RationalWiki:To do list/Suggestions

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Put article suggestions here[edit]

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2Kim Dotcom,Wikipedia German-Finnish IT specialist and entrepreneur. Had an extensive criminal record in his native Germany for hacking and gained further notoriety for Megaupload, a file-sharing service seized by US authorities in 2012 amid accusations of copyright infringement; in the years following his arrest Dotcom styled himself as a conspiracist, crying persecution from the US government and Hollywood for stifling his business, and went full vatnik when he expressed support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
1Lance WallnauWikipedia: The face of the NAR on the Internet who hosts his own show, and a major threat to both US national security as well as global security. Currently only mentioned on pages related to the NAR.
4Mr. Birchum,Wikipedia Imagine if Family Guy was written by Benny Boy. Conservative cartoon that was, indeed, produced by Ben Shapiro to stop the "wokeness" in cartoons. Fun fact, some Conservatives think this cartoon is "too woke" for them.
3Yasuke,Wikipedia Japanese historical figure of African descent who by some accounts is considered the first Black samurai. He recently became the subject of a shitstorm by reactionaries who negatively reacted to Ubisoft's depiction of him as one of the playable protagonists in Assassin's Creed: Shadows, which brought up discussions over his life and subsequent career in Japan, of which very little reliable information is known.
4Kaspersky Lab,Wikipedia Russian cybersecurity provider and antivirus firm. Was recently sanctioned by the US especially in light of the Ukraine invasion, where the Department of Commerce ordered a ban on the sale and support for Kaspersky products in the States, especially given Eugene Kaspersky's connections with the Kremlin.
7Order of the Nine Angles.Wikipedia Currently, this is just a section on our Satanism article, but given the 764 scandal and the fact that they're actively targeting minors on social media, I'd argue that they deserve their own article.
6Lighthouse (British scam / cult)Wikipedia As exposed by a BBC investigation last year. Half a mentoring scam, half Scientology-esque cult (minus aliens).
6Siege mentalityWikipedia — Also known as bunker mentality. A hyper-defensive state of mind that forms around the belief that someone's being relentlessly attacked and oppressed.
6Daniel Defense,Wikipedia Gun company founded by outspoken GOP supporters infamous for its AR-style assault rifles being implicated in school shootings such as the Uvalde elementary school massacre which led to the horrific deaths of several grade-school students. Known for its cavalier attitude towards gun control supporters and what amounts to peddling firearms to impressionable youths much like what Big Tobacco does to kids with Joe Camel and the like, and has been sued alongside Call of Duty series publisher Activision by relatives of those killed in the school attack.
10Briahna Joy Gray,Wikipedia former staffer for Bernie Sanders. Has boosted misinformation concerning Israel's war in Gaza on Xitter. Recently fired from The Hill for rolling her eyes at an Israeli hostage.
5"Dr" Dawn MichaelCreate draft, counsellor and sex therapist who has moved on to COVID denial and has been retweeted by Donald Trump. Has no medical degrees, and according to her old website she obtained her PhD from "IASHS". That is, the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, which was shut down by the California Department for Consumer Affairs for being a diploma mill ! As a pseudo-medical huckster, Trump orbiter and minor TV personality, she fits rationalwiki's remit perfectly. As the information about her qualifications (or lack thereof) is no longer readily available, a rationalwiki page with details and links could do at least some damage prevention for people who might be fooled by the two letters she puts in front of her name.
6Barron Trump,Wikipedia Donald Trump's third and youngest son. We know very little about him, but QAnoners have been circulating bizarre time travel conspiracy theories about him because an obscure and unrelated series of novelsWikipedia from the 1800s with the same name exists.
20AfrocentrismWikipedia - Currently it is a section under the Black supremacy but the topic is notable enough that it deserves its own topic.We have a fair share of articles on Black supremacists so an article about this would not be odd. Afrocentrists usually claim that Ancient Egyptians,Ancient Greeks,Romans, Europeans in general, Native Americans, Arabs and more were actually Black. Afrocentrists are racist to White people by comparing them to Neanderthals and are racists to Native Americans by calling them "Five Dollar Indians". We have an article about Eurocentrism so an article about Afrocentrism which debunks its claims would be needed.
16CarShieldCreate draft is an airwave polluter on par with the likes of MyPillow and is basically a total scam. Their ads claim that they will cover parts that need to be repaired, but in practice they will try to find any excuse to not cover the costs. It has 1.5 stars on the Better Business Bureau (keep in mind one is the lowest possible number)!
11OzempicWikipedia is a medication intended for diabetics, but is heavily abused as a tool for weight loss, resulting in shortages for people who actually need it. Elon Musk and others have promoted it as a tool for weight loss, but the long-term effects of using it as such remain unknown.
15Terrence HowardWikipedia former Actor, now fringe crank, "1x1=2" pseudomath, also appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience to PIDOOMA a bunch of other bullshit including claiming he can "kill gravity" etc.
14AsmongoldWikipedia: Gamer and YouTube/Twitch streamer who has also done sociopolitical commentary, typically of the right-wing variety. To be fair he did express his opposition to loot boxes due to them being a gateway to underage gambling, but he has been known to make a lot of anti-woke screeds such as this video questioning Epic Games' inclusivity guidelines, among other things. We have articles for shitheads like PewDiePie so why not Asmongold?
7Desmond JanousekCreate draft, AKA Tyler Zed, is a conservative running the YouTube channel Zeducation. Seen citing Fox News, shitting on Biden mostly because of his gaffes, doubting science as a whole, & claiming that Trump's immigration cages were Obama's & Biden's at least once.
26October 7 attacksWikipedia Terrorist attacks on Isreali citizens by Hamas these attacks killed over 1 thousand people and are known by some as Deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. The October 7 attacks have been celebrated and denied by many supporters of Hamas. October 7 Denialism comes in three forms:
  1. It was faked and the evidence was fabricated by Israel
  2. It was real but the IDF inflated the death counts
  3. They deserved it

October 7 denial is in many ways similar to Holocaust denial

14HatredWikipedia: Isometric shooter game developed by Poland-based Destructive Creations, who cited creeping political correctness as their impetus for releasing a mass murder simulator. Unsurprisingly attracted a legion of immature edgelords especially considering the developers' alleged far-right leanings.
6Alois HudalWikipedia: Austrian former bishop and neo-Nazi ass kisser; he helped form the ratlines i.e. the sort of Underground Railroad for fugitive Nazi officers.
14Blackpill: Currently just redirects to the Manosphere glossary page. But this toxic ideology does warrant its own page for the sheer amount of conspiratorial thinking and pseudoscience it contains.
10Assaulted: Civil Rights Under FireWikipedia: Gun nut propaganda film response to Bowling for Columbine, released in 2013 and narrated by actor and rapper Ice-T where they unsurprisingly present views in favour of moar dakka and posits that firearms regulation has done more harm than good. Variety has a review for it and it also appears to be crowdfunded as what this Kickstarter page and this eBay listing suggests. Besides Ice-T, the film also has an appearance by Ted Nugent.
23Brianna WuWikipedia: Once a primary target of the GamerGate crowd, since October 7, 2023, she has become a major zionist and has been making increasingly anti-progressivism takes. She may not have gone completely right-wing just yet, but it's certainly something to keep an eye on. She was infamously a target of transphobic hate and doxxing due to being a formerly stealth trans woman, but has since began expressing transmedicalist viewpoints and has gotten into conflict with other trans people.
13Transnational repressionWikipedia: Dictatorships are sometimes so afraid of dissent that they try to hunt down dissidents as well as diaspora populations and communities well outside of their borders.
22Anti-Christian Bigotry - This should be an article considering how Christians are treated in Muslim countries,India,Israel, Communist countries and even factions within Alt-right. Anti-Christian bigotry also partly inspired Armenian genocide and Christians were persecuted in Roman empire.Chrstians aren't persecuted in America but that doesn't excuse not talking about this topic
6Chandra Wickramasinghe,Wikipedia student of Fred Hoyle, focused on proving panspermia, (choosing a far-fetched proposition and then choosing is not how you're meant to do science). Also links to dodgy tory MP Jamie WallisWikipedia whose dad seems to fund him.
17Tommy Tallarico,Wikipedia "legendary video game composer" and pathological liar featured in an Hbomberguy exposé. His mother is very proud of him.
6Titania McGrath,Wikipedia Hateful Transgender stereotype from Spiked contributer Andrew Doyle.
25Vaccines glossaryCreate draft including a section of terms more specifically used by the anti-vaccination movement.
34The Pizza MeterWikipedia or Washington Pizza IndexCreate draft[1][2] - This page was recently deleted from Wikipedia,[3] on April 2 (AfD discussion here). However, after the April 13 Iranian strikes in IsraelWikipedia, the topic has been popping up again.[4][5] (Archived copy of the deleted Wikipedia article)
7Evelyn Wood:Wikipedia The architectWikipedia of a form of education woo called "speed reading",Wikipedia elaborated on in the book "Scan Artist" by Marcia Biederman, which this editor has just started listening to on Audible.Wikipedia (For bonus points, she's also connected to Mormon evangelism and its associated craziness.) I doubt I'll be able to construct a quality article based on one book that I'll most likely be half-listening to, but I read the summary about the rise of her paradigm and its subsequent debunking by science, and I'm surprised that an article on this charlatan doesn't already exist here. Maybe an article on speed readingWikipedia is needed as well.
40Operation Paperclip:Wikipedia After WWII, the Americans recruited several Nazi scientists to work on American projects to beat the Soviets — most notably Werner Von Braun, the Nazi scientist who fathered the Moon program.
14An article on Plurality,Wikipedia a subculture of people who identify as having multiple personalities, and also works as a support community for those with Identity Disorders; more and more awareness about these people has been raised, and in my experience, are recognized and accepted in the Leftist Communities that I am in however most people who identify with Plurality are Fakers who make the DID community look bad
9Voice of the Martyrs:Wikipedia A human rights activism group that claims to aid persecuted Christians around the world (to the point that their online domain is "persecution.com"). While they've done some legitimately noble things, this doesn't change the fact that they also have a very scummy underside, à la Salvation Army. Amongst other things, they covered up the allegations of child abuse against their USA branch's executive director (who committed suicide over the allegations) to the point that they fired Michael Wurmbrand, the son of VOM's founder, when he called for an independent investigation into the matter, and refused to accept his wishes to stop using his parents' images afterward. Not to mention, they cut off all support to their Nigerian branch after it turned out that the leader was responsible for committing numerous crimes, including child labor and rape.
26Victim card:Wikipedia Remember those people that like to blame victims? Well, this is what these people do when someone pushes them in a corner for their bigotry.
28Demiurge:Wikipedia A.K.A. Yaldabaoth. The Gnostic answer to the problem of evilthat jerkWikipedia answering to the name of "YHWH" in the Old Testament was really a filthy, narcissistic, tyrannical impostor, and the material universe was never intended to be free of suffering in the first place. It's surprising that we don't have an article on this yet.
30Might makes right:Wikipedia It gets mentioned as a talking point for multiple faulty arguments, many of which involve a god. Yet we somehow don't have an article on this particular aphorism.
12Amala EkpunobiCreate draft - Pretty much discount Candace Owens. Another starlet from PragerU whose major claim of being brainwashed at an early age by the "far-left" and spouting several far-right talking points under the guise of reasonable discourse who would be right at home having a page on this website to tell people to steer clear.
44Content farmsWikipedia — These sites and accounts regularly push false or misleading information with clickbait titles to fool people, usually minors, into clicking and then they reap the advertising revenue from it. Especially pervasive on YouTube due to the lack of moderation, but also present on search engines. Generative AI only makes this problem worse.
40Dead Internet theoryWikipedia — An up-and-coming conspiracy theory that states the internet in general "died" in 2017, and has been hijacked by AI and algorithms created by the U.S. government to manipulate humans.
14 John HughesWikipedia — I know it seems like a silly suggestion that doesn't fit the site's mission at all. But check his personal life on the other wiki. For starters, he was close friends with Ben Stein & people think his films are pro-Reagan.
21 ProfanityWikipedia — I'm surprised we don't have a page on this yet, especially with its implications on free speech and how some public figures gleefully abuse it, like with Duterte giving Pope Francis his classic "your mom's a whore" epithet.
15 Peter Dutton:Wikipedia I'm from Australia & I can see how dangerous he is and I think he needs a page here.
35 Yulia Navalnaya:Wikipedia She is continuing her late husband Alexei Navalny's work and what he fought for. She NEEDS a page.
26 Why not get some page on those douchebags that are currently part of the Israelian government? Could be useful in the future and we might be able to dig up some shit they've done in the past as well. Oh, and those parties would be: Likud,Wikipedia Shas,Wikipedia National Unity,Wikipedia National Religious Party–Religious Zionism,Wikipedia United Torah Judaism,Wikipedia Otzma Yehudit,Wikipedia New Hope,Wikipedia & Noam.Wikipedia
-10 DutchBondFanCreate draft Youtuber with over 44 k subscribers. Batshit Insane on Twitter. Anti Woke, Pro Trump, Pro Putin, Pro Geert Wilders. Transphobic, Etc. Here's one of his many hateful hits. Where he thinks he's on the right side just because his grandfather was. https://twitter.com/DutchBondFan/status/1664142259300827136 Don't give him a license to kill.
33 Trail BlazersCreate draft Film that Antonio Sabato Jr was planning to make to please his persecution complex as a Trump supporter. It's Never Been completed and He owes his crew thousands of dollars that he hasn't paid. Here's an account from a production member https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159183542554678&set=a.6371684677 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159182034854678&set=a.63226309677
24 SciManDanCreate draft. Youtuber with over 500 K subscribers, makes reaction videos debunking flat earth and other pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. youtube channel link here
-5 An article on Breadtube;Wikipedia We already have articles on various figures within the community, so we might as well make one for the genre itself.
55 Dr. SeussWikipedia - We have an article on Horton Hears a Who! but not on the man himself whose extensive use of sociopolitical messages on his children's picture books attracted criticism and commentary. Some of Seuss's books were pulled from circulation due to racially insensitive themes, though it is worth noting that he wrote Horton as an apology to the Japanese whom he denounced and mocked during the war, especially when he saw the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
38 Sweet Baby Inc.Wikipedia - AKA the targets behind GamerGate Part 2: Electric Boogaloo: The Legend of Curly's Gold.
21 Angel StudiosWikipedia - The Utah-based company responsible for unleashing Sound of Freedom to the world, though they've also taken on other conservative Christian content in hopes of turning them into the next big thing via crowdfunding. An entire article could be devoted to their antics as they make Pure Flix look sane by comparison. While they boast a creator-friendly platform, a couple of filmmakers have cried fowl on how that operates. Even the story of how they formed is legally suspect and rooted in Mormonism.
10 Genetically Modified Skeptic. Come on, we're the Atheist Wiki, but we still don't have an article for one of the figureheads of 2020s Atheist Youtube? Seriously?
35 Enshittification:Wikipedia This is a recurring trend with online platforms, social media, and more. Most of it is for squeezing out even more profits.
2 Technology Revolution,Wikipedia. {Separate editor's note: this proposal is clearly half-finished.}
11 Digital ID,Wikipedia I figured this deserves a page. Blair is obsessed with forcing it on the world as he reckons it’s part of the “technology revolution” speaking of which.
10 Elsie Dinsmore,Wikipedia 19th-century American children's book series whose Christian themes found an audience within the fundie crowd in spite of its racist, sexist and more disturbingly, paedophilic subplots. The book series have also been adapted into doll form a la American Girl.
40 David Zaslav,Wikipedia Current CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery. Known for his deleting shows & movies that haven't been aired yet. Such as Batgirl (which off course The Fandom Menace loved him for). Has recently been revealed to have been collaborating with Chinese Propaganda Outlets. There is a current movement to get rid of him: #FireDavidZaslav that i support.
42 Charlie Chaplin,Wikipedia English comedian and later political activist, best known as The Tramp and Adenoid Hynkel. Given how we have an article about fellow McCarthyism victim John Lennon, I am surprised that we don't have a page on this guy yet.
38 Catholic Medical AssociationWikipedia (CMA), a group perhaps most interesting to RW for its religiously-based commitment against transgender acceptance and seemingly, also gay acceptance thus its endorsement of anti-gay conversion therapy. CMA has some overlap with the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds). CMA produces a journal called Linacre Quarterly, a common citation for anti-gay arguments, with "scientific findings" that are most likely working backwards from an already-set religious conclusion (they do argue after all, in one court case, that to reach another conclusion would contradict the teachings of the Church). Beyond endorsing the practice, CMA apparently also published conversion therapy advice in the late 1990s.
37 The "Mother of all Short Squeezes" or MOASS Edit draft for short. It's an apocalyptic event where the price of gamestop stock will dramatically increase in price to "infinity". Believed mostly on reddit. Detailed in this video
60 Vince McMahon,Wikipedia former WWE owner and a heel both in the ring and in real life. Best friends with Donald Trump, and was recently accused of sex trafficking and rape, just like Trump's other best friend.
46 Romana Didulo,Wikipedia aka the "Queen" of Canada. QAnon Truther & Sovereign citizen from Vancouver. Has a cult following in Saskatchewan.
14 Infestation: Origins,Wikipedia Thinly-veiled neo-Nazi dog whistle game themed after Steamboat Willie to cash in on Mickey Mouse's newfound freedom. Despite the developers' attempts at feigning ignorance over the references, the game was still clearly made with the intent to sow far-right sentiment.
62 Alexei Navalny,Wikipedia I'm actually shocked the man Putin fears the most doesn't have a page here. He should.
65 Esoteric Nazism,Wikipedia a small new religious movement that literally believes Adolf Hitler was a god or some such. A wide range of other very surreal beliefs may or may not include that there is or once was a secret utopian continent called Hyperborea where Aryans came from (who may have been giants... or aliens... or Amalekites... or something), that traditional European folklore is literally true (gnomes and shit — but is that just overlap with broader Western esotericism?), swastikas and runes are magical, Atlantis existed and maybe Aryans came from there actually, etc. Often ties into neopaganism and/or Hinduism. See also: Savitri Devi, Vril,Wikipedia Nazi UFOs, Faustian spirit, Occultism in Nazism,Wikipedia O9AWikipedia, Thule Society,Wikipedia Julius Evola, Ahnenerbe,Wikipedia Robert Charroux, Woden's Folk, Axel Stoll, and Otto Rahn. Compare: Positive Christianity.

New articles[edit]

New icon shiny badge.svg These former suggestions have been recently created and may still need plenty of work.


Kyle Rittenhouse:Wikipedia Kinda surprised that this little shit doesn't already have a page here. Known for shooting people at a BLM protest, then being acquitted in court due to his self-defense argument. More recently, he was spotted with Nick Fuentes.


Roblox,Wikipedia a video game platform which has >50% of US kids on it, surprisingly has on-mission points. Compliance with Chinese government censorship, firstly. Young'uns are now politically active at increasingly early ages, so political & religious groups of every stripe (believe me, anything you can think of) have evangelized there, from Roman Catholic masses & processions in the Philippines (done in lieu of in-person ceremonies no thanks to COVID-19) to even creationists (here is a group based on AiG). Wired discusses fascist recruitment, but only scratches the surface (NBC report on the same). This discusses one arrest involving an ISIS group. Multiple reports argue the platform's business model is based on child labor (and, this editor would add, something akin to a pyramid scheme). Many reports cover sexual predators "run amok" on Roblox. There are some more topics of potential coverage, but that's enough. We have GTA & even Ruben Sim, why not this?


StalinismWikipedia A political philosophy espoused by Joseph Stalin, basically one of the original totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century, along with Italian Fascism and Nazism. Currently just a redirect to Joseph Stalin


Nicolás MaduroWikipedia: 46th president and dictator of Venezuela since 2013.


The Fandom Menace I’m surprised these scumbags don’t have a page already as both several ComicsGate members and Computing Forever are members of this hate group. IMO Cullen is the group’s most dangerous member. They mostly spread lies about Star Wars and formed after The Last Jedi, but they attack other franchises. Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, cartoons. Basically gamergate and ComicsGate but encompassing all of need culture.


Jesse Singal.Wikipedia Another contrarian wanker. An early force in pushing anti-trans hysteria, dropping an infamous piece in The Atlantic in 2018. Has even defended Kiwi Farms.


Javier Milei the new president of Argentina. This is such a "duh" and he hardly needs introduction, but: he's a self-described anarcho-capitalist, with a massive hatred for anyone/anything he considers "leftist". He promised to destroy the country's central bank with dynamite, wants to take back the Falkland Islands, and possibly legalize the human organs trade. This is just to name a few of his many strange quirks. He was elected mainly on the back of there being an extreme economic disaster in the country.


Evie Magazine, a conservative women's magazine. According to Rolling Stone, it may be linked to Peter Thiel, PragerU, and the Daily Wire. A reader could easily confuse it for something like Elle Magazine, and indeed the founder wrote for Quillette in 2018: "Women's publications have tried to convince women they can be just like men, instead of celebrating femininity ... It was this gap in the market that made me and my colleagues wonder: 'What if there were a conservative Cosmo?'". The site posted an article somewhat defending QAnon (see here). Features other articles against vaccines/masks, trans people, birth control, abortion. Pro-election denial, etc., all laced between regular lifestyle articles. Coat the bullshit in sugar, and...


2024 U.S. presidential election:Wikipedia Might as well start the clownshow already, given the current candidates. Including the manchild that used to be president. And some current rumors about certain people that might wanna run as well.


Project 2025Wikipedia, a plan by the Heritage Foundation to reshape the Federal Government according to the values of Donald Trump; As one could expect, it's Bigoted and Authoritarian as all hell.

Most wanted articles[edit]

