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Nick Fuentes

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Fuentes, simultaneously looking like an old man and a young man.
Frogs, clowns, and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
Buzzwords and dogwhistles
All I want is revenge against my enemies and a total Aryan victory.
—Fuentes on the verge of tears[1][note 1]
I do fucking hate the poor, and I hate poor people. … And I'm sick of lying about it. I'm not gonna pretend that I don't, okay? I love the rich.
—Nick Fuentes, a "true Christian" "populist".[2]
You know what? You know what our problem is? The fertility rates. We need to be making more beautiful white Christian babies. Enough is enough […] You know what the problem is? All the Muslims coming into Europe.
—Nick Fuentes[3][note 2]

Nicholas Joseph "Neo-Nazi Nick"[4] Fuentes (August 18, 1998–)[5] is an alt-right radical-traditionalist Catholic, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and self-described incel.[6][7][8]

He operates and hosts the America First livestream podcast, which is currently hosted on a proprietary website after he was banned from both YouTube and DLive (which hosts other white supremacists and Neo-Nazis). A typical feature of the stream includes Fuentes showing up late (sometimes hours late) to the broadcast, which takes place in front of a green-screen. Once he shows up, there will be a series of half-joking inflammatory rants, sometimes involving arguments with his own followers about important matters such as whether he's quite as incel as Hitler was.[9][note 3] He previously co-hosted the Nationalist Review podcast with fellow neo-Nazi James Allsup, from its founding until January 16, 2018.

Fuentes originally (from roughly late 2017 to 2020) advocated a kind of entryism into the Republican Party, in which his followers would act cagey about their far-right beliefs. He would deride open fascists who opposed this optics-focused strategy of crypto-politics as "wignats" (or "wigger nationalists") mucking up his plans. In this way, he sought to distance himself from the alt-right,[10] though this was always going to be difficult since Fuentes attended the Unite the Right rally.[11][12] Regardless, Fuentes and his fans would gradually become less and less covert about their beliefs, with the mask coming off in such totality by 2022 that Fuentes was openly praising Adolf Hitler and calling for "total Aryan victory", among other blatantly extremist outbursts.[1][7] The entryist part of the original plan is clearly still in action, but Fuentes and friends seem to have largely dropped any pretense of optics.


It's often impossible to tell whether Fuentes is joking or being serious — even in matters of faith. He is a paragon of internet irony, a herald of a morally ambivalent online culture that is equally capable of churning out harmless Wojak memes and inspiring Christchurch terrorists. I don't know him and I couldn't tell you what he 'really' thinks. But the extent to which he is merely 'performing' is ultimately irrelevant. His parade of perversities marches joyfully away from any conception of the good. Whether its endpoint is atrocity or just offense, it offers nothing of societal or spiritual worth.
—Ben Sixsmith[13]

For an introduction to Fuentes' political beliefs (centered around "Marxist infiltration", "rootless global elites", and "invasion by nonwhites"), we recommend his blogpost "The Villain America Needs". He begins with an apocalyptic tale about impending doom of the country:

The prologue to the legend of Nicholas J. Fuentes:

My timely birth [in 1998] allowed me to watch on the nightly news the spoils of the American experiment squandered for one final time before the dying gasp of a once exceptional people as the free world and economic abundance of Ronald Reagan was inherited by the lizard people. To understand how far the country has come from the virgin constitutional republic born of the Revolution to the corrupt, unitary technocracy of a new Statist century. From George Washington to George W. Bush. Everyone knows the country is going to hell and if you don't then you're a liberal apologist arguing why the change your President promised you is all that it was cracked up to be.

He proceeds to blame the evil liberals and multiculturalism:

My generation is the generation of hopelessness. They don't see it that way because Buzzfeed can use upbeat stock background music, punchy graphics, and a self-righteous punk weakling to dress up cultural suicide as egalitarianism. But we know better. With George W. Bush we got a neoconservative Utopian who could not wage the culture war and when center right Dubya collapsed in 2008 we got a communist Islamist sympathizer whose entire candidacy and governance was wholly founded on the ignorance of the masses and a media that would just plain lie night after night.

And alleges that our entire culture has been "cucked" by some distant elites into believing scary untruths like "trans people exist" or "nonwhites are people too":

And in 2015, it looked as though we would have the proverbial "more of the same," "lesser of two evils," "business as usual." 2016 looked to be a grand orgy of stockholm syndrome induced cultural cuckholdry in which we, the free men and women of the United States of America, would grudgingly but unflinchingly elect either our third bumbling conservative Bush lite or our second white trash criminal Clinton. Having spent the entire century being blown up by IEDs in the desert. The worst economy since the great depression. The largest government in the history of the world.[note 4] Flagrant lawlessness at the highest level. An invasion from the South and from the MidEast. An education system infiltrated and conquered decades ago by Marxists. A Bill of Rights in peril by the death of an actual conservative Supreme Court Justice, the last soul in the way of the loss of the republic. A terror state, a new Cold War, a billion people saying they own the ocean, more dollars in debt than atoms in the universe, Seth Rogen,[note 5] boys are girls and girls are boys, facts are racist, feminism, infanticide as a right, Tumblr.[5]

It doesn't get better from there.

Like many extremists on the far-right, Fuentes is a shitposter troll, in which he tries to disguise his extremely bigoted, racist, and sexist viewpoints using "irony", cartoonish memes and "just joking" banter. If advocating that someone should beat up their wife sounds like a "funny joke" to you, Fuentes is your type of "humorist".[14]

For at least four years, Fuentes actually did fit the stereotype/logical fallacy of argumentum ad cellarium by living in his parents' basement.[15]

Catholic theocracy, "holy war", and genocide[edit]

On April 2017, Nick Fuentes (then a host for Right Side Broadcasting Network, RSBN) first argued that the First Amendment "was not written for Muslims":

The First Amendment was not written for Muslims, by the way. It wasn't written for a barbaric ideology that wanted to come over and kill us. It was written for Calvinists. It was written for Lutherans and Catholics, not for Salafists, not for Wahhabists, not for the Saudi royal family. Don't think the founders had that one in mind. And it also was intended for citizens, not for immigrants. If the First Amendment protected everyone's right to have their religion and express it in every country, we'd have our police in the Congo or in Uganda fighting against the Lord's Resistance Army. And you never hear that side of the story on the mainstream media, and why not? Why don't we hear about it? Why do none of our elected officials talk about this or like this? They know it's true. Why don't we hear about in the mainstream media? We don't hear about it on Fox News, by the way, either. And why not?[16]

For the record, the Founding Fathers made it explicitly clear in their writings that Islam was covered by First Amendment protections.[17] Obviously it does not protect people of every country (even if his example of somebody we should fighting if that was the case is a group the United States government has fought against[18]) because law only applies within the jurisdiction of the government enforcing it.

In 2022, Fuentes went even further, condemning Protestants to second-class citizenship in his desire for the United States to become a Catholic theocracy:

I want this country to have Catholic media, Catholic Hollywood, Catholic government. I want this to be a Catholic occupied government, not a Jewish occupied government.[19]

For his comments endorsing a holy war, he was suspended from streaming on the conservative video platform Rumble for two weeks.[20]

In a July 2023 live speech that was also streamed online, Fuentes called for killing people in a "holy war":

We need to eradicate Jewish stranglehold over the United States of America. … We will win, because unlike our opposition, we are willing to die for what we believe in … We're in a holy war and I will tell you this. Because we're willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. And they will go down.[21][22][23]

On his livestream show on December 8 2023, Fuentes advocated for "the death penalty" for all non-Christians (especially what he described as "perfidious Jews") should his America First movement ever take power.

