RationalWiki:Article-a-Week Club/Archive 1
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The Article-a-Week Club's first archive of weekly contributions.
Week ending 5 September 2010[edit]
- David Gerard - Stub: Landover Baptist Church.
Week ending 29 August 2010[edit]
- David Gerard - Orthomolecular medicine, Nutritional supplement. Stub: Christiane Northrup.
- Psy - expanded ANC article & nasty stubby start to Rand Flem-Ath
- Armondikov - Ground Zero Mosque, Unusual homeopathic remedies
Week ending 22 August 2010[edit]
- Concernedresident - Pious fraud
- Humming - Minnesota Forward here and at wikipedia.
- David Gerard - Emotional Freedom Technique, Biofield flower therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Oprah Winfrey, Acupressure, Bach flower remedies, Craniosacral therapy, Pranic healing, Theta healing. Stubby stubs Traditional Chinese Medicine, isopathy. I literally went through every page of Wiki4CAM looking for subjects.
Week ending 15 August 2010[edit]
- David Gerard - Christopher Monckton, Science and Public Policy Institute, George Monbiot, Iscador, Urine therapy.
- Concernedresident - Appeal to novelty and Grandfather clause
Week ending 8 August 2010[edit]
- David Gerard - Serge Monast, Project Blue Book, Neil Gaiman, GNU Free Documentation License. Stubbity stubs: Dana Ullman, Elena Kagan.
- Hummin - stubbity stubbity Harry Houdini, famous debunker. Sub-stub: clinical trial.
Week ending 1 August 2010[edit]
- Psy - Cockney Bible, Lily of the Valley, Kissing Hank's Ass
- David Gerard - Yakshaving, Papyrus, Avicenna. Expanded Project Blue Beam, Color therapy. Lots of polishing on Baraminology.
Week ending 25 July 2010[edit]
- ArmondiKov47 - Time Cube and Gene Ray - not started, but expanded and rewrote considerably to the point I may as well claim credit for starting them.
- PsyGremlin - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament & Sleep paralysis & added some meat to Ghost
- Humming - RationalWiki:Periodic Table of Contents, awaiting the imagemap extension to make it really cool.
- Concernedresident - expanded Revelation and began adding annotations to our Bible. Reformatted Council of Europe 2007 resolution on the teaching of creationism and filled in some blanks.
Week ending 18 July 2010[edit]
- Tokoloshe - Doctor's Data & the hippie-hippie shake
- Concernedresident - Horizontal reading & rewrite of Speaking in tongues (now with moar bible powar)
Week ending 11 July 2010[edit]
- PsyGremlin - fiddled around with his Peter... er... Peter Principle & Conservapedia:Letter to Douglas Moo
- Hamburger - copied and partly RWified Borel's Law from WP.
Week ending 27 June 2010[edit]
- Humdinger: Rick Santorum breathed back into life via the lungs of his zombie child.
Week ending 20 June 2010[edit]
Week ending 13 June 2010[edit]
- Concernedresident: Why can't I own a Canadian?, Fun:Is Andrew Schlafly dead?, expansion of Self projection as god, PrisonPlanet, Chilling effect, and a rewrite of Tithe.
- Armondikov: Life cycle assessment (finally). Hammered at the extraterrestrial themed articles for a bit.
Week ending 6 June 2010[edit]
Took a break and went to the seaside. Hooray!
Week ending 30 May 2010[edit]
- Concernedresident: Lying by omission (sponsored by The Discovery Institute)
Week ending 23 May 2010[edit]
- Hooming: Giorgio A. Tsoukalos stub about loony featured on History Channel
Week ending 16 May 2010[edit]
- Concernedresident: Rewrite of Conservapedia:Liberal Style
- Armondikov: Rewrite/expansion of Randomized controlled trial
- Hooming: Ported High IQ society over from wikipedia to improve, RW-style Iron age, Really cool rich people, baleeted by fascists. At least I add to the site.