Gnome-emblem-favorite.svg These suggestions have scored 150 or more. We would love you to write something on-mission for them! See RationalWiki:Most upvoted to do entries for a list sorted by upvotes.
180Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegationsWikipedia Especially after the E. Jean CarrollWikipedia trials these should have an article. There are many, and not all of them were children.
163Maury Island incident,Wikipedia alleged UFO sighting with men in black
166Hwang Woo-suk,Wikipedia Korean scientist who faked human stem cell cloning. His story also includes nationalism, fraud, and even trace amounts of misogyny.
162 Xylazine,Wikipedia or "Tranq" how the MSM calls it. The newest drug addiction in Philly, that originated in Puerto Rico. Has some really nasty side effects.
166World Health OrganizationEdit draft one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. They are also a popular scapegoat for anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists, and quacks in general.
163Galen WinsorCreate draft, "the man who eats uranium"[6], gained popularity due to a 1986 video from his tour of US campuses during which he gave lectures on the safety rather than the dangers of nuclear power. During these lectures, he regularly ate uranium and claims to have regularly swam in the spent fuel pools during his tenure in the field of nuclear energy.[7]IMDb
175 Big TechEdit draft Suprised we don't already have an article on this, Big Tech is one of the right wing's favorite boogymen they always complain about it when their Bigotry and Misinformation is censored, this is due to a Persecution complex.
166Excited deliriumWikipedia
165Ship of Theseus.Wikipedia Both the traditional thought experiment and the fallacious debate tactic outlined in this Innuendo Studios vid.
164DiogenesWikipediaAncient Greek who was a founder for the school of thought of Cynicism.Wikipedia Was also an influence on Stoicism.Wikipedia More humorously though he lived in a large barrel and once mocked Alexander the Great to his face.Wikipedia Other feats of his include "urinating on some people who insulted him, defecation in the theatre, and masturbation in public". He is also known for his stunt mocking Plato's definition of a man as a "featherless biped".
178VTuber:Wikipedia Originally started in Japan around the end of 2016, but saw a massive outburst in the west at the beginning of 2020 due to the pandemic. Its influence is as big as that of big Youtubers and also attract a certain crowd. This is a double-edged sword. On one hand, there's the fact that many of them have bad sleep and eating habits, because they are required to stream alot for several hours (some of them stream for almost half a day) for their agencies (big players here being Hololive, Nijisanji & VShojo) (if they aren't indies). The fact that a bunch of Parasocial fuckers (this is a very serious problem in this sector) harass & dig into these people's private lives (Most notably /vt/ on 4chan & r/VirtualYoutubers) or act like a bunch of creepy incels. Then, There's the Taiwan controversy, which led to the people in question getting suspended for 3 weeks and harrassed by Chinese viewers, which resulted in one of the 2 eventually leaving on her own accord. On the other hand, some vtubers tend to lure certain crowds to their channels due to their own attitudes being similar to that of their audiences (those that claim to be introverted, are actually socially awkward and/or Edgelords). Most of the popular ones have had their own share of controversies. Such as stereotype opinions about how black people talk, denying the holocaust, one pulling a Pewdiepie & thanking someone for their "shekels" after receiving a superchat (she is a bit of a bother herself, but I don't think it's enough to give this one it's own page yet. She seems to have become friends with a vtuber that already has a parcer call, so she might start copying that behaviour.), trying to own the haters on 4chan's board /vt/ by doing exactly the same thing that they're doing hoping it wouldn't have a backlash (which it did) & leaking confidential information. Are there LGBTQ+ vtubers? Yes, there are. Are they being targeted by people, despite its community being all about "wholesomeness"? Well, what do you think yourself?
165Anastasia Romanov,Wikipedia whose alleged escape from the massacre of her family at the hands of the Bolsheviks has inspired lots of storytelling and urban myths, despite her remains having been found alongside the rest of Tsar Nicholas's family. She has a particular penchant for starring alongside Grigori Rasputin, another common urban myth subject, in alternative-history stories. Speaking of Rasputin, why do we have an article on him and not Anastasia?Wikipedia Rumors of her survival persisted for several decades, and DNA testing was required to prove that she died with the rest of the Romanovs!
166October Surprise conspiracy theoryWikipedia Speaking of which.
171October SurpriseWikipedia This can apply to both the political term and the conspiracy theory that Reagan cheated and withheld American hostages in Iran until after he had beaten Jimmy Carter.
165Sloot Digital Coding System,Wikipedia a woo-ish system of storing computer data. Its inventor, Jan Sloot, purported that his system could encode a feature-length film in just eight kilobytes, despite the apparent impossibility of storing reams of complex data in such a small package. Sloot died of a heart attack in 1999, which lent itself well to conspiracy theories especially as the source code was never recovered.
163Jaime Maussan,Wikipedia the journalist pretending to be an archaeologist who created the "1000-year old alien mummies" from Nazca, Peru. The mummies were presented before Mexican Congress on September 13, 2023 while they were holding a hearing on the existence of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). He was also involved in a number of other hoaxes including the "Metepec Creature", the "Roswell Slides", and the "demon fairy" photos that have circulated online.[8]
164LK-99Wikipedia was a proclaimed room-temperature superconductor invented by a team from Korea University in July of 2023. It is a gray–black, polycrystalline compound, identified as a copper-doped lead‒oxyapatite. The claim has since been refuted by the scientific community.[9] The method was particularly sensational because of the comparatively inexpensive copper and lead used in its production,[10] so DIY engineers are still trying their own methods to recreate it.[11]
163Virginia Giuffre,Wikipedia The woman who brought Prince Andrew down. I thought of her as she has liked and retweeted QAnon Horseshit in her anti trafficking activism. This tweet being one of them Tweet Link Here
167Groomer (slur).Wikipedia May deserve a separate article from Draft:Groomer to make it clear this hateful smear against LGBT people is distinct from the legitimate concept used by child-protection agencies.
161David EvansWikipedia and his organisation Science SpeakCreate draft - global warming denialist and conspiracy theorist wrapped up in one (http://za.news.yahoo.com/global-warming-global-domination-163100611.html)
163Predatory lending.Wikipedia
167The 2023 Ohio train derailment,Wikipedia where a derailed freight train resulted in the spill and fire of vinyl chloride and other chemicals which was removed with a controlled burn. Has become a massive subject of speculation on the causes of the accident, issues of railway safety and various claims and concerns of long-term environmental impact with possibly alarmist comparisons to Chernobyl. Also, the arrest of a reporter at a press confrence didn't help matters.
161UrsuAdamsCreate draft ("Donnie" Adams), a Planet X-spinning YouTuber with a fixation on Neumayer Station. Recent hijinks include popularizing a fake picture of a "Heavy Mass Object" and accusing amateur astronomer Ian Musgrave of being a liar after Musgrave pointedoutthat the fake is actually 'shopped from one of his pictures.
165Mississippi personhood amendmentCreate draft. Now that it's over and done with, I'm shocked nobody's done anything on it. Good thing the voters realized that zygotes don't give a shit about much.
161Dr Brad HarrubCreate draft of Focus Press and YouTube. A Ph.D. 'scientist' who only seems to do Christian apologetics
166Perhaps a page that helps with Refuting claims about the Russo-Ukrainian war that tankies keep regurgitating. Things like "Ukraine is run by nazis", "Zelenskyy is banning all the parties", "It's all NATO's fault", "It's all the CIA's fault", "It's all Western propaganda", etc., etc...
161Powdered alcoholWikipedia or Palcohol is the newest moral panic drug that has been banned in several states and was subject to a moral panic after the FDA determined the non-alcoholic ingredients were safe for consumption. It is mostly an ineffective way to get drunk, but that hasn't stop people from believing it will get you drunk instantly or that it can be used to smuggle alcohol into public places. [12] (Another Thunderf00t video)
163Scaremongering "documentary" The Demographic WinterCreate draft.
161Missing Universe MuseumCreate draft (http://missinguniversemuseum.com). Found this retarded YEC website by way of Something Awful.
162Source FieldCreate draft - not the sane version, but the cracktastic one, with capitals.
164Lynn AndrewsCreate draft, a shaman healer and mystic who peddles all sorts of falsehoods. Her webshite
164EOC InstituteCreate draft [13]
177The Matrix (film)Wikipedia both for it's themes and the blue pill/red pill nonsense
170Considering most of the guys at RationalWiki are a bunch of sex-deprived assholes, it's shocking we haven't written on Karen Stollznow,Wikipedia Kylie Sturgess,Wikipedia Catherine Deveny,Wikipedia Jennifer Ouellette,Wikipedia Rachael Dunlop,Wikipedia Susan Blackmore,Wikipedia Vicki Hyde,Wikipedia Iszi LawrenceCreate draft, Rebecca Watson,Wikipedia and the SkepchicksWikipedia yet. Note: "Skepchick" re-directs to Rebecca Watson's page as of writing.
172Bahram KatiraiCreate draft (1948-2010), a Baha'i crank who claimed, among other things, that galaxies contain only one star (the rest of the stars of the Milky Way are actually planets, asteroids and clouds of dust reflecting sunlight)
170Victor SenchenkoCreate draft author of Revelations of a Human Space Navigator (no, it's not science fiction) and an atheist
170Edward BabinskiCreate draft - interesting-looking blogger who moved from fundamentalism to agnosticism.[14] and [15] might be useful.
180PseudoengineeringCreate draft. As opposed to out-and-out pseudoscience, pseudoengineering is a method of engineering that uses sound scientific principles but poor engineering practices that can't be justified via cost or time excuses and are usually motivated by politics or pluralistic ignorance. The Strategic Defense Initiative is a prime example of pseudoengineering.
173PowerLungCreate draft, Elevation Training MaskWikipedia and similar knockoff products. Could all be in one article. Woo products claiming to exercise your lungs and diaphragm and simulate higher altitudes. Actually they are just expensive ways to breathe through a straw.
166XMRVWikipedia (see ERV's coverage)
162Medical HypothesesWikipedia - Controversial non-peer-reviewed journal taken over by quacks, mostly of the anti-vax and AIDS denialist stripes.
175American Conservative UnionWikipedia and its CPACWikipedia (Conservative Political Action Conference), frequently mentioned in articles but never handled directly. Its leader made the bizarre claim that the alt-right is actually alt-left.
171Atrazine,Wikipedia the pesticide chemical that turns frogs gay, and Tyrone Hayes,Wikipedia the scientist who discovered this. He now runs a website: http://atrazinelovers.com
162Al-Anon,Wikipedia because people seem to think they are owned by the Co$ in the same way that Narconon is. Al-Anon and Nar-AnonWikipedia are twelve step programs for the friends and families of those affected by addiction and are associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, respectively.
178archive.isWikipedia — currently just a redirect.
177Universe - the Cosmology QuestCreate draft, apparently a documentary about scientists who think the Big Bang theory is wrong. This goes right with the anti-science part of our mission. You can watch it here.
175Colleen ThomasCreate draft, a possibly mentally ill woman who has made a variety of nutty claims, including that Obama is an alien lizard[16]. Russia Today saw fit to interview her.
181Twitter Files.Wikipedia Might deserve its own article independent of Elon Musk or Twitter, as an example of propaganda/disinformation.
180Wayne HerschelCreate draft, a South African crank author (website). Tried to hoax Above Top Secret and it backfired (just search for "Wayne Herschel hoax").
181Roberto DeMatteiCreate draft, President of Italian National Research Council and a complete wingnut: japanese tzunami is god's terrible yet benevolent voice, Roman Empire failed due to homosexuals and Eden is an historical reality.
184Richard 'Brad'shaw Watson IICreate draft and his Planet NestorCreate draft who managed to get a conference poster of his ( http://exep.jpl.nasa.gov/exep_exoMtgPosters.cfm / http://PlanetNestor.blogspot.com ) mentioned on the JPL NASA website
184Leslie KeaneCreate draft - Reporter who wrote a book on UFOs. Poses as a moderate, but is fundamentally a kook.
173Roseanne BarrWikipedia — TV star, Trump supporter, and multiple conspiracy theory believer.[17][18]
164Prevent,Wikipedia the British government's anti-extremism strategy[19] founded under Tony Blair in 2003 but reviewed under David Cameron/Theresa May in 2011[20] and still active, initially founded primarily to combat radical Islamism, but also involved with countering the far right[21], and radical environmentalism[22]. There are concerns about freedom of speech.[23][24]
171The Great DictatorWikipedia is a 1940 American political satire comedy-drama film written, directed, produced, scored by and starring Charlie Chaplin. The film advanced a stirring, controversial condemnation of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, fascism, antisemitism, and Nazi Germany.
163Disease mongeringWikipedia - There should really be an article on this IMHO. Wikipedia.
167Aztec UFO hoax,Wikipedia relevant to the "FBI memo" that recently made headlines[25] (no, it was not about Roswell) See wp:Frank Scully.
184John Lenard WalsonCreate draft, a guy who claims that he has made pictures of (alien) spaceships in Earth orbit with his telescope[26] (possibly known as GRIDKEEPER (channel) on YouTube)
194Military worship hysteriaCreate draft. Distinct though related to the military woo suggestion below. The tendency for society to be reluctant to criticize soldiers and military personnel because military.
190We have an article for Audio woo, why not Video wooCreate draft?
187John LearCreate draft - thinks that the Moon has atmosphere and aliens live there; wears a tin foil shako
190David SewellCreate draft - mastermind behind PRATTs like this and this; author of books such as The Political Gene: How Darwin's Ideas Changed Politics
171Think we ought to have a page for Ivanka Trump?Wikipedia There seems to be a fair bit of material to rake her over the coals with, especially her recent epic fail at the G20 summit, trying to hobnob with world leaders who looked like, "WTF is she doing here?"
173Hunting and Conservation;Wikipedia an article discussing how trophy hunting is being used to provide conservation in Africa by creating economic incentives for conservation over vast areas, including areas which may be unsuitable for alternative wildlife-based land uses such as photographic ecotourism. Arguments for and against should be used.
166Eyewitness testimony:Wikipedia A common police procedure known for being unreliable but also known for having terrible methodology in regards to preventing contamination. An example of this is the police lineup, which pressures the witness into picking someone out of the lineup even when the perpetrator isn't present. Eyewitness identificationWikipedia and the accuracy thereof, especially in law enforcement (e.g. identity parades, picking out mugshots), is an interesting topic that has been widely studied. The failure of people to correctly identify suspects seems to go against common sense, and has relevance to other epistemological questions, as well as to wider issues in the criminal justice system.
166The hygiene hypothesisWikipedia of child cleanliness and immune systems, e.g. [27]. There's a short section in food allergy.
193Guide to the Book of MormonCreate draft
167Lost Ship of the Desert,Wikipedia a legend about a ship stranded in the Sonoran Desert (or sometimes Mojave Desert), generally said to be in southern California or possibly Mexico. Probably Spanish, maybe pirates, but also claimed to be Viking, or crewed by lost Israelites. There is a rumored treasure, and various wacky people are still hunting for it.[28][29][30][31][32][33] It's the intersection of several myths: Pre-Columbian contact theories, legends from the American West about lost gold mines[34], and entrepreneurs worldwide promoting rumored shipwrecks laden with unimaginable treasure.
167Ketanji Brown Jackson:Wikipedia The first new justice to joint the Supreme Court during the Biden administration, and the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.
204Pete Buttigieg.Wikipedia Who is this guy, and how is he even a contender for the DNC nomination?
163Applied ZoopharmacognosyWikipedia - "Applied Zoopharmacognosy enables self-medicative behaviour in domesticated or captive animals by offering plant extracts that would contain the same, or similar constituents to those found in an animal’s natural environment. The practice encourages and allows an animal to guide its own health, since unlike their wild counterparts, captive and domesticated animals rarely have the opportunity to forage on medical plants. The extracts offered include a variety of essential oils, absolutes, plant extracts, macerated oils, tubers, clays, algae, seaweeds and minerals. Once the animal has selected its remedy, it will then guide the session by inhaling it, taking it orally, or by rubbing a part of its body into it." Basically animal abuse with woo. (Quote from http://www.ingraham.co.uk/.)
174Rendlesham Forest incident:Wikipedia Britain's equivalent of the Roswell Incident.
171Geneva Conventions.Wikipedia I'm surprised the wiki doesn't have an article on the seminal conventions regarding the laws of war, especially since it's of relevance to the War on Terror and associated acts of government incompetence and/or malice.
204Patriot FrontEdit draft is an offshoot of the Nazi group Vanguard America,Wikipedia they formed because of a split after the events of the 2017 Unite the Right rally. 31 of these idiots were just caught in the back of a U-Haul truck outside a LQBTQ Pride monthWikipedia rally in Idaho, all dressed the same, some of them armed. They were arrested for attempting to start a riot, but someone has bailed all of them out.[35] Their names have been released by the sheriff's office here: [36]
176Operation HighjumpWikipedia was a 1947 United States Navy expedition to Antarctica headed by Admiral Richard E. Byrd.Wikipedia Ancient Aliens says that in a diary found by his son, he wrote that he found an enormous cave that was an entrance to a warm, lush, and green Inner Earth which they compared to the giant long-hidden Vietnamese cave Son Doong.Wikipedia
166Bongbong Marcos:Wikipedia Old Macoy's son and contender for the 2022 elections. His rise to prominence as a politician has polarised Filipinos especially in light of him and his family's tax evasion and their patriarch's notoriety as a dictator and plunderer.
165Libel laws,Wikipedia with information on their abuse by woo-meisters, libel tourism, and science by lawsuit. Could possibly be merged with SLAPP suit.
201AculifeCreate draft Help strengthen your health with the latest ancient technology! Aculife strengthens the immune system against Hypertension, Insomnia, Fatigue, Asthma, Ulcers, Hemorrhoids, High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism, Muscle Pain and many more common ailments. The Aculife is compact and lightweight enough to be taken virtually anywhere. You can even treat simple ailments like stiff aching backs, muscles and neck from travel or strenuous workouts.
166Amy Coney Barrett:Wikipedia The newest member of the conservative wing of the Supreme Court, added to the court following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
208Microbes on the ArkCreate draft Nothing on Noah and the amoeba?
164The "Olduvai theoryWikipedia" that blackouts became normal last year and we're going to hell in a handbasket. Refuting chart.
223Warranted conspiracy theoriesCreate draft both as a category (for things like the Reichstag fire, COINTEL Pro, Henry Knox's Sons of Liberty, etc.) and explaining how they differ from garden-variety conspiracy theories. Currently a not-very-useful redirect to conspiracy theory. Write a proper article if you want to mark this one "closed".
185Gain of function researchWikipedia or how COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) S2 spike proteins gained the functional spike protein from HIV-1 gp41. [37] [38] [39]
180Grooming,Wikipedia in the sexual abuse sense. In particular, how anti-LGBT figures have co-opted and abused the term in the latest incarnation of "Think of the Children!" There is a draft here.
198Russell Brand:Wikipedia One of the biggest cranks and conspiracy theorists on YT at the moment, peddles New Age bullshit like candy, surprised we don't have an article on him already.
163SCIgen,Wikipedia the fake paper generator used to test scam conferences and predatory journals.
171Monkeypox:Wikipedia The latest infectious disease panic, like a very mild version of smallpox, but with added monkey. It's dangerous for those with weak immune systems, but not a great threat to others, especially as it can only be passed by close body contact. There has been a certain amount of panic[40][41] but just give us the facts!
168The Denisovans,Wikipedia as in the "Woman X" found in Siberia who may have inhabited the area throughout eastern Asia.
1645-HTP,Wikipedia a supplement commonly advertised as a treatment for everything from depression to migraines to OCD by increasing serum levels of serotonin. Regardless of whether it works for these maladies it can be dangerous to take without taking CarbidopaWikipedia alongside to regulate it, because too much peripheral serotonin can damage the heart.
164Eye color,Wikipedia specifically changing eye color that some claim correlates with their mood, weather, fatigue, or aging. I've also seen several versions of this eye color chart which does not accurately portray how Punnett squaresWikipedia really work[1] and could potentially lead some to falsely believe that infidelity has occurred. This could be its own article about eye colors or even just a new section added to the already existing eye article.
163Solar RoadwaysWikipedia is a crowdfunded, startup company which is trying to replace all asphalt pavements with solar panels which will power embedded LEDs that will melt snow and light up roads. This idea is entirely, scientifically flawed and unfeasible; Thunderf00t does a good job explaining why this idea isn't even efficient.[42][43]
180Ferdinand MarcosWikipedia needs no introduction. The best worst president the Philippines ever had.
168Uranium One conspiracy theoryWikipediaAnother conspiracy against Hillary Clinton
162Fight The New Drug,Wikipedia an organization dedicated to teaching the ills of pornography as well as treating addiction to porn using all the wrong methods. Full of Mormons and with some direct LDS Church support.
162TerasemWikipedia[44][45][46] made the news not long ago for tricking NCIS actress Pauley Perrette into appearing to endorse their arrant bullshit. It's been described as a "robot cult" and calls itself a "transreligion".
182Gadsden flag:Wikipedia Used as a symbol of defiance and vigilance during the American Revolution, but has since been co-opted by libertarian and far-right groups to justify their agendas.
167Robb Elementary School shootingWikipedia (section in school shooting) Deadliest elementary school shooting since Sandy Hook. I am not surprised if this has attracted wingnut conspiracist nonsense using very much the same anti-gun control rhetoric like what happened ten years ago where "Sandy Hoax" crisis actors were purportedly used to 'stage' such a mass shooting. Not to mention the twisted and fallacious argument "iF ThE TeAcHeRs wErE ArMeD ThIs wOuLdN'T HaVe hApPeNeD" as espoused by some Republican legislators especially in Texas whose gun culture is up to cartoonish proportions. Currently a subsection in school shooting
198Isaac Hayes,Wikipedia famed Southern soul musician who also played "Chef" on South Park until parting ways with the show after an episode making fun of Scientology of which Hayes was a member. It later turned that out Hayes didn't write his resignation letter and the signature was forged, but this didn't really come out until after his death. After leaving the show and leading up to his death, Hayes made very few public or private appearances and was described as acting strangely, so there are many who suspect foul play. Here is a rather thorough Reddit analysis of the events: [47]
184HotepWikipedia or Hotep movement; a sexist and conspiratorial version of black nationalism, mixed with standard Afrocentric woo about ancient Egypt.
167SteviaWikipedia currently has a one-line reference under Sweetener, but probably deserves more due to how common it is in food products currently. A traditional sweetener containing various sweet-tasting extracts that can be extracted easily just by boiling the leaves, stevia is incredibly marketable under the Naturalistic fallacy despite the fact that commercial stevia-based sweeteners are standardised extract concentrations made in labs. There is some fear it causes cancer (it doesn't unless you're eating a terrifying amount of it), some enthusiasm that it can help manage diabetic sugar cravings and people trying to lose weight (which, used sensibly as a substitute for sugar and not as a magical potion, it does), and a few weirdos convinced that it can cure cancer, cure depression, and provide infinite energy to earth from "cold fission".
166Overtoun Bridge,Wikipedia the "dog suicide bridge"[48], a bridge in Scotland where lots of dogs reportedly commit suicide by jumping off the side. This has got press attention for a while, with some blaming supernatural influences and others suggesting bizarre canine-psychological factors.
194Stochastic terrorismWikipedia and/or Lone wolfWikipedia — terms used to describe terrorist attacks carried out by an individual but inspired by extremist groups and public figures. It started with Daesh but has horseshoed over to the far right.
178VeggieTalesWikipedia — a Christian indoctrination program disguised as a children's show.
163United Constitutional Patriots,Wikipedia a right-wing militia group in New Mexico that has been illegally detaining kidnapping immigrants at gunpoint while they are attempting to cross the border. Their felonious leader Larry Mitchell Hopkins was recently arrested by the FBI on firearms charges.[2] There is also an associated Facebook page.[3]
230Sweatshop,Wikipedia a workplace where people are employed for long hours with poor working conditions. This wiki currently only has a brief mention of sweatshops in the Globalization article, but there really needs to be an article about sweatshops, not just a paragraph.
162JackalopesWikipedia are the elusive horned rabbitsWikipedia of the Wild West. They are often said to be a tall tale, although Shope papillomaWikipedia is actually quite common among rabbits and may provide an explanation other than taxidermy.
227Get A DripCreate draft/Drip barsCreate draft Get A Drip is a company that offers vitamin-filled IV drips in a clinic in the middle of a shopping centre. They have been in trouble for promising to treat infertility with a drip (it won't work), and doctors have pointed out that a one-time IV won't cure a chronic vitamin deficiency.[49][50] But the woo health press is all over them.[51][52] (I posted something in clogs before they got mainstream press in the UK.) The generic term for this kind of business is a drip bar, and has also received criticism in the US, with the general recommendation that you should just drink fluids.[53]
185Filibuster in the United States Senate,Wikipedia Democratic Presidential candidates have talked about getting rid of it. There also seems to be a lot of confusion on what the filibuster actually is, and when there is confusion, deceitful malcontents will be there.
185Oil pipelineWikipedia — there are over 200,000 miles of these criss-crossing North America, some of which have attracted protests. On the one hand, people hate Big Oil™ and a big leak could be disastrous; on the other hand, petroleum pipelines are generally safer than transport by oil tanker.
171Non-Celiac Gluten SensitivityWikipedia (NCGS), which is likely to not exist at all and has been used to justify Gluten-free fad diets.
172Caitlyn JennerWikipedia is vaguely mentioned here and here. It seems that she's becoming more and more like Buck Angel when looking at her twitter and seeing some of her tweets. She has appeared on the most truthful news channel in the US. She ran as a replacement candidate in the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election for certain political party. She calls herself a transgender activist, yet not everyone in the LGBTQ+ community sees it that way. In fact, she sounds more like one of those special kind of activists.
175The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic PartnershipWikipedia — which parts of it are fine and which are not?
180Earthquake lights.Wikipedia A somewhat-mysterious phenomenon linked with earthquakes and reportedly sometimes confused for UFOs (see also ball lightning). Wikipedia is vague.
203Processed food.Wikipedia Also something that will kill you. (Or save you. [54])
163uBeam:Wikipedia a physics-defying startup whose big idea is to transmit power by ultrasonic sound. If you do the numbers you'll see that this would require power levels that would not just deafen everyone in the vicinity, but be such that air starts going nonlinear. Site, breathless press [55][56][57] Any bored physicists in the house?
163Brilliant Light Power,Wikipedia formerly Blacklight Power, another physics-defying startup that claims to be able to burn water by knocking hydrogen into a state below the ground state. Amazed writeup here, the crackpot paper it springs from. Noteworthy because it's soaked up millions in venture capital over a couple of decades for something that literally defies physics. Quantum physics is all wrong, energy from water, guy with an MD came up with it, $100M from investors despite every scientific authority from DoE secretary Nobel Prize winner to American Physics Society spokesman denouncing it, etc. That there is no RationalWiki article about it is less believable. See [58]
230VoatWikipedia Voat.co is the libertarian's answer to the recent censorship and bannings over at Reddit during the last few months. Instead of being all gestapo about free speech, it just lets people incite racial violence and other lovely things like that. It's home to such lovely rascals like "race realists", proud racists, Islamophobes (especially as of late), Nazis, Holocaust deniers, antisemites, and transphobics, among many, many other brands of moron. They did remove the actual child porn. The site itself is fairly alright, but the vocal community is anger-inducing. Have fun frothing from the mouth with rage studying these idiots in their natural habitat.
248Rodney King.Wikipedia We've got pages on Matthew Shepard, Trayvon Martin, and Vincent Chin; why not King?
168The Fort Hood shootingWikipedia is now getting coverage because wingnuts believe Obama the FBI has a double standard for "not treating it as a terrorist act."
175Let's continue on with our liberal boogeypersons: Rosie O'Donnell.Wikipedia
162The Vega testWikipedia or Vega machineWikipedia[59][60][61], by reader request.
171Pesticide.Wikipedia Someone made User:Tweenk/Pesticide residue, which is relevant.
178The RockefellersWikipedia/Rockefeller Foundation.Wikipedia They're as much a magnet for conspiracy whackjobs as the Rothschilds. One story, popular among paranoid anti-feminists, is that they started feminism so that women would eventually be allowed to have jobs and thus be taxable.
175Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)Wikipedia by David Reuben — A sex guide from the late 60's which was a best seller in its time (inspired a Woody Allen movie of the same name). Relevant because the original edition portrays homosexuality as a disorder, advocates reparative therapy, somewhat flirts with the whole pink swastika idea, claims that all lesbians are prostitutes, and also recommends a Coca-Cola douche as a contraceptive (you can read about it all in the following link). I don't know too much about the 1999 revised edition, but based on Amazon reviews it's just as bad on the homophobia front.
224Mary Elizabeth Croft author of How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known To Man and her "spiritual economics" (again, please don't touch this unless you have a good understanding of economics and/or (pseudo)law)
170Bill Gaede,Wikipedia physics crank known for his theory the Rope Hypothesis. His WP article talks about his legal troubles, but the woo goes deep here and is very RW. Has followers. Site: http://www.youstupidrelativist.com/ Already in the list of Internet kooks and pushes the Rational Science Method. The Facebook group is remarkable.
247TDP lampCreate draft aka biolamp (a reader request), with wooish claims of the magickal powers of far-infrared — the Wikipedia article is noticeably lacking in critique. Perhaps the wooish side of infrared in general.
174Lamaze,Wikipedia a natural childbirth technique.
182Something along the lines of Found footageWikipedia/Hidden Footage? It's a classic method that Paranormal believers and conspiracy nuts alike are prone to resorting to as an easy way to fool the more gullible on the Internet, whether it be a high-budget film or a grainy video inside a Freemason Lodge, and claiming said footage as proof for whatever crank belief/conspiracy theory they have.
170There's nothing here about Eugene Podkletnov?Wikipedia
192BP.Wikipedia Why?
165Jean-Luc Brunel,Wikipedia another known associate of Jeffrey Epstein, he was arrested and charged with rape of minors. He was later found dead in his jail cell in La Santé Prison,Wikipedia after he died from an alleged "suicide by hanging".
164The Army of Northern Virginia.Wikipedia "This is composed of about 820 military intelligence people. They're the primary intel source for the president. Because he doesn't have faith in the CIA or the FBI. And Q gets a lot of the information from the Army of Northern Virginia." ~ Gen. Paul E. VallelyWikipedia
195Montessori educationWikipedia is an education style focused on children's innate desire to learn. Its practices range from sensible to considerably less so. There are schools openly branding themselves with the concept all over the world, but the Wikipedia page is pretty slim. An editorialized well-sourced article here would be a great help to many parents, new and old, as well as their children.
176Mass Formation PsychosisWikipedia is a pseudoscientific theory about the COVID-19 pandemic that started gaining traction in January 2022. The primary driver of this bullshit is a German Belgian/Flemish professor named Matthias Desmet. (Maarten Boudry and psychologist Bram Vervliet have written about his crank ideas, for inspiration for sources.)
182Project AvalonWikipediahttp://projectavalon.net/, also have a look at their forum
223Ketamine:Wikipedia A moderately popular Dissociative drug becoming popular in recent years as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. It's been responsible for cranks such as John C. LillyWikipedia and more casual users who become addicted to its purported "mystical" effects and have been known to commit suicide as a result of their newfound delusions. It's also really hard on your bladder for some reason.
176Time for lulz: Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.Wikipedia This is an organisation led by 9/11 Truther Richard Gage. His website.
168Shadow Inc.,Wikipedia the technology company that gained attention after their IowaReporterApp software failed during the 2020 Iowa Democratic caucusesWikipedia and received donations from Pete Buttigieg,Wikipedia Joe Biden, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Its parent company is ACRONYMWikipedia manipulates a hybrid model of a 501(c)4Wikipedia entity that does not disclose donors and a Super PACWikipedia that does.[62]
182Uplifting,Wikipedia the process of a sentient species enhancing the intelligence of another species with transhumanist sci-fi technologies. Eliezer Yudkowsky of Less Wrong writes on the topic. Many believers in UFOs are hoping that space aliens will eventually grant us such a boon. It would compliment the page for Cybernetic revolt and could discuss the Cyberman'sWikipedia burden to assimilate and upgrade others against their will.
205Dr. Phil:Wikipedia Another O-spawn — some have even called him the male version of Oprah herself — he promotes yet more alternative bullshit. Also, may or may not have molested a patient. Has recently been on Fox News.
217We should create an article on the subject of a surveillance stateWikipedia since it has become an ever growing reality with the passage of the PATRIOT ACT, various NSA programs, FBI biometrics database, the FBI spying on Occupy and BLM, Five EyesWikipedia program, Canada's spying bills, etc.
210David Rockefeller,Wikipedia a pundit whose speeches are constantly quote mined for conspiracies.
328I don't know how RationalWiki typically deals with ongoing current events, but I think an article about the Russo-Ukrainian War,Wikipedia maybe in a liveblog-style article, would be pretty useful.
422Doe v. Trump (2016)Wikipedia 1:16-cv-07673-RA ([63] [64] [65]) was the case of child rape filed against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein for their underage sex parties at Epstein's residence in Manhattan in 1994, four of which were attended by Donald Trump.
Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein (2016) 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS ([66] [67]) was another case where the pair forcibly raped three 12 and 13 year old girls at underage sex parties at Epstein's Manhattan residence in 1994. The plaintiff's filings were "voluntarily" withdrawn after she had received death threats, and the charges were then dismissed.[68] [69] [70] [71] A draft has been created at Draft:Donald Trump child rape cases.
293Jeff BezosWikipedia is the founder of Lexcorp Amazon. He is one of the richest men in the world. He briefly traveled to space, during which time he was one of the richest men off the world.
311Carbon tax:Wikipedia A tax levied on the carbon content of fuels, used to discourage CO2 emissions. Despite its simplicity & efficacy, the proposal has been politically unpopular in many places, with attack campaigns pushed by Conservative groups & the fossil fuel industry. Tends to be much popular once in place. We currently have an article about the Australian carbon tax.
222An actual article on Mass Surveillance;Wikipedia we currently just have Security theater, which isn't a very expansive discussion on the topic. Missional for explorations of authoritarianism.
241First Amendment auditsWikipedia — another creepy right-wing/libertarian anti-government thing, involves going into libraries and other public buildings and hassling librarians to test if they'll protect your right to free speech if you stick a camera in their face and shout at them.[72] Initially in the US but a similar group, Auditing Britain, has been invading COVID testing centres.[73]
197Whitehouse.gov petitions:Wikipedia An ePetition site started by the Obama administration to make the people's voices feel heard. It was mostly ignored during the Trump administration, then taken down the day Biden was sworn into office. But why?
201Process Church of the Final Judgment:Wikipedia An offshoot of the Church of $cientology with influences from Satanism featuring infamous members such as Charles Manson and David Berkowitz;Wikipedia the church itself or a splinter group known as "The Children" may have been tied to the Son of SamWikipedia killings. Manson said of the church: "Well, a lot of the guys were interested in studying how to clear your mind. That's where Scientology started. Then it got to be The Process."
228Operation FishbowlWikipedia was a series of nuclear weapons tests. Cranks somehow think this proves Flat Earth.
347Matt GaetzEdit draft the Representative of Florida's 1st district, and a guy that can't tell whether or not he should be a RINO, or a Steve King wannabe.
321Ghislaine Maxwell:Wikipedia Her trial starts today.[74] I definitely expected there to be an article here already.
230VrilWikipedia — holy shit, we don't have a page on this?
183The Rife machineWikipedia uses electricity in an attempt to treat cancer, Lyme disease, and other diseases. It went out of favor for awhile and has now been revived. Even Andrew Weil says they don't work.[75]
197Leaky gut syndrome,Wikipedia a diagnosis purported by many woo-peddlers to be the cause of autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autism. Mentioned in a paragraph in our article on Josh Axe, but since it's a widespread hypothesis in the alt-med world, is related to (if not exactly the same as) Andrew Wakefield's "autistic enterocolitis" bullshit, and is the rationale for the use of a number of supplements and fad diets to treat the aforementioned conditions — in a way that makes no sense whatsoever if you aren't aware of the leaky gut hypothesis — it deserves enough attention for its own article. While the ailment may or may not be real, the snake oil and "superfood" cures for it are all too commonplace. c.f. this article.
227Mark Rossini,Wikipedia former FBI agent who played a major role in trying to track al-Qaeda before the CIA blocked him from sharing the information that two known terrorists (Khalid al-MihdharWikipedia and Nawaf al-HazmiWikipedia), who later went on to carry out the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, had entered the US.[4]
193QAnon AnonymousWikipedia is an investigative journalism podcast that analyzes and debunks conspiracy theories. It is hosted by Travis View who has written extensively for the Washington Post on the subject of QAnon. Travis View was later revealed to be a pseudonym whose real name was Logan Strain.
194The importance of Yuri BezmenovWikipedia as a modern day quote mine can hardly be overstated. Originally a KGB officer, he defected to the West and subsequently became an anticommunist and a writer about subversion and propaganda. Everyone who has the displeasure of interacting with cranks of any stripe has probably been linked that one interview at least once. An analysis of what claims exactly he made and whether they have any actual relevance to the world today probably wouldn't hurt. (He is also prominently featured in the trailer for the next Call of Duty game.)
207Q: Into the StormWikipedia is a documentary miniseries that recently premiered on HBO exploring the QAnon conspiracy theory and the people involved with it, including 8chan owners and administrators Jim WatkinsWikipedia and Ron Watkins.Wikipedia QAnon followers have already tied it into their "conspiracy".[76]
208Palladium hydrideWikipedia is an odd one that can absorb 800~900x its volume in hydrogen.[5] There's a lot of woo behind it including claims that it can be used to make a room-temperature superconductorWikipedia or even be useful for cold fusion allowing all those densely packed hydrogen atoms to be smashed together into helium. There are, of course, the usual claims that the price of palladium is being controlled and that the Illuminati are investing in it. I think it needs an article or even one on PalladiumWikipedia would be fine.
284After the 2019 release of the Afghanistan PapersWikipedia detailing that the feds had, as of then, been lying us for the past 18 years, maybe an article on them is appropriate?
234ComicsgateWikipedia is a campaign, similar to Gamergate, in opposition to perceived "forced diversity" and progressivism in the content of North American superhero comic books and the kinds of creators who work in the industry. The movement has been described as part of the alt-right movement, and as a harassment campaign, which targets women, people of color, and LGBT individuals in the comic book industry whose goal is to ‘combat SJW control of popular media’. Given their reminiscence of GamerGate in terms of tactics, their excessive focus on Marvel's new Iron Man Riri WilliamsWikipedia, and how the group acted as a catalyst in the firing of Chuck Wendig,Wikipedia then this article should become a priority.
297Vitamin CWikipedia (and ZincWikipedia) — people take them when they're sick, but how much does it really help? Currently has a section in Vitamin and mineral supplements, but if Vitamin D has its own article then Vitamin C definitely deserves one.
284Amazon RainforestCreate draft As there has been a lot of misinformation about this in the media in recent years, it seems fitting.
2022020–2021 Indian farmers' protestWikipedia Indian Farmers Protest
381This so-called COVID-19 lab leak hypothesisWikipedia — with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying being some of its main proponents [77] [78] [79] — either as its own article or as a section in an existing COVID-19 article. Yes, RW talks about it a bit, but the hypothesis has been circulating outside of right-wing circles for some time. Indeed, while even the other wiki acknowledges that it basically edges towards conspiracy thinking, it hasn’t stopped others from reporting it as a supported lead to explain the origins of SARS-CoV-2. In fact, many have been speaking about it in the press as a working theory rather than what it is: a hypothesis, if not less than that. And while it may ultimately be true, the fact that it’s being advocated without any tangible credible evidence is concerning. This needs to be dealt with head-on at some point.
227Thorium-based nuclear power:Wikipedia A lot of crap surrounding the thorium powered reactor in pop sci magazines, a lot of it debunked by thunderf00t.
215The Capitol Hill Autonomous ZoneWikipedia is a self-declared "autonomous zone" and de facto intentional community and commune in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington that was established on June 8, 2020, after Capitol Hill's East Precinct building was abandoned by the Seattle Police Department (SPD).
238Isaac KappyWikipedia was an American actor known for his roles in Thor, Terminator: Salvation, and Breaking Bad. He was also best friends with Seth GreenWikipedia until allegedly being approached by Seth about pedophilia in Hollywood and being asked to participate apparently referring to it as "chicken".[80][81] He claimed to fear for his life when he spoke out about this, but was later found suicided. He had also claimed that Marina Abramović,Wikipedia John Podesta,Wikipedia Dan Schneider,Wikipedia Jimmy Savile,Wikipedia and Tom HanksWikipedia are pedophiles, and further, Hanks has been accused of alluding to his murder in a tweet about "roadkill on Route 66" where Kappy's body was found. Removed Youtube video here. Archived here.
197HuaweiWikipedia and ZTE,Wikipedia two popular smartphone manufacturers from China which made the headlines after being subject to accusations of spying and being a national security threat by the US government. Such claims have in turn been accused of being protectionism masked as security concerns.
207Occupy Democrats:Wikipedia An extreme left-wing series of websites with an abysmal fact-checking record and Breitbart style spin according to MBFC, Politifact, and Snopes.
255Fake conferenceCreate draft or scam conferenceCreate draft — the sort where there's no real scientific conference, just a lot of people's money being taken. Will accept SCIgenned papers.
396Something along the lines of race and police brutality in the United StatesWikipedia – title flexible, obviously – is desperately needed. There are tons of major incidents that have received widespread coverage (Michael Brown and Eric Garner being probably the most prominent) that all follow the same pattern: cop shoots and kills black person in circumstances that didn't warrant violent action, then gets away with it. Cover the incidents, cover the statistics, cover right-wing media distortions of the incidents, cover protests, cover riots and maybe even online responses (#BlackLivesMatter).
337Sutherland Springs church shooting,Wikipedia and the Atomwaffen scum perpetrator Devin Patrick KelleyWikipedia[6] A draft has been created at Sutherland Springs church shooting.
445Dr. Salvatore Cezar PaisWikipedia is listed as the inventor of four 2019 U.S. Navy patents that have been described as "Star Trek technology".[82] The patent names include "High frequency gravitational wave generator", "Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor", "Electromagnetic ‘force field’ generator", and the one that initially caught my eye: US10144532B2 "Craft using an inertial mass reduction device". A patent prosecuted by a navy attorney, defended by a Navy CTO, and pushed through in an unusual way. There is a comment by a patent lawyer discussing the unusual nature of this here. There is some good analysis in it, and the comments after could explain all those UFO sightings as military craft tests.
"It is a well-known facet of quantum field theory that everything can be described in quantum mechanical terms. The complex interactions between a physical system and its surroundings (environment), disrupt the quantum mechanical nature of a system and render it classical under ordinary observation. This process is known as decoherenceWikipedia. However, it is argued that we can retard (delay) decoherence (and possibly even suppress it – namely decouple a physical system from the environment) by accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration of electrically charged matter under rapid acceleration transients. This may be the very condition to achieve a state of macroscopic quantum coherence, the idea being that we never let the system achieve thermodynamic equilibrium, by constantly delaying the onset of relaxation to equilibrium (hence the production of maximal entropy is delayed). The system may ‘violently’ react by generating ‘anomalous’ emergent phenomena, such as, but not limited to, inertial mass reduction." Implementations of these patents are possibly what was pictured in the AATIPWikipedia UFO videos released by Tom DeLonge and recently confirmed by the US Navy found here. He recently released yet another controversial patent, this one titled "Plasma Compression Fusion Device" would be small enough to fit inside of a vehicle and produce energy on the gigawatt to terawatt scale.[83]
292We should have an article on Christian supremacy,Wikipedia the societal mindset in the US promotes the superiority of Christianity and by extension Christians, be they social or institutionalized norms. (Think of the phrase "It's the Christian thing to do.") Note: we already have articles on the United States as a Christian nation, Christian Identity, and Dominionism.
348Dr. Mary's MonkeyWikipedia is a book with a surprisingly large following considering how absolutely nuts it is. It details an insane conspiracy theory where (if I'm remembering correctly) a cancer researcher was using a linear accelerator at the CIA's request to try and create a virus to inflict cancer (in order to kill Fidel Castro) and accidentally created AIDS as a result and that's why she was murdered.
287Gun control in Nazi GermanyWikipedia - Whether as a separate article or as a sub-section in the article about gun control. It's commonly asserted that the Nazis took away everybody's guns and thus were able to begin committing genocide because they were disarmed. This flies in the face of that fact that the Nazis actually relaxed Germany's gun laws (albeit not for the Jews) after the populace were disarmed by allies after World War 1. A draft has been created at Draft:Gun control in Nazi Germany.
305AATIPWikipedia - a Pentagon program that basically searched for UFOs in early 2010s, cost 20 million, found nothing and was strongly backed by Harry Reid at the time. It hit the news very recently, so it might be nice to get an article on this while the usual suspects are still scrambling to shoehorn it into their theories. For eight years the project was headed by Luis ElizondoWikipedia until his resignation. On September 18, 2019 the US Navy confirmed that the footage Tom DeLonge has collected from AATIP was in fact legitimate.[84]
294Project 1794,Wikipedia a declassified 1950's Air Force project centered around the construction of a flying saucer whose details were disclosed in 2012. The extended delay between the end of the project and the release of these documents has led some to doubt their authenticity with claims that they were likely fabricated recently and "declassified" to explain UFO encounters retroactively. The documents' claim that Project 1794 was able to reach its goal of Mach 4Wikipedia when it was the predecessor to the AvrocarWikipedia project (which topped out around ~35mph) has also brought skepticism to their validity. The project was also named "1794", presumably after the 1794 silver dollar which became famous in 2010 when it broke the world record after being sold for nearly $8 million (the disc-shaped craft was silver and may have resembled the coin).
328Eric P. DollardCreate draft, an electrical engineer and inventor who claims to be continuing the works of Tesla and focusing on earthquake prediction[7][8] and what appears to be free energy.[9][10] His lab is mentioned on Wikipedia[11] as well as Powerpedia[12] and John Chappell's Natural Philosophy Society wiki.[13] He has had several successful Indiegogo campaigns.[14][15][16][17][18][19] He also has his own website,[20] and there even is an entire forum dedicated to his work.[21]
233False rape accusations.Wikipedia While this is partially covered in the article on rape apology, it could use its own article, since it's the favourite canard of the "men's rights" movement and it seems to creep into any serious discussion about rape. A draft has been created here. The's a relevant Wikipedia article: False accusation of rapeWikipedia, with a lot of information and references.
254NESARAWikipedia (National Economic Security and Recovery Act), a economic reform proposal that later was appropriated as a conspiracy theory/scam by victims of the Omega TrustWikipedia scam as the "National Economic Security and Reformation Act". (NESARA on Wikipedia.) We can also comment on the "feasibility" of the actual idea.
236Gravitational wavesWikipedia have just recently been directly proven to exist, confirming an old postulate of Einstein's. May not be worthy of a separate article rather a subsection of the main Gravity article. What is really interesting to me here is the (hopefully impending) response by biblically motivated science deniers like Conservapedia to spin this into a narrative of "...and now let me tell y'all how this negates general relativity, physicists ideas for the origin of the universe and probably the whole scientific method altogether."
317From the darker bits of the Dark Enlightenment: James A. DonaldCreate draft (JAD, http://blog.jim.com/ ), the guy so racist even Eric S. Raymond calls him a racist and such an asshole even Slate Star Codex regularly bans him from commenting. He comes out with such gems as "National socialism kills people not because it is nationalist, but because it is socialist" and calls white nationalism "moderate leftism". And he has important information on the Jews. And he's an anarcho-capitalist. And he is also self admitted pedophile, rapist, rape and pedophilia apologist, admirer of ISIS and Boko Haram (for their solution of the "women question") Even hard core Nazis are calling him a monster. I don't think I've ever seen a non-asshole word from him, though I will credit him with enough sense to realise Bitcoin was unscalable from day one.
231DARPAWikipedia should have a whole host of conspiracy theories since it was responsible for the development of the internet, BRAIN Initiative,Wikipedia autonomous robots like PETMAN,Wikipedia etc. A draft has been created at Draft:DARPA.
295Secret Mysteries of America's BeginningsCreate draft, a four-part, twelve-hour schlockumentary by Dr. Stan MonteithWikipedia linking the founding fathers to every conspiracy theory imaginable. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
216Charleston church shooting,Wikipedia and the white supremacist Dylann RoofWikipedia who massacred nine African American people at a church in 2015. He has been pictured wearing the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa, as well as the Confederate flag. In 2017, he became the first person in the US to be sentenced to death for federal hate crimes.
208Alexander Technique,Wikipedia it is mentioned on RW under Alternative Medicine Education and listed as a "Medical Cult" in Martin Gardner's Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science alongside iridodiagnosis and zone therapy, but we have no page explaining what the technique entails.
202Making a MurdererWikipedia is a popular Netflix documentary series outlining the case of Steven AveryWikipedia and his nephew Brendan Dassey.Wikipedia The pair were charged with the rape and murder of Teresa Halbach, but there have been several inconsistencies in the investigation that hint at serious corruption within the Manitowoc CountyWikipedia Sheriff's Department. Avery had previously served 18 years for a wrongful conviction of sexual assault and attempted murder in 1985 and was to be compensated $36 million before these new charges arose.
263GCHQ,Wikipedia we have NSA, but we need to do the other side of the pond's equally spy-y institution. Or they could be merged into one article.
190Josef PappWikipedia or his Papp Engine which apparently used noble gases to generate electricity. It was demonstrated in front of Richard Feynman in 1966 but exploded, killing a spectator. Supporters claim it works like an internal combustion engine, except it uses sparks to produce explosions in noble gases. Since Papp's demo, there have been several attempts to exploit the alleged phenomenon, such as by PlasmERG.[85][86] There still seems some mystery around the 1968 demonstration, including claims that the explosion was deliberate, either to cover up Papp's deception or to protect the truth of limitless free energy.
200Florence Nightingale,Wikipedia a nurse who was an early pioneer of evidence-based medicine.
214Since Trump has been in the news for signing a federal ban on animal abuse, let's look back on Animal rights in Nazi GermanyWikipedia and/or/combined with Hitler and environmentalism.Wikipedia When these have entered mainstream conservative thought in America, you know something's up.
296Cryptocurrency:Wikipedia Currently [see what I did there?] just a redirect to Bitcoin. This should definitely be an article all of its own, between the conspiracy theories about it, the scams, and the miscellaneous other items.
193The Innocence ProjectWikipedia is a non-profit legal organization that is committed to exonerating wrongly convicted people through the use of DNA testing and to reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. The Innocence Project was founded in 1992 by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld. To date, the work of the Innocence Project has led to the freeing of 337 wrongfully convicted people, including 20 who spent time on death row.
263Hunting Hitler,Wikipedia a History Channel show that claims Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, managed to escape from Berlin to Argentina. And the rest...is pseudohistory.
200Vanguard America,Wikipedia an American white supremacist, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist hate group that has been attached to several acts of violence and domestic terrorism, including the car attack in Charlottesville on people protesting the Unite the Right rally. The perpetrator of the attack, James Alex Fields Jr., had been seen at the rally wielding a shield distributed by Vanguard America. The organization is also a member of the Nationalist Front.Wikipedia
218The O. J. Simpson murder caseWikipedia (officially the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson) was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. The former professional football star and actor O. J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder after the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and waiter Ronald Lyle Goldman, in June 1994. We can write an article discussing the case not just as a cultural phenomenon but also discuss the overwhelming amount of logical fallacies (emotional appeal, Chewbacca defense, prosecutor's fallacy), dishonesty tactics and evidence gathering mistakes that took place during the trial and/or behind the scenes, which all had great impact on law in America. We can also discuss the impact on race relations that took place at the time. Simpson, being an African American, had a strong appeal toward the black community because of his seemingly squeaky clean image, charismatic personality and his rags to riches story with the majority of them believing he was innocent and being persecuted for his race. Because of this, there was a height of fear in Los Angeles of another race riot worse than the 1992 Los Angeles riots if he was prosecuted. Best books to use as research for the article would be Jeffrey Toobin's The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson, and Vincent Bugliosi's Outrage: The Five Reasons O.J. Simpson Got Away With Murder.
278Rick SimpsonCreate draft, who believes that hemp oil cures cancer and every other ill.[87] "I haven't seen anything that the oil doesn't work on." A two-line stub was created and zapped as "so what" in 2013, but this is pretty missional if we can get some substance in.
284Big OrganicCreate draft, or how the organic food lobby gets its way. A draft has been created at Draft:Big Organic.
185Bill WeldWikipedia Currently a redirect to the 2020 Republican Party presidential nomination article. He's an interesting candidate not only for his (comparatively) progressive views and the mere fact that he's the only candidate running against Trump in the RNC, but he was also previously a member of the Libertarian party and carries some of their support, so I think he deserves his own article.
177ASEA,Wikipedia another classic example of a water woo pyramid scheme, they make bold health claims and use vague, nonscientific descriptions of free radicalsWikipedia and "Redox Signaling Molecules", sometimes even mixing it with real science.[22][23] I found this quote regarding the ingredients: "Recently, a company called ASEA, was able to take sodium, chloride, hydrogen and oxygen (salt water) molecules, separate them and recombine them to form oxidants (free radicals) and reductants (which neutralize oxidants)."[24] They also have a YouTube channel.[25]
262Keto diet,Wikipedia if not adequately covered by Low-carb diet. Here's /r/keto's "in a nutshell" explanation. Apparently the low-carb diet article has already got some criticism from the related communities, so the article should better appeal to the kind of people who'd pursue this stuff.
313Sherry ShrinerCreate draft is the cult leader of a group called Faction Four who believe in alien reptile demons. She was in the news recently because one of her followers shot and killed her boyfriend after a dispute within the cult led to their excommunication.[26][27] Another follower killed herself in 2013 after not receiving treatment for schizophrenia which they do not think exists.[28] Sherry Shriner blames a NATO hit squad for the death. There also is an ED article written up that may have some useful info, but probably needs to be taken with a bit more than a grain of salt.[29]
358CoreCivic,Wikipedia formerly the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), is a company that owns and manages private prisons and detention centers and operates others on a concession basis. CCA has been the subject of much controversy over the years, mostly related to apparent attempts to save money, such as hiring inadequate staff, extensive lobbying, and lack of proper cooperation with legal entities to avoid repercussions. CCA rebranded as CoreCivic amid the ongoing scrutiny of the private prison industry.
257Operation GladioCreate draft We don't have a page about GladioWikipedia yet. Plus, it's one of the circlejerks from CTers claiming that the War on TerrorWikipedia, is actually "Gladio B".
326The Cult Awareness NetworkWikipedia (CAN), aka Old Cult Awareness Network (Old CAN), an anti-cult group, and its doppelganger, the New Cult Awareness NetworkWikipedia (New CAN), a Scientology-controlled fake anti-cult front group. (See: wp:Cult Awareness Network and wp:New Cult Awareness Network.)
270FunVaxCreate draft, short for "Fundamentalist Vaccine", is the vaccine for religious fundamentalism described in a video allegedly leaked from the Pentagon[30] and later sensationalized popularized by Natural News.[31] It works by using a viral vector that inhibits/decreases the expression of the VMAT2Wikipedia gene[32] which has also been referred to as the "God gene".Wikipedia[33] A copy of the final report can be found here.
252The Crystal GridCreate draft: a woo-tastic website.[88]. Besides trying to build worldwide network of crystals, they've got a bogus cell phone radiation blocker.[89]
258Street light interferenceWikipedia of the human variety, aka SLIders (not the TV show). A way some woomongers make themselves feel special. The Wikipedia article is pretty good, if understated.
182change.orgWikipedia We have ePetitions, why not this?
212Electronic pickpocketing:Wikipedia I keep hearing ads for wallets designed to protect against this. Any legitimacy? (There is a possibility to skim contactless/NFC cards, but you sure as hell don't need to buy a $80 wallet when a fetching tinfoil hat does the same job. Feel free to repurpose that blog post. We need a good title for this article.)
236International Monetary Fund.Wikipedia I think most people will know about this transnational organization, hated by both libertarians for pushing down the throat Keynesian ideas (Keynes had much to see with it in the post-war years) and leftists for the economic policies pushed by them in those countries that received their bailouts (ask Greece even if the European Central Bank and the European Comission pushed the same ideas, as well as some LatAm countries during the '70s) and some of whose presidents have been involved in scandals, even if unrelated to this organization (ask Rodrigo Rato, Strauss-Kahn, or Christine Lagarde)
260ADIFOCreate draft (All DIrections Flying Object) is a Romanian company which has developed a VTOLWikipedia (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft resembling a flying saucer that is able to fly in all directions having the same aerodynamic characteristics in each direction. The aircraft has a unique configuration as a circular shape, and the fuselage is also the wing.[90] The aerodynamic body is axially-symmetric and is obtained by rotating a bidirectional Dolphin airfoilWikipedia around the axis perpendicular on the middle of the chord line. An ADIFO platform was tested at low speeds in a wind tunnel providing high lift/drag ratio as well as a wide range of useful incidence angles, even over 60 degrees. The aerodynamic center is located near the middle of the chord line near the body gravity center. The aerodynamic load is distributed relatively evenly along the body surface and has no stagnation point. During transonic flightWikipedia the body does not generate any shockwave on the surface, and no sonic boom is generated. There are low vibrations, low aerodynamic noise, and low heating at high speeds. In transonic flight the drag is drastically reduced compared to existing airfoils which ensures very high fuel-efficiency at transonic and supersonic speeds. Moreover, the center of pressure remains close to the center of symmetry, meaning no jump of pitching moment, and insignificant roll and yaw moments. Also, there are no lift fluctuations, so in conclusion this will mean a smooth transition from subsonic to supersonic flight! Video here
190Apparently we don't have an article on Rosa ParksWikipedia? There should be one if only to account for all the idiots whining that they're being just like her by breaking the law to promote their bigotry and stupidity. Would that be called the "Parks Gambit", similar to the Galileo Gambit?
182Alexander Shulgin.Wikipedia Author of Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved and godfather of psychedelics. Missional to the degree that he made claims about the effects and usefulness of chemicals outside the pharmaceutical industry and currently accepted medical practice.
164Zuma,Wikipedia the Pentagon satellite recently launched by SpaceX. Right now, it seems like it simply failed. However, that conclusions hurts not only the pride in US military and technology, but also the faith of myriad geeks in SpaceX and Elon Musk. This heady mix resulted in many theories that the failure was a false flag, it's working fine because it's stealth and it's actually meant to counter North Korean EMPs.
255HmolpediaCreate draft — Supposedly there is a common trait among people of IQ over 200 (e.g. Goethe: 225), like the writer of this huge site and related tomes, which makes them understand some very complex phenomenon which is called human thermodynamics explaining everything, most importantly love and it relieves them of the pains of using excel spreadsheets to find the best mate out of 19 girlfriends; however Goethe’s testimonial is missing.
240AIPAC.Wikipedia It's a lobbying group and pro-Israel, so it's basically a giant magnet for conspiracy theories.
200The Kyshtym dwarfWikipedia or Aleshenka / Alyoshenka was a small humanoid body found near Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia.[34] According to genetic experts at the Moscow Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, DNA analysis of the clothes Alyoshenka was wrapped in revealed evidence that his DNA was of unknown origin. It was also tested for radiation, but did not show high radiation levels.[35][36]
180Intervention,Wikipedia both the general idea and the A&E television series of the same nameWikipedia. Tricking someone into treatment under threat of excommunication doesn't sound like the healthiest or most effective route.
225With protests against police brutality currently going on, I feel like an article discussing the movement towards defunding the policeWikipedia would be a good idea. It could include discussing its benefits and ramifications, debunking bogus arguments against it, and examining more extreme forms of it such as police abolishment.
327Jim WatkinsWikipedia is a former military helicopter repairman and since 2016 the owner of 8chan. There are also indicators that he (or his son who admins 8chan, Ron WatkinsWikipedia a.k.a. C!Odemonkey on 8chan or CodeMonkeyZ on Twitter) might be the "Q" from QAnon on 8chan. He is also the owner of the far right Japanese messageboard 2channel.Wikipedia (monetized QAnon, Reddit evidence compilation, Fred Brennan proves that Watkins owns QMAP)
227The Socialist Rifle AssociationWikipedia is an American socialist firearm organization that is dedicated to "providing working class people the information they need to be effectively armed for self and community defense" and advocating for Second Amendment gun rights. It was founded in 2013 to give leftist gun owners who are turned off by the NRA's rhetoric and politics a sense of community.
182ACTA,Wikipedia or put an area for it in the SOPA article.
166Allen Ginsberg,Wikipedia a beatnik, commie, homosexual, marijuana enthusiast, and an overall very liberal icon. I'm genuinely surprised that he doesn't have a RationalWiki page yet (see the Wikipedia article for a startWikipedia).
167Bounty Hunters.Wikipedia No, I'm not talking about the ones from Star Wars, but real life ones, such as bail recovery agents. Learned about this one after watching this episode of John Oliver (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS5mwymTIJU)
185 The Woozle effect,Wikipedia aka evidence by citation, where frequent citation elevates a lie or error into the the truth. Something similar is mentioned with respect to Wikipedia at Wikipedia#Circular_reporting, but the Woozle effect is also common in academia where lazy citation of papers can lead to the repetition of untruths.
252Meether ConceptCreate draft - cosmological pseudoscience that is currently being spread through Quora by its author a guy who just happened to recently discover it, Lou Liu, at a rate of ~2 posts a day. Begins with a reasonable-sounding explanation of the Big Bang, and progresses into outright batshit. "our soul and our Set Meether are one and the same. When our Set Meether pressure drops to zero, it loses its control over our body and our life ends. ImMeether will then vanish as our body decomposes."
268The Great ResetCreate draft a proposal to utilize capitalism to rebuild the economy sustainably following COVID-19, and a subject of conspiracy theories about socialism and NWO bullshit.
226Tom HanksWikipedia was accused of being a pedophile with no evidence by QAnon nutters[91] then became an honorary citizen of Greece.
210I see we don't have any pages for Georgy Malenkov,Wikipedia Nikita Khrushchev,Wikipedia Leonid Brezhnev,Wikipedia Yuri Andropov,Wikipedia & Konstantin ChernenkoWikipedia yet. We can't leave those comrades out, now can we?
192Tila Tequila,Wikipedia not to be confused with actual tequila, is a model who came under extreme fire for saying some Nazi esque things. Because of this, she was banned from "Celebrity Big Brother" (although, if I'm honest, no one really wants to be in Big Brother). Fun fact: she's both LGBT and Asian, so her sympathy with white nationalists is kinda ironic. Oh, and she's a Flat Earther. (Note: a page on her was previously deleted: RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/Tila Tequila.)
165The Insurrection Act of 1807Wikipedia has been used by QANONers to claim that Trump is still the president because he invoked this act before leaving office. It places the military (General Charles A. FlynnWikipedia) in command, and suspends habeas corpus, and allegedly gives him the ability to strip the media of the their licenses. Apparently mixed a bit with beliefs from the sovereign citizen movement.[92][93][94]
168Bélmez FacesWikipedia are a bunch of images on a concrete floor supposedly appearing out of no where.
168Archaeological interest of Pedra da GáveaWikipedia - not in any way timely, but still a particularly delicious set of pseudohistory, pseudoarchaeology, pseudolinguistics, and pareidolia.
175Göbekli TepeWikipedia is a archeological site in Şanlıurfa (Turkey) it dates back to the neolithic age and it is unknown who has built it, how has it been built and why has it been built and this (of course) leads to nonsense. More specifically (ancient) alien nonsense.
258CantelmoismCreate draft, what appears to be a (dead) "Reddit cult"[37][38] apparently obsessed with DMT.[39]
174Roanoke colonyWikipedia - which has two complementary aspects. Firstly there is the question of what happened to the mysterious lost colony, with various theories and contested "evidence" including the Dare StonesWikipedia (now recognised as fakes) and other more recent finds[95][96]. But there's also the importance of Roanoke (and its newborn inhabitant Virginia DareWikipedia) for American white nationalism (most obviously VDARE but it extends way beyond it - the article Pocahontas mentions crazy theories that Pocahontas was descended from VD which relate to the whole system behind segregation); Andrew Lawler wrote a book on it[97]).
171Whales and specifically whaling,Wikipedia which is the subject of some scientific debate (basically the Norwegians and Japanese claim it's incredibly important for science that they kill whales, but nobody else believes them). We have a section on Whaling in Japan (Japan#Whaling) and an article on Whale Wars, but no overview that discusses the science. There is also potential material about whale biology, whale evolution, the keeping of killer whales in parks, conservation, whether whales are more deserving than other animals, and the history of whaling, that may be relevant (see e.g. Oil#Whale oil, and compare Dolphin).
185El AlWikipedia: Israel's flag carrier, and a heavy target for some Anti-Zionist, sometimes Anti-semitic, and even Islamophobic conspiracy theories.
237Super PAC.Wikipedia How is there not an article on these yet?
195The Goop LabWikipedia: A Netflix documentary series hosted by actress Gwyneth Paltrow, which has received quite some attention & negative responses due to the amounts of Pseudoscience & health woo on the show. BS like: "Mushrooms being good for relaxation & health", "Icebaths being good for "making your body Alkaline" which, in return, gets all the poison out of your body" & "Needles are good for your skin". Others include: Energy Healing, "how to get rid of evil demons!!1!!" & female sexuality.
171The ongoing Australian bushfire crisisWikipedia and the conspiracy theories that have been spreading like wildfire in response to it. There are claims that environmentalists deliberately started the fires to build High Speed Rail lines, that it's part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy to kill everybody, that 200 people were arrested for arson that on further inspection is only 24 and with no evidence they had any political motive for doing so, and a bunch of other wacky theories.
164TR-3 Black MantaWikipedia/TR-3B, alleged to be top secret US government stealth planes, beloved by conspiracy theorists.[98][99][100] Connected by some with black triangle UFO sightings. Or maybe they don't exist.
171Bisphenol A,Wikipedia also known as BPA. Harmful to developing fetuses? Causing widespread infertility in adults? Or just the latest public health scare?


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2023 [​edit​]