There is an occult element at the high levels of society, and specifically among the Jews, and you know, whenever I see that stuff that just makes me want to proclaim louder and more firmly and more rigidly that it is nothing other than Jesus Christ. No, no pagan stuff, no false gods, no deities, no demons. It is Jesus Christ and we need to start saying that name… Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that's the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers. They are people that worship false gods, they are people that practice magic or rituals or whatever, and more than anything those people need to be, when we take power, they need to be given the death penalty. Straight up. And, I'm far more concerned about that than I am about even non-white people or mass migration… We need to put up a crucifix in every home, in every room in every school and every government office to signal Christ's reign over our country. Not that God needs it, but it must be outwardly expressed from the interior, that this is God's country. This is Jesus's country. This is not the domain of atheists or devil worshipers or perfidious Jews. This is Christ's country.[24][25]

Holocaust denial[edit]

Nick Fuentes has tried to minimize the extent of the Holocaust, which enables him to simultaneously deny and extol the murder of Jews. Speaking in one of his video podcasts about Adolf Hitler, a smiling, gleeful Fuentes spoke of "the two hundred to three hundred-thousand Jews that he killed during the Holocaust" and "those two hundred to three hundred-thousand Jews". This is a common Holocaust denial tactic used by neo-Nazis to deliberately downplay the gigantic scale of the monstrous crime that was the Holocaust. The empirically-proven number of Jews murdered by Nazis is in the range of 5.6 to 6 million, which is 20 to 30 times larger than Fuentes' lie.[26]


As an RSBN host in 2017, Fuentes argued that "globalists" and "the people behind CNN" should be killed, directly calling for and inciting political violence against reporters and several dozen media executives:

Who runs the media? Globalists. Time to kill the globalists. I don't want to not watch CNN. I don't want CNN to go out of business. I don't want CNN to be more honest. I want people that run CNN to be arrested and deported or hanged because this is deliberate. This is not an accident. It's not, "Oh, you know journalists have a liberal bias because they're educated, and educated people tend to be" — none of that. It is malicious intent. There is a design, there is an agenda here. And the people behind CNN that are pushing outright lies, and you see the people who try and expose the truth are cut off so obviously. They get their mics cut off, and they say, "Oh, whoops! We've lost the signal! Technical difficulties!"[16]

RSBN issued an apology, asserting that the above was said "in jest".[27] He was later removed from RSBN in August 2017, after he attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.[28]

In 2021, Fuentes attended the January 6 coup attempt at the U.S. Capitol.

In July 2023, Fuentes alleged that he saw a black man littering in his neighborhood. He then stated that he wanted the man to be dead, and his followers should "prepare to catch an aggravated battery charge if you see this in your society".[20] He added:

It's always Black people. … This is in my neighborhood. I'm supposed to be mad at Hitler? I'm supposed to be cross with Hitler? I want this guy dead. And I wish Hitler would kill him. I wish Hitler would have killed him, you know? … That guy should be KILLED! That guy should be killed for that. That guy should be dragged from his car and beaten to death by the public. … If I was in a room with Hitler and that guy, me and Hitler would team up and fuck that guy up! We would kill that guy! … And we'd high-five at the end.[20][29]

In January 2024, Fuentes gave a Nazi salute and stated:

I am not a Republican. I am a Trump cultist, and I want everyone to know that. … I am a soldier for Donald Trump. I am part of — I serve at the personal pleasure of Donald Trump, my supreme leader. I am part of the paramilitary wing of the Trump movement. I am part of the Revolutionary Guard. I do not answer to the Pentagon. I do not answer to the civilian government. I answer — I am the Praetorian Guard of Donald Trump. If Donald Trump ordered me to do an extrajudicial killing, I would perform it. If he sent me somewhere and said, look, we need to torture Hillary Clinton — theoretically. I wouldn't obviously do that of my own volition. But if Donald Trump won the election and Donald Trump called me on a secret burner phone and he said, look, we have to capture and — no, we can't go there. We actually can't go, actually can't go there. But if Donald Trump called me up and said, look, we need to capture my political enemies and torture them, you're OK with that, right? This is totally off the books. This is a black op. If he called me up and told me to do it, I would. I would be like, sir, yes — I wouldn't even say, yes, Mr. President. I would say it will be done. I would say it will be done, Supreme Leader. … No. I'm kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding. … I just trolled you, OK?[30][31][32]

Shortly after Trump tried out a failed photo op stunt in a garbage truck and wore the same orange visibility vest to a campaign rally less than a week before the November 2024 election, Fuentes suddenly realized that he's in a cult:[33]

At the Trump rallies, they’re yelling trash for Trump, trash for Trump. And I saw other people. I saw white guys. I saw Hispanic guys,[note 6] Hispanic guys inside trash cans jumping out of them with Trump signs, white guys with garbage bags that say trash for Trump.

That was the moment when I realized Trumpism was a cult. That was the moment when I realized liberals are right. That was the moment when I realized it had gone too far. It is Frankenstein’s monster. We have created a golem.[note 7] It is a problem.

2024 battery charge[edit]

Fashy haircut gets a photo shoot

In December 2024, Fuentes was charged with battery due to an incident the month before when he allegedly maced a woman who came to his house.[35][36] (See the section about his slogan: "Your body, our choice".)

White supremacy[edit]

(Jim Crow) was better for (Black people) too…”They had to drink out of a different water fountain,” big fucking deal. “Oh no, they had to go to different schools. Their water fountain in that famous picture was worse.” Who cares? Grow up, drink out of the fucking water fountain. It’s water, it’s the same. Even it was bad, who cares. We all agree, it’s better for them, it’s better for us. It’s better in general.[37][38]

Fuentes adamantly claims not to be a white supremacist, calling the term an "anti-white slur" and preferring to position himself as a "Christian conservative".[14] Of course, this "cloaking" of his ideology fools few people (certainly not the US Justice Department).[39]

Unsurprisingly, white genocide and Great Replacement themes are very common in Fuentes' rhetoric.[14] Fittingly, Fuentes also believes that "diversity is code word for anti-white".[40]

You can call us racists, white supremacists, Nazis, & bigots. You can disavow us on social media from your cushy Campus Reform job. But you will not replace us. The rootless transnational elite knows that a tidal wave of white identity is coming. And they know that once the word gets out, they will not be able to stop us. The fire rises![41]


See the main article on this topic: Racialism

Fuentes calculated his own "spiritual whiteness" at 91%.[42] A voluntary DNA test from 23&Me revealed his ancestry as 79% European and 14.8% Native American. Some of his followers immediately told him that Ancestry.com was better, as 23&Me "lied" to "mess with racists".[43] The accuracy of these racial DNA tests is unknown and unvalidated.[44]

It is plausible that Fuentes is part-Native American since his father's ancestry is from Mexico, and the mestizo (usually mixed European-Native American ancestry, but sometime also assimilated Native Americans[45]:2) population of Mexico has been estimated to be as high as 93%.[46]

Radicalizing children to become secret Nazis[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Crypto-politics

Nick Fuentes has recently started going further and further off the deep end by giving advice to radicalized right-wing extremists on how to avoid getting caught, telling children the following:

"If you get redpilled, don't tell your mom. If you get redpilled, don't tell your mom. If you get redpilled, don't tell your parents, alright? […] DON'T TELL MOM AND DAD! […] If you get redpilled, play it close to the chest, don't tell anybody, keep it to yourself, keep it to you and your online friends, alright?"[47]


See the main articles on this topic: Misogyny and Kinder, Küche, Kirche
You've got to be against women's rights, too … or else, what are we really trying to achieve here, 1999? We want to go back to 1099. We want to go back to the Middle Ages.
—Nick Fuentes[48]

Fuentes has consistently been misogynistic, describing himself as a "proud incel" and "a sexist man".[41] The Southern Poverty Law Center adds that Fuentes "has urged his followers to abstain from sex, warning that relationships with women will only distract them from the white nationalist cause."[41] Despite this, he begrudgingly accepts that women would play some role in his political project… as mere "baby machines".[49] He has downplayed rape (calling it "not a big deal");[41] Fuentes has also advocated repealing women's right to vote or otherwise make political decisions,[48][41] removing women's ability to have careers,[48] and veiling of women.[48] You can probably fill in any gaps — he's of course against access to birth control as well, for instance.[48]

In July 2022, Fuentes appeared on a panel for the podcast Modern-Day Debate. The topic was "Is There a War on Men?", with Fuentes predictably arguing the "yes" side.[50] His "arguments" in this debate included that the higher rate of autism diagnoses in men is evidence of a plot by the liberal elite to make men "retarded" through socialization, as well as that women are inherently stupider and more sinful than men. As a result, Fuentes claimed that he would never want a woman doing any highly-qualified job even if she was more qualified than all the men, to the point of claiming he "would rather get taken out and shot in the head" than be treated by a female doctor. In the same interview, he asserted that men have the right to beat and rape their wives because the Bible gives them authority over women, and claimed that all women will go to Hell.

