Gospel of Barnabas

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The Gospel of Barnabas is a text alleged to be an apocryphal "lost gospel" from the first or second century CE. Most indicators seem to point to its being a 16th century CE forgery, although many sources read as if it were much older.[1] Some scholars say it is a rewrite of previously existing writings, changed to suit an Islamic interpretation of Jesus.

Connection with Islam

It is promoted by some Muslims because it conforms to the Islamic view of Jesus rather than the Christian one, and because it names Muhammad as a prophet later to come. Most serious scholars hold that the book is of 16th century origin in either Italy or Spain.

Although often mentioned in Islamic apologetics, they view it as a Christian writing and do not give it scriptural status.

Despite being theologically more in line with the Islamic view of Jesus it still differs from Islamic teachings on several points, most notably the lack of an alcohol ban or even temperance (of any sort whatsoever).


The book is a door stopper compared to the four canonical Gospels and consists of 222 chapters — actually longer than the canonical four combined. It appears to be a harmonization of the four Gospels synthesized with Islamic beliefs. Jesus is held to be a prophet but not the son of God, and is said to have escaped crucifixion by being raised into Heaven.[note 1] It even has Jesus saying specifically that he's "not the Messiah" (but curiously still refers to him as "Christ", which in Greek means… "Messiah").

See also

External links


  1. Judas Iscariot was allegedly crucified in place of Jesus.