21Tony Blair Institute for Global ChangeCreate draft We cover the man quite well. it only figures to cover what he's been doing since he has continued to kiss up to dictators such as saudi arabia with his institure.
37 a Japanese alt-right glossary
11 A SWERF glossary
8Games Workshop,Wikipedia a British miniature wargaming company with an allegedly cultish following and scummy business practices[101], comparable to Nintendo and Apple. They are best known for their Warhammer 40K IP, which the Alt-right tried to co-opt [102].
12Kris Kobach,Wikipedia a grinning fool and the former 31st Secretary of State in Kansas. Most notably known for this shit.
8A glossary of terms used by Alternative Medicine practitioners. (Note: somewhat of a funspace equivalent exists at Fun:Quacktionary).
64No page on USA TodayWikipedia? It's one of the 5 biggest newspapers in the US!
32RapeLay,Wikipedia (レイプレイ, Reipurei), 2006 Japanese erotic computer game whose goal is to molest a mother and her two daughters. Unsurprisingly generated a lot of furor over its rape-based gameplay and paedophilic content (two of the in-game rape victims are underage: a twelve-year old girl and her seventeen-year old sister).
43KAISER VSCreate draft, "History" meme youtuber who is wehraboo and ironically also French, his videos attract an audience who are typically under the age of 16. he thinks that Modern Japan is worse than Imperial Japan because Modern Japan has anime.He also appeals to tankies and is Homophobic.he uses inappropriate thumbnails as Bait-and-switch for his male teenage audiance. he loves also loves Dictatorships
110Night Wolves,Wikipedia Russian outlaw motorcycle gang co-opted by Putin in order to push his agenda. Western commentators have noted how Vlad used otherwise criminal gangs (*cough* Wagner Group *cough*) such as the Wolves to his advantage so as long as they play ball with him.
6National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)Wikipedia is a 501(c)(3) organization generally accused of insincerity, regardless of the the reliability of cited sources, how said sources are cited, who cited them, and the sincerity of the citation. By contrast, NCOSE opposes sexual abuse and exploitation, according to their website.[103][104]
35Mockbusters,Wikipedia which are ripoffs of popular movies. Some, like Finding Jesus below,and What's Up: Balloon To The Rescue, (Which is a Mockbuster of Up), have racism, as seen by Saberspark here. (He heard the N-word. Yes, THAT N-word.)
94"Clean Wehrmacht" myth,Wikipedia Germany's answer to the so-called "Lost Cause" of the Confederacy, with denialists/negationists especially within veterans' circles downplaying if not completely dismissing any atrocities carried out by Werhmacht servicemen. While there could be indeed those who simply fought for the fatherland and did not simply buy into Hitler's bullshit (hurr durr Pope Benedict XVI when he was a Hitlerjugend soldier even if he was roped into it despite the Ratzingers being vehemently anti-Nazi), there's damning evidence that a significant number of German troops who were indeed just as guilty as the Waffen-SS goons who are even more villified.
39Call of Duty,Wikipedia Popular series of first-person shooter video games by Activision. Besides accusations of propaganda and/or militainment by critics, at least some of the games from the series have attracted scrutiny, such as the inclusion of former NRA president and traitor Oliver North both as a consultant and in a cameo appearance in Black Ops II (the irony isn't lost either when he accused video games of desensitising kids to violence even after he promoted COD), as well as Russophobic sentiment both in the infamous "No RussianWikipedia" level in Modern Warfare 2 (2009) and the 2019 Modern Warfare reboot.
13Center for Food Safety,Wikipedia Food woo organisation that constantly spreads misinformation & fear about GMO's. Their webshite.
37Oliver North,WikipediaFormer NRA President. Most notably known for his involvement during the Iran-Contra Scandal, when he was a staff member of the National Security Council. Currently a re-direct.
22Finding JesusCreate draft Faith-based mockbuster of Pixar's Finding NemoWikipedia. Popular animation commentator Saberspark even found at least one instance of racism in the film, in the form of a sushi character shamelessly appropriating Japanese culture in a mockingly stereotypical way.
34Sanctioned Suicide,Wikipedia Infamous internet message board framing itself as a "pro-choice" venue for suicidal people but in reality is an incredibly disturbing venue where users pool resources and methods to off themselves.
14 And while we're at it, how about the current one aswell: Gianni Infantino.Wikipedia
16 And speaking of corrupt, let's add the biggest former scumbags from the FIFA & UEFA aswell: Sepp BlatterWikipedia & former French Football player Michel Platini.Wikipedia
15 Since we already have a parcer call for the FIFA, how about we get the other corrupt embodiements on here aswell? Such as the UEFA,Wikipedia CONCACAF,Wikipedia & CONMEBOL.Wikipedia
26Edo NylandCreate draft crank pseudolinguist with bizarre theories about how Basque is the only language, and others are fake, being made by Benedictine monks. "The TimeCube of linguistics".
140Banksy,Wikipedia I am quite surprised we don't have an article about him. While he did get a lot of praise and attention as a sociopolitical activist and a staunch critic of consumerism, taking potshots at celebrities such as Paris Hilton just because they're "famous for being famous" and most recently at Putin for his so-called "special military operation" in Ukraine, some accuse him of being a sellout to the very same fiends he claims to despise (case in point him having been commissioned by Viacom to make station IDs for Nickelodeon)
28Nat Turner,Wikipedia the leader of the most effective and sustained slave revolt in American history.
16March of SaintsCreate draft, Wholesome religiously-palatible Catholic alternative to ghoulish if not outright satanic Halloween costume/cosplay parades or just plain indoctrination for children?
18John AmanchukwuCreate draft, an asshole far right pastor making the rounds in North Carolina spreading bigoted queerphobic bullshit in front of school boards.
21Rational AnimationsCreate draft, Animations channel trying to mainstream the works of Eliezer Yudkowsky, with Robert Miles from Computerphile "fame" doing the voice acting[40]
31Pierre Poilievre,Wikipedia Libertarian moron who's currently the leader of the CPC and future MP if Trudeau doesn't step up his game. Claims to be Pro LGBTQ+, but was seen midway July 2023 taking pictures with some people wearing Straight Pride T-Shirts. He, as any good conservative, is keeping his mouth shut about this, as are the other CPC members. Has some issues with Trudeau not agreeing on New Brunswick's new law for LGBTQ+ students, telling him to "butt out and let provinces run schools and let parents raise kids". Added: He's not a libertarian or a centre-right Tory. He's a hard-right goon who supported the 2022 "trucker convoy", Canada's version of January 6. He did a photo-op with militant far-right secessionist Jeremy MacKenzie ("militant" as in "arrested earlier this year on numerous weapons charges"). He's promoted the "Great Reset" conspiracy theory and tabled a private member's bill against vaccine mandates. He idolizes Jordan Peterson and dropped a white-supremacist dogwhistle on his podcast. In 2008 he said that residential school survivors should learn "the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance" instead of seeking monetary reparations for being subjected to state-sanctioned abuse and cultural genocide. (He did apologize for that one.) He wants to abolish Canada's social safety-net and replace it with a "tiny survival stipend" for the poor contigent on them finding work. He's stated that he's pro-choice on abortion – saying otherwise is political suicide in Canada – but his voting record is firmly anti-abortion.
85UltrafinitismCreate draft UltrafinitismWikipedia is a crank idea that says that there is a largest natural number. Obviously,there isn't.
22Glenn MortonCreate draft, a former "creation scientist" who eventually became a well-known critic of creationism, and who coined the term Morton's demon. See his obituary for further details.
62WhatIfAltHistCreate draft, a YouTuber who claims to focus on alternative history, but uses his videos for long alt-right and fascist screeds and to "own the libs." Also proclaims that he hasn't read any major historigraphical and anthropological studies made after the '60s because "that's when it all became too woke."
71Neuticles,Wikipedia Their website They are, basically, fake testicles for dogs. They claim that "dogs feel bad when they're neutered", seems like very much so wingnuttery to me.
54He XinCreate draft, a famous and meanwhile infamous Chinese scholar trumpeting Greek history denialism.
54Guo JichengCreate draft, a Chinese professor with the Marxist college of China University of Political science and Law, promoting the Confucian school and Buddhist conservatism.
42The Utopia,Wikipedia a Chinese nationalist and conservatist website posing as Maoist.
40The Guancha,Wikipedia a Chinese nationalist website featuring publicizing such alternative right as LGBT discrimination, racism and patriarchy.
35Zhang Weiwei,Wikipedia a Chinese professor advocating socialism with Chinese characteristics, guesting in This in China.
36Samantha SmithWikipedia 13 year old Peace activist who was most notably known for her anti-war activites during the Cold War & her letter exchange with Yuri AndropovWikipedia in 1982. Died in a plane crash in 1985, which gave wingnuts even more more reasons to hate the USSR. Nowadays, her name is being used by Anonymous during the Russo-Ukranian war.
49Language familyWikipedia, including the legitimate families and the BS ones like Altaic, Nostratic, Uralo-Siberian, Dene-Caucasian, and Amerind.
40Maybe we should start some pages on several political groups from the EU Parliament. From Far-Left to Far-Right: The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL,Wikipedia Greens–European Free Alliance,Wikipedia Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats,Wikipedia Renew Europe,Wikipedia European People's Party Group,Wikipedia European Conservatives and Reformists,Wikipedia & Identity and DemocracyWikipedia
17José RizalWikipedia Filipino nationalist, author and polymath. Best known for pissing off both Spanish colonial authorities and the Catholic Church through his novels Noli Me Tángere and its sequel El Filibusterismo which decried the excesses of the colonial government and the friars who were in hock with them. Rizal's supposed retraction prior to his execution as well as his Masonic affiliation could be on-mission here.
20Tabloid talk showWikipedia Are the likes of Jerry Springer and Maury even missional, given how it banked on sensationalism, anti-intellectualism and in some cases like with Raffy Tulfo in Action, outright vigilantism?
1032023 Anheuser-Busch boycottCreate draft Oooh boy... As if one trans person's endorsement of a product would make you wingnuts any less of a person.
115Kid RockWikipedia We already have a page on Dee Snider whose views on transgender people raised some eyebrows, but what about Kid Rock who ostensibly is in favour of abortion and gay marriage yet is also a GOPher and a transphobe?
23Humza YousafWikipedia He is the current First Minister of Scotland. It's quite suprising he dosen't have a page yet.
120The Labour FilesCreate draft Leaked documents on Al Jazeera showing anti Jeremy Corbyn corruption. Supported by Martin Forde himself, (the man who wrote the forde report).
100The Forde ReportWikipedia I figured the wiki should have a page on Martin Forde's report on Anti Semitism being used as a weapon in the british Labour Party by both the Corbynites and the Blairites.
134The DebriefCreate draft an increasingly popular UFO and tech woo "news" site, with the particular theme of having "insider" "intelligence" "whistleblowers"
34Grigori GrabovoiWikipedia Kazakhstanian fraudster, whoomeister who believes he is psychic and can resurrect the dead, teleport, cure AIDS and cancer at any stage, diagnose and solve problems of electronic devices remotely, to be clairvoyant and to be able to change reality, also believes he is the second coming of christ, was convicted of fraud after promising to the mothers of victims of the 2004 Beslan school siege that he could resurrect their children (see his Wikipedia article.
36ACT for AmericaWikipedia Islamophobic organisation founded by this weirdo in 2007. On their Twitter, they love posting tweets that include whataboutism & begging the question. They also seem to really hate a guy called Adam Schiff. Like, REALLY hate him. Literally an obsession. They also seem to believe that Fox is woke as fuck. These clowns are being supported by only the Real True Americans™ like Kevin Sorbo, for example.
11Peter ScullyWikipedia Australian paedophile and child pornographer who gained infamy for producing the hurtcore film Daisy's Destruction and is now serving a longer-than-life sentence in the Philippines. So-called conservative Josh Duggar was apparently a fan of Scully's work.
30Tomorrow's PioneersWikipedia Palestinian children's propaganda edutainment programme which gained notoriety for advocating violence, Islamic extremism and antisemitism. The show was condemned by Disney themselves (particularly former CEO Bob Iger and even Walt's last surviving daughter Diane Disney Miller) for its depiction of a Mickey Mouse-like character named Farfour and using said Militant Mickey to indoctrinate Palestinian children.
12Tom O'CarrollWikipedia Notorious British-Irish paedophile activist. Has caused a bit of a stir on Wikipedia when his blog was used in a citation for an article; Wikipedia admins were forced to block a certain user for using said paedophile's site besides a number of disturbing contributions which ran afoul of the site's child protection policy.
17Wes StreetingWikipedia Blarite, Member of Keir Starmer’s cabinet and Transphobe and Rowling apologist despite being a gay man himself
32Lea JaneCreate draft is a TERF who has gained prominence after her appearance on the Whatever podcast. She has previously told trans women that they want to get raped and should kill themselves, made false rape allegations against various large live streamers such as Hasan Piker and Destiny, mocked rape victims, and admitted to being a child predator. She was banned from Twitter after proudly declaring herself to be a "racist dog fucking pedophile" and lusting over a dog, but she later returned with a ban evasion account.
59I'm surprised we don't have an article on International lawWikipedia or other relevant concepts such as the Geneva ConventionsWikipedia and the International Criminal CourtWikipedia. Given its relevance to issues like human rights and war crimes, it's an important topic to cover.
6Robin PadillaWikipedia: Filipino former ex-convict actor turned politician. Outspoken in both his conversion to Islam to which he became the de facto spokesperson representing the Filipino Muslim community (particularly the "Back to Islam" movement), as well as his misplaced nationalism where he went full racist towards a Korean contestant in a talent show he judged in and DID NOT SHOW A SHRED OF REMORSE despite intense criticism. He has also filed legal action against a Twitter user for calling him an ex-con and called for a ban on the Gerard Butler film PlaneWikipedia due to its unflattering depiction of the country.
31Verum Est! Totoo Ba ito?Create draft: Filipino paranormal schlockumentary series discussing things from the paranormal to Bill Gates conspiracy theories and backmasking.
33 history of X where X is any country, especially in articles where the history section makes up the bulk of the page.
672024 Libertarian Party presidential nominationCreate draft: I haven't found a page for 2020, but let's be honest: what would RW be, without a page on the biggest Meme party for 2024?
682024 Democratic Party presidential nominationCreate draft: It's like playing X-Com UFO Defense, with the difference that you've been unlucky that your first units have godawful stats. So you have no clue which units are good and which are completely useless.
692024 Republican Party presidential nominationCreate draft: It's like catching Pokémon, with the difference that those aren't pure evil MF assholes..
13Edward de BonoWikipedia Oxbridge professor, doctor, author, psychologist and proponent of lateral thinking.
33 A Glossary of Italian Fascism and National Socialism prior to 1945
47Blaze Media,Wikipedia Conservative media company founded in 2018 by this twat, after TheBlaze & CRTV LLC joined forces. Used to be called "Glenn Beck TV"
12Future of Life Institute,Wikipedia Organisation dedicated to making sure technology doesn't wipe out Humanity (A.I., Climate Change, Biotechnology, Nuclear Weapons). Unfortunately Associated by Noted Para- Fascists Sam Harris and Elon Musk.
7Elly Schlein:Wikipedia The current leader of the Italian Democratic Party and the woman who looks like she will be going up against female Mussolini next Italian election. She's Bi and very left wing. Some may say too left wing. We can only hope she can beat Meloni.
104Pornhub,Wikipedia While we do have an article about porn and human trafficking in general, perhaps an overview on the moral panic involving the premier adult entertainment portal should be in order, especially considering how sweeping changes it enacted regarding user content was spurred by a relentless campaign by far-right fundie group Exodus Cry.
71White trash:Wikipedia A racial & class-related slur used against white people of the Southern United States. Mostly being used against those living in rural areas.
117WION,Wikipedia AKA World is One News, some India-based schmuck of a "news" outlet which is part of the Zee Media network of channels owned by the Essel Group. Both WION itself and its Zee Media parent have been involved in sensationalism, fake news and corruption; for one, YouTube once suspended their channel for trivialising and bellitling the war in Ukraine, only for WION to mount an intense astroturfing social media campaign to have the channel reinstated.
15Peter Mandelson,Wikipedia Given the wiki’s disdain for Mandelson. I am surprised he didn’t have a page here immediately when Blair and Brown got theirs. Let’s just say he rubs elbows with Facist Russia like Blair did.
42No ethical consumption under capitalism:Wikipedia The notion that "voting with your wallet" isn't always feasible, even more so for people who's options are limited by poverty and availability. Of course, it should also be addressed on how this isn't an excuse for apathy or buying luxury items like, say, a video game based on the works of an insufferable TERF.
53CancelThisCompany.comCreate draft Alt-right mouthpiece webshite riddled with canards against companies whom they perceive as espousing cultural Marxism. In fairness, the likes of Amazon and Disney aren't by any means clean and do have their fair share of atrocities, but said site takes things too far, as if the alt-tech nonsense they promote is any better at all.
65John Cleese:Wikipedia Given all the old man yells at cloud anti woke nonsense Cleese has spurted out since he said London was no longer English in 2019. When it comes to the site mission, I think Cleese is right on our money. On a personal note, I think Sadiq Khan is quite right. Cleese has acted like he's in character as Basil Fawlty. Maybe he just got old.
104Food preservation:Wikipedia I recently encountered a food storage bag that "improved" food preservation by supposedly removing ethylene gas using some sort of sachet. Similar products are available: [105][106][107][108]. There are some papers written on the subject that lack experimental data. This is legit or pseudoscience? (I notice food preservation claims of Pyramids and magnets)
88DenazificationWikipedia — How did it go down? Is the story really more complicated than the popular understanding, as this Politico article says? Whose approach to denazification was more successful: East Germany or West Germany? And what can we make of current applications of denazification to other contexts, such as the removals of Confederate statues and the appropriation of the term by Putin's Russia?
90America's Frontline DoctorsWikipedia Anti-Vax foundation founded in 2019 by Right-wing troll Simone Gold.
-5You have nothing on "American State Nationals". https://www.mystatusselect.com/about-us/
76Since we cover Mythology, how about a page of the Ulster demigod: Cú ChulainnWikipedia?
74Nicola SturgeonWikipedia I'm honestly shocked she doesn't have a page already. After trying so hard to pass the updated gender reform bill. I think she's an absolute queen
82Everyone's got an opinionCreate draft It's something I often hear when I tell people about casual bigotry that I heard. (Relevant category: "Clichéed sayings")
61Algerian Civil WarWikipedia - The Algerian Civil War was a seminal moment in the history of Islamism in North Africa. The memories of the conflict are probably the reason why the Algerian regime wasn't toppled during the Arab Spring; people remembered what a destabilized country was like and were loathe to experience that again. Come the Arab Winter,Wikipedia they'd be proven right.
67People Power Revolution,Wikipedia aka the EDSA Revolution. Besides leaving a mark in history as the nonviolent revolution in the Philippines that inspired similar calls for regime change in Eastern Europe and elsewhere during (and after) the twilight years of the Cold War, conspiracy theories have emerged over alleged CIA involvement in the revolution (perhaps using it as a jumping pad to spark similar revolutions overseas; not helping matters was Corazon Aquino's speech in the US Congress), as well as the revolution's legacy being rendered moot when the same populace who demanded for Marcos's ouster in '86 are now rooting for the good old days by way of Ferdinand's son Bongbong Marcos, thanks to both a systematic fake news and historical revisionism campaign downplaying on Marcos's atrocities as well as the Filipinos' eventual disillusionment of the Aquinos post-EDSA.
136 How about an article on Parasocial interactionWikipedia? Since we have a Psychology section, why not make our own article about this kind of behaviour, aswell as pointing out the cons and dangers that Parasocial stuff holds?
62Emily BazelonWikipedia Once a trenchant feminist writer but now a Bari WeissWikipedia wannabe who's helping launder transphobic hysteria into the New York Times.
61GenspectWikipedia Anti-trans pressure group that pushes debunked ROGD nonsense. Has lobbied internationally (including in the UK, Ireland, US, and NZ) in favour of gender-affirming care bans and against conversion therapy bans.
69Sir SicCreate draft, a conspiracy-debunking YouTuber who is (self-described) "handsome, famous, and good at the sex".
85Centrist StupidityCreate draft Now that the category has been removed, why not create a page about it? You can't ignore the fact that the midfield loves to spew stupid nonsense aswell (uniting left-wing with right-wing idea, being obsessed with the status quo, trying to find an agreement where both parties can live with despite no one asking for this, blaiming both parties (this can be non-political, such as people who pointed fingers towards Anti-vaxxers aswell as to those that would tell you to get the vaccine),... These can be found both within' aswell as outside of Politics (ex. Several self-proclaims "centrists" on youtube (like this clown) that give more leeway to the Right).
75Ideological captureCreate draft. Probably a legitimate concept that's been twisted into a right-wing snarl word thrown out whenever an institution acknowledges systemic oppression or tries to improve its treatment of minorities.
73ReduxxCreate draft. A "pro-woman" anti-trans news and commentary site that's basically the TERF answer to Breitbart. Addendum: Co-founder Anna Slatz is a homophobic piece-of-work who recently mocked a gay TikToker for publicly disclosing his HIV diagnosis, and reportedly has a history of Scientology/cult apologism. The site also takes "style guidance" from another group we know.
65Poverty porn,Wikipedia a pejorative term referring to media portraying impoverished people and societies in a manner that provokes sympathy and publicity both towards those portrayed and the organisations running such campaigns. The approach has been criticised for oversimplifying chronic poverty, carelessly exploiting their subjects and sensationalising their plight, e.g. with the Filipino vlogger Ramil "TechRam" Manalastas whose videos have been criticised by some for perpetuating such drama, as well as the far better-known drama film Slumdog MillionaireWikipedia whose casting of Indian slum-dwellers received scrutiny. The related inspiration porn refers to similarly exploitative and what some perceive to be patronizing portrayals of special needs and disabled people.
83Connexions ClassroomCreate draft, a Utah-based self-help cult run by former family vlogger Ruby Franke and ethically dubious sex therapist Jodi Hildebrandt. Offers classes that purport to help people abandon "distortion" and follow the "Principles" of "Truth," the latter two always capitalized. Both founders being Mormons, the morality standards underpinning Connexions often reflect Mormon teachings, though Franke and Hildebrandt tend to be more directly and tightly controlling of their followers' adherence to their interpretation of said teachings. Ex-Mormon podcasters Jordan and McKay have noted a resemblance between Connexions and the beliefs precluding the Killings of Tylee Ryan and J. J. VallowWikipedia, expressing concerns that Connexions could spiral into similar extremism. Franke and to a lesser extent Hildebrandt have been embroiled in enough controversy to potentially warrant their own articles as well.
83Bounding into ComicsCreate draft. Far right nerd news and arguably conspiracy theorist site. Member of both Comicsgate and The Fandom Menace. Owned by fundamentalist Trump supporter John F Trent.
17Bishop Joseph StricklandWikipedia Batshit insane Texan Fundamentalist Catholic Priest. Liked By fandom menace member John F Trent. Speaking of which...
35Accusation in a mirror.Wikipedia Fallacious tactic that's a combination of projection and DARVO, accusing one's foes of things one supports or has done. Recent example: J.K. Rowling calling the trans-rights movement an "authoritarian, misogynist, homophobic movement" in a conspiracy-theory-laden screed.
89Folding IdeasCreate draft. Another BreadTuber who has made videos focusing on everything from Flat Earthers to NFTs. Though the channel and its creator, Dan Olson, currently lack a Wikipedia article, the NFT documentary has one.
16Innuendo Studios.Wikipedia BreadTuber notable for the video series "The Alt-Right Playbook," which meticulously dissects the political strategies and rhetoric of the alt-right.
86Chad LoderCreate draft. Cybersecurity expert and anti-fascist researcher. Has identified multiple participants in the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, including Eric Christie, Adam Kiefer, and Libs of TikTok. It's been confirmed they were suspended from Twitter by diktat of Elon Musk, seemingly either because Andy Ngo gave Musk a hitlist of "Antifa accounts," or in retaliation for reporting a massive breach of Twitter user data.
5Emily Calandrelli.Wikipedia A science communicator & internet influencer who has begun to shill for the propane industry.
98Facts over feelingsCreate draft a.k.a "facts don't care about your feelings." Ben Shapiro catchphrase that's grown into a fallacious debate tactic on the right.
130Owning the libs.Wikipedia The right-wing political strategy of deliberately trying to provoke or offend "libs."
79The fallacious debate tactic that Innuendo StudiosWikipedia calls "Never Play DefenseCreate draft" in this video.
16Kenneth Zucker.Wikipedia Another American-born Canadian sexologist. Has an extensive body of published work advocating conversion therapy for gender-variant children. Surprisingly only the second most controversial psychology professor at the University of Toronto.
37Transgender Trend.Wikipedia British anti-trans lobbying group. Pushes fringe and denialist positions on trans health e.g. "ROGD." The founder is apparently a sculptor who formerly belonged to a cult.
8John HowardWikipedia I’m also shocked we don’t have a page on him as well given he was just as hawkish (to say the least) in Iraq as Bush, Cheney and Blair. He is also a big homophobe. He once called a play school episode foolish for showing a lesbian couple to kids.
6Alan JonesWikipedia I have had a particular dislike for this Australian hate radio host for a couple of years I know he’s in the liberal party of Australia page but I think he’s loony enough to have a page of his own.
106What Is a Woman?Wikipedia Matt Walsh's transphobic propaganda film.
42Magdalen Berns.Wikipedia British TERF. Arguably one of the main figures behind the rise of transphobia in the UK. Has become something of a saint-like figure in TERFdom since her untimely death.
38Bari Weiss.Wikipedia "Radical centrist"-type journalist with a long history of laundering Republican talking points for NYT readers. Most recently had the dubious honour of being one of the journalists through whom Elon Musk released the so-called "Twitter Files."
128BriberyWikipedia Seriously? We don't have an article for one of the major sources of government corruption?
131Prostasia FoundationCreate draft, which is, depending on who you ask, either an evidence-based organization for the prevention of child sexual abuse, or a pro-pedophile front group.
136 a pseudoscience glossary
72Hubert HumphreyWikipedia The man who whipped the votes for the civil rights act, and the voice of American ‘60s liberalism.
2An article on Second Thought, a prominent Socialist Breadtuber, who is in a podcast with the aforementioned Hakim.
19An article on Luiz Inácio Lula da SilvaCreate draft, Brazil's current president; We already have an article on Jair Bolsonaro, so why not one for Lula?

2022 [​edit​]

40Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights,Wikipedia The Canuck answer to the NRA; had the gall to promote the online shopping code "POLY", seemingly in reference to the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre when a gunman killed 14 women.
41Robert Nixon (prophet),Wikipedia alleged prophet. No relation to Richard.
72Brave BooksCreate draft (official website) is a conservative children's book company founded in 2021. Their blatant mission, according to them, is to arm American children with conservative alternatives to mainstream and especially progressive children's literature so that they fight as child soldiers in the culture war against evil liberal values that are plaguing mainstream American culture and making them hate the country they live in and the values it was built upon. Their books lure children with colorful illustrations, anthropomorphic animal characters (which is a surefire way to elicit a reaction from the furry fandom, in which many of its members are left-leaning), an immersive universe, adventure stories, and activities to morals crafted with conservatism in mind, ranging from apolitical and benign ones ("Eat healthily", The Candy Calamity; "Persevere", Fiona's Fantastical Fort; "Overcome fear", Surfing Past Fear [co-written by Bethany Hamilton of freaking Soul Surfer fame]) to explicitly political and wicked ones ("People can't be transgender", Elephants Are Not Birds; "Abortion is wrong", Little Lives Matter [sounds familiar?]; "Critical race theory is wrong", More Than Spots & Stripes). They've rounded up conservative figures (including the wingnuts), such as Jack Posobiec, Dan Crenshaw, the Hodgetwins, Zuby, Dinesh and Debbie D'Souza, Julie Banderas, and Michael Flynn, to co-write the books and thus add their fame factors to the brand (Also, note how they list reputable media that have discussed Brave Books and/or their product[s] on their website and don't link to them to fool people). Hell, Brave Books has published The Plot Against the King and The Plot Against the King: Part 2: 2,000 Mules, which are written by Kash Patel and meant to defend his subject of loyalty, Donald Trump, with medieval fantasy retellings of real political events starring caricatures of real people and perpetuating false claims regarding the Trump-Russia connection and 2020 U.S. presidential election. And this is all for children! Politico article of interest. Also, treat yourself to Jimmy Kimmel ripping The Plot Against the King and Brave Books.
57Herschel WalkerWikipedia for being one of the looniest Senate candidates of all time. Beyond that, there are a lot of shady business dealings he was involved in, not to mention being a deadbeat dad who also payed for his mistress' abortions despite supposedly being pro-life.
40Ingo SwannWikipedia Alleged psychic.
76Haitian Revolution. Given that we have articles on both the American and French Revolutions, the Haitian Revolution, which was just as impactful (the world's only country founded by a successful slave rebellion), deserves its own article too. It's currently just a section on the Haiti article, and that doesn't do the subject justice. At all.
121The Daily Wire.Wikipedia Shapiro's website (currently a re-direct to his page, btw), founded in 2015. Launched DailyWire+ this year, which is a video on demand site full off podcasts and videos filled with wingnut BS, like this thing. Are you're a Reaganite, Trumpist or MAGA? Then you will definitely love this site.
25Public order crimeWikipedia A Newspeak dogwhistle for "victimless crime" coined by the "law and order" crowd to refer to the fact that certain "crimes" are only "crimes" because of the legislative process and not by any actual harm done.
38Kyrie Irving.Wikipedia The very reason athletes are often told to “stick to sports”. Has spewed enough alternative medicine, anti-semetic, black supremacist, conspiracy theories, and Covid-19 disinformation to warrant a RW article.
117Conservatism.Wikipedia Currently a re-direct to this article. But seeing how Conservatism has grown and brainwashed people over the past decades, it definitely deserves its own article page.
13Code talking.Wikipedia This is of relevance to RW's mission because code talking was utilized by the Allies in WW2 as a cheap and easy form of ciphering (through the principle of security through obscurityWikipedia while discriminating against the languages of the code talkers themselves back home.
38Swahili.Wikipedia The Swahili had a huge influence on the cultural and economic history and development of East Africa (including the Arabic Slave Trade), and the Swahili language itself has been adopted by black nationalist groups as a form of code talkingWikipedia.
18Ralph BakshiWikipedia is an animator who has been known for his hard-hitting political works, launching mainstream adult animation head-on, and also never being afraid to satirize anyone and everyone. His works of note on this wiki would likely include Fritz the Cat,Wikipedia an interesting piece of America's social revolution that started in the 1960s. It gave the middle finger to the notion that animation was a kids' genre by going so raunchy that it became the first animated film that the MPA gave an X rating, with lots of graphic sex, language, violence, drug usage, and a whole host of other stuff you sure as heck wouldn't want a child to watch. Heavy Traffic also played out in a similar fashion, being Ralph's passion project, and also being filled to the brim with a lot of X rated content. This was also part of where his strong social commentary become even more apparent. The latter aspect of Heavy Traffic would climax into Coonskin, a film that especially sought to bring down the negative treatment of the African-American community by using every stereotype of African Americans to flip them on their head and lampoon said stereotypes. However, despite never seeing the film, CORE lobbied hard against its release for its use of blackface (never having seen it themselves), going as far as to throw smoke bombs in theaters. In the end, he had to take on a fantasy film called Wizards, but still managed to sneak a level of commentary with how the villain's weapon was Nazi propaganda. I wish I could talk about the other ones, but that would best be saved for his article. If you need more information, I highly recommend that you watch Animation Lookback: Ralph Bakshi on YouTube, which goes over his history. In fact, Mat Brunet, the guy who made it, even got a follow from Bakshi himself on Twitter.
135Since we now have an article on Nintendo, how about covering the other scumbags in the gaming industry: ActivisionWikipedia (Most famously known for the Blitzchung Controversy. As well as several allegations of sexual harassement & discrimination, workplace harassement, multiple workplace walkouts…), UbisoftWikipedia (most recently known for the sexual misconduct accusations leaked out in 2020 and their boss feigning ignorance and delivering a half-botched excuse & several controversies around Watch Dogs: Legion, such as hiring a Transphobic voice actress), Electronic ArtsWikipedia (Most famously known for their loot boxes (which they later on called "Surprise Mechanics") that they put in almost every single game, including their FIFA series. Which led to this happening. Which led to EA embarrassing itself by trying to sue one of these countries for following their laws. As well as other criticisms that pushed the other wiki to give it its own page), KonamiWikipedia (on how it treats its employees and former employees) & Acclaim EnterainmentWikipedia. The latter one went bankrupt in 2004 due to its own stupidity. This video explains some stuff that isn't mentioned in the Wikipedia article, such as animal abuse.
54Murdoch MurdochCreate draft ([109]). A Far-Right Propaganda animation series that is literally a hideously ugly Wojak clip-art eyesore. I'm surprised RationalWiki doesn't have an article on this Far-Right Propaganda animation series.
82Pipkin PippaCreate draft. A VTuberWikipedia who works for PhaseConnect, it is under this agency that she has been enabled to dogwhistle to an Alt-Right/Far-Right/Neo-Nazi audience (especially /pol/ and Kiwi Farms) and continuously get away with: In this clip, you can see Pipkin Pippa manipulating her Japanese co-worker into thinking that Kiwi Farms is a 'good place' (when in reality, it's actually a Alt-Right/Far-Right/Neo-Nazi honeypot, and a cyberbully honeypot), calling them her "Kiwi Bros". In this timestamp you can see her clearly reacting positively to the notion of Joshua Moon talking about her over on Kiwi Farms (Thhrang (A.K.A. Granthh) (the user who initiated the conversation about Moon in that clip) later went on to become a mod in her chat. During this time he was not only ACTIVE on Kiwi Farms but also facilitated+encouraged her breaking moral and ethical rules. This ended w/ him being fired. Thhrang (A.K.A. Granthh) also supported and encouraged interactions with former GamerGate figures such as Mister Metokur (of whom Pipkin Pippa is a big fan of) (and it also still doesn't help that Mister Metokur is an unironic fan of Murdoch Murdoch (a Far-Right Propaganda animation series))). In this clip, you can see Pipkin Pippa heartlessly mocking George Floyd's death in the context of a "Cop VTuber" debuting. In this clip, you can see her denying the Holocaust and heartlessly laughing about it (Note: Due to the full stream being RIGHTFULLY taken down by PhaseConnect, this is the only footage from that stream that was saved). In this clip, you can see her unironically believing in the Jewish Question with her chat. And lastly, here, she references the extremely infamous "Happy Merchant" meme after being donated "Shekels", asks "Is that too far?", and then laughs. This is just the tip of the iceberg regrading Pipkin Pippa's true colors, as there is so much more of her Far-Right bigotry that has been neglected.
80E;RCreate draft. Also known as ERofthesemicolon, EsemicolonR, and PUNISHE;R. E;R is a Far-Right/Crypto-Fascist movie reviewer who mostly uses the "I'm just playing a character" card to make everybody be brainwashed into unironically believing his lies that his Far-Right political beliefs and extremely unsubtle Far-Right dogwhistles are just "Jokes" (E;R himself even admitted that all of his so-called "Jokes" are actually him trying to Red-Pill everybody into believing the Jewish Question over on his Gab account in November 2017). Some of his most infamous videos are: His Steven Universe review were he used the David Reimer & John Money gender reassignment controversy of 1966 as a straw-man for why LGBTQ people are all "monsters" and pedophiles, and even inserted a 4-minute-long unedited Hitler speech about how Jews control everything, his so-called "Non-Racist" review of Get Out which was basically him being extremely racist to black people for 39 minutes (with a side of TONS of blackface-type imagery), etc. I'm surprised RationalWiki doesn't have an article on him that documents all of his dogwhistle-filled reviews.
14A few additions could be made to the list of cranks and pseudoastrologers that can be found around the internet, who mess around with physics they don't understand and 'prove Einstein wrong' and the like. Here are a few so far that aren't on RW yet: One is Roger Anderton, who has some videos on youtube that are exactly what you'd expect of doing maths and physics wrong, it seems similar to what Stephen Crothers does and things that Robitaille creates crank rants about, and those both have entire personal pages. Another one I can't immediately find any more, perhaps someone else here has more luck, but at least a few years back the stuff was easy to find: some Russian aeronautics/aerospace engineer who had some website and youtube videos, a lot with ugly yellow background, of course all about how 'Einstein was wrong', you know the drill, I seem to remember he called his own stuff 'absolutism', or something similar, but obviously a search on that gets you all kinds of things that are unrelated so if someone knows and remembers or finds them, those can also be added to the crackpot list.
13Science and Nonduality is basically the kind of combination of science woo and gibberish you'd expect. It could fit on some existing pages about woo, maybe it doesn't need its own full page.
147Brothers of Italy.Wikipedia Founded in 2012 after they split from this man's party. The winners of the 2022 Elections. Right-wing to Far-Right party that has a Neo-Fascist faction aswell. Have been apologetic towards Mussolini, aswell having some Mussolinis in their Party. Conservative & Nationalistic twats, who are also anti-migration, Eurosceptic, against Euthanasia & Abortion and some other things worth mentioning, like certain hand gestures. They're also BFF's with the UK Conservative Party, The Republicans, Vox and their leader, Giorgia MeloniWikipedia seems to be good buddies with this fine fella.
103Boomers.Wikipedia I'm surprised the wiki doesn't have an article on Boomers yet, considering the current intergenerational divide and associated strife, as well as the gerontocracyWikipedia that is the United States.
84El Yunque (organization)Wikipedia which is either a secret Roman Catholic organisation committed to using all means (legal and illegal) to preserve the church's power, or is a baseless conspiracy theory. It seems to focus on Mexico and to a lesser extent other Spanish-speaking countries, but is also allegedly active in the USA.
87There is a website humancondition.comCreate draft about 'the human condition', mainly stuff from Jeremy Griffith,Wikipedia a biologist, whose work the late Harry ProsenWikipedia greatly advocates. At a first glance, the quality of the material is dubious, but some of it seems almost cult-like with 'transformation affirmations' from people who feel 'transformed' through this eye-opening material. Some of it also reads dubiously like psychoanalysis or at least its kinds of immunising strategies or weird claims. Like 'people naturally unconsciously stop listening and don't want to hear about this subject that I come to tell an important truth about, but I was lucky to not have this aversion so I could understand it and share it and it will save us all', this is almost literally the message, which, for something that claims to be based in science, is awfully propagandistic and evangelical. It is a trademarked organisation 'World Transformation Movement', and the first video after an interview they have is literally 'your block to the most wonderful of all gifts', which reads an awful lot like claims from psychoanalysis, which is of course always right because it already explains that people will reject it for unconscious reasons that psychoanalysis explains, and similar immunising strategies of pseudoscience. Further it has some political aspects, mentioning somewhere 'death by dogma left wing threat' and 'saving western civilisation from left wing dogma', while not having any such thing on 'right wing' or 'capitalism'. Perhaps the titles are just clickbaity and it goes into it in nuance in the essays themselves, but some of it is raising some flags, though I couldn't be bothered to check everything yet. So because it is so questionable, perhaps some good rationalists of various backgrounds need to look into it and create a write up of their findings in articles here on RW. There are ads for this stuff regularly popping up on youtube on just about anything for different people, so as it attempts to force its way into popular discourse, it seems in need of some rational treatment.
93Looking for DarwinCreate draft, a book by Lloyd Spencer Davis, might deserve its own article, as it proclaims to be "a search for meaning in a world that pits evolution against creationism, Intelligent Design of an all-seeing God versus the blind hand of Natural Selection". Considering the subject of many articles here, it sounds like it deserves a place in that discussion, while so far it isn't there anywhere, not even mentioned on any page as paragraph or source.
106Vertical farmingWikipedia and the claimed environmental benefits.
56Klaus Schwab,Wikipedia founded the World Economic Forum, and is seen as being a mastermind of the Great Reset by crazy conspiracy theorists.
7Neil Horan,Wikipedia defrocked Irish Catholic priest known for his outrageous protests preaching about the end times, the most infamous of which is perhaps the incident in the 2003 Formula 1 Grand Prix, besides his antisemitic leanings and support for Adolf Hitler. Not only that, he was also alleged to have played an indecent game of hide-and-seek with a little girl, though was unfortunately acquitted; he did, however, show support for convicted actor and paedophile Rolf HarrisWikipedia, as Neil was spotted outside the court during Harris's trial.
12Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons,Wikipedia German federal agency responsible for examining and censoring media they deem to be dangerous for the youth. While born out of good intentions, e.g. atoning for past sins done by the Nazis, some of their decisions reeked of crankery, e.g. the ban on River RaidWikipedia as a knee-jerk reaction to a moral panic, and on the use of Nazi imagery by video games, the censorship of which ultimately backfired on them, when efforts by game developers to bowlderise the likes of Wolfenstein in order for them to be legally sold in Germany amounted more to Holocaust denial than protecting the youth, as it essentially strips the games of the historical elements it uses extensively for its narrative.
29Ziauddin Sardar,Wikipedia British-Pakistani writer on Islam and author of Thomas KuhnWikipedia and the Science Wars.
28Richard SwinburneWikipedia: English professor in philosophy of science and philosophy of religion.
11People of Praise,Wikipedia a charismatic Christian organisation notable for teaching that women should be subservient to men as well as anti-LGBT policies. Known for its association with US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.[110]
22American Council on Science and HealthWikipedia — I'm surprised we don't have an article on this already, considering it is an industry-funded group masquerading as a group of skeptics in order to spread propaganda against government regulation. Hell, there are some articles on this very site citing them as if they are a reliable source!
-30That Vegan Teacher;Wikipedia she is basically PETA, but as a person. She is a homophobe and antisemite, went after YouTubers like PewDiePie and MrBeast, and made her dog vegan.
55Vladislav Surkov,Wikipedia Kremlin chief propagandist 1999-2020
32George H. Smith,Wikipedia prolific American atheist author
45Jared DiamondWikipedia American geographer, historian and award winning best selling author of popular science books
128"Queen" Romana DiduloWikipedia, a Philippine-born British Columbian crackpot who claims to be the "Queen of Canada" and has become involved with QAnon and other whack-job groups and conspiracy theories.[111]
120The Federalist (website)Wikipedia: Conservative website known to post misinformation. According to their page on the other wiki, they used to have a "Black crime" tag on their website, and publish pseudoscience. Top hits from their headlines department include "For Christians, Dying From COVID (Or Anything Else) Is A Good Thing" and "Pedophilia Isn’t The Main Problem With Catholic Priests, Homosexuality Is".
13Interfaith dialogueWikipedia: The practice of promoting positive relations between religions. Some alternative terms have popped up in recent years such as "interbelief dialogue" or "interpath dialogue" to be inclusive towards irreligious groups.
21Dan PenaWikipedia: I Have mistrusted the trillion dollar man since i heard him with his climate change denial. It got worse with his anti snowflake crap and the fact that he seems legit. I Think he fits the site's mission given that he is a pretty batshit especially regarding climate change
116Gays Against Groomers: Twitter account & site. Basically LGB Alliance (whom they actually follow on twitter). Some other notable and very interesting people that this "organisation" follows. And someone that is following them, despite having no issues with Trans people anymore according to our article. Some sources: 1 2 3.
8Graham Phillips,Wikipedia a British pro-Russian "journalist", who has various times breached the Geneva Conventions by harassing and interrogating POWs for propaganda purposes. Recently got sanctioned by his own country.
92Firearms Policy CoalitionCreate draft Is a fringe lobbyist group that advocates for weapon deregulation in the United States. Arguably more extreme than the GOA.
13Steven GundryWikipedia is a heart surgeon that has turned into a woomeister promoting lectins as an enemy to health.
95sv3rigeCreate draft (aka. Goatis) a Youtube personality who poses as a nutritionist. He's a flat-earther, anti-vegan, anti-vaxxer, raw meat eater, grifter, germ theory and covid denialist and an all-around crank magnet. He loves to call everything unnatural.
99TFP Student ActionCreate draft Is a branch from the American TFP society (tradition, family, property), very devious and manipulative group of young (well dressed) Catholics who travel the states protesting for right wing solutions to problems as well as running chivalry camps which are basically right wing indoctrination centres for kids
101KundaliniWikipedia is a loose new-age concept becoming popular in mainstream circles and celebrities, and also a bogeyman in religious circles; for example when you push someone to explain how they know Beyonce sold their soul they bring up her "Kundalini awakening" and how it helps her dance
89Mark MeechanWikipedia: also known as "Count Dankula", is a white nationalist who got his claim-to-fame through being arrested for teaching his dog how to do the Nazi Salute. He's a far-right libertarian who hides his true nature under the excuse of comedy and "trolling", and he also once operated with Carl Benjamin in UKIP to run on a far-right platform
107The Kali YugaWikipedia: In Hinduism, this is supposed to be the dark age in a supposed four-stage cycle, with the other three being the Satya Yuga, the Treta Yuga, and the Dvapara Yuga. It has been been incorporated into esoteric fascist philosophy multiple times since the 1930s, often with a particular interest in its predicted end and the subsequent dawn of the Satya Yuga (a golden age), which is comparable to the Christian end times or the Germanic pagan Ragnarok. It has also crept into many New Age movements, unfortunately this usually comes by way of the the aforementioned esoteric fascist philosophy.
89William Henry HarrisonCreate draft: The 9th and first president to die in office
17Popular PsychologyWikipedia Popular Science while not rigorously scientific is useful for teaching the general public scientific ideas. Same with Pop Psychology. Unfortunately, Psychology is already a "soft" science rife with opinion and unreproducable ideas. Popular Psychology is sometimes barely indistinguishable from self-help ideas.
70NarcissismWikipedia The Pop Psychology concept, not the Personality disorder. Popularized by Psychs such as Doctor Romani (A survivor) and Sam Vaknin, an admitted and proud NPD sufferer who calls God and Jesus narcissists, promotes his own brand of self-projected psychological woo, generally paints a negative perception of Psychology of the "Psychology calls people/views people as 'objects'" sort. He calls it a "loss of ego" and his self a "life-threatening vacuum". This sort of pseudopsychology is damaging because it preys on abuse survivors and gives then extremely maladaptive coping patterns for trauma, starting a cycle of failed relationships and many people who believe this stuff think they're "drawn" to Narcissists and every relationship they had in the past was with one if it failed. Ironically might be a way to avoid accountability in some cases.
86I think that an article on this crank website called serendipity.liCreate draft and the author Peter Meyer would be cool.
84Jesus Strikes Back: Judgment DayWikipedia A third-person shooter in the vein of Hatred and Ethnic Cleansing themed around inciting violence against liberal and LGBTQ+ groups. Despite making claims that the game (along with others such as the Christchurch-themed The Shitposter) is "satire" ostensibly to poke fun at cancel culture and the current sociopolitical climate, developer 2Genderz Productions is clearly intending to troll and sow controversy through their so-called "games" based on their antisemitic and racially-charged drivel on their website.
101Thought MoralityCreate draft (couldn't come up with a better title) is the belief that thoughts can be categorized under morality. Religious people are most likely to think that some thoughts are immoral, a sin, or a crime.
-26Pooh-poohWikipedia is a fallacy in informal logic that consists of dismissing an argument as being unworthy of serious consideration
14Richard TolWikipedia is a so called economic from Essex university who claims climate change is good for the economy actually and stopping it is bad in so many flipping publications that is spam any search results about economic impacts of climate change and took too much digging to figure out he is a scambag, Wikipedia have some red flags like mentioning he is beloved by the republicans and some of his buddies have pages here that show they are fossil fuel buddies,
124Bad Webcomics WikiCreate draft is a riffing website that covers webcomics of questionable quality. While sometimes accurate with their criticisms towards webcomics like Sonichu, the community has a heavy right-wing slant with many of it's prominent members being alt-right apologists and sycophantic towards comic writers like Stonetoss, frequently engaging in transphobia and other reactionary behavior both on certain reviews and in their forum on Tapatalk.
17Junípero SerraWikipedia: A Spanish Roman Catholic priest and missionary who founded a number of Spanish missions in California. Beatified by Pope John Paul II on 25 September 1988 and canonized by Pope Francis on 23 September 2015 amid denunciations by Indigenous American tribes who criticise Serra over accusations of brutal subjugation, cultural genocide and forced conversions. However, while Native Americans did not take kindly to Serra, some have accused them of fostering cancel culture through vandalism of monuments and renaming of institutions established in Serra's name.
120CutiesCreate draft: A 2020 French coming-of-age drama about a Senegalese Muslim girl who is struggling between her family's conservative upbringing and the prospect of her joining a dance crew. It became more well known for the controversy it generated and how both sides of the American political spectrum are upset about the perceived pedophilic content of the film despite assertions by both its director and Netflix that the film was intended to criticise the sexualisation of young girls.
60Mahavatar BabajiWikipedia is said to be a yogi who has living for more then 2000 years and has supernatural abilities.
59PharmakeiaWikipedia is a word used in the bible in a couple of places translated to witchcraft or sorcery (depending on the translation). This is why Harry Potter is seen as bad in some circles, but the word has a connotation to "drugs" and has been used as a reason to not take the COVID-19 vaccine in recent years. The drug connotation is not new but was likely isolated to Christian Scientists and some puritans.
9Adam SomethingCreate draft[112] is a BreadTuber with over 700K subscribers. His videos are often about transportation and city building as subject, along with critique about capitalism. His most popular videos take shots at Elon Musk and Dubai. As of recent he also closely covers the Russo-Ukrainian War.
139 A Tankie glossary, similar to those for the ones made for the Alt-right, TERFs, and the Manosphere, might be a good idea.
27 Surrogacy when a woman uses her body to give birth to someone else's baby. Many different groups fight over whether this should be illegal: LGBT, feminists, TERFS, conservatives, the Catholic Church, etc. An interesting topic for this wiki to cover as there are many different opinions on whether or not it should be illegal. With so many different groups with different opinions crankery is bound to be found. Perfect for this wiki.
-38"Personal choice" is a thing that people bring up when they decide not to take safety precautions because they desire a sort of freedom. Some elaboration and counter-arguments would be nice.
47An umbrella reviewWikipedia is known to be scholarly pieces of evidence. They are reviews of systematic-reviews and meta-analyses.
41John RosemondWikipedia is a American pseudopsychologist associated with the American College of Pediatricians. Some of his popular advice to new parents includes: never bending down to children, always saying "because I said so" when giving a command, denying any treatment for ADHD (as it's non-existent according to him), potty training toddlers by forcing them to be naked and physically moving them to the toilet when they have an inevitable accident, AND LOCKING YOUR FUCKING KID IN THEIR ROOM FOR A MONTH IF THEY HIT YOU. His abusive methods of parenting are popular on nanny blogs and was featured on a PragerU video about raising obedient kids.
13Wang JingweiWikipedia: The Asian Vidkun Quisling/Benedict Arnold. Headed the Japanese collaborationist government based in Nanjing during World War II.
120Hồ Chí MinhWikipedia: The founding father of modern Vietnam as well as one of the most well known Asian communist leaders. He deserves to have an article of his own.
147Patriot PrayerWikipedia: Far-right organization that has hosted numerous pro-Trump rallies since their foundation in 2016. Have ties to the Proud Boys and some militia movement groups. Not-so-fun fact: Jeremy Joseph Christian,Wikipedia the man responsible for the 2017 Portland train attack in which he murdered two people (and was sentenced to life without parole in 2020 for it) had attended a few Patriot Prayer rallies.
99Mobutu Sese SekoWikipedia: Batshit insane dictator of Zaire from 1965 to 1997. Know for his lavish and pimp-tastic outfits and for being a one-man kleptocracy. He's covered in the article about the Democratic Republic of the Congo but deserves to have his own page.
85Vaccine Choice CanadaWikipedia: Canada's leading anti-vaxxer organization.
98Cultured Person BroadcastingCreate draft: Japanese far-right television channel and YouTube channel associated with Netto-uyoku. They are known to engage in war crime denial (in regards to Imperial Japan's numerous atrocities during World War II) and also engange in anti-Chinese, anti-Korean, and xenophobic propaganda.

2021 [​edit​]

9Roman BalmakovWikipedia is a renowned American journalist who worked as senior account executive at Epoch TimesWikipedia a conservative newspaper owned by Chinese Falun Gong, after initially worked as newspaper delivery guy there. In 2020 banned by Facebook, and now he moved promoting his views at Youtube
17William S. Lind,Wikipedia American conservative figure, chief proponent of the Cultural Marxism theory. He is directly quoted by mass shooters Breivik and Tarrant in their manifestos.
10Draconian constitutionWikipedia was enforced by Draco in Athens. Basically, minor criminals were dealt with harshly, some even getting the death penalty. What other places have implemented it and how has it backfired?
35Mark RutteWikipedia is Prime Minster of the Netherlands for over ten years and still running. While he and his conservative-liberal Party VVDWikipedia have won the elections for four consecutive times, he himself, his Party and his cabinet have met several controversies, most notoriously the benefit scandal.
99Yeonmi ParkWikipedia is a defector from North Korea aka the DPRK, running the channel Voice of North Korea who shot to fame thanks to her pretty outlandish claims of North Korean life and with regards to her escape. She made the rounds on UN panels and big podcasts warning against "woke culture", political correctness and the dangers they pose to freeze peach and, ultimately, to freedom in the west. Here's an article by the Diplomat covering the questionable veracity of her story, and and here's another article covering her more recent antics.
44Alan Melikdjanian,Wikipedia aka, Captain Disillusion is a YouTuber who has made several videos debunking fake CGI viral videos, including some associated with scams, conspiracy theories/aliens, and the paranormal. He has an extensive knowledge of CGI, to the point where he can sometimes pinpoint the exact video effects used in a video (or at least the general library) and has also done a video on the differences between skepticism and denialism.
41Éric ZemmourWikipedia is the rising star of French Far-Right politics likely to displace Le Pen in the 2022 elections or push her to be even more far-right to survive, promising to be the extremist France needs in the clash of civilizations.
66Volt EuropaWikipedia is a pro-European, progressive leaning political movement, founded in response to the growing populism and the Brexit.
31Klaus SchwabWikipedia is economist and founder and executive chairman of the World Economic ForumWikipedia. He is also target of many conspiracy theorists and often linked to "the Great Reset".
50Reiner FuellmichCreate draft, grifting lawyer at the center of hyped (e.g. [113]) "Nuremberg 2.0" plandemic trial.[114][115]
140Pegasus (spyware),Wikipedia spyware from the Israeli firm NSO Pegasus that's reportedly being used by a lot of totalitarian/authoritarian governments to spy on dissidents and journalists. The Guardian did a big investigation.[116] A more general article about spyware might also be good, and could include Pegasus.
90Smart homeWikipedia systems are commonly believed to be spying on their users
12David FrenchWikipedia is a well known NeverTrump republican [41]
41Soka Gakkai InternationalWikipedia is an organization linked to the Soka Gakkai new religious movement. At first glance their teachings are harmless--they're an offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism, they campaign for nuclear disarmament and environmentalism, they conduct humanitarian aid after disasters, etc.--but they appear to be a cult, their financial practices are sketchy, and they encourage the use of chanting their central mantra as a thought-stopping technique. They've been disowned from mainstream Nichiren Buddhism since 1991, but they also claim to be the foremost authority on it.
40WrathOfGnonCreate draft is a "traditionalist", meme-creating, far-right anonymous social media personality that uses discussions of architecture, community & nature to draw people in and then convert them to ideas like "feminism is destructive", "racism isn't a social construct, society is a racial construct," and "Hierarchies are celestial. In Hell, all are equal." Has 107K followers just on Twitter, and is on practically every other social media site too.
42Magdalen Berns,Wikipedia controversial TERF martyr, transphobe, and SWERF.[117][118] She's also blamed by some for the Scottish Government suspending plans to liberalise rules on gender identity (but I can't find a cite beyond forum posts). But apparently a hero to JK Rowling and Graham Linehan and Mumsnet TERF-circles, and the National Review likes her.[119][120][121]
25Tom MacDonald,Wikipedia a Canadian rapper, infamous for songs as 'Whiteboy', 'Straight White Male', among others. His catalogue attracts an audience in the libertarian/republican, anti-SJW corner. Also keen believer of conspiracy theories, like the illuminati.
107Naomi Wolf,Wikipedia the once-regarded feminist intellectual who wrote The Beauty MythWikipedia and is now a conspiracy theorist (5G a speciality) and Twitter reject.
29David Starkey‎Wikipedia - British historian and TV personality best known for a long series of idiotic remarks on race that have flared up into major media scandals (from the 2011 riots to 2020 BLM protests), still writing for various contrarian publications.
37First Class FatherhoodCreate draft is a conservative podcast hosted by Alec Lace that has featured the "fatherly wisdom" of an array of far-right Trump supporters, including Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, Eric Trump, Jack Posobiec, Mike Pompeo, Mike Lindell, Sebastian Gorka, Dean Cain, Dinesh D'Souza and Jesse Lee Peterson.
140The Phenomenon (2020 film)Wikipedia: supposedly "The most credible documentary about UFOs". Cites loon Jacques ValléeWikipedia
17The Morning of the MagiciansWikipedia (French: Le Matin des magiciens) is a book published in 1960 that was influential in the counterculture's embrace of conspiracy theories and the occult. Neither of the authors, Louis PauwelsWikipedia and Jacques Bergier,Wikipedia has an article on RationalWiki, though the latter is cited in the article on alchemy. Several of the book's more prominent critics at the French Rationalist UnionWikipedia published a rebuttal in 1965 called The Twilight of the Magicians (French: Le crépuscule des Magiciens), and one of the rebuttal's authores, Jean-Claude Pecker,Wikipedia is cited, though not in-line, in the article on alternative cosmology. It's possible that the general absence of articles on these figures is due to a general Anglophone bias on RationalWiki, and perhaps we could be more comprehensive in our coverage of non-Anglophone cranks and rationalists.
31Timothy BallardWikipedia and/or Jim CaviezelWikipedia: Timothy Ballard runs an organization that claims to help fight human trafficking, but he's apparently prone to self-aggrandizement and references to adrenochrome. Jim Caviezel is an actor best known for playing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is totally not antisemitic, who is also playing Timothy Ballard in an upcoming movie, and who thinks that Ballard is "saving victims of trafficking" who were victims of "adrenochroming". Caviezel is also a fan of abortion and prefers doing sex scenes fully clothed.
150Black HammerCreate draft: an org run by one Gazi Kodzo, formerly a high-level officer in the African People's Socialist PartyWikipedia until they deemed him a public embarrassment. Known for anti-white supremacy and decolonial efforts taken to the VERY extreme, including anti-Semitism in the thinnest of trappings of anti-white supremacy, having a "Reparations Corps" for white allies to pay their way into (complete with steep payment tiers), and attempting to start a commune in the mountains of Colorado as of late, with no confirmed water rights and a harsh microclimate at the altitude of their potential settlement site. To quote @RabbitThoughts on Twitter: "I've no idea whether this is a cult, a grift, or just dreamers with no life experience. Either way, people could get hurt."
35Making Karajou Funny Part ThreeCreate draft: Karajou has recently restarted making karatoons for Conservapedia's side bar. They are somehow worse than the ones from 10 years ago.
53FreedomToonsCreate draft is a right-wing libertarian YouTube channel that is heavily biased against the Democratic Party and the progressive movement. Video titles include "Ben Shapiro REKS Ocasio Cortez", "How Socialism Killed Venezuela", and "The Debunkers VS Gun Control BS." The owner of the YouTube channel is Seamus Coughlin, who also happens to have connections with the Foundation for Economic Education.
21 I'm slightly surprised that there's no article on Jeremy Bentham.Wikipedia
41 George AlexopoulosCreate draft, a so-called "moderate" who's actually an alt-right grifter infamous for making comics involving dramatic strawmen of leftists and liberals while trying to paint conservatives as refined in the most blatantly false manner.
37I know it's briefly discussed in censorship, freedom of speech and social media, but perhaps we should have a whole article focusing on Big Tech censorship free expression on social mediaCreate draft. People from various political positions argue that we should "break up" and "democratize" online monopolies, extend free speech rights to online corporations, we need a "Bill of Rights for the Internet", and so on so forth. And ever since Twitter (finally) banned Donald Trump from its platform, many worry that this sets a dangerous precedent, i.e., that a few people in Silicon Valley can silence the POTUS. I feel like we should address the misconceptions, argumentative flaws, and possibly legitimate concerns when this topic comes up in one article.
14The anti-porn National Center on Sexual ExploitationWikipedia probably deserves an article. They used to be known as Morality in Media, until they rebranded. Special notice to the way they've clumsily co-opted feminist language to support their bullshit ideas. They basically think there is no such thing as a sex worker that isn't being exploited. They make a lot of specious claims. However, they happen to be on the right side in the Pornhub controversy, though obviously because they want to get rid of all porn and any reason will do.
45God’s Not Dead: We the PeopleCreate draft is an upcoming film and fourth installment of the God's Not Dead franchise. The film is currently in production so not much is known about the film except that it will loosely be inspired by the classic Frank Capra film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. The film is described as centering on "Reverend Dave (David A.R. White) who has to defend himself and a group of Christian homeschooling families after an inspection by a local government official" and "Reverend Dave finds himself at the defense of a group of Christian homeschooling families after they receive an impromptu inspection by a progressive, local-government official – who doesn’t like what she finds."
43IM Mastery AcademyCreate draft (formerly known as IMarketsLive) is a multi-level marketing scheme founded by Christopher Terry that supposedly centers around foreign exchange(forex) trading.
41Just FactsCreate draft, something I found when doing research on Kiribati. It disguises itself as a nonpartisan, completely objective source while promoting climate denial, opposing any kind of government interference on the free market, and other right-libertarian bullshit. It's essentially a more subtle version of PragerU. Here's its website and here's its entry on Media Bias/Fact Check in case anyone wants to get started.
16Gina CaranoWikipedia is a former Star Wars actress who was recently fired after previously mocking the Black Lives Matter movement,[42] making transphobic jokes,[43] sharing misinformation online about COVID-19 mask mandates,[44] spreading conspiracy theories about voter fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election,[45] and comparing conservatives to victims of the Holocaust.[46]
45Brandon StrakaWikipedia is a self-proclaimed "former liberal" who founded the #WalkAway movement to convince liberals to leave the Democratic Party. Straka participated in the U.S. Capitol attack on January 6, 2021 and was later arrested by FBI agents for doing so on January 25, 2021.[47]
39Hipster ChristianityCreate draft is a style of Evangelical Christianity that attempts to appeal to younger generations by incorporating modern music into their sermons and constant use of social media platforms such as Twitter. The pastors at these churches are often young guys wearing modern casual clothing, horned rimmed glasses, and may even have tattoos and/or piercings to appear hip. However, beneath Hipster Christianity's modernized surface hides the same old far right social conservatism and religious fundamentalism as their evangelical predecessors.
20Joshua P. WarrenCreate draft, a minor hollywood actor who eventually spun off into a Reality Show and "Documentary" Paranormal Investigator, attached to many dubious projects over the years.
24CounterPunchWikipedia is an apparently prominent left-ish online (and formerly print) magazine. They're apparently somewhat well-respected—recent contributors include Noam Chomsky and Richard D. WolffWikipedia—but they've been accused of publishing Russian propaganda, and they've published Gilad Atzmon. I'm not sure what to make of them, but judging by the references to them in existing RW articles, plenty of people have opinions on them.
11I'm surprised there isn't a page on California governor Gavin NewsomWikipedia
32Demolition ManWikipedia is a 1993 American science fiction action film directed by Marco Brambilla and stars Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. The story makes allusions to classic science fiction stories including Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, and H.G. Wells' The Sleeper Awakes. Though it was initially viewed as a over the top big budget action film when it was released, in recent years (especially due to COVID-19) it has garnered a massive cult following with many seeing it as an eerie prediction of today's socio-political climate such as the rise of political correctness and government overreach.
18Campus ReformWikipedia is a conservative news website focused on higher education. It trains conservative students to monitor, surveil and report on the speech and actions of left-leaning professors, students and campus activist groups for the organization’s daily blog. It is operated by the Leadership Institute.
77Water from airCreate draft, a recurring green tech scam based on bad science. A Water-from-air device is a dehumidifier that's marketed as a water source. These devices can't function in dry climates where they would be desirable, and are unnecessary in wet climates where they would sort of work at least some of the time. In many cases these devices are designed in such a way that makes them function worse than legit dehumidifiers, if they work at all. Regardless, any water they do produce is not fit for human consumption, at least not without a ton of filtering.
42Christian WalkerCreate draft is an internet personality and the son of former NFL football player Herschel Walker. Like his father, Christian is an obnoxiously staunch Donald Trump supporter, and and has openly called the Black Lives Matter movement “a terrorist organization” and the “KKK in black face”. He is actively involved on TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram which he uses to spread bigotry and misinformation.
84OneTasteWikipedia (sometimes spelt One Taste), providers of orgasmic meditation services (apparently they make men pay large amounts of money to masturbate women members). Seems to be a scam or cult, and they've been in trouble with the law.[122][123] Orgasmic meditation is briefly mentioned in meditation but might be worth a more general article if there are other significant practitioners beyond OneTaste.
150EnergiewendeCreate draft is Germany's transition away from nuclear power and towards renewables. Most of the nuclear reactors have been shut down. Unfortunately, this will inevitably delay the closure of coal-fired power plants. The project has faced difficulties in developing sufficient renewable infrastructure.


