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Stefan Molyneux

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Holy Moly: A decade's worth of bad advice.
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
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Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
If socialists wanted to help the poor so much, why didn't they study and promote Bitcoin, rather than whining about diversity?
—Stefan Molyneux, genius of a generation[1]
Stefan Molyneux is stupid.
Stefan Molyneux[2]

Stefan "Not an Argument" Molyneux (/ˈstiːvən 'mɒlɪnʌks/, born 1966) is an Irish-Canadian white supremacist[3][4][5][6][7][8] political commentator, "philosopher", cult leader, and Internet-media personality who has hosted Freedomain Radio - a podcast where he discusses philosophy, politics, religion, science, and relationships - since 2005. He also writes regularly for anarcho-capitalist websites and has self-published several books. Molyneux has a group of very ardent fans, even though he is only questionably an ancap at this point, and is hated by a large portion of them: he is a "racial realist", and says disgusting red-pill things about women. He presents a crank-magnetism chimera of men's rights, white rights and some sort of fedora-lover's Glenn Beck[9] (or a thinking man's RooshV) who is known for mistreating his guests.

In June 2020, Stefan's Youtube channel, which had 930,000 subscribers and 285 million views as of October 2019, was removed from the platform for hate speech.[10]His Twitter account had more than 475,000 followers as of June 2020, but was suspended as of July 7, 2020.[11]


Molyneux rejects the idea that parents deserve unconditional love and respect from their children. Especially, he believes that adults who deem their parents to be physically or psychologically aggressive should cease all connections with them, if previous attempts to mend any faulty relationships have failed, or resulted in begging for "unearned forgiveness".[12]

“So face it: your parents were bullies, or weak curriers of favor, or manipulative emotional infants themselves. You have no respect for them, for respect requires courage, and courage requires logical morality. You do not love them, since love demands virtue, and manipulating children into blind obedience is not at all virtuous.”

While this is reasonable advice for children that have been abused by their parents, Molyneux's advice has another effect of having some of his audience abandon their parents to join his cult (see below).

He also claims that people who engage in or are drawn to contact sports were abused as children and/or had aggressive childhoods.[13] He has said that he would have killed his mother had she not been his mother.[14]


Men's rights

I think the spotlight of " Outgrow your bestial nature." has been pointed just a little bit too long at men and I think it's time to swivel that motherfucker around and point it at woman and say stop making yourself look like fucking sex clowns to milk money out of men's dicks."
—Stefan Molyneux, MGTOW paladin[15]

Molyneux is a major figure in the men's rights movement. He was a speaker at the A Voice For Men (AVFM) 2014 conference, and uses the AVFM site to plug his videos.[16]

"The evil that women are capable of and the evil that women do — not all women — but the evil that women do is generally invisible to society which is why there’s so much violence in society."[17]

Single mothers are an important issue of our time,[18][19] and a demographic in need of attack:

"Women who choose the assholes will fucking end this race. They will fucking end this human race if we don't start holding them a-fucking-countable. Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality. Sociopathy. Politicians. All the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes, and I don't know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes! Your dad was an asshole because your mother chose him, because it works on so many women! If "asshole" wasn't a great reproductive strategy, it would have been gone long ago. Women keep that black bastard flame alive. They cup their hands around it. They protect it with their bodies...Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debts, we get incarcerations and prison guards and all the other florid assholes who rule the world. Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil.[20]

Stefan goes so far as calling single mothers, who hold no political power historically especially relative to men, as a demographic terrible people. Because the only logical explanation for being a single mom is either making bad choices (in which case, you're a bad person), or being promiscuous and having sex with lots of different men (in which case, you're a bad person).[21]

In one video, he sees being nice to a woman as "a white knight" reaction to "PROTECT THE EGGS." That's not hyperbole, he really shouts "PROTECT THE EGGS."[22]

Stefan is also very concerned about the "already gone" eggs of women who have chosen not to have children yet, as evidenced by a bizarre tweet concerning Taylor Swift,[23] and more recently Tulsi Gabbard.[24]

Remember, if you take the red pill, the red pill also takes you:

Was there such a thing as the friend zone before the existence of the welfare state?[25]

And on an entirely unrelated note, why are there so few female libertarians?[26]

Instances of State support

For an "anarchist", Stefan doesn't mind the state all that much, so long as it acts the way he wants it to.

