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Anatoly Karlin

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Anatoly Karlin promoting Big Mac meals at a Russian McDonald's anniversary event in 2020.[1]
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
I endorse Richard Spencer. He started no wars and provoked no riots — much less "extremist" than Ziocons or BLM.
—Karlin, supporting white supremacist Richard Spencer in 2016[2]
I do eat beef so I would not feel particularly conflicted about eating horse even though horses are modestly smarter than cattle.
—Karlin, beef lover[3]

Anatoly Karlin (Анатолий Карлин),[note 1] (1988–) known as powerfultakes,[4][5] EHC,[6] Nooceleration[7] is a Russian far-right[8][9] climate change denier, grifter,[10] anti-vegan, eugenicist,[11] pro-natalist and ableist who has argued in favour of killing infants with Down syndrome and other disabilities (infanticide).[12] Karlin promotes what he calls "genetic enhancement" or "intelligence enhancement" which are euphemisms for eugenics.[13][14] Among his other extreme or controversial views are on bestiality (he has argued artificial intelligence will justify and legalise humans having sex with non-human animals[15][16][17][18]), drug decriminalization[19][20][21] (he supports legalising all drugs and is a self-admitted glue sniffing addict[22][23]), support for cryonics, human artificial wombsWikipedia,[24] radical life extension, believing the world can sustain 100 billion people and what he describes as "animal cognitive ethics" (his type of animal rights involves only protecting pigs, as Karlin says almost every other animal can be eaten.[25][26][27][28][29][30]).

Karlin has a long history of posting racism, white supremacy and misogyny online — to the extent he admitted, in 2019, to being a "racist and very happy with that" after posting on Reddit how much he dislikes Black people, used to browse neo-Nazi websites such as the The Daily Stormer and even supported White Sharia.[31][32][33] He is a former writer for the anti-Semitic and conspiracy theorist The Unz Review. In 2020, he wrote he favoured a "Russian ethno-state."[34] He once shared a podium with Richard Spencer at a white nationalist conference and endorsed him.[35] He also set up an alt-right podcast,[36] openly admitted he agrees with "about 70%" of the alt-right and praised Mussolini.[37][38]

In December 2023, Karlin wrote a series of articles titled "Intellectual Restructuring" saying he now identifies as a queer and has renounced his former racist and ethnonationalist beliefs (although he says he still supports eugenics), distanced himself from Spencer and is now an anti-racist activist, Antifa, pro-Woke and liberal (or libertarian) who supports "open borders", globalisation, freedom of speech and LGBTQ+ rights.[39][40][41] He also claims to have given up anti-Semitism for philo-Semitism now describing himself as "one of the world's leading philo-Semites".[42] Karlin must have thought he could fool people with this troll/stunt/grift attempt, but Spencer tried the same thing in 2020[43] — no one really cares about their empty words, the damage is already done to their reputations. Karlin describes himself as a proud shill for "GloboHomo".[39] He says he is agender.[44][45]

Karlin currently promotes a new far-right technocratic syncretic political philosophy, "Elite Human Capital" with Richard Hanania. He was a speaker at Vitalia in 2024.[46][47]


Place of birth, residences and unemployment

Karlin was born in Russia in 1988 but moved to live in northern England at the age of six. In the late 2000s he relocated to the US where he lived until October 2016.[48][49] He then moved back to Russia and stayed there until around 2022.[50] He has claimed "Western values basically turned me into a Russian nationalist."[51] In May 2023, Karlin was living in the Zuzalu "pop-up" city in Montenegro. In January-March 2024, Karlin described himself as a digital nomadWikipedia and was temporarily living on Roatán Island, Honduras. He then moved to London in July-August 2024.[52][53] There is no evidence Karlin has ever worked and his travels seem to be financed by his parents who he has described as research scientists.[54] In 2017, Karlin described himself as a "NEET" (not in employment, education, or training), admitted to being "lazy", said he had no employment prospects and "appreciated my NEET lyfestyle [sic] (no schedules, wake up whenever I want, etc)".[55][56][57][58]

Education and journalism

Karlin received a BA degree in Political Economy from the University of California, Berkeley. He has authored or co-authored a small list of peer-reviewed papers since 2019 in low-tier journals of poor repute (arcane Russian journals, Psych, and Mankind Quarterly)[59][60] The quality of Psych journal's peer review has been disputed.[61] 'Furthermore, it is published by MDPIWikipedia which has a history of controversies. Karlin has falsely claimed that his bachelor of arts is a bachelor of science degree.[62][63][64][65] Karlin's lying about the degree that he received would seem to be an attempt at trying to make his research papers look more respectable than they actually are, a feeble attempt at credentialism by trying to make people think that he is qualified in science. Karlin attended the London Conference on Intelligence.[66]

Karlin has questionably described himself as a "journalist".[67] In February and March 2022 Karlin began describing himself as "Moscow journalist" on his social media profiles.[68]

On 8 March 2022, Karlin appeared on a MintPress NewsWikipedia livestream where he was introduced as a "Russian journalist".[69] The host failed to note Karlin's history of far-right activism.[70]

Online publications

Sputnik & Pogrom

Karlin wrote an article for the Russian ultranationalist website Sputnik & Pogrom:

Karlin… once wrote for “Sputnik & Pogrom”, an ultranationalist website that was even too much for Putin based on the evidence of it being shut down on July 6th, 2017. In 2015 the website called for “crushing Ukraine” and establishing a “Russian ethnic state.”[71]

The article is titled "Russian Noosphere: A Large-Scale Survey of IQ Levels by Regions of Russia".[72]

The Unz Review

See the main article on this topic: The Unz Review

Karlin was a former writer for The Unz Review (from 2015-2021) and published over 2300 articles.[73] His column section was called "The Russian Reaction" and he wrote mostly about HBD, intelligence research, demography and Russian politics. In October 2021, Karlin relocated his blog to Substack named Powerful Takes,[74] renamed Nooceleration in 2023[75] and EHC/Elite Human Capital in 2024.[76]

In October 2021, he wrote his final article on The Unz Review titled "The Last Reaction".[77] Karlin continued commenting on the website under his name up to December 2023. He has ~9700 comments.[78]

Some of Karlin's articles are trolling, drivel, clickbait nonsense, and pander to the alt-right. Examples include titles such as: "Negrolatry, #BlackLivesMatter and the West’s New Religion," "White Antifragility: Wokeism as White Supremacism," "Mussolini Did Nothing Wrong," and "Is Haiti a Shithole?".[79][80][81][82] He also wrote an article defending Emil Kirkegaard, an activist for legalising child pornography.[83]

Climate change denial

See the main article on this topic: Global warming

Karlin is a climate change denier, specifically an impact denialist who despite recognising anthropogenic global warming denies it has a net-negative impact and argues it is is a good thing and beneficial to the environment.[84][85][86] He subsequently claims he supports global warming[87] and wants to increase all greenhouse gas emissions including carbon.[88] Karlin therefore rejects the scientific consensus on climate change and disregards the negative effects of global warming that massively outweigh positives.[89] He denies there is a climate emergency.[90] In 2020, he argued "global warming will be extremely good for Russia"[91] and opposes carbon taxes.Wikipedia[92] In 2024, Karlin doubled down on his impact denialism saying: "Moderate global warming will probably be globally net good."[93] Karlin has repeatedly claimed climate change is not an "X [life] risk".[94][95] He appears to be oblivious to the fact climate change currently affects at least 10,967 species on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species and the Bramble Cay melomysWikipedia (Melomys rubicola) was the first mammal to have gone extinct as a direct result of anthropogenic global warming.[96][97]

Tropical Hyperborea

See the main article on this topic: Hyperborea
Anatoly Karlin supports increasing methane and CO2 emissions

In an article titled "Tropical Hyperborea Cometh" Karlin outlines his bizarre reasons why he thinks global warming is good for Russia:

In reality, I think the increase will be even steeper, because the loss of Arctic sea ice is proceeding far faster than even the most "pessimistic" climate models projected. The IPCC forecast ice-free Arctic summers in the late 21st century under a high emissions scenario, but linear projections of the past decade’s trends suggest that could be achieved as early as 2020. The Northern Sea Route is 35% shorter than the southern route, you don’t have to pay a toll at Suez, nor brave pirates off the Somali coast. It will be ultra-competitive once the ice is gone. Even non-summer shipping will be increasingly viable thanks to Russia’s growing nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet.

This is just the start. As the century progresses there will hopefully be intensive agricultural development, demographic settling, exploitation of the methane reserves in the permafrost and oceanic floor clathrates. This will hopefully accelerate warming further in a virtuous cycle. More warming means more carbon dioxide, more crops due to the carbonization effect, higher humidity leading to more rain (historically, it was colder periods of the Earth’s history that were associated with droughts/civilization collapses).[98]

These claims are easy to refute:

  • While some northern regions in Russia could theoretically see their agricultural productivity improve with increased carbon emissions than south, "any gains in agricultural productivity farther north could be offset by drought and wildfire in southern and western Russia and by the effect of melting permafrost on the country’s irrigation patterns, confounding any hopes of increased grain production."[99]
  • The simplistic notion crops will always grow more with extra CO2 is contradicted by a 17-year experiment on California flowers and grasslands.[100] It has also been reported that any increased plant growth will not likely be sustained, and that the increased CO2 also causes decreases in some important nutrients, such as selenium and zinc.[101]
  • Warming and thawing of the frozen ground causes problems for infrastructure, such as roads and pipelines.[102][103]
  • Forest fires and flash floods have already ravaged swathes of Siberia because of climate change.
  • Melting of permafrost in Russia's north could alter river flow patterns to create water shortages.
  • As the permafrost in northern Russia retreats and sea levels rise, the country is reportedly losing 468 square kilometers to erosion every year resulting in destruction of coastal communities.
  • The idea that polar-melting will be good for commercial shipping overlooks increased mobile hazards such as icebergs.

Karlin seems to not care that polar melting is detrimental to wildlife such as loss of polar-bear habitat; glacier retreat also increases the risk of reductions in seasonal freshwater availability to indigenous circumpolar peoples[104] and melting of permafrost negatively affects them in many other ways.[105]

Denying the denial

In December 2023, Karlin on his blog denied being a climate change denier,[106][107] despite he demonstrably is. The reason he denies he is a climate change denier is because he excludes impact denial from what climate change denial covers and restricts it to trend denial and attribution denial. These three variants are explained on Wikipedia's climate change denialWikipedia article and by Björnberg et al.(2017):

Several of the surveyed articles distinguish between three variants of climate science denial that are attributed to Rahmstorf (2004) (cf. Matthews, 2015, Poortinga et al., 2011). Trend denialists contest that any significant warming takes place. Attribution denialists instead question its anthropogenic nature, often attributing it to solar activity. Impact skeptics [impact denialists] accept anthropogenic climate change, but deny that it will have significant (negative) impacts on humans or the environment. Engels et al. (2013) added a fourth variant, consensus denial, which concerns questioning the existing consensus among climate scientists about anthropogenic climate change.[108]

Amusingly, in the same article he denies being a climate change denier he confirms he is one, since he admits:

I did argue that the effects of AGW might be positive if kept within a non-extreme range, and still hold that view.[109]

Animal cognitive ethics

Personally, I follow a cognitive ethics on vegetarian/meat debate. I abstain from pork, as pigs equal dogs; but do eat beef, chicken, fish.
—Anatoly Karlin[110]

In 2019, Karlin published an article "The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights" saying he supports the reduction of suffering based on how many neurons animals possess and argues brain size is a good proxy for intelligence to determine sentience.[111] While recognising pain in all animals in the sense of nociceptionWikipedia as a reflex action — Karlin's argues only animals with higher cognitive ability experience suffering and pain as a subjective "feeling". He therefore justifies eating almost all animals with the exception of pigs who are known to be the 5th smartest animal[112] (and a few other animals including dogs, dolphins and elephants). Karlin's argument relies on an earlier essay by Brian Tomasik[113] and has elsewhere been discussed on the Effective Altruism Forum. There are a number of issues with Karlin's argument. Firstly, while brain size usually increases with body size in animals (is positively correlated), the relationship is not linear. Secondly, neuron counts are far from perfect predictors of information-processing capacity or intelligence; brains depend on many other factors such as the distance between neurons (shorter distance allow faster communication), conduction velocity of neurons and refractory period (how much time must elapse before a given neuron can fire again).[114][115] Thirdly, Karlin's claim animals only feel pain and suffer if they have high cognitive capacity is unsubstantiated. There is no evidence additional neurons result in “more consciousness” or a higher level of sentience. Fourthly, Karlin's ethical argument is to associate greater intelligence with greater moral weight but this does not make sense if even applied to humans e.g., most children score lower on IQ tests than adults. This would mean Karlin's "cognitive chain" prioritises addressing the suffering of adults over children.

