone.[4]
  • Before 2024: A web site titled "Fire from the sky: Meteors and Biblical Prophecy," predicts that a meteor (actually a meteorite) "could" hit the earth sometime between 1998 and 2023. This would cause fireballs of debris, tidal waves, supher [sic] dioxide, a "red tide" in the oceans, and a dust cloud. [122]
  • 2024: Solar eclipse with a path that follows various places sacred to Mormonism will start the "Tribulations". Oddly: Vaughn J. Featherstone is still alive.[123]
  • 2026: More asteroids.[124]
  • 2026 (September 3rd): The Second Coming on Messiah, signalled by the opening of the 7th Seal, according to Christian Gaviria Alvarez, based on the Book of Revelation. That is the beginning of the millennial Shabbath of the Earth, during which the Messiah will rule the Earth for 1,000 years. Rapture on Sept 20th.[125]
  • 2026: Mark Corneillie talks about the Second Coming on his website, while offering his version of the Bible for $23.50 without shipping.
  • 2027 (February 22th): The Final Judgment and throwing of unsaved persons into the Lake of Fire in the Valley of Jehoshaphat on the south side of Jerusalem will occur, according to Christian Gaviria Alvarez.[126]
  • 2028: Fred Clark — a tongue-in-cheek offer guaranteeing 15 years of Bible-prophecy hucksterism for four easy payments of $39.99.[127]
  • 2028: Gabriel Ansley Erb has an entire channel dedicated on why the Second Coming will happen in 2028, called 2028 END.
  • 2028: Our old pal Kent made a dissertation in which 2028 could be the end of the world called What on Earth is about to happen... for Heaven's Sake? It's also about $45.
  • 2029: Asteroid 99942 Apophis "could" hit the earth on Friday 13 April, 2029, according to initial observations made in 2004, publicized at various times since then including in 2019 by Paul Begley, a Christian preacher. Later, more accurate estimates of its course show we're safe.[128][129]
  • 2030: Approximate date of a mass extinction event predicted by Bob Geldof. Myles Allen of Oxford University claims "Competing hyperbole" are unhelpful in understanding real climate change. [130]
  • 2030:Lope Columna: Second Coming. If the people are still sinners, it would come by 2240 or the year 6000.[5]
  • 2031:World's end by way of irreversible climate change if there is insufficient mitigation, according to a United Nations report by climate scientists.[131][132][133]
  • 2035: Even more asteroids.[134]
  • 2036: Yet more asteroids.[135]
  • 2037: Hal Lindsey — First Third Coming.
  • 2038: Deterioration of the fundamental older technology that still underlies the most crucial systems today, aka Year 2038 problemWikipedia.
  • 2039: End of life, the universe and everything. Also known as the Ascension.[citation needed]
  • 2040: Still more asteroids.[136] This seems to be a fan favourite.
  • 2041: March 35th (sic) Not another asteroid.[137]
  • 2047 (September 14th): According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, UK time). The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don't want us to worship them; they don't want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive "Normalcy". At that time, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos.[138]
  • 2048: Salt-Water fish extinction, according to Boris Worm, PhD, of Dalhousie University.[139]
  • 2060: Sir Isaac Newton — Britain's greatest scientist, analyzed the Bible, which he believed contained God's secret laws of the universe. He concluded that the end of the world will happen on or after the year 2060. According to Malcolm Neaum, the producer of a TV documentary on Newton: "He spent something like 50 years and wrote 4,500 pages trying to predict when the end of the world was coming. But until now it was not known that he ever wrote down a final figure. He was very reluctant to do so.".[138][140]
  • 2070-2250: Kermit Zarley, a lay biblical scholar and former PGA Tour professional golfer, wrote a book in 2006 titled: "The Third Day Bible Code", He uses the "third day" motif that appears throughout the Bible, couples it with the belief that "one day is like a thousand years" for God, and interprets 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 to predict that Jesus' return will be sometime between the years 2070 and 2250.[138]
  • 2076: Bede the Venerable, an 8th century Christian theologian computed Jesus birth as 3,942 years after the world's creation. The Earth's 6,000 year millennial week will thus end in this year & Some Sufi sects expect, which is the year 1,500 in the Muslim calendar.[138]
  • 2085: The original prediction for Nibiru's collision with Earth, later deprecated to 2012 for more profits prophets.[141]