  • He used to be very adamantly opposed to voting, due to being an "anarchist".[28] But as with many right-libertarians, that all changed when Donald Trump ran for President.[29] Trump fans have taken to posting his "Untruth about Donald Trump" video as a "red pill" on Reddit and elsewhere,[30] and the alt-right blog The Right Stuff features its 'donations' widget with a parody of his accent and a small image of him at the bottom. Stormfront entertains the possibility but rejects him for being too Jewish.[31]
  • He praised Margaret Thatcher upon her death in 2013, despite claiming to oppose all forms of government.[32]
  • During the Ebola crisis he said that government should stop people traveling from West Africa, a violation of the non-aggression principle.[33][34] He has since gone on to say he also supports banning people from traveling from predominately non-white North Africa, Middle East and Asian countries, a violation of the non-aggression principle.[35][36]
Molyneux himself was against closed borders during his earlier embrace of the free market. Those videos have been scrubbed from his channel since his shift towards the alt-right, though this hasn't stopped in-show callers from reminding him of this, such as 2016's "Andrew". In this video, Andrew points out that supporting violent coercion against refugees is incompatible with the non-aggression principle. Stefan responds by claiming that morality doesn't apply within a statist society. A few moments later he goes back to saying that it does.[37]

The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism. Colonial masters never committed anything near the murder and genocide seen under black rule in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, and other countries, where millions of blacks have been slaughtered in unspeakable ways, which include: hacking to death, boiling in oil, setting on fire and dismemberment."[38]

Watch for the look of surprise on Molyneux's face during his "they should have just paid for the slaves" argument on The Joe Rogan Show. Rogan asks where all the money for the slaves was going to come from. "Taxation?"[42]


Molyneux holds an unconventional view on homosexuality, arguing that it is the result of childhood sexual abuse.[43] He later apologized for the comment when contacted by a caller during a radio interview, saying he had reversed his views on the matter and would do his best to improve his understanding of homosexuality. He also promised to edit the video to better reflect his ignorance of the previous statements.[44] The video remains unedited.

In 2019, Molyneux tweeted a misleading study which showed that "Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation".[45] However, the study was heavily criticized. The survey didn't include the word 'molest' on the form, and then swapped the words "sexual experience" for "molestation" in it's publication. It counted anybody who had a sexual experience before the age of 16 as 'molested', rather than relying on the standard definition of 13 and under. It also relied on a convenience sample of people who attended a pride parade and volunteered for the survey, further making it statistically irrelevant.[46][47]

He does, however, support the right of gays to marry. So that's nice.[48]

At the movies

His movie reviews all dissolve into him ranting about white genocide or how terrible women are.

Molyneux is incapable of producing a brief "Truth about x" video. He even has an hour-long video about Frozen.[49]

On the Jews

Although never explicitly criticizing Jews, he has utilized a lot of Nazi talking points regarding them. One example would be the conspiracy theory of Jewish influence on Communism:

The Jewish role in the origins and spread of communism is a fascinating and disturbing topic.

Two famous men - Churchill and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - both wrote that Jews were very involved, and have not been criticized for rank antisemitism.

What do you think?

He has also shown interest in whether Jewish people are white while showing a complete misunderstanding of what white privilege is:

It’s quite simple

If Jews are white, then “white privilege” is rank anti-Semitism, and MUST be rejected

If Jews are NOT white, then we need affirmative action for whites in many industries and universities, since I was taught that ethnic overrepresentation always means bigotry.

Additionally, he retweeted a now-deleted tweet demonstrating a conspiracy-theory regarding Jewish control of CNN.