In 2023, Karlin disturbingly stated he has no ethical objection to killing certain animals for entertainment ("laughing watching them die in comical ways") if they have a low amount of neurons.[116] In August 2024, he argued killing shrimps for amusement is justifiable based on the fact they have only "30,000 neurons; 10x less than an ant."[117] Karlin has written he believes in eating the "dumbest animals" including fish and crustaceans and instead focuses on the animal welfare and rights of higher intelligence animals namely pigs which he questionably believes have the "most capacity to suffer".[118][119][120] Karlin says that he considers cattle to be much less intelligent than pigs and therefore eats beef (including beef broth[121]) and has no problem with eating lobster, mutton, lamb and horsemeat.[122][123][124][27] Karlin has stated he believes crustaceans are non-sentient or have a sentience level which is "very simple" and has "negligible value"[125][126] and therefore weighs crustacean suffering extremely low to nil. He ignores recent research on crustacean sentience including a systematic review by Birch et al. (2021) which argues there is strong evidence of sentience in crabs (infraorder Brachyura) and also substantial evidence of sentience in astacid lobsters/crayfish (infraorder Astacidea) meaning that these animals are capable of experiencing pain and suffering.[127] Karlin does not care about reducing the suffering of insects because of their low neuron count which he claims justifies killing flies.[128] He supports insect farming and personally eats insects (entomophagyWikipedia) including frozen crickets.[129] He also has written there are "Many good insect dishes."[130] As with crustacean sentience, Karlin seems ignorant of research on insect sentience. In 2022, a major study argued adult Diptera (flies and mosquitoes) and Blattodea (cockroaches and termites) show "strong evidence for pain".[131] Furthermore, mainstream research on bees despite their small number of neurons, has found bees to be able to display sophisticated cognitive skills including cognitive flexibility, cross-modal recognition of objects, and play behavior.[132][133][134]


Karlin has long criticised veganism including trolling vegans on Reddit and Twitter in comments dated 2019-2020:

I have consciously begun consuming more beef just to trigger these climate change moralists. It gives me pleasure to think I am canceling out the efforts of some Green vegan loser just through eating what I enjoy anyway. Helping bring about a warmer, wetter world is a nice bonus.[135]

I am eating more beef, not just because it's healthy and delicious, but because I get a warm feeling, a real sense of pleasure, knowing that I'm voiding the efforts of some Green vegan loser in the West - as well as doing my small part to help Tropical Hyperborea along.[136]

In June 2023, Karlin claimed vegans are mostly mentally ill and irrational:

There's a lot of mentally ill people amongst the vegan types (as you see in the comments). Most are not even truly rational, e.g. oppose eating things like shrimp and crabs (which have ant-level numbers of neurons).[137]

Elsewhere he has claimed "veganism is associated with mental illness."[138] What Karlin failed to mention is that the paper he referenced was a small study (only 54 vegetarians) which concluded, "there was no evidence for a causal role of vegetarian diet in the etiology of mental disorders."[139] Karlin has also claimed that veganism/vegetarianism "depresses IQ."[140] There is no reliable evidence for this and one study has shown "children with greater intelligence are more likely to report being vegetarian as adults."[141][142] Karlin supports flawed health studies that are funded by the beef industry,[143] for example he approvingly cited research from Bradley C. Johnston who authored discredited studies on red meat and failed to disclose his food industry ties.[144][145][146]

Sexual controversies

Karlin is known to have made controversial and offensive tweets/blog posts on bestiality, pedophilia, sexual attraction to minors, and rape.


In August 2023, Karlin made a tweet while responding to Zooey Dot Pub (a zoophilia advocacy magazine):

If you could uplift animals to human intelligence levels then the main problematic issue here (consent) would no longer be a factor.[147]

In the following months, Karlin suggested that artificial intelligence will justify and legalise bestiality in the near future:Do You Believe That?

There might be some progress on the animal consent problem pending AI making animal language more interpretable. If a cognitively complex, sexually mature animal (or alien species) genuinely wants to have sex with a human, there's no legitimate liberal argument against it.[148]

I'm against legalizing bestiality because the animal consent problem hasn't been solved, but probably actually will be quite soon thanks to AI (at least for the higher animals with complex languages). So why not wait a few more years.[149]

Karlin has stated that there should be more of a discussion on the "zoophilia question", remarking "It's a conversation we should be starting to have now."[150]


See the main articles on this topic: Rape apology and Informed consent

Karlin in a 2013 blog post defended what he calls "pseudo-rapists" as men who commit rape when drunk and has preposterously argued more than 25% of convicted rapists in the US are innocent:

In reality the deck is, if anything, stacked against innocent men and “pseudo-rapists” (i.e. the drunk fratboy who has sex with a consenting and equally drunk chick who really, really regrets it the morning after) because the pro rapists are almost by definition more proficient at it in the first place and would take care to cover their traces and create alibis. Based on the above rough numbers, it is a reasonable estimate that in the US probably more than 25% of convicted rapists are in fact innocent, while a good 25% or so are the type of “pseudo-rapist” described above. And of course while far from all rape convicts will go to jail, their criminal record and the sheer opprobrium associated with rape will generally create multiple problems for them for the rest of their lives such as finding a job, maintaining good relations with friends and family, and wooing romantic prospects. In fact even a false rape accusation can wreck lives because whereas women are allowed to remain anonymous, the accused does not have that same privilege. Now I know this concept of the “pseudo-rapist” is going to get me flak from the feminists but what can you do. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. People might do stupid things when they’re drunk, but they never do things that they don’t actually want to do – including those which are highly embarrassing in sober retrospect. Whereas female behavior in modern times is highly slutty (not that I’m complaining! – at least personally…) this goes against the human evolutionary heritage – not to mention the superstructure created by the traditional private property system – which prizes female chastity. Men simply do not prize women who sleep around a lot, so they have a biological imperative to protect their sexual reputations in order to get committed, higher quality mates. In a tiny minority of cases – but which constitute a sizable number in proportion to the number of real rapes! – this means that making a false rape accusation is preferable to a woman than letting it be known that she happily slept with the poor beta/omega bastard while blind drunk.[151]

The idea at least 25% of male convicted rapists are innocent in the US is not supported by any study. While a 2017 study found "wrongful convictions in cases with a sexual assault component occurred at a rate of 11.6 percent"; this was based on cases from the 1970s and 1980s predating modern DNA-testing.[152][153] In another provocative article on rape titled "Fraud of America's "Rape Culture", Karlin says "I think that the higher-end (i.e. 25%+) estimates for false rape accusations, far from being the products of MRM chauvinist hysteria, are in fact the most credible ones today."[154]

In 2019, Karlin defended Brett Kavanaugh and adjudicated rapist[155] Donald Trump from sexual assault allegations. In an article titled "Is Brett Kavanaugh a Rapist?", Karlin claims "Kavanaugh almost certainly raped nothing except SJW feelz" and describes the rape allegations against Kavanaugh as a "witch hunt".[156] He defended Julian Assange from rape allegations and claims they were made up.[157]

He has been described as an "original incel theorist".[158]

Sexual attraction to 14 year olds

See the main article on this topic: Pedophilia

In a creepy tweet made in 2014 when in his late 20s, Karlin posted that he found Petro PoroshenkoWikipedia's daughters, at the time who were only 14, to be "quite hot":

Poroshenko a fecund man: 2 sons, 2 daughters. And the daughters are quite hot.[159]

The tweet was commented on at the time by various people who found it disturbing:

you are talking about a 14 yrs old child you freaking weirdo[159]

They're 8thgraders[159]

hot? they are 14…[159]

In 2021, Karlin (then 33 years old) defended his attraction to minors by bizarrely quoting a comment Trump made about his daughter Ivanka when she was 16:

When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”.[160]

Homosexuality and pedophilia

Despite his own comments on being attracted to minors, Karlin in 2013 wrote a blog post arguing there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia:

In other words, it’s a valid public health policy to make homosexuality culturally unattractive, as opposed to glamorizing it. And while it is certainly true that it does not apply to the vast majority of homosexuals, the statistics also destroy yet another liberal canard: That there is no connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. In reality, studies indicate that 2-4 girls are abused for one boy, even though there are about 30 straights to every gay (the vast majority of sex abusers are of course male). Even allowing for necessary caveats – e.g., groups of male children are far more likely to be entrusted to males for supervision than groups of girls – that still strongly indicates that homosexuals are, on average, considerably more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals.[161]

This is an old homophobic canard which is not supported by reliable data.[162][163][164] Karlin has a history of homophobic comments.[165][166] In 2023, Karlin suddenly claimed to have changed his view of homosexuals, remarking: "I now strongly support support LGBTQ+ maximalism, including gay marriage.[167]Do You Believe That? He appears to have also retracted his attempt of linking homosexuality to pedophilia. In January 2024,[168] he began identifying as a queer and later said: "I do identify as queer but sadly I am not gay, though I'd love to have been, since it's very prestigious."[169]


In the early 2010s, Karlin identified as "liberal-conservative" and voted for the UK Conservative Party in the 2010 General Election.[170][171] In 2012, he described himself as a "pro-Putin conservative"[172] and contributed to the book Putin's New Russia.[173] At this time he took interest in the UK Conservative Friends of Russia group.[174] By 2013, he had stopped supporting the UK Conservatives for their policy on legalising gay marriage which he opposed. This later led him to support the United Kingdom Independence Party who he voted for in the 2015 General Election[175] (despite living in the US at the time, as a British citizen living overseas, Karlin could register to vote in UK parliamentary elections). Karlin also interviewed UKIP candidate Matthew Atkins for the constituency Lancaster and FleetwoodWikipedia on The Unz Review and said: "UKIP is the British party that is closest to my own positions".[176][177] However, Karlin would go on to criticise Nigel Farage (leader of UKIP) for softening his view on gay marriage.[178][179] In 2015, Karlin's politics increasingly became radical right and he began to support Marine Le Pen in France and Donald Trump in the US (see below).[180] In May 2017, Karlin wrote an article supporting Le Pen's Front National primarily because their anti-immigration policies.[181] By 2018, Karlin was attending far-right political demonstrations including an anti-Islam March in London organised by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance, UKIP and For Britain (a British National Party splinter group) and praised a speech by Anne Marie Waters.[182] In 2019, he said he attended a private meeting "of Brexiteers and nationalists."[183] Between 2019 and 2022, Karlin supported explicitly far-right and ethnonationalist political parties and candidates including Helmuth Nyborg of the Danish Stram KursWikipedia[184] (whose policy is deportation of all Muslims) and Éric ZemmourWikipedia (an extreme-right candidate in the 2022 French presidential election).[185] In December 2023, Karlin erratically said he was no longer supporting right-wing politics and self-described politically as "left-liberal” and "cypherpunk-anarchic".[186]Do You Believe That? He now claims "right-wing ideology is epistemically bankrupt" and a "biomass of dumb seething losers."[187]

Trump and MAGA

See the main article on this topic: Donald Trump
Anatoly Karlin in March 2016 wearing MAGA hat.

In December 2015, Karlin wrote his first article complimenting Trump.[188] In November 2016, Karlin described himself as a "Trump supporter":

I spent the election roundup drinking at a London School of Economics student common room. I am pretty sure that I and the Russian student who invited me were the only Trump supporters there out of 30 or 40 people. This is not that surprising when one considers that Trump Derangement Syndrome is universal throughout Yurop and Britbongistan, and furthermore, that this was: (a) London; (b) millennials; (c) students; (d) at a pretty elite institution, which made for a quadruple whammy. It was all good though since I got to feel like the physical embodiment of trollface.jpg.[189]

Karlin supported Trump in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.[190][191] In 2016 he walked around UC Berkeley with a MAGA hat to "trigger" what he called "shitlibs."[192] In 2020, Karlin endorsed Trump on the basis he disliked the "neo-lib" Joe Biden and supported Trump's opposition to "SJWism" and political correctness.[193] In July 2021, Karlin began to describe MAGA as "tired grifters" and instead made one tweet favouring extremist Nick Fuentes:

Nick Fuentes is the closest thing the US has to a "genuine" opposition leader, a locus of normality in the zoo of tired MAGA grifters, WN oldfags, and Ziocon "hello fellow nationalist" types who otherwise make up the modern Alt Right. It's instructive the regime unpersoned him.[194]

In 2023, Karlin had done a 180-degrees turn to become staunchly anti-Trump, describing Trump as a "threat to democracy"[195] and a "tired conman".[196]

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia

From 2016 to 2020, Karlin was a supporter and voter of the Russian ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (despite having "liberal" in their name they are not remotely liberal but right-wing populist) and formerly described the LDPR as "my party".[197] In September 2016, he described himself as a LDPR voter.[198] He voted for Vladimir ZhirinovskyWikipedia in the 2018 Russian presidential election.[199][200] In June 2019, Karlin attended a picnic sponsored by the LDPR.[201] He further attended a protest by the party outside the US Embassy in Moscow.[202] Karlin has stated his main political goals in Russia are LDPR's policies which include "Russian nationalism", "An end to mass immigration from Central Asia", "no more prosecutions for hate speech", and seizing formerly-Russian lands, "Belorussia, North Kazakhstan, Novorossiya, and Malorossiya".[note 2][204] In September 2021, Karlin argued that the LDRP were made redundant after Putin had taken a "nationalist turn":[205][206][note 3]

I usually vote for LDPR. But Putin has de facto become a nationalist, so I'm ready to reward him for it.[208]

Despite voting for the pro-Putin United Russia party in the 2021 Russian legislative election,[209] and praising Putin throughout 2022 (e.g., writing "Putin will be hailed as one of Russia’s greatest leaders"[210]) in January 2023, Karlin abruptly said he was no longer a fan of Putin saying "I want to be rid of him and everyone associated with him as soon as the war is over".[211] By the end of that year, Karlin said he had stopped supporting "Russian nationalism" and criticised the LDPR describing its voters as "poorly educated".[212]

Socialist Party and Antifa

Anatoly Karlin in London (2023).

