RationalWiki:RationalMedia Foundation/Voter registration
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In order to vote in the RationalWiki Foundation board election you must sign your user name to this page.
To sign up please use the following format: #[[User:Anonymous user|Anonymous user]]
By the date of the vote, eligible voters must:
- Have been registered for 90 or more days
- Have 75 or more edits
- Have a valid, confirmed e-mail
- Have added their name to the voter registration page
Users that have been crossed out are no longer eligible to vote on account of being deceased or banned from RW, but are still listed for archival purposes.
Registered voters[edit]
- Tmtoulouse
- Blue
PsyGremlin– Deceased- Tyrannis
- Bicycle Wheel
- Scream!!
- Stabby the Misanthrope
- Sam
- Gomer
- Osaka Sun
- TheoryOfPractice
- Sprocket J Cogswell
- Tielec01
- WaitingforGodot
- Mikal
- Reckless Noise Symphony
- LArron
- Bob M
- Innocent Bystander
- ORavenhurst
- The Foxhole Atheist
- Aboriginal Noise
- AD
- Dirk Steele
- Spud
- Edgerunner76
- CowHammer
- Armondikov
- Sethpeck
- An American Nihilist
- Hamilton
- Ace McWicked
- TheEgyptian
- Hipocrite
- Damo
- Hamster
- neonchameleon
- Cracker
- TheLateGatsby
- ListenerX
- Genghis Khant
- PeterL
- Refugee
- JzG
- Sterile
- DickTurpis
- David Gerard
- Brendiggg
- Matty the Damned
- Lily
- Protoman
- Andy Franklinson
- KnightOfTL;DR
- Iscariot
- Jdellaro
- Naca
- Pongo
- Ro Thorpe
- Tweenk
- Nutty Roux
- Steven Kavanagh
- Human
- Nebuchadnezzar
- ZooGuard
- rpeh
- Brendan Rizzo
- Dumpling
- π
- RationalSpanish
- HeidelbergKid
- Tom Morris
RobSmith– Banned- Grumblejaws
- Leuders
- weorthe
- Compro01
Smerdis of Tlön– Deceased- GrantC
- Javascap
- Marlow
- Occasionaluse
- DinsdaleP
- Raysenn
- FuzzyCatPotato
- Inquisitor
- ProblemChimp
- Shabidoo
- Carpetsmoker
- MadmanJohnson
- Ikanreed
- MarmotHead
- Greatnecro
- Ghost
- Bongolian
- TiaC
- WatcherIntheDark
- TemplarJLS
- Castaigne2
- RachelW
- N7.Geth
Arisboch– Banned- PacWalker
- Reverend Black Percy
- Queex
Kosterortiizbrock– Banned- TheroadtoWiganPier
- SolPyre
- CorruptUser
- Zexcoiler Kingbolt
- -Mona-
- Avengerofthe BoN
- Cosmikdebris
- Dendlai
- Kugelschreiber
- Pbfreespace3
- Ymir
- Owlman
- JorisEnter
- TeslaK20
- Bootmii
- Noir LeSable
- Roo
- Ipatrol
- Uppivindinn
- WeakMindedSkeptic
- Laurogeita Hamabost
- Nerd
- Bubba41102
- NameThatNobodyTakes
- Epsilon3
- Narky Sawtooth
- ScepticWombat
- Koidevelopment
- ClickerClock
- CheeseburgerFace
- RoninMacbeth
- DiamondDisc1
- Diacelium
- Hertzy
- Christopher
- Hclodge
- Enchanted13
- E.Wig
- Ariel31459
- DuceMoosolini
- Kingdamian1
- Rimuru Tempest
- GrammarCommie
- Kazitor
- Serocco
- CowHouse
- LeftyGreenMario
- Bigs
- Tecint
- CoyoteSans
- Millennium Scallion
- Aeonian
- Peyre
- Fmeimsick
Oxyaena– Banned- Summa Atheologica
- TheUmbilicalCordGuy
D– Banned- Annanoon
- Codefuser
- Spriggina
- CogitoNotStirred
- Greenrd
- Delibirda
- Techpriest
- Hastur!
- Hmmph
GR– Banned- Vorarchivist
- CircularReasoning
- Iwillprobablygetbanned
- Kauri0.o
- IveBeenFrank
- Celeste
- Plutocow
- Rairyu75
- Exaskliri
- Knight Commander
- GeeJayK
- Euromec
- Hclodge
- MarioSuperstar77
- Asela
- SixtyNine
- Andrew5
- LongStylus
- Vomitorium
Neiltyson1fan– Banned- Highboi
- 71.208.x.x
- Jakester499
- Rabbitseatcarrots
- ApooftGnegiol
- Chillpilled
- Postuhenin
- Justarandomliberal
- Ephrom
- TheOneAndOnlyCirrusMan