The Bad Philosophy Show, where we tell people the wrong thing to do! Wouldn't that be funny? right? 'Cos, then, you know, they'd just flip it then they'd get the right thing... "If you want to lose weight, eat cheesecake." "If you want to jump up, fall down."
—Izzy Molyneux, age 6[50]

Molyneux has declared himself "the savior of philosophy" and styles himself as a New Socrates,[51][52] though he doesn't actually engage any scholarly literature on issues of philosophy. He used to be an Objectivist, but now considers himself an ancap and advocates UPB (Universally Preferable Behavior), his own moral theory which appears to be Kantianism with the serial numbers filed off. He doesn't credit any philosophers for having influenced him, though he routinely makes arguments famous philosophers (usually Locke) have made many times in the past without attribution, and misinterprets famous philosophical arguments and writings; his lecture on the social contract is an excellent example.[53]

Molyneux has claimed that Freedomain Radio is the most popular online philosophy conversation in the world, despite no backing to such a claim. His support among actual philosophers is questionable as well. In 2007, fellow libertarian (and actual philosopher) David GordonWikipedia gave a critical examination of Molyneux in The Mises Review: "He fails, and fails miserably. His arguments are often preposterously bad."[54]

Popular YouTuber SisyphusRedeemed, who is an academic philosopher, uploaded another great rebuttal.[55]

One thing he may share with Socrates is that it would probably take hemlock to shut him up.


He manages to bottle most of his crazy inside, pretending he agrees with anarchist principles, but it's a smokescreen for what is essentially a call for corporate tyranny.[56]


This radical simplification of huge stretches of history is misleading, but it's necessary in order to make the sorts of comparisons to modern times Stefan is making...Stefan mentions that it's difficult for the Republicans to get elected. And, well, it was very difficult indeed for anyone to be elected Emperor [in Rome] because they didn't have elections.
Shaun and Jen[57]

Molyneux defends his more...unusual beliefs with historical examples. These are invariably healthy servings of PIDOOMA. He has, for example, claimed that the First World War was more destructive than the Second, and that the majority of casualties in it were members of the aristocracy.[58] This is a self-evident argument for free trade, apparently.


Like most laissez-faire economists, he denies overpopulation is a problem. Stefan believes there's no such thing as too many exploitable wage slaves to boss around too many people (except when those people aren't white men). He believes the real problem is that not enough people follow his philosophy.[59]

DMCA and IP law

Molyneux has gone on record against the DMCA and IP law, saying that "IP must die" as it is an unjustified use of force.[60][61] He believes this is a universal principle with no exceptions.

However he also used IP law in order to censor critics on YouTube by filing DMCA claims against them, with the most notable being "TruShibes," who created a YouTube account dedicated to clips documenting Molyneux's questionable behavior and philosophy.[62] He blamed this on a contractor.[63]

In a textbook case of actions having consequences, TruShibes has filed a case in US federal court against Molyneux for his blatant exploitation of the DMCA to shut down her account, for silencing her and for defaming her afterwards[64][65] (she is in the US and he is in Canada, but his YouTube activity and income is US-based and constitutes a local presence). Of course, it's no surprise he resorted to censorship. That is what Stef does if he doesn't have anything to say. Raised a good question on FDR? Banned. Contradicted Stef on his show? Cuts the caller off. Wrote a blog punching holes in Stef or his philosophy? Come on and verbally debate him![66] Hey, isn't it textbook for a cult leader to go to any lengths to silence criticism or dissidence...?

Public education

See the main article on this topic: Public education

If you don’t buy Stef's logic, you went to public school because you are a brainwashed sheeple[67][68] that can't comprehend the glory and pure truth of UPB, NAP and anarcho-capitalism—or his wife's equally obnoxious stance that you're aware of it, but such a transition would be uncomfortable, and therefore you subconsciously deny it out of childlike spite.

He has the lobes for business!

Molyneux decided that Leonard Nimoy's passing was the appropriate time to talk about how Spock's collectivism was "emotional" in nature and how big government (the socialist-esque United Federation of Planets) is a bad thing.[69] Similarly, he posted a video on Robin Williams' suicide, leaping at the chance to psychoanalyze the actor (without ever having met him, of course).[70] Kicking a still-warm corpse: Another philosophical victory for libertarians!