In November 2023, Karlin retweeted the hashtag #PalestinianLivesMatter and attended a left-wing pro-Palestine demonstration in London with members of the Socialist PartyWikipedia.[213] The following month he claimed to have renounced his "rightoid" political views and now identified as a liberal.[214][215][216] In August 2024, he described himself as an "Antifa" on his social media and said he supported "open borders", "free market economics", "queerness" and anti-fascism.[217][218]Do You Believe That? Karlin changed his userbox on X to describe himself as an "Anarcho-lib".[219] He also identifies as a libertarian remarking: "I have converged to unironic libertarianism."[220] He voted for the center-left Liberal Democrats party in the UK 2024 general election.[221][222] Karlin's appearance at a pro-Palestine protest is not out of the ordinary in light of the fact other far-right and anti-Islam political activists (e.g., Lucas Gage) in October-November 2023 (during the onset of the Israel–Hamas warWikipedia) came out in support of Palestine, with one article in Rolling Stone noting this was their "prime opportunity for a cynical rebrand" as well as for "clout and cash"[223] (to put it bluntly, grifting).

Kamala Harris

In July 2024, Karlin said he favoured Kamala Harris over Trump in the 2024 US presidential election and predicated she would win.[224] He has made pro-Harris tweets.[225][226] In October 2024, Karlin endorsed Harris[227] but a week later began saying he supports right-wing economics and "the left is so economically destructive,"[228] almost coming out in support of Donald Trump again (who he endorsed in 2016 and 2020), writing: "A Trump win might well be better for me."[229]

Views and ideology

…the pedantic neo-Nazi pseudo-intellectual Anatoly Karlin.
—Russia Without BS[230]
Who is Anatoly Karlin? Russia’s version of David Duke.

The Voice of America's fact-checking website,,Wikipedia describes him as a "white nationalist blogger".[232] Although, Karlin in 2023 claims to have renounced his nationalist ideology.Do You Believe That?

An article published in 2020 about columnists for The Unz Review summarises Karlin's crank magnetism and racist views:

Anatoly Karlin– (a self-described journalist and IQ researcher, he studied political economy at UC-Berkeley and has only one peer-reviewed published article (in the Siberian Psychology Journal), he is a frequent poster to the Unz Review. In his writings, he has claimed that the human carrying capacity is 100 billion, while most other peer-reviewed and pro-science sources cite the human carrying capacity as being between 8 – 10 billion, with Australian Academy of Science finding only two out of 65 peer-reviewed papers coming to a similar conclusion as Karlin. He also has repeatedly tried [to] linked race and IQ together, relying on such controversial and academically questionable material like Richard Lynn’s research on the subject and The Bell Curve, falling for common assumptions about race and IQ. Karlin also has a Reddit account and, not uncommon for many Redditors, has voiced his own view on race, writing, "I am quite happy that few Blacks associate with Russia, considering the type of violence-ridden underclasses they tend to create in countries that open their doors to them… So yes, I am a racist and very happy with that,". He also has tried to link homosexuality and pedophilia. So, all around, someone who should not be given a platform, yet has been due to the Review).[233]

The University Times, in 2019, described Anatoly Karlin as follows:

The Burkeans' rebrand this year has been matched by an ominous shift away from conservatism and into populism... More troublingly still, the article credits Anatoly Karlin, a well known member of the Russian far right who has appeared at events alongside American white nationalist Richard Spencer, as the source of many of the ideas expressed in the piece.[234]

Eugenics and infanticide

See the main article on this topic: Eugenics

In April 2017, Karlin said he was promoting eugenics among the alt-right:

I have done what I could to promote this viewpoint amongst the Alt Right, both online and in person, however I suppose it is ultimately up to the Alt Right themselves what to do about it.[235]

Eugenicist Anatoly Karlin on The Unz Review[236] describing people with Down syndrome as "retards".

He has described himself as an "outspoken eugenicist"[237] who promotes reproductive technologies, genetic editing and polygenic embryo screening[238] for "genetic enhancement" to modify humans to make them more healthy and intelligent.[239] Karlin has further stated his "main focus" is "how we can raise intelligence for everyone to the maximum extent possible (e.g. via embryo selection or genetic editing for IQ)."[240] In 2024, he published a blog post supporting "genomic enhancement for intelligence, cyborgism, psychonautics".[241] Although Karlin claims to only support voluntary eugenics (not coercive) and uses euphemisms such as "genetic enhancement" and "intelligence enhancement" he has a more sinister eugenics agenda including the killing of infants and children with disabilities (e.g., Down syndrome[242]) and has made highly offensive ableist postings disparaging people with Down syndrome.

In November 2015, Karlin described his views as in line with the alt-right, white nationalism and the Generation Identity movement to increase fertility rates while "raising IQs" by genetic editing and adopting "transhuman" (reprotech) technologies or radical life extension to "preserve white majorities in Europe":

Yes, I know, they are sort of dorky and even SJWish at times. But technology has ideological load, as Michael Anissimov put it (in an article I can’t find), and it just so happens that transhuman techs are perfectly in line with Alt Right, NRx, Identitarian, and even White Nationalist agendas. Raising IQs via genetic editing will arrest the dysgenic trends increasingly affected[sic] all peoples on the planet. Degenerating into a global idiocracy serves absolutely no-one’s interest: Not of Europeans, nor Asians, nor Africans. Automation will (hopefully) redistribute resources from the NAM-pandering welfare systems of today to something more fair and equitable. It will also probably help even the gap between indigenous and immigrant fertility rates in Europe and the US. Radical life extension will help preserve white majorities in Europe. The reason that they are declining isn’t just a matter of birth rates, but also of death rates; Europeans are simply much older than your typical immigrant “youth.” Plummeting mortality and morbidity rates – apart from their general desirability – will from an ethnic perspective overwhelmingly benefit whites and help Europeans maintain majorities in their historic homelands.[243]

In 2016, Karlin sympathised with "pro-natality campaigns" that are "pro-White/pro-eugenic".[244] In 2018, Karlin suggested genetic editing in developed countries to increase fertility rates among "breeders as a percentage of the population".[245] In November 2019, Karlin presented a eugenics talk in Moscow, "How to prevent Idiocracy: why is our intelligence falling, what will be the consequences, and how can this still be prevented?".[246] In March 2024, Karlin set up the blog Sophia DAO to "accelerate human intelligence enhancement" and promotes eugenicist Jonathan Anomaly's book Creating Future People,[247] having also adopted aspects of Anomaly's "techno traditionalism". In October 2024, Karlin was supporting the biotech-eugenics company PolygenX.[248] The company was co-founded by Anomaly and has ties to neo-Nazi Martin Sellner. The company claims to have "developed a way for parents pursuing IVF treatment to analyse the genetic data of their embryos and identify which of them will have the highest IQ."[249]


Karlin identifies as a pro-natalist who wants a TFR of 2.5 for Russia:

I support pro-natalism measures and social conservative family policy.[250]

Russia’s desired fertility is about 2.5, similar to the Anglo-Saxon world. However, real fertility usually lags desired fertility by at least 0.5 children, depending on economic circumstances and other factors. The US and the UK sometimes just broke the 2.0 barrier, but only temporarily, when economic circumstances were good. For instance, in Mediterranean Europe, which is more economically depressed, that gap is more like 0.8% children (desired TFR ~2.1; real TFR ~1.3). Either Russia’s economy would have to do really and consistently well for that to happen, or fertility preferences should go upwards.[251]

He supports human artificial wombsWikipedia to massively increase the population of Russia theorising that artificial wombs could increase "10 million children per year".[252]

In 2024, Karlin said he supported in vitro fertilization.[253][254]

Free IVF is very good policy that's pro-reproductive choice, pro-eugenics, and pro-natalist all at once.[255]

Overpopulation denial

See the main article on this topic: Overpopulation
Nobody really knows the carrying capacity of our industrial world economy - all we can say for sure is that we are still far below the limits to growth. My guesstimate is that the planet can support 100 billion people.

Karlin has argued that human carrying capacity is 100 billion[257] — a fringe view supported by very few population ecologists and demographers.[258] Although estimates widely vary for carrying capacity, most scientists agree that human carrying capacity has either already been reached or will be by 2050. Karlin, however, disagrees the human species is overpopulated now or will be in the near future.

Karlin's overpopulation denial seems to stem from his commitment to pro-natalism and increasing the population of Russia to compete with China, the US and India:

I don't buy the arguments that we've exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity, there's plenty of unused capacities. Russia by itself can support at least a billion people, probably several. Seriously competing with China, the US, and India is unrealistic with a population of 145mn.[259]

Karlin has written, "Hopefully 2019 will mark a final turnaround in the fertility collapse" in Russia[260] and has supported methods to increase Russia's population.[261][262]

White sharia and the alt-right

Anatoly Karlin and Richard Spencer at a neo-Nazi conference, May 2016.

In 2016-2017, Karlin said he "occasionally checked in" on the neo-Nazi The Daily Stormer and even described Andrew Anglin as "very talented".[263] He advertised and reprinted one article from at The Unz Review.[264][265] Around this time, Karlin supported Anglin's patriarchal and misogynistic White ShariaWikipedia:

Ironically, pretty much the only guy who gets it right is Andrew Anglin – go hard on White Sharia (or don’t bother at all).[266]

In November 2016, Karlin endorsed the white supremacist Richard Spencer.[267] He was influenced by Spencer's concept of an white ethno-state, although since Karlin is Russian, Karlin instead advocated for a Russian ethno-state. In 2020, when asked who he would allow into his "desired Russian ethno-state" he said:[268]

As general rule, all whites from the high-IQ European & Anglosphere countries would be welcome given a willingness to culturally Russify. But it's not an absolute rule, individual exceptions can be made, for instance, I happily accept Benes Ayo[note 4] as Russian.[269]

In May 2016, Karlin attended with Spencer and Identity Evropa activists a white nationalist "Safe Space for Europeans" demonstration at UC Berkeley. On the same day, he shared a podium with Spencer at a conference he described as an "alt-right meet up" in which he used homophobic language and described the alt-right as "common sense".Do You Believe That?

Near the end of the evening, I was called up to the podium by Richard Spencer to give an impromptu speech. I went up and started rambling about my journey of discovery, my disillusionment, my “awakening”… LOL no I didn't, faggots. Your "Alt Right" is otherwise known as "common sense" in Eastern Europe – it's really quite funny how actually existing Marxism cocooned them from cultural Marxism.[35]

The event at UC Berkeley was filmed by Red Ice Creations and Karlin briefly appears on camera.[270] At one point in the video Karlin is described as "one of our guys" by the neo-Nazi Henrik Palmgren. An article covering the demonstration in The Tab describes Karlin as a "supporter of white nationalism".[271] In 2017, Karlin set up what he described as an "alt-right Russian podcast".[272] The podcast was named ROGRP.[273][274] In 2020, Karlin stated he was trying to "help introduce the Alt Right to Russian nationalists, and vice versa" as well as promote "HBD" to counter against the "blank-slate legacy".[275]

Despite not using the label alt-right he said he agreed with 70% of the ideology:

Although I do not strictly consider myself Alt Right (or NRx), I do support about 70% of their positions, so I was happy to turn up with them to troll my alma mater.[276]

Anatoly Karlin with Richard Spencer at a white nationalist demonstration "Safe Space for Europeans" at U.C. Berkeley.

Karlin has described Paul Nehlen as the "most intelligent alt-right politician."[277] He is also a fan of Gregory Hood (of Counter-Currents) and Jared Taylor:

Gregory Hood is an excellent writer, one of my favorites in the “Alt Right”-sphere alongside Durocher. Good to see Jared Taylor on board as well.[278]

In October 2018, Karlin described the alt-right as "dead".[279] By 2022, he was criticising the remnants of the alt-right and drew criticism from Groypers.[280][281]

Unite the Right rally

See the main article on this topic: Unite the Right

Karlin in August 2017 supported the neo-Nazi Unite the Right rally (Charlottesville, Virginia).[282]

Denying his involvement with the alt-right

In 2023, Karlin wrote a dishonest article denying his involvement with the alt-right saying he only had "fleeting" associations, although admitted to "sympathies":

Consequently, my Alt Right sympathies occurred at a time when the Alt Right’s relative Russophilia contrasted positively with the often unabashed ethnocentric hatred of the Russiagate grifters who made their hay under the Trump administration. And if I was and remain a Neo-Nazi for thinking that human evolution didn’t come to a sudden stop above the neck 50,000 years ago, and that this has practical impacts from development prospects in Africa to the feasibility of liberal democracy in Syria or Iraq, then it is what it is.