22nd century

  • Before 2100: Dr. M.H. Kahn believes that all of all other predictions in the past are invalid. He cites pasages from the Qur'an; they imply that some time in the future, the current expansion of the universe will reverse. This will cause time and gravity to reverse. He writes:

"The contraction of the universe with reversal of time and gravity will commence the beginning of the end which will last for thousands and possibly millions of years. We will be removed from the regressing effects of reversed time as we come back alive in our own time. We will the be taken across many dimensions to beyond this universe. A beautiful natural mechanism that is based on the laws of physics will cause all that to happen. This real end has nothing to do with wishful thinking and predictions of priests or shamans."[142]

  • 2106: Asteroids never seem to stop and on this particular date 50 billion asteroids will hit the earth.[143]

23rd century

  • 2239: Classical Jewish tradition holds that the Messianic Age must begin at the latest in Year 6000 in the Jewish calendar, which runs 29 September 2239 to 16 September 2240.[144]

26th century

29th century

  • 2880: This Asteroid thing is outta hand![145]

39th century

  • 3836: Second Coming according to John Wesley, after 2000 years of end times.[26]

87th century

  • 8661: Updated end of the world date for the Church of the SubGenius (from the original 1998).

112th century

  • 11103: The Doomsday argument, first stated in 1983, predicts that there is a 95% chance that the human species will go extinct within 9120 years.[146] N.B., the nature means that every year that passes without a doomsday advances the estimated doom ahead by 2 years. The world itself will still be here, of course — just not us.

400th century

8,000,000th century

  • According to current models, the Sun is expected to increase in luminosity by 10% in the next 800 million years. This will cause several changes to the climate that will make the continued existence of life on Earth impossible, starting with photosynthetic organisms and eventually killing off all life.[147]

40 millionth century

  • The galaxy Andromeda (currently 2.5 million light years away) is expected to collide and merge with our galaxy, the Milky Way. This is unlikely to have much of an effect on whatever life is around, as galaxies are mostly empty space, although for any given planet, there is a tiny chance that its orbit could be disrupted due to gravitational tugs from passing stars.

50 millionth century

  • 5 billion years from now: According to accepted models of stellar evolution, the Sun will run out of hydrogen in its core to fuse into helium and will transition to a red giant as a result, expanding massively.[148] The Sun will swallow Mercury and Venus, and may get large enough to swallow Earth as well. Even if it doesn't, Earth will be roasted to a cinder crisp.[citation NOT needed] One school of thought predicts that the drag from the Sun's outer gas envelope will cause the Earth to spiral into the Sun, but as with all things scientific, there is another school of thought that says this won't happen.[149] If it isn't swallowed, Earth will either get flung out into interstellar space due to tidal interactions with the Sun and the Sun's gradual loss of mass once it enters the red giant stage or will keep orbiting the dead Sun, perhaps reduced just to its core, for a long time to come. Never again will Earth see another day.

200 millionth century

  • 20 billion years from now: If the current rate of expansion of the universe grows, in 20 billion years, the universe could be expanding so rapidly that atoms will no longer be able to hold on to their electrons. This predicted event is known as the "Big Rip." Blame dark energy.

3×1041 st century

  • 3×1043 years from now: estimated maximum time for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if protons are unstable. Whether they are is currently an unresolved question in physics. Exasecond and longerWikipedia and Future of an expanding universeWikipedia have a pile of similarly apocalyptic events that actually have some scientific basis. This is the Total Existence Failure of the entire universe; anything complex enough to be considered life that would care about it would likely have evaporated to nothing long before this. Out of all the above, this is the most likely.

∞th century

  • The heat death of the universeWikipedia is a scientific prediction that eventually the universe will expand so much it will no longer contain any thermodynamic free energy with which to do work. At this point the universe will be cold, dark, and essentially empty forever. That is, unless quantum fluctuations or some other phenomena eventually cause something to occur, like a new Big Bang. Forever is a long time, and this kind of physics is poorly understood at present.