Assuming Fuentes ever ceases his abstention from relationships with women, and somehow manages to marry, his hypothetical wife may want to be vigilant about more than just potential rape. That's on account of this "just kidding" outburst from Fuentes about how he could "totally" see himself "accidentally" killing his wife:

I totally see myself accidentally killing my wife ’cause I just get mad, you know. We'll be like years into the marriage, I'm gonna be angry about something. It's gonna be a little bit too hot in the house. It's gonna be one of those days where I haven't slept all night, I haven't eaten in a day. So I'm like in the worst possible mood and she's gonna say something and I'm gonna just accidentally kill her. I'm just gonna hit her and she’s gonna hit her head on the counter and she’s just gonna like die. She's gonna say something, I'm gonna lose control. I'm gonna blast her and … no, I'm kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. These are just jokes. I would never put my hand on anyone. I'm a lover. I don't attack people … but you know, women do piss me off a lot.[51]

In a sign of his "yellow fever", Fuentes once explained that some far-right Asian women (he gives Lauren Chen as an example) make him feel doubtful of his own misogyny even more than his own mother taking offense to his comments; however he adds that he takes efforts to "be tough" and "murder that part" of himself with doubts so he can be consistently misogynistic against every single woman on Earth regardless.[52]

"Your body, our choice"[edit]

After Donald Trump won the 2024 U.S. presidential elections, Fuentes dropped a following nugget at Twitter/X on November 6, 2024:

Women lose again! Your body, OUR CHOICE 😂 that ceiling is made out of BRICK![53]

As the US female populous already felt already pretty fucking disrespected by a female candidate presidential candidate losing to a convicted felon and rapist, who coasted to victory with the "bro vote", Fuentes' pro-rape tirade poured gasoline on the fire. The phrase - alternatively used as "your body, my choice" - would be picked up by dudebros with manosphere brain-rot, who began using it on social media (X/Twitter and TikTok) to "troll the overreacting feminists".[54] Subsequently right-wing protesters in Texas had been seen with signs containing similar misogynistic quotes.[55] As such, this has increased repercussions from women, who have began to talk about the 4B, as well as gun ownership as defense against the increasingly toxic male population. Fuentes has been unmoved by the backlash, responding with a Groyper character, because of course.[56][57]

Five days after Fuentes' tirade, he was doxxed.[58] A woman who is a resident of his town of Berwin, Illinois decided to walk up to his house and ask him about why he felt comfortable being a bigot. Before the woman could knock on the door, Fuentes allegedly opened it, sprayed her with a liquid, pushed her down onto the sidewalk and bruised her in the process, seized her phone and smashed it inside his house.[59]

LGBT and homosexuality[edit]

Fuentes apparently hates homosexuals and women so much that he was able to overcome his hatred of Muslims to side with the Taliban, pointing out that the group opposes "abortion, vaccines, and gay marriage".[60] After the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court, Fuentes cheered on the prospect of re-criminalizing gay marriage and sodomy,[61] the latter of which he describes as "filthy anal sex".[62]

Fuentes claimed that half of homosexuals are pedophiles on a livestream, and said that Sam Hyde "did the numbers". However, Hyde is a troll comedian known for extreme jokes, who had earlier clarified that he had made the claim in an effort to troll people.[63][64] In fact, a large study by Ray Blanchard, which measured the blood flow in the penises of men who were shown images of underage boys and girls, found that gay men were no more likely to have pedophilic interests than straight men.[65][note 8] Pedophilia is often mistakenly blamed on gay men since roughly a third of child sexual abuse victims are male. This is a logical fallacy, because most child abusers will molest a child of any gender given the opportunity. Since parents often guard their daughters from risk of abuse, child abusers will ultimately target boys due to ease of access and less risk of being caught. This is supported by the fact that the vast majority of identified perpetrators of the sexual abuse of boys are in a heterosexually-married relation of the victim.[67][68] The rest are unrelated to the child; for example, a priest, teacher, or authority figure who are also frequently heterosexually married. Since boys are 50% of the population and much less guarded, a child molester has more opportunity to victimize a male child.

Haggard's Law[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Haggard's Law

In January 2020, Fuentes joined CatboyKami, a YouTuber and alt-right personality, in a day-long livestream.[69] The catboy date generated controversy online, with many of Fuentes' fans speculating on Fuentes' sexuality. Leaked messages from Fuentes' Discord chatroom showed him fantasizing about a "catboy mud fight" in 2018,[70] and tasking someone "to collect more loyal catboys for the harem".[71] He added: "The AmFirst meetup will be a catboy death match".[72] Screenshots leaked in 2018 of a Fuentes-run chatroom named "catbois" containing gay catboy-themed cartoons.[73]

In 2022, a top officer of Fuentes's America First Foundation, Jaden McNeil, deserted him alongside one of Fuentes' computer technicians.[74][75][76] Although one should take McNeil's claims with a grain of salt, after this desertion he claimed that Fuentes had previously pressured him not to get a girlfriend, and inspected a couch and bed that McNeil had slept on, searching for semen stains using a blacklight.[75][77] McNeil also claimed, "Nick… doesn't really want a mainstream political movement anymore. He wants a hardcore cult of followers. … It's not just a death cult. It's a homosexual death cult."[75] Fuentes had this to say in his defense, "If we're really being honest, never having a girlfriend, never having sex with a woman really makes you more heterosexual because honestly, dating women is gay. [Men] having sex with women is gay."[78]

In May 2024, gay pornography began playing on Fuentes' livestream after he believed that he ended the stream. Fuentes claimed this occurred because his stream was simply hacked "by someone claiming to be IDF Unit 8200" (with IDF being the Israeli Defense Forces).[79][80] This was evidently found to be amusing by at least one Israeli newspaper, The Jerusalem Post.[81]

Assuming he keeps growing his mustache out the way he has been, the Village People might accept him as their first completely heterosexual Castro clone, should the neo-Nazi live-streaming gig ever fall through.


See the main article on this topic: Pedophilia
'Hitler was a pedophile and kind of a pagan.' It's like, well, he was also really fucking cool. … This guy's awesome, this guy's cool.
—Nick Fuentes[82][83][84]

After Matt Gaetz was hit with allegations of a sexual relationship with a seventeen-year-old girl, Fuentes asserted that it was OK because "it's very traditional" and repeatedly asserted that it was just a relationship with a large age gap. He also claimed that the age of consent is a radical feminist invention, rather than an important tool used to safeguard children,[85] and that the only problem was that he didn’t marry his victim.[86]

In 2023, a Fuentes ally, Milo Yiannopoulos, defected from Fuentes. Yiannopoulos unleashed allegations supported by interviews with two accusers and text message screenshots, that another Fuentes ally (Ali Alexander, a convicted felon[87] and self-proclaimed time traveler[88] who was in his late thirties at the time of the allegations) had solicited sexual relationships with teenage boys (one seventeen and one fifteen). In response, Alexander apologized because "this is too gay" and stated he had been "battling SSA" (same-sex attraction). However, Alexander bizarrely denied the claims while acknowledging some of the key evidence as genuine, "false claims alongside real messages is a deceptive technique". In response to this incident, Fuentes allegedly pressured the seventeen year old boy to apologize for making the accusation, and to claim that the text messages were fabricated; he is also said to have offered the boy a job in exchange for doing so. Assuming this part occurred, it didn't work. According to the accusations, Fuentes knew about Alexander soliciting sexual contact with underage boys and did nothing about it despite being warned that "Alexander wants to come to your events to have sex with underage boys".[89][90][91][92]

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was previously associated with Fuentes,[93] called for an FBI probe into Alexander. She also claimed: "This is disgusting textbook predation of underage boys. And Nick Fuentes was in on it."[94][95][96] As of April 2023, the Johnstown, Colorado police were indeed investigating the allegations about Alexander.[97] In response to the Ali Alexander incident, Fuentes floundered but eventually disavowed Alexander. He also stated, "If you are flirting with adult gay men because you think it's going to land you a job, you know full well what you're doing and it's gross. Sorry but even at 15, I would have never sent nudes to an adult gay man. … The real victim in this entire saga is me. … Sounds like everybody involved got what they wanted. Except me, the incel, who is now somehow being blamed for things I had nothing to do with."[90][91] Two months later, Fuentes explained that when he's thirty-years old, his ideal wife would be sixteen years old, "Right when the milk is good, I want to start drinking the milk. … If I'm 30 and she's 16, 14-year age difference. When I'm 50, she'll be 36. When I'm 40, she'll be 26. Then now we're talking here, now we're cooking with gas."[98][99] Another reason he gives for wanting a teenage wife is that she would have "a fertile womb and an innocent childlike spirit."[13]

In September 2023, yet another former Fuentes ally, Baked Alaska, denounced Fuentes for his comments about minors. Baked Alaska wrote with a video clip attached, "Nick Fuentes says here in his own words. He is not against 'grooming underage children'. This is not out of context this is what he actually believes. This is legit pedophilia & exactly why I publicly said I cannot support Nick anymore."[100]


See the main article on this topic: Anti-vaccination movement

Fuentes supported the Taliban's prohibition on vaccines,[60] believing that they're part of a conspiracy to poison the American people.[101] Not too long after this comment, the Taliban actually began supporting vaccine drives,[102][103] including for COVID-19 vaccines,[104] meaning that Fuentes can now be considered extreme on the issue even by Taliban standards. He has also referred to the coronavirus vaccine as "gene therapy" and linked it to the spread of AIDS.[105] He once threatened to take up arms against anyone who tries to give him a vaccine.[105][106]


See the main article on this topic: Dinosaur
Masterson: Wait, you don't believe the Holocaust but you think the Bible's right about dinosaurs and humans living together?
Fuentes: Correct, correct.