  1. https://sandwalk.blogspot.com/2007/02/genetics-of-eye-color.html
  2. https://www.democracynow.org/2019/4/22/headlines/fbi_arrests_leader_of_militia_that_detained_migrants_at_gunpoint
  3. https://www.facebook.com/pg/United-Constitutional-Patriots-1728572740762495/
  4. https://www.businessinsider.com/former-fbi-agent-mark-rossini-says-cia-kept-him-from-helping-stop-911-2015-1
  5. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-hydrogen-gas-a-metal/ Is Hydrogen Gas a Metal? - Scientific American]
  6. https://medium.com/@EugeneVDebian/sutherland-springs-shooter-member-of-far-right-neo-nazi-group-atomwaffen-a358b920fc86
  7. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/eric-dollard-s-advanced-seismic-warning-system-tesla-style
  8. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/eric-dollard-tesla-seismic-warning-system-2-0
  9. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cosmic-induction-generator
  10. https://images.indiegogo.com/medias/1220691/files/20140127114407-Free_Energy_Chapter3page28.pdf?1390852202
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_One_(San_Francisco)#Eric_Dollard_Labs
  12. https://peswiki.com/powerpedia:eric-dollard
  13. https://wiki.naturalphilosophy.org/index.php?title=Eric_P_Dollard
  14. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/technology-for-a-new-future-round-2
  15. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-future-past-of-electricity-the-life-of-eric-dollard
  16. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/eric-dollard-s-advanced-seismic-warning-system-tesla-style
  17. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/eric-dollard-tesla-seismic-warning-system-2-0
  18. https://web.archive.org/web/20130802033249/http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tesla-round-2-the-mission-of-eric-dollard
  19. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cosmic-induction-generator
  20. http://ericpdollard.com
  21. https://www.energeticforum.com/
  22. https://medium.com/@ASEA/cellular-health-and-asea-59293c4001a1
  23. https://www.honeycolony.com/article/redox-signaling-molecules/
  24. https://ldsmag.com/article-1-8152/
  25. https://www.youtube.com/user/ASEAvideo
  26. https://metro.co.uk/2019/06/11/woman-jailed-killing-boyfriend-reptile-alien-cult-turned-9911591/
  27. https://newrepublic.com/article/154012/youtube-became-breeding-ground-diabolical-lizard-cult
  28. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-detroit-news/20130311/281638187636126
  29. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Sherry_Shriner
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49x33Yfd8sQ
  31. https://www.naturalnews.com/048347_aerosolized_vaccines_behavioral_modification_obedience.html
  32. https://www.wanttoknow.info/health/funvax_fundamentalist_vaccine
  33. https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,995465,00.html
  34. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6drs91
  35. "Curse of Flannan Lighthouse and Aleshenka: Russian Mummy". The Unexplained FilesWikipedia. 
  36. "Aleshenka the Kyshtym dwarf". 7 May 2015. 
  37. https://youtu.be/_OzpODjTISc
  38. https://medium.com/@chriscgc2019_32824/the-confirmed-scientific-discoveries-of-chris-cantelmo-banned-u-chriscgc-and-the-central-focus-of-f37a1bb1c7f8
  39. https://www.vice.com/en/article/epx3m7/how-one-man-tried-to-build-a-dmt-based-cult-on-reddit-and-lost-everything
  40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLVrQTd-OHI
  41. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/what-does-david-french-believe-223777
  42. https://popculture.com/celebrity/news/mandalorian-star-gina-carano-receiving-heat-controversial-posts-again/
  43. https://www.insider.com/mandalorian-gina-carano-twitter-tweets-controversy-transphobic-2020-9
  44. https://www.insider.com/fans-call-for-gina-carano-the-mandalorian-removal-anti-mask-2020-11
  45. https://epicstream.com/news/BriConstantino/The-Mandalorian-Star-Gina-Carano-Under-Fire-Again-for-Voter-Fraud-Claims
  46. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-56022084
  47. https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/brandon-straka-omaha-man-arrested-in-connection-to-capitol-riots

2020 [​edit​]

80Jason KenneyCreate draft is the current right-wing populist premier of Alberta, and leader of the United Conservative Party, which formed from a merger before the most recent election. He has been unpopular recently under the COVID-19 pandemic, part of this being that he cut doctor's salaries. His campaign involved a conspiracy theory against Canadian environmental organisations, claiming that they received money from the US in order to prevent Canadian oil from being exported to any country other than the US. He has also been a federal cabinet minister for the Conservative Party. He also has a history of homophobia.
20The BoysWikipedia Is an Amazon Prime original series based on the comic series of the same name that has become popular since it's debut in 2019. It has been praised for it's critique of alt-right ideology and American exceptionalism.[1]
90Human Longevity WooCreate draft seems to be a topic that comes up a lot amongst people who push New Age and alternative medicine. A common talking point for these sorts of promoters involves an ill-defined period in the past when humans weren't being exposed to toxins and had longer lifespans
44Squirrel and HedgehogWikipedia is a North Korean propaganda cartoon that is shown to kids that became popular with furries for some reason. It glorifies military service while demonizing the Japanese, South Koreans, and Americans.
42Wolf Warrior 2Wikipedia is the highest grossing Chinese film of all time, and is also complete propaganda, constantly glorifying Chinese involvement in Africa.
34FactCheckArmenia.comWikipedia is a website whose stated purpose is "exposing Armenian distortions and hypocrisies". Despite the name, it is not a fact-checking website; it publishes false information denying the Armenian Genocide.
15TVP InfoWikipedia is a Polish public news channel run by a state-owned broadcaster. While it isn’t suprising that a populist government is using public media for political purposes, TVP Info is on a whole new level of propaganda. Almost entirety of the air time is spent on either showing how successful the government is (It isn’t.) or on attacking its’ opponents with most absurd accusations and buzzwords, aswell as promoting homophobia (they even made an entire schlockumentary about how „LGBT ideology” is trying to „sexualize children”, while comparing the rise of LGBT rights movement in Poland to an „invasion”), fear of refugees, euroscepticism, religious fundamentalism, Antifa-baiting, George Soros conspiracy theories and demonizing abortion (the last one intensified during the pro-choice protests of late 2020). The channel’s headlines were nicknamed by Poles as „headlines of terror” due to their extremely agressive and fear-mongering contents („Left-wing fascism is destroying Poland”, „Atheists want to take away 500+ (a state welfare program) from Poles”, „LGBT ideology is destroying the family”, „Opposition wants anarchy, because it lost the elections” - these are only few out of hundreds of examples). I’m reminding once again that this is a public station that is funded from people’s taxes. TVP Info’s bullshit definitely influenced the outcome of elections in 2019 and 2020 in favor of the ruling party aswell as general public discourse in Poland and there’s no sign that they’re planning to stop. Even worse, it was recently announced that a new English-language side channel appear in 2021, so the language barrier will no longer protect you.
110The Hammer and ScorecardCreate draft Conspiracy Theory alleging that Joe Biden and Obama stole the election using software developed by noted conman Dennis MontgomeryWikipedia
43Madison Cawthorn,Wikipedia a young GOP congressman from North Carolina who fancies himself as the Republican Party's answer to AOC. However, he is quite possibly a neonazi, given that he has said that visiting Hitler's vacation home was on his bucket list, as well as having been accused by multiple women of being a sexual predator.
18World Contact Day,Wikipedia a "holiday" that occurs every 15th of March where Ufologists mass-think the same paragraph of text in attempt to contact them aliens. Made famous by the song "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" by the Beatles Klaatu.
15Atlas NetworkWikipedia - a network of right-wing "libertarian" (i.e. anti-regulation, anti-environmentalist) organisations, funded by Philip Morris, ExxonMobil, and other Kochs. It has a long history in pro-tobacco bullshit and is involved in a lot of dubious science including the Great Barrington Declaration.[124][125] It's also closely aligned with the State Policy Network which has similar aims, and links to the Cato Institute, etc.[126]
21Cynical Theories,Wikipedia a book produced in August 2020 by two of the perpetrators of the Grievance studies hoaxWikipedia. Cynical Theories, which has become a bestseller, criticizes a boogeyman in the form of "Woke" or "Social Justice" ideology, asserting that all of its various strands - fourth-wave feminism, queer theory, critical race theory, postcolonial theory, intersectionality - are steeped in and derive from 1960s postmodernist philosophy, which they see as opposed to liberalism itself. The book's blurb presents what appear to be straw-man distortions of numerous social justice talking points (e.g. "biological sex doesn't exist", "all white people are racist" etc.) This review outlines how the authors have misrepresented the words of influential writers such as Kristie Dotson and incorrectly characterized certain philosophers as postmodernists who "cannot by any scholarly standard be put into that bucket".
49The Gravel InstituteWikipedia is a progressive media outlet launched in September 2020. Named after Mike Gravel, the former senator from Alaska, the media outlet is designed as a direct aim against PragerU's disinformation and right wing propaganda.
16Brad JonesWikipedia - Better known as the Cinema Snob, he has criticized movies and specials of a right-wing and fundamentalist nature for their bullshit and has expressed left-wing beliefs. Unfortunately, he’s recently been using his platform to make infrequent jabs at “the left” and political correctness and continues to be associated with Channel AwesomeWikipedia even after it went to shit.
37Little Light StudiosCreate draft is a fundamentalist YouTube channel based in Seventh-Day Adventism and specializes in Hollywood conspiracy theories. https://www.youtube.com/c/littlelightstudios/featured
17Howard HughesWikipedia - The original techbro. Billionaire, film producer, aviation magnate, casino owner, etc.. Also known for his obsessive behavior and severe hypochondria that lead to his reclusiveness twards the end of his life.
21Attila HildmannWikipedia - a Turkish-German vegan cookbook author and TV personality, who's also a far-rightist, conspiracy theorist, COVID skeptic, antisemite, and German nationalist?[127][128] Apparently he told a German Jewish group that the anti-COVID measures are worse than the Holocaust, which he elsewhere suggested Jews were responsible for.[129]
124ShungiteWikipedia - a type of rock that some believe protects against "harmful electromagnetic signals and radiations" and has healing powers. Could be at least added as a minor section under 5G.
25Richard D. WolffWikipedia A leftist economics professor who seems to be gaining a lot of traction recently. Social media presence, interviews by other leftists, praised by new york times.
46Work from home,Wikipedia also known as telecommuting,Wikipedia has been an option in white-collar professions for some time now, however the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has forced it to become the norm. This caused some media sources to warn about the potential economic effects of people not buying avocado toast and skinny lattes during their lunches (oh the irony!).
41TheWorldMustKnowCreate draft TheWorldMustKnow, a website run by Jason, the creator of the new "free speech" social media service "WIMKIN" based on the same name. This website is a treasure-trove of yet-to-be properly debunked but yet still nonsense conspiracy theories regarding issues surrounding George Floyd's death, whether or not he really is death, whether it was staged, Bill Gates being tied to Nazis, and generally claiming that the CDC and Dr. Fauci are frauds and that COVID is a hoax. It would be very useful to have these issues debunked to satisfaction with the uprising of the new social media conspiracist haven 'WIMKIN'.
10Robert WoodsonWikipedia is a black conservative civil rights activist and community leader who regularly criticizes the BLM movement, mainly in the form of bringing up black-on-black crime. He also founded the 1776 ProjectWikipedia to counter the (admittingly flawed) 1619 Project,Wikipedia which he claims the assumptions behind it are a form of white supremacy[2]Do You Believe That?.
13Mike S. MillerWikipedia is a comic book artist who is best known for his work in the Injustice: Gods Among Us comics series. Miller is a fundamentalist Christian with very conservative beliefs and openly supports Donald Trump. He proudly boasts his #MAGA allegiances and right-wing views through his creator-owned Blacklist Universe on Indiegogo, which has included Lonestar, the first book from BU, which has been accused of xenophobia, as well as a pro-Trump comic called The MAGAnificent 7, starring MAGA Superman Dean Cain. To no surprise, he was an ally of Comicsgate, an alt-right movement known for it's opposition toward the comic book industry's promotion of diversity and multiculturalism.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9F1mYy9V_u_jkU7gOdVxg https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-maganificent-7#/
5Alex BerensonWikipedia is a novelist and fucking liar whose 2019 anti-marijuana screed "Tell your Children" was denounced by multiple researchers and scientific communities for cherry-picking fear-mongering, and stretching the truth more than just a little[3]. So of course, he is now hyped up by conservatives for grossly downplaying the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic[4].
32Marc DutrouxWikipedia/Regina LoufWikipedia – the former being very much a confirmed murderer and sex offender, the latter probably being a victim who started to suffer from mental health issues and began to make SRA/Pizzagate-esque claims.
65Butch HartmanWikipedia is a disgraced former cartoon creator who thinks that you can pray away autism, among other things. See also this twitter post. His connection to many fundamentalist Christian groups is also missional.
50James A. LindsayWikipedia is a proll most well known for being involved in the creation of the Grievance studies hoax and for trying to politicize 2+2 He also tweeted about us. Despite presenting as a "liberal", he came out as "reluctantly" supporting Trump and the Rupublicans in 2020 (ostensibly because Biden is being controlled by evil postmodernism) to the point of supporting conspiracy theories about the election result, has transphobic tendencies, and has (jokingly) said on twitter that he would let someone sleep with his wife for 10.5 million dollars.
11Marsy's LawWikipedia is an amendment to California's constitution and penal code that gives a special "bill of rights" to alleged crime victims, and expands the power of parole boards to deny parole to prison inmates with life sentences. Similar amendments have been passed in ten states and counting. It has been criticized by the ACLU for undermining the legal rights of the accused.
70Left-wing GlossaryCreate draft. We have glossaries for everything from Feminism to Transgender to Aro/Ace, why not a generic left-wing one?
46Bounding Into ComicsCreate draft is a website that reports on comic culture, comic books and entertainment in general. Bounding Into Comics has been accused of promoting hate through their association with Comicsgate, which rejects progressive themes in comic books. The movement has been described as part of the alt-right movement, and as a harassment campaign which “targets women, people of color, and LGBT folk in the comic book industry”.https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/bounding-into-comics/ https://www.vulture.com/2018/08/comicsgate-a-comic-book-harassment-campaign-is-growing.html
32Philip Giraldi,Wikipedia a former CIA intelligence officer, and crazy anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist. Has his own column on the Unz Review, and likened Jews to "a bottle of rat poison". Believes American Jews started all those wars so they could bring Muslims to replace the whites. Also was once a foreign policy adviser to this fine jackass, as well as a climate change denier.
46Law and JusticeWikipedia Poland's biggest cancer party. Right-wing to Far-right jerks (Wikipedia seems to be in denial about the "Far-Right" part, but that's probably their shitty WPOV in action... (Two people seem to call them "Far-Left")). Against abortion, Homophobic, Created an "LGBT free zone" in Poland, Nationalists, Islamophobes and has embraced the Religious Right like the Republicans did.
32Common Sense Media,Wikipedia an organisation devoted to protecting children from harmful media influences by promoting age ratings, banning sales to minors, restricting children's time viewing media, promoting privacy rights, etc. Its funders cover a range of political views but include hate-monger Republicans like Charles R. SchwabWikipedia, and it has partnerships with many media companies. Lead figure Jim SteyerWikipedia is a campaigner for privacy rights especially for children, and a lead figure in the anti-Facebook group Stop Hate For Profit. Is it common sense? Is its science correct? Is it censorship of things kids should see, or defence against evil corporations?
17Dan BonginoWikipedia is a right wing political commentator and pro-Trump supporter who's entire career is "owning the libs".
18Andrew Klavan,Wikipedia a neoconservative pundit and one of Ben Shapiro's best friends. Not-so-ironically a Global warming denier.
62KillstreamCreate draft, The far-right podcast/livestream hosted by Ethan RalphCreate draft.
10Tom Woods,Wikipedia A paleolibertarian/paleoconservative writer and one of the founding members of League of the South, and quite a defender of the ol' south to the point that he called abolitionists "utterly reprehensible"[5]. Has a youtube channel where he spews his opinions[6].
37Last Ounce of CourageWikipedia is a Christian propaganda film about a small town mayor's personal vendetta against "the war on Christmas". It's about as ridiculous and moronic as it sounds.
51Cody WilsonWikipedia: Wikipedia page on him. Founder of Hatreon,Wikipedia Gun-nut, had an interview with Glenn Beck in 2013, Crypto-Anarchist (whatever the heck that is) and has had some legal issues, one which includes having sex with a 16 year old and another one for beating up a child (which he got 7 years for).
8Laura Agustín,Wikipedia the migrations scholar better known for disputing the idea that sex trafficking is an actually statistically significant issue rather than a fig leaf for persecuting prostitutes under the guise of "rescuing" them. Coined the term "rescue industry" for the set of well-funded orgs that promote the idea of sex trafficking as significant and perform the "rescue", as well as their supporters.
30The Trump ProphecyWikipedia is a 2018 Christian political propaganda film based on the ravings of a retired firefighter with PTSD who claims to have been told by God that Donald Trump would becomes president. Described by Vox as a depiction of Christian nationalism in the United States, The Trump Prophecy was released in a time when the idea that God was responsible for Trump winning the election was shared by several evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham, Richard Land, and Robert Jeffress.
96Gareth Icke,Wikipedia a singer-songwriter who is Dave's son, and has some really "interesting" views on things like vaccines, Soros, and the coronavirus.
2Killer MikeWikipedia is a rapper of Run the Jewels. Mike is known for being a social and political activist, focusing on subjects including social inequality, police brutality, and systemic racism. On May 29, 2020, Mike spoke during a press conference with Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms in response to the death of George Floyd and the ensuing protests in Atlanta and other major US cities.
112HatreonWikipedia: Basically Patreon if it was founded by the Alt-Right, Far Right and those that have an obsession with the Second Amendment
117Ian Miles CheongCreate draft, an alt-right "journalist" who spreads misinformation and propaganda, and has history with GamerGate.
43Homonationalism,Wikipedia or how some LGBT+ people (specifically gay people) learned to stop worrying and love far-right ideology.
48The Hodge TwinsCreate draft are YouTubers, fitness experts, and stand-up comedians. Together, they own and operate the Hodgetwins fitness and entertainment brand. In recent years, they've become actively political and have come out as insufferable right wingers in support of Donald Trump.
2Denis RancourtWikipedia is a former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa best known for his years-long legal battle with his former employer over his 2009 firing, which he claims was politically motivated. An avid climate change denier, Rancourt most recently published a "study" purporting to prove that facemasks, lockdowns, and social distancing do not help against Covid-19, and that we should NOT try to stop it.
75Dead Horse InterchangeCreate draft: Link. Think Kiwi Farms, minus the doxxing. The majority of it's members are people who left the Farms, because of the doxxing. They have some pretty "interesting" topics in their politics sections. Such as Islam, Sweden, Germany, Feminism & SJW's, China, Black Lives Matter, How Dubya is worser than The Donald, Xi Jinping & The CCP, How the EU is banning Memes, The UK, California (Which they call "Commiefornia") & The "God Emperor" Megathread. They also have a lolcow section, or like they called it: "Internet Nobodies". Most notable topics there are: the one on Noah Antwiler from The Spoony Experiment (more than 2200 pages as of 24/05/2020), 2 topics on John Bain aka TotalBiscuit (literally celebrating his death, shortly after he succumbed to cancer), Angry Joe, Hbomberguy, Laci Green, Jim Sterling, The Skeptic Community, ProJared & Article 13. The owner of the site (Poonoo) has an interesting youtube channel aswell. If you look at the thumbnails for his "Atop The 5th Wall" video's, you'll see in the background a poster from a guy playing a guitar that has an interesting pattern on it.
3Janice FiamengoWikipedia is a particularly nutty anti-feminist MRA and English professor at the University of Ottawa with a bizarre (and possibly Poe's Law) fetish for inventions made by men [7]. Also went onto the white nationalist Radio 3Fourteen to warn listeners that men live under a "feminist version of Sharia Law"[8].
28Related to Mr Shockley below: James Watson,Wikipedia the co-worker of Francis Crick, experienced the same pratfall with his comments about the alleged differences between white European and black African intelligence.
11William ShockleyWikipedia was a physicist and inventor. He was awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on semiconductors and discovery of the transistor effect. Throughout the civil rights movement, Shockley increasingly espoused eugenic theories about the biological inferiority of African Americans.
4John F. MacArthurWikipedia[130], YEC, dispensationalist, homophobe, and as the Encyclopedia of American Loons describes it a "Belligerent, hateful madman whose lack of aptitude for truth is only matched by his narrow-mindedness. A breathtakingly dense fellow – and a dangerous one, for MacArthur seems to have quite a few followers."
62Seeing how big wikipedia's article is on this subject, I think that the StasiWikipedia deserves it's own article (there's only a bit of it written in the DDR article). Note: the Stasi article was previously deleted because it wasn't good enough.
63Ghost PoliticsCreate draft: Alias: True Capitalist Radio, True Conservative Radio, PoliticsGhost. An all-around crank, Ghost spews racist, sexist, Islamophobic, and homophobic garbage to a bunch of trolls and people who laugh at him interracting with them TENS of THOUSANDS of capitalists THROUGHOUT DA WURRRRRRRLD! He also dabbles in conspiracy-mongering (particularly ones involving "international bankers", Hilldebeest, WWIII being juuuuuust around the corner, HAARP, and denialism of the existence of space (No, seriously.).), transphobia, Brony-hating, fat-shaming, and generally being a massive scumbag. He has been known to give out numbers of callers on air, hang up on callers for "sounding fruity", and treat his few honest fans like trash. For a small-time podcaster, he has been the centre of a surprising amount of drama, including dox-wars amongst his fans.
15Pat TillmanWikipedia was a professional football player for the Arizona Cardinals. In response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, he passed up a $3.6 million contract and joined the United States Army, which made him a symbol of patriotism and a poster child for Army recruiters. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and subsequent death, were the subject of national attention when he was killed by friendly fire. In recent years following his death, Tillman's image has been appropriated by right-wing bloggers, as well as Donald Trump, in response to the Colin Kaepernick protests. Despite the establishment's admiration for him, the real Tillman was an anti-Bush atheist who called the the Iraq War "fucking illegal" and maintained correspondence with one of his favorite authors, Noam Chomsky, who he had made an appointment with for after his return from the military. Because of his celebrity status at the time as well as the cover up surrounding his death, it is believed that Tillman was murdered by the military due to his opposition to the wars and the military industrial complex.
40Perhaps a page on CARM's leader and "Messiah" Matt Slick?Wikipedia
58Joseph BackholmCreate draft is a far-right Christian anti-LGBT bigot who is both a legal counsel and director of the Colson Center for Christian WorldviewWikipedia and former director and founder of the Family Policy Institute of Washington. Backholm is infamous for his transphobic and homophobic rhetoric and lobbying, has fought against marriage equality, defended conversion therapy, and maintains that gender identity and sexual orientation are a choice. He was the head of "Just Want Privacy", a campaign committee gathering signatures for Initiative 1515, a failed ballot that would've allowed businesses to discriminate openly against trans people by not allowing them to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity. He also recently created a right-wing Christian YouTube channel called What Would You Say?, which gives believers advice on how to respond to common statements regarding their faith such as "Jesus was a socialist" as well as how to give responses to affirm their prejudices against the LGBT. Aside from being a homophobic and transphobic asshole, he is also staunchly pro-life, anti-immigration, Islamophobic, anti-atheist, and doesn't entirely believe in the idea of the separation of church and state.https://www.queerty.com/anti-trans-activist-encourages-men-chase-women-bathrooms-20160617 https://medium.com/@elisacatrina/family-policy-institute-of-washingtons-just-want-privacy-lies-transphobia-and-what-to-do-86597aac95e1
80ZubyCreate draft is a conservative rapper who mocked trans people by claiming to break women's sports records by identifying as a women and says black people and women are not oppressed, but if they are they should "work hard and make the right decisions" to get over it. He's also been a guest on several right wing talk shows including Steven Crowder's show, fake university PragerU's show, Dave Rubin's show, Ben Shapiro's show, and was praised by Tucker Carlson who went on to say the left would tell people who disagree with gender fluidity to "shut up and believe it, or we'll hurt you,".
58Joshua CollinsCreate draft is an aspiring young politician running for Congress who is most notable for claiming to be the most left-wing federal candidate in U.S. history,[9] founding the Rose Caucus,[10] and using TikTok to further his campaign.[11] He probably never heard of Gus Hall.
64Christmas with a Capital CWikipedia is a 2010 Christmas Fundie movie where fundies play the victim, because evil atheism. Hannah & Jake did a review on it in 2018.
2Frank DuxWikipedia is a martial artist whose alleged victory at the Kumite, a fighting competition, served as the inspiration for the 1988 cult film Bloodsport starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Dux's victory at the Kumite has been largely disputed, as has the existence of both the Kumite he described and the existence of his alleged teacher Senzo Tanaka. He has also falsified his military and CIA service, and was the subject of libel against Soldier of Fortune magazine in 1999 because of his lies.
8January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontationWikipedia/Nick Sandmann (either name would work) — a poignant example of the need for proper fact-checking and the power of the media.
43Chapo Trap HouseWikipedia Leftist podcast named after a Mexican druglord and the rapping slang for a drug house. One of the hosts platformed the Million Dollar Extreme Nazi on an open mic night he hosted and didn't boot him off the stage, whereas another has argued in favor of misogyny if it's the ruling class amongst supposedly other shitty things. Their audience (also known as the "Dirtbag Left") engages in online harassment to anyone who criticizes the show.
36La Luz del MundoWikipedia ("The Light of the World"), a Mexican-originated cultish church now widespread in areas of the US. Their "apostle," Naasón Joaquín García, is allegedly the leader of a pedophilic sex trafficking ring.
70Child ProdigyWikipedia Wikipedia's article. Basically, kids that have developed a talent at a very young age.
60Vivian KrauseCreate draft, a Canadian blogger who claims to just be "exposing" the foreign funding of environmentalist organizations. However, it's very likely she is just another shill for the mining and oil industries.
42Friends of AbeWikipedia was a support and networking group for politically conservative members of the Hollywood elite. Formed in 2004 by actor Gary Sinise, the group consisted of various actors, directors, and producers including Jerry Bruckheimer, Pat Boone, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer, Kevin Sorbo, and Scott Baio. The group dissolved due to split differences over Donald Trump.
60Grant ChisholmCreate draft is a street preacher and antique boutique business owner based out in Portland, Oregon. When he’s not selling the ultimate in Portland vintage wares he’s working as a street preacher, railing against strip clubs, homosexuality, Catholics, football, abortion clinics, marijuiana clinics, and probably most Portland residents. The Daily Beast has dubbed him "The Hipster Fred Phelps".https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-hipster-fred-phelps
73Art policeCreate draft: Named after a snarl word frequently used when I see stuff like this, I think it's Twitter artists whining about people whining about their artstyles, has a vibe suspiciously similar to Gamergate.
75FideszWikipedia: Right-wing to Far-Right Conservative Party led by this fine bloke. Literally Hungary's answer to Trump.
67Chad Felix GreeneCreate draft is a conservative writer for The Federalist and American Thinker who frequently authors articles either A): attacking LGBT rights and activists (especially of the trans variety) or B): defending homo/transphobic people and orginizations (including Mike Pence[12]). All of this while being gay himself.
51Shincheonji Church of JesusWikipedia — South Korean cult that has recently received press coverage because of its connection to the coronavirus outbreak.[13]
15Dean CainWikipedia is an actor who was best known for playing Superman on Lois and Clark in the 1990s. Now a washed-up has-been, Cain has become more well known for being an outspoken conservative and right-wing pundit on Fox News and Louder with Crowder. He's a staunch Donald Trump supporter, supports various right wing individuals, groups, and causes, and has said some outrageous things on social media such as misidentifying R. David Edelman as the Ukraine whistle blower and supporting Gamergate. Cain also appeared in God's Not Dead, and 'performed' FBI Lovebirds, a live reading/performance of Peter Strozk/Lisa Page texts, in Washington, D.C. at CPAC alongside fellow right wing Trumpster Kristy Swanson. https://www.wonkette.com/worst-superman-dean-cain-proves-hes-an-asshole-again
16Project 100,000Wikipedia: A Vietnam War era scheme by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara to fill out the ranks with recruits that were below established mental and medical standards. Billed as an attempt to prepare and empower said recruits with the latest in educational technology (ie: video presentations) for their return to civilian life. A massive failure that left surviving recruits worse off then they were before.
80Article on PSICreate draft http://www.principia-scientific.org/why-psi-is-proposed-as-a-cic/. A strong conspiracy and Pseudoscience website that promotes anti-vaccine propaganda and frequent misinformation regarding climate change http://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com/principia-scientific-international/.
10Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinneyWikipedia are former journalists turned filmmakers. The couple calls themselves documentary filmmakers and investigative journalists, however, their brand of “journalism” is more aligned with right-wing propaganda than any actual form of investigation or truth. The couple is highly in denial of anthropogenic global warming and are staunchly in favor of the fossil fuel industry, which they demonstrate clearly in their "documentaries". For example, their most notorious piece, FrackNation,Wikipedia is a film that is staunchly in favor of hydraulic fracturing despite the proven disastrous effects that fracking has done to the environment. Because of this they've essentially established themselves as a mouthpiece for climate change deniers, and to no surprise, they are listed as "experts" by the Heartland Institute.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_McElhinney_and_Phelim_McAleer
80The Incel ProjectCreate draft: an old Incel documentary series from the now defunct Blip.tv from 2008 to 2012 [131]. Two months prior to the 2014 Isla Vista killings, the videos were deleted from Blip.
84Filip DewinterWikipedia: Far-Right Politician & member of Flemish Interest. Is good friends with these fine people. Has alot of shit on his name. He's basically the Belgian version of Geert Wilders, with the exception that Wilders never went to a meeting of Golden Dawn, whereas Dewinter did (I can't find a english source for this, sorry).
85Flemish InterestWikipedia: Political Far-Right party in Belgium, formerly known as Flemish Bloc. They're racists, Neo-Libturds & Ultra Nationalists and claim to have tight connections with the Israelian Likud, The Swiss People's Party, The Republicans, & United Russia. As well as being close with Dutch Trump's cronnies, Le Pen, Salvini & Barrage The Farage. How would they solve the mass immigration problem? With boxing gloves!
94Bill Barr,Wikipedia Donald Trump's attorney general. He enables Trump's authoritarian instincts by using his authority to protect the president and his allies, and punish real and perceived political opponents.
5Jeanne Calment,Wikipedia generally considered the oldest person who ever lived and proof of the health-giving effects of cigarettes and being French. However there are claims that her longevity was faked and she was replaced by her daughter in the 1930s. It's amusing to see how she's used in health debates, but the debate over her age is more interesting.
24We should make an article about school gradesWikipedia in America, obviously the A-F scale, and how they are a terrible way to find out how intelligent a student is. Also, let's talk about how racist the grading system is, and how it favors white students over people of color.
64Diabetes.Wikipedia It afflicts millions of people in the First World, and so of course has attracted its fair share of alternative medicine and diet woo. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have different causes and different treatments, but you'd never know it to read some diatribes (e.g. Sugar Blues).
81America First Political Action Conference: kinda like CPAC, but with more paleoconservative racists. Featuring the likes of people who aren't racist, like Nick Fuentes, Michelle Malkin, and Patrick Casey.[14]
3Paul GottfriedWikipedia: a paleoconservative douchebag who coined the term "alternative right". Despite his sympathy with white supremacists, he is Jewish, thus making him closer to neocons than the paleocon he viewed himself as.
79Myles PowerCreate draft - a Youtuber who is skeptical of Alternative medicine and Pseudoscience (which he occasionally conflates with each other.) Miles has also tackled Holocaust denial, Conspiracy theories, and Genetically modified food. Some of his videos have even been mentioned in, if not cited as sources on our articles for Kyle Kulinski, Jilly Juice, and The Young Turks.
12The Base.Wikipedia No, not al-Qaeda, but the Russia-affiliated neo-Nazi group run by Rinaldo Nazzaro that wants to form a white ethnostate in the US.[132][133]
70AquiziamCreate draft: Link. Site has tons of Alien woo, "Body Language" woo, Conspiracy BS, Ghost woo, ect...
92Arch WarhammerCreate draft - A Youtuber who makes videos on Warhammer Lore, Video Games, and his political beliefs. Arch has asked if the Imperium in Warhammer 40kWikipedia is Fascist [134] [135], discussed drama over him pertaining to the 40k Lore subreddit [136] [137] [138], among other wingnutty takes (e.g. gender pronouns, Christchurch shooting, and Project Veritas) [139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147]
7The Game Changers,Wikipedia a documentary about athletes with plant based diets, which alleged that animal agriculture was a leading cause of deforestation and carbon emissions, along with criticizing gender roles perpetuated by fast food commercials [148] [149] [150]. The movie has even been accused of promoting misinformation and pseudoscience, among other things [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157].
7There is this person who goes by the nickname of "Ghost" who's website has been covered by Media Fact/Bias Check as a questionable source [158] [159]. "Ghost" has also had numerous podcasts since 2008, usually spanning hundreds of episodes, each having a runtime of around two hours [160] [161] [162] [163]. Basically, "Ghost" is a wingnut, and a pretty nutty one at that [164]. Ghost has even gone on quite a few ableist rants [165] [166] [167], and went as far to tell fans of anime to commit suicide [168].
80Rich of ReviewTechUSACreate draft has had a variety of political opinions over the years. Rich has been a critic of Anita Sarkeesian [169], retracted criticism against PewDiePie and the "DEATH TO ALL JEWS" incident[170], and even referred to fat acceptance as a "plague".[171]
87James Stephanie SterlingWikipedia (aka Jimquisition) has always been a staunch critic of what they perceive to be shady business practices within the video games industry, especially AAA publishers in recent years. JSS is also critical of Capitalism in general. [172] [173]
107Four-day weekWikipedia: there are a lot of articles recently claiming that a four day week in the workplace greatly increases productivity, as well as benefiting workers and the environment.[174][175] However, evidence is limited to a few, frequently-cited studies whose methodology is unclear, and a lot of claims seem exaggerated. There have been a few studies that seemed to find benefits (including fewer pointless meetings, less absenteeism) but the Hawthorne effect may be involved, durations were short, and it's hard to double blind these things.[176][177] In some cases cited (e.g. Utah cited on Wikipedia) workers still did the same number of hours, just over fewer but longer days, while others suggest workers doing fewer hours can accomplish more. There have been a lot of claims about political parties planning to make it mandatory. Labour at the 2019 UK general election allegedly planned it, but in fact their research found that a hard cap on hours wouldn't work.[178] Finland was reported to have been planning a four day week, possibly even with 6 hour days, but this turned out to be fake news.[179] So is there anything to it, what are the pros and cons, and is it all wishful thinking?


2019 [​edit​]

7Belle GibsonWikipedia is a well known charlatan and pseudoscience promoter from Australia. She claimed, that she managed to cure her multiple cancers with specific alternate medicine and a diet which was described in her mobile app, The Whole Pantry, aswell as in its' companion cookbook, both of which gave Gibson around $1 milion of profit. Further media investigation revealed however, that her claims were false and all evidence was fabricated, while research shown that there was no proof for effectiveness of her methods. She also constantly lied about her lifestyle and donating income from sales to charity. Gibson ultimately admitted to lying in an April 2015 interview.
116Real Life Villains WikiCreate draft is a wikia that categorizes real world villains and displays their crimes. While it obviously shows your standard dictators, cult leaders, and religious centric jerkassess like Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and Jerry Falwell the wikia does display some questionable merit. The wiki is very biased towards American imperialism and holds a US centric worldview, there are articles on people for very petty reasons such as user being slightly mean on Deviantart and such, and war criminals such as Henry Kissinger and Vladimir Putin are displayed as "Grey Zone" villains. The worst bias is the disallowed articles which consists of American and pro-American war criminals such as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Woodrow Wilson and Hillary Clinton. It also stated that if you make an article on any of these people you will be banned immediately. Another blatant bias they possess is their constant need to create articles for mythological characters; primarily characters from the Bible. This completely violates their number eight rule: NO Articles on People Who are Too Fictitious.
83Dairy is ScaryCreate draft, a vegan propaganda video with over 5 million views (found here). It alleges to "explain" the dairy industry. It's filled with gross exaggerations, misrepresentations, outright falsehoods, and occasional grains of truth about how dairy cattle are treated.
77Felix Steiner,Wikipedia Former Waffen-SS commander during WO II. Mostly known for his part during the attack on Berlin in 1945Wikipedia. Steiner was arrested as a war criminal but released for lack of evidence, he is missional for his post-war writings of Nazi apologia (all of which are only in German).
68The First Temptation of ChristWikipedia or how Conservative fundie Brazillians decided to boycott a comedic Christmas movie with a change.org petition & throwing Molotov Cocktails towards Portas dos Fundos.
35April Fools' DayWikipedia which is not only relevant to a site devoted to irrationality and its depiction in the media, but a search of RW shows there are a lot of articles here discussing particular April Fools' pranks, such as Ann Coulter, Milton Kleim, Reddit, Monkey typewriter theory, Mandela effect, and more.
33James Shupe,Wikipedia formerly Jamie Shupe, one of the first people to legally identify as non-binary in the US before detransitioning back to male. Nowadays, he is rabidly and-trans on social media.
28Team TreesWikipedia - A campaign started by Youtuber MrBeast to raise $20 million to plant 20 million trees. It's in need of a reality check, as many people don't realise the fact that this would add a whooping 0.0006% to the world's current tree population while we're still cutting down 15 billion each year.
104National Socialist Movement in the NetherlandsWikipedia is a former Dutch Far-Right party during WO IIWikipedia that sided with the Nazi's.
45Trijicon biblical verses controversy,Wikipedia a.k.a. "Jesus rifles" were guns sold by Trijicon with secret bible verses hidden on the scopes. The US Army and Marines were among the purchasers. They'd been doing this since 1981, and it wasn't discovered until 2010 which led to serious questions concerning separation of church and state.
32The WalkAway campaign,Wikipedia also styled #WalkAway, is a social media campaign that launched ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections by right-wing grifter Brandon Straka, a hairstylist and failed actor from New York City, in a video released 29th June 2018 entitled #WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I Left The Democrat Party". The campaign's stated goal is to "encourage others to walk away from the "divisive" left, but also take back the narrative from the "liberal" media about what it means to be a conservative in America."
79Elijah SchafferCreate draft, also known as Slightly Offensive, is an alt-right YouTuber whose entire gimmick is to generalize the left by mocking the far-left. His channel is populated mainly with videos of him asking politically charged questions to people he meets on the street — sometimes until one of them attacks his film crew. He titles his videos somewhat less introspectively: “PUNCHED by ANTIFA” and “Exposing the Sluts,” for example.
10Other Losses,Wikipedia a 1989 book by Canadian James BacqueWikipedia about the alleged mistreatment and deliberate mass murder of German prisoners of war by Allied authorities in general and Dwight D. Eisenhower in particular. The book has been mostly condemned as completely baseless, but it still influences some revisionist circles.
50SaboWikipedia is the pseudonym of a politically conservative street artist active based out in Los Angeles, California. He's been active in street art since 1999, though he began to take his activity in the scene more seriously around 2008. Sabo's works have been critical of left-wing politics (and its prominence in the entertainment industry) and the Democratic Party, claiming that "leftism is a mental disorder".
13A page on the Younger case,Wikipedia involving a 7-year old trans girl in Texas named Luna, who's father was just awarded joint custody of.[1]
79Daniel Di MartinoCreate draft is a Venezuelan-American student at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Because he experienced the terrible consequences of socialism firsthand in Venezuela, he's become a conservative and libertarian voice against what he perceives as the rise of socialism in America.
7Katie HillWikipedia is an American politician who has recently become a subject of controversy after her ex-husband leaked revenge porn of her.[2]
33Penile plethysmographWikipedia used to detect sexual arousal and in the diagnosis of pedophilia and (formerly) homosexuality. It's mentioned in Pseudopsychology but without a proper explanation of the history, nefarious uses, and whether it has any validity at all.
20Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial KillerWikipedia is a 2018 American drama film based on real-life events about Kermit Gosnell, a physician and abortion provider. It was directed by Nick Searcy and stars former Superman actor Dean Cain. The film was largely criticized for its obvious anti-abortion stance, sensationalistic and sanctimonious storytelling, and comparison of Gosnell to that of George Tiller.
5Nik & Eva Speakman,Wikipedia otherwise known as The Speakmans, are a pair of English former financial advisors and life coaches who're now pretending to be psychologists or psychotherapists, promoting their invention "schema conditioning psychotherapy" through frequent TV appearances, notably on ITV's This Morning. They typically focus on problems such as phobias, often treated in a gimmicky fashion, and make a lot of money in the process.[180] According to their Wikipedia page they once gave a DeLorean car to pedophile politician Cyril Smith, but I'm sure there's nothing dodgy about that.
60Windrush scandal,Wikipedia after whom the Windrush generation are named, a racist UK policy under the present Conservative government involving deportation and other denial of rights to people of African-Caribbean heritage.
93The Adam and Eve StoryCreate draft, a 1960's book allegedly censored by the Central Intelligence Agency and declassified in 2013, contains pole shift and flood myth/Bible/angels nonsense, as well as some quackery about antigravity and evolution.
6Hanne Nabintu Herland,Wikipedia a Norwegian right-wing/alt-right author who pushes borderline if not outright racist/islamophobic/anti-western conspiracy theories. Also collaberates with Milo Yiannopoulos from time to time. Also has a Youtube channel[3].
44Hasan PikerWikipedia is an entertainment and political journalist known for his explainer videos on The Young Turks that provide detailed analysis on the top news stories of the day.[4]
56Dr. Jen Gunter,Wikipedia a Canadian-born US-based ob/gyn who debunks vaginal woo such as Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop and vagina steaming. Has a bestselling book and TV show.
106TheQuarteringCreate draft is a very popular Anti SJW youtuber. The fact that there is no article on this motherfucker and his multicolored beard is offensive. A draft has been created.
55Austen "Fleccas" Fletcher is an alt-right youtuber and the host of Fleccas TalksCreate draft featuring interviews at protest rallies from across the political spectrum including conservatives, liberals, and libertarians. Much like Elijah Schaffer, his main gimmick, however, is making anti-Trump protesters look like politically clueless idiots.
33Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff,Wikipedia French television personalities who authored several nonsensical physics/mathematics/quantum woo articles and papers in notable publications in the early 2000's and caused a minor shitstorm in the academia (the similarities to Alan Sokal are obvious)
12Jussi Halla-aho,Wikipedia Finnish blogger and MP, and the former chairman of the far-right Finns Party. Has a cult-like following among the Finnish far right – seriously, he is known as The Master among them.
1Elizabeth Heng,Wikipedia a failed California candidate for the House of Representatives who sparked controversy recently over an ad her campaign comparing AOC to the Khmer Rouge[5].
4Terry Goodkind,Wikipedia who's mentioned in fantasy and Ayn Rand. An Objectivist fantasy writer who's been in trouble for the vast amount of rape in his books, but has himself been critical of sexist fantasy art.[181][182] This Reddit thread title sums it up.[183] And here's an article by actual Randians about him.[184]
124"BlatherCreate draft is an educational tool that allows users to analyze and pinpoint the accuracy of claims made on social media. This site is meant to help people spot out erroneous logic so that similar arguments will not be made in the future. However, there are a number of factors that make this a difficult task." https://blather.io/
7Education scienceWikipedia in general. From Woo fads like 'Brain Gym' to debates over Rote LearningWikipedia vs Active LearningWikipedia it seems like there is a lot of ground to cover. If there are any other evidence based educators on here I think we could make a good go of it!
77HedgewikCreate draft needs a article, if you don’t know, he is a rising star in the Nazi comic world whose art is as good as a preschooler.
87I'm thinking an article on reframingCreate draft Part of the paradox of tolerance, but deliberately invoked by the bigoted. Like how Christians oppress LGBT people, then turn it around as them being oppressed when we ask them to stop.
10Derrick JensenWikipedia is an anarcho-primitivst in the same vein as John Zerzan, except with a great deal more emphasis on the environment, and arguably a hefty dose of Native Woo (who knows how much of my memory of him has turned to straw...). Worth noting that he heads a movement called Deep Green ResistanceWikipedia, which at the very least dismisses the idea of transsexuality, believing that gender is a strictly social construct with no biological basis. Apparently there have been concerns (including from Zerzan?) that it's become a personality cult.
91PSA SitchCreate draft An anti-SJW YouTuber who recently cracked 100k subscribers. He actually makes some points that deserve response unlike most anti-SJWs who are just in it to troll and mock leftists.
77Michael BiggsCreate draft, a sociologist at Oxford University who opposes trans rights and claims to defend academic freedom of speech. He has also been caught running a Twitter account which posted a load of transphobic nonsense.[185][186][187] He is becoming one of the leading figures in the UK in the war against trans rights, cited in mainstream media and writing on dubious TERF blogs like Transgender Trend.[188][189][190]
52A page for Brock Turner,Wikipedia maybe? Or maybe about the larger case, not necessarily with his name on it. Or at least a section in an existing article. The case says quite a lot about rape culture and privilege, so it would seem to be on mission.
42Harry Price,Wikipedia a British magician and psychic researcher in the early 20th century who debunked several mediums and hauntings, although he still preserved some belief in the possibility of psychic phenomena. He is mentioned in various articles here (e.g. Helen Duncan) but there are lots of stories about his investigations and he deserves his own page as a promoter of rationalism. EDIT: Price was also a sensation-monger of huge proportions who blew up the non-story of Borley RectoryWikipedia into the legendary "most haunted house in England."
118Fuyan pillCreate draft Supposedly a traditional Chinese herbal remedy for gynecological diseases. Sounds like bullshit, but there's very little legitimate information about it, and a search mostly brings up supportive clogs.
11Coleman Livingston Blease,Wikipedia a politician and an unrepentant white supremacist who was responsible for making the law that labels undocumented immigrants as criminals.
85List of Political PartiesWikipedia A page to show the political parties of the world and whether pages have been made on them or not.
95List of ReligionsWikipedia It would be nice to have a list of religions and their denominations, especially since it would make ot easy to find which of them haven't had pages written about them yet.
73Philip DeFranco,Wikipedia a news commentator and YouTuber who basically goes over current events with a rather centrist tone. There are times, despite meaning well in his commentary, that he can be a useful idiot due to his tendency to attract reactionaries to his fanbase on account of his apologism for right-wingers at times and also adding onto the hysteria on how NYT was supposedly "labeling him far-right" because he popped up in a background of various YouTubers in an article of a young adult who was radicalized by YouTubers.
137Something around website blocks and bans,Wikipedia Shadow banning,Wikipedia and similar topics. The alt-right and similar groups are fond of complaining about "ghost banning", "shadow banning", etc, where they're supposedly denied access to different social media sites by stealth, or their posts are mysteriously deprioritized or hidden. An overview of what this means, whether this is actually possible on different sites, etc, would be useful. Wikipedia mentions a conspiracy theory about Twitter shadow banning Republicans.[191]
45A Hat in Time,Wikipedia an indie platformer that has seen its fair share of controversies from Jontron to Trans Flags.
76Joseph EverettCreate draft, known for his YouTube channel What I've Learned, which has nearly 1 million subscribers and over 64 million video views. Has made videos promoting low-carb dieting for general weight loss, statin denialism, antidepressant denialism, and NoFap. However, he has high production values and claims to be pro-science, so perhaps it can be presumed that he's doing this all in good faith? According to Everett: "This is about connecting the dots, making conclusions and weighing that against modern dogma." Seems like the perfect subject for a RationalWiki article.
118Vox (political party),Wikipedia Spanish populist far-right party becoming a significant electoral force.
96The Atheist DelusionCreate draft is a "response to the famous "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, and the points it makes are very flawed to say the least.
8Mammon,Wikipedia the Hebrew term for money and greed, personified in medieval times as a literal being.
73Inner Peace MovementCreate draft, a 501(c)(3)Wikipedia non-profit group founded in 1964 with a trademarked name that has been the subject of court disputes. Their professed mission is to "help people clarify their minds and balance their spiritual direction."
75EssenceOfThoughtCreate draft is a Youtuber who makes videos defending LGBTQ rights, atheism, secular humanism, and abortion.[6][7][8][9]
74The Binding of IsaacWikipedia Is a 2011 indie game with randomly generated dungeons and over 500+ items. I'm suggesting this one because of the game's criticisms of Religion and the Bible and how the entire thing is somehow a controversy magnet that has avoided any actual controversy.
66Vampire facialsWikipedia (or platelet-rich plasma facials) are the latest beauty craze, apparently involving having blood removed from your body and injected into your face. They're loved by Goop, but Kim Kardashian's was less successful, and they have been linked to 2 cases of HIV transmission in New Mexico.[192][193]
86GhoulWikipedia We already have a page about folklore things, like zombies, vampires, ghosts & aliens. So, why not have one about Ghouls? Wikipedia has one, but seeing that article and their talk page, I think we can safely assume that their shitty NPOV is also at work here and that they literally believe in ghouls (especially if you look at some of those "experts" that claim to have knowledge about these things...)...
60Renaud Camus,Wikipedia a gay French writer who is partially known for his connection to the racist "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory... a theory that helped in motivating the man behind the Christchurch terrorist attacks. His name redirects to an article on the aforementioned great replacement theory, but he should probably have his own article.
21Rosa LuxemburgWikipedia: Polish revolutionary socialist who had a large impact on history. She's the most well-known female socialist theorist. I'm surprised there isn't already an article on her.
2Thilo SarrazinWikipedia: prominent German anti-immigrant and anti-muslim author and politician (member of the left-wing SPD), probably best known for his book Germany Abolishes ItselfWikipedia.
66Forum for DemocracyWikipedia: Thierry Baudet's anti-immigration, anti-multicultural, anti-Islam, and anti-EU party. A draft can be started here.
69Thierry BaudetWikipedia: A Dutch populist euroskeptic who leads the Forum for Democracy, that recently won the majority vote in the Dutch provincial elections and is expected to win the majority in the Dutch Senate in May. Apparently is liked by the Dutch alt-right.[10] A draft can be started here.
1151080;Wikipedia pesticide used to control invasive species in New Zealand and save NZ's native wildlife. Subject of all sorts of ridiculous crazy conspiracy nonsense akin to anti-vaxx nonsense. See Wikipedia and http://www.1080facts.co.nz/
32The Wizard of OzWikipedia books by L. Frank BaumWikipedia and the films thereof, which have a lot of people trying to guess allegorical meanings (many with RW-relevant themes, from Rosicrucianism to the Gold standard), and inspired a lot of urban legends.
51Jeanine Pirro,Wikipedia a Fox News host who's spent nearly her entire career in some sort of controversy over one of her rants. A draft has been created at Draft:Jeanine Pirro.
61Captain MarvelWikipedia is a movie that somehow managed to attract the outrage of conservatives, MRAs, Gamergaters, and alt-righters who didn't even watch it. (And which, at the same time, Marvel marketed as though it were the first movie to feature a strong female character evar.)
49Puzzle in a ThunderstormCreate draft, the guys behind three (and a half) rational podcasts including The Scathing Atheist, the Skepticrat, God Awful Movies and half of Citation Needed.
16Lindsay ShepherdWikipedia is a professional victim[11] and alt-right grifter[12] who rejects indigenous land acknowledgements[13] and sympathizes with white nationalism[14]
71Libb ThimsCreate draft is an engineer from Chicago and creator of eoht.info, an encyclopedia of "human thermodynamics".
11Christine WeickWikipedia: Fundamentalist Christian who opposes same-sex marriage and protested against Muslims. She also claimed that Monster Energy depicts the Number of the Beast.
102Girl DefinedCreate draft, a pair of right-wing evangelical Christian youtubers who make videos marketed heavily towards tween and teen girls.
2Ethan Van Sciver,Wikipedia an American comic book artist known for illustrating and/or drawing covers primarily for DC and Marvel. Van Sciver has recently revealed himself to be an alt-right scumbag by becoming a central figure in the recent Comicsgate campaign, a campaign spearheaded by misogynistic, racist and anti-LGBTQI+ bigots who are butthurt about the idea of members of those communities being fairly and equally represented in the comic book medium. Comicsgate is essentially Gamergate but for comics instead of games, it's a campaign created by and for the Alt-right.
86Debbie HaytonCreate draft a trans woman who seems to spend a good chunk of her time concern trolling and spouting terf-esque arguments online and apparently calls the declaration of trans women being women to be "Orwellian thinking"[15]. Arguably an older, British version of Blaire White.
10Debra SohWikipedia is a useful idiot who advocates for conversion therapy for transgender children and accuses transgender activism of homophobia.
78Kurt SchlichterCreate draft Townhall columnist and general right-wing nut who's notorious for his rabidly pro-Trump stance and... interesting commentary on many issues.
3Nicholas SandmannWikipedia is a Trump supporter who has recently attracted controversy for harassing a Native American Vietnam veteran with the help of his fellow Trump-supporting high school classmates at a March for Life rally. His mother blamed black Muslims for his deplorable behavior.
10The Skwawkbox,Wikipedia a British left-wing news blog noted for conspiracy theories (e.g. on the Grenfell Tower fire) and a lot of bias.[194] It's also had issues with press regulators.[195][196]
71KukuruyoCreate draft is the artist of one of the most infamous pro-Gamergate comic series.
81Zinnia JonesCreate draft is an Orlando trans activist and science writer.
25ComicsgateWikipedia is a movement dedicated to targeting the woman that Gamergate was dedicated to harassing, with similarly spurious reasons.[16] "B-BUT, IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN GAMING JOURNALISM SWEAR WORDS[17] KARAOKE[18] COMICS JOURNALISM![19]"