No prediction of the end of the world

It is widely believed that there were prophecies in the 10th century CE that the world would end in 999 CE or 1000 CE. However, this seems to have been first mentioned by Johannes TrithemiusWikipedia around 1500 and popularised in the 17th and 18th centuries by Cardinal BaroniusWikipedia, William RobertsonWikipedia, Charles MackayWikipedia, Jules MicheletWikipedia, and others; sources from the 10th and 11th century show little evidence of a panic.[150] Still, it's no more inaccurate than any other prediction on the list.

See also

External links


  1. Chap 30 of the Bundahishn
  2. Just forget about the genetic bottleneck and that this may have been a Christian-inspired later addition, though. What's important is the story.
  3. 5 diseases that could wipe out humanity
  4. What if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts?
  5. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  6. The world will end tomorrow just like it did in the year 365, Funeral Wise
  7. 7.0 7.1 Apocalypse Then? Six False Prophecies of the End Times, Catholic Exchange, Nov 9, 2012
  8. In His Name, E. Christopher Reyes, Trafford, 2014
  9. Yes! That Jesus.
  10. End Of Days: Predictions and prophecies about the end of the world, Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison
  11. Questioning The Millennium, Stephen Jay Gould
  12. The Flood of 1524: The First Mass-media Event in European History, Gustav-Adolf Schoener
  13. Flood of 1524, Museum of Hoaxes
  14. In his book Ein Rechenbuchlin vom EndChrist. Apocalyps in Apocalypsim, he put the date and time at 3rd October 1533 at 8 am. When the world did not end, he was ejected from his quarters and flogged in the streets. (Eeek.)
  15. See the Wikipedia article on Life of Stifel.
  16. See the Wikipedia article on Great conjunction.
  17. Luther and English Apocalypticism: The Role of Luther in Three Seventeenth-Century Commentaries on the Book of Revelation, Benjamin A. Ehlers, Essays in History, Volume 34 (1992)
  18. 2012 apocalypse: A brief history of end of times, Brian Whelan, Channel 4 (UK), 2012
  19. Top 10 End-of-the-World Prophecies: The Great London Fire of 1666, Nate Rawlings, Time, Friday, May 20, 2011
  20. See the Wikipedia article on Fifth Monarchists.
  21. 21.0 21.1 See the Wikipedia article on John Napier.
  22. Apocalypses That Weren't, History Channel
  23. Jacob Bernoulli Deciphered
  24. See the Wikipedia article on Great Comet of 1680.
  25. Religions on the End of the World, History Channel
  26. 26.0 26.1 John Wesley and the End of the World, Kathleen B. McMurphy, Ministry Magazine, April 1960
  27. Victorian Apocalyptics: Three Schools of Interpreting Daniel and the Book of Revelation, Victorian Web
  28. See the Wikipedia article on Horae Apocalypticae.
  29. John Cumming -- An Introduction, Robert H. Ellison, Marshall University, and Carol Engelhardt, Victorian Web, 2002, based on the authors' "Prophecy and Anti-Popery in Victorian London: John Cumming Reconsidered," Victorian Literature and Culture 31.1 (2003): 373-38
  30. See the Wikipedia article on Jonas Wendell.
  31. Mother Shipton, Mysterious Britain
  32. See the Wikipedia article on Wovoka.
  33. See the Wikipedia article on Ghost Dance.
  34. Fantastically Wrong: That Time People Thought a Comet Would Gas Us All to Death by Matt Simon (01.07.15 6:30 am) Wired.
  35. Halley's Comet: Facts About the Most Famous Comet,, Sept 20, 2017
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 American Atheist, April 2010. "Separation of Armageddon and State — Freethought at the Polls." Michael B. Paulk, pp 14–15. (Note that this gives 1874 as a predicted date of Armageddon, whereas this was merely the year the 1914 prediction was made.)
  37. See the Wikipedia article on Charles Taze Russell.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 Gardner, Martin (1957). "Flat and Hollow". Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (Second Edition ed.). 
  39. Voliva's 1934 end of the world prediction August 16, 1934 The Racine Journal-Times .
  40. See the Wikipedia article on Horae Apocalypticae.