Initially, he dipped his toe into the highly controversial issue of dinosaurs with some straight-up dino denial. He stated, "I find it hard to believe, about the dinosaurs. Y'know, look: okay, they say they got fossils? I just find it very hard to believe. Oh, like giant monsters? Giant reptiles walking on the planet? I'm the crazy one? … Y'know, let's call ALL the BS out — these giant fish and giant… giant, y'know, insects, and giant birds, and giant everything! What? That's retarded. … Catholic Groypers are gonna come up, beat the shit out of you with a Bible."[108]

Later, he walked back the total dino denial, claiming he never denied that dinosaurs existed and was just asking questions about it to "trigger people". He switched his position to one of human–dinosaur coexistence, saying: "it's biblical, bro."[109][107][110]


Unite the Right rally attendance[edit]

Fuentes regreted attending the alt-right Unite the Right rally. Afterwards, Fuentes alleged that he faced death threats and left Boston University for Auburn University.[11][12]

University "speaking engagement"[edit]

On March 6, 2019, Fuentes held a public event at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Fuentes actually didn't have permission to speak in a University classroom, and was ejected by the police and sent to a designated free speech area. He delivered a speech in the cold at 8:00 PM to a group of mostly detractors. Two conservative student organizations located near the University both denied involvement, but the Iowa State Daily reported that the local Turning Point USA chapter was the most likely candidate. Incidentally, that TPUSA chapter had lost its student organization privileges in Fall 2018, explaining why Fuentes was kicked out by University police.[111]

America First Political Action Conference[edit]

Ordinary GOP conferences, like the once sober and serious but now populist, ideological, and culturally reactionary Conservative Political Action Conference,[112] aren't extremist enough for Fuentes. Instead, Fuentes and his fan base (who call themselves "Groypers" due to, naturally, a 4chan meme involving Pepe the Frog)[113] have, since 2020, organized an alternative event to CPAC called the America First Political Action Conference (or AFPAC). The conference, according to its website, offers a chance for "true patriots" to "mingle with like-minded Americans fighting to save this nation."[114] According to the ADL, what this event is really about is a gathering for those who wish to normalize white nationalism and other extremist views (such as homophobia, misogyny, antisemitism, racialism, and extremist anti-immigration viewpoints) into the conservative movement.[115]

The event once attracted the sort of noxious GOP speakers that you would expect, e.g. politicians long associated with white nationalist and/or extremist anti-immigrant rhetoric, such as Paul Gosar, Steve King, Michelle Malkin,[116] and Marjorie Taylor Greene.[117] Other guests include racists such as Jared Taylor, alt-right trolls such as Baked Alaska and Milo Yiannopoulos, and assholes such as Joe Arpaio.[115]

The event, and particularly the appearance of national GOP politicians at them, often aroused controversy due to the extremist rhetoric at the event, especially the rhetoric coming out of Fuentes. In 2021, Fuentes wailed about America losing its "white demographic core" and defended the participants of the 2021 U.S. coup attempt, even proclaiming that "we need a little bit more of" the sort of "energy" displayed by the insurrectionists.[116] In 2022, Fuentes complained about diversity in America, stating that America's secret sauce was "young white men".[118] He then praised Vladimir Putin for his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine that was happening while the 2022 AFPAC event was going on, leading to a chant of "Putin! Putin!" from the crowd.[118] "Joking" about the general distaste for Putin's invasion in most non-white nationalist Western media, he even offered up a bit of coded praise for Adolf Hitler.[117]

By March 2023, however, Fuentes' brand had grown so toxic, even CPAC wanted nothing to do with it — Fuentes (along with several of his "Groypers") were removed from CPAC when they tried to attend due to Fuentes' "hateful racist rhetoric".[119][120] Instead of a conference, Fuentes decided to hold a "rally" near the CPAC location, with no other advertised guests.[120][121] Now toxic to the GOP, Fuentes' rallies became even more extreme than before. During this rally, Fuentes declared that he wanted to eradicate Satanism, feminism, liberalism, and Judaism; paying particular attention to the latter, Fuentes spouted International Jewish conspiracy theories and overtly praised Hitler.[122]

At another "rally" on July 2023, Fuentes went even further, spouting Christian nationalist-tinged genocide advocacy. Declaring that "we want a Christian future in our lifetimes", Fuentes declared a "holy war" against Jews, concluding his speech with the statement "because we’re willing to die in the holy war, we will make (the Jews) die in the holy war."[123][124] This was too much even for the far-right friendly[125] video hosting platform Rumble, which removed two videos streamed from the rally due to them being an "incitement to violence". This removal caused furor among Fuentes's Groypers and other virulently antisemitic figures, such as Andrew Torba (CEO of Gab).[126]

January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol coup attempt[edit]

See the main article on this topic: 2021 U.S. coup attempt

Fuentes and fellow-Nazi Baked Alaska both participated in the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot that was incited by Trump, and each separately livestreamed the destruction and theft that occurred.[127] Subsequently, Fuentes was banned from DLive, the streaming website he had been using to host his America First podcast since being booted from YouTube.[128] A French national sent Fuentes some hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bitcoin then subsequently died of an apparent suicide shortly before the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol. Although any apparent connection to the event is unclear, the Frenchman in question also sent money to other attendees, though Fuentes was the primary recipient.[129] It's possible he simply happened to donate to far-right activists who happened to be more likely to attend, but nevertheless it warranted the FBI's attention at one point in time, in relation to its formal probes into the Capitol storming.[130]

Fuentes claimed that he did not enter the Capitol building, but with all of the other lying that he does, we are skeptical of his word. At the least, supporters of Fuentes with America First merchandise appeared in videos and photos captured inside the Capitol building during the event.[131] Extant video of him with a megaphone outside the Capitol shows him exclaiming, "Keep moving towards the Capitol – it appears we are taking the Capitol! … Break down the barriers and disregard the police. The Capitol belongs to us."[132][133]

According to the January 6 Report (produced via the January 6th Committee):

Fuentes was a prominent figure at the 'Stop the Steal' rally in Atlanta, Georgia, in November 2020. … Fuentes also suggested his followers intimidate politicians in their homes. On December 12th, Fuentes again rallied a crowd of supporters at the 'Stop the Steal' events in Washington, DC, calling for the destruction of the Republican Party because it had failed to overturn the election. … On January 4th, Fuentes suggested that his followers kill State legislators who don't support efforts to overturn the 2020 election. … Fuentes complained that his side 'had no leverage.' Fuentes then asked: 'What can you and I do to a state legislator, besides kill them?' He then quickly added: 'Although we should not do that. I am not advising that, but I mean, what else can you do, right?' … Fuentes incited followers from his perch immediately outside of the U.S. Capitol. Some of his followers joined the attack inside, with one even sitting in Vice President Pence's seat on the Senate dais."[134]

The day after the event, Fuentes praised it, stating, "The Capitol Siege was fucking awesome and I'm not going to pretend it wasn't."[135][134][136] He later told his followers who attended the event, "They probably have it all, but as a precaution, yeah, probably destroy your phone, your SIM card, all that information. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. Is that legal to say? Maybe don't do that? I'm gonna say don't do that, for my legal sake!"[137] Fuentes is not known to have received charges in direct relation to the Capitol storming, but was placed on the No-Fly List by the TSA in apparent relation to comments he made about a flight attendant,[138] and he was later subpoenaed (ordered to give testimony) by the January 6 Committee.[139]

Twitter bans[edit]

Fuentes was banned from Twitter on July 9, 2021 at a time when he had more than 125,000 followers.[140] His account was reinstated in January 2023, following the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk. However, his reinstatement was very brief, and he was banned again less than a day later.[141] He was then reinstated on May 2 2024 after a Fuentes supporter requested an unban in a tweet.[142][143]

Appearances afterwards[edit]

The end result of a pathetic internet edgelord.

In February 2022, Fuentes hosted AFPAC, a far-right, white nationalist convention alternative to CPAC. See America First Political Action Conference, above.