Week ending 9 May 2010[edit]
- Concernedresident: Belief in belief. I'm back, biyatches.
- Totnesmartin:Philippa Stroud, I Ching. Faffed about with brain templates. Read one of those 33⅓ books. Voted.
- Slumber bunny: The Conservative Camp inspired by WP and CP. Ancient alien theory
Week ending 2 May 2010[edit]
- Homing pigeon: copyedited the above for Englishness
- Hooming: Losing an argument for what it's worth, SEO
- Colourful Tokoloshi: E-Prime, Aristotelian essentialism, an' losta bukkit an' mopp stuph.
- VirileSterile: BIO-Complexity
- Totnesmartin: Wrote Malaysia, bought a new phone, started Facebook's RW group.
Week ending 25 April[edit]
- AD: Survival seed bank
- Totnesmartin: Nick Clegg, Chernobyl, Richard Littlejohn, Britain is full. Painted the lounge.
- Armondikov: Started Project Bullshit. (I thought Andy Schlafly did that? - Ed.)
- Hoomin: stubbed up Contract With America, finally started making money again after a 15 month drought.
- Colonel of Squirrels: Ross Douthat, Megan McArdle
- Psygremlin: Uruguay (it was on the list!)
The week that does not exist[edit]
- Human - reverse engineering
- Pi: Fallacy fallacy
- Totnesmartin: The Sun
Week ending 11 April 2010[edit]
- ConcernedResident: Expanded Martin Gardner. Made home-made chilli burgers.
- Humdrum: Next Level Church here and at pikiwedia. Google it you bastids. WP's article on them sucks, I made it better too. Generalization from fictional evidence Thanks Tetronian. Several redirects to blue link user pages. The much needed cabalThere is no cabal. The cabal can go fuck themselves[1].
template! I am almost useful!
- Psygremlin:Conservapedia:Blatant plagiarism/Brian Sandoval. Lusted after CR's chilli burgers.
- TheEgyptian:Pithom
- Totnesmartin: United Kingdom Independence Party
Week ending 4 April 2010[edit]
- AD: Paul Ryan
- Armondikov: Zombie
- ConcernedResident: National Public Radio
- Colonel of Squirrels: Wingnut welfare
- Humdrum: copyedited NPR (see above) a bit. Nice work, CR! Stubbed adaptogen. Copyedited everything in sight.
- Totnesmartin: Montauk project
Week ending 28 March 2010[edit]
- Armondikov: Expanded the Drake Equation, Chemophobia
- Humdrum: Vandal site made Goonie move Big Brain Radio Show to the mainspace from his litter box. Goonie also made me stub up Metaphysical Institute. Screw him.
- Psygremlin: Double predestination
- Researcher: Insurgency
- SuperJosh: Nostalgia, and Nostalgic. Although the latter is just a redirect to the former, it's still a creation, dammit!
- SusanG: left and never came back.
- Totnesmartin: Found the Holy Grail and stole Deutsche Physik from Wikipedia. So much for being valiant and pure in spirit then!
- TheoryOfPractice:
Week ending 21 March 2010[edit]
- AD: Keith Ablow
- ConcernedResident: Morality police, Essay:Response to the Papal letter of apology
- Humming: Whined about the titular caps on the various "police" articles, mostly to myself.
- Researcher: Autocracy, Demarchy
- SuperJosh: Secret Police
- Totnesmartin: 27 Club
Week ending 14 March 2010[edit]
- AD: Common Era, Uncertainty tactic
- Armondikov: Shoved a few hundred bytes into Speed of light, will do better next time.
- ConcernedResident: Sam Harris, Inbreeding & a boat load of pointless "association" articles, starting with Fun:Secular_Priests_Association
- Colonel of Squirrels: Blatant Plagiarism/Republic of China, Pajamas Media
- Humming: template:notfun and some other templates. Lemon Jackelopes
- Psygremlin:THC Ministry
- Researcher: David Kilcullen
- Totnesmartin: 23, Christian Police Association
Week ending 7 March 2010[edit]
- Armondikov: Forked Ether, added to Daily Mail
- ConcernedResident: National Day of Prayer. Expanded Cryptozoology. Reformatted Help:Manual of style. Deflowered three new editors. Blocked Tetronian and Mei.