  41. See the Wikipedia article on Helter Skelter (scenario).
  42. 42.0 42.1 Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, Brooklyn: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1966. P. 29. says Fall 1975. Pp. 27-28 of the same book uses a different date counting method and says 1997. Both are based on estimates of when the earth was created of 4004 BCE and 4026 BCE respectively. So they hedged their bets but you still have to believe in YEC to believe either one.
  43. Wilkerson, David. The Vision. Spire Books 1973
  44. Branham, William. The Seven Church Ages, p. 322.
  46. God's, not Pat's, we hope
  47. See the Wikipedia article on Chuck Smith (pastor).
  48. McMaster, R.E. Cycles of War: The Next Six Years. Timberland Trust, 1977.
  49. Whisenant, Edgar. 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be In 1988, World Bible Society 1988.
  50. Deal, Colin. Christ Returns By 1988: 101 Reasons Why. Self published, 1979.
  51. Whisenant, Edgar. The Final Shout: Rapture Report, World Bible Society, 1989.
  52. This was the South Korea-based Hyoo-go (rapture) movement, who put billboards up all over the U.S. predicting October 28, 1992.
  53. Camping, Harold. 1994? Vantage Press 1992.
  54. "Some Witnesses interpreted Psalm 90:10 as defining the length of a generation to be 80 years. Since 1914 plus 80 equals 1994, they predicted Armageddon would occur around that year. This prediction came from the grassroots level of the organization. The WTS itself did not officially proclaim it." B.A. Robinson. "Jehovah's Witnesses' end of the world predictions: Predictions for years after 1975. Will it happen in our future?" Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.
  55. King of Terror: 1999 (2006) Dreamscape (archived from August 28, 2007).
  57. Wilkerson, David. God's Plan to Protect His People in the Coming Depression, 1998.
  58. Uganda's Kanungu cult massacre that killed 700 followers, Patience Atuhaire, BBC News, 17 March 2020
  59. Papua New Guinea in 1999-2000 The Journal of Pacific History 36(3): 285, 2001
  60. 5/5/2000, ICE: The Ultimate Disaster by Richard W. Noone (1997). Three Rivers Press. ISBN 0609800671.
  61. Coming Earth Changes: Causes and Consequences of the Approaching Pole Shift by William Hutton (1996). A.R.E. Press. ISBN 0876043619.
  62. The End-of-the-World Delusion: How Doomsayers Endanger Society by Justin Deering (2012) iUniverse. ISBN 1475913559. p. 134
  63. Strauss, William and Howe, Neil. The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy, Broadway Books, 1997. Dates are approximate and based on their analysis of social cycles.
  64. [
  65. Harris, Sam. Sam Harris on Sarah Palin and Elitism. Newsweek, September 19, 2008
  67. Worries about LHC black hole resurface, Scientific American
  68. Comment from page HTML: "If the LHC actually destroys the earth & this page isn't yet updated please email to receive a full refund."
  69. Famed pastor predicts imminent catastrophe, WingNutDaily
  71. See the Wikipedia article on List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events.
  72. Judgment Day believers descend on Joburg
  74. Ed Brayton: Camping's Explanation: It Did Happen!
  75. Suckers.
  76. Stardust
  77. See the Wikipedia article on Chelyabinsk meteor.
  78. China cracking down on doomsday group Los Angeles Times, December 17, 2012]
  79. End of the world in 2013? New book recalculates Newton's endtimes clock(broken link)
  80. What to Expect from the Viking Apocalypse
  81. (subscription required after 5 story reads)
  83. Eerie accuracy!
  86. Tuesday’s ‘blood moon’ eclipse signals the end of the world
  87. Are We About To Witness The Rise Of Petrus Romanus?; Petrus Romanus: 900 Year Old Prophecy Says Next Pope Will Oversee End of Days; Is the last pope waiting in the wings? St Malachy seems to have said so.
  88. Peter the Roman and Pope Francis. Above Top Secret. 2013 March.
  89. plus on the webshite
  91. Christian group predicts the world will be 'annihilated' on Wednesday: Over a week after blood moon doomsday forecasts were proven wrong, eBible Fellowship leader Chris McCann says ‘the world will pass away’ on 7 October by Adam Gabbatt (Tuesday 6 October 2015 07.30 EDT) The Guardian.