In November 2022, Fuentes was seen associating himself with Kanye West, defending his antisemitic remarks. In December 2022, Fuentes and West appeared in InfoWars with Alex Jones. West proceeded to make more antisemitic remarks and praised Hitler and the Nazis. Afterwards, West and Fuentes were interviewed by Gavin McInnes where they continued to deny the Holocaust and praise Hitler, with Fuentes at one point bragging that "kids loved Hitler".[144] The entire interview, mostly from Kanye’s responses, made McInnes uncomfortable to the point of violating the alt-right rule against countersignaling, mirroring his InfoWars interview where he made Alex Jones uncomfortable. After this event, Fuentes was widely reported to have appeared at a hamburger restaurant alongside the video gamer/political live-streamer Sneako; a food fight soon took place between Fuentes and local customers.[145][146]

Continuing with his racism and creating controversies, Fuentes appeared on Pearl Davis' YouTube channel, "JustPearlyThings". Davis is a prominent manosphere poster and self-hating sexist. Fuentes' appearance on her show landed her significant blowback, with her releasing an apology video.[147] Though the Fuentes video would get taken down not too long afterwards and Pearl would continue to collaborate with Fuentes.

Fuentes also appeared in several Rumble streams with Sneako, the most notable being alongside him, Sneako, Pearl, Jon Zherka,[148] and Myron Gaines from Fresh and Fit Podcast. Before Fuentes appeared on the stream, Gaines, a Sudanese-American, was engaging heavily in anti-black racism in a long running beef against Aba and Preach (two black centrist YouTubers from Canada)[149] due to them making several videos calling him and his channel out. In the livestream, he wore a Klan hood and called Aba and Preach the N-word, and even did the Nazi salute at several points (among many other racist and bigoted shenanigans). Once Fuentes came on, he, Gaines, and Zherka shared a Nazi salute in a single stream.[150][151]

Fuentes began beefing with Sneako after the Groypers and other far-right figures and associated communities began advocating for deporting Sneako, which made Sneako change his mind on race, immigration, and racism. Fuentes mocked Sneako and told him to spread Islam in Haiti where they “eat mud”, responding to Sneako claiming that white supremacists and other racial/ethnic supremacists are Jewish for believing superiority in the first place.[152]

Splitting the Texas GOP[edit]

In October 2023, Texas GOP ex-politician Jonathan Stickland, together with other prominent politicians in the GOP, met with Fuentes and other reactionary activists such as Kyle Rittenhouse for a 7-hour meeting.[1] At the time, Stickland headed a PAC called Defend Texas Liberty, a Christian nationalist-aligned group bankrolled by the Dominionist public education-hating oil tycoons Dan and Farris Wilks and Tim Dunn.[153][154][155] The PAC had already made waves in 2023 for throwing tons of money at Texas politicians in order to successfully prevent the corrupt Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, impeached in May 2023 in the Texas House, from being convicted in the Texas Senate.[156][157][158] Stickland also owned a consulting firm for right-wing candidates called Pale Horse Strategies.[1][note 9]

This incident highlighted increased extremism in certain factions of the Texas GOP. Reportedly earlier that year, Pale Horse Strategies hired a social media coordinator named Ella Maulding. Maulding had previously praised Fuentes as "the greatest civil rights leader in history", and her social media was replete with references to the white genocide conspiracy theory. Reportedly Chris Russo, the founder of a advocacy group connected to Stickland's PAC, Texans for Strong Borders, drove Fuentes to the Stickland meeting.[1] In social media, under the username "Optics Respecter", Russo railed against immigration, feminism, the LGBTQ+ community, the disabled, women's suffrage, and Black people.[159] Reportedly Russo was directly tied to Fuentes' Groyper movement.[160] The Defend Texas Liberty PAC itself had been linked with other individuals and organizations who, on social media, expressed antisemitic, racist, and Christian nationalist sentiments and posted conspiracy theories such as QAnon and The Great Replacement. Some of these PAC-linked individuals were directly linked to Fuentes himself, as well as other white nationalism groups.[160]

In a similar manner to the Paxton impeachment, the Fuentes meeting, driven by a disgust in other Texas GOP factions concerning Fuentes' noxious neo-Nazi views, caused widespread infighting. Texas House speaker Dade Phelan (along with 60 members of the Texas House Republican Caucus) demanded that all elected officials donate all the money that they received from Stickland's PAC to charity in order to distance themselves from Fuentes.[161] Among the chief targets of this demand was Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. Patrick presided over Paxton's acquittal; prior to the trial, he received $3 million from the Defend Texas Liberty PAC.[157] Patrick responded to this demand by demanding that Phelan resign.[161] As the incident occurred during the start of the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, the incident highlighted the stark contrast between the GOP faction that "(stood) with Israel at this time of need", and the white supremacist, Hitler apologist faction of "conservatism" that Fuentes represented.[161]

The fallout from the meeting led to the Defend Texas Liberty PAC replacing Stickland as president. That still was not enough for 13 out of 64 members of the Texas GOP's executive committee, who demanded that the party not accept any donations from Defend Texas Liberty until Stickland was completely disassociated from the PAC, and a full accounting of the meeting was provided.[162]

In early December 2023, by a 32-29 vote, the Texas GOP executive committee stripped a pro-Israel in-preparation resolution of a clause that would have barred the party from associating with known Nazi sympathizers, antisemites, and Holocaust deniers. This clause was written by one faction of the committee so that the party could confront its ties to outspoken extremists such as Fuentes. Despite the above ties with Fuentes, the opposing faction denounced the measure, believing that there wasn't "any antisemitic, pro-Nazi or Holocaust denial movement on the right that has any significant traction whatsoever".[163] Despite many of them readily hurling vague snarl words such as "liberal", "communist", and "RINO" at their political opponents in the past, the opposing faction also believed that terms like "Nazi" and "antisemitism" were too vague or subjective.[163]

In a separate move, roughly half of the executive committee also tried to prevent their vote on the anti-Nazi clause from being kept on the record.[163]

Stopped clock[edit]

Nick opposes Trump’s calls for war with Iran and bombing Iran (most likely because like other neo-Nazis, he sees Iran as a fellow Aryan nation).[164] He also opposes Trump’s wars with other nations but to a lesser degree. Nick has also disavowed many neocons for their pro-war positions. In some cases, he abandoned Trump completely and encouraged his Groyper fanbase to not vote for Trump.

He indirectly supports Palestine, albeit from an antisemitic perspective rather than being genuinely invested in the survival of Palestinians.

In a surprising move, Nick was disgusted by Steve Bannon giving a nazi salute at a speech, stating that this was “too much” for him.