Despite all the above, the fact remains that I never self-identified as Alt Right, and my tangible associations with the movement were fleeting. I never wrote for their publications, and I never got money from them myself. Consequently, it’s highly dubious bordering on slander to classify me within that cluster. The main arguments cited to that effect largely revolve around rumored associations between me and Richard Spencer, plus a highly superficial comparative narrative to how we have both cynically attempted to whitewash our “former” White Nationalist beliefs (the Woke take) or “cucked out” and went from “based” to “cringe” (the rightoid take). So I will cover my views on and history with Spencer in a bit more detail.[283]

While it is true he never identified as "alt-right",[284] this point is moot considering he posted he agreed with 70% of the alt-right, attended an alt-right "meet up", endorsed Richard Spencer, praised alt-right writers, and specifically set up an alt-right podcast. Karlin has gone on to try to whitewash or censor webpages which document his involvement with the alt-right and white nationalist views including filing a misleading libel complaint to Google — to deindex this RationalWiki article.[285] He has also tried to remove the same article including making legal threats, offering money to admins to delete the page and sending emails asking "what would be sufficient for RW to delete my article." Karlin may have filed a DMCA takedown request to remove his photo from The Tab article showing he attended an event with Spencer.[286] In March 2023, Karlin unsuccessfully attempted to remove the sentence "he [Anatoly Karlin] associates with alt-right political activist Richard Spencer" from a Wikipedia article.[287][288][289]

Conspiracy theories

Karlin supports numerous conspiracy theories.

Great replacement conspiracy theory

Typical of the alt-right, Karlin promoted from 2016-2022 the Great Replacement and White genocide conspiracy theories including the idea elites have a "population replacement agenda" which he said he was against.[290][291][292][293] He has described Europe as "Eurabia" based on projections of the Islamic percentage of Europe’s total population.[294] In 2023, Karlin admitted on his blog "I did “endorse” the Great Replacement theory" but said he has changed his mind to "consider it a good thing and unironically endorse Far Right conspiracy theories about the Kalergi Plan as a positive model for the entire world."[295] In 2024, Karlin asked, "what if I explicitly endorsed White Genocide on X? Sure, that's doable. It's actually literally true. If you want a video of making walking through London demanding White Genocide Id be happy to do that."[296] In April-May 2024, he wrote on social media that he thought "White genocide is good"[297] and "I no longer see the problem with replacement and White genocide."[298] Karlin's claims are unlikely to be sincere and are trolling since while posting he supports "White genocide" he has continued to make posts encouraging White people to reproduce. In August 2024, for example, he wrote that he supports Hungary (a country which is overwhelmingly White and has only 7,200 African immigrants under 0.1% of the population[299]) increasing its fertility rate by "Reprotech accelerationism."[300][301]

Conspiratorial antisemitism

See the main articles on this topic: Antisemitism and International Jewish conspiracy
I am not exactly a philo-Semite. Indeed, I qualify as an anti-Semite by the ADL’s standards, and RationalWiki would confirm. In general, I consider that Russians have quite a number of things to be unhappy about with Jews, from their massive overrepresentation in the NKVD to their current zeal in agitating against Russia.
—Anatoly Karlin in 2018.[302]

From 2016-2022, Karlin was openly anti-Semitic and promoted conspiratorial anti-Semitism about Zionists controlling "American foreign policy",[303] and scored himself 7/11 on a scale of anti-Semitism, writing: "I suppose I deserve my “accolades” from the SPLC and RationalWiki after all."[304] In 2018, Karlin controversially published a defence of an anti-Semitic article in the Russia InsiderWikipedia titled "It's Time to Drop the Jew Taboo",[305] arguing the article is "objectively true".[306] The article has been described as "a lengthy anti-Semitic manifesto",[307] with even its title being antisemitic ("Russia Insider Names Jew").[306] In December 2023, Karlin admitted to being previously anti-Semitic but said he changed his view of Jewish people in the opposite direction, "my positions are now entirely philo-Semitic."[308]Do You Believe That?

COVID-19 lab leak theory

Karlin has described conspiracy theories on the COVID-19 lab leak theory as "very plausible".[309][310]

Denial of war crimes by Fascist Italy

Karlin has written posts defending Fascist ItalyWikipedia and denying its war crimes.

Libyan Genocide

In 2012, Karlin denied or at least downplayed the Libyan genocide by describing the fascist regime in Italy as "largely non-genocidal".[311]

"Mussolini Did Nothing Wrong"

In March 2019, Karin published a provocative article on the The Unz Review praising the fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, arguing that he "did nothing wrong":

Italians have no particular need to be ashamed of Mussolini.[312]

Karlin's article seemingly denies war crimes committed by Fascist Italy which was pointed out by comment posters who found the article to be abhorrent:

This is complete nonsense and inexcusable. (And I am on the right wing of the right wing.) Anyone who claims the Duce was basically ok needs to read about what his soldiers did in Ethiopia. Poison gas against barefoot fighters. Killing all the monks in entire monasteries without provocation to humiliate and intimidate the Ethiopians. May he and his apologists burn in hell.[313]

White supremacism and racism

Karlin is an overt white supremacist and virulent racist but self-identifies as a "liberal race realist.[314]Do You Believe That?

He has deceptively tried to separate himself to "low IQ racists" like Stormfront users and neo-Nazis despite he shares their racist beliefs.[330]

Reality check: Karlin's racist beliefs are aligned to neo-Nazis.

Denying being a white supremacist

In 2023, Karlin admitted to posting racism as "ill-advised or inappropriate" comments but denied specifically being a white nationalist/supremacist and has made frivolous legal threats to people who describe him as these terms.[331] His denial[332] of ever being a white nationalist is untenable in light of the fact he once positively retweeted a description of himself as a "supporter of white nationalism".[333] Karlin has used euphemisms because of the stigma attached to the label "white nationalist" including националиста этноцентриста[334] (which translates in Russian as "nationalist ethnocentric"). He also identified as an "ethnonationalist" and a "Russian nationalist".[335]

I deny ever being a White Nationalist, let alone a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist. Although in the mid- to late 2010s I agreed that there was a war on White identity in the US and much of Western Europe, I couldn’t care less about a White ethnostate; I was a Russian nationalist, not a White Nationalist, and those two worldviews were never very well aligned to put it mildly. Such allegations are refuted not by my own mixed background (25% Dagestani, 3% Jewish), but also by essentially the entire body of my online commentary at that time (e.g. my Sinophilia and advocacy of strong economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and China – positions that I am now significantly less enthusiastic about). Nor did I ever actively associate with their leading ideologues or movements.[336]

The problem with this denial is he was blatantly posting white supremacism, for example, to quote one of his unambiguously racist comments from 2017:

I also think I was pretty clear on what I think the actual civilizational potential of Negroes is: I suppose that if a gamma ray burst were to fry the northern hemisphere tomorrow and wipe the high IQ peoples from the planet, then SSA [Sub-Saharan Africa] will also experience an economic and demographic collapse. Advanced manufacturing will vanish, there will be zero further technological/scientific progress and an outright regression in the stock of knowledge by a century or so.[337]

In 2019, Karlin stated he believes "American Blacks" cannot maintain a "modern technical civilization" without "Whites who built America" (if this is not white supremacism, what is?):

Remove the whites who built America, and American blacks will regress to… well, we ran a direct experiment on that: Liberia (average IQ probably somewhere around 70). Would obviously not happen with Colombians, or Latin Americans in general. Average IQ of 85 seems to be the level where one can comfortable maintain a modern technical civilization, but not enough to make large numbers of significant innovations (which pretty much only happens only in Western Europe, Anglo offshoots, and East Asia).[338]

In January 2024, a Black man who Karlin has racially harassed online[339][340][341] by calling a "spear-chucker", "nigger" and "low IQ Negroid" described Karlin as follows:

Anatoly Karlin is a vicious racist. I mean real hardcore Neo-Nazi stuff.

Recently, Karlin claims to champion "Anti-Racism"Do You Believe That? but "without denying HBD/IQ realities."[343][344] His blog contains posts defending hereditarianism concerning group differences in IQ.[345] The problem is what he considers "HBD/IQ realities" are not realities at all but dubious beliefs and pseudosciences including hereditarianism and racialism. As of 2024, Karlin still makes racist statements about Black people and relies on Richard Lynn's literature which is white supremacist.[346] In 2017, Karlin stated his favourite books were written by the controversial psychologist J. Philippe Rushton and Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve.[347] He continues to defend and praise those same authors so the leopard has not changed his spots.[348] Karlin listed his main influence as Rushton's Race, Evolution, and BehaviorWikipedia he claims "is still, perhaps, the book about the validity of HBD theory… this book raised my confidence in the HBD view of reality from “likely” to “almost certain.”[347] This book, however, is widely regarded by psychologists and anthropologists to be racist pseudoscience.[349][350] In May 2024, Karlin was retweeting support for one of Emil Kirkegaard's studies in OpenPsych.[351]

Concerning race and intelligence, Karlin has posted "I went from considering it primarily but *not exclusively* cultural (already a very un-PC view, esp. in 2010) to around ~50%/50% racial/cultural."[352] As a believer in HBD, Karlin holds pseudoscientific views on racial origins. In December 2019, he appeared in a video titled "What is Human Bio-Diversity?".[353] Near the beginning of the video, Karlin erroneously claimed that three major races of humans exist and split from each other 50,000 years ago into separate lineages. This racialist idea has been discredited.[354] In 2022, Karlin summarised his view on IQ:

I think evidence is pretty clear there are significant racial differences in IQ (itself the single most replicated construct in both the psychological & social sciences). But that's of secondary interest.[355]

Race and penis size pseudoscience

Karlin promotes pseudoscientific theories about race and penis size,Wikipedia such as claiming East Asians on average have the smallest genitalia and Africans the largest, "average penis size (large – Africa; Latin America; small – East Asia). The latter example isn’t nearly as… flippant as it seems, since testosterone levels have a large effect on behavior."[345] A 2005 peer-reviewed study instead reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[356] Karlin relied on unverified data from a dodgy site which quoted self-reported measurements used by Richard Lynn.[357]

Opposition to Black Lives Matter

Karlin opposes Black Lives Matter[358] purely for racist reasons, describing it as "Negrolatry religion" and "Negro worship".

What you have in #BlackLivesMatter is an emerging religion, complete with its own pantheon of saints and martyrs and the latest iteration of what some have called negrolatry, or the Cult of the Magical Negro.[359]

That is problematic, considering that Negro Worship is now the official religion of America.[360]

He used instead the label "Russian Lives Matter" in 2020.[361]

Misogyny and anti-feminism


In the 2010s, Karlin was a misogynist and was described as a "misogynistic douchebag" by We Hunted the Mammoth, who quoted his own words:

This is why your typical Third Wave feminist or rape activist is fat, has a manjaw, or is otherwise unattractive. If you are ugly, devaluing beauty is not bad evolutionary strategy.[362]

He supported Andrew Anglin's patriarchal and misogynistic White ShariaWikipedia.[363]


Karlin for many years said he opposed "gender feminism"[364] (more or less synonymous with third-wave feminism) which he described in 2018 as follows:

What Russia doesn’t have is gender feminism. In a nutshell, gender feminism seeks to masculinize women by (ironically) attacking traditional feminine virtues, while psychologically and legally emasculating men (suffice to say that in the US you have entirely mainstream commentators and professors like Hugo Schwyzer telling men to get pounded up the ass to become more “sensitive” and fight the patriarchy). Its proponents do not occupy Women’s Studies departments or write for broadsheets in Russia, to the contrary they are viewed as mentally ill. Chivalrous gestures are appreciated and expected of men, but the flip side is that the women are expected to treasure, not suppress, their femininity and nurturing instincts. As a result the Western cultural Marxists start writing about Russia as a very misogynistic country, as “a joke and embarrassment to civilization” as one of WaPo’s commentators put it.[365]

Denying being a misogynist

In December 2023, Karlin denied being a misogynist and said "I was never involved in the febrile fantasies about “thot patrols” and “women in cages” memed by Andrew Anglin and the groyper crowd."[366] This is despite the fact he formerly praised Anglin as a "talented writer"[367] and supported the Daily Stormer White Sharia meme. In other words, he is a proven liar. Nevertheless, Karlin admitted to being an anti-feminist but said he had now suddenly moved away from that position: "I am no longer even interested in countersignaling gender feminists" and described them as a "progressive historical force."

Russo-Ukrainian War

Throughout 2022, Karlin presented himself as an expert and forecaster on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and he was inaccurately described as a "Russian political analyst" by UK media.[368] He appeared on The Spectator's podcast to discuss the Russo-Ukrainian War.[369] This is despite the fact his predictions were proven embarrassingly wrong including his claim the war would be a quick Russian victory:

  • Russia-Ukraine War within 48 hours (70%).
  • Serious resistance will last <week (90%), perhaps only 1-2 days (40%).
  • Eventually integrated into RF: Donbass: 90%; Novorossiya: 70%; Ukraine in ~1939 borders: 40%; +Volhynia: 20%; +Galicia 15%. #prediction

Extremely bold takes, but I think they're logical. Embassy evacuation is what happens at the end. I have a low opinion of Ukrainian military capability or capacity/intent to sustain insurgency (see previous Tweets/posts). Last point is probably the most controversial/incredible.[370]

In February 2022, Karlin delusionally tweeted:

This conflict will be over in days, not weeks.[371]

He also wrongly predicted Russian military would take control of Kiev in the same month:

Good chance Kiev liberated today. Said it would happen in 48 hours on @RWApodcast on Feb 24 (US intel gave it 96 hours), might be correct to the hour. House of cards that is Ukrainian hopium to crash imminently, Russian military is a superlative machine.[372]

These tweets caused widespread ridicule on social media with one user describing Karlin as a "brick-stupid jackass".[373] Karlin has attempted to damage-control by renaming his Twitter handle he made these ridiculous predictions under. He made them using the handle @AKarlin0 but renamed his handle to @powerfultakes in May 2022.[374] The old @Akarlin0 handle was deliberately recreated for trolling which reads on its userbox: "I'm Alexey I like video games and impregnate woman I'm from Russia."[375] Karlin likely created this fake account to try to mislead people into believing someone else made his tweets from the same handle. The account suspiciously has retweeted Karlin's new handle @powerfultakes and largely became inactive months after the handle change which further suggests Karlin created it.[376]

One of Anatoly Karlin's false predictions.