2018 [​edit​]

8Population Research InstituteWikipedia (PRI), an American pro-life organization dedicated to debunking the "myth of overpopulation". An offshoot of the pro-life Human Life International (became independent in the 1990s), the PRI has campaigned successfully to withhold funding to organizations such as Planned Parenthood and UNFPA. Also published articles linking homosexuality to AIDS, a 2-in-1 conspiracy story about China and Planned Parenthood and denying anthropogenic climate change. And that's not all.
63Jade face rollersCreate draft it's the newest pseudoscience. [197]
133Lip readingWikipedia - not so much the practice as used in conversation by deaf people, as the tendency of the media to get lip-readers to reconstruct private conversations (e.g. [198][199]). How accurate is it? Probably not very. There's also a joke/meme of publishing intentionally bad lip readings of political speeches, events, etc, which may or may not be worth covering (probably not, to be honest).
43Silver Legion of America,Wikipedia popularly called the Silver Shirts, a 1930s American fascist organisation founded by William Dudley Pelley.Wikipedia They were modeled on the Nazis, and were antisemitic and white supremacists. But they also had weird religious beliefs, calling for a theocracy and having links to theosophical groups (many joined the "I AM" Movement or other Great White Brotherhood-related groups).
21Religious education,Wikipedia in British schools (and possibly elsewhere if relevant): for decades, RE has been taught as a subject with a broadly Christian basis in British schools (today a variety of faiths are taught, and there is discussion of wider issues around spirituality and religion, but the focus is still on Christianity), often one of the few or only compulsory subjects children must study.[200][201] It would be interesting to have a history of the way it has been taught in the various British nations, and arguments for and against it as a subject.
19The Parable of the talents or minas,Wikipedia is - according to the Gospels of Matthew & Luke - a story told by Jeebus about how maximising profits was virtuous. For the Christian right the parable serves as an ideological & moral justification for the advancement of right-wing economics (tax cuts for the rich etc.). Could also be a sub-topic under Prosperity gospel.
100 #ThotPatrolCreate draft, also known as "#ThotAudit" is a campaign led by incels trying/threatening to report Snapchat and Instagram cam girls to the IRS.[1] Unsurprisingly, many of the ThotPatrollers are trying to claim that #ThotPatrol is ACKCHYUALLY about ethics in taxation, indicating that the movement is nothing more than a reincarnation of Gamergate.
8The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single MarketWikipedia is a controversial proposed EU directive best known for two parts of it: Article 11, which grants publishers the rights to usage of their articles et al. by ISSPs and which has been nicknamed a 'link tax', and Article 13, which gives the responsibility of removing copyrighted works to ISSPs and which has received the epithet of a 'meme ban'. It is supported by, among others, the music industry and the British Labour Party. Opponents include several Silicon Valley companies, such as Google, YouTube and Facebook, as well as several famous Internet figures, like Jimmy WalesWikipedia and Tim Berners-Lee.Wikipedia
88Late-stage Capitalism.Wikipedia Maybe not the academic term but the colloquial term of profits before people.
107InterpolWikipedia — the international police agency. China possibly forced the former president of Interpol into resigning. Russia almost got its man appointed to be the new head. China, Russia and other states have used Interpol to harass political dissidents contrary to Interpol's rules. The predecessor to Interpol was headed by three different class-A Nazi war criminals.
105Pussy Church of Modern WitchcraftCreate draft, a church run by TERFs.
17The term cotton ceilingWikipedia refers to the difficulty trans people experience when seeking lesbian and gay relationships, and in lesbian and gay social spaces more generally.
12Bret StephensWikipedia: One of the most notable Never Trumpers, and a right-wing hack if there ever was one.
130Skunk apeWikipedia could have its own article or even be a section of the Bigfoot article. Also, the Orang PendekWikipedia is a similar biped from Indonesia whose fur is orange resembling an orangutan.
899/11 Truth Action ProjectCreate draft: Another 9/11 group that wants the truth about the inside jobby-job. their website. An observation made by someone from the ISF And according to that post, it would seem that the leader of this "movement", is a guy called David Fura.
72JobbikWikipedia: our article on Viktor Orban mentions them a lot and there's certainly a lot to talk about with them.
10Harvard UniversityWikipedia is a university that has recently been accused of discriminating against Asian-Americans.[2]
86Chepo TeamCreate draft is a propaganda comic written by a fiercely right-wing and pro-Trump author that is about fictional Hispanics who are fiercely conservative and spout the same right-wing rhetoric that Trump and other Republicans do. The author also owns two accounts on facebook which are named after the comic that both use a copy-and-paste message that immediately begins with an appeal to identity (showing no proof that he/she is Hispanic) to make wildly inaccurate claims and generalizations about leftists, along with praising other far-right figures and pro-right meme posting.
10314 ActionWikipedia is a nonprofit political action committee that seeks to elect scientists in the United States. The mission of 314 Action is to connect people with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and math to the skills and funding needed for a successful political campaign.
150Activated charcoalWikipedia - the newest fad involving ingesting and brushing your teeth with burnt wood.
20Philadelphia pride flagWikipedia [202] - this version of the LGBTQ pride flag includes a black and brown stripe intended to represent inclusion of LGBTQ people of color. It experienced controversy as some considered it more divisive than unifying, and in response some have argued that opposition to the flag is racist.
77The Party of Reason and ProgressCreate draft (PORP) is an non-profit organization dedicated to promoting reason and empirically sound decision-making in modern politics. Their mission is to implement effective and rational policies through educating the general public and supporting reasonable and logical public officials and initiatives.
110Transgender TrendCreate draft a British anti-Transgender group that wants to circulate anti-trans material in schools.
89Hurricane Maria,Wikipedia since we have Hurricane Katrina as an article, which criticizes the government for its response before and after the storm, then we might as well make one for Maria for Trump's poor response,[3] his attacks on San Juan's mayor, Carmen Yulin CruzWikipedia, and his excuses and lies about the death toll[4] by claiming that democrats are saying it "to make him look bad"[5] along with right-wing media defending him.[6][7][8][9]
82Chanty BinxCreate draft, also known as Big Red, is a Toronto resident who gained notoriety online after appearing in a video in which she aggressively promotes feminism while arguing against men's rights activists at an event in Toronto, Canada. After the video was released, Chanty was subsequently turned into a meme and was given the name "Big Red." Anti-feminists (especially those on YouTube) frequently use her video as an example to "prove" why modern feminism is stupid.
60Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,Wikipedia a "syndrome" made up by TERFs to lure in transphobic parents upset that their kids came out trans. Currently a two-sentence redirect, but there's a pile of bad science involved.
28 Jacinda Ardern,Wikipedia incumbent Prime Minister of New Zealand.
84Something about pedometerWikipedia/Fitbits,Wikipedia steps per day targets, or similar. There's a lot of scientific debate about whether walking 10000 steps per day is necessarily good for you and the 10,000 target seems to be an arbitrary figure somebody just made up one day.[203][204][205] On the other hand, walking more is probably good for you.
11The Canary,Wikipedia a pro-Jeremy Corbyn British news/campaigning website. It's associated by some with a fake news perspective, pushing endless biased reporting, and also criticised for its sometimes toxic tone (including attacks on the BBC). So is it the left-wing Breitbart or a legitimate news source?
16The Love That Dares to Speak Its NameWikipedia by James KirkupWikipedia, a 1976 poem about Jesus having gay sex with a Roman soldier. It was the last work to be subject of a successful blasphemy prosecution in England, brought against Gay News Ltd and editor Denis Lemon. The case was appealed through the full range of appeal courts up to Europe, the conviction being upheld at each stage, Lemon receiving a suspended sentence. There is debate over whether the poem was any good (or was some kind of proto-Chuck Tingle).
71MomoWikipedia is a fictional creature in the vein of Slender Man which people pretend to be, then they contact children and teenagers (typically via WhatsApp) to make them do dangerous things like self-harm, doxxing, and hurting their family members under threat of curses, being attacked by the disturbing-looking creature, etc. It has caused at least one death.
68Peter SageCreate draft is just another snake-oil salesman peddling woo. Apparently "serial-entrepreneur" is the new term for con-artist.
35BlacKkKlansmanWikipedia is a 2018 American biographical drama film directed by Spike Lee. The film is based on the 2014 memoir Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth. Set in 1972 Colorado Springs, the plot follows Stallworth, the first African-American detective to join the Colorado Springs Police Department, who sets out to infiltrate and expose the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. The film uses this historical event to offer a trenchant commentary on current events coinciding with the one year anniversary of Unite the Right and the death of Heather Heyer. The film received acclaim from critics, with many praising the performances and timely themes, as well as noting it as a return to form for Lee.
77Reader request: "I'm wondering if Bronze Age PervertCreate draft might deserve an entry? He has gained vast popularity in the alt-right and similar circles lastly. His book has sold very well and he seems to be something of an ideologue for them"
6Peter NavarroWikipedia is one of Donald Trump's main trade advisors and largely thought of as a crank in economics. In his own words he "provide[s] the underlying analytics that confirm [Trump's] intuition [on trade]. And his intuition is always right in these matters."
14Prevention Project DunkelfeldWikipedia is an effort founded in Germany to provide clinical and support services to individuals who are sexually attracted to children (pedophiles and hebephiles) and want help controlling their sexual urges, but are otherwise unknown to the legal authorities.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevention_Project_Dunkelfeld
93Dr ShaymCreate draft is a youtuber, antifeminst, and critic of "SJWs." He is quite popular with nearly 450k subcribers.
48Jordan SatherCreate draft is a right-wing conspiracy theorist and a prominent QAnon promoter on YouTube. He subscribes to the whole gamut of conspiracy theories, ranging from Pizzagate to UFOs. He makes Alex Jones look tame by comparison. He is allied with the likes of David Wilcock and Corey Goode. After QAnon made national news, he went on Comedy Central to defend QAnon, to the dismay of his own followers.
38Shiva AyyaduraiWikipedia is a man running for US Senate against Elizabeth Warren.[10] He is most notable for falsely claiming to be the “inventor of email”.[11] He also assaulted his girlfriend and tried to stab a police officer with a pen while resisting arrest.[12] And he pretended to be black.[13] Did I mention that he is also an anti-GMO activist who is willing to pay people $10 million if they can prove that GMOs are safe?[14] Unsurprisingly, he is also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.[15]
33Peter LloydCreate draft, aka The inSuffragent on Youtube, an anti-feminist MRA author who thinks marriage is a "Fraud of The Rings" against men (and blames feminists for this, of course).[16]
38LifeBuzzCreate draft: Clickbait and fake news website. Published homeopath video ("Scientists From Germany Show That Water Has Memory. This Video Blows My Mind.". 500k+ views). Over 2 million monthly users. They also operate a woo site called Welt im Tropfen --> Here's a pdf with their findings and here is the psiram article of one of the authors Bernd Kröplin. In the homeopathy video, a scientist was cited who allegedly belongs to a department that doesn't exist at the Uni Stuttgart. There is really no "Aerospace Institute" at the Uni Stuttgart. There is an "Institute for Aviation Systems", an "Institute for Airplane Construction", an university course called "Aerospace Technology" at (among others) the "Institute for Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics", an "Institute for Aviational Propulsion", an "Flight Mechanics and Controls Lab" and a few other with a connection to Aerospace topics, but not "Aerospace Institute". They didn't even brag with the name of the alleged scientist.
30Visit CreationCreate draft: VC.org is Ken Ham's favorite vacation planner. Hemant Mehta response.
63Joey SaladsCreate draft: right wing youtube who produces racist "social experiments" about how aggressive blacks are. See this video for famous example of him staging one of his "experiments", and the followup "interview".
30Revelation UnraveledCreate draft: 18 million views, 50k subscribers. Typical millenial Christian channel that put out this beautiful video.
109World of Lucid DreamingCreate draft: 400,000 monthly views. Relevant research: Lucid dreaming exists as a measurable phenomenon (also this and this) but that's about as far as you should trust the site. Bob_M's review: "Its suggestions on how do reality checks while dreaming, what to do about false awakenings - where people dream they have woken up multiple times - along with their description of sleep paralysis are all pretty good. Just don't buy any supplements or machines." But see this mishmash of new age folk psychology and Jungian symbolism. They peddle lucid dreaming supplements, lucid dreaming books, lucid dreaming products and the likes. The woman running the site, Rebecca, also offers an expensive lucid dreaming course, which she uses the site to advertise for. (and use those three to expand this). Reverend Black Percy (talk) 13:56, 27 December 2016 (UTC)
55Muslim StatisticsCreate draft https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/: Terrible source of """statistics""". For example, a headline read: "Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics". The article stated: "The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish police in a phone conversation." "muslimstatistics.wordpress.com" 38,000 Google results.
45Spiritual Research FoundationCreate draft: Kooky new age religious folks. Claim that "85% of homosexuality" is due to "mainly ghosts". 600,000 monthly viewers.
8Jimmie Åkesson,Wikipedia current leader of the far-right party known as the Sweden Democrats, who is attempting to brush aside his party's dark history and shenanigans to make his party look more moderate in an attempt to gain control of Sweden to enact his party's agenda.
11Sarah JeongWikipedia was recently hired to the NYT and was claimed to have made "racist" tweets a few years ago after being repeatedly trolled and harassed. This started a controversy that got worse after Jeong and NYT defended themselves.
43Sacrificial VirginsCreate draft, and anti-vaccine movie disguised as a "documentary". This time relating to HPV vaccines.
10George GilderWikipedia is a writer, technology advocate, antifeminist, and and co-founder of the Discovery Institute. He holds a lot of cranky and controversial opinions, e.g. condemning native american and black African tribal cultures as corrupt and tragic failures. He lauds Israel as the pinnacle of modern civilization, and of course, he believes in Intelligent design. In 2018 he's making the rounds on right wing and religious outlets selling his new book predicting the rise of blockchain and the end of Google.
74Sacha Baron Cohen,Wikipedia comedian who tricked various notable gun nuts into advocating for the arming of four-year-olds.[17]
4John Harvey KelloggWikipedia was a medical doctor, co-creater of corn flakes, and a puritanical Seventh-Day Adventist who heavily promoted the second phase of the Clean living movement, approached "biologic living" by combining pseudoscience with his Adventist beliefs to promote temperance and abstinence, and advocated for the circumcision of young boys believing that it would prevent masturbation and for the application of carbolic acid to young girls' clitoris (thankfully the later didn't catch on).
53With Canadian election season quickly approaching, articles on new party leaders and prime ministerial candidates Andrew ScheerWikipedia and Jagmeet SinghWikipedia would probably be appreciated by Canuck RWers, or at least a more up-to-date expansion of their parties' pages (Conservative and NDP) commenting on their new platforms in response to Justin Trudeau's government
4Cochrane LibraryWikipedia or CochraneWikipedia (formerly Cochrane Collaboration), an important organisation in evidence-based medicine, which provides a database of systematic reviews. Article should explain why it's so valuable as a source of information, and maybe look at any criticisms.
32Otto Strasser,Wikipedia Nazi who opposed Hitler, had another brother who did the same thing known as Gregor Strasser. He is known for creating the ideology of Strasserism which is basically some weird form of socialism but with a mix of nationalism (more worthy of actually being called national socialism).
68Autumn AsphodelCreate draft, transgender Youtuber who makes videos ranting against the “Transgender Population Control Agenda”, the mainstream media, vaccines, and political correctness. She is essentially the poor man’s Blaire White.
31Death of a Nation,Wikipedia an upcoming film by Dinesh D'Souza that basically accuses Democrats of being "the real racists". It will be shown in theaters on August 3. Feel free to add more details as new information about this film is revealed.
45Brandon StrakaCreate draft gay conservative who founded the #WalkAway movement.
28ReSistersCreate draft, TERF Twitter account that regularly posts memes consisting of anti-trans dogwhistles.[18]
62That Guy TCreate draft, Libertarian, anti-feminist, atheist, anarcho-capitalist. Totally not a fascist.[19]
52Defend EuropaCreate draft - a place whose main tags are Migrants, Islam, Population Replacement, Heritage & Identity, The Establishment and Other News like Repeal The 8th: The Destruction of Traditional Ireland?, Why Is The Left So Quick To Excuse Rape: Continental Edition or Alt-Tech: Making It Happen
43The Anatomically Correct BananaCreate draft - an alt-right clog full of barely sourced multi-thousand word screeds like Year of the Cuck, Pungent Musk of Success (where they use an ambiguous tweet by Elon Musk as a jumping-off point to claim him as redpilled Anti-Semite, and a proxy for a woke white European "Faustian Man" doomed to self-destruct between the pressure from Jews and Muslims), or The Jewish Kvetchion.
3The Hebrew HammerWikipedia is a 2003 comedy film written and directed by Jonathan Kesselman. The plot concerns a Jewish blaxploitation crime fighter known as the Hebrew Hammer who must save Hanukkah from the antisemitic son of Santa Claus, who wants to destroy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and make everyone celebrate Christmas. While the film was somewhat controversial for satirizing common Jewish stereotypes, it has retained a cult following. In 2017 a sequel titled 'The Hebrew Hammer Vs. Hitler' was announced as part of a crowd funding campaign. The sequel is a response to the rise of online antisemitism brought on by Donald Trump's election.
4Spartacus Educational.Wikipedia Sometimes decent website, mostly ran by John Simkin, that contains many biographies. Tends to be somewhat of a conspiracy theorist at times, especially about JFK.
48Claudia BrownCreate draft, feminist Youtuber who makes videos that debunk anti-SJW arguments.
44CourtCreate draft or Court SystemCreate draft. It would be useful to have an article just on courts. Probably would include some history contrasted with what freemen on the land say.
97Boogie2988,Wikipedia Youtuber who thinks gay marriage shouldn’t be legal until 20 years from now in order to prevent gay people from being murdered for being gay.[20] He has also argued that some good came out of the Holocaust, using the Nazis murdering Anne Frank as an example of said "good".[21] It makes no sense to us either.
63Some Black GuyCreate draft, Reactionary metalhead who claims to be "nonpartisan". He hates the "liberal media" and believes that Donald Trump is a good guy, ignoring the fact that he's been openly endorsed by white nationalists.[22] Oh, and he befriended a white supremacist.
41Bunty KingCreate draft, centrist Youtuber who loves goats.
30Paperclip maximizerWikipedia[206] or Paperclip apocalypse. A thought experiment about a hypothetical A.I that destroys the universe to manufacture paperclips. Critique of A.I alarmism.
44Activist MommyCreate draft, the pseudonym of Elizabeth Johnston, a conservative vlogger and activist, who became infamous through her Facebook videos against the LGBTQ community, specifically trans people.[23]
36Progressive DadCreate draft, most infamous example of Poe’s Law on the internet. Suspected of being a 4chan op after putting his “partner’s daughter” in a cage.[24]
36Mark Lane,Wikipedia a notable JFK conspiracy theorist with connections to Jim Jones
15Stephen Woodward, also known as Rationality Rules, is an atheist and skeptic YouTuber that tackles fundamentalist and apologetic arguments. Also has a few videos destroying Jordan Peterson's ideas.
68Creationist CatCreate draft, Youtuber who is notable for his most recent video, “Prager U Are The Dangerous People Teaching Your Kids (with Jordan Peterson!)”, in which he exposed Jordan B. Peterson, the Wilks brothers, PragerU, Dave Rubin, Dennis Prager, Tara McCarthy, Milo Yiannopoulos, Betsy Devos, Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Kanye West, Christina Hoff Sommers, and the Koch brothers as liars.[25]
123Chapel Hill shooting.Wikipedia In 2015, Craig Stephen Hicks shot and killed his neighbours in the late afternoon. He later turned himself in to Pittsboro police. He was an atheist and strongly against religion, and his neighbours were Muslim. It may have been a hate crime or the product of a dispute over parking. One of the theories posits that it was a parking dispute made worse by him disagreeing with their religion.
49Miranda YardleyCreate draft, a trans woman who supports TERFs and has been banned from Twitter at least once for harassment of trans activists.
31Saying "only joking" as a method of camouflaging offensive or extreme ideas especially by the far right[207][208], a first cousin to "just asking questions". This is mentioned in some articles on specific cases, e.g. antisemitism and rape culture, but it extends more widely.
47The Million Man MovementCreate draft, Youtuber who makes videos debunking right-wing racist propaganda.[26]
55Trans Crime UKCreate draft, internet hate site dedicated to portraying trans people (especially trans women) as criminals. Is also notorious for fake news reporting, since many of the supposedly transgender individuals that the website talks about are actually cisgender crossdressers.
62Misgendering,Wikipedia a common form of transphobia utilized by wingnuts and TERFS.
49Andy LewisCreate draft, also known as User:Lecanardnoir (IP address: on RationalWiki and @lecanardnoir on Twitter. He is a skeptic and creator of his project The Quackometer. He does not believe trans women are women. When called out on this belief by RationalWiki on Twitter, Andy flipped out and attacked the RationalWiki Twitter account, even going so far as to create a RationalWiki account and harass a bunch of RationalWiki users who have never even heard of him on the talk page of Trans-exclusionary radical feminism. Needless to say, the results were not pretty.
103Modes of learningCreate draft, the idea that some people are more "visual" of "auditory" etc. learners. I hear that there's no scientific evidence for it.
45PeachyoghurtCreate draft, TERF and conspiracy theorist who thinks that doctors should not be trusted and that transsexuality is caused by narcissism, borderline, depression, and autism.[27] Also makes videos that mock transgender women in a similar style as that of minstrel shows.[28]
51Magdalen BernsCreate draft, a TERF who frequently misgenders the trans people that she makes videos about. Also thinks that trans women are like blackface actors by just pretending they are "men who get sexual kicks from being treated like women".[29] Believes that passing trans women do not exist.[30]
95David Hogg,Wikipedia notable gun control activist. Has received several rape threats and death threats from various gun nuts.
37Doug FordWikipedia - the head of the Progressive Conservative party of Ontario, Canada and soon-to-be leader of the province. While this site is largely American, why don't we have something aboot him?
61Ling AndersonCreate draft, Asian-American transgender Trump-supporting white supremacist. Yes, you read that correctly.
20Kyle Kashuv,Wikipedia pro-NRA school shooting survivor. Yes, you read that correctly.
50Joe NahhasCreate draft. He runs Newton's Equations Solved Wrong for 350 Years U Tube and has a page on Natural Philosophers Wikipedia [209]. A pseudoscientist who likes to try and give new solutions to Newton and attacks the scientific mainstream on General Science Journal
20Anders Björkman,Wikipedia who claims to be a "naval architect" and "marine engineer," is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who believes that human space travel is a hoax, fraud, and conspiracy invented and perpetuated by the United States Government. He also believes in various 911 conspiracy theories, claims nuclear weapons cannot work, and backs his claims up with thousands of pages of pseudoscientific gibberish. He maintains a marvelous textbook example of a nutty website, complete with excessive formatting approaching Time Cube style and obligatory home on tripod.
89Alignment FallacyCreate draft: The assumption that X and Y must be the same just because they oppose Z. (Real World Example: Michael Knowles equating the left and Alt-right because they are "both alternatives to American conservatism") Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHXL00wY3nY at the 1:00 mark.
20Stephen Miller,Wikipedia "Trump's Right-Hand Troll", formerly a right-wing provocateur on American college campuses, a frequent presence on right-wing media, and more recently a Trump aide.
12Frantz Fanon,Wikipedia Martinican existentialist psychiatrist and revolutionary theorist, known for his ideas about how colonised people internalise the racism of their oppressors, and how revolutionary violence is the best way of re-establishing dignity and autonomy in colonised people. Influential in anti-colonial studies and via Sayyid QutbWikipedia and Ali ShariatiWikipedia on radical Islamism. As well as the question of whether his ideas are batshit crazy or merely a challenge to shallow liberal humanist thought, his work relates to political extremism and a bunch of other relevant topics.
67Religious glossaryCreate draft. We have a feminist glossary and a Manosphere glossary. We definitely need a religious glossary of some sort, or maybe a few for all the different religions we have a lot of content on. Draft at User:Benn/sandbox for the Abrahamic religions only
47Prostate massageWikipedia/milking. At times used during prostate exams for legit medical purposes, and also for individual sexual purposes. However, there are proponents who claim that prostate massage or milking can prevent prostate cancer and bring other health benefits. There have also been some statement on medical websites online saying that it could spread prostate cancer if present. This is an issue that I think warrants a RW article on.
7John PilgerWikipedia is an Australian journalist and BAFTA award-winning documentary film maker, but according to Wikipedia, he is a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda: it seems to be bordering on conspiracy territory, but it does not hurt to investigate.
38kyroot.comCreate draft also known as 1708 Reasons Christianity is False is a guest post created by atheist Michael Runyan. Each point listed presents a claim for questioning the authenticity of Christianity. In total, they lay out a convincing case that Christianity is untrue based on the premise that a true, factual religion guided by a supernatural god would be precise, flawless, authentic, transcendent, unmatched, unique, prescient, prophetic, revelatory, internally consistent, and scientifically accurate.
25Aleksandr SolzhenitsynWikipedia was a Russian writer. He fought in the Red Army during the Second World War. Towards the end of the war, letters were discovered in which he was critical of Stalin, for which he was sentenced to eight years in the Gulag prison camp system. He wrote several works critical of the communist system, and won the 1970 Nobel prize for literature.
17Pat McCrory:Wikipedia Former governor of North Carolina, managed to do bad enough to lose to a Democrat in an state won by Trump. Screwed over the LGBT community then violated federal law, along with letting an energy giant off scot-free with a coal ash spill. A draft has been made.
22Not sure of a title, maybe House of Commons paedophile hoax, but the panic over every British politician in the 1970s and 80s being a paedophile, which was motivated by one or two genuine cases such as Cyril Smith but rose to cover Edward Heath, Lord McAlpine and many more. It has been largely exposed as the work of fantasists, but provides an excellent example of fake news, conspiracy theories, and how people can believe horrible things without evidence.[210][211]
10Red ChristmasWikipedia - an Australian pro-life Christmas horror movie wherein a stranger born from a botched abortion returns to take revenge on his mother[212]. There's apparently a detailed making-of doc Horror Movie: A Low Budget Nightmare. If anybody fancies watching this and writing a bit, that would be a noble deed.
23Alfie Evans caseWikipedia - I know too little about medicine to do this but he was a 18 month old British toddler who passed away recently after his life support system was cut off after his doctors realised that he would never recover from his condition and that leaving it on, as well as moving him to Italy as the parents wanted to do would merely exacerbate and prolong his suffering. Before his body was even cold, people around the world were condemning the doctors who did so as murderers and making death treats against them. Notably it has become a media sensation in the US as an emotional argument as to why socialised medicine is evil.
95Aceh:Wikipedia An autonomous part of Indonesia under sharia law (for Muslim residents) known for several human rights abuses, such as the public flogging of gays and the "reeducation" of trans inhabitants.
84Toynbee tilesWikipedia are an urban phenomenon where messages of unknown origin are embedded in asphalt. The tiles sometimes exhibit cryptic political statements, and and their origin and history, dating back to the 1980s are somewhat covered on the other wiki.Wikipedia The phenomenon is also associated with shortwave pirate radio.
81Convex Earth-The Documentary: A 90 minute "documentary" of "scientists" and "researchers" trying to prove the Earth is flat. The video can be viewed [here.]
10Andrew Klavan:Wikipedia Surprised that there isn't an article on him. Anyway, best known as the first person to claim that The Dark Knight was 2.5 hour defense of the Bush Administration and other wingnuttery and bullshit.
30Jezebel,Wikipedia a feminist blogfest that drew ire from reasonable people and Paul Elam alike for an article in which several contributors nonchalantly described how they abuse their male partners.
21Open-air preaching,Wikipedia street preaching, or public preaching is the act of evangelizing a religious faith in public places. It is an ancient method of proselytizing a religious or social message and has been used by many cultures and religious traditions, but today it is usually associated with Evangelical Protestant Christianity. Some notable modern street preachers are Jesse Morell, Jed Smock, Ruben Israel, Dean Saxton and Dominic Mauro.
14The BelieverWikipedia is a 2001 American drama film directed by Henry Bean and written by Bean and Mark Jacobson. It stars Ryan Gosling as Daniel Balint, a Jew who becomes a Neo-Nazi. The film is loosely based on the true story of Dan Burros, a member of the American Nazi Party and the New York branch of the United Klans of America. He committed suicide after being revealed as Jewish by a New York Times reporter. While the film has been well praised, especially for Gosling's performance, unfortunately the film has been dangerously misinterpreted by many Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups as being pro-antisemtic and pro-racist.
20Derek BlackWikipedia is the son of Don Black and former white nationalist. In 2016 he disavowed the beliefs held by his father and family and the Stormfront site, according to an article in The Washington Post. Through his years in college, Black came to feel that white nationalism is not supportable
10Heterodox Academy,Wikipedia a campaign for more right-wing and libertarian faculty on university campuses, formed in 2015 and gaining popularity after the 2015-16 U of Missouri protests. Supported by Spiked, Paul Singer, Richard Lounsbery Foundation (which has also funded climate skeptics), Cato Institute people, and other usual suspects on the libertarian right. Are they a serious organisation devoted to diversity, or a front to protect rich white men? (Wikipedia) (Their website with annoying transitions)
42Hope LyeCreate draft a trans woman who supports TERFs and has been banned from twitter at atleast once for harassment of trans activists. Think a low-budget, British version of Miranda Yardley.
8Broadcasting Board of Governors,Wikipedia which supervises the Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio y Television Marti, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcast Networks. VOA also runs Polygraph.info, which appears on Google News' Fact Check section. There have been numerous accusations about how independent the news outlets are from the Board of Governors, and be extension the US government.
15Asgardia,Wikipedia also known as the Space Kingdom of Asgardia, is a group of people who have joined together to establish a new nation. They have adopted a constitution and they intend to access outer space free of the control of existing nations. They are in the process of electing a 150-member parliament and they plan to seek recognition as a nation-state. Their first satellite, named Asgardia-1,Wikipedia was launched into space on 12 November 2017. Currently just a single paragraph in the Micronation article.
47Gene KimCreate draft is an independent Baptist pastor at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. He's best known for such bizarre views including the belief that the earth is hollow and hell is in there, belief that the antichrist will be a black Catholic Syrian Jew, and that Steven Anderson isn't doing enough to condemn homosexuality.[213]
29BabaMailCreate draft (http://www.ba-bamail.com): A general interest website full of clickbait. Mostly decent content, except their Health section seems to promote questionable material and woo at times.
49Telltale AtheistCreate draft is an atheist youtuber. His content is primarily aimed against cults, most specifically the Jehovah's Witnesses, of which he is a shunned ex-member, and he often reacts to and comments on their propaganda. He has stated he would like his channel to be "pro-science" as well as "anti-cult."
45Jeff UtzlerCreate draft (Jutz Baptist on YouTube) is an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and a long-time follower of Steven Anderson. While he may not be as infamous as Anderson, he's definitely someone that we should keep close tabs on.
47Michael CaputoCreate draft Christian apologist who runs the hilariously named website http://atheismexposed.tripod.com/index.htm and attempts to "debunk" atheism and "prove" Christianity. He wrote several books which involve copy and pasting a list of Christian figures which unsurprisingly have no ratings.
21Alex McFarland,Wikipedia a delusional, fanatical, and deranged far-right extremist who hosts the radio show "Exploring the Word" on American Family Radio and has served as Director of Teen Apologetics with the hate group Focus on the Family. He is a raging homophobe, Islamophobe, anti-evolutionist theocrat.
31Kidnapped for ChristWikipediahere, a movie that is somehow worse than Jesus Camp, it involves kids getting kidnapped from their homes and put into a Jamaican "reeducation" school. Activities there include: punishing people for things they can't biologically control (i.e. panic attacks), beating them senseless with a wooden paddle for little to no reason, restricting any and all communication between kids and their parents, etc.
12Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland,Wikipedia Ireland's constitutional amendment banning abortion. Currently in the process of being reviewed for referendum.
31Arthur Jones,Wikipedia active Illinois Nazi and perennial candidate since the 1970s,[214] he is poised to win the 2018 GOP nomination for the 3rd Congressional District, though he's almost certain to lose the general election.[215]
49Morocco.Wikipedia A major player in regional politics and economics, has been attempted and deleted thrice. It's also committed genocide against the Sahrawi ethnic group.
28Self-hating JewWikipedia or self-loathing Jew is a pejorative term used for a Jewish person who is alleged to hold antisemitic views. Bobby Fischer is an example of this.
6Michael ParentiWikipedia - American journalist and political scientist who wrote To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia which supposedly pushes genocide denial.
15Laura Huhtasaari.Wikipedia Think Marine Le Pen, but with more overt racism and sex appeal. Currently in charge of the True Finns party, the xenophobic party of Finland, but is getting international attention due to, well, racism in Scandinavia seems to be something alt-righters are obsessed with. Also, a Creationist.
46FelicifiaCreate draft; Imagine LessWrong, shrink it to about 1% of its size, and focus it exclusively on utilitarianism. Last posts were in April, and not much activity went on in total, as members predictably decided doing other things was more "utility-maximising" than maintaining the forum. Even so, it still provides crankery galore, with its self-professed utilitarians reaching some interesting conclusions. I.e. donating to human-focused charities is less efficient than to animal ones because humans living better and longer will make more animals suffer and so cancel out all the gains. However, both are inefficient right now, and true path is to accelerate neuroscience giving people (and animals) "entirely euphoric lives", which must be possible because "euphoric" surgery is possible now. Another is belief in a "welfare state for animals" that'll eliminate suffering in the wild by, amongst other things, wiping out the predators and protecting insects (high return on investment for doing so.) Also contains many links to webshites with similar ideas like this detailed plan for "overcoming our natural species conservation bias" and wiping out all predators.
3Angel Ramirez-Jordan, Cynthia G, Radical Homegoddess, Taurean Reign, etc. A clique of black supremacist YouTubers.
43AltHealthWORKSCreate draft (link), the title says it all really. Articles pushing against vaccines, GMOs and other alt-med topics
41Roger Waters,Wikipedia the former frontman of Pink Floyd has in recent years gained controversy for his anti-Israel rhetoric both on stage and off.
10David Suzuki,Wikipedia the ever-renowned Canadian environmentalist. Given his fame, some scrutiny (not necessarily condemnation) is warranted.
75mobile phoneWikipedia or cellphone:Wikipedia there are mentions in Radiation woo and microwave and an article on Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, but RW could do with a more detailed article on the research into mobile phone safety, as well as more recent topics such as the smartphones are damaging kids/adults hysteria (Parents Against Underage Smartphones does have an article, but smartphones are ruining your relationship apparently).
8Wilfrid Fox Napier,Wikipedia a South African Cardinal who is championed by Breitbart for his extreme pro-life rhetoric. He is also already name-checked here for his older comments claiming that Catholic paedophiles should be treated, and not punished.
100Collagen,Wikipedia the protein which is key for our skin make-up. Beauty industry had long capitalised on it with creams, injections, etc. Recently, drinks and other such supplements appeared, as reported here and here, even though collagen obviously doesn't survive going through the digestion system. More dubious links[216][217][218][219][220] Skeptical: Arthritis Research UK[221]
21Juicero,Wikipedia the $400 juice machine that received tons of funding before anyone realised it only worked with sachets you could squeeze by hand anyway. This a clear example of irrationality by itself, but to add extra juice to the story, its CEO is a raw water fan as well.
47Ian FletcherCreate draft a pro-protectionism writer on economics who denies the concept of trade wars.Wikipedia Wrote the book Free Trade Doesn't Work and has a column on HuffPo.
73Cough medicineWikipedia and claims that it does not work.[222][223] There seems to be an idea promoted by various alternative healthcare practitioners and critics of conventional medicine/drug companies/etc that cough syrup is completely ineffective, thus indicating that all modern medicine is a con.[224] Criticisms of OTC cough medicine are not always unjustified: a Cochrane review found a lack of evidence of efficacy in treating accute coughs due to the poor quality of existing studies[225], the NHS in the UK recommends drinking honey and lemon instead[226], and unless you have a serious underlying disease like TB, coughs tend to be self-limiting. However, cough drops and codeine might be beneficial[227], cough medicines can also help you sleep[228], and cough medicines can help with coughs from non-viral causes.
45Balloon releases,Wikipedia in particular their impact on the environment/wildlife. They are commonly done to celebrate or to commemorate something. Detractors claim that balloon releases result in the deaths of wildlife, whereas the balloon industry claims otherwise. A very hot button issue.