  92. 92.0 92.1 "The Tribulation has began. The Anti-Christ is here. The Two witnesses are here." uploaded by Bride in the Wilderness on May 23, 2014
  94. Rumors of apocalypse ahead of FLDS leader’s detention hearing
  96. The End of the World is This Week, Say “Scholars” Who Were Wrong About It All Those Other Times
  97. Dr. sal's warning
  101. The world as we know it is about to end — again — if you believe this biblical doomsday claim by Kristine Phillips (September 17, 2017 at 3:52 PM) The Washington Post.
  103. Will the mysterious shadow planet Nibiru obliterate Earth in October? No. by Ben Guarino (January 5 at 5:25 AM) Washington Post.
  104. Planet X — The 2017 Arrival by David Meade (2016) ISBN 1456626922.
  105. The man who had people worried about a Sept. 23 apocalypse is peddling a new doomsday date by Kristine Phillips (September 25, 2017 at 5:20 PM) The Washington Post.
  106. Acts of Faith: Armageddon via imaginary planet has been pushed back — yet again — to November by Avi Selk (October 28, 2017 at 12:40 PM) The Washington Post.
  108. SHOCK ASTEROID WARNING: Planet earth faces 100 YEARS of killer strikes starting in 2017, Nathan Rao, Daily Express (London), Sep 5, 2014
  109. gevte
  110. Lord Snow Presides Over Yet Another Rapture Scare (LSP #37), 9 April 2018.
  112. The Bible guarantees May 20 2018 Pentecost. Archived from a post on Facebook, 21 April 2016.
  114. [ Know Your Meme: Clown World
  115. [ Tribulation timeline 2019-2022
  116. [ The Guardian: 1.5 million people have signed up to storm Area 51. What could go wrong?
  117. Dixon, Jeane (1971). The Call to Glory. New York: Bantam Books. pp. 170–172.
  118. WW3: Is World War 3 about to happen? Will there be another war?, Daily Express, Jan 12, 2020
  119. YouTube - Coronavirus Outbreak!!! Biblical End Times Prophecy!!!! by The Sage Up North
  120. (A.K.A. The New York Times): As New Virus Spreads From China, Scientists See Grim Reminders
  121. World Bible Society President Says 'Rapture' Likely to Occur by 2021, World Bible Society, Christian News Wire, Oct 24, 2012
  122. [ Predictions that the end of the world will happen after the year 2020
  123. [1] 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE
  124. {a|}}
  125. [ Predictions that the end of the world will happen after the year 2020
  126. [ Predictions that the end of the world will happen after the year 2020
  127. The money-making opportunities of Bible prophecy
  128. Asteroid WARNING: Asteroid Apophis 'headed right for Earth' could hit on Friday 13, 2029, Daily Express, July 8, 2019
  129. See the Wikipedia article on 99942 Apophis.
  130. Why do people make bold predictions of doom?
  131. Ocasio-Cortez: 'World will end in 12 years' if climate change not addressed, The Hill, Jan 22, 2019
  132. Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty by V. Masson-Delmotte, et al. (2018) IPCC Special Report
  133. We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN: Urgent changes needed to cut risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty, says IPCC by Jonathan Watts (8 Oct 2018 02.23 EDT) The Guardian.
  134. Russian Scientists Warn Of Asteroid Impact Hazard In 2035
  135. Business Insider says so
  136. Big Asteroid's Chances of Hitting Earth in 2040 Overblown, NASA Says,, Mar 5, 2012
  138. 138.0 138.1 138.2 138.3 Predictions that the end of the world will happen after the year 2020,
  139. Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048, CBS News, Nov 2, 2006
  140. In 1704, Isaac Newton Predicts the World Will End in 2060, Open Culture, Oct 14, 2015
  141. See the Wikipedia article on Planet X.
  142. [ Predictions that the end of the world will happen after the year 2020
  144. See the Wikipedia article on Year 6000.
  145. Meet the Asteroid That Might Hit Earth in 2880, Seeker
  146. See the Wikipedia article on Doomsday argument.
  147. Future of the Earth — Climate impact
  148. The Sun's death
  149. Red Giant Sun May Not Destroy Earth
  150. The Year 1000 A.D. and the Millennial Panic, Edward P. Wallner, NESS: New England Skeptical Society, July 1998