Mental illness denial

In other words, a popular Auschwitz guard with a long marriage is the very definition of mental health. Moral considerations do not form the basis of mental heath – a compliant Nazi is considered more ‘healthy’ than an outcast one. This form of ‘social ethics’ is largely due to the Jewish influence over psychology.
—From the Mouth of Madness Molyneux[71]

Molyneux has denied that mental illnesses are real, saying there is not enough evidence to prove otherwise. He also calls psychiatry a pseudoscience and claims that it is part of a government agenda.[72] This has drawn the ire of many, including online scientific skeptic Emil Karlsson of Debunking Denialism who responded with a lengthy refutation of his claims.[73] Now, he's right that mental illnesses are culturally defined (though the anti-semitism came out of nowhere);[note 1] if your culture favors extremely fastidious people, somebody with "checking" type OCD may not be considered abnormal. But it certainly exists independent of cultural context, with various causes ranging from environment to dietary to genetic to neurological. It's convenient for Molyneux to foist everything onto "society" because it feeds into his viewers' self-entitlement and moral relativism, while ignoring the cultural context behind, say, private property.

"Global warming HOAX"

Stefan's already-impressive resumé includes him being a climate change denier[74] on top of everything else — going so far as to host Christopher Monckton on his show to discuss the (as Stefan calls it) 'hoax'.[75]

The only meaningful outcome of the aforementioned 'meeting of the impotent minds' was Potholer54 taking the time to explain the utter wrongess of climate change denial, by using their convoluted discussion as a teaching example.[76]

Anti-physics crankery

Taking a page from Objectivists and the Insane Clown Posse, Stefan has a bone to pick with modern physics. Charming quips (directed unilaterally at an entire STEM field) include:

Physicists kind of piss me off, 'cause they've always got their fucking pale hands in my goddamn wallet, and stealing from my child's future, indebting her. [...] You know, go be a fucking engineer, you lazy, pasty bastards. Go do something useful that people wanna buy.
—A rant[77] which sounds suspiciously like it was copied from Alex Jones (particularity the part about the world-destroying fascist nerds).

The irony here is that a lot of modern engineering (cough electricity cough), would not be possible if it weren't for physics, but the assumption is natural given that Stefan has absolutely no understanding of it. What's more, he now claims his mind transcends physics.[78] All in a day's work for Molyneux, and perfectly in line with his M.O. of being the clogosphere's prime libertarian narcissicist übermensch.

Organ transplants

Stefan thought that organ transplants between races are not possible.[79] When called out on this, he backs down by claiming that he meant the genetic match chance was lower.[80]

A cult (of freedom lovers!)

Molyneux's attitudes and beliefs, coupled with the slavish devotion of his listeners, has led Sam Seder and his associates to label him a cult leader. This view is echoed by parents whose children abandoned them on Molyneux's advice.[81][82][83]

  • His method is popular with fundamentalist Churches (or Scientology's practice of "disconnecting"): before you were baptized and saved, your life was full of sin.[84] Now your baptism ("defoo" in Molynese)[85] represents a new life in Christ and your acceptance of the Church's teachings. However, in the case of the Manson Molyneux Family, it's a baptism in hack philosophy and an-cappery. For instance, Molyneux advises people to abandon all friends and relatives who are not anarcho-capitalists or adherents to the Non-Aggression Principle. This is similar to the practices of other cults that isolate members from their former friends and family, both so that their loved ones can't lead them away from the cult and because it makes members dependent on the cult with regards to their social life. Those who ditch their families and friends are insultingly advised that the next step in saving the world is to plug his show.

If you want to perform the greatest service for political liberty, all you have to do is turf all of your unsatisfying relationships. Parents, siblings, spouse, it doesn’t matter.[86]

If you have non-voluntaryist friends you may want to spend the holidays alone reconsidering your definition of friend![87]