  1. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/d3by5y/people-are-threatening-to-report-sex-workers-to-the-irs-thotaudit
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/us/politics/asian-students-affirmative-action-harvard.html
  3. Trump Criticizes Devastated Puerto Rico: “They Want Everything Done for Them” Slate. 30 September 2017, by Daniel Politi.
  4. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1040217897703026689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1040217897703026689
  5. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1040220855400386560
  6. Right-wing media figures are defending Trump’s lies about the Puerto Rican death toll. Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018, by Grace Bennett.
  7. NRATV host on Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria: “I’m there with Donald Trump, I call bogus on the 3,000 deaths". Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  8. Fox reporter calls Trump's suggestion that Maria's death toll in Puerto Rico is a hoax part of "his feud with Puerto Rican officials" Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  9. Lou Dobbs: Hurricane Maria death toll is a "farce" and "an amazing tortured inflation". Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Politics
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#%22EMAIL%22_invention_controversy
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Personal_life
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/va_shiva/status/1022479603401551876
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Genetically_modified_food
  15. https://twitter.com/va_shiva/status/1039606711441653760?s=20
  16. https://www.salon.com/2015/04/21/mens_rights_activist_to_fox_news_men_need_to_avoid_marriage_at_all_costs/
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk
  18. https://twitter.com/ResistersUK
  19. https://twitter.com/4lternate_facts/status/970801630072451072
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iGQ1ru5OCcM
  21. https://twitter.com/classiclib3ral/status/1047963923763351553
  22. Why Do People Hate Progressive Liberals?
  23. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCNoH-_m7BI8ciMKp-07cCpg
  24. https://mobile.twitter.com/kulturalmarx/status/1010228404296171521
  25. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1Hqg3Yv0ug
  26. https://www.youtube.com/user/immostaxmusic/featured
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqKgr2iZXOM
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqDxWrHK32A
  29. https://twitter.com/MagdalenBerns/status/1005542738287386624
  30. https://twitter.com/MagdalenBerns/status/1005547439204466688

2017 [​edit​]

40Lawrence WilsonCreate draft (website drlwilson.com). Promotes "nutritional balancing" and believes the world is run by "Rogues", extraterrestrial beings who manipulate society with a nice bit of jonanism
18Estus PirkleWikipedia was a Baptist minister from New Albany, Mississippi. Alongside director Ron Ormond, he was best known for creating and starring in his own Christian exploitation films. His films included If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do? (anti-communist propaganda that makes Red Dawn look sane by comparison) and The Burning Hell (Pirkle's interpretation of what the Bible has to say about hell and why it should be believed and feared). Both films can be watched on YouTube, and you can also watch the Cinema Snob's reviews of the movies.
41Gad Saad,Wikipedia A Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychology professor known for criticizing almost anything islam while being a staunch defender of Israel. He has a youtube series called "The Saad Truth", which has featured the likes of Dave Rubin, Milo Yiannopoulos, Carl Benjamin, among others. He also had some... interesting things to say about racial profiling here.
13Camp of the SaintsWikipedia - a 1973 book by French "author" Jean Raspail that is a popular reference point for alt-right in regards to the refugee crisis and such. Given that a pdf of it is available online, it's best to do a chapter-by-chapter breakdown to show what people like Steve Bannon and his fans actually praise when they refer to it. Chapter One already describes people on migrant ships as "ant columns" and "microbes in a culture", and bemoans that "scorn of a people of other races, the knowledge that one's own is best" was quashed by "the monstrous cancer implanted in the Western conscience." There's also praise for South Africa at the time as "white nation with eighty percent blacks, not a black nation with twenty percent whites" and what not.
44Fellowship of the MindsCreate draft - a batshit insane right-wing conspiracy theory blog. Groups its content under tags including Sandy Hook Massacre (alleging it's a false flag), Boston Marathon bombings (ditto), Police State/NWO, St. Michael's Prayer Against Evil (various allegations of Satanism), Creation (guess what) Leftwing Pathology and Islam/Jews. Recent content includes alleging Roy Moore lost due to black voter fraud based on Reddit screenshots.
14What the Health,Wikipedia a documentary available on Netflix that pushes a vegan diet.
23Muscular ChristianityWikipedia was a philosophical movement that originated in England in the mid-19th century, characterised by a belief in patriotic duty, manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline, self-sacrifice, and "the expulsion of all that is effeminate, un-English and excessively intellectual". This movement spread to other countries in the 19th century. Today this movement is well entrenched with athletes, most notably Tim Tebow, Manny Pacquiao, Josh Hamilton, and George Wilson.
31The Billy Graham ruleWikipedia or Pence rule is a practice among male Protestant Christians, in which they avoid spending time alone with women to whom they are not married. It is named after Billy Graham, the most notable proponent of the practice. It is adopted as a display of integrity, a means of avoiding sexual temptation, and to avoid any appearance of doing something considered morally objectionable, but has been criticized as being sexist.
501791LCreate draft - A right-wing YouTube channel that's been operating since March 22, 2016 and accumulated 256k subscribers and 45m views since then. It seems to envision itself as a right-wing counter to The Young Turks and Vox's presence on YouTube, and several of their videos are made explicitly in response to them: What Vox missed about sanctuary cities, Vox's messy explanation of "extreme creators", How Cenk Uygur smeared his own reporter, etc. Other stuff includes How Khan makes it harder for London to fight extremism, A Worthless Agreement (about Paris), and Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Cult of Science. For bonus irony points, How CNN threatened to dox the WWE Trump meme is preceded by Inside the lives of top Trump tweet repliers
13Supersessionism,Wikipedia also called replacement theology or fulfillment theology, is a theological view on the current status of the church in relation to the Jewish people and Judaism. It holds that the Christian Church has succeeded the Israelites as the definitive people of God and that the New Covenant has replaced or superseded the Mosaic covenant. This doctrine has been said to justify anti-Semitism within fundamentalist Christian and Islamic circles.
50Robert LindsayCreate draft (webshite), ex Communist Party USA founder of liberal race realism and the altleft, has a IQ of 147 and is friends with Jared Taylor; Chris Langnan and Gilead Atzmon once commented on his blog
36Guns, Germs, and SteelWikipedia is a book by Jared Diamond that tries to explain why Eurasian and North African civilizations were historically dominant.While generally well received critics argue against many of the details as well as the lack of accounting for human action
32Paul BeckwithCreate draft - Another climate change doomer and an ally of Guy McPherson.
36Daniel KinchCreate draft - a guy on Quora with >1500 "answers" who describes himself as "author of work on near-term human extinction based on AGW". Claims that global warming will make humanity go extinct before 2026. Believes that "clathrate gun" (the supposed millions of tons of methane under the North Pole) will be the trigger, and uses nothing but links to "brooklynculturejammers.com" to justify said belief. Effectively, a more extreme version of the "Nature Bats Last" Guy McPherson, who is already profiled on here: a doomsday prophet either dispiriting those still capable of helping or making the entire field look ridiculous.
28War Room.Wikipedia From the people who brought you Fireproof, comes another terrible film that follows the same basic plot as Fireproof only with black people instead of white people!
51A Twitter account called AntifemcomicsCreate draft[229] used to post strawmen comics. Comics can still be seen from the hashtag.
15Lee CampWikipedia is a Progressive comedian and writer who hosts Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp on the RT network, He has promoted conspiracy theories, such as the debunked claim that Seth Rich's murder was connected to the Democratic National Committee leaks (here), That all information reported by the MSM on Syria is "fake news" (here), and that GMO's cause cancer (here).
25Scared Straight!Wikipedia is a 1978 documentary directed by Arnold Shapiro. The subject of the documentary is a group of juvenile delinquents and their three-hour session with actual convicts. It had several follow ups including Beyond Scared Straight on A&E, which Shapiro served as an executive producer. This article should explain why this type of juvenile rehabilitation program and other similar programs are outdated and ineffective in deterring criminal activity. These types of programs can also be harmful and increase delinquency relative to no intervention at all with the same youths.
8Tony KatzWikipedia is a radio personality and political pundit who claims that America is "at war" with Mexico, apparent defender of the RFRA, calling its opponents "liberal fascists", coined the "Racer" theory (i.e., that anyone who disagrees with Obama must be a racist), and all-around wingnut. In the most basic of terms, he's a younger Rush Limbaugh.
56Megalodon,Wikipedia the most overhyped predator in history. A lot of information about this giant shark is put out all over the internet, and a lot of it is terrible. This article could debunk a lot of the crap people say about megalodon, as well as give some basic info about it. Given how it's such a popular thing to talk about, how have we not gotten an article about megalodon yet? Sandbox page here, open for editing.
10The Portable AtheistWikipedia compiled by Christopher Hitchens. It contains a huge selection of atheist writings from middle age philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes to enlightenment philosophers like David Hume to 19th century philosophers like Karl Marx to Modern philosophers such as Bertrand Russell to present day new atheists such as Sam Harris.
14The Good Book: A Humanist BibleWikipedia written by noted atheist academic A C Grayling. It's a book written in the style of the Bible but instead of having religious texts and quotes, it has secular ones instead. It's suppose to show that inspiration, morals and a general guide to life can be secular and areligous.
5Mary Katherine Ham,Wikipedia a right-wingnut pundit and writer for The Federalist. Among other topics, she claimed that the media covers up sexual assault allegations in order to score points with the Left (when talking about accusations against Roy Moore) and [https://www.washingtonian.com/2017/03/26/mary-katharine-ham-is-not-here-to-entertain-you/ apparently had a liberal husband. An article on her might be interesting.
47AltRight.com.Wikipedia An article on the website that popularised the alt-right term and movement is probably due.the site itself youtube twitter [230] (facebook)
42Braving RuinCreate draft. Previously known as Edgy Sphinx before he got exposed for being an alt-righter just pretending to be moderate so he could dog whistle and introduce alt-rightism to centrists, Braving Ruin has such gems on his channel as De-Platforming = Death youtube, "Centrists" are liars (which is a totally not extremist thing to say) (YT again) and a video about (((Google))) (his anti-Semitic Triple parentheses, not mine) (more YT). He currently almost has 10,000 subscribers and over 150,000 views as well as over 4,500 twitter followers.
68The OlympicsWikipedia and the World Cup.Wikipedia Beneath the manufactured, feel-good veneer of athletic prowess, international unity and wholesome fun lies a dark reality, which host cities, thankfully, are starting to grow more privy to. Both of these events invariably result in tremendous financial net losses for host cities, both require the construction of venues which, more often than not, are never thereafter used again and which, more often than not, are constructed by migrant laborers subject to borderline slave-like conditions, and both, finally, are essentially money-grubbing opportunities for their disgustingly corrupt organizing bodies. Plus, they're basically dick-measuring contests for countries, aren't they? Are games in which people run around in a circle as fast as they can or kick a leather sphere around really worth looking past all this?
17Center for Organizational Research and EducationWikipedia They are pro tobacco, alcohol and fast food. Runs a bunch of Astroturf websites. They spread millions of dollars lobbying Congress.
116Standing desks,Wikipedia or Dangers of sittingWikipedia depending on the planned scope of the article. Standing desks are being heavily promoted right now as a cure for the serious and crippling health problems caused by our lifestyles of sitting in the car, sitting in front of the computer for eight hours, sitting in the car again, then sitting in front of Netflix for five hours. The studies that have been done have links to standing desk manufacturers that were not disclosed in the papers, and do not show as much positive effect on these problems as claimed. Independent studies show that standing desks do increase physical activity but have no real effect on cardiovascular health; there is emerging evidence that (as anyone who's ever worked retail will tell you) standing on the job is even more damaging to the body; and the frequent canard that hours spent sitting undo the benefits of exercise is not based on any evidence whatsoever. There is even a danger that the standing-health link will be used by ruthless airlines to make flying even worse. Related to the Alexander Technique,Wikipedia the more zealous promoters of which have been known to claim that the chair is the most harmful invention of mankind. (Most Alexander technique teachers are quite happy to use chairs so long as you sit up straight, though.)
43Jewish expulsionsWikipedia as proof that Jews are somehow bad. The argument goes: 1: A ton of people in history have kicked out the Jews. 2: There can be no explanation for this fact except that Jews are eeeeevil. Examples: [231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240] and the comments in [241] Counterarguments: [242][243][244][245][246][247]
6Trae CrowderWikipedia is an American comedian and co-author of The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark. Crowder attributed his liberal political views to the "abject poverty" of his family during his childhood in rural middle Tennessee. His trademark comedic monologues have garnered both controversy and cumulative views now in the millions on YouTube.
38Either MindfulnessWikipedia or Mindfulness industryWikipedia which is quite a thing now. See "Where's the proof that mindfulness meditation works?
73BearingCreate draft. Australian Youtuber, antifeminist, skeptic and general bigot and wingnut. His videos are mainly just roasts of feminists, fat people, transgender and gender queer people. He also targets tiny YouTube channels, and hides behind a cartoon avatar of the bear from Total Drama.Wikipedia In 2017 he made a video where he explained why he was going to vote no to making same sex marriage legal in Australia. He has over 460,000 Youtube subscribers, almost 300 vidoes and over 63,000,000 views. Listed on our religion webshites page. Is extensively and scathingly described on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and is also covered on Everipedia.
61UndoomedCreate draft. Youtube skeptic and atheist. Does a lot of anti-feminist vidoes but has also recently done vidoes against BLM aswell. His main gimmik is that his avatar is slenderman and he has a pretty cool voice. over 310,000 subscribers, over 32,000,000 views and 163 videos.
87World of Warcraft.Wikipedia The MMO video game for excellence, that has been around for 13 years (and counting) having millions of subscribers. Given its popularity, that it's precisely a video game, its genre (fantasy) and what it entails (Dungeons & Dragons-lifted off stuff as elves, orcs, etc, paganism, magic, demons, dragons, undead, etc.), those reports of people who got addicted to it often to negligent extremes, and sucking more than a black hole, I'm more than sure it will have been the target of Fundies and the like (not to mention sensationalist/dishonest reporters). There have also been a few times when the game got social flak, for things like disbanding a guild for stating they welcomed gay people, and forcing a player-character named "TwoGenders" to change its name. Plus, there was the Corrupted Blood incident.Wikipedia
46Rwanda,Wikipedia an East African country with progressive (given its area) laws on homosexuality.
48Semen retention:Wikipedia A form of alternative therapy based around the theory that men who do not ejaculate semen gain superpowers from retaining more masculine essence, such as increased physical strength and various psychic powers. (Think Fortunato from the Wild Cards books.) Derived from an extremely liberal reading of Tantra, and currently promoted by great thinkers such as Mike Cernovich, the Proud Boys (a bunch of wankers who claim to be "no wank") and various bodybuilding and alt-med cranks. While it's partially covered by Masturbation and NoFap, the former is based on crank theories about negative results from masturbating, not the insane claimed benefits of not masturbating, and NoFap is a specific subculture within this larger movement. I think we need a general and, uh, as tasteful as possible overview about this sticky subject.
60Plant-based enzymesCreate draft: Various businesses and "medical professionals" (who lead said businesses) say that "plant-based enzymes" are apparently not denatured within gastric acid in order to sell them as food supplements. Examples: [248][249]
46Gary RuskinCreate draft: Alt-health dude who founded the anti-GMO group US Right To Know.
7Patterns of Evidence:Wikipedia A movie/book promoting Evidence for the Exodus.
50Tuttle TwinsCreate draft: A children's book series featuring a little boy and girl spouting libertarian talking points. Apparently they're taking the fundie approach and trying to get em' while they're young.
43LifeWaveCreate draft: A placebo "health" product.
7Mike LesterWikipedia — A pro-Trump, conservative political cartoonist who assaulted his wife. His comics are regularly posted on Infowars.com
59Kaiser Wilhelm IIWikipedia - Ruler of Germany during World War One and coiner of the term "Yellow Peril". While the Entente powers were far from innocent either, he did certainly help escalate tensions with other nations with the naval arms race and ending Otto von Bismarck's policy of not pissing off Russia. After losing the war, rather than blaming himself, blamed the Jews and argued they should all be gassed. I wonder how that turned out?
67Spoon theory,Wikipedia the mental health taxation thing. Even Wikipedia's article on the subject lacks any mention of evidence for or against the theory. A skeptical treatment is sorely needed somewhere.
48Francis E. DecCreate draft. Come on, that man at the very least played on the same league as Gene Ray
56Jeff DurbinCreate draft is a pastor at Apologia Church in Tempe, Arizona. At first glance, he looks like your typical American hipster, but looks can be deceiving. He's a fundamentalist and is the leader of the Red Door Ministry, a radical anti-abortion group that believes that any woman who gets an abortion should receive the death penalty. Along with picketing outside his local Planned Parenthood, Durbin hosts a weekly show on his YouTube channel, Apologia Studios. See also Extremist hipster wants to execute women who have an abortion.
26A Patriot's History of the United States,Wikipedia a textbook created as a "truthful" reply to A People's History of the United States and all the leftist bias in history books. Contains trace amounts of global warming denialism, Obama citizenship denial, whitewashing of anything bad that ever happened, and probably other bullshit. This is sometimes used as a complimentary textbook or the main textbook (!) in US history college classes or Advanced Placement courses.
14Greg PalastWikipedia A far-left Journalist "forensic economist and activist chalk full of incredible sounding stories supported by laughably bad evidence. His work is defined by [[250] stupidity] and defamation of those who disagree with him. An example Palast constantly engages in name dropping and sexist commentary.
20Daryl GatesWikipedia was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. He was highly controversial due to his hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. He also earned notoriety for his controversial rhetoric on many occasions. Some of the most notable examples of this were: that infrequent or casual drug users "ought to be taken out and shot" because "we're in a war" and even casual drug use is considered "treason" and his dismissive response to concerns about excessive force by police employing "chokeholds." In 1982, Gates attributed several deaths of people held in chokeholds to the theory that "blacks might be more likely to die from chokeholds because their arteries do not open as fast as they do in 'normal people.'"
50The ThawCreate draft, a 5 minute rant by Reach America filled with the usual suspects including the Christian persecution complex, lack of knowledge regarding the establishment clause, and America as a christian nation.
-28Emer PrevostCreate draft, apparently an awful MRA who died recently. Reader request. There's an ED article which may be mineable for actual sources.
30The online Hapa community (or another title along these lines). There exists a moderately sizable, moderately vocal online community of half-white, half-Asian men pissed about the ubiquitousness of interracial couples composed of white men and Asian women, and who claim that having been born from such pairings themselves has bestowed them with mental illnesses, an inability to attract women, and hopeless futures among other things (they often cite Elliot Rodger as one of their numbers). r/Hapas is easily the community's principal watering hole; Model Minority is another. While the fetishization of Asian women is certainly a legitimate issue, this community often approaches the level of whininess, narcissism and misogyny characteristic of MRAs, MGTOWs, and Incels.
76Reich-Wing WatchCreate draft is a YouTube channel dedicated to exposing any far-right individual and group who's political philosophy parallels that of fascist leaders like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
39FisherofMenCreate draft, one of the oldest members of Youtube's Conspiracy community (And probably one of the craziest). Notable mostly because he was arrested in 2016 for threatening to attack what he believes are enemies to Christianity/America if some vague crisis happens (read: Gays/Non-Christians). While some of the more pleasant cranks like WhiteRabbit just simply hopes he gets better from his "Illness", FisherofMen has recently been released and is now framing himself as one of the first "Christian Martyrs" of the New World Order, despite his trial and sentencing being publicized.
25TrumpwaveWikipedia is a subgenre of vaporwave and synthwave that focuses on Donald Trump. Vice writes that Trumpwave exploits vaporwave's ambivalence towards the corporate culture it engages with, allowing it to recast Trump as "the modern-day inheritor of the mythologized 80s, a decade that is taken to stand for racial purity and unleashed capitalism".
20MEMRI.orgWikipedia is a pro Israel language translation organization. Considered to be negatively Biased and tries to paint Arabs,and Muslims by cherry picking by some.
122Lectin-freeCreate draft is the latest bit of food woo to turn up.
82McDonald's coffee lawsuitWikipedia is an infamous lawsuit usually brought up to show how obsessed Americans are with suing people. However the lawsuit is far more reasonable with the plaintiff suffering third degree burns, originally suing only for medical expenses and the coffee itself being so hot it was considered unfit for consumption which was an issue that McDonalds knew for years.
12McMansionWikipedia is a pejorative term for a large "mass-produced" dwelling, constructed with low-quality materials and craftsmanship, using a mishmash of architectural symbols to invoke connotations of wealth or taste, executed via poorly thought-out exterior and interior design. Note: A previous attempt was deleted in 2012.
49Brett KeaneCreate draft, who apparently was the original YouTube atheist, being the inspiration for all others like TheAmazingAtheist et al., although he has since alternated between christianity and atheism, mainly because of plagiarism and vote boting his videos, as well as being an e-begger. Today has a very small audience. His wife divorced him due to domestic violence.
127Cult of SaturnCreate draft, an ambiguous, but obviously evil (and nonexisting) cult that Conspiracy Theorists like to invoke when their Apophenia isn't working enough for the usual, boring Illuminati symbols to be shoehorned. Simple things like cubes and rings are proof of some grand Conspiracy. It is a common scapegoat for Christian End Times, and Illuminati Predictions and Conspiracies. A couple of examples
53Straight prideWikipedia is a slogan that arose in the late 1980s and early 1990s and has been used primarily by social conservative groups as a political stance and strategy. The term is described as a response to gay pride adopted by various LGBT groups in the early 1970s or to the accommodations provided to gay pride initiatives. Straight pride backlash incidents have generated controversy and media attention. School policies and court decisions regarding freedom of expression have drawn particular attention, spotlighting individuals protesting school expressions against harassment of LGBT adolescents.
40David PakmanWikipedia and/or The David Pakman Show,Wikipedia anybody?
12William Walker,Wikipedia 19th century American mercenary who in 1856 was hired to fight in the Nicaraguan civil war and decided to seize power for himself in the hopes of creating a pro-slavery, Amerocentric regime in Central America.
80ThuggeesWikipedia Worshippers of the goddess Kali who according to colonial British sources believed themselves to have been created from her sweat, they were known to strangle travelers; Guinness Book of Records estimates they killed two million people and Political scientist David C. Rapoport says theya re the most destructive terrorist group in history. Mentioned as an example of nutpicking.
23broken window policingWikipedia Another police practice that became popular in the 1990s that focuses on the idea that a area that seems more crime ridden will encourage crime. This practice was used to encourage stop and frisk procedures and was focused on minority populations.
112Doctor WhoWikipedia Arguably the most popular science fiction program in the world. Numerous scientists have commented on the possibility of the various technologies addressed, though seemingly not hard science advocate Richard Dawkins, despite being married to actress Lalla WardWikipedia who played Time Lady Romana. [251] It would be worth including a discussion of the actual educational merits of the show which began as a BBC children's program, and whether or not it promotes harmful science woo doing harm to the young as the Chinese government alleges all time travel fiction does. [techland.time.com/2011/04/13/china-decides-to-ban-time-travel/] There are bound to be homophobes complaining about the latest companion being gay. [252] As of 2018, Doctor Who is now a woman.[1]
9selfhacked.comCreate draft
13HeartMath Institute,Wikipedia a reader request. "HeartMath® is a scientifically validated system of techniques and technologies that will help you to transform your stress, boost your resilience and empower higher performance." [253] [254] [255]
15Dunno how we've missed covering Louise Mensch.Wikipedia From middling-thick Tory MP to expat Brit in America singularity of weird and dumb. Lots of RW material here. She is known to harass women with false accusations of spying. 4chan is leaking fake documents to Mensch to an attempt to destroy the left.
57Foreign Workers in Asia and the Middle EastCreate draft. To support their families, people of low socioeconomic status from developing countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines often travel to perform unskilled labor in capacities such as domestic service and construction work in nouveau-riche countries such as Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Singapore, wherein they are often subject to borderline slave-like conditions, including rape, domestic abuse and non-payment of wages, against which they have no means of legal recourse.
25Male gazeWikipedia red linked on sexual objectification, the name is used frequently in feminist analysis in the arts and humanities, though it is used somewhat less in psychology or sociology. The article should also include the lesbian, gay, hetero sexual female and trans equivalents of the visual cues of objectification. On one hand the my face is up here T shirt makes a valid point, but on the other hand telling someone their glance hurts you or that their gaze makes the stars collapse outside the village menstrual hut can make them feel like Scott SummersWikipedia; perhaps a see also for the evil eye. What constitutes an inappropriate amount of gawking can be difficult to quantify and varies by individual and culture but is a major and nebulous societal issue, while wearable tech that can record video complicates the issue.
58War on HalloweenCreate draft Not actually a phrase that's thrown around in the news like the War on Christmas is by Fox, but many churches actively oppose the celebration of Halloween and even secular groups have opposition to both the supernatural inspiration of the holiday as well as certain costumes derived from historical hate groups such as Nazi's or the KKK.Wikipedia Any costume with fake weapons is also prohibited in many schools and ethnic stereotypes are also frowned upon at universities, which technically should include Egyptian mummies, Voodoo zombies, werewolves made from gypsy cursesWikipedia and vampires with thick Transylvanian accents. That basically leaves costumes appropriated from European mythology, animals modern jobs, dressing up as your biological ancestors, something without weapons from Comicon, bigfoot and aliens. Does your child need to be both in a wheel chair and bald to inoffensively dress as Professor XWikipedia for Halloween, or just one or the other?
20The Doctors,Wikipedia the CBS show that focuses on medical/health issues. Given its popular status, I think RationalWiki editors should have a look at it.
44Perhaps an article on science advisers for fictional worksCreate draft in TV and film [256],Dr. John Underkoffler was one of the first for Steven Spielberg's Minority Report. Also ties into the authors of the science of superheroes books, Michio Kaku Science of the Impossible is another good source.
26InceptionWikipedia the 2010 film about experiencing and interfacing with other peoples dreams through technology, compliments the article request for the equally fantastical Interstellar. This Forbes article mentions a team in Japan and can reconstruct simple black-and-white images the subject is viewing by analyzing the blood flow in the brain’s visual cortex. According to Dr. Jack Gallant "“I think it’s legitimate for some people to have some concerns about brain-reading technology being used for bad things, but nobody has to be worried about one of those bad things being writing stuff to the brain.” [257]
44Donnie RomeroCreate draft is an American Independent Baptist pastor and the founder of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX. He is yet another cohort of both Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist and Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist and he is just as bad as both of them.
42Color psychologyWikipedia is distinct from color therapy and attributes attributes to colors; featured in Forbes.
46HentaiWikipedia is popular with Gamergaters and MRA's but there's little scientific analysis of it in Japan, or western academia.
46Paul WittenbergerCreate draft is an Independent Baptist conspiracy-oriented filmmaker from Phoenix, AZ and a former Hollywood production crew member for film and television. He has directed and produced such "documentaries" as After the Tribulation, The Book of Revelation, New World Order Bible Versions, and Marching to Zion, all of which he collaborated with Steven Anderson. His website, http://framingtheworld.com/, is where he sells his "documentaries" and other merchandise. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1509561/
66RecaptioningCreate draft or a less generic name - specifically, the alt-right practice of "redpilling" cartoons by other artists with white nationalist captions. Examples include Ben Garrison (whose opinions are half way there) and Sarah Andersen (whose opinions aren't).
12 Aestheticization of violence,Wikipedia considering how many GamerGate articles with references mentioning sexism, elaborating more on violence in fiction in general seems appropriate and on mission and this topic would cover more mediums than just video games, stretching back well into antiquity. There's a number of fairly reputable news sources commenting on this [258] and [259], as well as some claims by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry whom appear to be academic and don't seem to be religiously founded like the Parents Television Council. It would be nice to establish if there's a scientific consensus on this.
130Catholicism and far-right politicsCreate draft, the wikipedia categoryWikipedia includes quite a few entries from the modern era. I don't think simply adding this to the page for Catholicism is a good idea because it will most likely end up almost as long as rest of the page, like how Child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church has 55 references compared to Catholicism's 56.
120Eastern Orthodoxy and far-right politicsCreate draft, ditto for this one.Wikipedia
40Dean Saxton aka Brother DeanCreate draft is a University of Arizona student who gained some media attention in 2013 for his protests on campus with Westboro-styled signs declaring that women who wear "short shorts" deserve to be raped, that "sorority girls" are whores, predictable homophobic slogans, and other bizarreness. While there is mention of him on the Brother Jed article, I think he should have his own article.
11Paul Craig Roberts,Wikipedia whose sometimes-legitimate criticisms of U.S. foreign policy are lost amid his sea of false flag accusations. (Website here: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ )
123Shouldn't We have an article on slavery in the Qur'anCreate draft? There's an article on slavery in the Bible.
51Gary FranchiCreate draft a.k.a Next News NetworkCreate draft is being put on notice for the following: 9/11 trutherism, doomsday soothsayer, clickbait headlines with questionable validity, and also spreading fake news at a rate. In a nutshell, he makes Alex Jones of all people look sane.
13Original positionWikipedia; the question of what society people would choose if they didn't know where in said society they'd start off in. Not a particularly extensive topic, but useful for understanding some of the nuttier "utopias"; e.g., people advocating for eugenics and so forth never consider the possibility they wouldn't be the ones on top.
8Terence P. JeffreyWikipedia Wrote Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life. and writes for CNSNews.com.
17Belle GibsonWikipedia is a young Australian woman who fooled large sections of the media and huge numbers of people that she had miraculously recovered from several episodes of terminal cancer, strokes and major heart surgery (her scars had miraculously disappeared too) through nothing more than following a healthy diet and using alternative medicine. She became a star of the celebrity circuit, and sales of her Apple app (which was featured by Apple in promotional material for their Apple Watch) and book The Whole Pantry made her rich, but she unfortunately neglected to make the promised charitable donations and instead splashed out on a high-flying lifestyle. In 2015 the begrudgers won out and she finally admitted her entire story was fabricated. Interestingly, she claims that delusionality was the reason for her false claims, and was later discovered selling more scam health advice under a pseudonym.[260]
61The so-called People’s Protection ForceCreate draft[261] and Kevin Mugur Galalae. Here’s their "manifesto". Seems to me like some kinda super-crank magnetic mixture of the Alt-right (hails Trump as an anti-NWO hero, calls itself "Alt-news", defends Adolf Hitler outright, rants about the importance of traditional family structure) and NaturalNews/Zeitgeist Movement/GlobalResearch.ca-type moonbats in general (supports the Occupy movement, defends Russian propaganda).
31Quite frankly, I'm surprised Kellyanne ConwayWikipedia hasn't gotten a page yet.
7Ami HorowitzWikipedia, who recently came into the spotlight for being cited in Donald Trump's "Sweden Incident" debacle. As of yet, Horowitz's claims have been debunked by numerous sources, including Swedish authorities.
42truththeory.comCreate draft
24Questions White Men have for SPOOKs, a notorious Gish Gallop by the "Rationals" done as a "style parody" of two sketches by Buzzfeed. I'm shocked how this hasn't gotten a side-by-side rebuttal here yet, given its content being a bunch of strawman representations of intersectional feminism and anti-racism.
41Heart of DarknessWikipedia is a novella written in 1899 by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad, about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa. Central to Conrad's work is the idea that there is little difference between so-called civilised people and those described as savages; Heart of Darkness raises questions about imperialism and racism.
38TL;DR/Teal Deer, yet another of the Rationals, who somehow manages to be even dumber, more smug, and more grating to listen to than his peers. Also known for being unable to let any criticism of himself slide (often completely missing/proving his critic's point in the process), confusing pedantry for intelligence, failing at pedantry, and for being unable to admit when he's wrong, even when his own audience points it out (see when he accused Anita Sarkeesian of making up the term neoliberal), alongside the usual angry right-wing YouTuber faults. (Currently a mention under Webshites.) Also the title of his channel make no fraggling sense since it stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read", and people don't read videos.
86Alternative factsWikipedia - This'll be good. Currently only exists as a redirect.
27Marching to ZionWikipedia (2015) is an American "documentary" directed by Paul Wittenberger, written by Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church, and staring Anderson, as well as Texe Marrs. This "documentary" states that it's about tracing the "history" of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in 70 AD to the modern-day nation of Israel, however, it is actually a typical anti-semitic propaganda piece that's filled with heavy bias, strawman, and blatant misconceptions that are utilized throughout the film to undermine the Jewish faith by promoting a replacement theology that claims that Christians are the real Jews. In fact Anderson came under fire by the Jewish community when it was discovered that he lied to the rabbis who were interviewed by telling them the interviews were for a neutral PBS documentary on Jewish history.
21Hard right folks on the internet keep bringing up Mark Levin'sWikipedia "Liberty Amendments".Wikipedia Basically proposed amendments to the Constitution to strictly enforce Tea Party dogma. Perhaps a point-by-point deconstruction is in order?
41I can't believe we still don't have an article on White Aryan Resistance.Wikipedia
335:2 diet:Wikipedia A method of eating that supposedly prevents/reduces cancer. [262][263][264][265][266][267]
20Currency ManipulationWikipedia - Tends to come up in anti-China rants. Not sure if it's a Wingnut conspiracy theory, or something real.
13The DaystarWikipedia Television Network[268] is a Christian television network established in 1997 by Marcus Lamb. They claim to own 70 television stations in the United States and are a fixture on many cable and satellite networks. Daystar hosts programs from the likes of Jack Van Impe, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen, Hal Lindsey, Jim Bakker, and many other fundamentalist televangelists.
48Roger JimenezCreate draft is an independent Baptist pastor at Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. A recording of a sermon, given by Pastor Jimenez, was posted to YouTube on June 13, 2016, the day after the Pulse Orlando Shooting (2016) which brought much criticism. In the video, Pastor Jimenez preached to his congregation that they should not be grieving for the victims of the shooting, and compared them to pedophiles. He is also a cohort of Steven Anderson, which should come to no surprise.


2016 [​edit​]

