RationalWiki:RationalMedia Foundation/Voter registration

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In order to vote in the RationalWiki Foundation board election you must sign your user name to this page.

To sign up please use the following format: #[[User:Anonymous user|Anonymous user]]

By the date of the vote, eligible voters must:

  • Have been registered for 90 or more days
  • Have 75 or more edits
  • Have a valid, confirmed e-mail
  • Have added their name to the voter registration page

Users that have been crossed out are no longer eligible to vote on account of being deceased or banned from RW, but are still listed for archival purposes.

Registered voters[edit]

  1. Tmtoulouse
  2. Blue
  3. PsyGremlin – Deceased
  4. Tyrannis
  5. Bicycle Wheel
  6. Scream!!
  7. Stabby the Misanthrope
  8. Sam
  9. Gomer
  10. Osaka Sun
  11. TheoryOfPractice
  12. Sprocket J Cogswell
  13. Tielec01
  14. WaitingforGodot
  15. Mikal
  16. Reckless Noise Symphony
  17. LArron
  18. Bob M
  19. Innocent Bystander
  20. ORavenhurst
  21. The Foxhole Atheist
  22. Aboriginal Noise
  23. AD
  24. Dirk Steele
  25. Spud
  26. Edgerunner76
  27. CowHammer
  28. Armondikov
  29. Sethpeck
  30. An American Nihilist
  31. Hamilton
  32. Ace McWicked
  33. TheEgyptian
  34. Hipocrite
  35. Damo
  36. Hamster
  37. neonchameleon
  38. Cracker
  39. TheLateGatsby
  40. ListenerX
  41. Genghis Khant
  42. PeterL
  43. Refugee
  44. JzG
  45. Sterile
  46. DickTurpis
  47. David Gerard
  48. Brendiggg
  49. Matty the Damned
  50. Lily
  51. Protoman
  52. Andy Franklinson
  53. KnightOfTL;DR
  54. Iscariot
  55. Jdellaro
  56. Naca
  57. Pongo
  58. Ro Thorpe
  59. Tweenk
  60. Nutty Roux
  61. Steven Kavanagh
  62. Human
  63. Nebuchadnezzar
  64. ZooGuard
  65. rpeh
  66. Brendan Rizzo
  67. Dumpling
  68. π
  69. RationalSpanish
  70. HeidelbergKid
  71. Tom Morris
  72. RobSmith – Banned
  73. Grumblejaws
  74. Leuders
  75. weorthe
  76. Compro01
  77. Smerdis of Tlön – Deceased
  78. GrantC
  79. Javascap
  80. Marlow
  81. Occasionaluse
  82. DinsdaleP
  83. Raysenn
  84. FuzzyCatPotato
  85. Inquisitor
  86. ProblemChimp
  87. Shabidoo
  88. Carpetsmoker
  89. MadmanJohnson
  90. Ikanreed
  91. MarmotHead
  92. Greatnecro
  93. Ghost
  94. Bongolian
  95. TiaC
  96. WatcherIntheDark
  97. TemplarJLS
  98. Castaigne2
  99. RachelW
  100. N7.Geth
  101. KOMF
  102. Arisboch – Banned
  103. PacWalker
  104. Reverend Black Percy
  105. Queex
  106. Kosterortiizbrock – Banned
  107. TheroadtoWiganPier
  108. SolPyre
  109. CorruptUser
  110. Zexcoiler Kingbolt
  111. -Mona-
  112. Avengerofthe BoN
  113. Cosmikdebris
  114. Dendlai
  115. Kugelschreiber
  116. Pbfreespace3
  117. Ymir
  118. Owlman
  119. JorisEnter
  120. TeslaK20
  121. Bootmii
  122. Noir LeSable
  123. Roo
  124. Ipatrol
  125. Uppivindinn
  126. WeakMindedSkeptic
  127. Laurogeita Hamabost
  128. Nerd
  129. Bubba41102
  130. NameThatNobodyTakes
  131. Epsilon3
  132. Narky Sawtooth
  133. ScepticWombat
  134. Koidevelopment
  135. ClickerClock
  136. CheeseburgerFace
  137. RoninMacbeth
  138. DiamondDisc1
  139. Diacelium
  140. Hertzy
  141. Christopher
  142. Hclodge
  143. Enchanted13
  144. E.Wig
  145. Ariel31459
  146. DuceMoosolini
  147. Kingdamian1
  148. Rimuru Tempest
  149. RWRW
  150. GrammarCommie
  151. Kazitor
  152. Serocco
  153. CowHouse
  154. LeftyGreenMario
  155. Bigs
  156. Tecint
  157. CoyoteSans
  158. Millennium Scallion
  159. Aeonian
  160. Peyre
  161. Fmeimsick
  162. Oxyaena – Banned
  163. Summa Atheologica
  164. TheUmbilicalCordGuy
  165. D – Banned
  166. Annanoon
  167. Codefuser
  168. Spriggina
  169. CogitoNotStirred
  170. Greenrd
  171. Delibirda
  172. Techpriest
  173. Hastur!
  174. Hmmph
  175. GR – Banned
  176. Vorarchivist
  177. CircularReasoning
  178. Iwillprobablygetbanned
  179. Kauri0.o
  180. IveBeenFrank
  181. Celeste
  182. Plutocow
  183. Rairyu75
  184. Exaskliri
  185. Knight Commander
  186. GeeJayK
  187. Euromec
  188. Hclodge
  189. MarioSuperstar77
  190. Asela
  191. SixtyNine
  192. Andrew5
  193. LongStylus
  194. BoN MKII
  195. Vomitorium
  196. Neiltyson1fan – Banned
  197. Highboi
  198. 71.208.x.x
  199. Jakester499
  200. Rabbitseatcarrots
  201. ApooftGnegiol
  202. Chillpilled
  203. Postuhenin
  204. Justarandomliberal
  205. Ephrom
  206. TheOneAndOnlyCirrusMan