Hopefully, every Ancap will take his advice so that next X-mas they won't be invited back.
  • Like many other cults, the Molyneux cult hides core tenets (such as "defoo-ing") from newcomers[88] because they are off-putting to any, well, sane person. One way this was accomplished was by keeping the more objectionable doctrines and podcasts confined to a secret website that newcomers were not told about.[89]
  • As with other cults, former members who dare to leave the cult are shamed and harassed to serve as a deterrent for current members who are thinking about leaving. In the case of Molyneux's cult, former members of Molyneux's "Inner Circle" were shamed on a public facing website which listed their personal information as well as embarrassing personal details such as their sexual history and professional failures.[90]
  • Molyneux records everything,[91] no matter how mundane (because Wouldn't it be awesome if you could hear Socrates talking to his barber?).
  • He has some, uh, "interesting" views on movies, and likes to read Randian meanings where they definitely don't belong. The real kicker was him remarking on having to "reprogram" his daughter after watching the film Maleficent. He thinks any female character with a lack of character flaws is propaganda to indoctrinate children; evidently, it is dishonest for "Estrogen-based parasites"[92] to have any positive portrayals in media at all. He basically uses his daughter to assert arguments; a "Think of the children" card of sorts.
  • Molyneux has amassed a small fortune in Bitcoin, apparently entirely from donations.[93] He claims to have connections to Satoshi Nakamoto and the original development group survivor, Steven Wright (he worked on the page numbers).[citation needed]
  • A civil court complaint, filed in 2014, says Mr. Molyneux boasted in a 2006 podcast that he would listen while his wife Christina Papadopoulos (a therapist who severed contact with her parents to join his AynCrap cult)[94] talked to her patients, even interjecting and railroading them into subscribing to his website.[95] Just what any mentally-disturbed person needs: Stefan's voice filtering eerily through an intercom.
  • Somehow, his wife kept her license,[96] as she didn't actively propagate Molyneux's insanity (despite him obviously coaching her in all matters personal and professional),[91][97][98] but it is clear she bases her therapy around "defoo'ing" people—prying them away from their families—and cultivating donors to FDR. All podcasts with even a whisper from Christina, including the laughable "Ask A Therapist" series, have been scrubbed from the website and any mention of her results in a swift ban on the forums.


Molyneux has interviewed, and been interviewed by, among others:

External links


  1. We stand corrected. He is not an anti-Semite, because Murray "Baby Market" Rothbard is one of his favorite philosophers! This old post was thankfully still in the Google cache; he deleted the thread (probably out of embarrassment). He could never fault Rothbard's ideology or call him immoral, so he has to go with 'it is because he was circumcised so he doesn't know any better'. "DAE Jews probably all hate their kids because foreskin."