- Colonel of Squirrels: Blatant plagiarism/China, expanded push poll and Of Pandas and People
- Humming: Ben Best, released Help:Manual of style into the wild
- Researcher: taser, Yoga, William Luther Pierce
- SusanG: Bert Schlossberg, ScienceBlogs, added Spain section to Renewable energy
- Totnesmartin: Curse
- TheoryOfPractice: additions to Types of people that go to Hell
Week ending 28 February 2010[edit]
- Armondikov: Was somewhat busy last week
- ConcernedResident: Expanded Khmer Rouge, God, Aging, and the incredibly disturbing Media:Ed Blue Lagoon.jpg
- Colonel of Squirrels: Andrew Breitbart, Friedman Unit
- LimpWrist: improved Scapegoat (so blame him)
- Humming: was helpful
- Researcher: expanded Juche and Don't Ask Don't Tell
- SuperJosh: No Cussing Club
- TheEgyptian: expanded Asia (modern history)
- Totnesmartin: Flight 19, Scapegoat
- TheoryOfPractice: added to Obama and fascism
Week ending 21 February 2010[edit]
- AD: Postmodernism (added section on utility)
- Armondikov: Wind Turbine Syndrome, will clear the A's from Category:Articles with unsourced statements!
- ConcernedResident: Ron Wyatt, SPAG, Typhoid Mary
- Colonel of Squirrels: Andrew Wakefield, Ann Althouse, Mount Vernon Statement, International Transformation Network (still a bit stubby)
- Humming: moved commas between articles to balance the universe's carmik shakras
- Pi: Council for National Policy, Pauline Hanson (expanded a bit), created One Nation stub.
- Researcher: New Left
- SuperJosh: Resurrection
- TheEgyptian: Newsmax
- Totnesmartin: Pauline Hanson
Week ending 14 February 2010[edit]
- AD: Template:Empiricism, rewrote Empiricism, rewrote the lede and half of Rationalism, rewrote René Descartes, Conservapedia:Liberal Inability To Abstract, rewrote most of Book of Job.
- Armondikov: Jason Lisle, conscription (only arguments for and against, no references or additional "article stuff"), Escape hatch (stub)
- ConcernedResident: Conservapedia:Mysteries
- Colonel of Squirrels: Lee Siegel, David Brooks, Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller, expanded Michelle Malkin and Feng shui
- Humming: Copyedited most of what turned up here.
- Pi: Teabagging_(protest)#Ensuring_Liberty_Corporation (new section), attacked CreationWiki with a whipper snipper
- Researcher: National Review Online, Marc Thiessen
- SuperJosh:The Fall of America and the Western World
- TheEgyptian: Osireion
- Toast: Ozone layer (3x increase)
- Totnesmartin: ADE-651, Abu Hamza al-Masri, Greece#Modern Greece (more material - was a single, boring sentence)
- TheoryOfPractice: Psychoanalysis
Week ending 7 February 2010[edit]
- AD: Mass hysteria, The Obama Deception, Gerald Celente
- Colonel of Squirrels: Erick Erickson, Ed Brayton, Andy Kadir-Buxton, Kadir-Buxton Method, Indigo child, expanded Jonah Goldberg
- Concernedresident: Two wrongs make a right
- Damo: Deepity
- Π: Joseph Farah#Creationism (new section), Orly Taitz (long footnotes), Teabagging_(protest)#9.2F12_protests and Teabagging_(protest)#Factions (new sections).
- SuperJosh: Expanded Animal Farm
- TheEgyptian: Dendera lamp (new section)
- TheoryOfPractice: Louis Farrakhan
- Toast: Vaccine hysteria (new material)
- Totnesmartin: Mothman
- Worm: George Simpson