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Health And Wellness Business Association

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The Health And Wellness Business Association (HAWBA) was created in 2017, their mission statement is...

…to promote initiatives that support better collaboration, interaction and ethical business practices within the health and wellness business community.

The qualifications of the founders of HAWBA include "Holistic Health Coach",[1] "Holistic Nutritionist",[2] "Certified Yoga Teacher", and "degree in Quantitative Economics".[3] Other HAWBA board members include a lawyer-marketer, a public-relations person,[4] a promoter of Rupert Sheldrake,[5] and an excrement expert,[6] (whose book is recommended by Deepak Chopra).[7]

The HAWBA seal-of-approval on a website is intended confer an air of respectability: the illusion that they have been validated by some independent agency. The HAWBA seal also unintentionally serves as a red-flag: any website displaying it is part of a group engaged in quackery. Current HAWBA members as of 2019 include…

External links[edit]


  1. HAWBA founding-member Lara Adler, "Holistic Health Coach".
  2. HAWBA Founding-member Mira Dessy, "Holistic Nutritionist".
  3. HAWBA Founding-member Desiree Lawn, "degree in Quantitative Economics".
  4. HAWBA board member Andie Crosby, "marketing, and PR", for Institute of Functional Medicine.
  5. HAWBA board member Razi Ann Berry & Rupert Sheldrake
  6. HAWBA board member James Maskell claims to know his shit.
  7. James Maskell's book "Evolution of Medicine™" is recommended by Deepak Chopra
  8. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on thetruthaboutcancer.com
  9. Archive copy of Dave Asprey's HAWBA membership.
  10. J.J. Virgin's autobiography on IMDB,
  11. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on mindsharecollaborative.com
  12. An archive copy of the HAWBA seal on aiiore.com
  13. An archive copy of the HAWBA seal on Ryan Sternagel's cancer website
  14. HAWBA seal on brodiewelch.com
  15. Currently there is a HAWBA seal on drphyllisbooks.com
  16. Archive copy of The Institute for Functional Medicine's HAWBA membership.
  17. An archive copy of "LoveBug Probiotics" HAWBA membership
  18. An archive copy of Paleo f(x)™'s HAWBA membership
  19. An archive copy of HAWBA seal on monicahershaft.com
  20. Archive copy of Robyn Openshaw's HAWBA membership.
  21. When not healing Jack says he teaches ballroom dancing
  22. Archive copy of Jack "The Herbal Healing Man" Alley's HAWBA membership
  23. Archive copy of Amanda Gates's HAWBA membership.
  24. Archive copy of Veronique Desaulniers's HAWBA membership.
  25. An archive copy of Samina Sleep's HAWBA membership
  26. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on pbtinstitute.com
  27. Elynn DeMattia works for NutriBullet
  28. An archive copy of Elynn DeMattia's HAWBA membership
  29. An archive copy of Chef Lance Roll's HAWBA membership
  30. Archive copy of Holly Bertone's HAWBA membership.
  31. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on drchristinemaren.com
  32. Christine Maren PLLC Paleo Physicians Network (archived from 13 Jul 2020 03:04:10 UTC).
  33. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on drjasonpiken.com
  34. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on coachelissa.com
  35. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on whitelotusclinic.ca
  36. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on drkeesha.com
  37. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on carmenhunterhealth.com
  38. Says member of "The Health and Wellness Business Association" on her Linkedin autobiography.
  39. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on holisticthyroidcare.net
  40. Archive copy of HAWBA seal on functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com
  41. Boxout Marketing, who created the HAWBA website, are of course a member.
  42. An archive copy of https://hawba.org/board-of-directors