20Cassie JayeWikipedia - a feminist filmmaker who directed the documentary film The Red Pill that details her journey (and eventual descent) into the men's rights movement.
37NormalizingWikipedia appears to be the new buzzword for 2016 signifying once unacceptable things becoming acceptable. Shouldn't we have an article on this?
56Killer beeWikipedia/Africanized bee,Wikipedia hyped for many years as a grave threat to American civilisation, but what is the scientific reality? We have a lot of bee and honey articles but not this. Maybe we could build some kind of a wall?
73TerraformingWikipedia (literally, "Earth-shaping") of a planet, moon, or other body is the hypothetical process of deliberately modifying its atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology to be similar to the environment of Earth to make it habitable by Earth-like. Prospective planets include Mars and Venus. We can also do an article regarding the philosophical concerns within biology and ecology as to whether terraforming other worlds is an ethical endeavor.
52Liberland,Wikipedia a particularly silly and amusing micronation scam. Currently a redirect to Micronation, but there's material here for a proper article. Founder is of course a serial scammer, with several other serial scammers participating.
7Sojourners,Wikipedia American magazine with conservative bent
21John F. MacArthur,Wikipedia known for his best-selling bible commentary, but after looking at his Wikipedia page (John F. MacArthurWikipedia) he seems a crazy of a high degree, on the fringe of mainstream Protestantism, and to have been involved in several controversies - all of which is rather worrying considering the influence he has on how the Bible is interpreted.
41Saqqara Bird,Wikipedia a wooden artifact recovered from Egypt and carved in the image of, as one might expect by the name, a bird. With a wingspan of little more than half a foot, it is a fairly small construct, but this hasn't stopped people from claiming that it must have been a model for actual flying devices invented by the ancient Egyptians, which "mysteriously" left absolutely no evidence of their existence outside of this artifact. Most of this stems from its tail being vertical instead horizontal, the fact that birds are aerodynamic, as well as the works by such sorts as Martin Gregoria who built an upscaled version where the startling discovery was made that the thing was far too heavy and unstable to even glide. As one might expect, this of course hasn't stopped others from claiming they've made their own models work.
53InteligenCreate draft, a new form of wooplement that is hitting the internet streets via url shortened spamlinks, google result url spams and other link obfuscating methods. their ad policy http://goodllwits.com/intl/wmyy/inteligen?bhu=bHVFxtJVSq1qDzzkWhcNF3wmhaMzLCaYbn#37686 and http://www.inteligenscam.com/ domain scam blares the red alert on them.
27Military Association of Atheists & FreethinkersWikipedia (MAAF) is a community for atheists, humanists, and freethinkers in the military, both within the United States and from around the world. The MAAF can assist U.S. military members to respond to illegal and insensitive religious proselytizing on military bases. It is an independent 501(c)(3) organization building community for humanists and other nontheists in the military. The MAAF supports constitutional separation of church and state and First Amendment rights for all service members. It also educates and trains both the military and civilian community about atheism and humanism in the military. Flagship programs for MAAF are its local Network, with over 70 worldwide points of contact, lay leaders, and local groups from Kyrgyzstan to Japan and throughout the US and its Chaplain Outreach program to educate 5000 military chaplains on how to support atheists and humanists in the military. Supporting those major programs are care package delivery, lay leader and chaplain endorsement, and a robust advocacy program to identify and resolve issues to make the military a safe place for nontheists. (Well, as safe as an organization whose purpose is to fight wars can be, at least.)
93Ricky Gervais,Wikipedia comedian and internet atheist
16God on TrialWikipedia is a 2008 BBC/WGBH Boston television play written by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The play takes place in Auschwitz during World War II. The Jewish prisoners put God on trial in absentia for abandoning the Jewish people. The question is if God has broken his covenant with the Jewish people by allowing the Nazis to commit genocide.
13The Agora,Wikipedia formerly Agora, Inc, is the parent company of many, MANY crank publishers and "news" sites, including Natural News and the below-mentioned MoneyWeek. This body of the crank hydra is infamous for its spam emails offering a "free"* book by some Austrian School nutjob.
12MoneyWeekWikipedia (who also runs Capital & Conflict) is a magazine whose website makes wild claims about wealth confiscation before telling you to buy a "report" or sign up for some newsletter. For example, that weird ad at their homepage (http://moneyweek.com)
47ThePhoraCreate draft, another major hate site. Basically Stormfront with slightly less overt racism.
16Paul McHugh,Wikipedia anti-transgender and anti-gay[269] formerly distinguished psychiatrist, widely criticised by those who've read more recent research.[270] He also defended the Catholic Church (of which he's a member) over paedophile priest allegations, blaming it all on the church for being insufficiently anti-gay.
17Peace and Freedom Party,Wikipedia California-centred leftist minor party with an impressive range of celebrity Presidential/VP candidates including Roseanne Barr, Cindy Sheehan, Eldridge Cleaver, and Benjamin Spock. Standing again in 2016.
70Conspiracy theories about higher educationCreate draft (or something of that nature), because the eebill essjaydubyaz are turning campuses into places where you are encouraged not to treat others like crap SAFE SPACEZ with warning people about sensitive topics TRIGGAH WEGHNINGZ!!1! These are chock full of something familiar...
14Rocky IVWikipedia is a 1985 American sports film written, directed by, and starring Sylvester Stallone. Because the film came out during the height of the Cold War era, it is basically pro-American nationalism with Rocky Balboa as the symbol of both the American Dream and American idealism taking on the six foot tall goliath, Ivan Drago, who is the physical embodiment of the Soviet Union.
128Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic PartyWikipedia is yet another paranoid political documentary by Dinesh D'Souza about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and an examination of the "history" of the Democratic Party. Currently just a subsection of the D'Souza article.
32U.S. support of the Khmer RougeWikipedia is a conspiracy theory promoted by some figures on the Left in the U.S. Not sure if it validates its own article, but it could get a section in the Khmer Rouge article.
53Ener-ChiCreate draft and/or Andreas MoritzCreate draft, a peddler of New Age woo. [271]
42Hoodia gordonii,Wikipedia the plant marketed as Hoodia as an appetite suppressant, even though it totally isn't one. A favourite of herbal and diet scammers.
30Suzanne Moore.Wikipedia Suzanne "Men. You can’t live with them. You can’t shoot them." Moore. Second-waver "radical feminist" who rejects "modern feminism" because she believes it "spends most of its life not just bending over backwards, but in the doggy position, saying how much it likes men". Accused of being transphobic (if true this would basically make her a TERF). In terms of extremeness could probably be considered somewhere between Andrea Dworkin and Cathy Brennan.
66Women's studiesWikipedia or Gender studiesWikipedia programs in the Humanities departments of universities. Are they statistically-rigorous investigations of the relationship between gender and society, or a liberal plot to make you hate men?
70U.S. Right to KnowCreate draft is an organic industry interest group whose practices have been monitored by a user wanting to bring them to light. Activities of this organization include involvement in the FOIA accusations of Kevin Folta, and repeated attempts to silence critics by calling them paid trolls.
54The Forbidden KnowledgeCreate draft, at theforbiddenknowledge.com. Magnetic crank website with a significant amount of views, combination of Antimasonry, Freeman on the Land, NWO nightmare, and a great example of Haig's law in action.
73Development dictatorshipCreate draft the curious idea on the right that developing countries have to go through a phase of basically being Singapore, South Korea until the 1980s, Taiwan until the 1980s or China today if they ever want to get out of poverty. Similar and related to the "if only the Chinese were running things" complaint of Western very serious people
18Correct the Record,Wikipedia a PAC founded by Media Matters creator David Brock to "defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks," and one of the latest boogeymen for angry pro-Trump Redditors.
26Northwest Front,Wikipedia a crank scheme to "save the white race", etc., by establishing a whites-only enclave in the Pacific Northwest. Going Galt for the alt-right. Here's their website - they have a constitution and everything!
52kosher taxWikipedia or kosher tax conspiracyWikipedia about the Kosher tax conspiracy theory,Wikipedia not the actual historic taxes on kosher food.Wikipedia Apparently some people think the small labels showing whether a product is kosher dairy or meat are one giant (((Jewish))) conspiracy. Some even believe that the "K" in a circle means the product was made by the Ku Klux Klan!
53ActiviaWikipedia is a mostly irrelevant yoghurt brand these days, but it caused quite a shitstorm a few years ago when the people discovered that the supposed active ingredient, "Bifidus regularis", turned out to be regular old gut bacteria. Classic example of food woo and deepity in action.
10The Claremont Institute is a conservative think tank, the paleocon complement to the neocon Heritage Foundation and libertarian Ludwig von Mises Institute. Big fans of Leo Strauss, the go-to guys for genteel racism since 1979.
36Chestahedron,Wikipedia a geometric shape invented by a student of Rudolf Steiner that is claimed to have some mystical connection to the heart.
32A more global, wider-ranging article on immigration: there is Myths and facts about immigration to the United States, Britain is full and illegal immigrant as well as coverage of Islam in the West, nationalism, and more, but nothing about legal migration in general. Anti-immigrant sentiment is related to racism, but not the same, as it references cultural factors (religion, etc) and worries about overcrowding and economics. Immigration is now a major political issue in much of Europe: cover anti-immigrant parties and agitators. Also, myths advanced by the far-right about immigrants all being criminals, stealing jobs, being lazy, acting as a secret invasion force/being terrorists, etc (which are covered in the US article but not globally). Plus, how worries about immigrants often don't reflect actual levels of immigrants, or the racial/ethnic/religious identity of most immigrants. There may be scope for merging or writing more of an overview.
85The infamous white supremacist and "comedian" Sam Hyde.Wikipedia[272]
52The so-called War on cashCreate draft feeds on the revolution in how we are paying for goods – examples of questionable claims include Zero Hedge and even Forbes! – I already made some preliminary notes on this.
17We need to investigate the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,Wikipedia a target of conspiracy theories that allege that the act allows the US government to confiscate savings in the same way as Cyprus did in 2013 (although it I did not get to design new banknotes for them since they did not leave the euro in the end). Examples include govtslaves.info, which itself needs an article, and Zero Hedge.
61Hindus for TrumpCreate draft; a Hindu nationalist group that fully supports Donald Trump, beliving him to be a reincarnation of Vishnu.
46We might need to investigate Finca BayanoCreate draft (http://www.fincabayano.net/en/survival.htm) to figure out this unique kind of survivalist woo that entices people to "Emigrate while you can". Its ads appears in what appears to be another conspiracy site Govtslaves.info, according to this.
12Jay SeverinWikipedia was a radio show host who openly claimed that all Muslims should be killed.
78Bruce Lee,Wikipedia was a Hong Kong American actor, martial artist, philosopher, filmmaker, and founder of the martial art Jeet Kune Do. He is widely considered by commentators, critics, media, and other martial artists to be one of the most influential martial artists of all time, and a pop culture icon of the 20th century. He is often credited with helping to change the way Asians were presented in American films. His eclectic philosophy often mirrored his fighting beliefs, though he was quick to claim that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings.
52Apricot kernel,Wikipedia a "Health food" that causes Cyanide poisoning (see also laetrile). Also basis for a cheap substitute of marzipan
51Asses see Demons and Cocks see AngelsCreate draft, or some variation on this entertaining title. Belief held by some Muslims which references scripture alongside donkeys and roosters seeing IR/UV to conclude that their braying/crowing is a result of seeing Demons/Angels.
76VapingWikipedia - its claimed benefits, conspiracy aspects ("Government trying to kill it because taxes on smoking are higher") and the missionary zeal of some addicts. Currently a redirect to a small section on Tobacco smoking. Draft in progress.
13Shmita,Wikipedia or Shemitah, is a sabbatical year in Judaism that is occasionally a target of anti-Semitic predictions of a global economic collapse (one of the most recent being for 15 September 2015), some of who try to sell religion with it: offenders include Before it's News, The Dollar Vigilante, The Economic Collapse Blog and even InfoWars.
45The Money MastersCreate draft - an Austrain economics documentary full of Federal Reserve conspiracy theories.
10Irving FischerWikipedia is an economist who's theories have heavily influenced post-Keynesian economists. He was also an advocate of full-reserve bankingWikipedia and alternative currencies (akin to Bitcoin). Unfortunately, he made medical crank theories and argued in favor of prohibition and eugenics.
6Tawfik HamidWikipedia is a self-described ex-Islamic fundamentalist and a campaigner for a more "peaceful Islam". He is also a Muslim Zionist.
41Virginity testWikipedia "medical procedure" which tests to see if a woman has had sexual intercourse. Human Rights Watch has documented incidences where these tests have been used to deny women jobs and marriages.
24CrossFitWikipedia and the controversy and criticism surrounding it.
16Washington Legal Foundation,Wikipedia the mortal enemy of the Food and Drug Administration. They oppose all government regulation, but they're particularly gunning for the FDA and are responsible for most of the setbacks in FDA regulation in the past thirty years. They are horrifyingly effective at what they do. Funding is not clear but is probably the Kochs. Their 2015 annual report covers their hard work against regulation in general.
48Choice CenterCreate draft Las Vegas, a Landmark-style Large Group Awareness Training that teaches you "leadership" and oh yeah, wants you to fundraise for them too. Suggested by a reader.
41clitoris:Wikipedia things I've heard lately (1) the excellent example of bad science where male anatomists totally ignored it for hundreds of years, because patriarchy (2) it's allegedly the only human organ with no evolutionary purpose (cats have clitoris in their vagina btw), or that may be a myth, but creationism[273] (3) lots of myths and tall stories about its nerves or lack of nerves, sensitivity or insensitivity, plus dangers of clitoral piercing.
17Eugene LandyWikipedia was an American psychologist and psychotherapist most notorious for his unconventional 24-hour therapy, as well as for ethical violations concerning his treatment of the Beach Boys co-founder Brian Wilson in the 1980s.
70Patient-funded trialCreate draft, a way to sell snake oil to sick people. The loophole the Burzynski clinic uses. Controversial, particularly ethically. [274][275] Occasionally nets a really deserving sucker like Peter Thiel.[276]
30Pure Flix EntertainmentWikipedia is a Christian film production company, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona and co-founded by Arnold Schwarzenneger of Christian films David A. R. White. The company produces, distributes, acquires and markets Christian and family-friendly films. The company produced such classics as God's Not Dead, Jerusalem Countdown, and Do You Believe?
64WeAreTheLeftCreate draft (actually "#WeAreTheLeft", but you can't start an article with a #) was an open letter posted on Medium that argued that the left needs to embrace intersectionality and address bigotry in the ranks. A lot of leftists seem to be taking umbrage at it (including many on this very site).
46Tiny Nose's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.Wikipedia This is the critically panned sequel to 2016: Obama's America, directed by Dinesh D'Souza.
33Repatriation,Wikipedia the idea of returning legal immigrants (invariably non-whites) to their "homelands", either "voluntary" or by force. A mainstay of the racist right in Britain since the 1960s, it would be interesting to trace the history of the idea and the practicalities or impracticalities. A contrast could be made with the "Back to Africa" movement or the "right of return" in the Middle East and similar ideas of voluntary return "home".
71Onision,Wikipedia a YouTube atheist known for angry rants against those who disagree with his views, and calls himself a feminist, in an attempt to hide and excuse his true misogynistic behavior.
60Erin ElizabethCreate draft has gained notoriety on Facebook for promoting food woo, anti vaccine nonsense and other miscellaneous quackery, so a page here is now a must-have.
20Howard Stern,Wikipedia the shock jock known for banter about sexuality, bashing and starting feuds with celebrities of all kind, and using big tragic events for his brand of comedy and/or moralizing.
28Islamic JihadWikipedia is an Islamist group in the Middle East known for collaboration with Hamas in Palestine.
27MujahideenWikipedia is a term in Islam which means holy warrior, and often used by extremists.
20FitnaWikipedia is a term which generally referred to anything that is a distraction in Islam, but is now mostly used as a snarl word by Muslim fundies to describe women's actions if they aren't dressed "properly" or are even in the public eye.
16Jay SekulowWikipedia runs the right wing American Center for Law and Justice. Through his daily radio show, internet video, and web site, he panders to evangelical conservatives, bashes the left, files lawsuits, and gathers petitions promoting various right wing causes. The ACLJ, formed by Pat Robertson, has come under criticism for filling the coffers of Jay Sekulow and his family with tens of millions of dollars since the 1980s. (Currently a stub at the ACLJ article).
43TruNewsCreate draft[277] is a right wing blog and companion radio show run by paranoid conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles. They appear to have gained some traction recently among fellow conspiracists, and they now broadcast their odd combination of evangelical Christian fare, extreme right wing talk, and conspiracy theories from shortwave station WRMI in Florida and a number of domestic U.S. radio stations. (Currently a redirect to Rick Wiles.)
72STEMlordCreate draft is a term used by some people about those too holier than thou about science.
15Bill WarnerWikipedia is an anti-Islam speaker known for his YouTube channel "Political Islam".
20 Asra NomaniWikipedia is a feminist Muslim who gained controversy over her opinions about Islam. She originlly was known for championing the cause of desegregation in mosques by gender, but later started voicing more controversial statements. One of her biggest points currently (and probably the only one she focuses on) is about the Muslim headscarf. She has even gone so far as to equate it with terror, which led to even others who criticize the headscarf to distance themselves from her views on this (claiming that she has become paranoid on the topic). Other questionable views include her loudly supporting Ben Carson, being one of the most vocal voices against the "Park 51", supporting profiling of Muslims, and claiming that a common Islamic expression is symbolic with extremist ideology.
14Ana KasparianWikipedia is Cenk Uygur's reporting partner for TheYoungTurks.
25Yitzhak RabinWikipedia was Israel's beloved Prime Minister who was murdered by some fundamentalist Jew because he intended to make peace.
20MondoweissWikipedia has been popping up in WIGO a lot recently - who are they, what do they do and who reliable are they as a source
25The World According to Monsanto,Wikipedia yet another anti-GMO propaganda film.
36Perhaps an article on Treason,Wikipedia including the history of the charge, and its abundant presence in Pseudolaw, especially in the United States, where some believe that Treason is anything the government does that they don't like.
33Monica Lewinsky.Wikipedia This article would focus on her as a person, her veering between shunning publicity and embracing it since the scandal, and her claims about being the patient zero for cyberbullying. Also would address claims that feminists berated her at the Tiny Noses' urging.
17Healy-Rae familyWikipedia or perhaps Danny Healy-Rae,Wikipedia scary Irish political family who hide behind "the veneer of a friendly/simple country yokel" but are a lot worse than one may think. Jackie left Fianna Fáil and made a huge furore about how unprincipled they were (despite only quitting for political reasons), then proceeded to support them anyway. Michael was absent for over two thirds of Dáil debates but claimed expenses on all of them anyway, and decided that excluding the number 13 would 'save the Irish car industry', and is current head of Oireachtas Committee on European Affairs, and worst of all is Danny, who decided that climate change was controlled by 'God alone' and puny humans can do nothing to stop it (This isn't something I implied, HE EXPLICITLY STATED THIS IN DÁIL EIREANN). Worse still, they are currently best mates with Fine Gael (yep) and could be damaging if they get anywhere near the cabinet. And yet the people of Kerry love them. Michael got the most votes out of anyone in the 2016 general election surpassing 20,000 ON A SPLIT STRATEGY (the next guy was Stephen Donnelly in Wicklow, who is JOINT LEADER OF THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATS) and Danny got in on the second count, pushing out a MINISTER and experts said there were enough for 3 Healy-Raes. While they say they will bring it up to "dose smart alecks up in Dublin" they have a very sinister, unstoppable agenda.
70"YADA"Create draft is a youtuber and crank. He is also a member of the Hotep Movement.
71"Can We Take a Joke?"Wikipedia is an upcoming documentary by Reason contributor Ted Balacker. It looks like it's going to be the latest round of aging comedians complaining about political correctness being "censorship." Made in partnership with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
20J. Warner WallaceWikipedia is an American homicide detective and Christian apologist. He has authored several books, including Cold-Case Christianity and God’s Crime Scene, in which he applies principles of cold case homicide investigation to apologetic concerns such as the existence of God and the reliability of the Gospels.
28Reason Rally.Wikipedia Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear exists, and this has happened twice. The nonsense around the second one should be interesting.
32Klaus BarbieWikipedia was a Nazi officer (in)famous for his methods of torturing French resistance fighters. Instead of being tried for war crimes, he was hired by the CIA to track down German commies - and possibly to capture Che Guevara.
54Bill StillCreate draft is a dubious broadcaster that desperately needs to be Rationalwikized. He is in the debunked conspiracy film Thrive. He has done a show about how Donald Trump is "God's Trumpet".
65 Good schoolsCreate draft a dog whistle term for white people to explain why they move away from "those people" once they start a family. Ripe for analysis of the (mis)use of the term and if the inherent claim actually holds water
30Apparently ecosexualityWikipedia is a thing. Looks New Agey to me.
56Massie MunroeCreate draft,[278] senatorial candidate from California vows to end "remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control" for Targeted individuals.
66Brexit: The MovieWikipedia A pro-leave film made by the same guy who made the Great Global Warming Swindle. I don't think I know enough to respond to all of it but I'm pretty sure the bit about fishing is bullshit given that most of the decline in British fishing occurred before the Common Fisheries Policy was introduced thanks to its own overfishing.
30Bernard NathansonWikipedia - was an abortion provider and pro-choice advocate, now a pro-life nutter.
78Awake DatingCreate draft [279] is a dating site created to facilitate romantic connections between conspiracy theorists.
117German ethnic cleansingCreate draft (working title; should be changed) is a claim that many white supremacists and Neo-nazis use as a red herring when discussing the Holocaust. Examples include the German POWs killed in Utah during the Midnight Massacre,Wikipedia in DachauWikipedia after its liberation, those who died during Rheinwiesenlager,Wikipedia and those who died laboring for the Soviets.Wikipedia They may also mention the treatment of German prisoners of war in the United StatesWikipedia or the flight and expulsionWikipedia of Germans across Europe during and after WWII. A book called Other LossesWikipedia, by Canadian novelist, James Bacque,Wikipedia purports that millions of Germans were purposely killed by the Allies after the war but it was heavily criticized for misrepresenting and misreporting facts; his book Crimes and Mercies, also about the treatment of the Germans wafter WWII, was better received. The forced assimilation of German AmericansWikipedia during WWI may also be relevant to this topic.
38Annie Lacroix-Riz,Wikipedia French literature professor, is an unreconstructed Stalinist, arguing no famine happened in Ukraine on 1933, that an Vatican-Berlin-Warsaw axis worked to fight against Communism in the 1930s and that France has been stabbed in the back by the Synarchie - business and industry bigwigs - on 1940.
43The Thomas Carlyle Club for Young Reactionaries (Students Against a Democratic Society) is a pseudonym taken by neoreactionary Karl F. Boetel and published several articles on the website Radish, including apologism against democracy (see here) and for slavery (see here), lynching (see here) and the Congo Free State (see here). Also came up with the Dark Enlightenment Magic: The Gathering cards.
47Calvary ChapelWikipedia is an evangelical association of Christian churches, which grew out Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Southern California in 1965. There are over 1,000 churches in the United States alone and have affiliations with half a dozen colleges campuses. While they try to promote themselves as a friendly organization they have conservative leanings when it comes to Biblical teachings, which tends to piss off most non-Christians and most moderate to liberal Christians
65Americans for Common Cents,Wikipedia otherwise known as the penny lobby. They are one of the groups pushing the keep the U.S. penny in circulation, despite the fact it costs more to make a penny than what the coin is actually worth, or the fact that the coin has become essentially obsolete in this day and age. They claim we need to keep it for such reasons as charity drives and the "fact" that millions of Americans want to keep it, and totally not because the group is backed by the industrial company Jarden Zinc Products, which produces the blank zinc disks from which pennies are made. For more info: (https://www.publicintegrity.org/2014/07/02/14959/saving-penny-makes-cents-zinc-backed-front-group)
74The Muslim Students' AssociationWikipedia is a decently sized religious organization operating on college campuses. While they try to promote themselves as a friendly organization they have ultraconservative leanings on the Quran and support political Islamism, to the point where they don't even allow moderate Muslims to join them on some campuses because they don't consider them real Muslims. Unfortunately it can be difficult to separate the genuine extremeness of the MSA from the more conspiritorial ramblings of Islamophobic crazies who use them as a favorite boogeyman (though this time they're not completely wrong that the MSA likes to use social justice organizations for cover).
64Dial-the-Truth MinistriesWikipedia is fundamentalist Christian website founded by Dr. Terry Watkins. They are King James Only-advocates, and they believe that rock music (including Christian rock) is evil. The ministry also believes that Hell is a physical place located in the core of the Earth, that Santa Claus is a form of Satan, and has additionally written on the theory of a link between the number '11' and the September 11 terrorist attacks, alleging that, "This could be the "beginning of the end" of America the great."
60John Kennedy TooleWikipedia satirised neoreactionary politics in A Confederacy of Dunces and religion in The Neon Bible.
83 GhostPolitics, True Capitalist Radio, or True Conservative Radio, whatever you want to call it: Yet another right-wing kook with a microphone on the internet. Transphobic (refers to his trans callers as "transtesticles"), homophobic ("You're fruitin' up my broadcast! The whole place smells like butt-crack!"), racist ("I'M A MELTING POT OF FRIENDSHIP!! I'M A NICE GUYYY!!!1!"), brony-hatin', sexist ("Your mother is out at Applebees' lookin' for the high hard one from some ethnic minority, huh?"), conspiracy-theorizin' (the usual "Moon Landing in Nevada" tripe, for starters), hyper-capitalist, fat-shamin' ("You're a fat greasy-ass smelly HAAAAAAMBOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!"), Islamophobic (spouts out the usual Eurabia fearmongering and says that Muslim women have to wear "beekeeper suits"), and all-around asshole with a humongous ego ("I'm listened to by TENS OF THOUSANDS of capitalists THROUGHOUT THE WUUURLD!!1!") and attempts to be a Goat ("MAAAAAH MAAAAAH MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"). Has gained a cult following among trolls due to how easily angered he is. Some of his fans could also use a RWing. Sandbox start page here.
125MicrocreditWikipedia is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history. It is designed not only to support entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty, but also in many cases to empower women and uplift entire communities by extension. Critics argue, however, that microcredit has not had a positive impact on gender relationships, does not alleviate poverty, has led many borrowers into a debt trap and constitutes a "privatization of welfare". The first randomized evaluation of microcredit, conducted by Esther Duflo and others, showed mixed results: there was no effect on household expenditure, gender equity, education or health, but the number of new businesses increased by one third compared to a control group.
90Nim ChimpskyWikipedia or Project Nim or chimp sign language: another topic with grand claims but also allegations of bad science or scientific fraud. The film Project NimWikipedia covers a famous experiment with teaching sign language to a chimpanzee Nim Chimpsky.Wikipedia Separating fact from fiction would be good.
134handwashingWikipedia and drying: there is a lot of scientifically-illiterate nonsense about this everyday activity that has enormous importance in public health. One issue is antibacterial soap which research shows is pointless in general use[280][281]; there's also a heated debate about how to dry your hands.[282] And, is washing your hands after you go to the bathroom necessary, if washing your privates prior to oral sex isn't?[283]
113RationalWiki:Monthly RW/Archive, RationalWiki:Monthly RW being long dead, but we should keep the history, dontcha think?
81Jeremy HuntWikipedia for pissing off all the Junior Doctors.
57Lysander Spooner,Wikipedia who was an anarchist, abolitionist, early competitor with the US Post Office and, apparently, pro-pedophile. Supposedly a major influence on Murray Rothbard.
60Preachers of L.A.Wikipedia is an American reality television series that premiered October 9, 2013, on Oxygen. Preachers of L.A. chronicles the lives of three bishops and three pastors from their work within the church to their personal lives at home. The preachers are adherents of prosperity theology. Here's a video of CultOfDusty pointing out their hypocrisy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMwLFLbRNu0&nohtml5=False
93Bob WhitakerCreate draft/Robert Whitaker, former Reagan staffer, running an openly racist campaign for 2016 US president on the American Freedom Party ticket.[284] Inventor of the "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" crap.
97FCKH8Wikipedia Gay rights group accused of being biphobic, transphobic and misogynistic.
90Obergefell v. HodgesWikipedia is currently just a redirect to Same-sex marriage i think we should give it the same treatment as Roe v. Wade and Kitzmiller v. Dover
93SaveOurSteelCreate draft Basically the uk steel industry is being discussed to be closed down by the Tories after dismantling half the welfare state, leading to the loss of hundreds if not thousands of jobs, pissing of the people with those jobs, and creating a massive controversy. Summary of events, for and against. Really needed
74Fetal homicideWikipedia laws have been passed in numerous US states and countries in order to punish women who have abortion, whether medically or self induced, or have had miscarriages. There have also been attempts to punish "fetal harm" which involves any "injury" done unto the fetus and has punished women for fetal deformities.
70Michael RuppertWikipedia was probably the most notable conspiracy theorist in recent times. He originally accused the LAPD and CIA of drug trafficking, compiled an 'evidence' list accusing the US government of being complicit in 9/11, and feared peak oil and Fukushima. He starred in a critically acclaimed movie, CollapseWikipedia, which criticized humanity's response to global warming and delved into goldbuggery.
95An article on White OppressionCreate draft cause it turns out that Republican white people especially think their whiteness is being oppressed.
62The Voltaire NetworkWikipedia is a French NGO that supports securalism and studies far right movements; they have been heavily critical of the US's foreign policy, but they have supported Hezbollah.
71CounterPunchWikipedia is a American leftist (socialist) magazine dedicated to muckraking and has been consistently antiwar. They cover environmental and labor issues. They have occasionally endorsed anticapitalist conspiracies and have hosted underhanded anti-semitic articles.
66Antiwar.comWikipedia is a libertarian, anti-war website that was created to oppose the Bosnian intervention. It has hosted contributions from Glenn Greenwald to Ron Paul.
48Standpoint theoryWikipedia is a postmodern method for analyzing how authority is rooted in individuals' knowledge. It is decried by the right wing as being used by the left and spooks as a form of thoughtcrime.
72HIV discriminationWikipedia exists in many countries were those who are infected become social outcasts and may be imprisoned for their behavior.
64John LewisWikipedia was a chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating CommitteeWikipedia and a prominent civil rights leader who later became a politician; he was a critic of the Tiny Nose's welfare reform.
84Waiting for "Superman"Wikipedia was a neoliberal propaganda documentary that criticized American public schools and American teacher unions. It endorsed charter schools as the miracle solution, but cherry picked inaccurate data. The movie was criticized by the the Grassroots Education Movement made a documentary critical of it called The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for SupermanWikipedia which is named after the director's, Davis Guggenheim,Wikipedia previously famous documentary An Inconvenient Truth
58Peter James Knight,Wikipedia the perpetrator of the only instance of murder by an anti-abortion activist in Australian history.[285][286] His motivation involved opposition to oath-making and a refusal to pay tax, as well as living off the grid and pursuing his own unique interpretation of Christianity, which appears relevant to recent American fringe wingnuttery. Info about his ideas and actions would be interesting, and the Wikipedia page on him is kind of shit.
88Keith Lowell JensenCreate draft, atheist comedian.
134False flag claims about the Brussels airport bombing.Wikipedia EG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUDumwfs_80
71The American ConservativeWikipedia definitely deserves an article for being one of the only paleoconservative outlets left in the US.They have also been against the growth of the surveillance state and big business corruption.
60Lord of the WorldWikipedia I think I found the source of every NWO conspiracy theory. It depicts a totalitarian one world state based around Marxism run by Freemasons lead by the Antichrist who oppress hard working Roman Catholic priests.It was written 1907 and has been praised by both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. I think we pretty much have to talk about itas conspiracy theories (most likely) based off of it and its believers have taken up a lot of our time Edit: Wording in stuff. Can't think straight right now
46Percy Shelley:Wikipedia atheist, socialist, libertine, celebrity, mediocre poet, hero to the left. Must be some jokes in there somewhere.
62Salt Lake City,Wikipedia headquarters of Mormonism. Surely someone could provide a useful travel guide? (Utah is quite brief too.)
72Lourdes,Wikipedia a popular pilgrimage site associated with miraculous cures. Also the subject of a thoughtful fiction film of the same name directed by Jessica Hausner.
77Outreach JudaismWikipedia is a Jewish counter-missionary organization founded by Rabbi Tovia Singer. It is described as "an international organization that responds directly to the issues raised by missionaries and cults, by exploring Judaism in contradistinction to fundamentalist Christianity." It's a great website for those looking for arguments against the fundamentals of Christianity such as Jesus being the messiah.
32 A list of fiction that everyone should read/watch/listen/play
87"Personal responsibility",Wikipedia another platitudinous piece of sophistry, extolled with such religious zeal by conservatives and libertarians that it's practically become an incantation (e.g. "freedom", "free market", "small government", "hard work", etc.).
76Ex MachinaWikipedia (stylized as ex_machina) is a 2015 British science fiction psychological thriller film written and directed by Alex Garland in his directing debut. We can do an article discussing the themes of artificial intelligence, roboethics, and gender politics.
44Kurt SchuschniggWikipedia Leader of Austria until Anschluss.
75Jozef TisoWikipedia Josef Tiso was in charge Slovakian puppet regime during ww2 from 1939 to 1945. Was tried and executed after the war.
71Ioannis MetaxasWikipedia Fascist ruler of Greece from 1936-1941. Lost to Mussolini in the Greco-Italian War.
81StoicismWikipedia is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC. The Stoics taught that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and the active relationship between cosmic determinism and human freedom, and the belief that it is virtuous to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is in accord with nature.
77The Knights of ColumbusWikipedia is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, it was named in honor of the mariner Christopher Columbus. Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education and actively defending Roman Catholicism in various nations.
74CommunitarianismWikipedia It's fiscally liberal (social security, universal healthcare) while being socially conservative (ban abortion, traditional values).
70ChrismukkahWikipedia is a pop-culture portmanteau neologism referring to the merging of the holidays of Christianity's Christmas and Judaism's Hanukkah. The term was popularized by the TV drama The O.C., wherein character Seth Cohen creates the holiday to signify his upbringing in an interfaith household with a Jewish father and Protestant mother.
116WehraboosCreate draft WTF we don't have an article on this already?! Wehraboos is a slang term for fans of Nazi Germany, especially their military. While not being Nazis themselves (though some are), they are essentially Nazi Apologists, and propagate myths about German military superiority. They range from some guy on Reddit to the History Channel itself.
95InterstellarWikipedia is a 2014 science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine. Caltech theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, whose work inspired the film, was an executive producer and acted as scientific consultant. While the film did well with both critics and moviegoers, the film received mixed reception by members of the scientific community for its scientific accuracy.
117Deus Ex,Wikipedia a series of video games rife with real world conspiracy theories.
80The Boycott, Divestment and SanctionsWikipedia movement is an attempt to remove foreign aid and foreign business and academic ties with Israel in order to help create an independent Palestine. They compare themselves to the anti-Apartheid movement and suggest Israel to be similar to Apartheid South Africa. Many opponents have called it a form of hate speech as they believe it to be an antisemitic movement. Even some critics of Israel like Jimmy Carter disagree with the means this movement employs.
71Robert ChambersWikipedia propounded evolutionary ideas in the mid 19th century, most famously in Vestiges of the Natural History of CreationWikipedia which was hugely popular (Prince Albert read it to Queen Victoria) and controversial, with a strong Christian counter-attack. It doesn't seem to have been hugely accurate, claiming there was evolution in rocks and other inanimate things, and it didn't propose a mechanism for evolution even in animals. But very historically important; allegedly it outsold Origin of Species throughout the 19th century.
45Samir Chachoua,Wikipedia another alternative to medicine practitioner, but this one actually has some experience in actual medicine. Notably ripped off a small african country and "treated" Charlie Sheen's HIV. Now in Mexico.
78Óscar RomeroWikipedia was a prelate of the Catholic Church in El Salvador, who served as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture. In 1980, Romero was assassinated while offering Mass in the chapel of the Hospital of Divine Providence.
91MoonshineWikipedia is illicitly distilled or smuggled liquor.
110The Passing of the Great RaceWikipedia is a 1916 book by the American eugenicist, lawyer, and amateur anthropologist Madison Grant. The book became an immediate best seller, with new editions in 1918, 1920 and 1921, multiple printings and translations in German, French and Norwegian. It became hugely influential among leading academics, politicians and scientists. Grant expounds a theory of Nordic superiority and argues for a strong eugenics program. Grant's proposal to create a strong eugenics program for the "Nordic" population to survive was repudiated by Americans in the 1930s and Europeans after 1945. It is considered one of the main works in the 20th century tradition of scientific racism and has been described as "The Manifesto of Scientific Racism".
130The AhnenerbeWikipedia was an institute in Nazi Germany purposed to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race. Founded on July 1, 1935, by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darré, the Ahnenerbe conducted pseudo-scientific experiments and launched pseudo-archaeological expeditions in an attempt to prove that mythological Nordic populations had once ruled the world as a way to promote political propaganda. Originally, the official mission of the Ahnenerbe was to find new evidence of the racial heritage of the Germanic people; however, due to Himmler's obsession with occultism it quickly became his own occult tool.
77James Clerk MaxwellWikipedia, one of the top 5 greatest physicists ever, but also a devout Christian (albeit one who shopped about between denominations) who proposed an unusual version of intelligent design; his views on evolution are also argued about between pros and antis.
74Dan BarkerWikipedia is an American atheist activist who served as a Christian preacher and musician for 19 years but left Christianity in 1984. Barker, along with his wife Annie Laurie Gaylor, is the current co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
100Night of Shattered GlassWikipedia The Nazi purge & riot of Jewish ghettos
100Night of Long KnivesWikipedia The Nazi purge of political dissidents as well as people who helped Hitler rise to power.
98BlackshirtsWikipedia Fascist militants who were instrumental to Mussolini's rise to power.
95SAWikipedia Nazi militants who were instrumental to Hitler's rise to power - Later pushed to the side because the Wehrmacht didn't like them and because of fears they'd take the "socialist" in "national-socialist" seriously
91Thule SocietyWikipedia Early 1920s German occultic society that would later inspire the Nazis.
93Nazi OccultismWikipedia The occult beliefs that the nazis had, especially when it came to Atlantis, Thule, magic, neo-paganism, etc.
47Human resourcesWikipedia, a department of a business in charge of hiring, firing, mediating employee disputes and so on. A minority of conservatives, racists, MRAs, etc. rail against them because, I dunno, because they "enforce diversity quotas and only exist to create jobs for people with useless liberal arts degrees", or something. One suspects that the real reason why so many of them hate them so much is because many of them have themselves been reprimanded by human resources departments for exhibiting racist or sexist attitudes at work that prompted complaints from co-workers...
40DavosWikipedia and the associated World Economic ForumWikipedia are involved in various New World Order-type conspiracy theories.
113Founding Fathers on IslamCreate draft - we should discuss what the rather heterogeneous group that declared independence from Britain, fought the war and wrote the Constitution had to say about Islam. Given that they are often cited by both sides to make some kind of point.
73Gavin MenziesWikipedia or his book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, which sounds like an entertaining work of pseudohistory about how the Chinese discovered North America before Columbus. Later books sound even madder: Wikipedia. (There is now an article about the 1421 theory.)
92VolkstaatWikipedia - an Afrikaner political project in South Africa to basically start over with Apartheid on a smaller territory but without any black people in it WikipediaWikipedia has an article on it. Thankfully it has stayed a fringe movement even within white South Africans...
61Anne Graham LotzWikipedia is the deranged daughter of Billy Graham and what Ann Coulter is going to look like in ten to twenty years. Check out her links at Right Wing Watch to get an idea of what were dealing with here.
43350.orgWikipedia[287]: "Climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries. Email is how 350 connects — Join in and get started"
66 A grand coalitionWikipedia is a government form in parliamentary systems that usually combines the two biggest parties (often one socialist/social democratic/liberal and one christian democratic/conservative) in an often temporary "unholy alliance". It is usually seen as a stopgap and perceived very negatively by all involved, but countries like Austria have ended up with the Grand Coalition as the "standard" government on the federal level. A RW article on the phenomenon should explore reasons that lead to grand coalitions and whether the purported negative consequences actually exist.
91Disposition MatrixWikipedia is Obama's administration's official kill/capture list used for drone killings, rendition, and surveillance of suspected terrorists. The criteria for someone to end up on this list is classified and the CIA and Obama administration have refused to comment on it; this list has been said to most likely exist indefinitely. John Brennan has heavily shaped how this list works. The WaPo originally revealed this story and everyone from the ACLU to Rand Paul has condemned it. This should be chalk full of civil liberties violations and have many conspiracy theories surrounding it.
73Frozen ConflictWikipedia are unresolved wars that end up in perpetual ceasefires. The first example came out of the Korean War, but has since been used by authoritarian governments as a tactic to take over land that has a large ethnic group that makes up their country. Some examples include Northern Cyprus (annexed by Turkey), Transistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, the Donbass, and Crimea (annexed by Russia), and Nagrano-Karabakh (claimed by Armenia, but owned by Azerbaijan)
82Mere ChristianityWikipedia by C.S. Lewis. We can explain the book's history and thesis and probably do a side by side refutation of his arguments.
46New Year's Eve sexual assaults in CologneWikipedia.
90Sons of Iraq,Wikipedia a security contractor friggen death squad in Iraq. The "troop surge"? Those guys. Basically, Sunni militants made up of various groups including former Saddam soldiers who had been funded by Syria and Iran (yes those were Shia but they hated the US more), but cheaply, so the US hired them for 3-4 times the pay. Then used them to pacify murder the fraggle out of all the Shia militias that were ALSO being funded by Iran and Syria. And it worked. Until the US left and the mercenaries stopped getting paid, the Prime Minister sacked his Sunni President, and made every inclination that he'd begin oppressing the Sunnis. Where are they now? Well, most got integrated into the Iraqi forces or did other stuff, but a few of them ended up in another group you might have heard of...
64Someone in the archives proposed we do an article on the phenomenon of the emergency managerWikipedia as seen in Flint and other places in Michigan and throughout these United States of America. Given the fact that it has recently become a lot more pressing to debate this issue, we should definitely cover it
76Bioscience Resource ProjectWikipedia - according to their page on WP (which has been subject to at least one edit war) they do some agenda pushing related to genetics and GMOs. As some IP editor recently inserted them into our article on genetically modified food they seem to be something we should cover
114Dogfighting,Wikipedia Cockfighting,Wikipedia Bullfighting,Wikipedia and maybe even Fox huntingWikipedia all involve vast amounts of animal cruelty, and with various batshit arguments in favor (or against) them.
81Concussions in SportWikipedia, or more specifically Concussions in American FootballWikipedia a long tragic story of denial and lawsuits, now a major motion picture. Debunking those that say "ah getting hit on the head can't be that bad" should be a major component of the article.
133 The whole tough on crimeCreate draft disaster, including three strikes lawsWikipedia could get the RW treatment. Do harsh sentences work? Do they have racial or class components? Who came up with this ideology in the first place? How do we end the epidemic of incarceration?
60Simon MagusWikipedia is a famous magician from Christian tradition. He could change himself into a goat! As well as become invisible, jump off tall buildings, and antagonise pretty much everybody.
82The Confederate ConstitutionWikipedia has many supporters who range from southern sympathizers to libertarians who see it as the true small government America ought to be and saw Lincoln as the ultimate tyrant. Ironically it would have limited states rights and didn't remove the government's ability to quash rebellion.
58Robert KiviatWikipedia director of such hits as "Alien Autopsy" and "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed", the latter of which is available on Netflix. Also not just alien "documentaries", with "I Shot JFK: The Shocking Truth" and ironically "World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed".
86Oddly enough despite having articles on the rest of the manosphere we don't have an article on Red Pillers, an even more extreme and militant form of misogyny pushed on the internet. It's also arguably the most dangerous form of internet misogyny in the real world considering a good chunk of red pillers are rape apologists, pedophilia apologists, and a few mass shooters have been encouraged by their rhetoric.They're so bad even some MRA's dislike them.
136Do we have an article on the tendency of cranks and their followers to dishonestly cite a letter to the editor in a peer-reviewed journal as if it indicates the journal supports their crackpottery or somehow magically proves their claims? Not quite quote mining. (It's similar to dishonest TV ads for a movie which quote "The New York Times", when in fact the quote comes from a newspaper ad for the movie and not from a legitimate critic.) Needs a snappy name too.
7413 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi,Wikipedia the latest film from Michael Bay, the man who tried to outdo Titanic by turning Pearl Harbor into a poorly done love triangle and woefully inaccurate circle jerk of American exceptionalism. Currently only a small part of the larger article on the 2012 Benghazi attack.
100Tong renCreate draft: smacking dolls with a hammer will heal you. Yeah, it's as silly as it sounds.
75Retraction Watch,Wikipedia part of the immune system of science. Useful for flagging interesting terrible past science.
42Shmuley BoteachWikipedia[288] came into the public eye for writing about sex. Er, that may not have been the best way of phrasing that. Anyway, being pro-sex (in a strictly religious sort of way) and Jewish are the main things that distinguish him from Christian fundamentalist conservatives. Has defended thinly veiled antisemitic remarks by Ted Cruz during the 2016 Republican primary campaign
111Chemo KillsCreate draft (https://chemokills.info/) The absolute worst sort of quack website, as they don't just promote cancer woo (Paleo diet, Vitamin C megadosage, etc.), but also actively and very strongly encourage people to not get (life-saving) chemothrapy. Claims that "globally 1.5 million people a year are murdered by chemotherapy for profit.". A number that cited by Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) on http://pharmadeathclock.com/ . (Could perhaps also be covered in Chemotherapy, which is a stub).
122Pro-smokingCreate draft is a thing. Pro-smoking example: https://smokerswrites.wordpress.com In the middle-ish example: https://www.heartland.org/ideas/smokers-rights Harassment: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/jun/01/pro-smoking-activists-health-campaigners
80 National Socialist Underground,Wikipedia Jena Cell, NSU or whatever we want to call it. A far right group of terrorists who went around mrudering for nearly a decade - lots of Conspiracy theories out there. Did the intelligence agencies just fail or botch stuff on purpose?
87InfomercialsWikipedia and shopping channels.Wikipedia How can we not have an article each (or together) on these two sources of fraud, pseudoscience and general crankery?
77Rubin "Hurricane" Carter,Wikipedia a man popularly believed to be either guilty of a triple homicide or railroaded by a racist conspiracy. Here, discussion over the case and evidence on both sides (and the fact that it's possible that he's innocent while only being convicted because it was reasonable to think that the evidence pointed to him, with no frame-up needed), the Bob Dylan song "Hurricane", and the 1999 film starring Denzel Washington (and why he should've won the Oscar then and there, and that he was robbed because of well-intentioned but misguided protests to the Oscar board). One of various possible information sources: http://graphicwitness.com/carter/index.html
101It Works!Create draft Actually, it's apparently some kind of body wrap that is supposed to help weight loss in spite of any evidence that it actually, y'know, works. Also promoted via multi-level marketing.
127"Social engineering,"Wikipedia used to legitimately describe government/business practices, or alternatively as loaded language by cranks.
71Deer Tribe Medicine SocietyWikipedia New Age claptrap cult about sex. Couldn't find much else about it
45Avatar CourseWikipedia Former Scientology mission sued by the Church of Scientology only to convert into some kind of Free Zone cult
91MOVEWikipedia Black Power & Radical Environmentalist/Animal Rights group that committed 2 shootings and 1 bombing.
42Movement of Spiritual Inner AwarenessWikipedia New Age cult, former member says its founder has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
78Narcissistic Personality DisorderWikipedia A lot of cult leaders and dictators are said to have this. Jim Jones, David Koresh, etc. Currently just a redirect to personality disorder.
48House of YahwehWikipedia Religious tolerance.org labels it as a "high risk group" and a "cult". Predicted the End of the World numerous times. Gave us this funny image https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Yahweh#/media/File:Hoy_botnb.jpg
82Mexican Drug WarWikipedia A lot of the cartels often incorporate nutty Folk Catholicism in their chaos. Ties in with the whole War on Drugs legalize weed thing.
61Order of the Solar TempleWikipedia Italian cult claiming they are the decedent of the Knights Templar. Committed some mass suicides & as well as some murders between 1994-1995.
62True Russian Orthodox ChurchWikipedia An offshoot of the Russian Orthodox Church that threatened mass suicide if authorities intervened with them holding up a cave to await the end of the world.
115NinjaWikipedia A lot of woo, myths, urban legends, and bullshit about them. Ties in with a lot of the mall ninja McDojo crap we talk about. (Currently a redirect to RationalWiki:Ninja.)
67Crank magnet libertarianismWikipedia People like Alex Jones, Mark Dice, Bo Gritz, etc. Basically the antithesis of Rationalwiki's views in general
82Julius and Ethel RosenbergWikipedia One of the most controversial executions Of The Last 30 Seconds, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were a couple with 2 kids at the time of their execution for espionage. A great way to delve into the politics of the Cold War and an omen to those who dare to repeat history.
81Erin BrockovichWikipedia. Made a name for herself around a scary-sounding chemical whose carcinogeneity is still uncertain. Currently a strongly anti-GMO voice with her own following.

2015 [​edit​]

85Phosphorus.Wikipedia Currently, the link redirects to the "Category:Elements" page. It's essential for life, it's the title character in White Phosphorus (sometimes used to horrific effect in warfare), it's why phosphates are called phosphates, and modern agriculture is using so much we're starting to face a shortage. What's not to love about this element?
116TransethnicCreate draft. As nonsensical as this idea is, perhaps we should define it at least?
80Frank MillerWikipedia A once critically acclaimed comic book writer & artist now a generally right wing sexist/misogynistic and racist who published Holy Terror. See Linkara's reviews for more information.
83Long Island MediumWikipedia yet another of the many people who claim they can talk to the dead
75BonoWikipedia deserves his own article, especially in terms of talking about why he's such a polarizing figure, why he and U2 are a popular target to attack these days, and debunking the more spurious claims.
83Prop 65,Wikipedia named after the IQ of the people implementing it, is the reason everything in California causes cancer. By law, everything must state whether or not it contains any possible carcinogens or heavy metals in any quantity, but since virtually everything does, the result is that everything comes with a warning label that most people ignore. A number of small law firms exist only to sue companies that don't put this label on their products.
130Symbionese Liberation ArmyWikipedia One of the cults responsible for the downfall of the New Left. Most famous for the kidnapping and brainwashing of Patty Hearst.
109ScienceProvesIt.comCreate draft[289] a project of AIG.
90Sesame CreditWikipedia, the Authoritarian game designed by Tencent that gives you points and benefits for toeing the CPP's line, and will become mandatory in 2020.
136Marcus GarveyWikipedia was an early founder of the Pan-African movement and black nationalism, but he tended to see blacks and whites as two different peoples who would be unable to coexist and therefore believed all people of African descent should return to their homeland. He had a famous dispute with W.E.B Dubois and was against the idea of "racial mixing" in order to prevent mulattoes. He is also considered a prophet of Rastafari.
921980 October SurpriseWikipedia, A conspiracy theory that the Ronald Reagan administration stole the election from Jimmy Carter by negotiating with Iran to delay hostage releases until after Carter left office. I don't have time, but it does seem on mission to me.
112Joy of SatanCreate draft, Neo-Nazi UFO Satanic Cult, large presence on the Internet
74Biblical Creation MinistriesWikipedia is a UK-based creationist organization "committed to developing a wide-ranging, multidisciplinary model of earth history consistent with the broad parameters given by the Bible’s story-line" (i.e. publishing pseudoscientific research, debating evolutionists, and spreading creationist ideas).
94The Panama DeceptionWikipedia is a documentary about the 1989 US invasion of Panama. It asserts that the US invaded in order to renegotiate the Torrijos-Carter TreatyWikipedia , but also states that the US tested energy weapons in order to test them. This film won an Academy Award for Most Unexceptional Documentary.
97Conspiracy theorists tend to call themselves Political prisoners.Wikipedia We could make a list of actually political prisoners and cranks who call themselves that. It would be similar to our whistleblower page.
139Bill CosbyWikipedia should be discussed, especially why he was an idol and a voice of wisdom, his comments before the accusations, and his massive hypocrisy.
115Village atheistCreate draft. The stereotype of the evangelical atheist did not begin with "New Atheism". The character of Miles Bjornstam from Sinclair Lewis's Main Street is one starting point.
66Fulton Lewis,Wikipedia who was an influence on modern conservative talk radio with Charles Coughlin. If Coughlin provided the ranting style, Lewis provided the fact-free loopiness.
106Something on the LessWrong "LessWrong SequencesCreate draft Treated as scripture there (in the sense of being proclaimed as the foundational text but roundly ignored in practice). The actual content is somewhere between stopped clock and Sherlock's criticism
119The Voldemort EffectCreate draft, a neologism created by Maajid Nawaz, occurs when someone is afraid to name someone or something which can lead to them ignoring the problem. The idea comes from the Harry Potter universe where no citizen is willing to name Voldemort out of fear of retaliation; this is usually used against liberals who are supposedly afraid of calling out Islamic terrorism.
74I personally think that an article on Sacco and VanzettiWikipedia as well as their trial is desperately needed.
71P. J. O'Rourke,Wikipedia an epically quotable loveable bastard.
137r/K selection theory,Wikipedia an obsolete biological concept, also taken up in the past by racialists (particularly Rushton) and currently a conservative meme (that conservatives are K and liberals are r, therefore science - frequently from people who previously didn't believe in evolution). This doesn't make coherent sense on any level, but we could do with a dissection of the meme version. (Koanic Soul of course gibbers wonderfully.) PZ Myers has a good dissection to crib from.
104ADoseofBuckleyCreate draft, a Canadian humorist who posts YouTube videos under the tagline "Angry Humour From An Angry Man." He posts videos on everything from pop music and ad campaigns to social concerns, with purposefully snarky comments. In particular consideration to watch, and comment on either in an article or side-by-side list or refutation are his videos about Slutwalk, patriarchy, the Oregon bakery case (as a side note in the patriarchy video) nice guys, marijuana (specifically 420), AlterNet (in a video entitled Fox News vs. Alternative Media), and obesity. His YouTube channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kMnSZQd53hE-1sb1f9sdA/videos?feature=hovercard
68Aaron Copland,Wikipedia an American composer with a distinctly populist streak in both his music and his apparent politics; had to testify before McCarthy, and was almost tried for perjury afterwards. FBI kept a very close watch on him for some while.
76Islamic Society of North AmericaWikipedia is the largest Muslim group in North America. It has been accused by Stephen SchwartzWikipedia as a Wahhabi front group. The Justice Department had considered them as co-conspirators to radical Islamic groups.
73Muslim American SocietyWikipedia is a front group developed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Its official policy is to keep this relationship ambiguous and they claim that Jihad is a "divine legal right" of Muslims. It has also been labeled as a terrorist group by the UAE.
64Allan Kardec,Wikipedia who codified modern spiritist doctrine. The Portuguese version of WikipediaWikipedia has a more complete article on him.
86Copulin,Wikipedia the latest gibbering nonsense from the manosphere. There are real things of this name, but the MGTOW version is Barely Noticeable. ZOMBIFYING VAGINA GOO!
70Binding arbitrationWikipedia and its use as a tool for exploiting those without real economic power.
81Soong May-ling,Wikipedia who lived a very long and storied life far too complicated to even attempt to summarize here. She and her husband had a unique synergy while in power, and she's also one of those people who eludes easy classification into "good"/"bad" categories. So basically, an article that will avoid being either hysterical ranting or effusive gushing.
74A new moral panic called ChemsexWikipedia that involves taking drugs and having lots of sex. It is a real, dangerous problem though in the LGBT community even if it is very minor though.
109Judicial review denialismCreate draft, the latest form of right-wing pseudolaw created to oppose same-sex marriage, by denying that the Obergefell v. Hodges decision is legally binding, which is being trotted out by Republican pundits ad nauseam. Could possibly be just a section in Judicial review.
132CryosaunasWikipedia are the hip new exercise woo based on whole-body cryotherapy (WBC). While WBC has legitimate uses in treating the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, cryosaunas were popularized by some professional athletes claiming that WBC alleviates post-exercise soreness. As a result, casual athletes are now jumping on the bandwagon. The practice's lack of regulation has come under scrutiny after a cryosauna worker was killed inside one on October, 2015.
80Naprapathy,Wikipedia a variant on osteopathy and chiropracty. Popular in Scandinavia.
90The Killian documents controversy,Wikipedia a.k.a. the forged documents which "proved" that Dubya didn't go to war.
80The International JewWikipedia is an antisemitic booklet made by Henry Ford. He later launched The Dearborn Independent in order to expose the vast Jewish conspiracies.
70NeotantraWikipedia is a new age cultural appropriation of the spiritual practice tantraWikipedia in Hinduism and Buddhism. It involves unconventional sex, called tantric sex, which is "sacred".
68Liberty CentralWikipedia is wingnut organization run by Virginia Thomas,Wikipedia Clarence Thomas's wife. It has been used as prominent evidence for Clarence Thomas's conflict of interest.
94EngramWikipedias are a supposed mental image of past pain in the "reactive mind" on Scientology. They are also a legitimate explanation for the consistency of memory; in neuroscience engrams are biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain which are a part of a biological neural network.Wikipedia
84Not Dead YetWikipedia is a disability rights group that is opposed to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. They argue that legalization will place pressure upon severely handicapped people to end their lives and avoid "being a burden" on others. They protested the removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, and also protested the Clint Eastwood film Million Dollar Baby for its positive portrayal of assisted suicide.
86The Palestinian right of returnWikipedia is a claimed right of those who lived in what is now Israel prior to 1948 and left it in the course of the fighting - Unlike any other refugee situation this right is claimed to be inheritable (including through adoption). There might be on-mission stuff to say about whether this unique interpretation of international law for this one case holds water
113FIFA.Wikipedia The world's largest sports governing body is a filthy, corrupt cesspool.
72Tim FarronWikipedia is the new LibDem leader. He is in favor of the UK taking in more refugees,voted against the tuition hike, replacing trident, and bedroom tax, but also voted against the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations.Wikipedia
90Omar Al-BashirWikipedia (or any of the various other spellings) supreme dipshit of (North) Sudan and only sitting head of state to ever be accused of war crimes, I am sure we can elaborate on his guilt or innocence and maybe there are even some apologists for his deeds in some woo-ish crank corners...
76Yoshiro Nakamatsu,Wikipedia Aka "Dr. NakaMats" - Prolific Japanese inventor and Ig Nobel Prize recipient. Has made some genuinely useful contributions (such as various advances on floppy disks) but most often his work goes into straight-up crankery and woo.
108A Chinese therapy called paidaCreate draft ("pat therapy" or "slap therapy") was covered earlier this year by the BBC. There has been at least one death associated with it.[290]
70 The Automotive cityWikipedia has been one of the driving forces in city design for the last century, and is heavily tied into the politics of race and class.
80Christian persecution,Wikipedia documenting and debunking the widespread claims that Christians are being persecuted in modern America / Europe, and discussing real Christian persecution in non-developed countries (possibly merge with Christophobia)?
77We need to have a page on "modern day Nostradamus" Gary SpiveyWikipedia because just look at him. What is this? The inverse of a tinfoil hat to better attune to the messages from God?
74Hans Magnus EnzensbergerWikipedia
70Ken JebsenWikipedia a former radio persona and all around kook and woo-meister. Got fired for an antisemitic dog whistle and instead of toning it down he went off the deep end completely. Likes to make common cause with Jürgen Elsässer and is/has been a major PegidaWikipedia apologist. English WP has nothing on him but German WP does. He's also rather active on Youtube
104How to Good-Bye DepressionCreate draft If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way?. Might be a Poe, might be a racist joke, but dude has a website.
73Greyhound Therapy:Wikipedia The "medical treatment" of putting unwanted/undesirable/troublesome patients, such as the mentally ill, on a bus and sending them on a one-way trip to the next state over.
134Nudism wooCreate draft Especially in the 19th century when nudism first became a political movement instead of just people foregoing clothes, a lot of woo was associated with it. Be it antisemitism, nationalism or the believe that nudity was some kind of panacea. Some of this woo still remains, as a short visit to one of the places where it is practiced will show you.
113Gentrification.Wikipedia When the white hipsters discover your funky and quaint neighborhood and price you out of it.
91Consensual crimeWikipedia - A.k.a. victimless crimes, e.g. recreational drugs, prostitution, gambling, sodomy (in some jurisdictions), etc..
71Tom Wolfe.Wikipedia Started his career as an avant-garde journalist. Turned into a conservative Very Serious Person and satirist of left-wing sensibilities in novels like Bonfire of the Vanities.
70The Natural Resources Defense CouncilWikipedia (NRDC), an environmental organization that's much saner than Greenpeace but which still has an axe to grind.
94European refugee crisisWikipedia, 2015 European refugee crisis, Syrian refugee crisis, or maybe just Refugees. Lots of missional stuff here. We have Immigration (stub), but IMHO refugees is not the same thing as (economic) immigration (although there is obviously a large overlap).
66Bill Whittle,Wikipedia available on WikipediaWikipedia already. Cited by anti-gun control persons.
100Gabor FeketeCreate draft a physics crank and troll. Emails physicists pretending to be from the Nobel committee; has attained some small fame for this in the field. [291][292][293][294][295] Has been at this for years[296].
81Pink RibbonWikipedia/Susan G. Komen for the CureWikipedia/pinkwashing.Wikipedia Highly visible, highly questionable breast cancer awareness organization. Their antics include suing the bejezus out of other charities and plastering pink ribbons on carcinogenic products (and firearms). Is more interested in self-promotion than actually doing something against breast cancer. A general article on awareness raising/awareness campaign would also be nice.
77A Joe jobWikipedia is a spamming technique for smearing a target by spoofing the sender ID so an unflattering or otherwise damaging message seems to have come from the target. See the Wikipedia article on Joe job.
73International Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementWikipedia - Surely there are some conspiracy theories to debunk here.
72Marcus AureliusWikipedia, Roman emperor from 161 to 180 and Stoic philosopher.
77The al-Quds dayWikipedia is an antisemitic shitfest-lollapalooza invented in 1979 by Iranian supreme dipshit Khomeini and thus almost certainly part of our mission statement, if possible flamewar-bait.
102 BoughtCreate draft, a movie about how vaccines and GMOs are evil -- and, worse, corporationy. (c.f. this examiner.com article)
105Koanic SoulCreate draft: a deeply nuts ([297][298][299]) scientific racist site that actually gets >0 play in neoreaction. Mr. 74 liked them too. Vault-Co is also a fan. With added Bitcoin.[300]
66 The Movement of Spiritual Inner AwarenessWikipedia is where Arianna Huffington of the eponymous Post apparently gets at least some of her wackier notions. Also connected in some way or other to the late medical marijuana and St. John's wort advocate and half-hearted Libertarian Peter McWilliams.Wikipedia
77It might be useful to have an article on forensic science.Wikipedia Science News has a recent article on the problems and prospects of the field.[301]
98Jennifer HoultCreate draft, because we should be weary of someone who had a false memory of child sexual abuse back in the day, still believes it, and does research on sexual abuse (because there is good chance her research is heavily tinged by her conspiratorial views). Also a parental alienation denier (why not, since both false memories and parental alienation are heavily linked?)
81We should have an article on the "Right to be Forgotten".Wikipedia It has been in the EU for awhile now but there is a push to pass such a law in the US. It seems positive for those little mistakes we make on the internet but raises some interesting free speech questions. It also seems to get abused i.e. George Osborne.
64Allan SavoryWikipedia and his concept of holistic grazing, interesting ideas and solutions about ecology of arid landscapes, claims he can help reduce global warming, but a bit of research reveals a lot of controversy over the man and his project. Unknown Hero ? Or full-of-shit opportunist ?.
79Central South Slavic diasystemWikipedia - a bullshit concept in Slavic linguistics invented by nationalists to support splitting Serbo-Croatian into separate Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Montenegrin languages, whereas in fact they are standardized based on the same subdialect of the same dialect of Serbo-Croatian, are 100% mutually intelligible, have 95% identical lexis and 99% identical grammar. This is absurd to the point that Croatian linguists cite books written by Serbs as excellent sources of information on Croatian. Subject of content-forking articles on Wikipedia.
86HeightismWikipedia - It's somewhat overlooked as a form of discrimination but there have been studies showing a wage gap between shorter people and taller people, and I have heard anecdotes about tall people not being taken as seriously when they're the victims of crimes. Not to mention the stereotypes.
71The stuff that's happening with the Migrants around CalaisWikipedia (The ones Cameron called a swarm) and the ferry strikers. Right wing response should be covered in this.
66RationalWiki:Please climb the Riksdag dressed as Batman
75Oswald Spengler,Wikipedia historian who was a major influence on the Nazis, although he was opposed to and eventually ostracized by them. (On Wikipedia.)
102Article Four of the Articles of ConfederationCreate draft - Not sure the Most Unexceptional way to title the article, but I've noticed a lot of sovereign citizen nuts screaming about it in youtube videos where they get themselves arrested. They apparently believe that it's the basis for them not having to obey the law. Based on wikipedia, and my reading of that particular article just says States can't bar citizens of other States from entering unless they're criminals or homeless (apparently tMigrants around Calaishe Constitution made that part more PC), and has to treat them the same as citizens of the State they're entering. Thought we should tackle this.
73Some kind of LessWrong-to-normal-person glossary, giving the terms the rest of the world uses for concepts Yudkowsky gave his own names to so he would seem more original.
93The FederalistWikipedia, the latest socially conservative website masquerading as a force of reason.
107The concept of a Baby BrainCreate draft which is basically the other side of the Mommy instinct coin. The idea that once a (previously competent) woman has had a baby, she magically is unable to do anything other that look after the baby (and often by implication, he husband.)
86Max KeiserWikipedia is an American film maker who hosts shows on RT and Press TV. He is a goldbug and supports Bitcoin.
71The Book of Matt,Wikipedia by Stephen Jimenez, which attempts to debunk that Matthew Shepard's murder was motivated by homophobia.
105Cuckold,Wikipedia currently a redirect to Manosphere glossary, but the history of its use as a generic term of abuse would be good to write up, particularly with the recent prominence of cuckservative. [302] has some well-traced history, [303] has an anecdote on how it became common on 4chan (posters trolling /pol/ with interracial cuckold porn). "cuck" has a long history in both /pol/ and neoreactionary circles; as it happens, Robin Hanson of overcomingbias.com (predecessor to LessWrong) has done the hard thinking on cuckoldry (and how). Honestly, it's like these people literally spend all day every day thinking about nothing but BIG BLACK COCKS. More: [304]
116Mommy UniversityCreate draft. Whereas the Mommy instinct is the notion that mothers magically know how to care for their children better than healthcare professionals, Mommy University is the even bolder notion that mothers know more about everything than everybody else. Products are hawked as having been "invented by a mom," for example, as though this makes the product better. Mommy bloggers are notorious graduates of this University, and tend toward a surprising level of anti-vax and food woo. (See also "sanctimommy," and the recent hashtag #MomHarder )
73Bristol Palin,Wikipedia from out of the shadow of her mother comes a new challenger to all things ironic and hypocritical, shouting at teh gays and promoting abstinence while simultaneously having children out of wedlock.
80MamajuanaWikipedia is a herbal alcoholic alternative medicine that is supposedly an aphrodisiac, flu remedy, digestion and circulation aid, blood cleanser, kidney and liver tonic.
136The Rind et al. controversyWikipedia
80OkraWikipedia, particularly the Facebook meme that it's a miracle cure for diabetes. It does help slow and regulate glucose uptake, though it's not the miracle cure it's touted as in way too many woo sites, videos, etc. Snopes, Healthline with papers linked; this paper appears to be the one originally hyped beyond reason.
80Frivolous lawsuitsWikipedia[305] are often cited as arguments for tort reform or as proof that corporations can't accomplish anything because little people hold them back or other bullshit, and they're almost always fake or misreported.[306][307][308]
81Lists of weird laws are generally cherry-picked if not made up entirely.
133The Medea hypothesisWikipedia since we have an article on the Gaia hypothesis. There isn't a lot of info on the Wikipedia article.[309]
85Opposition to pornography,Wikipedia separate and distinct from the article on pornography, since the opposition (Fight the New Drug, The End of Porn By Wire, SWERFs, Judith Reisman, certain religious groups, etc.) on both ends of the horseshoe tends to have its own special flavor of batshit arguments and questionable tactics.
72 The Dominican Republic,Wikipedia the bigger one, land of Rafael Trujillo, next to Haiti. Not to be confused with Dominica, the smaller one, land of bizarre coups.
82PeshmergaWikipedia, the ragtag band of Kurdish freedom fighters that are successfully holding against ISIS.
87Fred RogersWikipedia. If more Christians were like him, this site would be vastly different. So would the world.
94The idea of a FeminaziWikipedia (currently a redirect to Rush Limbaugh) should be discussed, and its minority status made clear. [310]
72Eliot SpitzerWikipedia - the former attorney and governor of New York who had quite an impressive list of transgressions involving prostitutes and use of state funds to pay for them. His successor, David Paterson, might warrant an article too.
87George Pataki.Wikipedia Former Republican governor of New York, currently running for President. May be of more note if he does well enough in the primaries, but he's one the very few sane Republicans left, even if he is a tad boring. (Currently redirect to 2016 Republican Party presidential nomination.)
72Advanced Training InstituteWikipedia — the homeskoolin' organization behind the Duggar cult family. Gawker has a recent article on 'em.UNCOMFORTABLE-advice-on-sex-1706406324
90Cathy YoungWikipedia - a self-described feminist who has been very critical of the movement since the early 1990s. She writes about gender issues, tending to focus on men's issues, and also speaks out against some of the SPOOK hysterics on the subject of rape and especially campus rape. Also one of the Gamergate supporters, and by extension a critic of its opponents. In addition, she comments on politics as a self-described libertarian.
85Senkaku IslandsWikipedia - a bunch of uninhabited (but close to some oil) islands owned by Japan which China, rather dubiously claims as their own (as the Diaoyu Islands) and have in recent years threatened war with Japan over. With the latter's alliance with the US this dispute has the (albeit quite unlikely) potential to lead to a Third World War.
87Internalized racismWikipedia - Same reason as the below. Definitely related to False consciousness.
80Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife,Wikipedia by Eben Alexander, Harvard neurosurgeon. Widely popular book that claims to prove an afterlife exists; see eg here from The Spirit Science; one rebuttal here.
70Al MurrayWikipedia - A British comedian Most Unexceptional known for his "Al Murray the Pub Landlord" act; a satirical impersonation of a right-wing, jingoistic publican. Recently however, he ran for Parliament as joke candidate for the Free the United Kingdom Party (or FUKP) in the same constituency as Nigel Farage. This of course, pissed off a lot of people who never got the joke, to the extent that he actually had break character a few times on his Facebook page.
85Genocide WatchWikipedia - given their "2014 Countries at Risk" report lists the U.S. as a 10 (because "Colonists, US Army & slave traders" are going to kill "Native Americans & African slaves" and Japan as a 10, because the "Japanese Army" are going to kill "Chinese, Koreans and Philipinos" they appear to be way off the scale. It's a "countries at risk" report, not a "Countries that did bad shit in the past" report.[311] (Correction/comment by ScepticWombat: The "10" is a phase in genocide, specifically denial, not a risk factor for an imminent danger of genocide. Genocide Watch's description of the 10-stage model of genocide is found here)
65Lionel R. MilgromWikipedia, associated with the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College of Science, has produced irony meter-stressing levels of quantum woo, tangled up with homeopathy.[312][313]
62Theodore GrayWikipedia and his Barely Noticeable growth sprayis an element collector(which is always cool), cofounded Wolfram Industries with Stephen Wolfram, wrote a column for Popular Science magazine, tends to be pro-science, anti-woo, an outspoken critic of Global warming denial, and a general on-mission science populariser. It's so nice to see a Viz character turn up in real life.
85Lokiarchaeota,Wikipedia a transitional form from about two billion years ago. See Lokiarchaeota.Wikipedia
106Troubled teen homeCreate drafts, Christian and secular, for the abuse in them. (Example coverage from 2011, but I've seen a more recent one].) RW already has coverage of one, Hephzibah House, that is currently shoved as a section in Magdalene laundries where it doesn't belong.
68Dieudonne M'bala M'bala,Wikipedia French comedian and raging anti-semite. Friends with Jean-Marie Le Pen in spite of being half African himself. Supposedly invented a reverse nazi salute.
72Foucault's PendulumWikipedia, by Umberto Eco. Three editors at a vanity publishing house, exasperated by all the stupid manuscripts by conspiracy nuts they're forced to read, mock their clients by making up a Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory incorporating all of the lesser ones. Alas, inevitably, actual conspiracy theorists take their joke seriously, and start stalking them. A brilliant commentary on the gullibility of just exactly these types - a breath of fresh air after Dan Brown.
81The Moynihan report.Wikipedia
104Dogs NaturallyCreate draft - "the most complete source of natural health care for dogs" [314]. Has been called the NaturalNews of dog ownership. Animal abuse for the wootastic.
65Theodore DalrympleWikipedia, British retired physician and conservative commentator who's written for Taki's Magazine and Townhall.com among others. His principal thesis: liberal intelligentsia and the welfare state have prompted the British underclass to devolve into lazy, scummy, entitled savages. Like Roger Scruton, the guy broadly seems to resent (and advocate the repeal of) the entire 20th century.
96Pink taxWikipedia or things aimed at women being priced higher than the male equivalent. Is it real or just a conspiracy made up by people on tumblr.
72A bunch of parapsychology journals: Journal of ParapsychologyWikipedia [315]; Journal of Consciousness StudiesWikipedia [316][317]; Journal of Near-Death Studies [318]. One we already have is Journal of Scientific Exploration.
103Manifesto for a Post-Materialist ScienceCreate draft: Document arguing against scientific materialism. Cowritten by Rupert Sheldrake. ID supporters like it, as do Christians (Mormons?). The original is here, the fawning HuffPo is here, the less-fawning SciAm blog is here; Skeptiko forums likes it. A skeptical view is here, snarky comments here here and here.
131SurinameWikipedia Small country in South-America; on-mission as it's the source of quite a bit of herbal nonsense and its ... interesting ... take on politics (the current present is a convicted drug smuggler in the Netherlands, and accused of playing a part in the december killings).
85Akiane Kramarik:Wikipedia Child prophet and painting prodigy or hack exploited by her parents? It's worth it for RW to assemble the evidence scattered all over the web.
102Alive.comCreate draft[319] is an alternative medicine quack fest from Biritsh columbia, it is a magazine and website about "natural" (ie Bullshit medicinal ways. it is full of random quackery
134Midbrain activationCreate draft: woo marketed to parents in India to pay for coaches to train up their kids' midbrains. Skeptics in India deal with this one a bit. [320][321]
141Ateshgah of Baku,Wikipedia This structure in Azerbaijan has been subject to some controversy for a while. It is an abnormally well preserved shrine of some sort just outside of Baku that depending on who you talk to, is either a Zoroastrian Fire Temple, a Hindu Temple, or both. While it was long assumed to be a Zoroastrian Fire Temple some Parsis back in the 19th century who visited the place doubted that and suggested that it could be a Hindu Temple. This association at first seems a bit far fetched due to its geographical implausibility (and the differences between Zoroastrianism as it was practiced during the Sassanian Empire and Zoroastrianism as it is practiced now in India). While the association with Hinduism isn't entirely made up, as it is clear that Hindu Merchants liked visiting the shrine as is evident by the inscription they left behind, the idea that it was founded as a Hindu Temple, or was only a Hindu Temple is rather far fetched. However the existence of a relatively even sided controversy has never dissuaded the Hindutva types from claiming that said controversy is settled in their favor and this case is no exception. The other wiki has an extremely one sided article on this building.Wikipedia I would advise visitors visiting the page with Google Chrome to visit the same page in other languages (specifically Russian, Azerbaijani, and Persian) to compare with the English article. They are all well balanced, presumably because Indians don't speak any of those languages... Given that Wikipedia seems to have ditched neutrality for this one article, and given our critique of Hindu Nationalism and our evaluation of their various claims, it would make sense to have an article evaluating this issue.
102Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and BehaviorCreate draft, by Marimba Ani. One of the most popular black supremacist books. Some of its analysis is arguably defensible, but it's also full of bizarre woo and pseudohistory, such as this bit about blacks being more capable of absorbing "divine energy" due to their dark skin, and virtually every stick-shaped object (including, I shit you not, umbrellas) being a manifestation of the white man's fear of the black man's penis.
75Hyperphysics:Wikipedia reader suggestion. "It's hosted by Georgia state University, and is run by Rod Nave. At first glance it seems to be an education resource. My problem is the creationist slant of the site. False claims made include: DNA is a true code, and that amino acid selection during protein synthesis is not chemically determined [322] Other pages directly relate to god, and creationism. [323]"
73Sharyl Attkisson:Wikipedia CBS journalist and woo-pusher. Anti-vaxxer [324] [325] and general BSer. Also hates Wikipedia because it notes her anti-vaxxing.
135Human nutrition;Wikipedia we have so many articles on food woo, why not a basic list of all nutrients you really need? Essential nutrients and what they do. Proteins lipids and carbs, various vitamins, trace metals, etc.
77Eurasian Economic UnionWikipedia - Putin's club for aging autocrats
103PsycheTruthCreate draft - A channel on Youtube with over 880,000 subscribers, yet it's jam-packed with woo.
82Interposition,Wikipedia the concept that U.S. state asserts rights to oppose actions of the federal government that the state deems unconstitutional. Under the theory of interposition, a state may "interpose" itself between the federal government and the people of the state by taking action to prevent the federal government from enforcing laws that the state considers unconstitutional. Interposition has not been upheld by the courts. Rather, the courts have held that the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional lies with the federal judiciary, not with the states.
90Zoltan Istvan,Wikipedia a transhumanist "philosopher". His Wikipedia article is puffed-up to ridiculous proportions ("no really, he's a philosopher!") His transhumanist novel is an Objectivist diatribe. Even other transhumanists find him too annoying and not useful.
88 The Freikorps,Wikipedia the infamous Weimar Republic-era volunteer paramilitary group that was well known for it's brutality (partially a result of personnel being derived from former Sturmtruppen) and regular use against communists. Like many shock troops left over from WWI, it soon became entangled with fascist elements.
140Laplace's demonWikipedia -- the whole idea of scientific determinism and how it doesn't work/gets falsified.
80Just ran into this really cogent counterargument to the idea that the bible is divinely inspired.[326] Could make an article from this, or part of one.
136Great ZimbabweWikipedia (Better idea: a list of the major non-Egyptian African civilizations, to smack racists on the heads with.)
72Michael Tellinger,Wikipedia a South African politician and "ancient aliens theorist", or his book Slave Species of God.
71Bruno Bettelheim.Wikipedia Made a name for himself as a child psychologist and author of the "refrigerator parent" theory of autism. Turns out to have been mostly a fraud; his only academic degree was in art history. Still widely cited and respected.
141Serial killer.Wikipedia We have several articles on individual instances. I could see that an article on stereotypes vs. reality might be relevant, as would some comment on their prominence in Western pop culture.
713HOWikipedia "Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization", founded by a Sikh from India, but membership is mostly white Americans. Declared heterodox by mainstream Sikhs, it's teachings are primarily derived from Kundalini Yoga. There are some sex abuse accusations and cult accusations.[327] They own a billion dollar security firm.
100Lindsey DuncanCreate draft and his companies agreed to pay the Federal Trade Commission a fine of $9 million for false claims about weight loss from their green coffee bean extract.
77David Silverman,Wikipedia or at least more about American Atheists
90Geuzen.Wikipedia They were a lose collection of Calvinist Christians who would launch terrorist attacks against Dutch towns (e.g. burning down churches associated with Catholicism; raping nuns when nunneries ran out of supplies to raid) to force people into converting to their religious ideology. They later set up ships for piracy attacking Spanish Catholics. Other than that, they believed Muslim Turks to be more favourable than Catholics and used the crescent in medals. (But see wp:Geuzen before you do anything about it.)
71 Another Tumblr trend that needs a thorough thrashing, HeadmatesWikipedia or "multiplicity"Wikipedia is the trend of claiming multiple personalities and believing that integration of them is evil.
100AuroraTekCreate draft I stumbled on this Webshite today; they sell a "Self-Charging Electric Scooter" for $1500 ... their "science" page talks about travelling faster than light, and their news page talks about "my contact with human-appearing extraterrestrials" ... It has all the indications of being complete bullshit (but didn't investigate too deeply)... ((I'm writing this; it'll be up in a few hours so no removing it tyvm ~$catb0t(Totally Not a Bot!) 03:37, Saturday, July 27, 2024 (UTC)))
147Isaac BonewitsWikipedia was a prominent Druid and Neopagan as well as the only person to receive a degree in magic from an accredited university. (UC Berkeley of course.) He also wrote a commonly-used list of how to spot cultishness in an organisation. A fascinating fellow.
60Ann McElhinneyWikipedia and Phelim McAleer Could do with a real article for all the anti science they do.