  1. Twitter[a w]
  2. Twitter[a w]
  9. Stefan gets into a pickle with an anti-Semitic caller.
  10. [1]
  11. Stefan Molyneux
  12. James Cox, "Stefan Molyneux Against Me"
  13. Martial Arts, Violence, and History
  14. Molyneux Forgives His Mother By Not Killing Her
  15. From this chunk of transcript, lovingly written down and posted to great approval on /r/TheRedPill. Not clear which video it's from, but the fans had no disputes as to its authenticity.
  16. SM doubles down on douchebaggery.
  17. "YouTube MRA Stefan Molyneux blames Miriam Carey’s fatal DC car chase on “rank female evil.”, We Hunted the Mammoth.
  18. "No Excuses For Evil Women!"
  19. "MRA "philosopher" Stefan Molyneux: "If you don't have a husband … to keep the child is abusive", We Hunted the Mammoth.
  20. David Futrella, Misogyny Theatre, "'Misogyny Theater: Stefan Molyneux in "Women Who Choose A**holes."
  21. "15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom - Rebutted!"
  22. "The TRUTH About Star Wars: The Force Awakens!"
  23. "Even Taylor Swift Can’t Escape ‘When Will You Have Kids?’", Alaina Demopoulous, Daily Beast, 2019-12-10
  24. [2], Stephen Molyneux on Twitter
  25. [3]
  26. Feminism is SOCIALISM IN PANTIES?? (Women know they're inherently weak, unlike big burly anarcho-capitalist males, and thus they are biologically driven to the warm embrace of the state.)
  27. I Don't View Humanity As a Single Species
  28. The Truth About Voting
  29. The UN-truth About Donald Trump!
  30. The 'Cult Leader Stumping for Donald Trump
  31. Is Stefan Molyneux Trying to Become a WN?
  33. What PISSES ME OFF About Ebola.
  34. This one won him some new fans over at Stormfront.
  35. Stefan's deep insights into Islam and ISIS.
  36. The TRUTH/What PISSES ME OFF/What THEY WON'T TELL YOU about immigration, playlist.
  37. Stefan Molyneux's Inconsistent Stance on Immigration
  38. "The Truth About Nelson Mandela" (YouTube/NSA Warning), he says it in both the video and in the description.
  39. The TRUTH About The Crusades!
  40. The "Truth" About Martin Luther King, Jr.
  41. The TRUTH About Slavery!
  42. The day Joe Rogan discovered the real Stefan Molyneux, FDR Liberated.
  43. Stefan Molyneux's delightful observations on the 'gay lifestyle'.
  45. Tweet
  46. Criticism of molestation, live copy
  47. Criticism of molestation study
  48. Stefan on gay marriage
  49. The Truth about Frozen! Immediately afterward, he starts in on Harry Potter being a metaphor for psychiatry.
  50. Izzy Taught to Hate Stefan's Debate Opponent Through Sing-a-long.
  51. Without him, we'd have to wait another 2000 years! (Archived by Tru Shibes.)
  52. The world needs my show for its survival! Archived by Tru Shibes.
  53. The Social Contract Defined and DESTROYED in under 5 min
  54. David Gordon, "The Molyneux Problem", Ludwig von Mises Institute.
  55. "The Damnation of Philosophy"
  56. Noam Chomsky educates Vizzini Moly on the correct usage of the word. Sorry, Chomsky, a PhD and tenure at MIT doesn't prepare you for the rigor of pseudo-intellectual YouTube personalities.
  57. "Stefan Molyneux's Fall of Rome - A Response"
  58. The TRUTH About World War I!
  62. File this one next to Ayn Rand's use of Medicare and Ron Paul's appeal to the UN to go steal a website for him.
  63. Public statement by Stefan Molyneux
  64. Mike Masnick, "'Anarcho-Capitalist' Stefan Molyneux Sued For Abusing The DMCA", Techdirt. (Moly: Well, if you want something done quickly and efficiently you go to the Govern... Waitaminute, you almost tricked me!)
  65. "Molyneux sued for misrepresentations, defamation", FDR Liberated.
  66. Contemptible chickens, all of you!
  67. Public School, Private HELL
  68. Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone!
  69. The TRUTH About Spock (btw rip or whatever)
  70. The TRUTH about Robin Williams! (Why does this toolbag want to ruin our all childhoods?)
  71. "Are People Just BORN Stupid?" (Nope, too easy.)
  72. There's NO SUCH THING as mental illness!
  73. Karlsson, "Stefan Molyneux’s Unfortunate Spiraling into Anti-Psychiatry".
  74. The Case Against Climate Change
  75. The Global Warming Hoax Lord Monckton and Stefan Molyneux
  78. So, how long before he publishes a manifesto and starts sending mail bombs?
  81. Guardian
  82. "This is How Stefan Molyneux is Running a Cult". Answer: A degree in theater, stupidly good on-his-feet debate skills, and experience fleecing tens of thousands into joining his cause.
  83. Besner, Linda, "Remote Control - The Cult of Stefan", Real Life 10.6.16.
  84. The whole breeding arena of our species needs to be cleaned the fuck up!! Genetics or child-rearing has already determined you to either be depraved (i.e. not a Molyneux fan), or one of a chosen few who will stand beside him. It's like a much lamer version of Calvinism. (Archived by Tru Shibes.)
  85. "Stefan Molyneux Revealed - A Defoo Story".
  86. Molyneux, "Are People, Like, Just STUPID?", FDR 4.9.05.
  87. Have A Very Moly Christmas.
  88. [ Says FDR "Philosophy" a Deliberate Bait and Switch ], FDR. Archived by Tru Shibes.
  91. 91.0 91.1 God knows why Moly made this private discussion with his wife public. Christina talks about her fear of losing her license to practice psychotherapy (she doesn't care about her practice, she just wants the beer commercial lifestyle). This whole situation is making Moly very stressed, considering he's responsible for ruining his wife's career, and she chides herself for not offering him enough support throughout this tribulation.
  92. #killallmen (dead link)
  93. Incredible stories of Bitcoin millionaires by boumalo (August 01, 2016, 05:53:34 PM) Bitcoin Forum
  94. "Molyneux and Wife Read Letter From Her Parents"
  95. Tu Than Ha, "Controversial podcaster listened in on therapist wife and clients: lawsuit ", Globe and Mail.
  96. Tu Than Ha, "Therapist who told podcast listeners to shun their families reprimanded", Globe and Mail.
  97. Just listen to her strain to get a word in edge-wise.
  98. A Suicide Caused by Stefan Molyneux and Christina Papadopoulos and FreeDomainRadio, Stefan Molyneux Revealed.
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