He also beefed with the rest of the alt-right for a time, including Richard Spencer. However, as of 2022, he unfortunately appears to have patched up his relationship with Spencer.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Do we even have to mention how Europeans aren’t Aryans?
  2. Like he would know what the problem is, he's an American talking about Europe as if its a monoculture.
  3. Besides, Hitler actually was in a committed relationship (and a brief marriage) with Eva Braun.
  4. How does he figure? What metric could he use to justify this claim? For those curious, he gives no explanation for what he means.
  5. Keep focusing on the important issues, Nick.
  6. Fuentes himself is part-Hispanic through his father's Mexican ancestry.[34]
  7. Fuentes actually used the Hebrew-derived word 'golem' correctly.
  8. The use of a penile plethysmograph to measure genital arousal has been called into question as an unreliable instrument for scientific measurement.[66]
  9. "Pale Horse" refers to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:8).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Influential Texas activist Jonathan Stickland hosted white supremacist Nick Fuentes at office near Fort Worth by Robert Downen (2023 October 8) The Texas Tribune.
  2. I Hate Poor People by Right Wing Watch (Aug 30, 2023) YouTube.
  3. "Nick Fuentes vs. the 13%" by Nick Fuentes (May 16, 2019) YouTube (archived on 2019 July 4). Time 3:10-3:40
  4. Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes: 'Occult element' among Jews must be executed (December 26, 2023 19:20) The Jerusalem Post.
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Villain America Needs by Nicholas J. Fuentes.
  6. Non-exhaustive collection of sources about Nick Fuentes's ideology:
  7. 7.0 7.1 Marjorie Taylor Greene Sorry Not Sorries Speech at White Nationalist Conference by Bess Levin (February 28, 2022) Vanity Fair. "[Fuentes] suggested that Black people were too sensitive about the unfairness of racist Jim Crow era laws ... denied the Holocaust and likened Jews burning in gas chambers to baking cookies. Naturally, he attended the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and… he reportedly uploaded a video in which he said: 'What can you and I do to state legislators besides kill them? Although, we should not do that. I’m not advising that, but I mean, what else are you going to do?'… On Friday, Fuentes 'joked' to the crowd: 'Now they’re going on about Russia and Vladimir Putin is Hitler — and they say that’s not a good thing.'"
  8. What to know about Nick Fuentes, the white supremacist who was just hosted by a major Texas PAC leader by Robert Downen (Oct. 10, 2023) The Texas Tribune.
  9. 'Wannabe incel': Nick Fuentes fans revolt over admission he’s voluntarily celibate by Claire Goforth (February 9, 2022) The Daily Dot.
  10. 'America First Is Inevitable' by Ben Lorber (January 15, 2021) Political Research Associates.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Alt-right figure says he's been admitted to Auburn by William Thornton (Aug. 20, 2017, 2:00 p.m.) AL.com.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Right-wing BU teen won’t return to Boston after attending Charlottesville rally by Kristin Toussaint (August 16, 2017) Metro New York.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Kanye Among the Groypers by Ben Sixsmith (December 9, 2022) First Things.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Nicholas J. Fuentes: Five Things to Know (2021 July 8) Anti-Defamation League.
  15. Nick Fuentes Trades Parents’ Basement for Pricey Livestreaming Den by Jeff Tischauser & Jason Wilson (December 19, 2022) Southern Poverty Law Center.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Right Side Broadcasting, The 'Unofficial Version Of Trump TV,' Forced To Apologize For Contributor’s Call To 'Kill The Globalists' At CNN (04/24/17 1:14 PM EDT) Media Matters for America.
  17. Our Founding Fathers included Islam: Thomas Jefferson didn't just own a Quran — he engaged with Islam and fought to ensure the rights of Muslims by Denise Spellberg (October 5, 2013 6:00PM EDT) Salon.
  18. The Lord’s Resistance Army by Richard Downie (October 18, 2011) Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  19. Nick Fuentes says America must become an authoritarian Catholic nation where Jews have no power or influence: "I want this country to have Catholic media, Catholic Hollywood, Catholic government. I want this to be a Catholic occupied government, not a Jewish occupied government." by Right Wing Watch (1:18 PM · Nov 25, 2022) Twitter (archived from November 26, 2022).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 On Rumble, Nick Fuentes fantasizes about teaming up with Hitler to kill a Black man he claims was littering by Natalie Mathes (July 31, 2023) Media Matters for America.
  21. Trump’s Neo-Nazi Dinner Guest Delivers Horrifically Anti-Semitic Speech Endorsing Trump and Declaring 'Holy War' by Jamie Frevele (July 17, 2023) Mediaite.
  22. Denouncing the dangerous (and pseudo-Christian) anti-Semitism of Nick Fuentes by Michael Brown (August 8, 2023). The Christian Post.
  23. White Supremacist Nick Fuentes Calls for 'Holy War' Against Jews by Prem Thakker (July 17, 2023) The New Republic.
  24. "White supremacist who dined with Trump calls for ‘death penalty’ for non-Christians" by David Badash (2023 December 12) Raw Story.
  25. Trump Dinner Guest Says ‘Perfidious Jews’ Should Be Executed by Tim Dickinson (2023 December 12) Rolling Stone.
  26. Nick Fuentes on Hitler (February 25, 2019) YouTube (archived from December 31, 2019).
  27. It has come to our attention that one of our hosts, Nick Fuentes, made some inappropriate comments regarding CNN and others on one of his shows earlier this week. Though we believe Nick's comments were made in jest, they are still unacceptable, inappropriate and do not reflect the view of our team here at Right Side. We are currently reviewing the matter and will handle it internally. Right Side Broadcasting Network (8:14 PM - 21 Apr 2017) Twitter (archived from April 26, 2017).
  28. Alt-right's Nicholas Fuentes no longer affiliated with Right Side Broadcasting by Roy S. Johnson (30 August 2017) AL.com.
  29. "From the July 29, 2023 edition of Nick Fuentes' America First, as uploaded to Rumble". Media Matters for America.
  30. After previously dining with Trump, Nick Fuentes gives Nazi salute and discusses his willingness to commit violence for Trump (January 16, 2024) Media Matters for America.
  31. La Grange Park Racist Would Kill For Trump by David Giuliani (January 22, 2024) Patch.
  32. 'I am a soldier for Donald Trump': Nick Fuentes says he’d murder political enemies if 'Supreme Leader' ordered him by Katherine Huggins (January 17, 2024) The Daily Dot.
  33. Neo-Nazi Influencer Nick Fuentes Now Says ‘Trumpism Is a Cult’ by Maurício Alencar (Updated Nov. 3 2024 4:24AM EST; Published Nov. 2 2024 3:45PM EDT) The Daily Beast.
  34. Far-right agitators roil the conservative movement on college campuses in battle to define Trumpism by Nick Anderson (November 16, 2019) The Washington Post.
  35. Battery Charge For Racist Nick Fuentes (December 6, 2024) The Smoking Gun.
  36. Nick Fuentes charged with battery of woman he maced: report by Brian Niemietz (December 6, 2024) New York Daily News.
  37. Who Is Nick Fuentes, and Why Is a US Rep Buddying Up to the Segregationist, Holocaust-Denying Gen Z Influencer? by Ali Breland (2021 June 29) Mother Jones.
  38. "‘Groyper’ leader on segregation: 'Enough with the Jim Crow stuff. Who cares? ‘Oh, I had to drink out of a different water fountain.’ Big f—ing deal…oh no, they had to go to a different school…And even if it was bad, who cares?…it was better for them, it’s better for us.'" by Guy Benson (@guypbenson) (12:26 AM · Nov 18, 2019) Twitter (archived from May 7, 2023).
  39. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. CHRISTIAN SECOR, Case 1:21-mj-00232-ZMF Document 1-1, Footnote 1 on page 6: "The Groypers are a network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and "America First" podcaster Nick Fuentes". Filed on 2021/02/13
  40. Diversity Is Code for Anti White Nick Fuentes, America First, S1.E53 (Nov 17, 2017) IMDb.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 Nick Fuentes Southern Poverty Law Center.
  42. *91% white by Nicholas J. Fuentes (21:44 - 27. Sep. 2017) Twitter (archived from December 21, 2017).
  43. 23 & Me Results (2017) America First, Season 1, Episode 70 (archived copy).
  44. Pulling Back the Curtain on DNA Ancestry Tests: A Tufts expert discusses whether direct-to-consumer genetics testing kits really work, their privacy risks, and potential surprises by Genevieve Rajewski (January 26, 2018) TuftsNow.
  45. Pluralismo Cultural y Redefinicion del Estado en Mexico by Miguel Alberto Bartolomé (1996) Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasilia. Série Antropologica 210.