Karlin may have been originally unaware that if you change your handle on Twitter it does not provide a new URL in terms of unique ID number meaning all of his tweets he made under @Akarlin0 are identifiable under @powerfultakes, including his embarrassing tweet wrongly predicting Russians would take control of Kiev.[377] In March 2024, Karlin abandoned trying to mislead people into thinking he did not make these tweets and instead tried to avoid humiliation on his website by saying: "I drastically overestimated Russian military strength and political competence (as did RUGOV, US intelligence, and virtually all of Metaculus)."[378] Karlin has said he correctly predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine in January 2022 as if this was a remarkable forecast, in reality, it was obvious to many at the time an invasion was imminent since more than 100,000 Russian troops were amassed at the Ukrainian border (for example, as was reported by CBS News and in the New York Times that month[379][380]). Despite supporting the invasion, praising Putin and putting Z (a militarist symbol in Russian propaganda) on his Twitter account[381] in 2022 — Karlin erratically in January 2023 said he no longer liked Putin[382]Do You Believe That? and by the end of the year criticised the invasion.[383]


Karlin has rather bizarre and contradictory views about RationalWiki.

In January 2017 he requested for a RationalWiki entry claiming he felt "left out" without one.[384]

In February 2018, his article was created and he claimed to like the page at the beginning of 2019:

You can certainly call me a fascist, or even a super-fascist like Evola, if you wish - I don't mind. However, accurately defined, I am merely a Russian nationalist. PS. I do like my RationalWiki profile, though it's nowhere near as good as Sailer's.[385]

In June 2019, however, he did a 180-degrees turn and started complaining about having an article, now calling it a "hit-piece":

I know that I am a small fish and all. But even in my case, Google spits out the RationalWiki hit piece on me (written by an actual basement dwelling troll) before my Unz column or even my own fucking website literally titled "Anatoly Karlin."[386]

He's spent the past five years whining about this page and attacking editors of the article on his social media.[citation NOT needed]

In 2024, Karlin complained that his RationalWiki webpage was longer than Richard Spencer's.[387]

Elite Human Capital (2023-present)

Anatoly Karlin in 2023.

In December 2023, Karlin in a series of articles on his website and in a number of later tweets claimed to have become a liberal on social issues, identified as a queer, agender and an Antifa and renounced his racist, homophobic, anti-immigration and nationalist beliefs and stated he now supported anti-racism, "open borders", LGBT rights and anti-fascism.[388]Do You Believe That? Karlin calls his new technocratic syncretic ideology Elite Human Capital. Despite Karlin's insistence otherwise — EHC is a far-right ideology and its core beliefs are eugenics, race and intelligence and ableism. Karlin never renounced his eugenics beliefs and in July 2024 described himself as an "outspoken eugenicist".[389] In August 2024, he summarised his political views as follows:

I am pro globalism Pro Open Borders Pro queerness Pro free speech and democracy Pro free markets, science and tech Pro eugenics Pro immortality Anti authoritarian, antifa, anti SJW.[390]

Karlin has stated he supports Antifa and most "Woke" values but is still against SJWism because he regards the latter as against freedom of speech. He changed the location of his Twitter account from Moscow,[391] to the words "open borders"[392] and now describes himself as a "digital nomad". He claims to support multiculturalism and "diversity" despite ranting against these for years[393] and randomly trolls people by saying: "You are going to go gay and multicultural."[394] Commentators on the "Karlin community" on The Unz Review have been sceptical about Karlin's alleged sudden Damascene conversion that he is now pro-immigration and opposes racism.[395][396] One should regard any preposterous claim of his, his flip-flopping on politics and extreme ideological changes (such as his "open borders" mantra) to be possibly trolling since he is a self-admitted troll.[391] He has been accused of hypocrisy for now calling other people racists.[397]

Karlin was banned from Discord in August 2023 for unknown reasons.[398]

Drug addiction

Karlin in May 2023 confessed to being a drug addict:

I suffer from glue addiction. I huff it every day.[399]

In June 2023, Karlin also mentioned he had "dosed heavily on LSD".[400]

See also

External links


  1. His old Twitter username akarlin88 is noteworthy in that the "88" is a reference to Nazism: see Fourteen Words.
  2. NovorossiyaWikipedia and MalorossiyaWikipedia are vaguely-defined Russian terms for large swaths of current-day Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, used in irredentist saber-rattling.[203]
  3. A 2022 article in The Guardian titled "…how Putin has morphed into a far-right savior" sums up Karlin's sudden support for Putinism. It notes "The Russian president’s ‘strong man’ image and disdain for liberals has turned him into a hero for white nationalists."[207] This mirrors much of what Karlin wrote in an article, "Russia's Nationalist Turn How Putin Created the Russian National State".[205]
  4. Normally transliterated as Beness Aijo,Wikipedia a Latvian-born Russian citizen with Ugandan and Russian ancestry.


  1. 30 Years of McDonald's in Russia by Anatoly Karlin (February 1, 2020) Unz Review (archived from March 8, 2022).
  2. I endorse Richard Spencer. He started no wars and provoked no riots — much less "extremist" than Ziocons or BLM. by @akarlin88 (9:46 PM - 25 Nov 2016) Twitter (archived from 22 Aug 2020 14:08:07 UTC).
  3. Ethically killing horses for horsemeat seems to be on about the same scale as cattle and much less bad than highly intelligent pigs, I do eat beef so I would not feel particularly conflicted about eating horse even though horses are modestly smarter than cattle. by Anatoly Karlin (3:05 AM · Feb 17, 2023) Twitter (archived from 4 Mar 2023 16:58:09 UTC).
  4. Anatoly Karlin, @powerfultakes Twitter (archived from March 17, 2024). His Twitter handle was formerly @akarlin88 and @akarlin0. He removed the "88" digits:

    AK: I changed it to @akarlin0. The “88” has become more trouble than it’s worth.

    The Last Reaction by Anatoly Karlin (October 8, 2021) The Unz Review (archived from January 1, 2023).
  5. Powerful Takes by Akarlin, Substack (archived from December 17, 2021).
  7. Nooceleration by Akarlin, Substack (archived from October 12, 2023).
  8. The Burkean’s Mission Has Changed. Conservatives Are Right to Worry. "Anatoly Karlin, a well known member of the Russian far right who has appeared at events alongside American white nationalist Richard Spencer".
  9. Russian State TV Calls Video Game Metro Exodus "Russophobic" by William Echols (February 21, 2019) Polygraph.infoWikipedia describes him as a "Russian white nationalist blogger". In a 2021 study published in Review of General Psychology, Karlin is described as "a similar figure [to Steve Sailer] who promotes antisemitic conspiracy theories and associates with alt-right political activist Richard Spencer." Jackson Jr, J. P., & Winston, A. S. (2021). "The mythical taboo on race and intelligence". Review of General Psychology, 25(1), 3-26 (page 9).
  10. Anatoly Karlin has admitted to grifting for cash and more social media followers or clicks to his accounts:

    A Trump win might well be better for me. Good opportunity to earn new followers and prestige with #Resist 2.0 grift.


    Can only admire the grift at this point.


    I disagree, always respect the grift.


  11. Karlin has written pseudoscientific articles on dysgenicsWikipedia at the The Unz Review. More recently in 2023, he described himself as a "positive eugenicist" and in 2024 as an "outspoken eugenicist."
  12. See comment #764 in the comments section of this open thread. In response to a question by a pro-infanticide eugenicist using the pseudonym Mr. XYZ:

    What do you make of Peter Singer’s (certainly elite human capital) support for (presumably painless) infanticide for disabled human infants, such as those with Down’s syndrome, up to one month after their birth?

    Anatoly Karlin posted:

    Yes, I support that. There are horrific stories around that: article.

  19. Drug freedoms are a corollary of the right to bodily autonomy. All drugs have to be decriminalized, but this is a good start.

    Tweet by Anatoly Karlin in 2024.
  22. I suffer from glue addiction. I huff it every day. by Anatoly Karlin (11:56 PM · May 9, 2023) Twitter (archived from 10 May 2023 23:31:43 UTC).
  23. Radical belief changes from psychotropics are perfectly possible when said positions are based on emotion (as WN is) as opposed to facts and logic (no amount of shrooms will make B/W gap or g factor go away). The few times I dosed heavily on LSD I got some inner mental "looseness" (for lack of a better term) but beliefs recrystallized along essentially the same lines one to two days after the trip. (My recent shift from Russian nationalism to rainbow globalism is non psychotropocally meditated, at least outside copious daily glue huffing. It is the result of strict Social Darwinism taken to its logical conclusions aka acknowledging the total victory of elite human capital.) by Anatoly Karlin (11:32 PM · Jun 17, 2023) Twitter (archived from 21 Jun 2023 11:36:23 UTC).
  24. "Artificial wombs need to be developed." (Anatoly Karlin, 19 September 2021). See also his article on artificial wombs in which he states: "I have been advocating this technology since I started blogging in 2008."
  25. The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights by Anatoly Karlin (February 28, 2019) The Unz Review (archived from 5 Apr 2019 00:11:22 UTC).
  26. And yes, amongst ruminants, I avoid goats as I do pork. The most intelligent in that class and have very distinct, mischievous but affectionate personalities. Sheep are just walking bleating meatbags so no problem with mutton/lamb. by Anatoly Karlin (7:46 PM · Jun 13, 2023) Twitter (archived from 11 Nov 2023 01:38:41 UTC).
  27. 27.0 27.1 No/yes. Pleasure and benefits from fish, chicken, maybe beef but not pork outweigh the suffering involved, adjusting for each one's capacity for conscious experience. Moreover, I consider my own pleasure and benefits to be considerably more important than those of other humans. by Anatoly Karlin (12:00 AM · Dec 6, 2022) Twitter (archived from 11 Jan 2023 15:52:06 UTC).
  28. I don't think there's any moral issues with killing and eating 100,000 neuron lobsters (ants have 250,000) or salmon (most of which die gruesome deaths anyway) at all by Anatoly Karlin (12:43 AM · Aug 7, 2023) Twitter (archived from 9 Aug 2023 19:31:03 UTC).
  29. Just prioritize eggs, fish and seafood, and avoid pork in particular, to the extent you weigh animal suffering by Anatoly Karlin (5:58 PM · Jan 6, 2024) Twitter (archived from 6 Jan 2024 19:37:01 UTC).
  30. I was eating bugs before it was "cool" and woke (ordered freeze dried crickets from Amazon & experimented with various recipes a few times). Now a onetime eccentrism has been ruined and annulled by virtue signaling Western psychopaths like everything else. by Anatoly Karlin (9:08 PM · Aug 23, 2019) Twitter (archived from 24 Jan 2023 13:02:49 UTC)
  31. Ironically, pretty much the only guy who gets it right is Andrew Anglin – go hard on White Sharia (or don’t bother at all).