2014 [​edit​]

109John SearlCreate draft. Free energy con man. By reader request.
65Gregory S. PaulWikipedia is a paleontologist of some renownWikipedia, but has also has written on the correlation of societal religiosity with social disfunction, particularly with regard to negative American exceptionalism compared to other developed countries. See The Guardian review by Sue Blackmore, Are we better off without religion?, and his most recent paper.
66Universal Medicine,Wikipedia an esoteric healing group given to legal threats to hide criticism.
67Jody Hice,Wikipedia the dominionist, pro-conversion therapy preacher was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Georgia's 10th district. His book, claimed that Islam is not deserving of 1st Amendment rights.
102Monika MilkaCreate draft, proprietor of Monika's EntityCreate draft, a deeply fraudulent medical woo site. News reports, homeopathy of the oceans. The writing on the Facebook page should be entirely in green. And the Freeman disclaimer.
70HasbarahWikipedia - because Israel's "public diplomacy" is cuttingly close to both Propaganda and espionage.
100Inference: International Review of ScienceCreate draft, an alleged academic journal with a taste for crankery. Includes Michael Denton on creationism intelligent design, and writings by Michael Fumento. http://inference-review.com/
112Street EpistemologyCreate draft developed by Peter BoghossianWikipedia is a newer activity which is a partly scripted question asking method some atheists use to induce doubts in people's god beliefs-seems worth researching for potential benefits and problems it might have. Or it could just be acting like a stereotypical atheist dick. Let's write it up and see!
65 Due to their many Mildly Decent contributions, perhaps John GreenWikipedia and Hank GreenWikipedia of VlogbrothersWikipedia fame should get some more scrutiny via RW.
61Kang Youwei,Wikipedia A Chinese political thinker and reformer of the late 19th century and the turn of the century who was popular in China than under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Among other things he advocated both Constitutional Monarchy and Socialism in China. On the other hand, he was a eugenicist. The political theories he set forth in his book Da Tong Shu are objective and utterly indisputable proof that the Horseshoe theory is either mostly or completely correct, it is the "missing link" between Communism and Fascism. In light of what he wrote in that book he should be either given a prominent spot on the Horseshoe Theory page or given his own page.
50JusticarWikipedia - He's one of thunderfoot's buddies. misogynist, conservative, and anti-feminist (and a Slymepitter), and may I add, extremely pedantic.
104Remnant of GodCreate draft, a Webshite about end times paranoia. Apparently thinks The Pope is the Antichrist.
57Lucis trustWikipedia We had a stub article, but it was deleted. It's a company that focus of occultry, conspiracy Theories regarding Freemasons, etc. The reason this particular one gets so much attention is because it's original name was "Lucifer Publishing Company", and was acknowledged by the United Nations.
64Myron FaganWikipedia - A Red Scare Proponent, and an early proponent of the Illuminati conspiracy Theory. "A lot of modern ideas about the Rothschilds come from him, and I am sick of me being linked to videos of his talk show." (example)
107InternetAristocratCreate draft - conservative, racist, MRA who is a leader of Gamergate.
116Detroit.Wikipedia See Chicago, below, add municipal bankruptcy and dog-whistle criticisms of the decidedly non-Caucasian city administration. Who - liberals, conservatives or the Stormfront crowd - if any of them, is correct about the reasons for it becoming what it has?
100Benjamin FulfordCreate draft. claims a bunch of absurd things about the Illuminati and Freemasons, and that he'll take them down singlehandedly. This is him.
66George Dillman,Wikipedia a mall ninja manager of McDojo training camps who claims that, among other things, you can use your body to generate chi/bioelectricity/radio waves to block attacks and knock people out.
65John O'Connor,Wikipedia a Catholic priest who claims to expose the Antichrist, and Conspiracy whackers claim he was kicked out of the Catholic church.
65Roger Morneau,Wikipedia an "Ex-Satanist", who claims to expose evolution.
104Masonicinfo.comCreate draft. If you have an anti-freemason claim, masonicinfo will have the refutation, and the conspiracy theorist will throw the shill gambit.
97Pawns in the GameCreate draft By William Guy Carr.Wikipedia Oh boy...
64Reader suggestion: "An article about the term freedom,Wikipedia in my eyes its current usage in the States resembles pretty much some damn newspeak, as a great example calling French fries freedom fries because of France not.. er, supporting the forced spreading of freedom huh? Anyway, that's pretty much all I can say myself about that topic, but I'd really appreciate someone writing an essay or something about it." Two crappy articles at this title have been deleted already, so do a good one if you do this one.
71Justine Tunney.Wikipedia Possibly the clearest living embodiment of the horseshoe theory, she went from being the voice of Occupy Wall Street (literally, managing a Twitter account with the name OccupyWallSt) in 2011 to vocally supporting the neoreactionary movement in 2014, particularly its technocratic wing. (Though she has consistently stated that she is not affiliated with neoreaction.) She even said Obama should be kicked out and Google CEO Eric Schmidt installed as the new President. Arthur Chu has a nice summary of her bizarre swing here.
63EcoscienceWikipedia by John Holdren,Wikipedia a book touted by Conspiracy Theorists to be froof of the Depopulation conspiracy theory
105Modafinil,Wikipedia a sleep-cycle-adjusting drug with some documented effects and some woo-ish notions that it's a smart drug of some sort.
61Larry Klayman.Wikipedia
68The “Women are Wonderful” effectWikipedia
65Fraser Institute;Wikipedia nuff said.
106Another "messiah", Goel RatzonCreate draft, convicted on rape and incest, this one went on a breeding campaign in Israel. See [328] and [329]
70Progress in PhysicsWikipedia, a pseudojournal whose Wikipedia article[330] calmly and neutrally paints them as absolutely frothing. About the only place that will publish Pierre-Marie Robitaille.
70I can't believe that there are medical quacks (and quite a few misguided feminists) still promulgating the bullshit in the book Dressed to Kill,Wikipedia which argues for the completely debunked notion that bras cause breast cancer. Full title: Dressed To Kill: The Link between Breast Cancer and Bras. Written in 2002 by two non-scientists asserting that bras cause cancer. The authors apparently did not offer up any actual evidence. A scientific study just came out that showed there is no evidence to support this wacky claim (Does Wearing a Bra Cause Cancer? New Study Says No).
80PetrodollarWikipedia - reader suggestion. Conspiracists have some fondness for conspiracies involving the price of oil and US dollars as global currency. There's plenty of real economics and economics woo around this concept too.
104Jace ConnorsCreate draft. Youtuber, conspiracy theorist, wingnut, stoner, mall ninja, racist, homophobe, and Islamophobe guilty of both consuming and promoting gratuitous amounts of paramilitary woo. Hosts a weekly political call-in show where he has, among other things, posited that not only is Obama a Muslim but one born in the Middle East who plans to destroy America by instigating a race war. On the other hand, he isn't that well-known outside of his cult following of trolls.
73Inter-Services IntelligenceWikipedia (ISI), the Pakistani CIA, cuz we're all about authoritarianism, liars, and extremism, and ISI provides plenty of each
65Charles C. W. CookeWikipedia- It might not be an understatement to call him the most insufferable National Review columnist. No seriously despite his pseudo-intellectual tone he's one of the most blatant anti-intellectuals writing for the NRO. Also a climate change denier, of course.
73John Gray (philosopher).Wikipedia I just read his Straw Dogs and am uncertain whether I just read brilliance or bullshit. That in itself is an achievement. Not the John Gray behind Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
96Rima LaibowCreate draft, aka Dr Rima [331][332], quack and conspiracy theorist.
82G. Edward Griffin,Wikipedia a famous conspiracy theorist and Bircher who popularized Federal Reserve and cancer-related conspiracy whackery (he even authored the libertarian/Glenn Beck favorite The Creature from Jekyll Island). A little suprising we don't have an article on him yet since he's a far more influential figure on the radical right conspiracy circuit than the likes of Mark Dice.
71Presstitutes,Wikipedia what with part of our mission being to criticize the media where necessary.
71Averroes.Wikipedia We have an article on Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Al-Ghazali, so we ought to have an article on Averroes too. It is extremely interesting to note that, according to both Westerners and Muslims, his influence on the Western world has been far greater than his influence on the Islamic world.
70SilencingWikipedia - suppressing opposition arguments, directly or indirectly. The idea is to claim that counterarguments don't exist. Feminist versions here [333][334], though these are highly generalisable.
113My Parents Open CarryCreate draft. Naming the father character in a pro-gun book "Dick Strong", frankly, is begging liberals to make fun of it. Even ignoring the content of this book, it's awful: wooden prose, bad grammar, hectoring tone. Yet, it's quite popular on Amazon (it was promoted by Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher according to the back cover).
51Ahstar SheranWikipedia, a fake-ass pseudogod who migrated all across Europe via 1999-eschatology and then into China via 2012-eschatology. Nauseating face.
107Connection theoryCreate draft is a new nuttiness dreamed up by the Bay Area transhumanist crowd. It's sufficiently nutty that even LessWrong posters take the piss out of it. But they're apparently attracting actual money. Anyone feel like researching and writing it up? [335] [336] [337] [338] Most of the original pages about it have been taken down, but are still in the Wayback Machine.
61Jeffrey Goodman,Wikipedia archaeologist, once in favor of "psychic archaeologyWikipedia," and who wrote a book on the comets of God.
64Edward Tobinick,Wikipedia an apparent quack who is suing Steve Novella for blogging about him. [339]
43William Poundstone,Wikipedia the Counter-Malcolm Gladwell.
66Elizabeth WhelanWikipedia, a wingnut libertarian who is currently head of the American Council on Science and Health,Wikipedia the "go to" source for many right-wing bloggers. ACSH is either an astroturf denialist organization that spreads misinformation, or the most staunchly centrist anti-public-scare organization on the web.
110Ted BundyWikipedia - Aside from being a disgusting serial killer, his career trajectory reads like a who's who's of the pre-Reagan religious right.
70Morton Downey Jr.,Wikipedia a pro-life activist and right-wing Democrat who became a pundit who's controversial "edgy" style bascally helped lead to the rise of nearly every wingnut pundit you can think of. If Coughlin was the prototype for right-wing radio pundits Downey was basically the same for televised ones such as Hannity.
94CNBC.Wikipedia I am surprised we don't have an article on it yet.
122AnimeWikipedia - We have an article on Furry fandom, I don't think it's that much of a jump. Sandbox Start
81ArchetypeWikipedia and or collective unconscious.Wikipedia Carl Jung's idea about our inborn psychic connections, and his gift to the New Age.
94Inflammation,Wikipedia the latest trendy bogeyman in the alternative medicine/food woo crowd. If you don't feel good, it must be because of "inflammation" caused by eating junk food/exposure to toxins/not being on the paleo diet. Plus, inflammation is why you're fat.
64Oxford Groups,Wikipedia later re-named to Moral Re-Armament.Wikipedia An evangelical group that is most famous for spawning Alcoholics Anonymous and the involvement of Mary Whitehouse.
76I'm surprised that the cultish, deceptive ultra-Orthodox Jewish "kiruvWikipedia" organizations, such as ChabadWikipedia and Aish HaTorah,Wikipedia haven't been mentioned here yet.
73Brute fact,Wikipedia a fact that cannot be explained at a more "fundamental" level, or a fact in a different category than "institutional" facts, which depend on social agreement for their validity.
48Paul BlanshardWikipedia and/or American Freedom and Catholic Power.Wikipedia I continue to find at least his first book quite well argued.
106Edinburgh Creation GroupCreate draft - a creationist group in Edinburgh with a bunch of videos (most of them by Seraph Media) on the web site featuring the guys promoted by AiG
78Fighting wordsWikipedia - There isn't a page on how insults and rudeness breaks the limit of free speech, and there isn't an entry on the Freedom of speech page.
78ActivismWikipedia - The general concept; whether and where it's effective, in what cases the members of any activist movement are and aren't sensible, etc..
66WitnessWikipedia - (not the degree of wit) somehow we have expert witness without the article of witness.
65Lord Our Righteousness Church,Wikipedia one of the cults in New Mexico with UK TV coverage. Google "Wayne Bent" for more info
78Nouri al-Maliki,Wikipedia because he was "elected" to prime minister of Iraq during the United States occupation, acted like a dictator, used American troops to carry out ethnic killings, and had the full backing of the US government. (Or Hamid Karzai,Wikipedia who's also become a straight-up asshole.)
70Cybertopianism.Wikipedia I can't be the only one who remembers the days when the Internet would create a global village of peace and understanding.
91Twitchy,Wikipedia a Twitter propaganda site run by none other than Michelle Malkin herself.
64Daniel Lapin,Wikipedia the favorite rabbi of the Christian Religious Right.
85James Dobson,Wikipedia other than a link to the Focus on the Family page.
70Quannengshen,Wikipedia the Chinese "Church of the Almighty God" - A cult in China formed in the 1990s which hijacks both religious (Protestant or Islam) and other cult meetings, and used to preach the 2012 Apocalypse. Recently they murdered people in public for refusing to make contact with them.
65A Troublesome Inheritance,Wikipedia the half-assed attempt to re-open the eugenics debate by once-influental NYT correspondent Nicholas Wade.
65Elizabeth Rauscher,Wikipedia a real but somewhat cranklike physicist. The WP article is bowdlerised but the crankiness shines through, and just check that talk page. Collaborates with Nassim Haramein.
99Jack DonovanCreate draft White nationalist, neoreactionary internet kook obsessed with masculinity. Hates gays despite, bizarrely, being gay himself. Currently a paragraph in Manosphere.
104Testimony of conversionCreate draft, or some similar phrase, for every conservative Christian who starts a bout of proselytizing with "I used to be atheist/liberal/evolutionist/whatever, but then I learned about Jesus."
66American Spectator,Wikipedia the UK Spectator's dumb loud younger brother.
105Stop the Thyroid MadnessCreate draft ([340]), a book and blog by a non-endocrinologist non-doctor who blames everything that's wrong in the lives of people with hypothyroidism on the mainstream treatment regimen. Focus is on how much better you feel when you switch to desiccated thyroid extract, the "natural" treatment we used in the good ol' days.
64Robert Zubrin.Wikipedia Because he's, you know, Robert Zubrin.
65Tanaka MemorialWikipedia, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, just substitute "Jew" with "Jap".
71Godel's ontological proofWikipedia A formal argument for the existence of God proposed by mathematician Kurt Godel. Covered slightly in ontological argument.
112Illumicorp video hoaxCreate draft An INCREDIBLY well done hoax/parody showing an Illuminati training video. Although the video producer admitted it was a joke a while back, it still is being touted as real by conspiracy whackers that didn't quite get the message. This could be its own article, or an add-on to our current Illuminati article.[341]
65On our militia movementWikipedia page, we ought to have a mention of Norman Olson,Wikipedia considering how influential he was to the movement.
106[342] Raw for BeautyCreate draft: Social media's answer to NaturalNews and mercola.com. Essentially a hive of misinformation advocating raw foodism, nature woo, alternative medicine, and other bogus crap. Unfortunately, they're also extremely popular and, being a Facebook page, their claims spread like wildfire.
75Argan oil,Wikipedia apparently increasing in popularity to cure all skin/nail/hair ailments. I encountered it on a Dutch website where it is touted as `miracle cure' and `liquid gold', with `positive effects never seen before' ... all of which are supposed to be `scientific proven' (the louder it says that...the bigger the chance it's woo). Yet, perhaps there is some (kernel of) truth here?
106Health Impact NewsCreate draft - a woo-freindly, anti-vaxxer promoting site, only a few rungs above NaturalNews. Also has articles such as "Intelligent Design vs. Scientism" (sic) and "More Evidence of Scientism as Religion." Website
70Campbell's lawWikipedia - States that introducing definite criteria (often quantitative) into a decision-making process can make it easier to game the system, and so degrade the quality of decisions made based on those criteria.
108getoutofdebtfree.orgCreate draft deserves a fisking of its "methods" (e.g. "common law" copyrighting of your name), or at least a section in the suitable article, whichever it is. (Prompted by someone linking to RW in their forum and the assertion that they are not FOTL; please don't touch this unless you have a good understanding of (pseudo)law)
74Ripoff Report,Wikipedia a consumer complaints website whose owner and operator is somewhat paranoid and which is sometimes accused of being an extortion racket.
140Vicious cycleWikipedia - I've heard some people making arguments involving vicious cycles being falsely accused of making circular arguments.
76Adrenal fatigue,Wikipedia a made-up condition that alt med practitioners use to blame general aches and fatigue on a failing of the adrenal gland.
68The American Council on Science and HealthWikipedia (ACSH). Orac calls these guys a "questionable science-based organization". They're staunchly anti-smoking and anti-hysteria (particularly when it comes to food scares), but they also have a definite axe to grind and it's hard to say how trustworthy they are. They call themselves a "consumer education consortium," and are currently funded by various large corporations. (They weren't corporate funded for the first two years, but were accused of being corporate shills during that period anyway.) SourceWatch article Added: See also the mess on Talk:Skepticism.
67Decision theory,Wikipedia unless we have it merged somewhere.
86Culture-bound syndromesWikipedia: phenomena believed within a culture to be diseases, but which are completely unknown outside of that culture, suggesting psychological rather than physiological origin. An example would be fan deathWikipedia, the belief that sleeping in a room with a running fan can be fatal, which is widespread in both North and South Korea but unheard of elsewhere.
76Socionics.Wikipedia Fad pop-psychology butchery of MBTI, which is itself suspect, but this takes it up to eleven. Popular in Eastern Europe.

2013 [​edit​]

127Last Ounce of Courage.Wikipedia A hilarious fundamentalist Christian/right-winger propaganda film in which the child of a dead war vet returns to his home town and finds that evil libruls are trying to ban Christmas. Who knew that the ACLU possessed either the will or the capability to get students expelled for keeping a Bible in their lockers or force a church not to display a cross! And did we mention the only non-white character in the entire movie is the evil librul ACLU lawyer?
78Dendritic cells,Wikipedia a possible legitimate alternative to chemotherapy that currently has a lot of woo and quackery around it.
65The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.Wikipedia "Christian organization proclaims the complementary differences between men and women who share equally in the image of God." Site
65Gordon KlingenschmittWikipedia deserves an entry alongside his fundie colleagues.
64Ted PatrickWikipedia Self taught anti-cult 'deprogrammer' whose methods include kidnapping, and activities that border on torture.
76The Association of Mature American Citizens a.k.a. AMACWikipedia: A wingnut version of the AARP, apparently created as response to the AARP being too liberal for supporting the funding of Medicare and Obamacare. The site itself runs several clogs, with the main one being about Obamacare. The fact that Glenn Beck promotes it is a telling sign.
81American religionsWikipedia: Mormonism; Unitarian Universalism; the AME; the Seventh Day Adventists; Megachurches; Jesus Freaks; Jehovah's Witnesses. While we have articles on most of these things separately, I would love to read a decent history of the development of all of these uniquely American churches, something that ties together the dynamics -- historical, cultural, and theological, that make America such rich soil for people with new ideas about what God wants.
80The so-called liberal paradoxWikipedia (think classical liberal), a paradox in political philosophy with some interesting implications for real-life socio-political problems.
133Dave DaubenmireCreate draft Raging homophobic, wingnut, asshole extraordinaire who defends Fred Phelps on several occasions, and not only openly advocates bullying gays, but says not being allowed to bully them is a form of bullying against Christians. Also a true believer of CHEMTRAILS.
125Peter RagnarCreate draft This crank has been around so long it's amazing we DON'T have an article on him. Chi, magnet woo, pseudoscience, and claims to be able to achieve age reversal through breathing techniques. No, really.
62Larry Summers,Wikipedia who was freakishly close to becoming the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
113Lindsey Graham.Wikipedia One of the loudest wingnut voices in the Senate on social issues, though he manages to have stopped clock moments on issues such as global warming and torture.
68The wishy-washiness behind "free-market environmentalismWikipedia" (ie. PERC, which openly criticized Bush on his green policies yet still gave the status quo answer.)
70Washington Monument SyndromeWikipedia: Because the only way Americans will pay for the things they like is to threaten cutting them.
78The Department of Education,Wikipedia which, before Obamacare, was the GOP's Great Satan.
127The Liz LibraryCreate draft ([343]), edited by "holistic lawyer" Liz Kates which denies confabulations, supports recovered memory therapy, states that women who support the concept of false memories and the sex industry deserve to be raped.
75How do we not have an article on NylonaseWikipedia? It's the greatest proof of evolution!
78Sex-selective abortion.Wikipedia
104Yellow fever,Wikipedia the phenomenon of reactionary white men preying on Asian women under a misguided belief that they're submissive and feminine, as versus western women they believe to be "infected by feminism". This is quite a prominent issue in feminist and social justice circles; Asian-American feminists really hate it.
70The death of Savita Halappanavar,Wikipedia or "How the Catholic Church began to be irrelevant in the Republic of Ireland."
66Considering our addiction to sci-fi, the Prime DirectiveWikipedia (as a section of Star Trek or in a separate article). The principle of complete non-intervention in the internal affairs of less technologically-advanced civilizations could be prophetic in the years to come, and should be skeptically analyzed.
91Progressive conservativeWikipedia - no, not a oxymoron, and actually still exist in some pockets outside the US. (Also, movement conservative.Wikipedia)
133Occidental DissentCreate draft, Stuff Black People Don't LikeCreate draft, and the Vanguard News Network.Wikipedia As white supremacist sites, these are second pretty much only to Stormfront in terms of prominence, or at least far more popular than something like Jew Watch, so there's no excuse for having an article on that but not them.
120Revelation RoadCreate draft - a two-part Christian post-Rapture film, in the vein of Left Behind.
66Zahi Hawass,Wikipedia good fun because of his utter arrogance and corruption. Egyptian woo-merchants all seem to be very proud of their excellent relations with this villain.
88The notion of dimensions,Wikipedia which has become a woo-magnet for people uneducated in physics.
61Lewis Terman,Wikipedia notable for developing much of mainstream evolutionary psychology and the modern IQ test, and for concluding that women were disinclined to seek work in intellectual fields because they faced systematic discrimination. (Mexicans and blacks, on the other hand...)
81Sex differences in humansWikipedia: Is a specific gender genetically inclined to read/do maths better? Have better physical strength? Be more emotional or aggressive? etc.
84Henry VIII,Wikipedia for creating an entire religious sect so he could marry six wives, and Edward VIII, who was one step to creating the most dangerous constitutional crisis of the modern era.
67The Enabling ActWikipedia - the most recognizable proof of the importance of an effective judiciary in democracy.
44Searchlight,Wikipedia British anti-fascist magazine.
116Laura EisenhowerCreate draft - see http://americanloons.blogspot.com/2013/07/644-laura-magdalene-eisenhower.html
61Roger Pielke Jr.,Wikipedia part of the Judith Curry group of denialist apologetics who think that taking action on global warming is "politicizing science."
74We don't have a full debunking of El Rushbo's Annual Thanksgiving story? For shame. The free market always wins.
131The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and SecretsCreate draft and/or Barbara G. Walker;Wikipedia Amazon.com link to the book. The Britannica of feminist woo.
61The Euston ManifestoWikipedia and Spiked,Wikipedia two unusual mutations of the UK left that swung to the right post-9/11 (Eustoners typically supporting the Iraq War against the Galloway types, Spiked a quasi-libertarian whinefest). Representatives of both typically write for The Telegraph, Standpoint and Spectator.
132Rabbi Moshe AverickCreate draft should have his own page, just for all the sexist, bigoted, racist stuff he's spewed in his little column at The Algemeiner. [344]
145Transhumanist theoristsCreate draft, a catch-all of all the more popular nutters. (Especially Ronald Bailey, a Reasonoid who doesn't really understand liberal theory.)
63The Burakumin,Wikipedia an oppressed minority group that, sadly, most people have never heard of. Also evidence against racial realism - they regularly test 15 IQ points below the Japanese mainstream, but are the same genetically.
67David Suzuki,Wikipedia a zoologist and environmentalist. (Second time requested)
64Symphony of ScienceWikipedia since it stands quite hard for rationality and science
45Ernest Becker.Wikipedia Here is his website. Author of Denial of Death.
65Thilo Sarrazin,Wikipedia who believes that Jews are genetically superior than Arabs, and that the solution to integrating Muslims is to halt all immigration and cut off their state benefits. (Oh, he's also a popular eurosceptic German Social Democrat, because Germany.)
104Geomancy,Wikipedia the art and "science" of predicting the future by tossing and then interpreting dirt. May be confused with Feng Shui, which is sometimes also called "Geomancy"
46We have articles about Andrew Weil and Dr. Oz, so why not write one about Dean OrnishWikipedia? [345] Orac
71Sulforaphane,Wikipedia an experimental cancer drug (found in many vegetables) being touted as a cancer cure by CAM promoters. Naturalnews
47Gottlob FregeWikipedia could use a page. He may have been one of the founders of analytical philosophy, but he was also a raging Nazi.
68The hilarious Project A119,Wikipedia or the "nuke the moon"Wikipedia plan, which still ushers conspiracy theories today.
42Ingrid Rimland,Wikipedia former Nazi hunter and current Holocaust denier, as well as a pal of Ernst Zundel's.
73Simon Wiesenthal,Wikipedia the Nazi hunter, and his Simon Wiesenthal CenterWikipedia.
122William BengstonCreate draft, a sociologist who claims he can cure cancer by waving his hands, thus doing... something with energy. [346] [347] [348][349]
120Dennis SewellCreate draft, who has drunken the Hitler and evolution/scientism kool-aid to the point that he believes that the British welfare state iseugenics in disguise. Seriously.
41"Unfunded liabilities,"Wikipedia a term misused by certain ideologues and think tanks to inflate the US debt burden multiple times than what is currently estimated. (So privatize pensions and Medicare now!)
47We should have an article on holistic dentistry.Wikipedia
62Manchukuo,Wikipedia Japanese puppet state in Manchuria, 1931-1945. P.S.: We've already got Vichy France.
44The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere,Wikipedia or how Japan "wanted" to "liberate" Asia during WW2.
103Hideki Tojo,Wikipedia Japanese prime minister/dictator during World War II and notorious war criminal.
146The October Surprise conspiracy theory,Wikipedia or how Ronald Reagan supposedly won the presidency in 1980.
46Gavin Menzies,Wikipedia who promotes the idea that the Chinese got to America before Colombus. Fu SangWikipedia or 1421 theory might be better titles.
40Van Jones,Wikipedia if you still remember him.
41This looks like an awfully fun website to add to our media section. (American VisionWikipedia)
121La Griffe du LionCreate draft, the pseudonym of a (pseudo)sociologists beloved by white nationalists, the "human biodiversity" crowd, and other assorted racist nutters. [350]
120Vincent CheungCreate draft, yet another sociopath Calvinist with a god complex.
40The faith healer João Teixeira de Faria, known to his followers as John of God,Wikipedia particularly now that Oprah did a special on him.
44Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,Wikipedia a Romanian politician who founded the Iron Guard, an extremist far-right political movement.
142There's No TomorrowCreate draft, a 30-minute animation on peak oil. Add legitimate criticism of infinite growth forever and some environmentalism with fair amounts of poorly-masked Rotschild conspiracy and survivalism (especially towards the end). Their site, with the video.
82The liberal artsWikipedia/humanities;Wikipedia a stock pet peeve of right-wingers—but are they truly as useless as said right-wingers claim they are?
38The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine,Wikipedia an organisation with a journal and website (worldhealth.net). Worldhealth.net apparently has a group promoting orthomolecular medicine as a partner. Their forum seems to reference NaturalNews frequently and there's a thread by a doctor which bashes HFCS, GMO foods, and aspartame. Review on about.com
42Quo Vadis?,Wikipedia Henryk Sienkiewicz's famous pro-Christianity novel.
78Thor Heyerdahl,Wikipedia known for his Kon TikiWikipedia expedition and his theories of Polynesian migration.
46We need an article on the emergency managersWikipedia being used in Michigan. There's hardly a more authoritarian position in American government. They have no real oversight, and they can do whatever they want to the city, regardless of the will of the people or their elected officials. They're essentially mini-dictators installed to control townships.
97Joyce Meyer;Wikipedia yet another televangelist who begs for money from her followers under the ostensible penalty of God's disfavor and spends it on private jets and Mercedes-Benzes.
73Boiling frogWikipedia — particularly the idea that introducing beliefs or political measures gradually is likely to meet less resistance than doing so abruptly.
40Richard Swinburne,Wikipedia one of the more sophisticated apologists.
65We need an article on Morris Berman.Wikipedia
66Fathers' rights,Wikipedia a movement related with the MRAs but much much more mainstream.
46The Robin Williams movie Patch Adams.Wikipedia While it doesn't directly push pseudoscience, it pushes an attitude and pseudoskepticism towards medical science indistinguishable from most alternative medicine promoters.
81Chemical castration,Wikipedia increasingly considered as a crime policy.
66We don't have an article on general MisanthropyWikipedia yet? For shame...
40Tim Ferriss,Wikipedia perennial slinger of high expectations of success for low effort in works such as The Four Hour Workweek and The Four Hour Body.
150Hurricane Sandy denialismCreate draft. Yes, this is a real thing, I kid you not. Hell, we have an articlededicated JUST to the hurricane. You know, the cocktail of conspiracy theories, global warming denialism, and just general Congressional vileness.
73The taxonomic clusterfuck that is the Ediacaran biota.Wikipedia (Aliens and creationists, anyone?)
94The argument used by racists that George Washington CarverWikipedia stole his ideas from Edmund RuffinWikipedia should be debunked if possible.

2012 [​edit​]

42The disgrace to civilized society that is Mark Steyn.Wikipedia
44We tend to mention Roger EbertWikipedia a lot around here.
150The utterly terrifying duumvirate of reactionary state representatives, Charles DavidsonCreate draft and Charles FuquaCreate draft Both of them support slavery and theocracy. In the 21st century, I might point out.
40The born alive rule,Wikipedia an interesting little bugger.
41Warren Farrell,Wikipedia top MRA and pedo defender. This extensive series of reviews may be good for cribs.
37Oryx and CrakeWikipedia - together with its sequel, The Year of the Flood,Wikipedia in which Margaret AtwoodWikipedia shows a near-future dystopian view of bio-technology and religious eco-activists. Move over, Handmaid's Tale, you need bringing up to date with a whiff of cyberpunk.
37Halos,Wikipedia another art staple that Christianity totally ripped off.
38Sheldon AdelsonWikipedia - single largest private donor in history... all 8 of the candidates he backed lost, costing him some $50 million.
63Consumer ReportsWikipedia - The magazine that on occasion exposes woo.
75Long Island MediumWikipedia - Insufferable Popular psychic du jour with the housewife crowd
42Michael Moore Hates America.Wikipedia The title implies that the film consists of an angry wingnut ranting about Moore being a commie and verbally-fellating George W. Bush, but interestingly, the film isn't really anything like that. It's tone is actually very collected and sensible, and most of its criticisms of Moore are valid. Not all people who criticise liberalism are like Limbaugh and Coulter.
60History of atheismWikipedia/freethinking/agnosticism etc., rather than just a lowly stub. Also Ibn al-Rawandi.Wikipedia
82Ordo Templi Orientis.Wikipedia Transformed by Aleister Crowley into an anti-Christian Horus-worshipping cult, this secret society is basically Freemasonrymeets Wicca. It's this, by the way, and not Freemasonry and Wicca, that paranoid fundies should actually be concerned about.
40beliefnetWikipedia (lower case), a blogging site composed of erudite fuzzy-mindedness, much-referenced in RW articles.
82Spanish American WarWikipedia and/or the Philippines War.Wikipedia The parallels with the Iraq War are uncanny and disgraceful. Never forget.
44AurangzebWikipedia: Thanks a lot for taking the most then-advanced civilization on earth and setting back Middle Eastern and Indian civilization for several centuries, you fundamentalist jerk.
73An article specifically on Omission bias.Wikipedia Prevalent and potent poison to human thinking.
38Admiral Hyman G. Rickover.Wikipedia Made the United States Navy, especially the nuclear submarine/aircraft carrier components, what they are today. While he has a ginormous skeptic and extremely critical of the 'blindly follow procedure' mentality that infects the technical departments of militaries, his interest to RationalWiki is that his program was SO successful that much like TJ he inadvertently locked both U.S. commercial and military fission nuclear power firmly into suboptimal pseudoengineering. Why does the United States use light water, partial or completely pressured, highly enriched 2nd-gen nuclear reactors with as much operator-input as possible even though there are better models and methods of maintaining them? Because Rickover's legacy, that's why.
62Paul Johnson.Wikipedia British triumphalist historian who pushes American exceptionalism as far as it can go without getting into pseudohistory. I've had more than one history teacher/professor push him as the conservative counterpart to Zinn.
45David Hart.Wikipedia He's this theologist who attacked new wave atheists such as Dawkins and then defined God as: "an absolute plenitude of actuality".
48An article on state legislative bills intended to push creationism, especially the shitload that have been proposed since the beginning of legislative sessions in 2011
40Mata AmritanandamayiWikipedia aka 'The Hugging Saint' with a bizarre cult of personality.
132George Orwell's Politics and the English Language,Wikipedia arguably the best anti-bullshit guide there is.
40The value added taxWikipedia aka. sales tax, consumption tax, Pigovian tax, yadda yadda...
73The Medieval Warm Period.Wikipedia Proof that global warming is fake!
40Jerry Boykin,Wikipedia for any number of reasons but especially because of his recent role in the Huma Abedin debacle
60I've been meaning to do this for a while: write an article on vertebrates.Wikipedia There's at least one red link to "invertebrate" (in the mollusc article), and we need to have something good on the "unbridgable gap" between something without a backbone and something with. Helpful link.
82The Motion Picture Association of AmericaWikipedia (MPAA), anyone? It's unambiguously homophobic, exhibits rampant double-standards in regards to male and female sexuality as well as sex and violence, and refuses to conclusively reveal who it is composed of, among other things. We might as well have a page on the documentary that points all this out, This Film is Not Yet Rated, too.
71Esoteric breast massage,Wikipedia an actual alt-med therapy.[351][352][353][354][355][356]
43Mary Daly.Wikipedia Wrote about misogyny in the Roman Catholic Church and organized religion in general, but also subscribed to lesbian separatist utopia fantasies.
108If anyone here can speak Portuguese, please enlighten us on the antics of Josue YrionCreate draft.
90Solyndra!Wikipedia It's the new ACORN and part of the eco-fascist conspiracy! Run!
40Christopher Horner,Wikipedia who's quite butthurt over James Hansen.
40Margaret McBride,Wikipedia excommunicated for allowing an abortion on a woman who would have died should she have remained pregnant
44RW, I am disappoint. Why no Ernst HaeckelWikipedia?
126Gay adoptionWikipedia is a civil rights issue that currently redirects to same-sex marriage. Might need a better title, like same-sex parenthood.
43Feminists For LifeWikipedia arguably an oxymoron as it contains Caribou Barbie multiple ideologues against women's rights.
68Jihad Watch,Wikipedia one of Breivik's enablers
47Paul CameronWikipedia - anti-gay loony and "expert" used by American Family Association
70Origin of deluvian myths.Wikipedia There are flood myths from around the world, not just the Noachid one. Creationists unsurprisingly jump on this as "proof" the Deluge was global.
41For our economics fans, Dutch disease.Wikipedia
37British People's PartyWikipedia: this lot, another bunch of white supremacists. Allied with World Union of National Socialists (maybe they need an article too).
70The awesome developments at Vostok StationWikipedia probably merit an article. It even has its own Hitler conspiracy.
44All this talk of the Higgs boson reminds me of Marietta Higgs,Wikipedia a dodgy UK paediatrician who promoted some dubious diagnostic technique to do with poking kid's bums and seeing how much their sphincter dilated, as an indicator of whether child abuse had occurred. This led to a great many children been taken away from their parents and a general scandal. It was also tied to general ballyho about alleged ritual child abuse in the OrkneyWikipedia islands and something sinister to do with Thomas the Tank Engine.Wikipedia Thoroughly Bad Medicine.
73The Baby Tooth Survey,Wikipedia which lead to several environmental regulations
80An analysis and description of deprogrammingWikipedia
47Nexus Magazine.Wikipedia It's a vast collection of conspiracy theories, alt medicine, stories from readers about "what is really going on", and of course, ads selling just about every crank product you can imagine. A good example of Crank magnetism, I thought it should have an article.
68Income inequality was already requested below - why not the Gini coefficientWikipedia?
126Sinéad O'Connor,Wikipedia a perfect example of how the Roman Catholic Church can still psychologically destroy the life of someone who tried to speak the truth to the ignorant majority.
62Henry Hyde,Wikipedia one of the most heartless figures (and that's saying something) in the history of the GOP.
62Bright green environmentalism.Wikipedia
67DSHEA,Wikipedia the Dietary supplement health and education act of 1994, which regulates what claims supplement/alternative medicine medicine products can make. Also codified the unregulated nature of supplements.
74Depression,Wikipedia especially the purported connection it has with atheism and liberalism and everything else.
48Ho'oponopono,Wikipedia a Hawaiian cultural practice appropriated by woosters. In its wooish incarnation, it was allegedly able to "heal a ward of mentally ill criminals".[357] Endorsed by Law of Attraction proponent Joe Vitale.Wikipedia
55I think someone should make an article on the Congo,Wikipedia considering how utterly devastating that war was and how few people in the First World know about it.
68A look at infanticide,Wikipedia the pro-lifers' main snarl word.
45The Health and Social Care Bill,Wikipedia David Cameron and co.'s attempt to reform the NHS. It has the wonderful status of having zero support by the medical establishment, who are sure it's a mass privatization scheme.
63Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association,Wikipedia the 2005 landmark case on banning inappropriate video games to children without parental supervision. Assfly and the PTC went on a tirade when it didn't go their way.
68The SetsudenWikipedia movement, basically Earth Hour on steroids (and more effective) in the wake of Fukushima.
84 Cold-EEZE,Wikipedia as in that new common cold medication. Not sure what to think of this: it says it's homoeopathic but also approved by physicians. Is this just the placebo effect or what? I'm not sure.
61John Cook,Wikipedia the evangelical owner of award-winning climate denial-debunker Skeptical Science. Yes, you heard that right.
83Do Not Open (2007 book).Wikipedia Provides a kind of an "at a glance" view of various pseudosciences and conspiracies (sans anti-allopathy), although it sometimes reads like an Ancient Aliens episode.
44Might be relevant to FCC/censorship discussions: shock jock radio host Howard Stern.Wikipedia
78Time zero,Wikipedia i.e. the time "before" the Big Bang. Not the Doctor Who thing. That is, use this article to discuss naturalistic hypotheses on the cause of the Big Bang.
72Brominated flame retardants.Wikipedia
37Gabriel's RevelationWikipedia
86The Black Sea delugeWikipedia in 5400 BC. I've heard it may have had some relation to the origin of the myth of the Ark, despite being some 3000 years apart.
48We need an article specifically on organized religion.Wikipedia That or I need to stop playing Civ4.
40The Science WarsWikipedia - Science (and Alan Sokal) vs. postmodern drivel. (Note: This is not the same thing as the War on Science.)
45The ousting of secular, pro-Western Mohammad MosaddeghWikipedia, one of the dumbest foreign policy decisions ever made.
41Groups like Veterans for Peace,Wikipedia the moral opposite of Chickenhawks.
40Patrick Moore (environmentalist),Wikipedia founder-turned-critic of Greenpeace and staunchly anti-science.
36R. Joseph Hoffmann,Wikipedia an "unbelieving" scholar of theology who has attracted recent attention for blog posts flinging dung at the New Atheists, but whose history of suck goes back much further.

2011 [​edit​]

70Popular science advocate Jim Al-Khalili!Wikipedia Still waiting for him to eat his shorts.
75Standard & Poor's,Wikipedia Given how much they have been in the news recently...
132Viktor Grebennikov,Wikipedia insect-powered anti-gravity
145Two sunsWikipedia or second sunWikipedia - see http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=two+suns (one of the incarnations of Planet X/Nibiru claims)
47Saint Michael's World ApostolateWikipedia - some lady in New York had visions from Jesus and Mother Mary about current (then) world events. They now have newsletters and send you a blessed rose petal if you are interested.
80Manly Palmer Hall,Wikipedia a mystic Freemason author[358] Deserves a mention at least because of his name. :)

2010 [​edit​]

47Peter Watts border incidentWikipedia - Police brutality, mysteriously disappearing tapes, and the heinous crime of not falling down quickly enough, all on the US border. Why have an article on the incident? Because authoritarianism is one of our targets, and this is a notable incident.
45Rage Reduction therapyWikipedia - just read this rage-inducing summary at Science-Based Medicine
45Conspiracy of SilenceWikipedia - a documentary pushed by some conspiracy theorists as "proof," needs a good spankingdebunking. Listed on Wikipedia as "Franklin child prostitution ring allegationsWikipedia."
42DoreWikipedia - festering scum peddling autism woo. Press release.
75megabrain store A virtual store that sells a lot of woo products
41Allison DuBoisWikipedia - The real, not the fictional character. She claims that she has psychic abilities
102RhemaWikipedia - weird-arse fundie sect founded by Kenneth Hagin. Anyone from Perth, Western Australia will have encountered these loons.
32Sue LowdenWikipedia - Thinks we should lower health care costs by bartering with our doctors.
46Kevin B. MacDonaldWikipedia - professor specializing in evolutionary psychology who appears to have gone off the deep end
50Gene DuplicationWikipedia - Extreme pwnage against those claiming mutation can't add data.
63Aga KhanWikipedia - leader of a sect of 20 millions Muslims, deserves a page.
61Terra PretaWikipedia a two-in-one carbon sink and sustainable fertilizer.