  46. Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican demography approximates the present-day ancestry of Mestizos throughout the territory of Mexico by Rodrigo Rubi-Castellanos et al. (2009) Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 139(3):284-94. doi:10.1002/ajpa.20980.
  47. Nick's Message to Zoomers an America First excerpt by @ZoomerClips (7:43 pm - 18 Sep 2019) Twitter (archived from September 19, 2019).
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Nick Fuentes and the Illiberal Right Are America's Homegrown Jihadists by Matt Lewis (November 29, 2022) The Daily Beast.
  49. How Racist Misogyny Shapes Online Male Supremacist Communities by Rachael Fugardi (May 23, 2024) Southern Poverty Law Center.
  50. Is There a War on Men? Nick Fuentes, Hake, Stein99 & Brittany Vs Hunter Avallone, Dooby, *Dust & RC (07/12/2022) Modern-Day Debate via Apple.
  51. Nick Fuentes: 'I Totally See Myself Accidentally Killing My Wife' (May 4, 2024) The Daily Beast.
  52. Excerpt of one of Fuentes' America First broadcasts (archived from May 26, 2024).
  53. Women lose again! Your body, OUR CHOICE 😂 that ceiling is made out of BRICK! by @FuentesUpdates (November 6, 2024) Twitter (archived from 7 Nov 2024 20:47:07 UTC).
  54. "Your body, my choice:" Hate and harassment towards women spreads online by Isabelle Frances-Wright & Moustafa Ayad (November 8, 2024) Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
  55. Things are escalating quickly in Texas. Texas State University by Jay in Kyiv (@JayinKyiv) (November 7, 2024) Twitter (archived from 9 Dec 2024 05:59:56 UTC).
  56. They turned it into a tiktok audio by Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) (8:08 PM · Nov 7, 2024) Twitter (archived from 7 Nov 2024 22:38:29 UTC).
  57. Your body, my choice. Forever. by Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) (6:48 PM · Nov 7, 2024) Twitter (archived from 9 Dec 2024 06:10:52 UTC).
  58. Nick Fuentes doxxed following ‘your body, my choice’ comments: report by Brian Niemietz (November 11, 2024 at 3:29 PM EST) Daily News.
  59. I Was Maced by Nick Fuentes: An exclusive interview with Marla Rose, the 57-year-old feminist who was attacked by the white supremacist streamer after Donald Trump’s election win. by Jamie Tahsin (November 13, 2024, 11:03am) Vice.
  60. 60.0 60.1 The Taliban is going to ban abortion, vaccines, and gay marriage… maybe we were fighting on the wrong side for 20 years. by Nicholas J. Fuentes (@realnickjfuentes) (Aug 15th 2021) Gab (archived from 16 Aug 2021 23:21:47 UTC).
  61. Nick Fuentes: SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade is 'like having Taliban rule in a good way' by Sky Palma (June 27, 2022) DeadState.
  62. (Clip published December 2023). Nick Fuentes on gay marriage (02:54 UTC on December 22nd, 2023) BitChute (archived from December 22, 2023).
  63. How Far Will the Impeachment Go?, Livestream by Drunken Peasants (2019) YouTube.
  64. Sam Hyde Speaks: Meet the Man Behind Adult Swim's Canceled "Alt-Right" Comedy Show by Seth Abramovitch (2016) Hollywood Reporter.
  65. Do gay men have more sexual interest in children than straight men do? by Alice Dreger (July 9, 2013) Pacific Standard.
  66. "The plethysmograph reconsidered: comments on Barker and Howell" by W. T. Simon & P. G. Schouten (1993) Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry Law 21(4):505-12.
  67. Jenny, C.; Roesler, T. A.; Poyer, K. L. (1994). "Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals?". Pediatrics. 94 (1): 41–44. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 8008535.
  68. Adult Sexual Orientation and Attraction to Underage Persons by A. N. Groth & H. J. Birnbaum (1978) Archives of Sexual Behavior 7(3):175-81. doi:10.1007/BF01542377.
  69. Nicholas J Fuentes' cute catboi date =^.^= KAWAII... [RE-UPLOAD] by Dice of Fate (Jan 2, 2020) YouTube.
  70. Message #1724558 from @Nicholas J Fuentes (2018-05-14 05:35:10 UTC) Nick Fuentes Server, via Unicorn Riot.
  71. Message #1724255 from @Nicholas J Fuentes (2018-05-14 05:40:59 UTC) Nick Fuentes Server, via Unicorn Riot.
  72. Message #1724627 from @Nicholas J Fuentes (2018-05-14 05:38:04 UTC) Nick Fuentes Server, via Unicorn Riot.
  73. Nick Fuentes likes catboys by Superfly1234 (January 19, 2018) Imgur.
  74. Former Kansas State student steps down from white nationalist organization amid rift by Judy L. Thomas (May 13, 2022) The Kansas City Star.
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 Pro-Trump White Nationalist Group Facing Key Desertions by Michael Edison Hayden, Hannah Gais, and Megan Squire (June 2, 2022) Southern Poverty Law Center.
  76. Even Nicholas Fuentes' Friends Are Calling Him Out on His Bullshit by Eddie Kim (2022) Mel Magazine.
  77. Nick Fuentes Inspected a Couch and Bed For Semen by Tsar Sylvaligus (May 7, 2022) YouTube.
  78. Men Having Sex With Women Is Gay, Claims 'Straight' Right-Wing Podcaster Nick Fuentes (May 16, 2022) Star Observer.
  79. Nick Fuentes says hackers claiming to be IDF cyber squad are to blame for adult male videos appearing on his stream by Katherine Huggins (May 20, 2024) The Daily Dot.
  80. Trump Dinner Guest Nick Fuentes Blames Israel For Gay Porn Playing During His Live Stream by Jamie Frevele (May 20, 2024) Mediaite.
  81. Nick Fuentes streams 'gay porn,' claims it was pro-Israel hack by Danielle Greyman-Kennard (May 18, 2024) The Jerusalem Post.
  82. Nick Fuentes is not even bothering to hide his adoration of Hitler these days: "'Hitler was a pedophile and kind of a pagan.' It's like, well, he was also really fucking cool. … This guy's awesome, this guy's cool. (January 17, 2023) Right Wing Watch (archived via Twitter). Nick Fuentes is not even bothering to hide his adoration of Hitler these days: "'Hitler was a pedophile and kind of a pagan.' It's like, well, he was also really fucking cool. ... This guy's awesome, this guy's cool." by Right Wing Watch (3:27 PM · Jan 17, 2023) Twitter (archived from January 26, 2023).
  83. Twitter Reinstates Nick Fuentes, Kanye’s Hitler-Loving Muse by Nikki McCann Ramirez (January 24, 2023) Rolling Stone.
  84. White Nationalist and Nazi Nick Fuentes Is Back on Twitter by Prem Thakker (January 24, 2023) The New Republic.
  85. Creepy Nick Fuentes DEFENDS Pedophilia by Hunter Avallone (Apr 3, 2021) YouTube.
  86. White Nationalist Host Nick Fuentes Says Matt Gaetz Would Have Been Better Off If He Just Married His Alleged Teen Victim by Todd Neikirk (Mar 31st, 2021) PoliticusUSA.
  87. Robert Mercer Bankrolled PAC Advised By Notorious Fringe 'Philosopher' Ali Alexander by Davis Richardson (October 30, 2018) Observer.
  88. 'Stop The Steal' Organizer Ali Alexander Claims He Can Time Travel and 'Will' Kari Lake to Win in AZ by Alex Griffing (November 14, 2022) Mediaite.
  89. Ali Alexander ally says Stop the Steal founder leaving public life after apology for ‘inappropriate messages’ by Claire Goforth (April 17, 2023) The Daily Dot.
  90. 90.0 90.1 The Far Right Is Roiled by an Underage-Sex Scandal by Matt Stieb (April 17, 2023) Intelligencer.
  91. 91.0 91.1 ‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer Apologizes After Being Accused of Asking Teen Boys for D*ck Pics by Will Sommer (April 17, 2023) The Daily Beast.
  92. Donald Trump Supporter Ali Alexander Accused of Grooming Teenage Boys by Christopher Wiggins (April 20, 2023) The Advocate.
  93. Marjorie Taylor Greene's ties to white nationalist Nick Fuentes revealed by Bevan Hurley (August 3, 2023) The Independent.
  94. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls on FBI to Investigate Trump Ally Who Allegedly Asked Minors For Nude Photo" by Jennifer Bowers Bahney (April 17, 2023) Mediaite.
  95. MTG Calls for FBI Investigation Into Ali Alexander Allegations (Updated Apr. 17, 2023 8:36PM ET; Published Apr. 17, 2023 7:55PM ET) The Daily Beast.
  96. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other extremists fight over groomer allegations by Ja'han Jones (April 19, 2023) The ReidOut Blog, MSNBC.
  97. Police confirm ‘active’ case after report filed against Ali Alexander, who has been accused of soliciting nudes from teen boys by Claire Goforth (April 20, 2023) The Daily Dot.
  98. Nick Fuentes Admits His Dream Wife Is 16 Years Old (July 15, 2023) The Daily Beast.
  99. Right When The Milk Is Good (May 17, 2023) Right Wing Watch via YouTube.
  100. Nick Fuentes says here in his own words. He is not against 'grooming underage children'. This is not out of context this is what he actually believes. This is legit pedophilia & exactly why I publicly said I cannot support Nick anymore. by Baked Alaska (September 13, 2023) Twitter (archived from 13 Sep 2023 23:38:29 UTC).
  101. Nick Fuentes: "Don't take the vaccine" by @GroyperHq (9:35 AM - 3 Jun 2021) Twitter (archived from October 30, 2021).
  102. Taliban will allow a national polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan, says WHO by Becky Sullivan (October 19, 2021) NPR.