    Comment by Anatoly Karlin (October 11, 2017).
  32. I am quite happy that few Blacks associate with Russia, considering the type of violence-ridden underclasses they tend to create in countries that open their doors to them. Not to mention the extreme chutzpah and aggressive sense of racial grievance they tend to act out towards their host countries. So yes, I'm racist and very happy with that. If /r/europe SJWs or Islamists such as yourself have a problem with that, oh well. Don't care, really. by akarlin (c. March 2019) Reddit (archived from 16 Jun 2019 02:23:10 UTC).
  33. Several years back, in San Francisco, a black woman tried to solicit money from me, and began haranguing me about my racism when I walked past her. I told the fat nigger bitch to fuck off in precisely that language. She lapsed into a sort of slack-jawed shock for several seconds, allowing me to walk away unmolested. Clearly she had never been spoken to from a position of white privilege before. But my logic was, if I had to “serve the time” (to be harassed as a racist for not wanting to support her drug habits and/or teeming brood), why couldn’t I “commit the crime”? by Anatoly Karlin (October 5, 2018 at 5:27 pm GMT) Unz Review (archived from December 8, 2018).
  34. As general rule, all whites from the high-IQ European & Anglosphere countries would be welcome given a willingness to culturally Russify. But it's not an absolute rule, individual exceptions can be made, for instance, I happily accept Benes Ayo as Russian. by @akarlin88 (3:10 PM - 22 Jun 2020) Twitter (archived from June 22, 2020).
  35. 35.0 35.1 Open Thread, 05/28/2016 - Alt Right Safe Space in Berkeley by Anatoly Karlin (May 28, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from 17 Jun 2019 21:47:29 UTC).
  36. ROGPR (archived from May 23, 2017)
  39. 39.0 39.1 Intellectual Restructuring (December 31, 2023) Anatoly Karlin (archived from 31 Dec 2023 01:15:34 UTC).
  43. Richard Spencer Backs Joe Biden, Says 'MAGA/Alt-Right Moment is Over' by Ewan Palmer, Newsweek, 2020 August 24
  44. Embracing It/It Identity by Richard Hanania & Anatoly Karlin (Jan 4, 2024) Richard Hanania (archived from March 6, 2024).
  45. It/it. I identify as a thing or object.. X. May 30, 2024.
  46. In which he delivered a presentation endorsing dubious ideas about IQ by far-right eugenicists and hereditarians including Bo Winegard, Emil Kirkegaard, Michael Woodley and Russell T. Warne.
  47. Anatoly Karlin on the Biosingularity (Mar 27, 2024) YouTube.
  48. My American Decade by Anatoly Karlin (November 8, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  49. "Go Back to Russia!" KK by Anatoly Karlin (September 29, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from November 5, 2016).
  51. I am a good example of this. Having migrated (well, my family did) at the age of six to the West, I returned to Russia a couple of years ago and am much happier here. Western values basically turned me into a Russian nationalist, LOL. by Anatoly Karlin (c. 2018) Reddit (archived from 16 Jun 2019 15:51:22 UTC).
  59. Anatoly Karlin Google Scholar.
  60. National Intelligence Is More Important for Explaining Country Well-Being than Time Preference and Other Measured Non-Cognitive Traits by Emil O. W. Kirkegaard & Anatoly Karlin (2020/12/01) Mankind Quarterly 61(2). doi:10.46469/mq.2020.61.2.11.
  61. MDPI and racism by Leonid Schneider (December 29, 2020) For Better Science.
  62. Anatoly Karlin 'Linkedin (archived from 24 Apr 2021 07:40:10 UTC).
  63. Anatoly Karlin University of California, Berkeley.
  64. Political Economy University of California, Berkeley (archived from September 8, 2015).
  65. Couple more things. "He *claims* to have studied Political Economy at UC Berkeley and at one point was also living in UK." Yep, exactly. I went to all the trouble of faking a certificate. (Smudged just in case to prevent ID theft). /31 by @akarlin88 (2:20 PM · Jun 17, 2019) Twitter (archived from April 29, 2021). His own posting about his degree confirms that it is a bachelor of arts.
  66. Anatoly Karlin at LCI 2019 on The Geography of the Noosphere (2019.05.18) (May 30, 2019) YouTube.
  67. Anatoly Karlin
  68. Anatoly Karlin Twitter (archived from 20 Feb 2022 11:33:19 UTC).
  69. The Great Decoupling - Dan Cohen with Glenn Diesen and Anatoly Karlin by MintPress News (Mar 8, 2022) on YouTube.
  70. Dan Cohen, which the tankies in DSA IC use as a source, is having Anatoly Karlin as a guest to discuss Russia/Ukraine. Who is Anatoly Karlin? A Russian white nationalist … You can’t make this shit up by Beware of the Chicken Soup @InvestigadoraP (9:03 PM - 8 Mar 2022) Twitter (archived from March 9, 2022).
  71. The one degree of separation between Valerie Plame and white supremacy by Louis Proyect (23 September 2017) Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist (archived from March 6, 2021).
  73. Anatoly Karlin The Unz Review (archived from March 29, 2024).
  74. Powerful Takes Substack (archived from October 10, 2021).
  75. Nooceleration Substack (archived from October 12, 2023).
  77. The Last Reaction by Anatoly Karlin (October 8, 2021).
  78. Anatoly Karlin Comments The Unz Review (archived from April 2, 2024).
  83. SJWs Attack UCL Neo-Nazi Cabal by Anatoly Karlin (January 11, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from January 2, 2020).
  84. One more reason (if indeed any are still needed) why global warming is good and we need Tropical Hyperborea.

    One more reason (if indeed any are still needed) why global warming is good and we need Tropical Hyperborea. by @akarlin88 (1:26 PM - 30 Aug 2017) Twitter (archived from 22 Mar 2020 18:44:25 UTC).
  87. Global warming will make Russia into Tropical Hyperborea. All Russian patriots must support global warming.

    Global warming will make Russia into Tropical Hyperborea. All Russian patriots must support global warming.}} by @akarlin88 (3:21 AM · Jul 11, 2017) Twitter (archived from 24 Apr 2021 19:32:48 UTC).
  88. Have more children, more CO2, more global warming, faster immamentization of Tropical Hyperborea.

    Have more children, more CO2, more global warming, faster immamentization of Tropical Hyperborea. by @akarlin88 (7:19 PM · Jul 13, 2017) Twitter (archived from 24 Apr 2021 19:45:06 UTC).
  89. Positives and negatives of global warming by G. P. Wayne (Last updated on 5 July 2015) Skeptical Science.
  91. Tweet by @akarlin88 (2:30 AM - 4 Mar 2020) Twitter (archived from 4 Mar 2020 10:30:55 UTC).
  92. Liberals become gay when they start ranting about carbon taxes (we need Tropical Hyperborea) and now taxing meat and shit like that.

    Tweet by @akarlin88 (3:15 PM - 9 Sep 2019) Twitter (archived from September 25, 2019).
  98. Tropical Hyperborea Cometh by Anatoly Karlin (August 3, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from March 20, 2020).
  99. Russia and Climate Change: A Looming Threat: Recent rhetoric notwithstanding, there is reason to be skeptical about Moscow’s attitude to climate change. by Quentin Buckholz (February 04, 2016) The Diplomat.
  100. Future climate change field test doesn’t make Earth greener by Alicia Chang et al. (Published: September 5, 2016 at 3:09 p.m. | Updated: July 27, 2018 at 8:31 a.m.) The Marin Independent Journal.
  101. Changing climate could worsen foods’ nutrition: Evidence builds for lessening of certain micronutrients, protein in plants by Susan Milius (3:07pm, March 13, 2017) Science News.
  102. Global warming could happen quicker in Russia's coldest region by Anna Liesowska (24 February 2015) The Siberian Times.
  103. Russia’s Thawing Permafrost May Cost Economy $2.3Bln a Year: Russia’s oil and gas infrastructure isn’t ready for rising temperatures and melting ice. by Yuliya Fedorinova & Olga Tanas (Oct. 18, 2019) The Moscow Times.
  104. It's time to listen to the Inuit on climate change: Because temperatures in the Arctic are rising faster than anywhere else in the world, we must look to the experiences of Inuit as a harbinger of what is to come — and seek their guidance on how to live sustainably by Sheila Watt-Cloutier (November 15, 2018) Canadian Geographic.
  105. Russian Land of Permafrost and Mammoths Is Thawing: Global warming is shrinking the permanently frozen ground across Siberia, disrupting everyday life in one of the coldest inhabited places on earth. by Neil MacFarquhar (Aug. 4, 2019) The New York Times.
  110. [Tweet by @akarlin88 (11:44 AM - 18 Nov 2014) Twitter (archived from 29 Apr 2020 16:28:38 UTC).
  111. The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights by Anatoly Karlin (February 28, 2019) The Unz Review (archived from 5 Apr 2019 00:11:22 UTC).
  115. Why Neuron Counts Shouldn't Be Used as Proxies for Moral Weight.
  116. These creatures have fewer neurons than ants. If there's ethical problems about laughing watching them die in comical ways and then eating them then all ethics and morality are broken in the irredeemably fallen world we reside in.

    Tweet. September 8, 2023.
  120. It's probably most productive to focus on reducing suffering in animals that have the most capacity to suffer, such as pigs. Shrimp have 3x fewer neurons than... Ants. So I'm not going to concern myself about their welfare.

    Tweet, June 14 2023.
  121. Beef broth - great. Beef broth with apple cider vineger - awesome. Beef broth with apple cider vineger and Kerrygold butter - heavenly. by Anatoly Karlin (7:00 PM · Oct 8, 2013) Twitter (archived from 14 Jan 2024 19:50:36 UTC).
  127. Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans.
  129. I was eating bugs before it was "cool" and woke (ordered freeze dried crickets from Amazon & experimented with various recipes a few times). Now a onetime eccentrism has been ruined and annulled by virtue signaling Western psychopaths like everything else. by Anatoly Karlin (9:08 PM · Aug 23, 2019) Twitter (archived from 24 Jan 2023 13:02:49 UTC)
  131. Can insects feel pain? A review of the neural and behavioural evidence.
  135. The University of Cambridge has said removing beef and lamb from its menus has cut food-related carbon emissions by a third by Anatoly Karlin (2020) Reddit (archived from April 25, 2021).
  136. I am eating more beef, not just because it's healthy and delicious, but because I get a warm feeling, a real sense of pleasure, knowing that I'm voiding the efforts of some Green vegan loser in the West - as well as doing my small part to help Tropical Hyperborea along. by @akarlin88 (6:03 AM - 11 Sep 2019) Twitter (archived from 29 Apr 2020 16:31:39 UTC).
  138. Open Thread 99.5: The Brexit Thread: Comment #45 by Anatoly Karlin (February 8, 2020 at 11:34 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  139. 1479-5868-9-67.pdf Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey by Johannes Michalak et al. (2012) International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9:67. doi:10.1186/1479-5868-9-67.
  140. But vegetarianism makes one weak & depresses IQ (a balanced veg. diet is theoretically possible, but v. difficult to achieve). by @akarlin88 (3:53 AM - 20 Dec 2012) Twitter (archived from 29 Apr 2020 16:26:52 UTC).
  141. High IQ Link to Being Vegetarian.
  142. You may turn vegetarian if you have higher IQ.
  143. Nutritionists wrong again (as they were with salt, eggs, and pretty much everything else)... Who could have imagined? by Anatoly Karlin (11:24 AM · Oct 1, 2019) Twitter (archived from 11 Jan 2023 15:48:00 UTC).
  144. Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice. by Gina Kolata (Sept. 30, 2019, 5:00 p.m. ET) The New York Times.
  145. Scientist Who Discredited Meat Guidelines Didn’t Report Past Food Industry Ties by Tara Parker-Pope and Anahad O’Connor (Oct. 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m. ET) The New York Times (archived from 4 Oct 2019 17:30:40 UTC).
  146. Researcher promoting red meat, sugar failed to disclose industry ties—again by Beth Mole (1/7/2020, 3:50 PM) Ars Technica.
  151. Much Ado About Rape: Quantifying A Big Taboo (February 23, 2013) Anatoly Karlin (archived from May 11, 2013).
  152. Estimating the Prevalence of Wrongful Convictions by Kelly Walsh et al. (September 2017) National Criminal Justice Service.
  153. Study Finds Wrongful Convictions in 11.6 Percent of Sexual Assault Cases from Pre-DNA Testing Era (September 4, 2018) Prison Legal News.
  154. The Fraud of America's "Rape Culture" by Anatoly Karlin (April 5, 2013) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  155. Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll by Aaron Blake (July 19, 2023) The Washington Post.
  156. Is Brett Kavanaugh a Rapist? by Anatoly Karlin (October 4, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  158. So cool today to see Ross Douthat’s piece where he not only quotes Macaes but also Anatoly Karlin, both who have blocked me - Karlin 10 yrs ago after defending male mass shooters because women don’t want to be their girlfriends and that makes them mad. Original Incel theorist. by Ani Wandaryan @GoldenTent (9:46 PM - 27 Feb 2022) Twitter (archived from February 28, 2022).
  159. 159.0 159.1 159.2 159.3 Poroshenko a fecund man: 2 sons, 2 daughters. And the daughters are quite hot. by @akarlin88 (4:34 AM - 28 May 2014) Twitter (archived from 29 Apr 2020 21:12:05 UTC).
  163. See also the Wikipedia article Anti-LGBTQ rhetoricWikipedia for more sources.
  165. Well, if this article that is cited is to believed, homophobia is a natural part of the human condition. You could try doing a replication study to prove it wrong. But in any case, I don't see what you're so crazy about, anyway. While I may be a homophobe (actually it's more accurate to say I don't care about gays one way or the other), I do think Poland will get gay marriage within a decade. So that should make you happy. by akarlin (2019) Reddit (archived from 16 Jun 2019 15:18:59 UTC).
  166. LGBT Anatoly Karlin (archived from January 28, 2021).
  168. Embracing It/It Identity by Richard Hanania & Anatoly Karlin (Jan 4, 2024) Richard Hanania (archived from March 6, 2024).
  172. About (2015) Da Russophile (archived from 12 Oct 2015 22:30:22 UTC).
  173. 'Putin's New Russia, edited by Jon Hellevig & Alexandre Latsa (2012) Kontinent USA. ISBN 9780988313705.
  175. UKIP it is. by Anatoly Karlin (4:04 PM · May 1, 2015) Twitter.
  176. Interview with UKIP Candidate Matthew Atkins by Anatoly Karlin (May 6, 2015) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  178. However, it appears to me that Farage has been yoyoing on these issues of late, especially when it comes to gay marriage. First he was against it, then dithered, then changed his tack completely and said that it would be "grossly unfair and unethical to ‘un-marry’ loving couples or restrict further marriages." It seems that he has conceded the culture war has been lost and is merely trying to salvage whatever he can, such as allowing churches to opt out. Perhaps it is simply inevitable, with even 54% of UKIP voters supporting gay marriage. Surely it is electorally prudent. But considering Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics – that "any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing" – is it consistent with a longterm commitment to social conservatism and traditional British values?


    Interview with UKIP Candidate Matthew Atkins] by Anatoly Karlin (May 6, 2015) The Unz Review (archived from July 6, 2015).