  103. Taliban backs WHO polio vaccination campaign across Afghanistan next month (October 18, 2021) UN News.
  104. Covid: Taliban's acting health minister asks people to get vaccinated (January 30, 2022) The Khaama Press News Agency, via Business Standard.
  105. 105.0 105.1 White nationalist "groyper" movement links up with anti-vaxxers, threatens use of weapons: "Manipulate my DNA or inject satan juice, nah, I'm good," wrote a follower of young white nationalist Nick Fuentes by Zachary Petrizzo (April 8, 2021 5:40AM EDT) Salon.
  106. Nick Fuentes || The Vaccine (2): 'You Might Get Fired for Not Taking It' by THre Spoons (13:42 UTC on December 19th, 2020) BitChute (archived from May 11, 2021).
  107. 107.0 107.1 Nick Fuentes (still) believes dinosaurs lived with humans by Socialism Done Left (Jun 21, 2020) YouTube. Original video: Killstream ft. Nick Fuentes, Dick Masterson, and Ethan Ralph by Destiny (June 21, 2020) YouTube.
  108. Joffrey explains science by @themattdimitri (8:24 PM - 6 Dec 2019) Twitter (archived from February 22, 2022). 'America First' stream by Nick Fuentes, clipped by Matthew Dimitri.
  109. dinosaurs 2 by dinil (Dec 16, 2019) YouTube. 'America First' stream by Nick Fuentes.
  110. Nick Fuentes: Christianity is Made Up Nonsense! Dinosaurs on The Other Hand… by Nick Fuentes (00:04 UTC on February 7th, 2021) BitChute (archived from February 7, 2021).
  111. Students protest white nationalist Nicholas Fuentes, supporters outnumbered by Emily Berch (Mar 7, 2019) Iowa State Daily (archived from Mary 7, 2019).
  112. This year’s CPAC lineup speaks volumes about the conservative movement by Henry Olsen (2022 February 23) Washington Post
  113. Know Your Meme: Groyper Know Your Meme.
  114. America First Political Action Conference 2022 America First Foundation (archived from February 25 2022).
  115. 115.0 115.1 AFPAC III: The Groyper Army Seeks to Normalize White Nationalism (2022 February 25) Anti-Defamation League.
  116. 116.0 116.1 GOP congressman headlines conference where organizers push white nationalist rhetoric by Will Steakin (2021 February 27) ABC News.
  117. 117.0 117.1 CPAC Welcomes Marjorie Taylor Greene Hours After She Appears at White Nationalist Conference by William Vaillancourt (2022 Feburary 26) Rolling Stone.
  118. 118.0 118.1 BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene announced as surprise speaker at white nationalist Nick Fuentes' America First Political Action Conference tonight in Orlando, FL. MTG has now joined Paul Gosar in embracing Fuentes. Fuentes claims alt-right troll Milo Yiannopoulos made it happen by Ben Lorber @BenLorber8 (2:56 AM · Feb 26, 2022) Twitter (archived from February 26 2022).
  119. Matt Schlapp confirms Nick Fuentes removed from CPAC due to ‘hateful racist rhetoric’ by Jared Gans (2023 March 3) The Hill.
  120. 120.0 120.1 Nick Fuentes Holds Racist Conference Across from CPAC by Hannah Gais and Creede Newton (2023 March 4) Southern Poverty Law Center.
  121. Fuentes Rally America First Foundation (archived from 2023 March 14).
  122. Marriott under fire for allowing Nick Fuentes to host antisemitic, off-brand CPAC conference by Jacob Seitz (2023 March 6) Daily Dot.
  123. White supremacist Nick Fuentes: 'We will make Jews die in the holy war' (2023 July 18) The Jerusalem Post.
  124. White nationalist Nick Fuentes brags that Charlie Kirk has adopted his messaging by John Knefel (2023 July 19) Media Matters for America.
  125. Popular far-right video sharing platform Rumble is riddled with election misinformation, study says by David Klepper and the Associated Press (2022 November 3) Fortune.
  126. Far-right figures turned on Rumble after the platform removed Nick Fuentes’ antisemitic rally by Camden Carter & Jack Winstanley (2023 July 20) Media Matters for America.
  127. White Supremacists Among Those Who Stormed the U.S. Capitol, Live Streamed From Inside: Known white supremacists Tim Gionet and Nick Fuentes also attended the infamous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 (07.01.2021) Haaretz.
  128. Nick Fuentes, 'Baked Alaska' banned from DLive following Capitol riots by Zachary Petrizzo (February 4, 2023) The Daily Dot.
  129. $500K in Bitcoin sent from France to US far-right groups by Lori Hinnant (January 15, 2021) The Associated Press.
  130. FBI probing if foreign governments, groups funded extremists who helped execute Capitol attack by Ken Dilanian (January 16, 2021) NBC News.
  131. Far-right activist who encouraged U.S. Capitol occupation also organized ‘stop the steal’ rally in Michigan by Malachi Barrett (January 7, 2021) MLive.
  132. Reminder that Nick Fuentes told his followers to 'break down the barriers and disregard the police' (January 8th, 2023) BitChute (archived from June 11, 2024).
  133. Meet the White Nationalist Organizer Who Spewed Hate Against Lawmakers by Hannah Gais (January 19, 2021) Southern Poverty Law Center.
  134. 134.0 134.1 Chapter 6: "Be There, Will Be Wild!". January 6 Report.
  135. Trump met with white supremacist Nick Fuentes alongside Ye at Mar-a-Lago by Zach Schonfeld (November 25, 2022) The Hill.
  136. The Capitol Siege was fucking awesome and I’m not going to pretend it wasn’t. by Nick Fuentes (January 7, 2021) Twitter (archived from January 7, 2021).
  137. Nick Fuentes tells followers who took part in Capitol riot to destroy their cellphones by Zachary Petrizzo (January 16, 2021) The Daily Dot.
  138. The Real Reason Nick Fuentes Was Put on the No Fly List by Jake Lahut (February 24, 2023) The Daily Beast.
  139. Jan. 6 investigators subpoena far-right figures who promoted election fraud claims by Nicholas Wu & Kyle Cheney (January 19, 2022) Politico.
  140. Twitter Bans White Nationalist Leader Nick Fuentes, Ally Of Arizona Republican Rep. Gosar by Jack Brewster (10 December 2021) Forbes.
  141. Nick Fuentes Twitter account suspended less than 24 hours after reinstatement by Julia Shapero (January 25, 2023) The Hill.
  142. Elon Musk reinstates X account of neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes by Brian Niemietz (May 2, 2024 at 7:49 p.m) Daily News (archived on May 4 2024).
  143. Elon Musk to reinstate X account of white nationalist Nick Fuentes by Russell Contreras (2024 3 May) Axios.
  144. Ye: ‘Jewish people, forgive Hitler today’: The rapper continued his pro-Nazi media tour on Monday night. (Dec. 6, 2022) Jewish News Syndicate.
  145. White nationalist Nick Fuentes reportedly involved in In-N-Out food fight in Hollywood (December 4, 2022) Los Angeles Times.
  146. Nick Fuentes gets into food fight at Los Angeles In-N-Out Burger by Jessica Schladebeck and New York Daily News (December 3, 2022) The Tampa Bay Times.
  147. Pearl Davis: Why I Interviewed Nick Fuentes (Apr 9, 2023) YouTube.
  148. Jon Zherka Wikitubia.
  149. Aba & Preach Wikitubia.
  150. Myron literally went full on KKK. If this is the “leader” of the redpill, it’s finished. by r/Destiny (c. 2022) Reddit.
  151. Fresh&Fit Myron puts on KKK hood for insanely racist slur-filled rant about Aba&Preach by Destiny (c. 2022) Reddit.
  152. Sneako… The Blind Shepherd (Sep 17, 2024) YouTube.
  153. Texas politicians rake in millions from far-right Christian megadonors pushing private school vouchers by Mike Hixenbaugh & Kate Martin (2022 November 6) NBC News.
  154. How two Texas megadonors have turbocharged the state’s far-right shift" by Casey Tolan et al. (2022 July 24) CNN.
  155. The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy by Russell Gold (March 2024) The Texas Monthly.
  156. Ken Paxton’s far-right billionaire backers are fighting hard to save him by Robert Downen & Carla Astudillo (2023 July 24) The Texas Tribune.
  157. 157.0 157.1 Pro-Paxton group gives $3 million to impeachment trial judge Dan Patrick by Patrick Svitek (2023 July 18) The Texas Tribune.
  158. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acquitted on all 16 articles of impeachment by Zach Despart (2023 September 16) The Texas Tribune.
  159. Leader of anti-immigration group Texans for Strong Borders also runs anonymous, hate-filled social media accounts by Robert Downen (2023 October 25) The Texas Tribune.
  160. 160.0 160.1 Nick Fuentes is just the latest white supremacist embraced by Defend Texas Liberty by Robert Downen (2023 October 23) The Texas Tribune.
  161. 161.0 161.1 161.2 Conservative PAC leader’s meeting with white supremacist Nick Fuentes leads to condemnations, escalates GOP infighting by Robert Downen (2023 October 9) The Texas Tribune.
  162. Defend Texas Liberty PAC names new president after leader met with white supremacist Nick Fuentes by Robert Downen (2023 October 17) The Texas Tribune.
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 Texas GOP executive committee rejects proposed ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers by Robert Downen (2023 December 2) The Texas Tribune.
  164. ‘DON’T VOTE TRUMP’: Nick Fuentes COMMITS To Taking Down Trump | The Kyle Kulinski Show YouTube