  179. Nigel Farage to change Ukip position on gay marriage and risk alienating traditional voters by Owen Bennett (11:30, 28 Feb 2015; Updated11:31, 28 Feb 2015) Mirror.
  180. So even though I disregard the Eurabia hysterics and doom-mongering, I do agree that immigration control is the #1 issue for France that must take precedence over anything else. Keep calm and vote Le Pen!

    The "Normalization" of Russia's Demographics: Comment #36 by Anatoly Karlin (January 13, 2015 at 3:25 am GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  181. It is encouraging that Marine Le Pen increased the nationalist share of the vote up to ~35-36%. If we are to interpret French electoral realities as a race between native French "uncuckening" and Afro-Islamic demographic growth, then Marine Le Pen’s doubling of the vote relative to her father’s 18% in 2002 represents a positive and encouraging trend.

    /Ourgal/ Comes Apart by Anatoly Karlin (May 7, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  182. Fourth gal was Anne Marie Waters, head of For Britain. She had the best speech IMO, she’s a great rabble-rouser.

    The Absolute State of British Nationalism by Anatoly Karlin (May 15, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from December 2, 2019).
  185. When asked:

    Which candidate would you be most likely to support in the upcoming French presidential election?

    Karlin responded:

    Zemmour, but in reality, it will be Macron vs. MLP, I will vote for MLP if you run another Twitter poll, and Macron will win.

    Tweet (Feb 3, 2022).
  188. Trump Is Factually Right on Putin and Journalists by Anatoly Karlin (December 20, 2015) The Unz Review (archived from February 26, 2024).
  189. Trump Train Converges to c by Anatoly Karlin (November 9, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  190. Trump Train Converges to c by Anatoly Karlin (November 9, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from December 7, 2020).
  191. Why Trump needs to win: Do you really want the trolling to stop? Princeton: "We are so sorry for our systematic racism that continues to hold down POC." DoE: "Really?" by @akarlin88 (10:57 AM - 1 Nov 2020) Twitter (archived from December 23, 2020).
  192. Doing my small bit to help make America great again - walking with this hat through Berkeley to trigger shitlibs. by @akarlin88 (9:29 PM - 1 Mar 2016) Twitter (archived from 22 Aug 2020 14:22:19 UTC).
  193. HABBENING: US Elections 2020 by Anatoly Karlin (November 3, 2020) The Unz Review (archived from December 24, 2020).
  194. Nick Fuentes is the closest thing the US has to a "genuine" opposition leader, a locus of normality in the zoo of tired MAGA grifters, WN oldfags, and Ziocon "hello fellow nationalist" types who otherwise make up the modern Alt Right. It's instructive the regime unpersoned him. by Anatoly Karlin (12:32 PM · Jul 9, 2021) Twitter (archived from April 29, 2024).
  197. I see no reason I should care about the Balts, apart from trolling them. Zhirinovsky is great at that. The LDPR is my party by Anatoly Karlin (2018) Reddit (archived from 17 Jun 2019 02:22:49 UTC).
  198. As an LDPR voter myself, I am pretty chummed with these results – the best for the party since 1993.

    Notes on Russia's 2016 Duma Elections by Anatoly Karlin (September 21, 2016) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  200. An Analysis of Zhirinovsky's Program by Anatoly Karlin (November 28, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from November 9, 2020).
  203. [Revising History and ‘Gathering the Russian Lands’: Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian Nationhood] by Björn Alexander Düben (2023) LSE Public Policy Review 3(1):4, pp. 1–12. doi:10.31389/lseppr.86.
  204. Russian Nationalism 101 by Anatoly Karlin (April 11, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from January 15, 2021).
  205. 205.0 205.1 Russia's Nationalist Turn: How Putin Created the Russian National State by Anatoly Karlin (September 28, 2021) The Unz Review (archived from September 28, 2021).
  207. ‘Key to white survival’: how Putin has morphed into a far-right savior: The Russian president’s ‘strong man’ image and disdain for liberals has turned him into a hero for white nationalists by Sergio Olmos (5 Mar 2022 02.00 EST) The Guardian.)
  208. I usually vote for LDPR. But Putin has de facto become a nationalist, so I'm ready to reward him for it. Not voting for commies (even hot ones). Certainly not voting for "Crimea is not ours" pro-Western scum. by Anatoly Karlin (10:34 PM · Sep 16, 2021) Twitter (archived from January 11, 2023).
  211. As I said from the start I don't think Putin long survives a lost war, I mean what does it say that even I want to be rid of him and everyone associated with him as soon as the war is over. by Anatoly Karlin (2:26 PM · Jan 9, 2023) Twitter (archived from January 11, 2023).
  223. Verified Hate Speech Accounts Are Pivoting to Palestine for Clout and Cash
  230. Russia and the Far Right (17 January 2018) Russia Without BS (archived from 22 Jan 2018 08:33:00 UTC).
  231. Maybe Dan Cohen was deceived, maybe he was not, but he definitely doesn’t mind the company of white nationalists. Here he is having Anatoly Karlin as a guest. Who is Anatoly Karlin? Russia’s version of David Duke: … by Marvelous Mischief @InvestigadoraP (7:19 PM · Feb 28, 2023) Twitter (archived from March 6, 2024).
  232. Russian State TV Calls Video Game Metro Exodus "Russophobic" by William Echols (February 21, 2019)
  233. A Collection of Inaccurate, Disgusting, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the Mainstream Media (and rightly so): The Unz Review Reviewed (2020) The Fake News Resource screenshot.
  234. The Burkean’s Mission Has Changed. Conservatives Are Right to Worry: The Burkean's rebrand this year has been matched by an ominous shift away from conservatism and into populism, writes Matthew Murphy. by Matthew Murphy (Feb 12, 2019) The University Times.
  235. Paper Review: Crispening CRISPR: Comment #4 by Anatoly Karlin (April 5, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  236. Anatoly Karlin. Comment. The Unz Review. Oct. 1, 2021.
  239. What is wrong about modifying your population to be healthier and more intelligent? Judeo-Christian fundamentalists and SJWs (two sides of the same coin really) are not likely to not allow it in the West, enabling China to outcompete it. by akarlin (c. 2019) Reddit (archived from 28 Apr 2021 06:59:39 UTC).}}
  243. I Talk Alt Left on the Stark Truth by Anatoly Karlin (November 11, 2015). The Unz Review.
  244. Comment by Anatoly Karlin. The Unz Review. 24 July 2016.
  245. Anatoly Karlin comment.
  248. Tweet. X. 19 October 2024.
  249. The Superbaby Factory: Exposing the secretive company predicting the IQ of wealthy, elite offspring by Harry Shukman & Patrik Hermansson (Oct. 18, 2024) Hope Not Hate.
  255. Tweet. X. (Aug 30, 2024).
  256. 30. Nobody really knows the carrying capacity of our industrial world economy - all we can say for sure is that we are still far below the limits to growth. My guesstimate is that the planet can support 100 billion people. by @akarlin88 (2:37 PM - 3 Sep 2019) Twitter (archived from September 13, 2019).
  257. AOMI IV: What Is the Maximum Population Earth Can Support? by Anatoly Karlin (January 30, 2019) The Unz Review (archived from 22 Mar 2021 23:02:19 UTC).
  258. Van Den Bergh & Rietveld (2004) performed a meta-analysis of 94 academic studies of human carrying capacity estimates and found only 11 (12%) are 100 billion or more. In contrast, 50 (53%) are under 10 billion and the median is 7.7 billion, while 2 to 3 billion is modal; see Reconsidering the Limits to World Population: Meta-analysis and Meta-prediction by Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh & Piet Rietveld (2004) BioScience 54(3):195–204; similar figures were calculated in a 1995 study that showed the median was between 7-12 billion, see Population growth and earth’s human carrying capacity by J. E. Cohen (1995) Science 269(5222):341-346
  259. I don't buy the arguments that we've exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity, there's plenty of unused capacities. Russia by itself can support at least a billion people, probably several. Seriously competing with China, the US, and India is unrealistic with a population of 145mn. by @akarlin88 (5:42 AM - 29 May 2018) Twitter (archived from April 25, 2021).
  260. Russian Demographics in 2019 by Anatoly Karlin (Feb 16, 2019 - 2:01:17 PM) OCnus.Net (archived from August 14, 2020).
  261. RWA #4: Talking Demographics with Anatoly Karlin. YouTube. Timestamp: 20:55-30:34 "Pronatalism and its future".
  262. Goals include increasing healthy life expectancy, increasing the fertility rate to 1.7 children per woman (this would actually fall short of the figures reached in 2013-16; though it does tally with my prediction for the early 2020s), increasing participation in sports.

    However, in terms of spending, the vast bulk of the spending – around 90% of it – will go specifically on financial support for families with children and preschooling. There will also be mortgage rates of 6% for families with two or more children.

    Essentially, this represents an intensification of the pro-natalist policies that Russia has been pursuing for a decade now. This seems similar to trends in Hungary. Let’s see if it works.

    Russian Demographics in 2019 by Anatoly Karlin. The Unz Review. February 14, 2019.
  267. I endorse Richard Spencer. He started no wars and provoked no riots — much less "extremist" than Ziocons or BLM. by @akarlin88 (9:46 PM - 25 Nov 2016) Twitter (archived from 22 Aug 2020 14:08:07 UTC).
  268. @akarlin88 What percentage Russian/East Slavic ancestry would be enough to qualify for entry into your desired Russian ethno-state? Also, what about Western Slavs such as Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks? by @Go321D (2:50 PM - 22 Jun 2020) Twitter (archived from 23 Apr 2021 21:03:25 UTC).
  269. As general rule, all whites from the high-IQ European & Anglosphere countries would be welcome given a willingness to culturally Russify. But it's not an absolute rule, individual exceptions can be made, for instance, I happily accept Benes Ayo as Russian. by @akarlin88 (10:10 PM · Jun 22, 2020) Twitter (archived from 23 Jun 2020 01:09:23 UTC).
  271. I went looking for Trump supporters and I found white supremacists by Emma Barton (May 7, 2016) The Tab (archived from May 10, 2016)
  272. Some of my colleagues and I launched a half-assed alt right Russian podcast a year ago. YouTube channel already approaching 10k subscribers.

    Text and Talk: Comment #4 by Anatoly Karlin (April 26, 2018 at 10:07 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from August 29, 2018).
  273. I and a couple of my friends here, Kirill Nesterov and @pigdog, have recently started up a podcast to discuss Russian politics from an Alt Right and HBD/IQ-realistic perspective in /pol/’s irreverent and semi-ironic style. If you understand Russian, or are learning the language, you can check it out at

    Russian Nationalism 101 by Anatoly Karlin (April 11, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from December 6, 2020).
  274. The last website screenshots prior to deletion date to May 2018. ROGPR (archived from May 3, 2018).
  275. Russian Nationalism 101 by Anatoly Karlin (April 11, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from December 6, 2020).
  276. Anatoly Karlin
  277. Is this guy the most intelligent Alt Right politician or what? Actually addressing real problems, while President Stable Genius tries to get books about himself banned. by @akarlin88 (9:57 AM - 11 Jan 2018) Twitter] (archived from 3 Feb 2018 02:45:09 UTC).
  278. Ideological Purges and the Lord Voldemort Effect: Comment #1 by Anatoly Karlin (July 14, 2020 at 2:10 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  279. Alt Right is dead. It's brand is worthless.

    Richard Spencer in Divorce Proceedings with His Dugin Translator Wife: Comment #4 by Anatoly Karlin (October 24, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  280. Anatoly Karlin is a pathetic figure: now obsessed with gaining official respectability and distancing himself from "rightoids" who believe in the same things he used to.

    Anatoly Karlin is a pathetic figure: now obsessed with gaining official respectability and distancing himself from "rightoids" who believe in the same things he used to. Almost identical arc to Richard Spencer: men chasing approval and eaten alive by resentment! by Occidentalist @Vlasovius (4:21 AM - 13 Mar 2022) Twitter (archived from March 13, 2022).
  281. Karlin is just playing along with the rhetoric sadly some of his fellow compatriots have, the man lived in the US for years, got in trouble for certain statements he made in Russian newspapers, and I have it on good authority he's a based racist. We shall see. by VariablesUnknown @FarRightFruit (9:51 AM - 13 Mar 2022) Twitter (archived from March 13, 2022).
  282. Cville War by Anatoly Karlin (August 13, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024)
  284. I am not Alt Right, I am a Russian nationalist.

    Affirmative Action and the American Mind: If Any: Comment #300 by Anatoly Karlin (June 7, 2018 at 10:26 am GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024). Karlin instead prefers to label himself as alt-left, see About Anatoly Karlin (archived from May 24, 2016) which he described as "Alt Right with fewer swastikas" (Tweet by Anatoly Karlin (1:29 AM · Apr 9, 2016) Twitter (archived from January 11, 2023).
  286. Archived copy; note the photos are now removed.
  290. Trump's best chance to win in 2020 is if the Dems go into hardcore white genocide mode, so yes, I'm more than ready! by @akarlin88 (10:12 PM - 20 Nov 2018) Twitter (archived from 23 Apr 2021 20:51:45 UTC).
  291. The Immigration Trilemma: Liberal decadence; open borders; indigenous ethnic group survival. Choose two. by @akarlin88 (9:03 PM - 18 Sep 2015) Twitter (archived from 23 Apr 2021 20:51:15 UTC).
  292. Drugs? Trafficking rings? Terrorist plots? Nope. Just disagreeing with the elite's population replacement agenda. by Anatoly Karlin (9:37 PM · Nov 12, 2015) Twitter (archived from 11 Jan 2023 03:08:21 UTC).
  293. Apt illustration. Russian soldiers are fighting so that Russia DOESN'T turn into a "Children of Men" dystopia dedicated to immigration-driven population replacement (i.e. the main allegory of that film which "conservatives" pretend not to notice). by Anatoly Karlin (6:40 AM - 10 Mar 2022) Twitter (archived from March 10, 2022).
  294. Eurabia Update by Anatoly Karlin (December 1, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from February 20, 2020).
  296. From a leaked email, see here.
  302. archived copy.
  304. Anatoly Karlin: Anti-Semite: Karlin has fun answering a questionnaire. We think he's on to something, and think everyone should answer it. by Anatoly Karlin (Feb 26 2018) Russia Insider (archived from September 29, 2020).
  305. The most vitriolic and obsessive Russia-bashing journalists in the media are mostly Jewish. The publications which push these writers most energetically are ALL Jewish-owned, and as a publisher, I know very well, that is where the buck stops. On the policy side, the neo-conservative movement, Russia's harshest foe, was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of, Jews. And their trouble-making extends far beyond Russia – they are responsible for America’s disastrous debacle in the Middle East over the last 20 years – where their crimes have been stymied by precisely one country – Russia. The psychotically anti-Russian recent UN ambassadors, Nikki Haley and Samantha Power, were put there by the Israel lobby, and given an independent brief, in other words, they answer not to their presidents, rather to their Jewish sponsors.

    It's Time to Drop the Jew Taboo: It's making serious discussion of Russian geopolitics and history next to impossible by Charles Bausman (Jan 15, 2018) Russia Insider (archived from January 15, 2018).

  306. 306.0 306.1 Russia Insider Names Jew by Anatoly Karlin (January 16, 2018) The Unz Review (archived from Januyar 18, 2018).
  307. Prominent Russian Website Publishes Virulent Anti-semitic Screed. Tablet. 15 January 2018.
  308. My views on Jews were as defined by the ADL were marginally anti-Semitic as of 2018... As regards Jews themselves, as someone no longer beset by identitarian obsessions, my positions are now entirely philo-Semitic.

    Article by Anatoly Karlin (December 2023).
  312. Mussolini Did Nothing Wrong by Anatoly Karlin (March 14, 2019) The Unz Review (archived from January 3, 2020).
  314. Race Denial vs. Racism — A False Dichotomy by Anatoly Karlin (April 13, 2012) The Unz Review (archived from January 31, 2021).
  317. Karlin in 2018
  319. Russafrique: Comment #86 by Anatoly Karlin (January 23, 2019 at 2:29 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  320. Source and archived screenshot
  321. Is Brett Kavanaugh a Rapist?: Comment #122 by Anatoly Karlin (October 5, 2018 at 5:27 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  322. Red ZOG: Comment #23 by Anatoly Karlin (October 2, 2018 at 11:03 am GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  323. Warsaw more "blacked" than Moscow. See ~20 of them in a day, vs. 5 on a very bad day in Moscow (and almost none in Saint-Petersburg and down). by @akarlin88 (4:39 PM - 29 Dec 2019) Twitter (archived from January 9, 2020).
  324. The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism: Comment #190 by Anatoly Karlin (July 27, 2020 at 1:36 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  325. Policy On Racism by Anatoly Karlin (August 20, 2012). Archived from January 16, 2021.
  326. "a now-deleted 2015 video showing him repeatedly using the racial slurs ‘nigger’ and ‘spic’. He described two people as a ‘fag’ and a ‘retard’, and said it was ‘just fucking fine’ to call an Asian woman a ‘chink’." Never would have guessed Sargon was so based. by @akarlin88 (9:19 AM - 5 May 2019) Twitter (archived from 16 Jun 2019 15:42:56 UTC).
  327. The Cucks of Europe by Anatoly Karlin (September 22, 2015) The Unz Review (archived from January 3, 2020).
  328. Incidentally, "Sweden, Yes!" is a great rejoinder to the Culture of Critique folks. Has few/no Jews but still determined to cuck themselves. by @akarlin88 (9:34 PM - 14 Aug 2015) Twitter (archived from 21 Sep 2019 11:58:15 UTC).
  329. /pol/ - "Anatoly Karlin is quite based." by @akarlin88 () Twitter (archived from 23 Apr 2021 21:09:50 UTC).
  330. Race Denial vs. Racism — A False Dichotomy by Anatoly Karlin (April 13, 2012) The Unz Review (archived from January 31, 2021).
  332. I am not a White Nationalist, as I am not an American ethnonationalist, which is the main perspective from which it makes sense. But two important points: 1. The OG Nazis were not WNs - they were Germanic supremacists. Modern WNs and even Neo-Nazis don't tend to fit that bill. by @akarlin88 (16:02 - 20 july. 2019) Twitter (archived from 25 Apr 2021 19:27:45 UTC).
  338. IQ. Do UQ? A Sojourn Among the True Believers: Comment 9 by Anatoly Karlin (November 16, 2019 at 11:52 am GMT) Twitter (archived from March 6, 2024).
  344. Karlin stated that he had become a "race realist" (a euphemism for racialism) in 2012 and began blogging about HBD-themes since then (see Race Anatoly Karlin (archived from January 30, 2021) and HBD Anatoly Karlin (archived from February 4, 2021).
  345. 345.0 345.1 Through A Glass Ceiling Darkly: Racial IQ Disparities And The Wealth Of Nations (April 16, 2012) Anatoly Karlin(archived from February 13, 2021).
  347. 347.0 347.1 My Top 5 Most Influential Books (2017) by Anatoly Karlin (June 20, 2017) The Unz Review (archived from January 3, 2020).
  349. Oysters, rabbits and people: A critique of "Race differences in behaviour" by J. P. Rushton. by Marvin Zuckerman & Nathan Brody (1998) Personality and Individual Differences 9(6):1025-1033. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(88)90136-5.
  350. Of Genes and Genitals by Richard Lewontin (1996) Transition 69:178-193. doi:10.2307/2935246.
  352. akarlin Disqus (archived from 5 Nov 2021 22:53:17 UTC).
  353. Interview with Anatoly Karlin - Trailer. (Dec 27, 2019) YouTube. What is Human Bio-Diversity? - Anatoly Karlin - Part 1 - #RH97 (12/26/2019 17:37) Niconico.
  354. "Because of the extensive evidence for genetic interchange through population movements and recurrent gene flow going back at least hundreds of thousands of years ago, there is only one evolutionary lineage of humanity and there are no subspecies or races under either the traditional or phylogenetic definitions."

    Human races: a genetic and evolutionary perspective by A. R. Templeton (1998) American Anthropologist. 100(3):632-650.
  355. You can read what I actually write on HBD/IQ here. I think evidence is pretty clear there are significant racial differences in IQ (itself the single most replicated construct in both the psychological & social sciences). But that's of secondary interest. by Anatoly Karlin (1:08 PM - 6 Jan 2022) Twitter (archived from January 6, 2022).
  356. Idiopathic short penis: myth or reality? by Nicola Mondaini & Paolo Gontero (2004) BJU International 95(1):8-9. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2005.05238.x.
  357. The Pseudoscience of Race Differences in Penis Size: A paper's claim about racial differences in penis size are unfounded. by Scott A. McGreal (Oct 16, 2012) Psychology Today.
  358. I saw BLM style propaganda, heard priests calling for tolerance towards immigrants. Also Witcher ads (the blacked Netflix series, not the game) are everywhere. This problem is going to get worse. I feel Poland is where Ireland was c.2000. by @akarlin88 (4:42 PM - 29 Dec 2019) Twitter (archived from December 30, 2019).
  359. Negrolatry, #BlackLivesMatter, and the West's New Religion by Anatoly Karlin (June 6, 2020) The Unz Review (archived from June 8 2020).
  360. Open Thread 151: Comment #255 by Anatoly Karlin (May 31, 2021 at 4:53 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  361. @akarlin88 Twitter (archived from 7 Jun 2020 22:16:47 UTC).
  362. Are feminists conspiring to make all women as ugly as they are? Misogynistic douchebags say "yes." (November 4, 2012) We Hunted the Mammoth (archived from June 9, 2019).
  364. Gender feminism, affirmative action/equal impact, homosexual agenda, demasculinization, ethnic/gender studies, PC culture, etc. by @akarlin88 (4:02 AM · Nov 7, 2012) Twitter (archived from 23 Jun 2020 01:48:41 UTC).
  365. Kathy Lally Didn’t Get Any Flowers Today. How Sad. (March 9, 2013) Anatoly Karlin (archived from July 27, 2018).
  368. Russian pundits play blame game after Kherson collapse. October 4, 2022.
  369. Should the West offer Putin an ‘off-ramp’? (March 16, 2022) The Spectator. "Freddy talks to Anatoly Karlin, author of the Powerful Takes Substack. …"
  370. * Russia-Ukraine War within 48 hours (70%). * Serious resistance will last <week (90%), perhaps only 1-2 days (40%). * Eventually integrated into RF: Donbass: 90%; Novorossiya: 70%; Ukraine in ~1939 borders: 40%; +Volhynia: 20%; +Galicia 15%. by Anatoly Karlin (2:02 PM - 23 Feb 2022) Twitter (archived from March 7, 2022).
  371. Histrionic nothingburger. This conflict will be over in days, not weeks. You need infrastructure, trained pilots, functioning air defense (Russia destroyed 🇺🇦C&C at the start) to present a threat, on 5% chance these EU fighters flown in anger, will 100% end up as scrap metal. by Anatoly Karlin (2:25 PM - 27 Feb 2022) Twitter (archived from March 12, 2022).
  372. Tweet by Anatoly Karlin (6:48 PM · Feb 25, 2022) Twitter (archived from April 29, 2024).
  373. Tweet. Christopher Hooks (1:17 PM - 4 Mar 2022) Twitter (archived from March 4, 2022).
  374. Earliest screenshot for the handle change @powerfultakes is May 6, 2022 and by May 9, 2022 @Akarlin0 became a troll account.
  378. Anatoly Karlin: Predictions, March 15, 2024.
  382. Tweet: "I want to be rid of him and everyone associated with him as soon as the war is over." @powerfultakes (archived from January 11, 2023).
  383. The Z of History. December 31, 2023.
  384. Why do I never get on these lists? No RationalWiki hagiography either. Feeling left out. :( by @akarlin88 (1:42 PM - 4 Jan 2017) Twitter (archived from April 23, 2021).
  385. Reddit. Archived from the original on April 29, 2021.
  386. I know that I am a small fish and all. But even in my case, Google spits out the RationalWiki hit piece on me (written by an actual basement dwelling troll) before my Unz column or even my own fucking website literally titled "Anatoly Karlin." by @akarlin88 (12:33 PM - 10 Jun 2019) Twitter (archived from April 23, 2021).
  387. Copy of email from Karlin to User:Bongolian (18:49, 22 April 2024) RationalWiki.
  388. See Karlin's articles titled "Intellectual Restructuring" (here, here and here). He identified as genderless on a podcast with Richard Hanania and identified as an Antifa in two tweets in 2024 (here and here).
  391. 391.0 391.1 Anatoly Karlin @powerfultakes Twitter (archived from May 11, 2022).
  392. Anatoly Karlin @powerfultakes Twitter (archived from July 15, 2023).
  393. Tolerance and diversity is the only path to prosperity. (6:10 PM · Jan 17, 2023) Twitter.
  394. You are going to go gay and multicultural. 💯 by Anatoly Karlin (January 1, 2023) Twitter (archived from January 11, 2023).
  395. Open Thread 205: Comment #667 by Orange (January 9, 2023 at 9:00 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  396. Open Thread 205: Comment #726 by Number444 (January 10, 2023 at 6:56 pm GMT) The Unz Review (archived from March 6, 2024).
  397. As a side note, people who said that they're not attracted to black women and almost view them as a different and separate species shouldn't accuse *other* people of being racist lol! Twitter. January 9, 2023.
  398. Discord Ban Punished frens reply here and we'll coordinate on something. Seems to have been a massive and indiscriminate Discord wide purge of pro-RU servers (amusingly the pro-UA posters also got banned). I'm appealing but chances of success are low. Also, crypto solves this. by Anatoly Karlin (1:16 AM · Aug 26, 2023) Twitter (archived from 26 Aug 2023 15:24:59 UTC).
  399. I suffer from glue addiction. I huff it every day. by Anatoly Karlin (11:56 PM · May 9, 2023) Twitter (archived from 10 May 2023 23:31:43 UTC).
  400. The few times I dosed heavily on LSD I got some inner mental "looseness" (for lack of a better term) but beliefs recrystallized along essentially the same lines one to two days after the trip. (My recent shift from Russian nationalism to rainbow globalism is non psychotropocally meditated, at least outside copious daily glue huffing.

    Tweet by by Anatoly Karlin (11:32 PM · Jun 17, 2023) Twitter (archived from 21 Jun 2023 11:36:23 UTC).
  401. Myself and @akarlin88 Anatoly Karlin will be imbibing at The Jolly Heretic at 7pm UK time (2pm NY). Come join us for some vodka and caviar! by @jollyheretic (5:25 AM · Aug 13, 2020) Twitter (archived from 23 Apr 2021 21:10:25 UTC).